What to give for family love day. What to give for the day of family, love, fidelity. Gifts for adult daughters and sons

On July 8, Russia celebrates “Valentine’s Day in Russian” - the Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia, they are considered the patrons of lovers. Princes Peter and Fevronya of Murom became famous as saints several centuries ago. They revealed to pious hearts the beauty and height of the Orthodox family...

According to legend, Prince Peter saved his brother and his wife from a terrible snake, and was punished for his pride with a long illness. They tried to cure him for a long time, but only ordinary girl Fevronia from the village of Laskovo cured the prince. As a token of gratitude, Prince Peter married Fevronya. Many boyars tried to destroy the marriage of Prince Peter and the girl Fevronya, but could not resist Fevronya’s wisdom.

They lived a long time, had equal love for everyone, did not like cruelty, but revered justice, and died on the same day...

Legends about the selfless love and devotion of these two Murom spouses are still preserved. In 1552, the Murom miracle workers were canonized as Russian saints.

The Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia has been celebrated in Russia for a long time, but every year this holiday becomes more and more popular. He even got his own emblem - a daisy, symbolizing purity and fidelity!

Congratulations on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity

Romantic Collection will help you find inner courage and constantly elusive words to confess your love to the person about whom all your thoughts are, whose image is reflected in all your feelings, words, emotions.

The Declarations of Love section will be an eternal helper for those who are looking for an interesting and unusual way to reveal their feelings, to tell about them not only to their loved one, but to the whole world.

Among the people, July 8, the Day of Peter and Fevronia, has long been considered lucky for love and was simply created for weddings. Previously, there was a beautiful old custom in Rus' - to celebrate the engagement on the Day of Peter and Fevronia.

The idea to revive ancient tradition celebrating this day arose among the residents of the city of Murom, where in the 13th century the holy spouses Peter and Fevronia reigned; they were an example of marital love and fidelity, lived happily ever after and died on the same day.

Do you want to congratulate your loved ones or friends in an original way? Create a unique and unique video card with your own hands in just a few clicks!

You can add your photos and your favorite melody to video postcards and send them to your mobile phone, email, messenger or social networks.

Girls always look forward to this day, when all the lovers will have even more joyful emotions on their faces, and their hearts will beat even stronger and faster, because it is Valentine's Day. All girls expect some actions, surprises, perhaps even a marriage proposal from their fans. But it’s also nice to give not only smiles, but something special for him, the only thing that will surprise, amaze and emphasize the sincerity of feelings.

Declaration of love

Some men don’t expect anything special from girls on this holiday. But everyone will be pleased to hear that they are loved. On Love Day, confession of your feelings is mandatory. And this can be done in different and original ways.

1. Give a large homemade card with the inscription “I love you” in the form of an infinity sign. After all real love never ends, it is endless happiness, joy, miracle.
2. Walk with your loved one up the stairs, at the top of which there will be a box with a gift, but most importantly, say words of love. The staircase itself should be decorated with ribbons and balls if it is indoors. And if the staircase is on the street, then draw hearts with crayons and on each step write a pleasant word that characterizes your loved one - sweet, gentle, caring, funny, wonderful, etc.
3. Write a love letter in poetic form. Then tie it to a ball and let it go to your loved one. You can write a lot of little notes and push them into a balloon, then to read it you need to burst the balloon.
4. Bold idea- tell the whole city about your feelings. This can be done using billboards, placing texts of recognition on them against the background of a joint photo. And of course, walk down the street with your loved one so that he can appreciate the globality of feelings.
5. Learn the phrase “I love you” in different languages peace, and after each confession, kiss in different places. You can even draw Chinese characters for love on the guy's back.

Romantic gift

If you want to give something more significant, a wide variety of and, of course, romantic ideas may come to mind.
1. An exclusive T-shirt or mug with an original inscription, or with a photo of the guy. If a young man has a good sense of humor, you can print a cartoon on a T-shirt. Nowadays, many companies provide such services if the role of a designer is beyond their capabilities.
2. Record your own song. If you have vocal abilities, why not go to the studio and sing there. And give a CD with a recording of the song to your lover. You can even shoot your own video with an original story, or simply make a video series of joint photographs with the song playing in the background.
3. Gift Certificate for skydiving, horse riding, cross-country skiing, massage. By the way, the girl herself can arrange a massage. You can even take a few professional lessons to surprise your loved one; he will definitely appreciate a first-class massage.
4. No one canceled the candlelit dinner. This is perhaps the most common gift on Love Day. You can settle down at home, create an intimate romantic atmosphere, light candles, dress sexy, cook your significant other’s favorite dish. During the evening itself, surprises can be presented. For example, read a poem; offer a children's game and have a lot of fun; make fake candies, and if the guy finds a real one among them at least on the third try, fulfill any of his wishes; agree to something that has always been refused, for example, play strip cards; reveal his talent, which the guy didn’t even know about. Such a wonderful evening of love will be remembered by both for a long time.

Unexpected gifts

1. “My best gift is you.” You can use a famous song for your own purposes. If your lover loves sweets, you can decorate your body with his favorite sweets and exotic fruits. The guy will be pleasantly surprised. You can also take big box, decorate it with a large bow and ribbons and climb inside. On the box you should leave the inscription “Interesting inside” or “Open it, you won’t regret it.” When the guy opens the box, the girl will appear in all her glory.
2. If a girl is a good cook, she can bake a big cake and decorate it with love inscriptions and interesting figures. Insert candles into the cake, light them and blow them out together with your loved one, making a wish to never part.
3. You can give a ticket to an adventure event (tubing, paintball) or a concert of your favorite band, where, of course, you need to go together.

There are many gift ideas you can come up with. But the main idea is to spend not only Valentine’s Day, but every day of your life in love and joy, and not be afraid to receive love confessions and confess your feelings yourself, both in words and in deeds.

On July 8, Russia celebrates the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. We couldn't pass up this wonderful holiday and made a thematic selection of gifts.

All parents try to raise their daughters to be thrifty and homely ladies, and their sons to be courageous and handy gentlemen. The editors of the site decided to help in this right cause and chose 14 excellent toys that future family men will definitely be delighted with.

For future housewives, beauties and mothers:

Young chefs really enjoy playing cooking. Do you need to feed all the dolls, bears and mom and dad to boot? Then she needs a large full kitchen with a stove, refrigerator, oven, sink, coffee maker and even groceries. This set contains as many as 25 cooking accessories: pots and pans, cups and plates, forks and spoons. You can throw a feast for the whole family while practicing before moving into the real kitchen.

And for those who can’t wait to cook something real, you can organize a cooking show with the preparation of children’s favorite food - sweets. Namely, chocolate. The set includes a collection of recipes and molds that will help you make your own chocolate and products from it. Feel like a real chocolatier and surprise your guests with your own sweets.

A little housewife always needs to look neat, which means that all clothes must be washed and ironed. And a set with an ironing board and a small iron will help you practice this. The set includes two pieces of fabric on which a girl can try herself in this new activity. After such a toy, moving on to real ironing will no longer be so difficult. The main thing is to explain safety precautions.

And all young ladies should be able to sew and embroider. If your child is already old enough, you can give him an embroidery kit. This is a simple drawing that a novice needlewoman can handle. And the image will delight the little one - a cute bunny is gardening. Embroidery helps develop perseverance, patience and fine motor skills hands

If your daughter has already found your old shadows and decorated herself, the hamster and the wall with them, then it’s time for her to get her own cosmetic bag and teach her how to use it. This set includes a wooden cosmetic case, a mirror with a handle, a bracelet, a bottle of perfume, a bottle of nail polish, lipstick, a comb, 3 cardboard stands with images of lipstick, nail polish and a comb, 2 textile elastic bands and 2 metal hair clips. Let your little one learn to put on makeup without harming herself or others.

Many girls love to play with dolls, and especially with daughters and mothers. This game repeats the plot adult life, that’s why it’s so interesting for little ones. Give it to a girl beautiful doll Nina, who will laugh wildly, say “mom” and “dad”, and delight you with her realism. The doll's head, arms and legs are movable, so it can be stood, sat or laid down. Such a cute toy will definitely delight your little princess.

And if your daughter wants to tinker with smaller children, Carlos the doll will suit her. The doll is made with anatomical accuracy and looks like a real newborn. The baby doll is made of vinyl, its arms, legs and head are movable. This is a real copy of a baby, which makes you want to take care of him, rock him in your arms and cuddle him. Such toys teach children to show kindness and attention, especially if your family will soon have a new baby.

For future handymen:

Every man should have his own set of tools, even if the man is only 5 years old. After all, he can still help his dad and learn what all this is for. The set contains a screwdriver, pliers, a saw, a level, 2 bolts and 2 nuts, 3 wooden planks and 2 helmets. Everything is packed in a special box that will help you store toys neatly. The little craftsman can get acquainted with repair skills and develop motor skills.

A box is, of course, not enough. It’s better to have a whole table at once to keep the baby occupied for a long time. After all, this set includes not only tools, but also construction elements with which a child can independently assemble many exciting toys. There are also ordinary tools: screwdrivers, wrenches, nuts, strips. All this has its own place for storage, which means it accustoms children to order.

Another set is a toy workbench with tools. This is a great start to a children's workshop, it has everything you need to carry out toy repair work. The main thing is not to confuse these tools with your dad’s and don’t use them to hammer real nails. The kit includes the workbench itself and many accessories: 4 gears, 3 bolts with nuts, 3 dowels, pliers, screwdriver, hammer, saw, vice, helmet and 2 strips with holes for bolts.

Girls should take care of the garden, do you think? But remember detective novels, because countesses always had gardeners, not gardeners. And it’s difficult for girls to dig up beds and carry heavy watering cans, so boys need to be taught to help their parents take care of the plot. This set includes a watering can, gloves, a trowel and a rake - everything you need for gardening work.

Almost all boys love cars, and they also love taking everything apart. With this set they will be able to feel like real mechanics and study the structure of the toy. The kit will allow you to assemble and disassemble a racing car, developing fine motor skills of your fingers. And you can play with the assembled car, of course, if you don’t forget to put some parts in it.

The “Young Engineer” set will help you learn in an interesting way the world. This kit will introduce your child to the principle of energy transformation, and also give tips on how to understand the structure of mechanisms. Your engineer will be able to assemble working models of a racing car and yacht, which are driven by propellers.

Understanding what electricity is should start from childhood. Then later there will be no questions “how to change the socket” or “what is grounding.” In this kit, children are encouraged to assemble an LED flashlight and sound circuits, become familiar with the operation of a transistor, and so on. A total of 15 illustrative examples of the simplest electronic devices. The first physics lessons can be very interesting and also useful in your future adult life.

Every year our country celebrates a bright and sincere holiday - Family Day of Love and Fidelity, which falls on July 8th. But not everyone knows the history of this holiday, much less have any idea what gifts are customary to give on Family Day.

The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is associated with the story of Prince Peter of Murom and his wife Fevronia, who are believed to have lived in Rus' in the 13th century. It is Peter and Fevronya in our country who are the patrons of the hearth, family and marriage. It is to them that prayers and requests are addressed in order to strengthen the family, they ask for health and well-being for loved ones.

Peter and Fevronia were canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in the middle of the 16th century. After this event, the famous “Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” saw the light of day, which tells the complex fairy-tale story of the saints who are considered the patrons of the family in Russia.

According to the story, Prince Peter was the son of Prince Yuri Vladimirovich, who took charge of Murom in 1203. Peter fell ill with leprosy, and no one could heal him of this disease. In one of his dreams, the prince saw that only the peasant woman Fevronia, who lives in one of the villages near Ryazan, could save him. Fevronia was wise, she understood healing properties plants and even understood the language of animals. A beautiful and intelligent girl promised to heal the prince if he married her. After the illness subsided, Peter forgot his word to the girl, and leprosy returned again. Fevronia cured the prince again, and he married the girl.

Despite the beauty and wisdom of Fevronia, the boyars in Murom treated her poorly, not wanting to be ruled by a princess from the common people. Peter refused to leave his wife, and together they sailed down the Oka River. The heroes lived as simple people, rejoicing in being near each other and praying to God.

Meanwhile, in Murom, a struggle for the place of prince began, civil strife and endless wars began. The boyars thought about it and decided to forgive Peter, return and become a prince with his wife. Peter and Fevronia earned the love of the people, they ruled wisely and fairly. They died on the same day, July 8 according to the new style, but were buried separately. A miracle happened and their bodies ended up together. Today, the relics of Peter and Fevronia are kept in the Church of the Holy Trinity of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Murom.

Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in Russia

In Russia, the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity began to be celebrated quite recently - since 2008, which, by the way, was the year of the family in our country.

This memorial event was established thanks to the initiative of the residents of Murom, where Saints Peter and Fevronya were buried. This idea was well received by deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Svetlana Medvedeva also provides great support for the holiday, who came up with the idea of ​​the symbol of Family Day, love and fidelity - the daisy. Today, to popularize the holiday, monuments to Peter and Fevronia have been erected in many cities of our country. In addition, the city of Murom annually hosts a festive concert with the participation of Russian pop stars.

The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is often contrasted with the foreign holiday of St. Valentine's Day. Thus, the day of remembrance of Peter and Fevronia is also an attempt to remember our roots, traditions and customs of our ancestors.

Gifts for Family Day of love and fidelity

It is the woman who is considered the keeper of the hearth, the one who protects the warmth of her home. The strength of a family, its unity and cohesion largely depend on the wisdom and kindness of a woman.

The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is an excellent occasion to congratulate your beloved mothers, wives, sisters, grandmothers and daughters on this holiday, and they will thank you with a delicious dinner and the warmth of their smiles.


The best gift for this holiday will be a beautiful bouquet of flowers that will remind you not only of your love, but also that it is the height of summer outside. A delicate chamomile was chosen as the symbol of this holiday, respectively. the best gift For women of any age this holiday will be a bouquet of daisies.

Family photos

On Family Day, it would be most appropriate to give something related to your family, for example, family photos. This can be either a photo frame with a family photo for grandma, or a homemade collage of many
photos for mom. Young family members can independently draw portraits of loved ones and give them to all relatives.

DIY gifts

Things we do with my own hands, carry special warmth and energy. These gift options are best suited for children and teenagers who can please their mothers, sisters and grandmothers. For example, you can draw their portraits for them, make bookmarks, make a postcard and write a congratulation.


Any woman would be pleased, at least on a holiday, to step away from the stove and try the treats prepared by her household. Both the youngest and the stronger sex can participate in the preparation of dishes. Even if you have never tried yourself in this matter before, they will suit you perfectly simple recipes, for example, fruit salad, milkshakes, baked apples with honey.

Poem or song

In honor of Family Day of Love and Fidelity, you can write your own poem or learn what you can find on the Internet. You can also learn a song about seven and a house. You can perform such an amateur performance during a festive dinner or please your loved ones with a surprise in the morning.

How to mark

The day of family, love and fidelity is naturally best spent with loved ones and loved ones. In the daily bustle, we devote so little time to communication, relaxation together, and intimate conversations that at least on a holiday we need to try to motivate all our relatives to get together. Today it has practically disappeared
the custom of daily family dinners, at which all family members were to be present and share the news of the day. On Family Day in the evening, you definitely need to gather around the same table and just chat. Even if time does not allow you to organize a festive dinner, a family tea party in the family circle will not require any effort.

In Rus', on the day of memory of Peter and Fevronya, it was customary to celebrate the holiday on the street.

Firstly, it’s the middle of summer, which means the warm sun is warmer than ever. In addition, it was believed that it was at this time that field herbs were in full bloom, and their aroma was literally intoxicating, filling with vitality and bestowing health. Finally, our ancestors believed that it was on this day that the last mermaids and mermen swim away from the shores of reservoirs, which means that swimming will finally become completely safe. If you have the opportunity, gather the family and go on a picnic! Perfect option– relax on the banks of a river or lake, swim to your heart’s content. You can also cook barbecue on the forest edge. If you have a dacha, that’s absolutely great: there’s plenty of room to spread out and have fun! Finally, those who are completely limited in time can go out with their family for a picnic in the nearest park, get some fresh air fresh air and play with the children.

To tune in to the mood of this bright holiday, we suggest listening to its anthem, which is performed every year in Murom:

The All-Russian Day of Love, Family and Fidelity is one of the best holidays, which involves the opportunity to give gifts to your loved ones. You need to understand that a gift, even the smallest one, will definitely become the embodiment of your love for loved ones. The main thing is to choose a gift, thinking about your loved ones. Perhaps certain ideas will help you make the right choice.

Universal gifts

Such gifts can be budget and expensive, symbolic, practical, romantic and intimate, humorous. It all depends on how much you close to a certain person, but such gifts are suitable in most cases.

If you wish, you can give preference to handmade. In fact, you can create a gift with your own hands, trying to show creativity and reflect the warmth of your feelings. Be sure that this option will definitely be appreciated.

What to give to your soulmate?

At the stage of close relationships that have not yet been formalized, you can take an important step towards each other. However, which presentation option is the most optimal in this situation? How can you show your care for your other half?

A girl can please her beloved man with a tasty and healthy dish that needs to be impressively decorated. A man will definitely appreciate the attention, care and even culinary skills, and this will allow him to bring his much-desired wedding a little closer.

You can give a vitamin-mineral complex that even a young person will appreciate. Unfortunately, the hustle and bustle of life and poor ecology lead to serious exhaustion of the body, loss of strength and problems with physical fitness.

If the holiday falls on a weekend, you can arrange to spend time together, because this will certainly contribute to the emergence of positive emotions.

A girl can prepare a photo (her own or a joint one) with an inscription in a declaration of love. Such a gift will definitely be appreciated.

A man can also please his beloved girl. What options should be noted in this situation?

1. Fresh and beautiful flowers- This is a classic, but truly pleasant gift. Focus on the preferences of your chosen one in order to truly please her. The bouquet can be presented with a greeting card.
2. Sweets as a gift will definitely be appreciated even if the girl is watching her weight.
3. To emphasize the beauty of a girl, you can safely give jewelry, jewelry or accessories.
4. Organize joint leisure time and give tickets to a cultural and entertainment establishment.
5. Another worthy surprise option is a marriage proposal. But, of course, you must be prepared for a married family.

Gifts between spouses

After entering into an official relationship, the options for gifts change, because people already live together.

What gifts are universal in this situation?

1. Electronic photo frame. If you wish, you can upload here not only pictures together, but also photographs of wishes and declarations of love, which need to be created in a modern graphics editor.
2. A collage to be created with family shots. You can style your photos in different ways, but the main thing is an original approach.
3. Photo album dedicated to your love story. It is best that you write captions for each photo, giving it uniqueness and awe. Leave blank pages, because most likely there will be a desire to continue the family story.
4. Traveling together and even going to a concert will allow you to take a break from everyday life, which will contribute to the unity of your relationship.
5. Unique jewelry.

And, of course, you need to bring romance into your married life. For example, you can organize coffee in bed.

What gifts can you give your husband? The wife can show concern and even give a dressing gown or underwear, but at the same time you need to be sure that the gift will be appreciated. A more worthy option is accessories that can emphasize a man’s sense of style. A practical option is modern gadgets and accessories for the car, hobby-related items.

The wife should, of course, be given flowers, because the fair sex loves chic and romantic bouquets. You can also give a subscription to a beauty salon, sexy lingerie, cosmetics, beautiful jewelry from natural stone. Just imagine what the basis will be for romantic evening, which can be timed to coincide with the holiday. Make your wife feel loved and desired.

Gifts for parents

Children, without a doubt, should show special reverence in their relationships with their parents. For this reason, you can safely give a tea set, a bound pedigree, massagers, paired robes made of natural materials, vitamin complexes. If your family has a summer house, give them a hammock or a rocking chair. The main thing is to show special love and care.

Mom should be presented with cosmetics for face and body care, but at the same time you need to be sure that they are age-appropriate and an accessory. Another interesting option- These are household appliances.

You can give dad something related to his hobby. For example, a fishing set or board game. Parents can think about what to give their children, but they need to take into account their age, lifestyle, and interests. Remember that the most important gift is attention and love.