Star diet: how Anna Semenovich loses weight. Standards of treatment for oropharyngeal cancer Anna Semenovich lost a lot of weight: fans don’t like it

Singer, actress and Ice Show participant Anna Semenovich is considered one of the most attractive representatives of domestic show business. Like any woman, the heroine of our article has to monitor her weight.

Focusing on her food preferences, Anna developed an original method for losing weight. This is how Anna Semenovich’s popular apple-shrimp diet was born. We invite you to familiarize yourself with her recommendations.

Diet menu from Anna Semenovich (shrimp with apples)

The menu during Anna Semenovich's diet is quite simple and monotonous. After all, only shrimp, apples and drink are allowed. You can treat yourself to no more than two glasses of dry white wine.

To get the best effect, you can eat shrimp once, and after the next meal, eat a few green apples.

For breakfast- one hundred grams of boiled shrimp, green tea sugarless.
For second breakfast- one large green apple and a cup of tea without sugar.
For lunch- one hundred grams of shrimp, baked apple and green tea without sugar.
For afternoon tea- boiled shrimp and freshly prepared apple juice without added sugar.
For dinner- baked apple and unsweetened green tea.

This daily menu can become a guide on how to correctly create your individual menu for every day. In addition, portions may vary, since the diet involves eating apples and shrimp in any quantity.

There is also no clear meal schedule. You can eat at any time and any amount of permitted food.

Therefore, it is not necessary to create a menu. You can simply eat and drink at any time what the diet menu allows.

It is not recommended to follow such a diet for more than 6-7 days.. You can also use the diet from Anna Semenovich as fasting days once a week.

Beneficial properties of diet components

Apples- this is dietary, but at the same time very useful product. These fruits cleanse the body of toxins well and improve digestion. Fructose, which is found in apples, fights weakness, and vitamins and other beneficial substances have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.

Shrimps also belong to the category of low-calorie products, they contain almost no fat, but there is plenty of calcium, iodine, phosphorus, iron and vitamins. Although shrimp contain a small amount of cholesterol, it does not accumulate in the body, so there is no need to worry about this.

Dry wine also has a small amount of calories, improves metabolic processes and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

When you choose shrimps, you need to look and make sure there are no stains on them. Spots on shrimp appear only when they have been re-frozen, which means they have been stored for a very long time. It is also noted that fresh shrimp always have a hooked tail.

Apples It’s better not to buy from abroad, even neighboring countries. It will be much more useful to use domestic apples; even they will not look so beautiful.

Dry wine very often they are prepared from a wide variety of powders using unknown technologies, so such wine can cause many ailments. It is much better to use wine from a trusted brand that has been around for a very long time, even if it is more expensive.

There are some additional tips, which will only help improve your result and strengthen it.

In order for Anna Semenovich’s diet to be more effective, spend less time at home, where your refrigerator does not close for a long time. Go to the cinema, find a second job, go out more fresh air- choose an activity to your liking.

It is best to avoid meeting with old friends while on a diet, because this can lead to gatherings at your favorite cafe, eating tons of desserts or drinking alcohol, which will increase your appetite.

After you have finished the diet, you should not rush to high-calorie foods (cakes, chocolates, etc.). Would you like to eat something like this? Eat an extra fruit or vegetable, and about harmful foods you should clearly understand that this is poison, especially immediately after a diet, because the lost kilograms will return quite quickly, or they will also take a couple of extra ones with them.

And most importantly, remember that main reason being overweight is about the quantity of food, not its quality. Keep track of how much you consume.


You can find a lot of praise about this diet. According to her fans, it is quite filling and well tolerated, especially considering that most mono-diets do not possess these qualities in principle.

Of course, you shouldn't resort to this diet:

☀ if you have even the slightest allergy to seafood,

☀ if you have problems with the digestive system,

☀ if you are going to exercise intensely while on a diet.

Moderate physical exercise are not prohibited.

Weekly diet from Anna Semenovich

This diet includes various soups prepared in vegetable or dietary meat broth, which must be eaten throughout the week. In addition, the diet is rich in a large selection of vegetables and fruits that can be eaten in any quantity throughout the day. Also, every day you need to drink a glass of milk or kefir, which is drunk separately from other meals.


Cabbage soup, fruit, 1 glass of low-fat milk, tea without sugar.

Mushroom soup, vegetable stew steamed, 1 potato baked in foil, tea or coffee without sugar.

Singer and TV presenter Anna Semenovich is better known for her curvy figure than for her creativity. But recently, the Russian pop star stirred up the public by the fact that she managed to lose weight by a very impressive number of kilograms - 15. Let's take a closer look at the nutrition of the weight loss diet from Anna Semenovich.

In this article we will reveal the most important secrets of the singer’s weight loss, tell you about the principles of nutrition according to Anna Semenovich’s diet, and also introduce you to the main products, an effective menu for the week and useful recipes. Do you want to look as dazzling as Anna? Then the following information is for you.

According to Semenovich herself, she did not have to experience any discomfort while following this diet. The main products of the emergency food restriction invented by the singer are shrimp, apples and white wine. Let's take a closer look at the main properties each of the above products for weight loss on Anna Semenovich's diet:


  • rich in protein and iodine;
  • normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • improve kidney function;
  • strengthen muscles and bone tissue;
  • effective for cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • improve the condition of skin, nails and hair;
  • prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions.


  • low-calorie;
  • relieve flatulence and bloating;
  • restore and cleanse the intestines;
  • are a good laxative;
  • prevent the growth of cancer cells;
  • relieve colds;
  • are good prevention of infections;
  • normalize vision;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • relieve swelling;
  • restore strength;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • effective against gout and atherosclerosis;
  • strengthen hair and nail growth;
  • strengthen the nervous system;
  • cleanse the blood;
  • prevent the destruction of brain cells;
  • are the prevention of memory loss;
  • prevent the destruction of tooth enamel;
  • effective for vitamin deficiency;
  • help with gastritis and colitis;
  • improve the process of defecation.

White wine

  • lowers blood pressure;
  • dilates blood vessels;
  • restores metabolism;
  • stimulates the heart;
  • has antimicrobial properties;
  • helps with anemia;
  • normalizes lung function;
  • well absorbed in the body;
  • effective for cataracts;
  • reduces the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease;
  • improves memory.

When choosing main products weight loss diets from Anna Semenovich should be based on the following rules:

  • seafood must have a curved tail and no spots;
  • apples It is recommended to use domestic ones;
  • wine You should buy a trusted brand.

Having familiarized ourselves with the main products of the diet for weight loss, let’s begin to consider the main principles of the singer’s dietary restrictions. Diet nutrition rules from singer Anna Semenovich states the following:

  • six meals a day with breaks of 2 hours;
  • last meal - no later than 2 hours before bedtime;
  • You can include water, tea, coffee and juices without sugar in your diet;
  • limit yourself to fatty and sweet foods;
  • It is recommended to follow the diet for no more than three days;
  • for more effective result, combine recommended products with moderate physical activity;
  • The maximum amount of alcoholic drink per day is two glasses.

As for the number of foods consumed per day while following a diet for weight loss, there are no restrictions on this matter. It is recommended to cook shrimp in salted water, and bake apples in the oven.

At the end of Anna Semenovich’s diet, you should gradually return to your usual foods. This especially applies to fatty and sweet foods.

Eating a protein diet for weight loss from singer Anna Semenovich involves replacing seafood with any lean meat. For example, chicken or rabbit. Fish is also a good alternative.

Menu for a week of diet for weight loss from Anna Semenovich offers the following six meals a day:


  • Breakfast: 150 g chicken meat, 300 ml low-fat yogurt;
  • Second breakfast: apple and citrus salad;
  • Lunch: soup with lean chicken, compote;
  • Afternoon snack: 200 ml low-fat kefir;
  • Dinner: 200 g boiled rice;
  • Before bed: 200 ml of fermented baked milk.


  • 200 g oatmeal, 200 g lean fish;
  • cucumber and tomato salad;
  • soup with herbs, compote;
  • 200 ml fermented baked milk;
  • 250 g of boiled rice and 150 g of lean fish;
  • 200 ml kefir.


  • 250 g of buckwheat porridge with whole grain diet bread;
  • apple;
  • vegetable soup with low-fat meatballs, compote;
  • 200 ml kefir;
  • 250 g buckwheat and vegetable salad;
  • 300 ml orange juice.


  • 300 ml low-fat yogurt;
  • apple;
  • vegetable soup with seafood, apple compote;
  • 200 ml kefir;
  • 200 g boiled rice;
  • 200 ml ryazhenka.


  • 200 g oatmeal, 200 g low-fat fish;
  • cucumber and tomato salad;
  • vegetable soup with seafood, low-fat meat cutlets and compote;
  • 200 ml fermented baked milk;
  • 200 g of boiled rice and the same amount of tuna;
  • 200 ml kefir.


  • 200 g buckwheat, diet bread;
  • grapefruit;
  • vegetable soup with seafood, 200 g rabbit meat, compote;
  • 200 ml yogurt;
  • 250 g buckwheat, vegetable salad;
  • 250 ml orange juice.


  • 200 g oatmeal, 200 g cod;
  • green apple;
  • vegetable soup with chicken meatballs and compote;
  • 200 ml fermented baked milk;
  • 250 g rice porridge;
  • 200 ml kefir.

Losing weight according to the menu proposed by the singer cannot do without delicious dishes containing healthy products. Let's consider food recipes for the diet from Anna Semenovich:

Fruit salad with shrimp

Fruit salad with shrimp

Necessary products: half a kilo of shrimp, apple, grapefruit, banana, 100 ml of low-fat mayonnaise and ketchup.

  • Boil seafood in salted water and peel;
  • cut fruit;
  • mix ketchup and mayonnaise;
  • add peeled shrimp to the fruit and season with the resulting sauce of ketchup and mayonnaise.

If you follow Anna Semenovich's diet, the above recipe is recommended to be used 2-3 times a week.

Stewed chicken

Stewed chicken

Required products: a kilogram of chicken drumsticks, one onion, two tablespoons of low-fat sour cream, three tablespoons of capers, a pinch of dill, basil, salt and ground black pepper, a tablespoon olive oil.

  • chop the onion and fry in olive oil;
  • then place the drumsticks in a frying pan and fry along with the onions;
  • pour boiled water over the meat and cover with a lid;
  • then add all the other ingredients and simmer until fully cooked.

The most exquisite recipe for the diet of singer Anna Semenovich:

Caesar salad from Anna Semenovich

Caesar salad from Anna Semenovich

Required products: 300 g hard cheese, 3 yolks, 2-3 cloves of garlic, a tablespoon of mustard, 25 g anchovies, 300 ml vegetable oil, two teaspoons lemon juice, 200 ml olive oil, a pinch of salt, 5 cherry tomatoes, 10 shrimp, 100 g bread and a tablespoon of garlic oil.

  • Finely grate the cheese and distribute evenly on a baking sheet;
  • place in the oven for 5 minutes at 200 degrees;
  • then let the cheese cool and cut into triangles;
  • peel and chop the garlic;
  • chop the anchovies;
  • mix mustard, garlic, anchovies and yolks;
  • add vegetable and olive oil;
  • then add salt and lemon juice;
  • mix the products thoroughly;
  • thinly slice the bread;
  • pour garlic butter over the resulting croutons;
  • wash and cut cherry tomatoes;
  • peel the shrimp and fry in vegetable oil;
  • place croutons on a plate;
  • put seafood and tomatoes on top;
  • Decorate the dish with the resulting cheese chips.

The results of singer Anna Semenovich’s diet amazed everyone, because the singer managed to lose 15 kg. In addition to brilliant final results, the star managed to maintain excellent health and did not disrupt the metabolic process.

The special diet of singer Anna Semenovich is designed for quick and effective weight loss before an important event. If you strictly follow all the rules, you can get rid of unwanted pounds in a very short time.

let's consider "before" and "after" photos effective weight loss for women who followed the diet of singer Anna Semenovich, including the results of the singer herself.

Anna Semenovich - singer, figure skater, ex-vocalist of the group "Brilliant" and actress, became famous largely due to her magnificent bust and well-groomed appearance. The appearance of the popular star constantly evokes rave reviews, and her figure and thin waist are worthy of high praise. What does she do for this? Anna Semenovich follows a simple and accessible diet for everyone. You just need to do it diligently simple recommendations, and you are guaranteed a toned stomach!

The system by which Anna Semenovich loses weight can be called almost a mono-diet, which includes only two products - apples and shrimp.

You need to eat them for three days in completely unlimited quantities, and as a result you can lose up to two to three kilograms of weight. To do this, shrimp need to be boiled in slightly salted water, and the second component - apples - is most beneficially baked in the oven. During these three days you are allowed to drink non-carbonated mineral water, juices (freshly squeezed) and tea. Sometimes you can indulge in coffee and some white wine. After stopping this diet, the lost kilograms do not come back, but you don’t need to immediately pounce on sweets and fatty heavy foods after it ends.

In addition, there is another diet with which Anna Semenovich maintains weight; it is based on fruit and shrimp salad. To prepare this salad, you will need shrimp (half a kilo) boiled in salted water, one apple, one grapefruit and one banana. For salad dressing - ketchup and light mayonnaise. First you need to peel the shrimp, cut the fruit into small cubes and add to the shrimp. Make a sauce from a mixture of mayonnaise and ketchup that you will use to dress your salad.

So, Anna Semenovich’s diet for weight loss involves the use of only two products, either separately or as salad ingredients. However, you don’t need to overdo it with this salad, because the sauce used to dress it is quite fatty and adds calories to the dish.

Experts explain that shrimp are a source of protein and iodine. But this protein differs in origin and structure from milk protein and meat protein; it cannot contribute to the breakdown of fats. As for apples, they supply dietary fiber and vitamins needed by the body, but the diet lacks vegetables: you can add cabbage, carrots, herbs, beets (except potatoes!). Drinking black coffee on an empty or half-empty stomach can cause a phenomenon such as increased stomach acidity, and as a result, heartburn. In addition, alcohol has no less calorie content than, for example, fats. One gram of regular white wine contains 7 kilocalories. For comparison, there are only 4 calories in one gram of chocolate.

This diet cannot be recommended for people suffering from peptic ulcers. It should not be used by those who have heart failure and a tendency to allergic reactions. Whatever you say, shrimp are exotic food. Seafood reaches our shelves frozen and not at all fresh, which can also affect beneficial features product. In addition to all of the above, a deficiency of vitamins and familiar animal proteins can provoke a decrease in immunity and cause a predisposition to viral diseases.

In a recent interview, Anna Semenovich told how she managed to lose 7 kg in two weeks. The singer noted that she regularly plays sports - one and a half to two hours three times a week. Even when Anna comes home very late, tired, and has a desire to pour herself some wine, lie down on the couch and watch TV series, she still pulls herself together and gets on the treadmill, forcing herself to lose weight. “You should never let yourself go! A woman should look sexy and attractive,” says Anna.

Reviews for the article

The charming ex-soloist of the once beloved group “Brilliant” Anna Semenovich is now better known as a TV presenter and simply a sex symbol of Russian show business.

Despite her curvaceous figure, she was never fat, but recently she lost a lot of weight.

Singer Anna Semenovich has had a predisposition to be overweight since childhood, but this did not stop her from always being in shape and deservedly becoming one of the most attractive girls in Russia.

Some time ago it became obvious that she had recovered well, and this topic began to be actively discussed on various forums. Imagine the surprise of Anna’s fans when she lost weight in just 2 weeks, and the changes were obvious.

More recently, notes began to appear in the media that Anna Semenovich fell in love and lost a lot of weight, and even on Instagram there is a similar caption under her photo. Who was the lucky one is still a mystery, but some time ago she began dating a Swiss banker - perhaps this is what influenced her desire to lose weight.

Anna Semenovich: height 169 cm, weight 68 kg

Anna Semenovich lost weight: before and after

Now Anna Semenovich’s height and weight are 169 cm and 68 kg. Of course, she no longer has the same figure that was at the peak of popularity (about 57 kg), but we must admit that she still looks good.

In just 14 days, Anna Semenovich lost 7 kg, and later she admitted that it was not only falling in love that was to blame, but also nutrition, and a more active life than before: she began to travel more and visited many countries.

Many argue that Anna Semenovich has lost weight beyond recognition, and this actually happened earlier, even during the period when she starred in “Ice Age”: the chairman of the jury, Tatyana Tarasova, emphasized that the girl had gained a lot of weight.

After that, Anna went on vacation to Spain, where she lost 10 kg. According to her, fasting helped her achieve this result: she drank only celery juice and green tea, and so on for several days in a row.

Speaking about how much weight Anya Semenovich has lost, it should be taken into account that she initially lost 10 kg, then gained weight again, and only recently lost 7 kg again. This suggests that the singer at one time allowed herself some indulgences, but now she intends to bring her figure back to its previous parameters as quickly as possible.

Anna Semenovich lost weight: before and after photos

Rules for losing weight from Anna Semenovich

  • We have already talked about which foods you will have to forget about, and now it is worth identifying what you should make up your diet from: raw, boiled or baked fish; this also includes fruits, cereals, berries, vegetables, herbs and fermented milk drinks;
  • We must not forget that sports accelerates fat burning, and you also need to find time for it, otherwise you will not be able to lose weight as quickly as Anna Semenovich lost weight, because she did not allow concessions in this regard.

Check your body fat %, BMI and other important parameters

Anna Semenovich's diet: menu

Now that Anya Semenovich has noticeably lost weight, after much questioning we still managed to find out what she mainly eats. Her diet can also be used by those who also want to lose weight:

  • For breakfast, we eat a pack of cottage cheese with fruits or berries, wash it down with a cup of tea;
  • For lunch we prepare 100 g of fruit salad;
  • We have lunch with seafood soup and eat vegetables;
  • We have an afternoon snack with vegetable or fruit juice;
  • We have dinner with oven-baked fish with a vegetable side dish.

Knowing what diet Anna Semenovich was on is not enough: you need to prepare the dishes correctly, because... their calorie content depends on this.

Recipe for soup with dumplings and seafood:

  • Boil the shrimp, remove the shells and cut into pieces;
  • Chop onions, carrots;
  • Prepare viscous semolina porridge for dumplings, beat it with eggs and butter, form dumplings, boil them and place in a colander;
  • Bring the broth to a boil, throw in the sautéed vegetables, and then the rest of the ingredients;
  • Sprinkle with herbs and add dumplings to the soup before serving.

Vegetable salad recipe:

  • We cut sweet peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and celery stalks;
  • Mix everything, use olive oil for dressing.

Baked fish recipe:

  • Cut the salmon into portions, add seasonings and salt, dip the fish in a batter of sour cream, eggs, spices and mustard;
  • Bake in the pan for 20 minutes at 190 degrees.

What Anna Semenovich looks like now: photo

As for fasting, which the TV presenter often likes to resort to, it is harmless if you do not abuse it: you can only refuse food for a maximum of 3-4 days.

Now thin, Anna Semenovich is actively involved in her personal life, travels a lot and looks simply wonderful, which once again proves her ability to control herself in nutrition for a long time.

Anna Semenovich is considered one of the most attractive singers, actresses and participants in the Ice Show. Since our star is always in sight, she has to carefully monitor her figure and appearance. Based on her taste preferences in food, the singer developed her own technique. This is the famous apple-shrimp diet from Anna Semenovich. What is its meaning? Let's try to figure this out together.

Diet menu

Anna Semenovich's diet menu is quite simple. It involves eating boiled shrimp and green apples all day. In this case, you determine the portions yourself. To drink, you can use tea or coffee without sugar, as well as still water. Surprisingly, this diet allows you to drink a little alcohol, or rather, 2 glasses of dry white wine. Anna does not use this diet all the time, but only when she needs to lose weight.

Beneficial properties of diet components

Apples are a dietary, but at the same time very healthy product. These fruits cleanse the body of toxins well and improve digestion. Fructose, which is found in apples, fights weakness, and vitamins and other beneficial substances have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.

Shrimp also belong to the category of low-calorie foods; they contain almost no fat, but there is plenty of calcium, iodine, phosphorus, iron and vitamins. Although shrimp contain a small amount of cholesterol, it does not accumulate in the body, so there is no need to worry about this.

Dry wine also has a low amount of calories, improves metabolic processes and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In order to choose good shrimp you need to know some rules. First, fresh shrimp should not have any spots. They should also have a curved tail.

As for apples, you need to buy only domestic ones, because foreign ones bring less benefit.

You need to buy expensive dry wine, since cheap wine is made from surrogates and will not bring any benefit.

Diet results

A fairly simple recipe for a good figure from Anna Semenovich allows you to remove up to 3 kilograms excess weight in 3 days. With her help, Anna managed to lose 10 kg.

Anna Semenovich's technique is one of the most effective. Throughout the entire weight loss course, they note the absence of hunger, which is a huge plus. Of course, not everyone may like the specific taste and smell of shrimp, so this is a small minus. But for those who are not afraid of difficulties, we can only wish them good luck and patience.

Any diet comes with limitations and deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, so consult your doctor.

Singer and TV presenter Anna Semenovich is better known for her curvy figure than for her creativity. But recently, the Russian pop star stirred up the public by the fact that she managed to lose weight by a very impressive number of kilograms - 15. Let's take a closer look at the nutrition of the weight loss diet from Anna Semenovich.

In this article, we will reveal the most important secrets of the singer’s weight loss, tell you about the principles of nutrition according to Anna Semenovich’s diet, and also introduce you to the main products, an effective menu for the week and healthy recipes. Do you want to look as dazzling as Anna? Then the following information is for you.

Diet of Anna Semenovich

According to Semenovich herself, she did not have to experience any discomfort while following this diet. The main products of the emergency food restriction invented by the singer are shrimp, apples and white wine. Let's take a closer look at the main properties each of the above products for weight loss on Anna Semenovich's diet:


  • rich in protein and iodine;
  • normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • improve kidney function;
  • strengthen muscles and bone tissue;
  • effective for cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • improve the condition of skin, nails and hair;
  • prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions.


  • low-calorie;
  • relieve flatulence and bloating;
  • restore and cleanse the intestines;
  • are a good laxative;
  • prevent the growth of cancer cells;
  • relieve colds;
  • are good prevention of infections;
  • normalize vision;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • relieve swelling;
  • restore strength;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • effective against gout and atherosclerosis;
  • strengthen hair and nail growth;
  • strengthen the nervous system;
  • cleanse the blood;
  • prevent the destruction of brain cells;
  • are the prevention of memory loss;
  • prevent the destruction of tooth enamel;
  • effective for vitamin deficiency;
  • help with gastritis and colitis;
  • improve the process of defecation.

White wine

  • lowers blood pressure;
  • dilates blood vessels;
  • restores metabolism;
  • stimulates the heart;
  • has antimicrobial properties;
  • helps with anemia;
  • normalizes lung function;
  • well absorbed in the body;
  • effective for cataracts;
  • reduces the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease;
  • improves memory.

When choosing main products weight loss diets from Anna Semenovich should be based on the following rules:

  • seafood must have a curved tail and no spots;
  • apples It is recommended to use domestic ones;
  • wine You should buy a trusted brand.

Principles of nutrition

Having familiarized ourselves with the main products of the diet for weight loss, let’s begin to consider the main principles of the singer’s dietary restrictions. Diet nutrition rules from singer Anna Semenovich states the following:

  • six meals a day with breaks of 2 hours;
  • last meal - no later than 2 hours before bedtime;
  • You can include water, tea, coffee and juices without sugar in your diet;
  • limit yourself to fatty and sweet foods;
  • It is recommended to follow the diet for no more than three days;
  • for more effective results, combine recommended products with moderate physical activity;
  • The maximum amount of alcoholic drink per day is two glasses.

As for the number of foods consumed per day while following a diet for weight loss, there are no restrictions on this matter. It is recommended to cook shrimp in salted water, and bake apples in the oven.

At the end of Anna Semenovich’s diet, you should gradually return to your usual foods. This especially applies to fatty and sweet foods.

Menu for the week

Eating a protein diet for weight loss from singer Anna Semenovich involves replacing seafood with any lean meat. For example, chicken or rabbit. Fish is also a good alternative.

Menu for a week of diet for weight loss from Anna Semenovich offers the following six meals a day:


  • Breakfast: 150 g chicken meat, 300 ml low-fat yogurt;
  • Second breakfast: apple and citrus salad;
  • Lunch: soup with lean chicken, compote;
  • Afternoon snack: 200 ml low-fat kefir;
  • Dinner: 200 g boiled rice;
  • Before bed: 200 ml of fermented baked milk.


  • 200 g oatmeal, 200 g lean fish;
  • cucumber and tomato salad;
  • soup with herbs, compote;
  • 200 ml fermented baked milk;
  • 250 g of boiled rice and 150 g of lean fish;
  • 200 ml kefir.


  • 250 g of buckwheat porridge with whole grain diet bread;
  • apple;
  • vegetable soup with low-fat meatballs, compote;
  • 200 ml kefir;
  • 250 g buckwheat and vegetable salad;
  • 300 ml orange juice.


  • 300 ml low-fat yogurt;
  • apple;
  • vegetable soup with seafood, apple compote;
  • 200 ml kefir;
  • 200 g boiled rice;
  • 200 ml ryazhenka.


  • 200 g oatmeal, 200 g low-fat fish;
  • cucumber and tomato salad;
  • vegetable soup with seafood, low-fat meat cutlets and compote;
  • 200 ml fermented baked milk;
  • 200 g of boiled rice and the same amount of tuna;
  • 200 ml kefir.


  • 200 g buckwheat, diet bread;
  • grapefruit;
  • vegetable soup with seafood, 200 g rabbit meat, compote;
  • 200 ml yogurt;
  • 250 g buckwheat, vegetable salad;
  • 250 ml orange juice.


  • 200 g oatmeal, 200 g cod;
  • green apple;
  • vegetable soup with chicken meatballs and compote;
  • 200 ml fermented baked milk;
  • 250 g rice porridge;
  • 200 ml kefir.


Losing weight according to the menu proposed by the singer cannot do without delicious dishes containing healthy products. Let's consider food recipes for the diet from Anna Semenovich:

Fruit salad with shrimp

Fruit salad with shrimp

Necessary products: half a kilo of shrimp, apple, grapefruit, banana, 100 ml of low-fat mayonnaise and ketchup.

  • Boil seafood in salted water and peel;
  • cut fruit;
  • mix ketchup and mayonnaise;
  • add peeled shrimp to the fruit and season with the resulting sauce of ketchup and mayonnaise.

If you follow Anna Semenovich's diet, the above recipe is recommended to be used 2-3 times a week.

Stewed chicken

Stewed chicken

Necessary products: a kilogram of chicken drumsticks, one onion, two tablespoons of low-fat sour cream, three tablespoons of capers, a pinch of dill, basil, salt and ground black pepper, a tablespoon of olive oil.

  • chop the onion and fry in olive oil;
  • then place the drumsticks in a frying pan and fry along with the onions;
  • pour boiled water over the meat and cover with a lid;
  • then add all the other ingredients and simmer until fully cooked.

The most exquisite recipe for the diet of singer Anna Semenovich:

Caesar salad from Anna Semenovich

Required products: 300 g of hard cheese, 3 yolks, 2-3 cloves of garlic, a tablespoon of mustard, 25 g of anchovies, 300 ml of vegetable oil, two teaspoons of lemon juice, 200 ml of olive oil, a pinch of salt, 5 cherry tomatoes, 10 shrimp , 100 g of bread and a tablespoon of garlic butter.

  • Finely grate the cheese and distribute evenly on a baking sheet;
  • place in the oven for 5 minutes at 200 degrees;
  • then let the cheese cool and cut into triangles;
  • peel and chop the garlic;
  • chop the anchovies;
  • mix mustard, garlic, anchovies and yolks;
  • add vegetable and olive oil;
  • then add salt and lemon juice;
  • mix the products thoroughly;
  • thinly slice the bread;
  • pour garlic butter over the resulting croutons;
  • wash and cut cherry tomatoes;
  • peel the shrimp and fry in vegetable oil;
  • place croutons on a plate;
  • put seafood and tomatoes on top;
  • Decorate the dish with the resulting cheese chips.


The results of singer Anna Semenovich’s diet amazed everyone, because the singer managed to lose 15 kg. In addition to brilliant final results, the star managed to maintain excellent health and did not disrupt the metabolic process.

The special diet of singer Anna Semenovich is designed for quick and effective weight loss before an important event. If you strictly follow all the rules, you can get rid of unwanted pounds in a very short time.

let's consider "before" and "after" photos effective weight loss for women who followed the diet of singer Anna Semenovich, including the results of the singer herself.

Anna Semenovich is considered one of the most attractive singers, actresses and participants in the Ice Show. Since our star is always in sight, she has to carefully monitor her figure and appearance. Based on her taste preferences in food, the singer developed her own technique. This is the famous apple-shrimp diet from Anna Semenovich. What is its meaning? Let's try to figure this out together.

Diet menu

Anna Semenovich's diet menu is quite simple. It involves consuming greens all day long. In this case, you determine the portions yourself. You can use or as a drink, as well as. Surprisingly, this diet allows you to consume a little, or rather, 2 glasses. Anna does not use this diet all the time, but only when she needs to lose weight.

Beneficial properties of diet components

This is a dietary, but at the same time very healthy product. These fruits cleanse the body of toxins well and improve digestion. Fructose, which is found in, fights weakness, and vitamins and other beneficial substances have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.

They also belong to the category of low-calorie products, they contain almost no fat, but there are plenty of vitamins. Although there is a small amount of cholesterol, it does not accumulate in the body, so there is no need to worry about this.

It also has a small amount of calories, improves metabolic processes and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Useful tips

In order to choose good ones you need to know some rules. Firstly, they should not have stains. They should also have a curved tail.

As for, you need to buy exclusively domestic ones, because foreign ones bring less benefit.

You need to buy expensive ones, since cheap ones are made from surrogates and will not bring any benefit.

Diet results

A fairly simple recipe for a good figure from Anna Semenovich allows you to remove up to 3 kilograms of excess weight in 3 days. With her help, Anna managed to lose 10 kg.

Anna Semenovich's technique is one of the most effective. Throughout the entire weight loss course, they note the absence of hunger, which is a huge plus. Of course, not everyone may like the specific taste and smell, so this is a small minus. But for those who are not afraid of difficulties, we can only wish them good luck and patience.

Any diet comes with restrictions and deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, so consult your doctor.

The highlight of Anna Semenovich is her curvy figure. It is for such unconventional beauty that her fans love her. Anna herself is dissatisfied with her obesity. The girl constantly faces negative statements and jokes about her figure.

Now Anna has lost a lot of weight. Pictures with sophisticated forms caused a mixed reaction among followers. There are still those who want to return it to its previous forms.

Anna Semenovich lost a lot of weight: together with Baskov

Fans said that they did not recognize the thinner Semenovich and Baskov. “I thought about Karaulova,” “Kolyan will soon have one head left. Melting”, “I’ve lost a lot of weight. It’s no longer worth it”, “Nobody canceled Photoshop”, “The skinny girl is here” “Why did they turn everything upside down? Anya's body, and Natasha's head and vice versa. And in the middle it’s like it’s not Nikolai,” they write in the comments.

Anna Semenovich has lost a lot of weight: fans don’t like it

Let us remind you that Nikolai Baskov really got rid of extra pounds last year. The artist not only lost weight, but also changed his image. Now, instead of concert outfits in rhinestones, the Basques prefer more restrained suits.

But Anna Semenovich is not on a diet. “Well, what would Italy be like without pizza? Just don’t write to me that I should watch my figure, etc. I do. I’ll eat this piece right now and start watching,” the artist joked on social networks. Some suggested that she made herself look slimmer using Photoshop.

Not all of the star’s followers liked her new figure. “Have you had your breasts reduced?”; “Somehow Anya has lost weight”; “You’re just skinny!”; “It’s good to lose weight already,” users leave comments with sad emoticons. However, among the subscribers there were also those who liked Anna’s new figure.

More recently, notes began to appear in the media that Anna Semenovich fell in love and lost a lot of weight, and even on Instagram there is a similar caption under her photo. Who was the lucky one is still a mystery, but some time ago she began dating a Swiss banker - perhaps this is what influenced her desire to lose weight.

Anna Semenovich: height 169 cm, weight 68 kg

Now Anna Semenovich’s height and weight are 169 cm and 68 kg. Of course, she no longer has the same figure that was at the peak of popularity (about 57 kg), but we must admit that she still looks good.

In just 14 days, Anna Semenovich lost 7 kg, and later she admitted that it was not only falling in love that was to blame, but also nutrition, and a more active life than before: she began to travel more and visited many countries.

Many argue that Anna Semenovich has lost weight beyond recognition, and this actually happened earlier, even during the period when she starred in “Ice Age”: the chairman of the jury, Tatyana Tarasova, emphasized that the girl had gained a lot of weight.

After that, Anna went on vacation to Spain, where she lost 10 kg. According to her, fasting helped her achieve this result: she drank only celery juice and green tea, and so on for several days in a row.

  • She completely removed fried potatoes, sweets, pasta, flour and pickles from her menu - i.e. all foods that contain fast carbohydrates: they contribute to the rapid formation of fat deposits, but if you exclude them, you can lose weight well;
  • Coming home after a hard day at work, Anna does not lie down to rest, but turns on the treadmill and works out, even if she has little strength left;
  • Self-control in food and more movement are her main mottos, which help her stay in shape.

Speaking about how much weight Anya Semenovich has lost, it should be taken into account that she initially lost 10 kg, then gained weight again, and only recently lost 7 kg again. This suggests that the singer at one time allowed herself some indulgences, but now she intends to bring her figure back to its previous parameters as quickly as possible.

Anna Semenovich lost weight: before and after photos

  • We have already talked about which foods you will have to forget about, and now it is worth identifying what you should make up your diet from: raw, boiled or baked fish; this also includes fruits, cereals, berries, vegetables, herbs and fermented milk drinks;
  • We must not forget that sports accelerates fat burning, and you also need to find time for it, otherwise you will not be able to lose weight as quickly as Anna Semenovich lost weight, because she did not allow concessions in this regard.

Now that Anya Semenovich has noticeably lost weight, after much questioning we still managed to find out what she mainly eats. Her diet can also be used by those who also want to lose weight:

  • For breakfast, we eat a pack of cottage cheese with fruits or berries, wash it down with a cup of tea;
  • For lunch we prepare 100 g of fruit salad;
  • We have lunch with seafood soup and eat vegetables;
  • We have an afternoon snack with vegetable or fruit juice;
  • We have dinner with oven-baked fish with a vegetable side dish.

Knowing what diet Anna Semenovich was on is not enough: you need to prepare the dishes correctly, because... their calorie content depends on this.

Anna Semenovich lost a lot of weight: photo with dancers

Anna Semenovich has recently lost a lot of weight and, it seems, is not going to stop there. In the photo from the tour, where Semenovich is captured with the girls-choreographers from her backup dancers, she looks twice as slender as them. Although, it seemed, who, if not the professional dancers, were no strangers to keeping themselves in tough shape.

Of course, the singer was never fat, but she had very appetizing curves. But this year Semenovich sharply lost weight, and now the slender, long-legged beauty with big breasts You definitely won't find equals.

Her fans noticed that the singer began to lose weight when the star went on vacation to the Maldives, from where she posted several pictures with incredibly slender legs. Usually viewers cannot be fooled, and Instagram users notice Photoshop in no time with a trained eye. But this time everything is clear: Anna surprised not only with photographs, but also with videos.

The singer has not yet declassified to subscribers what exactly helped her come to perfect shapeproper nutrition, sport or love. But in her interviews, Anna has already said more than once that she does not go on diets.

Anna Semenovich turned out to be a real heartbreaker

The famous figure skater and actress Anna Semenovich has always been popular with the opposite sex. The former lead singer of the group “Brilliant” is credited with many scandalous novels, but the girl herself prefers not to advertise the details of her personal life. At one time, journalists calmed down when they learned about the stability in the girl’s personal life, but that was not the case.

Anna is very selective in choosing her husband. First of all, he must be well provided for, and everything else will follow. Her first common-law husband was Daniil Mishin. Daniil did not have the status of an oligarch, but he generously gave gifts to the girl and helped her start a career in show business. After Mishin, Semenovich got businessman Ruslan. The young man fell in love with the girl at first sight. Ruslan bought Anna a car, an apartment, jewelry and took her on vacation to the United Arab Emirates. The star found little attention, and she decided to end the relationship.

After influential businessmen, banker Igor Akkuratov took the place of honor as Anna Semenovich’s lover. He initiated the girl’s departure from the “Brilliant” group. Igor truly loved Anna. Strong feelings the men did not stop Semenovich and she left him. For a long time, Anna suffered from loneliness and even publicly stated that she wanted to get married.

The heartthrob's last lover was Moscow businessman Dmitry Kashintsev, who generously courted Anna. During filming " glacial period“Dmitry cared very much about his beloved. He constantly brought lunches from the restaurant not only to Anna, but also to all the participants in the show. Semenovich was almost sure that she had found the man of her dreams, but there were discords in the relationship and things did not come to a wedding.

Beloved family of Anna Semenovich

The star’s high demands can be explained by the fact that Anna grew up in a very wealthy family. Her father worked as the head of a fur studio, so he could afford to pamper his daughter. Semenovich grew up as a very sick child. Her parents constantly looked after her and fulfilled her every whim. Thanks to her parents and their support, the girl was able to heal and realize herself in sports. Despite Anna's age, her parents continue to look after her now.

The public's favorite really wants children and hopes that very soon she herself will become a mother. Rumors spread in the media that the reason for the girl’s infertility could be her sports background. The thing is that in figure skating a very large load is placed on the pelvis. This can negatively affect women's health. Some evil tongues attribute to the former figure skater a hormonal imbalance in the body, which provokes rapid breast growth. Semenovich dispelled all the rumors, saying that she got the breasts from her mother and grandmother.