The girl says that we are just friends: what should I do? What to do if you suddenly realized: you have no friends What to do if a girl offers friendship

0 23 August 2018, 20:15

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet

One can argue endlessly about whether friendship exists between a man and a woman. The relationships that will be discussed testify to the fact that such stories are not fiction. And although cynical tabloid workers in some cases believe that this is not just friendship, in others they suspect one of the parties of being gay, the celebrities themselves assure: there is a warm relationship between them without a hint of romance.

Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio

Who among us didn't think that Rose and Jack should be together in real life? After the premiere of Titanic, the tabloids did not tire of writing about the novel and. In fact, according to both, about no love story there was no talk.

She's so amazing that the chemistry on set just happened. We like each other as people. But while filming the love scene, we laughed a lot,

— DiCaprio said about his partner.

We were just never attracted to each other as a man and a woman. Sorry, maybe I'll disappoint someone, but that's how it is,

— Winslet confessed in an interview.

But the friendship between the actors has lasted for more than 20 years.

He best friend in the world,

- Kate says about Leo.

Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams

During the filming of the film "Valentine" they rented an apartment together: according to the director, they needed this in order to reliably play a couple. True, he invited the actors to live together for only a week, but in the end this period dragged on for a whole month. As Michelle says, she felt very comfortable next to her co-star:

It's impossible not to love him! He washes the dishes himself, helps with the child,

Williams said.

Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling. Stills from the movie "Valentine"

Of course, the press suspected that the actors were having an affair, especially since they hugged tenderly at parties after the premiere. But Gosling's representative hastened to refute the rumors, saying that the actor "behaves this way with everyone."

One of Hollywood's most famous friendships is with George Clooney. The actors met on the set of Ocean's 11 and have been inseparable ever since.

Julia Roberts and George Clooney. Still from the movie "Ocean's 11"

Both like to say in interviews that such a strong friendship as theirs is very rare in Hollywood, and they constantly exchange declarations of friendly love. Roberts and her children visited Clooney's estate in Italy more than once, and also spent time there during her pregnancy. The actors are family friends: Julia says she gets along well with Amal, and George calls Roberts’ husband Danny Moder his good friend.

After these two - and - played together in three films at once ("My Boyfriend Is Crazy", "American Hustle" and "Serena"), many thought that all this was for a reason and that the stars were probably connected by something.

Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence. Still from the movie "My Boyfriend Is Crazy"

Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence. Still from the movie "Serena"

According to Jennifer, this is nothing personal: Bradley is like a brother to her and she once even tried to help him find a girlfriend. Cooper is now raising a daughter with Irina Shayk, and Lawrence is having an affair with gallery owner Cook Maroney.

Although Jason Bateman starred together in the film with the symbolic title "More Than a Friend", in real life they have been good friends for many years - and no more. Jennifer became friends with a colleague even before she became famous thanks to the TV series "Friends". Last year, Aniston was one of the special guests at the ceremony for Bateman to receive a star on the Walk of Fame. The actress gave a congratulatory speech in which she called Jason a fantastic friend. The star was accompanied by her now ex-lover Justin Theroux.

Jason Bateman and Jennifer Aniston. Still from the film "More than a Friend"

During her long-term friendship with Bateman, Aniston managed to have an affair and break up with Brad Pitt, marry Theroux and divorce him. Jason Bateman has been married to actress Amanda Anka for 17 years.

Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds

When the 2009 comedy “The Proposal” was released, and the two who played the main roles seemed to the public to be an ideal couple. But at that time both were married: Bullock was married to Jesse James, and Reynolds' wife was Scarlett Johansson. In 2010, both couples broke up. And a year later, when asked by a journalist about her affair with Reynolds, Bullock replied:

Now, I think, all the women of America will breathe a sigh of relief in unison: no, we are not dating. He's just an amazing friend who I've been talking to for ten years.

Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock. Stills from the film "The Proposal"

As it turned out, Sandra and Ryan supported each other during the family life both were in crisis.

And this on-screen couple does not deny that there was a clear attraction on set. Kirstie Alley admits in an interview: while filming the 1989 comedy Who's to Tell, she fell in love with her partner John Travolta, and he reciprocated her feelings. But Ellie was married to actor Parker Stevenson at the time, and Travolta married Kelly Preston a couple of years later. So it didn’t come to a full-fledged love story.

It took me many years to stop seeing John as the object of my affection,

- Kirsty says frankly.

John Travolta and Kirstie Alley. Stills from the film "Who Would Tell"

The actress still calls Travolta " main love her life,” but, according to her, they are still connected by only strong friendship.

Prince Harry and Cameron Diaz

Quite a strange couple, even if we assume that this is only a friendly union. And yet, about seven years ago, the press actually wrote that the movie star had become “close” to the British prince, despite the 12-year age difference.

I was in the UK filming, and in order to stay in shape, I went to the gym - naturally, a closed and elite one. It was there that the actress, according to journalists, met Harry on a nearby treadmill. The media reported that the celebrities became friends and began to communicate outside the sports club: the prince allegedly invited Diaz to a pub, where she had fun with him and his friends.

Cameron Diaz

However, rumors about the affair quickly stopped - after filming, Cameron returned to the United States and began looking for housing together with her then-boyfriend Alex Rodriguez.

Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt

After the premiere of such a romantic film as “500 Days of Summer,” rumors simply could not help but start circulating about the real relationships of the actors who played the main roles. Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt say they laughed together at the tabloid publications, because they are longtime friends and would not even try to date, so as not to spoil their friendship.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel. Stills from the film "500 days of summer"

The actors have not yet acted together, but a couple of years after the release of “500 Days of Summer” they recorded an amateur Christmas video clip.

Gwyneth Paltrow and Mario Batali

Friendly relations between and New York chef Mario Batali have lasted for two decades. Over the years, the actress has more than once brought her new boyfriends to a friend’s restaurant “for approval”:

He liked Brad Pitt, but Ben Affleck not so much

— Gwyneth told reporters.

The actress and the chef agreed on their love of cooking: as you know, Paltrow is a big fan healthy food, author of her own cookbooks.

She is a great cook and she is interested in everything. But she can teach me something new, so we maintain a balance,

- says the star's friend.

Photo from films

Of course there is such a thing as real male friendship, she was sung in classic novels like “Three Comrades”, it was shown in films. We are somehow used to pretending that any friendship between two men is a priori real and much stronger than a woman’s. We bet too much on this seemingly postulate, but life is much more complicated than we would like, and most often we wishful thinking.

How can you tell if your friend is really your friend? Here we will give you five things that real friends would never do.

1. They criticize you for your shortcomings.

Friendship and love are similar in that you can truly love for who you are at the moment. But this doesn’t change at all the fact that you don’t need to get better, pump up or lose weight. Friends know how to find nice things in other people, they can see them and they can appreciate you for them. If they criticize your shortcomings and try to humiliate you in every possible way, we return again to the article about.

2. They leave when you're having a hard time.

Being with a person in a sunny and joyful time for him is as easy as shelling pears. But being there when he has trouble after trouble is worth a lot. At that moment, when you really feel bad, and you seem to have lost everything, look around and look around - those who still support you are true friends, others need to be let go.

3. They hinder you

Many people don't like the fact that their friends are much cooler than them in many ways. Therefore, they, often unconsciously, try to restrain their aspirations and in every possible way prevent their “friends” from doing what they want. They're trying to turn your sky into a ceiling. Beware of those dudes who try to belittle your ambitions and abilities. But if they criticize you gently and constructively, we ask you not to confuse the hard with the soft. Small hearts and minds always try to belittle a person who is trying to rise to the stars, or at least to the top of that mountain over there. True friends will help you reach your full potential. Well, or to besiege you a little so that you don’t go where you’re not asked.

4. Holding a grudge against you

Not only do they pretend that everything is fine, but in their hearts instead they quietly hate you. They do not believe that people change at all, they are sure that people are categorically unchanged, which, you see, is nonsense. Well, or they think that you specifically haven’t changed a thing. And if you think that they will keep their resentment to themselves, then you are mistaken: they constantly remind you of it. Why, I wonder?

5. They lie to you

Yes, we know you can say the same thing happened in bad company. But this also applies to one single friend. If they often lie to you, then personally I don’t see the point in communicating with this person.

6. They pretend to be the ones who have done the most for you.

And they constantly remind you of this. Like, “Who told you that this is your job? Who said it would suit you very well? Who approved and helped you with your relationship with this one? beautiful girl? The most unpleasant thing in this situation is that we begin to believe it. And only because we often cannot even imagine why an adult smart person generally behave like a child and praise yourself in such an impudent manner.

Those dudes who care about you can sit next to you and remain silent. Because they don't think it's necessary to put in their broken penny. They will lend a shoulder, but don’t expect them to solve all your problems. Often these are not friends either, perhaps an analogue for bros, or perhaps real manipulators.

7. They take from you but give nothing in return.

This is how altruistic relationships work: first you give something, and then you definitely receive something in return, since it is somehow indecent for a normal bro to be in debt to someone. But it's absolutely fine for non-friends to use your services and not give anything in return. And if you catch them by the hand, they are surprised and say: “But we are friends! What kind of person are you anyway?”

8. They bully you

Sometimes this happens completely unconsciously, but what is most important: it always happens out of evil. The comments are not kind, and not at all. You can be put down, your girlfriend can be put down and shown her place. I don’t see any point in enduring the latter, be it your brother, be it your friend, but letting your girlfriend down is extreme! If you have ever been threatened by a friend, then this is not even close to a friend, we hope that you understand.

9. They make you feel like you're a burden and an imposition.

True friendship is friendship that is not even close to burdensome. For true friends there will always be a place in the heart, and they will have that very place. Therefore, you should not impose yourself, essentially, on strangers who, perhaps, do all these eight things described above, but not out of malice.

No matter how rare it is true love, true friendship is even less common.

Francois La Rochefoucauld

For high friendship, one condition is necessary - the ability to do without it.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Anyone who would let a friend down for his own benefit has no right to friendship.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Friendship usually serves as a transition from simple acquaintance to enmity.

Vasily Klyuchevsky

How few friendships would survive if everyone suddenly found out what his friends were saying behind his back, although just then they were sincere and impartial.

Blaise Pascal

A friendship that ended never really began.

Publius Syrus

Friendship is such a sacred, sweet, lasting and permanent feeling that you can keep it for life, unless, of course, you try to borrow money.

Mark Twain

Love can be unrequited. Friendship - never.

Janusz Wisniewski

In the bustle of this world, friendship is the only thing that matters in personal life.

Karl Marx

Friendship is not such a pathetic flame that it can go out in separation.

Johann Schiller

Enjoying communication is the main sign of friendship.


Friendship can only be strong with maturity of mind and age.


There is little friendship in the world - and least of all among equals.

Francis Bacon

True friendship matures slowly and blossoms only where people have actually proven it to each other.

Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

The basis of friendship is the benefits that friends expect to receive from each other. Deprive them of these benefits - and friendship will cease to exist

Paul Henri Holbach

Friendship is based on similarities in character and interests in general joint business, and not on the pleasure you get from the personality of another.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

What is friendship? A word, an illusion that enchants us, a shadow that follows happiness and disappears in hours of unhappiness!

Oliver Goldsmith

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Friendship and community are born among people when there is a common enemy.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Fulfilling the duties of friendship is somewhat more difficult than admiring it.

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

The only sincere and lasting friendship is that which exists between a man and a woman, because it is the only affection free from all rivalry.

Auguste Comte

Quotes about friends

My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.

Henry Ford

When extending your hand to friends, do not clench your fingers into a fist.


The Lord has given us relatives, but we, thank God, are free to choose our own friends.

Ethel Mumford

Over the course of my life, I have become convinced that conversations with friends take up time the most and most imperceptibly: friends are great robbers of time.

Francesco Petrarca

Don’t rush to choose friends, and even less so to change them.

Benjamin Franklin

There are people to whom we forgive, and there are people to whom we do not forgive. Those whom we do not forgive are our friends.

Henri Montherlant

But you differentiate between the shell and the kernel. Introducing yourself as a friend is not that tricky.

Khisrav Dehlavi

You can never do too much for a loyal friend.

Henrik Ibsen

It is not so difficult to die for a friend as to find a friend who would be worth dying for.

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

A true friend is a person who will tell you everything he thinks about you and tell everyone that you are a wonderful person.

Omar Khayyam

Where real friends are, friendship is not visible.

Konstantin Simonov

Treat your friends as if they were your enemies.

Publius Syrus

Having many friends means having none.

Erasmus of Rotterdam

True friends are those who have “one soul in two bodies.”

Michel de Montaigne

The point is not who you were born from, but who you hang out with.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Important friends are for important things... Therefore, having important friends and being able to save them is more important than having money.

Baltasar Gracian y Morales

Don't tell your friend what your enemy shouldn't know.

Arthur Schopenhauer

When we lose a true friend, Nothing can heal mental illness.

Pierre Corneille

A friend who is useless to his friend becomes a stranger to him.

Paul Henri Holbach

Everyone in the world has enemies, But save us from friends, God!

Alexander Pushkin


There is no greater sweetness for a woman than to sympathize with her beloved friend.

Yuri Trifonov

I’m not strong, she’s not strong, but together with my friend we are stronger than anyone in the world.

Linda McFarlane

Friendship between women is just a non-aggression pact.

Henri Montherlant

I have girlfriends, but I prefer to be friends with men. Don't trust women. The spirit of competition between women is ineradicable.

Mary Wilson Little

She's my best friend. She thinks I'm slim and I think she's a natural blonde.

Carrie Snow

If your husband ran away with you best friend, you will miss her greatly.

Murphy's Laws

Friendship is impossible between two women, one of whom dresses very well.

Laurie Colvin

When I was a girl, I only had two girlfriends, and only imaginary ones. And they only played with each other.

Rit Rudner

Yes, I have several real friends, but we don’t really like each other.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

She's like that good friend that she would throw all her friends into the water in order to have the pleasure of getting them out of there.

Anna Stahl

Women for the most part are so indifferent to friendship because it seems insipid to them in comparison with love.

Francois La Rochefoucauld

Women don't count their years. Their friends do it for them.

Yuzef Bulatovich

The friendship of two women is always a conspiracy against the third.

Alphonse Carr

The loneliest woman in the world is the woman who has no close friend.

George Santayana

Scold your friends privately, but praise them publicly.


It has long been known: nothing makes a young girl look better and raises her self-esteem than having a friend.

Victoria Platova

Women friends kiss each other when they meet because they cannot bite.

Magdalena the Impostor

In your friend you discover yourself.

Isabel Norton

A good friend can tell you the truth. True, in a minute she will cease to be the best...

Arthur Brisbane

Mothers confess and are frank with their friends.

Jeanne Marie Rolland

Friendships are no less important than love ones. Of course, they are built differently, but friends are social support, they are our environment. They correspond to our interests and values: we usually choose friends with similar views, we like the same things and we want to spend time the same way. Even in friendships, pieces of our autobiographical memory are stored: friends often remain from school, college, first jobs - these are people who remember us as young or even as children, and saying goodbye to them is like saying goodbye to a part of the past.

Understand that sometimes you also need to part with friends.

Why not save good relationship all my life, why break up with friends? In general, when relationships can be maintained without harm to oneself, there is no talk of breaking friendships. The question is relevant only when the bond breaks down or becomes toxic. Toxic relationships wreak havoc on our self-esteem, sense of well-being, or even health. A simple example: every time you meet with a friend or company, you drink an extra cocktail or two, or even a bottle - even if you don’t want to and didn’t intend to. This does not happen in other companies - it is this person or group of people who influences you in such a way that it becomes difficult to resist an extra glass.

Or you find that every time you see a friend, you feel upset or angry, even though you seemed to be looking forward to this meeting. When you try to understand what is happening, you remember one unpleasant moment after another: here your boyfriend was belittled (“I don’t want to say anything bad, but let’s be honest, he’s not handsome”), and here are your achievements (“They raised their salary by ten thousand - is that really an increase?"). Or a friend often makes caustic remarks, and in response to your long face, assures you that it is “just a joke.” In general, toxic relationships in friendships are not much different from toxic relationships in couples, except that in friendship there is less opportunity for financial control and there is no sexual component.

When you “part ways,” it would seem that it should be easier to accept that the friendship is over and move away. But not everyone: some keep in touch for years out of sentimental reasons or the idea that a “good” person never leaves friends. If you meet once every six months or a year and you feel good, everything is fine. But if you leave your guests with the unpleasant feeling of “What was that?”, if the communication leaves unpleasant, painful feelings or suggests that you are simply wasting time, it means that the connection has outlived its usefulness, and it is better to stop it. Usually, in this case, it is not difficult to distance yourself: an outdated friendship fades away on its own. But it happens that we feel guilty, begin to regret the loss, or try to regain the lost community. It is important to understand that friendships, like any other, can morph and die. Therefore, it is better at some point to recognize this fact and gradually stop meeting - otherwise you will commit violence against yourself every time, agreeing to communication that is unpleasant and uninteresting to you.

Consider whether to give a second chance

When should you think about a second chance and put off breaking up friendships? In general - when you are dissatisfied with the way a girlfriend or boyfriend behaves in certain situations, but you have never tried to talk about it directly, but expressed dissatisfaction indirectly: by getting annoyed, canceling subsequent meetings, or otherwise. Perhaps in this case it is worth trying to talk at least once, especially if the friendships are long and valuable to you. When we express dissatisfaction indirectly, it is not always noticeable and effective - but an honest conversation can not only improve an uncomfortable situation, but also take relationships to a new, closer and more sincere level.

Another difficult and painful situation is if your friend has done something that is at odds with your values. For example, if a friend started an affair with married man, and for you this is a sore subject, because you once experienced betrayal; or you and your friends strongly disagree in political views and assessment of certain events. This can be difficult to accept, but sometimes it also deserves a sincere conversation. If you can discuss the motives and reasons for an action, this sometimes helps to understand your friend’s views on the situation and try to take his side. Friendship does not imply that people will be completely the same - perhaps contact can be maintained even despite all the differences in views. If not, such a conversation will help put an end to it and understand that you are not on the same path with this person.

And in what cases is it useless to think about “second chances”? For example, when a conversation has already taken place, but a friend continues to do something unpleasant or inconvenient for you: be late, be sarcastic, give ratings and advice without asking, and so on. It also happens that conversation is generally useless and it is better to cut from the shoulder: when a person does something dangerous, puts someone’s life, health or well-being at risk. For example, you found out that a friend beats his wife or partner, or deceived you in financial or other significant matters. This is the case when there is nothing to hope for and it is better to remove a dangerous person from the environment.

Another ambiguous question is what to do with those who constantly let you down over little things. Let's say you treat a person wonderfully and are friends with him, but he regularly behaves unreliably in some common matters: he is late, does not contribute his share of money to common projects, at the last moment refuses planned events where you were counting on him, and so on. You can try not to conduct common business with such a friend or girlfriend, but remain on friendly terms - if the format of communication even implies this. Unfortunately, this rarely happens: unreliable people are usually unreliable in everything.

Decide if you need a “last conversation”

The general answer is: unlike love relationship, a conversation is needed more likely if you are counting on some changes and want to give friendship another chance. Otherwise, the meaning of what you are doing will diverge from what you are saying: you want to stop communicating, but on your own initiative you continue it.

In any case, the question remains of how to communicate the end of a friendship and whether it should be done. With more distant friends and good acquaintances, there is always the option of postponing a meeting under plausible pretexts and saying that you are busy. This is an acceptable and more socially gentle option that leaves you some room to maneuver - for example, you can appear in certain groups without feeling awkward.

If your ex-boyfriend is very persistent, sometimes it is necessary to “officially” announce the breakup: by text, letter or call. You can choose a wording that suits your communication format and describes your thoughts: “Sorry, but I don’t want to see you anymore. Our communication lately has not brought me joy,” “I’m sorry, but the last meetings were difficult and unpleasant for me. Let's take a break for now." This usually removes all questions and allows you to stop communication once and for all - but there are also more negative social consequences. Mutual friends may think you are being too harsh and take the other side. Sometimes, like in a divorce, you have to “share” common holidays and parties so as not to bump into each other. Again, this option closes the opportunity to resume communication.

There is also the most drastic method - simply ban a person everywhere. This is suitable when the acquaintance was not very close and not the most pleasant, but the person who wants to see you is extremely intrusive. Or when a friend does something that, in your opinion, is completely outside the norm, and you no longer see any reason to discuss it.

Which option to choose is up to you. It is important that you have a range of ways to distance yourself or stop contact, and most importantly, that you feel empowered to do so.

Take care of your feelings

Before you send that last text or decide you don't want to see your girlfriend or boyfriend anymore, it's a good idea to think things through. Usually our emotions make decisions for us: it becomes unpleasant to see each other, we feel irritated and not joyful before the meeting, we feel emotional stings during conversations. It is important to come to an agreement with yourself: remember how you communicated with your friend or girlfriend, understand what was wrong, and decide to put an end to it.

You can go through a breakup with a friend or girlfriend for a long time. It's emotional significant relationships. There is no need to persuade yourself to “forget and move on” - in general, the recommendations here are the same as in the case of breaking up a romantic relationship. Sadness, anger, pain, frustration, and maybe guilt are a common spectrum of experiences. You can allow yourself to look through shared photos, listen to “your” songs and be sad, maybe even cry. It can be useful to write former friend a letter describing your feelings, memories and moments lived together. There is no need to send it - this is not a message, but a psychological technique that allows you to live through difficult feelings and internally complete the relationship.

If a man is not inclined to frank confessions, it is quite difficult to determine whether he is into you or just wants to communicate. This, by the way, can be useful even if you do not have reciprocal feelings - this will give you time to come up with a plan on how to tell him about it without hurting or offending him.

Despite the fact that half-hints in relationships are most often attributed to girls, men in this sense have an equally unique manner of demonstrating tender affection. But we are ready to help you right now: and tell you what actions on his part may mean that there is something more than friendship between you.

Did he invite you to the bar in the evening? Nothing surprising. But if he called you on Thursday to clarify whether your contract is valid, everything is very serious. If a man is in love, then he wants to make sure that he sees you in the near future (and if you suddenly refuse, he will have a chance to try to convince you). It’s the same with dates: if a guy doesn’t ask you to think about it, but immediately names the date and time, he’s definitely interested in you.

2. He becomes polite

Scientifically proven: even the worst boys try to behave when they're in the company of someone they really like. in the best possible way. He may be uncomfortable in these clothes and uncomfortable in this place, but he perseveres through each test. Instead of going out of town with friends, does he buy you theater tickets? If we were you, we would not have doubted it a long time ago.

3. He starts a conversation

He will maintain a dialogue, even if there is nothing objective to talk about. And if this first conversation goes well enough, then each time he will be ready to touch on more and more personal topics. Do you suspect that he is just a talker? There is such an option, but watch his behavior in another situation - and you will immediately understand everything.

4. He asks about your relationship

You may think that he is acting like an inquisitor, but in reality he just needs to find out whether you are dating someone or not. Please note: if, after declaring that you have a permanent relationship, he does not stop trying to take an interest in your life (including your personal life), then it seems that he really really liked you.

5. He uses emojis

Tough guys don't use emoticons. Never. And even in the case that you are just thinking about. Only if it’s not a glass of beer or pizza in a general chat, which hints that it’s time for everyone to meet. So if he ends up sending you text messages with smiley faces and emojis, that's 200% flirting.

6. He compliments you

As a way to let a girl know that they care about her, men most often use explicit or hidden compliments. A true Casanova will use words like "sexy" and "gorgeous." The more modest one will call you “sweet” or “charming.” Both, however, can be perceived as a signal.

7. He deliberately teases you

Not like the school bully who made you cry just because he liked you, but in a more flirtatious way. For example, if he knows your favorite sports team, he won't miss the chance to text you when they lose. Or starts a topic over and over again on which you have different points of view - so that the conversation never ends.

8. He brags

A man in love wants to impress you, and the first thing he does in this case is start showing off. So unless you want to find out one day that he's the President's great-nephew, act dumbfounded somewhere in the middle of the story. True, this is all that is required from a girl in order to amuse a man’s pride a little and strengthen his faith in himself.

9. He “likes” your posts

Every time you post a photo, post or abstract image, does it have a “like” underneath it? This guy seems really fascinated. Some of them, by the way, may go further, placing compliments (perhaps even with emoticons) under your photos. And that's all great, but keep in mind: the only thing he likes about this page is you. But the monologue on political topics is not very good.

10. He discusses your similarities.

Whether you have a partner or not, he is going to take every chance to win your heart. And his main trump card is common interests, from adoration to fitness on Fridays. If he mentions this every time in a conversation, he probably hopes that one day he will be lucky.

11. He spends money

When a man really likes a girl, he is more likely to spend money on her. It's not about treating a random acquaintance to a cocktail at your favorite bar, but about something more. At least buy this girl all night and not have the desire to immediately. So if a “friend” pays for your lunch, buys you cute trinkets, and brings you souvenirs from every business trip without a special request, then this is not friendship - and it’s high time for you to move to the next level.