Different kisses. Types of kisses

There are different types kisses that bring pleasure. Each of them has its own name. This material will show you how to kiss correctly. The main thing is not to get confused when your partner looks you straight in the eyes. This is the best time to get closer to each other. And then, everything will depend on your skill acquired from this article.

This name was coined thanks to the Eskimos. Their people are very friendly and peaceful. Unlike others, they do not greet with a handshake or a hug, as we are used to, but with a touch of the tip of the nose.

The most common kiss in the whole world. The main feature is that it can be sent to your significant other at any distance using eye contact.

In medieval times, people often held luxurious balls. It was there that the tradition of kissing a woman’s hand before inviting her to dance originated. These days, especially in high circles of society, this is a common practice.

Many mothers kiss their children on the forehead before going to bed. Thus expressing real care and sincerity towards your child. So that he dreams only pleasant and kind dreams.

The beautiful name is associated with the unimaginable sensations of a kiss. It is difficult to convey in words the whole range of feelings. One can only imagine how the Angel himself came down from Heaven and touched you.

Let's go back to childhood memories again. As a child, were you forced to kiss a person on the cheek who gave you a gift for some holiday?

On the first date, the most best option kiss. He expresses some sympathy and at the same time is friendly. This is where all love memories begin.

Have you ever felt the touch of a butterfly's wings? There is a similar effect here, only with eyelashes. Many people start laughing because it gets ticklish.

It is known that the earlobe contains large number"pleasure points" For example, when you pet a cat or dog behind the ears, look at their eyes; they will begin to roll with bliss.

The girls got into the habit of learning to kiss on tomatoes. As strange as it may sound, a tomato is similar in structure to human lips. The main thing is not to bite him with your teeth, he didn’t do anything wrong ;-)

A very complex kiss in this execution. Especially in the place of Spider-Man, who weighs upside down. Because it arises high pressure on your head and you might just lose consciousness.

Remember important rule, there is no need to suck the soul out of a person. This can lead to unpredictable consequences. Do only gentle kisses, while working with your head. This can be compared to eating honey without using your hands.

The French love romance and everything connected with it. If your partner starts kissing your neck, then rest assured that things may end up being more than just kissing.

Lizards have a long tongue and it is constantly in motion. This idea was initially picked up by representatives of rock music. And to this day it is rare to meet people who use this method outside of rock concerts.

Most often, this type is used by girls, leaving a “mark” on their boyfriend’s neck. Implying that he is now her property and others have no right to touch him. But men can get a slap in the face for this.

The bite of the lip primarily expresses passion. Remember, when a girl looks at you and starts biting her lips, this is the first sign that she likes you. And it’s possible that soon the two of you will be kissing together.

The Germans know how to relax on a hard day at work. A couple of hours of happiness and everyone is happy. The main thing is not to rush anywhere. The whole process should be slow and enjoyable.

A storm of emotions and enthusiastic exclamations gives this type of kiss. Not everyone can withstand the onslaught of sensations delivered by their opponent. Now you know what Australians are capable of.

Types of kisses- this is a wide selection of various simple physical actions in which one person touches another person with his lips.

Variety of kisses

The purpose of one person touching another, expressed in a kiss, can be very different. From a friendly kiss upon meeting to a sexual kiss, from which passion flares up and life turns upside down, from a gentle and grateful touch to playful flirtation, from an air kiss to oral sex - such is the diverse world of kissing! A kiss can express a huge palette of human feelings, emotions and moods.

There are a huge number of types of kisses. Below we will talk about only a few of them, because it is impossible to embrace the immensity. But you can use any of these types today by testing its effect on your loved one. Plus, perhaps by experimenting, you can discover new types of kisses and apply them to your life!

Kiss goodnight

At the end of the day, at the end of a romantic date or when breaking up with each other, there comes a time when you either kiss goodbye or you don't. Sometimes this situation means waiting for the first kiss, sometimes it means gratitude for a pleasant evening, sometimes it means the beginning of a stormy night.

If you do not want or are not ready for intimacy, and the man is your friend, a light kiss on the cheek will mean “good night, we had a wonderful time at the movies.” If you are attracted to a man, and you want to show it, then you can kiss the man on the lips. If, after kissing, you quickly fly away, then be sure that for the rest of the evening he will remember this kiss with the question “what did that mean?”

Romantic kiss

A romantic kiss often refers to a kiss in a romantic setting. For example, by candlelight, on a bench under the moon, in a blooming May garden. In fact, romance is more than the setting. Romance is about people's feelings. If the world exists only for the two of you, if you are in love and are waiting for that kiss, then kiss! And any kiss will be romantic!

Fluttering wings

These are light, repeated and very short kisses. Touch your loved one with closed lips, very gently. Kiss cheeks, eyes, lips. During this time you can talk. But you can be sure that your interlocutor will be focused, if not on the subject of the conversation itself, then on you personally, that’s for sure! The touch of your lips should be fluttering, like the touch of the thin wings of a small butterfly!

Strong kiss

This kiss is somewhat similar to “fluttering wings.” But it is longer and stronger. Kiss with soft but demanding lips. With your mouth closed. You no longer flutter, but seem to make clear marks with your lips. If your lips are painted with lipstick, they leave a pronounced mark. Give a kiss like this when you want to show your man that all these “smack-smacks” are not your entire arsenal!

The promise of more

This is a woman's kiss when she takes the initiative into her fragile hands, when she is persistent and somewhat aggressive. This kiss is a game where a woman turns into a hunter and takes the initiative. Look the man in the eyes and smile. Pull the man towards you, clasp your hands on the back of his head, press yourself against him and kiss him confidently on the lips, continuing to cling to him and caressing his neck with your hands. Then suddenly pull away and smile mysteriously. Don't look away!

French kiss

The most popular kiss among lovers. This is a kiss with slightly open lips, the tongue takes part in it. Lips merge, tongues meet, resulting in an erotic kiss. This kiss provides opportunities for improvisation. The intensity of the kiss, its duration, depth, nature of movements - everything depends on you.

You can respond to your partner’s movements, or you can take the initiative yourself. You can run your tongue over your partner's tongue, lips, teeth and gums. You can stroke your partner's tongue with your tongue, suck him, push him, or involve your teeth in the game by gently biting his lips. You can change the pace by moving your tongue either fast or slow. Do everything that you like and your partner likes. The main thing is that you both enjoy what is happening!

Often the French kiss is

The mass of kissing techniques and techniques that lovers all over the world use to express their feelings amazes even seasoned lovers. At the same time, there are several particularly common types of love kisses, which I will talk about in this article.

French kiss

The undisputed leader among love kisses, the absolute world champion in all age categories, is the French kiss. It's called: kiss with tongue or passionate kiss. A special feature of this love game is the contact of not only the lips, but also the tongues of the partners. French kissing is easy to learn and easy to practice, but it can take a lifetime to perfect!
This kiss is named after the French, known for their loving and sexually liberated culture.

Kiss on the lips

Also known as classic kiss. Classic doesn't mean boring. It would take forever to describe the full range of kisses on the lips. Several common techniques, as they say, “note to the hostess”:

- Direct kiss- partners stand facing each other directly. In this case, there is a small risk of noses colliding.

- Kiss with a tilt of the head— kissers tilt their heads slightly, usually to the right, to gently kiss each other. Sometimes it is enough to pay attention to which direction you usually tilt your head, and by tilting it in an “unusual” direction you can slightly diversify the kiss.

- "Heavy" kiss- touching lips with strong pressure. Usually one clasps the partner's head and kisses him with pressure. Such a kiss leaves an ambivalent feeling. If your partner doesn’t understand you, he may be offended, but if you can predict his reaction well, then it’s worth a try - maybe he’ll like it. As a rule, it serves as a manifestation of intense joy, for example as an expression of gratitude. Some people jokingly call it “the kiss of death,” but I prefer to call it “heavy.”

- tender kiss- unlike the “heavy” kiss, this kiss is characterized by a very gentle touch of the lips. Relax your lips and kiss your partner as if his lips are a rose petal, tender and fragile - try not to hurt. Such a kiss ideally complements a quiet evening that you spend together, in peace and quiet. A series of such gentle and smooth kisses can often ignite passion.


A smack is a characteristic sound made by the lips when kissing. The “smack” kiss is applied everywhere except the ears, which are very sensitive to sounds. A “smack” is usually used when kissing on the cheek or nose

Kiss your lips

A very common kiss, which closely coexists with the French one, and is usually paired with it. One of the partners “captures” the partner’s upper or lower lip with his lips and sucks lightly, and the partner performs a mutual action. Also, when kissing, the lips often resort to using the tongue, running it along the partner’s lip. You can diversify it by gently biting your partner’s lip. Try not to hurt each other in moments of outbursts of passion - pain will kill any passion and desire.

Upside Down Kiss

...or as it is often called after the release of the movie Spiderman - Spiderman's Kiss.
To make an inverted kiss, you don’t have to weave a web and save humanity - you can repeat it at home. To do this you will need a chair or armchair and a loved one. Wait for the right moment, when your “victim” sits in a chair (for example, in front of a computer), come up from behind, and gently run your hands over the neck and shoulders. Bend over the back of the chair so that your lips are in front of your partner’s lips (it seems an illustration would be helpful here) and kiss him on the lips using any of the above techniques - this is a very unusual and pleasant kiss.

Kiss on the neck

The neck is a very sensitive place. Few people remain indifferent to such kisses. A kiss on the neck is followed by a series of passionate kisses. Here begins the freedom for your imagination - kissing with lips, light bites, sliding the tongue from the “collar” to the earlobe is applicable. , but don’t stay long, let’s move on

Kiss the ear

Very interesting kiss. In addition, the ear is sensitive not only to the touch of your lips and tongue, but also to sounds

Both the earlobe, which can be sucked while kissing the lips, and the edge along the entire perimeter can be subjected to a love “attack.” Very unusual sensations are caused by the partner’s tongue exploring the shell of the ear. Not everyone may like this, so carefully monitor your partner's reaction.

Sounds play an important role and deserve special attention. When kissing the ear, breathe slowly through your nose, whisper tender words, moan slightly - it’s hard to resist. In no case should you make sharp exhalations and inhalations, as well as “smack” - this is unpleasant and can cause painful feelings. Be gentle.

Vampire's Kiss

As a type of kiss on the neck, there is also a “Vampire kiss”. You kiss your partner on the base of the neck or shoulder using your teeth and try to suck out the “blood.” There is a share of aggression in this kiss, so it takes place in a passionate and deep relationship between lovers. Some people don’t really like this manifestation of passion, as it can be painful and leaves marks from the teeth, so do not forget to ask his permission before “biting” your partner, at least for the first time

Angel's kiss

A gentle kiss with your lips on your partner’s eyelids or corner of the eye is a wonderful way to tell your loved one “ Good morning! or feel sorry for him in moments of disappointment

And finally, a few kisses that stand out from the traditional ones:


A hickey is not a type of kiss at all, but a mark in the form of a bruise or bruise left as a result of sucking on the tender areas of the partner’s skin. Most often, hickeys are left on the neck - the skin there is quite delicate and therefore a hickey can remain even from a not very strong “vampire’s kiss”

You can mark your man with hickeys - some people like it when they have marks on their neck from someone’s lips, which reminds them of you, but for others, on the contrary, it’s unpleasant, so you shouldn’t leave hickeys without permission
...and of course, you shouldn’t leave hickeys on open areas of a woman’s body either.

Butterfly Kiss

A gentle and sincere kiss. Partners touch eyelashes and blink. A kiss can involve either one partner or both at once.

Eskimo kiss

History is silent about where exactly the name of this kiss came from, so one can only guess that the Eskimos, living in the cold, cannot afford such luxury as kissing with their lips (it’s minus 40° outside, or even -60°. It’s hot in Igloo - minus 20°), so they limited themselves to touching noses to express love. Yes, the Eskimo kiss is about touching noses. Between classic and French kisses, rubbing noses with your partner is a wonderful feeling, and a good conclusion to passionate kisses
According to information from some sources, the Eskimo kiss was also widespread among African tribes before the French came there

The question remains open - how do Eskimos reproduce if they kiss with their noses... Maybe at resorts?

According to WHO, cellulite is one of the most common diseases today. 90-95% of the female population has cellulite! There is a myth that you cannot get rid of it. In today's program we will dispel all the myths and reveal the secret of quickly fighting the enemy of every woman.

Elena Malysheva: Good morning! Dear friends. This is the "Live Healthy" program. Today we will talk about cellulite.

Cellulite! Who is stronger: him or us? Let's start fighting cellulite. Our first guest is Irina Sergeevna. In your opinion, what is cellulite?

Irina Sergeevna: Hello. Cellulite is a punishment of nature for women, because men do not have it.

Elena Malysheva: That's exactly what you said. So, cellulite only occurs in women. Andrey Petrovich, tell us what cellulite is.

Andrey Prodeus: Cellulite is actually the work of two organs. One organ is the skin. Another organ is subcutaneous fat. Over time, the elasticity of the skin is lost, and the structure of the subcutaneous fat layer changes. Somewhere we gained weight during pregnancy or after, then we lost a little, then we gained some weight again. Accordingly, the uniformity of subcutaneous fat fiber was lost + elasticity was impaired. And here he is, cellulite!

Elena Malysheva: Irina Sergeevna, now it’s clear where cellulite comes from? Then please sit down.

Humanity is struggling with cellulite, and the most effective way was discovered 10 years ago! So, we have another guest. Are you familiar with the problem of cellulite?

Anna Sergeevna: You know, unfortunately, yes. I came across this problem several years ago. So I developed cellulite, and have been trying to fight it ever since. I tried all the methods, but nothing helps at all. I don't know what to do with this.

Dmitry Shubin: Scientists do not sit idly by. Always looking for something. And it was discovered that propolis has the following properties:

  • Disaggregant. Improves microcirculation, blocks the cascade of blood clotting reactions.
  • Vasodilator. Direct vasodilator effect due to activation of NO synthase, production of a natural vasodilator factor - nitric oxide.
  • Stimulating. Stimulates both metabolism and protective reactions of the skin: Increases the intensity and completeness of cellular humoral immunity reactions.
  • Antioxidant. Inhibits free radical oxidation reactions, reduces the intensity of lipid peroxidation, strengthens cell membranes, thereby preventing the aging process.
  • Antitoxic. Promotes the removal and neutralization of tissue metabolic products.
  • Cleansing. Helps exfoliate the surface layers of the epidermis and cleanse the secretions of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

In connection with this discovery, cream-wax Zdorov s was invented. high content it contains propolis extract.

Elena Malysheva: I want to know who in the room has already used cream-wax Hello, raise your hands. Wow, I see many people here have already gotten rid of cellulite.

Anna Sergeevna: That is, I just apply cream to problem areas and cellulite goes away over time?

Elena Malysheva: That's right. But I want to note that you need to fight cellulite comprehensively. I advise you to sit on proper nutrition, drink more water and start exercising. This will not only help you get rid of cellulite faster, but will also prevent it from occurring again.

Anna Sergeevna: Thanks a lot! Now I will definitely get rid of cellulite!

Elena Malysheva: Well, we say goodbye to Anna Sergeevna and cellulite! Dear women, now you can get rid of cellulite forever and maintain a toned body.

The original cream can only be ordered on the official website, which is published below. This product has all the necessary certificates and is tested for effectiveness. There are a lot of fakes in Russia, ordering which you will not get the desired effect.