Methods of conducting morning exercises in kindergarten. Morning exercises in kindergarten Morning exercises for children in preschool

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Exercise develops in children the habit of doing exercises every day in the morning. physical exercise. Over time this good habit turns into a need, thereby instilling a culture of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers.

Gymnastics is carried out with children every day in the morning, for 10 - 12 minutes. The complex of morning exercises is planned for two weeks and consists of three parts: introductory, main and final.

As a rule, the introductory part includes various types of walking and running (sometimes simple game tasks). This is a little warm-up.
The main part is general developmental exercises with objects (flags, handkerchiefs, skittles, cubes, hoops, balls, etc.) These exercises contribute to the health of the body, develop muscle strength, joint mobility, form correct posture and the ability to navigate in space. When performing gymnastic exercises, it is necessary to observe and alternate starting positions (standing, sitting, lying on the back and stomach), since a static posture negatively affects the posture in general and the formation of the arch of the child’s foot.

The final part of morning exercises involves walking at a moderate pace and low-mobility games to restore breathing, and includes elements of health-saving technologies that promote full physical development:

  1. Breathing exercises
  2. Finger gymnastics,
  3. Eye exercises
  4. Exercises to prevent flat feet, self-massage and others.

Morning exercises will be more effective and fun if accompanied by music. Music creates good mood and causes positive emotions, reduces psycho-emotional stress.

By moving, the child gets to know the world around him, learns to love it and act in it, receives a huge boost of energy and a good mood for the whole day.

Complex of morning exercises for children of primary preschool age on chairs

Part I(chairs are arranged according to visual landmarks in advance in the center of the gym)

Normal walking in a column, walking on toes, easy running (50-60 sec), running with a change of direction, walking with an extra step forward (alternately with the right and left leg), running at a fast pace (15 - 20 sec), walking “snake” around the chairs.

Part II . General developmental exercises on chairs

1. I.P. – sitting on a chair, legs parallel, arms down.


1 – Raise your arms to the sides.
2 – Lower down, return to starting position.

Dosage: 5 – 6 times.

Pace: fast.

2. I.P. – sitting on a chair, one leg straightened forward, the other under the chair.

Performance:(change of leg position)

1 – The left leg is straightened forward, the right leg is under the chair.
2 – The right leg is straightened forward, the left leg is under the chair.

Dosage: 5 – 6 times.

Pace: fast.

3. I.P. – sitting on a chair, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt.


1 – Lean to the right.
2 – Return to starting position.
3 – Lean to the left.
4 – Return to starting position.

Dosage: 6 times.

Pace: average.

4. I.P. – standing on all fours, the seat of the chair is under the child’s belly. The child rests on his hands and knees.


1 – The child straightens his arms and legs, holds himself in the chair for 1 second. (inhale)
2 – Return to I.P. (exhalation)
3 – The child straightens his arms and legs, holds himself in the chair for 2 seconds. (inhale)
4 – Return to I.P. (exhalation)
5 – The child straightens his arms and legs, holds himself in the chair for 3 seconds. (inhale)
6 – Return to I.P. (exhalation)
7 – The child straightens his arms and legs, holds himself in the chair for 2 seconds. (inhale)
8 – Return to I.P. (exhalation)
9 – The child straightens his arms and legs, holds himself in the chair for 1 second. (inhale)
10 – Return to I.P. (exhalation)

Pace: average.

5. I.P. – standing behind a chair, legs parallel, hands on the back of the chair.


1 – Sit down.
2 – Get up and return to the starting position.

Dosage: 4 – 5 times.

Pace: average.

6. I.P. – sitting on a chair, legs closed, straightened – on the floor, arms resting on the sides of the chair seat.


1 – Raise your right leg forward and up.
2 – Lower your leg and return to the starting position.
3 – Raise your left leg forward and up.
4 – Lower your leg and return to the starting position.

Dosage: 6 times.

Pace: average.

7. I.P. – standing near a chair, legs parallel, hands on the belt.

Performance: jumping on two legs around a chair in both directions, alternating with walking.

Dosage: 2 series of 10 jumps. Children walk in the usual way around the hall, one after another. The teacher invites the children to help remove the chairs. The teacher leaves 1 chair in the center of the room for the game task “Cat and Birds”.

8. Game task “Cat and Birds”. In the center of the hall, a cat sits on a stool (the role of the cat is played by a child, with a “cat” hat on his head). Birds fly around the cat, flapping their wings (the teacher regulates a moderate pace). The teacher gives a signal, the cat wakes up and catches the birds, and they fly away to the chairs.

Dosage: 2 times.

The usual walking around the hall in a column one after another.

Week 1:

a) Breathing exercises “Balloon”, “Pump”
b) Gymnastics for legs “Bear”

Week 2:

c) Body massage “Frogs”
d) Finger game “Drawing”

Complex of morning exercises for children of middle preschool age

The teacher in the group asks a riddle to the children:

White in winter,
Gray in summer.
Doesn't offend anyone
He's afraid of everyone. (Bunny)

Educator: That's right, it's a bunny. He is in a hurry to visit us and do exercises with us.

A bunny appears (the “Bi-ba-bo” toy). Children in sportswear enter the gym.

Part I.

Walking is normal in a column, running in a straight direction and “snake”, walking on toes, on heels (alternating 8 steps), running with a stop at a signal, walking while performing tasks (sit down, change the position of the hands), running with acceleration, walking with high knees, normal walking.

Part II.

General developmental exercises without objects

"The bunny will grow big"
  1. I.P. – O.S., hands down.

1 – raise your arms up from your sides, stretch well, rising on your tiptoes. Inhale.
2 – Lower your entire foot, lower your arms. Exhalation. Exhaling, say: “y – x – x – x – x.”
Dosage: 6 times.
Pace: average.
Instructions for children:“Maintain a stable body position.”

"The bunny trains its paws" I.P. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down
1 – Turn to the right with the right arm moving back, look at the arm being pulled back.
2 – return to I.P.
3 – Turn to the left with the left arm moving back, look at the withdrawn hand.
4 – return to I.P.
Dosage: 3 times in each direction.
Pace: average
Individual instructions.
"Bunny greets the guys" I.P. – standing, legs parallel, hands behind your back, palm on palm.
1 – Bend forward (hands remain behind your back)
2 – I.P.

Dosage: 5 times.
Pace: average

"The little bunny is training his paws" I.P. – sitting, arms supported behind you.
1 – raise straight legs forward and up
2 – spread your legs apart
3 – join your legs together
4 – return to I.P.
Dosage: 5 times
Tempo: slow
"The bunny is an athlete" I.P. – lying on your back, arms extended behind your head.
1 – Raise your right leg bent at the knee; clap your hands underneath it.
2 – I.P.
3 – Raise your left leg bent at the knee; clap your hands underneath it.
4 – I.P.
Dosage: n about 3 times with each leg
Pace: average
Demonstration and explanation by the teacher
"Jumping Bunny" I.P. – legs parallel, hands on the belt.
Performance: jumping on two legs with a turn around its axis to the right and left, alternating with walking in place.
Dosage: 2 series of 10 jumps.
Breath arbitrary.
Instructions for children:“Jump easily, high.” Showing a child. Incentives.

III final part

Walking around the hall in a column one at a time.

Outdoor game “The gray bunny is sitting”

The children in the center of the playground are bunnies. The teacher recites poetry, and the children perform movements in accordance with the text:

Dosage: 2 – 3 times.

Breathing exercise "Wolves" (according to B. Tolkachev)

Educator: Guys, who do you think scared the bunny? Yes, of course, a wolf.

Children, standing, bending slightly at the waist, slightly pressing their half-bent arms to their chest, exhale for an extremely long time, drawing out the sound “u-u-u-u...” Normal walking around the hall.

  1. Breathing exercise "Wolves"
  2. Massage of biologically active zones, preventing colds.

Week 2:

  1. Finger gymnastics “Bunny jumps”
  2. Exercise for the prevention of flat feet “The bunny had a garden”

Used Books:

  1. Golitsina N.S., Bukharova E.E. Physical education kaleidoscope for preschoolers. – M.: Publishing house “Scriptorium 2003”, 2006.
  2. Kartushina M.Yu. Logorhythmics for kids: Scenarios for classes with children 3 - 4 years old. – M.: TC Sfera, 2005. – 144 p. (Development program.)
  3. Kartushina M.Yu. Scenarios of recreational activities for children 3–4 years old. – M.: TC Sfera, 2007. – 96 p. – (Series “Together with children”).
  4. Penzulaeva L.I. Health-improving gymnastics for children preschool age(37 years). – M.: Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2003. – 128 p.
  5. Sochevanova E.A. Complexes of morning exercises for children 3 – 4 years old: Methodological manual. – SPb.: “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2005. – 48С.
  6. Kharchenko T.E. Morning exercises in kindergarten. Exercises for children 3 – 5 years old. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2008.

Preschool education" href="/text/category/doshkolmznoe_obrazovanie/" rel="bookmark">preschool education and parents are not the most pleasant.

But let's start from the beginning...

Let's remember the Federal state requirements for the structure of educational programs. It says in black and white that the main goals educational field“Physical education” is “forming in children an interest and value attitude towards physical education, harmonious physical development.” Achieving these goals is facilitated by solving the following set of tasks:

Development of physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination);

Accumulation and enrichment of children’s motor experience (mastery of basic movements);

Formation in pupils of the need for motor activity and physical improvement.

And this is where the problems begin! The first and second tasks in the educational work of the kindergarten are more or less solved. I would really like to, but I can’t say that they are being resolved well. The fact is that in many kindergartens there are no specialists in the field of physical education, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of physical education health work at the preschool educational institution. Many kindergartens do not have basic conditions for organizing such work with children, which also affects the quality of education and the level of health of our children.

And with the third task the situation is even worse. And this is not due to external factors, but to the psychological and physical characteristics of preschool children. The fact is that at this stage there is no need to develop in the child the need for physical activity and physical improvement. It already exists, this need is inherent in nature (remember - kinesophilia is a biological need for movement). And neither teachers nor parents see the need for its formation, but on the contrary, they are looking forward to when the child will finally stop jumping around all day long and begin to sit and do some quieter things. But the problem is that if this need is not formed now, while the child is still small, then later it is practically impossible to form. Plus, physical education lessons in our schools do not contribute to all this, which completely kills the love and desire to engage in one’s own physical education.

Hence the eternal question: What to do?

And the answer can be very simple! When organizing physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions, combine three types of learning: mental (obtaining information and developing awareness), physical (practical application) and emotional (delight, jubilation from the fact that “I learned!”, “I can!”).

Well, now let’s look at how to implement this complex when organizing morning exercises in kindergarten.

Morning exercises in kindergarten begins with a warm-up, the purpose of which is to warm up the muscles and joints and prepare the body to perform a set of more complex exercises. If you ask children why we start morning exercises with a warm-up, they are unlikely to answer us, even the preparatory ones, not to mention the kids. Because they don't know! No one ever tells them about this! The mental type of learning is lost here. Children do what is asked of them, they like to do physical education, preschoolers are captivated by the process of activity itself (the leading activity is play). And it turns out that the child is doing something, but what he is doing, why, for what - he absolutely does not understand (it doesn’t matter to him now). But as kinesophilia grows older, the child begins to lead an increasingly static lifestyle, and it is not the process that becomes significant, but the result (the leading activity is educational). And the formation of awareness that was missed in preschool childhood leads to the fact that the child does not see the point in physical culture, especially if these are tedious, difficult and boring physical education lessons at school.

There is only one way out: in the process of working with preschoolers, constantly comment on the actions being performed, constantly draw the children’s attention to what they are doing and how their body feels. How the toes warm up while walking, how the warmth rises through the legs, how the muscles become soft and elastic, etc. Of course, preschoolers will not yet be able to recognize such subtle sensations, but here children’s imagination comes to the rescue. What they don’t feel, they will invent and these will be the first steps on the path to awareness, to understanding their body, to the ability to grasp the comfortable state that physical activity gives the body.

Watch a video of morning exercises in kindergarten with children preparatory group and you will immediately see how thoughtlessly the children perform the exercises and what comments are missing from the adult.

As for physical training, this is a clear, well-coordinated system of physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions and the family. Understanding and support from the family is very important here. Dear adults, remember that children are imitators, they are brought up by the example they see. If your physical education consists of beer, chips and football on TV, then no matter how beautifully you talk about the need to exercise, it is stupid to expect from a child a value-based attitude and a desire for physical self-improvement.

Emotional learning is joyful, positive emotions from the process and result of the activity. In general, in physical education and recreation work of the preschool educational institution the emotional component is realized through active rest, leisure, holidays and entertainment in kindergarten. IN morning exercises in kindergarten the emotional component can be achieved through the inclusion of physical exercises, mastered in the process of educational work and updated by the introduction of unexpected conditions, unusual benefits and methods of organization. These may be the most various types non-traditional morning gymnastics: gymnastics based on the plot of a literary work, in the form role-playing game or travel games, exercises in riddles, exercises in poetry, with unusual objects, etc.

Below I provide you with the complexes of our morning exercises.

Morning exercise complexes

for children 2-3 years old

Complex No. 1


Walking in any direction; on the spot; turn to an adult.


I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms along the body.

Execution: raise your arms up, lower them.

Repeat: 4 times.


Execution: bend forward, fingers reaching to the floor,

straighten up.

Repeat: 4-5 times.


I. p.: arbitrary.

Complex No. 2


Walk in any direction, run slowly, walk in place, turn to an adult.

1. “SUN”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down, hanging along

Execution: raise your arms up, stretch, lower your arms. Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: feet wider than shoulders, hands below

Execution: bend forward, tap your knees with your palms.

Repeat: 4-5 times.


I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands down

Execution: squat down, place your hands on your knees.

"the children hid"

Repeat: 4-5 times.

Walking in any direction, on the spot.

Complex No. 3


Walking in any direction; easy running; walking in place; turn to an adult; go to the chair.

1. "WATCH"

I. p.: standing near a chair, legs slightly apart, arms down, hanging along the body.

Execution: swinging your arms back and forth “tick-tock”

Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: sitting on a chair, legs parallel, hands on knees.

Execution: bend forward, bend your arms slightly at the elbows; turns your head left and right - “look out the window”; straighten up.

Repeat: 4-5 times.

3. "BALL"

I. p.: arbitrary.

Execution: jumping in place.

Repeat: 6-8 times, alternating with walking.

Complex No. 4


1. "BIRDS"

Execution: spread your arms to the sides, wave them, lower them.

Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: legs wider than shoulders, hands below.

Execution: bend forward, move your arms back, straighten up.

Repeat: 4-5 times.


I. p.: arbitrary.

Execution: jumping in place.

Repeat: 6-8 times, alternating with walking

Complex No. 5


Walking in any direction; on the spot; turn to an adult

1. "CLAPS"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down, hanging along the body.

Execution: raise your arms forward, clap, lower.

Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: legs wider than shoulders, hands below.

Execution: bend forward, spread your arms to the sides, straighten up.

Repeat: 4-5 times.


I. p.: arbitrary.

Execution: soft springy half squats in place.

Repeat: 6-8 times, alternating with walking.

Complex No. 6

1. “Walk like clockwork.”

Walking around the room with arms freely swinging along the body for 1-1.5 minutes. “Walk as the clock goes - tick-tock, tick-tock.”

2. “I grew up big.”

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your arms. Raise your straightened arms up and slightly to the sides, then lower them down. Repeat 3-4 times.

3. “How slim I am.”

Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on your waist and lean forward, then straighten up and put your hands behind your back. Repeat 2-3 times.

4. “Let’s warm ourselves up.”

Stand straight and spread your arms to the sides, then, bringing them together, clasp your torso, as if hugging yourself with your arms. Repeat 4-5 times.

5. “Let’s run.”

Run around the room in small steps for 10-15 seconds.

6. Walking.

Walk slowly around the room, making calm movements with your hands, for 1.5-2 minutes.

Complex No. 7

1. "The butterfly folded its wings."

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your arms. Bend your elbows at shoulder level and touch your shoulders with your fingers. Repeat 4-6 times.

2. “The birds are pecking.”

Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down, resting your hands on your knees, and tap your fingers on your knees 4-5 times, then straighten up and put your hands behind your back. Repeat 2-3 times.

3. “The trees are swaying.”

Place your feet wider and spread your arms to the sides. Tilt your torso to the right and left, raising and lowering your arms. Repeat 3-4 times in each direction.

4. “Knead the dough.”

Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows and alternately move your arms down and forward, as if kneading dough. Repeat 6-8 times.

5. "Sparrow".

Place your feet together. In small jumps move around the room on both legs. Perform for 30-40 seconds.

6. “Walk boldly.”

Walk around the room, swinging your arms widely, alternately forward and backward for 1-1.5 minutes. After this, walk at a normal pace with your arms down.

Complex No. 8
1. “Fly like a bird.” Walk around the room, raising your arms to the sides and waving them, like a bird flapping its wings. Perform for 1-1.5

2. “I was small, I became big.” Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down with your hands on your knees and your head bowed. Stand up, stretching, raise your arms up. Repeat 4-6 times.

3. "Airplane." Place your feet shoulder-width apart and raise your arms to the sides. Tilt your torso now to the right, now to the left, making large swings of your arms. Repeat 3-5 times in each direction.

4. “Get hit by a snowball.” Place your legs wider, move one straight arm back up, and lower the other down. Swing, imitate throwing a snowball forward. Do this with one and the other hand 4-6 times.

5. “Show your legs.” Stand with your feet together, sideways to the chair and hold on to its back with one hand. Alternately lift one or the other leg forward and up, trying not to bend your knees. Repeat 3-5 times with each leg.

6. “Wash your clothes.” Stand with your feet together, bend your elbows, clench your fingers into fists. Straighten your arms forward down and bend your elbows (imitate the movements of a washerwoman on a washboard). Repeat 6-8 times.

7. “Jump over the bumps.” Stand with your feet together, lower your arms down. Jumping around the room alternately on one leg and the other. Jump for 30-40 seconds.

8. “Walk with clapping.” Walk around the room, clapping your hands in front, above and behind. Do this for 1-1.5 minutes.

Morning exercise complexes

for children 3-4 years old

Complex No. 1


I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down, hanging along the body.

Execution: raise your arms up through the sides, lowering your arms down, say: “Down.”

Repeat: 5-6 times.

2. "GEESE"

Execution: lean forward, say: “Sh-sh-sh”, straighten up.

Repeat: 5-6 times

3. "BIRDS"

Execution: squat; Use your fingers to depict “like a bird pecking” and say: “Peck-peck-peck.”

Repeat: 5-6 times.

4. "BALLS"

I. p.: arbitrary.

Execution: jumping in place.

Complex No. 2

1. "PALM"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Execution: arms forward, palms up; say: “Here”; give up.

Repeat: 5 times.


I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your back.

Execution: bend forward; hands on knees (train to straighten legs); say: “Here”; straighten up.

Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: lying on your back, arms and legs straightened.

Execution: bending and straightening the legs at the knees - “let's ride a bicycle”; lower your legs.

Repeat: 2-3 times, alternating with breathing exercises.


I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands down.

Execution: Walk, raising your knees high, swinging your arms.

Complex No. 3


I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below.

Execution: bend to the sides, arms up. Repeat: 5-6 times.


I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Execution: sit down; depict picking mushrooms; straighten up.

Repeat: 5-6 times.


I. p.: lying on your back, arms free.

Execution: roll over onto your stomach, turn onto your back.

Repeat: 5-6 times.


I. p.: arbitrarily, hands in front of the chest.

Execution: jumping in place.

Repeat: 8-10 times, alternating with walking.

Complex No. 4 (with rattle)


I. p.: legs in a “narrow path”, arms with a rattle below.

Execution: raise your arms up through your sides; shake the rattle and lower it down through the sides. Lowering your hands, say: “Ding-ding-ding.”

Repeat 5 times.


I. p.: legs widely spaced, hands with a rattle on the chest.

Execution: turn to the side, arms straight; shake the rattle, say: “Ding-dong”; return to i. n. The same in the other direction.

3. "BALL"

I. p.: lying on your back, rattle behind your head.

Execution: move your hands to your stomach, bend your legs at the knees - “become round like a ball”, return to i. n. Breathing in a random rhythm.

Repeat: 5 times.


I. p.: standing, rattle below.

Execution: 6-8 jumps while shaking the rattle.

Repeat: 3 times, alternating with walking

Complex No. 5 (with a cube)


I. p.: standing, legs parallel, hands with a cube behind the back.

Execution: arms to the sides; then remove your hands behind your back and transfer the cube to the other hand; arms to the sides again; then remove your hands behind your back.

Repeat: 6 times.

2. "DOWN"

I. p.: standing, legs parallel, arms with a cube down

Execution: tilt; place the cube on the floor between your legs; straighten up; hands down; hanging; the cube remains on the floor; incline; take the cube; straighten up.

Repeat: 4 times.

3. "COUP"

I. p.: lying on your back, hands with a cube behind your head, legs straight.

Execution: flip onto your stomach without using arms and legs, flip onto your back

Repeat: 5 times.


I. p.: standing, legs parallel, cube on the floor, hands on the belt.

Execution: 6-8 jumps in place near the cube, alternating with walking.

Repeat: 3 times.

Complex No. 6 (with plume)


Execution: raise your arms up through your sides; shake the plume

Repeat: 5 times.

2. "WINGS"

I. p.: legs spread wide apart, arms with a plume down

Execution: bend forward; straight arms to the sides “wings”; straighten up;

Repeat: 4 times.

3. "BUGS"

I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body, plume in your hand.

Execution: on the word “bugs” quickly bend and straighten your legs raised up; on the word “sleep” - lower your arms and legs.

Repeat: 5-10 seconds 3 times.


I. p.: legs in a “narrow path”, arms with a plume below.

Execution: 8-10 grasshopper jumps, alternating them with walking.

Repeat: 3 times.

Complex No. 7 “Friendly Family”

1. I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back; slap in front of the face 8 times while the teacher says:

Dad, mom, brother and I together are a friendly family!

Place your hands behind your back. Repeat 3 times.

2. Let's all bend over together and do physical exercise!

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Bend forward, palms on knees, look forward. Return to i. n. Repeat 5 times.

3. Dad is big, and I am small. I may be small, but I am remote.

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. Sit down, hands down. Return to i. p. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. We jump together, This is very necessary! Who will jump higher - Mom or Misha?

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Perform 6-8 jumps; short walk (5-6 seconds). Repeat 2 times.

5. We inhale air through our nose, and exhale air through our mouth. We are not afraid of colds, We don’t need to see doctors!

I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, inhale through the nose. Return to i. p., exhale through the mouth, lips with a tube. Repeat 3-4 times.

COMPLEX No. 8 “Funny Rattles”

Inventory: rattles at the rate of 2 pieces for each child.

There are funny toys

- Bom-bom-bom, bom-bom-bom! Their name is rattles,

- Bom-bom-bom, bom-bom-bom! Children love to play in them

Jump and jump with them!

1. “Play in front of yourself”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, rattles behind the back. Rattles forward, rattle and calmly lower behind your back. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 5 times.

2. “Show and play”

I. p.: legs apart, rattles at the shoulders. Turn right, show, play, say “here.” Return to i. n. The same in the other direction. Repeat 3 times.

3. “Rattles for the knees”

I. p.: legs apart, rattles to the sides. Bend forward, rattles to the knees - exhale. Return to i. p. Repeat 4-5 times. Draw children's attention to the fact that when bending forward, they try not to bend their knees.

4. "Jump-jump"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, rattles lowered; 6-8 bounces; 6-8 steps with a swing of the rattles. Repeat 2-3 times.

5. “It’s time for rattles to sleep”

I. p.: legs apart, rattles down. Rattles to the sides, inhale through the nose. Return to i. p., exhale through the mouth, lips with a tube. Repeat 3-4 times.

For the last repetition of the exercise, squat down and place the rattle under your cheek.

COMPLEX No. 9 “Colorful balls”

Inventory: rubber balls (d=12-14 cm) - in accordance with the number of children in the group.

All the guys love to play with balls and do exercises with multi-colored balls! Different balls - Green and red, Strong, new, Loud, cheerful.

1. “Higher the ball”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, ball lowered. Ball up, look, lower, say “down.” Repeat 4-5 times.

2. "Here he is"

I. p.: legs apart, ball in front of the chest. Lean forward, ball forward, say “here it is.” Return to i. p. Repeat 4-5 times. Do not bend your knees.

3. "Funny Ball"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, ball in front of feet, hands behind back. Sit down, roll the ball from hand to hand, stop and quickly straighten up. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. "Bouncing"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, ball on the ground, near the legs, hands on the waist. Bouncing around the ball - a circle and 8-10 steps with a wave of the arms. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3 times.

5. “Up and down”

I. p.: the same, the ball is lowered. Ball towards you, nose - inhale. Lower the ball, and as you exhale say “in-and-out.” Repeat 3-4 times.

COMPLEX No. 10 “You need to wash your face clean in the mornings and evenings!”

To be healthy,

Clean and beautiful

Need to wash

White gentle soap!

Rub yourself with a towel,

Comb your hair

Wear clean clothes

And then go to kindergarten!

1. “Clean palms”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. One hand forward, palm facing up. Return to i. n. Same with the other hand. Repeat 3 times.

2. “Let’s shake off the water”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. Hands up; circular movements with the brush - “shake off the water”; hands on the belt. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4-5 times.

3. “Let’s wash your feet”

I. p.: legs apart, hands behind your back. Lean forward, slap your knees twice, say “clean.” Hands behind your back. Do not bend your knees. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. “We are great!”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. 8-10 jumps and 8-10 steps. Jumping is easy, soft. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 2-3 times.

5. “To always be clean,

People all need... (water)!”

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Rise on your toes; arms to the sides, inhale through the nose. Lower yourself onto your entire foot, hands on your waist, and say “water-ah-ah” on your breath. Repeat 3-4 times.

COMPLEX No. 11 “Handkerchiefs”

Inventory: handkerchiefs (25x25 cm) - according to the number of children.

Mom bought us handkerchiefs -

For both son and daughter.

We need to wear scarves, -

Your throat won't hurt!

First we play with them,

Then we put it on the neck!

1. I. p.: legs slightly apart, handkerchief in both hands near the chest. Straighten your arms forward - show the handkerchief. Return to i. p. Repeat 4-5 times.

2. I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, handkerchief in both hands below. Bend over and wave your handkerchief left and right, straighten up. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4-5 times.

3. I. p.: legs slightly apart, handkerchief in both hands below. Sit down and bring the handkerchief forward. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist; 8-10 jumps in place. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 2-3 times, alternating with walking in place.

5. “Let’s blow on handkerchiefs”

I. p.: legs apart, handkerchief in both hands below. Rise on your toes, take a deep breath through your nose; Bring the handkerchief forward and blow on the handkerchief. Return to i. p. Repeat 3-4 times.

COMPLEX No. 12 “Nice boots”

Our legs walk together,

They are wearing beautiful boots!

Boots are walking along the path,

You can go through puddles in them too!

Boots won't get wet in the rain,

Our feet will be dry!

1. “Our legs walk together”

I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Raise your arms up to your sides and clap your hands. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4-5 times.

2. “Nice boots”

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Bend over, touch the toes of your boots with your fingers (if possible), straighten up. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4 times.

3. “Strong boots”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Sit down, tap the toes of your boots with your fingertips, stand up, straighten up. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. “Legs are jumping, boots are jumping”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Jumping in place with a turn around yourself (2 times in any direction) alternating with walking. Repeat 2-3 times.

I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Return to i. p., while exhaling, say “tired.” Repeat 3-4 times.

COMPLEX No. 13 “On a bench with friends”

Inventory: 2 benches (bench length 2.5 m, height 25-30 cm).

On a bench with friends

We do the exercises:

We bend down, we rise -

We do physical education.

1. “Higher up”

I. p.: sitting on a bench astride, hands point-blank behind. Hands out to the sides, look up. Return to i. p., say “down.” Repeat 5 times.

I. p.: the same, hands on the belt. Turn right and back. Return to i. n. The same in the other direction. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3 times.

2. “Stand up and sit down”

I. p.: the same, hands behind your back. Stand up, look up. Return to i. n. Do not move your legs. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 5 times.

3. "Caution"

I. p.: stand close to the bench, hands down. Stand on the bench, maintain a stable position and get off. Repeat 5 times.

4. “Breathe freely”

I. p.: legs apart, facing the bench, arms down. Hands to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Return to i. p., while exhaling, say “breathe.” Repeat 3-4 times.

COMPLEX No. 14 “Christmas tree”

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

Green needles,

Golden balls,

Bright lanterns.

Santa Claus on New Year's Eve

He will bring us gifts.

Let's go to the Christmas tree together,

We'll find our gifts.

1. “Prickly needles”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Hands forward, wiggle your fingers, say “prickly.” Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 5 times.

2. “The Christmas tree greets us and waves its paws with needles.”

I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Swings: one hand forward, the other back. After 4-6 movements, rest. Accustom to a large range of movements. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3-4 times.

3. “We love the Christmas tree very much”

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Bend forward, arms forward in a semicircle. Return to i. n. Do not bend your legs, look forward when bending. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. “Let’s hide under the Christmas tree”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Sit down, lower your head, clasp your knees with your hands, say “hid.” Return and. p., it’s good to straighten up. Perform the exercise at a moderate pace. Repeat 5 times.

5. “The Christmas tree smells like resin”

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Hands to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Return and. p., while exhaling, say “a-a-ah!” Repeat 3-4 times.

COMPLEX No. 14 “Fun physical education”

It's not boring for you and me.

Let's be strong and brave

Dexterous and skillful,

Healthy, beautiful,

Smart and strong.

1. “Palms to shoulders”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. Hands to shoulders, fingers touching shoulders; arms forward, palms up, head up, arms down. Return to i. p., say “down.” Repeat 5 times.

2. “Bend over and stand up”

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Bend forward, move your arms straight back - top; straighten up, look up, stretch. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 5 times.

3. "Birds"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Sit down, use your fingers to imitate a bird pecking, and say “peck-peck-peck.” Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. "Balls"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. 8-10 jumps and 8-10 steps. Jumping is easy, soft. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 2-3 times.

5. “We have fun!”

I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Return to i. p., while exhaling, say “ve-se-lo.” Repeat 3-4 times.

COMPLEX No. 15 “We are strong”

One day our Masha

I cooked porridge at home.

I cooked porridge,

I put butter in the porridge.

I poured some milk,

I washed down the porridge with butter.

Eat porridge in the morning, children,

You will be like our Masha: Healthy, strong, strong, beautiful!

1. “Strong hands”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms bent at the elbows, pressed to the sides, fists at the shoulders. Stretch your arms upward with force, do not unclench your fists. Return to i. n. Maintain a stable position. Repeat 5 times.

2. “We are strong”

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Bend forward, arms down. Return to i. n. Tilt - exhale. Repeat 4-5 times.

3. “Strong legs”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. Slightly bend and straighten your legs (“spring”). From the third lesson, offer to rise on your toes. After 3-4 movements, rest. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3-4 times.

4. "Let's rest"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Stomp your right foot 3-4 times, then your left foot; do 6-8 jumps. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3 times, alternating with walking.

5. “We are great”

I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Return to i. p., while exhaling, say “a-a-ah.” Repeat 3-4 times.

COMPLEX No. 16 “Little cooks”

Inventory: wooden spoons (length 15 cm), at the rate of 2 spoons for each child.

1. “Spoons here and there”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands with spoons down. Hands up, knock the spoons together, say “knock-knock.” Return to i. n. Watch your hand movements. Repeat 5 times.

2. “Show and play”

I. p.: legs apart, spoons at the shoulders. Turn the torso, arms forward; show spoons, say “here,” hide your hands behind your back. Return to i. n. The same in the other direction. Watch your hand movements. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3 times.

3. “Lean over”

I. p.: legs apart, spoons at the chest, arms bent at the elbows. Lean forward and at the same time swing the spoons back, exhale, look forward. Return to i. p. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. "Right, left"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, spoons to the sides (vertically). Squat down, touch the ground to the right (left). Return to i. n. Watch the spoons. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3 times.

5. “Spoons to the sides and down”

I. p.: legs apart, hands with spoons down. Spoons to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Return to i. p., while exhaling, say “down.” Repeat 3-4 times.

COMPLEX No. 17 “We are fluffballs”

We are fluffy balls, mother's sons and daughters,

Yellow chickens -

Cheerful guys.

We love to play

Digging for worms.

When we get home from the street,

Mother chicken will hug us.

1. "Chicks"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Hands to the side; wave them - the wings flap; give up. Return to i. n. Lower your hands slowly and say “pi, pi, pi.” Repeat 4-5 times.

2. “Chickens drink water”

I. p.: legs apart, hands on the waist. Lean forward, move your arms back, say “drink.” Return to i. n. Raise your head. Repeat 5 times.

3. “We are furballs”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. Sit down, clasp your knees with your hands. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. "Naughty"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. 2-3 - “springs”; 6-8 bounces; 8-10 steps with arm swings. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3 times.

5. “It’s time for the chickens to go to bed.”

I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Return to i. p., while exhaling, say “spa-a-at.” Repeat 3-4 times.

Morning exercise complexes

for children 4-5 years old

Complex No. 1 “Let's dance!”

1. “MEET”

Execution: 1 - spread your arms to the sides, smile, say: “Ah!” 2 - lower your hands.

Repeat: 4 times.

2. "TURN"

I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

Execution: 1 - turn to the right, spread your arms to the sides, say: “Oh!” 2 - return to i. n. The same to the left.

Repeat: 3 times.


I. p.: standing, feet parallel, hands on the belt

Execution: 1 – raise your leg bent at the knee, stamp your foot, say “Top!”; 2 - return to i. n. Same with the other leg.

Repeat: 3 times with each leg


I. p.: standing, legs parallel, arms down.

Execution: 8-10 half squats, spreading your knees to the sides

elbows bent: hands represent lanterns.

Complex No. 2

1. "CLAPS"

I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.

Execution: 1 - arms to the sides. 2 - raise your arms above your head and clap twice. 3 - return.

Repeat: 4 times.

2. "TILTS"

Execution: 1 - bend forward, clap in front of your feet. 2 – slam your palms on the floor as far as possible. 3 - clap your palms in front of your feet. 4 - return.

Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: standing, legs in the main stance - heels together, toes apart, hands on the belt.

Execution: 1-2 - springs. 3 - squat. 4 - return to the starting position.

Repeat: 4 times.

4. “Tumbler”

I. p.: lying on your back, hands on the back of your head.

Execution: 1-2 - put your elbows forward (hands on the back of your head), turn to your side. 3 - turn on your back. 4-5 - put your elbows forward (hands on the back of your head), turn to the other side.

6 – return to the starting position.

Repeat: 3 times in each direction.


I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt.

Execution: 8 jumps with a turn around; jump easily and high. Walking in place. Repeat: 3 times.

Complex No. 3 (with cubes)


I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, cubes behind your back.

Execution: 1 - cubes forward. 2 - knock the cube against the cube, say: “Knock.” 3 - return to the starting position.

Repeat: 4 times.

2. "TILT"

I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands with cubes in front of the chest.

Execution: 1 - bend forward, cubes to the sides. 2

return to i. P.

Repeat: 4 times.

4. “LOG”

I. p.: lying on your stomach, arms with cubes straightened behind your head.

Execution: 1-2 - turn on the side, on the stomach (without the help of arms and legs). 3-4 - return to the starting position.

Repeat: 4 times.

3. "Slide"

I.p.: lying on your back, arms along your body, holding cubes in your hands, legs straight.

Execution: 1 - bend your knees - “slide”. 2 - return to the starting position.

Repeat: 4 times.

5. "JUMPS"

I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, cubes on the floor.

Execution: 8-10 jumps around the cubes, alternating jumping with walking. Repeat: 3 times.

Complex No. 4 (with hoop)

1. “HOOP UP”

I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with the hoop lowered.

Execution: 1 - hoop forward. 2 - hoop up, look into the hoop. 3 - return to the starting position.

Repeat: 5 times.

2. "TURN"

Execution: 1 - hoop forward. 2 - turn to the side, hoop in front of you. 3 - return to the starting position. The same in the other direction.

Repeat: 3 times in each direction.


I. p.: legs parallel, hoop in outstretched arms in front of the chest.

Execution: 1 - sit down, put the hoop on the floor, say: “Down.” 2 - return to the starting position.

Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: legs parallel, hoop in hands below. Execution: 1 - raise your arms forward, hoop in front of you, “hold the steering wheel.” 2 - return to the starting position.

Repeat: 4 times.

Complex No. 5 (with a ball of medium diameter - 15 cm)

1. "BALL UP"

I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, holding the ball with both hands below.

Execution: 1 - hands with the ball up, bend over, look at the ball. 2 - return to the starting position.

Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands with the ball down.

Execution: 1 - lift the ball up. 2 - tilt to the right side, arms straight, ball in hands above head. 3 - return to the starting position. The same in the other direction.

Repeat: 3 times in each direction.


I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, straight arms with the ball in front

Execution: 1 - turn to the right side, legs do not move, do not lower your hands with the ball. 2 - return to i. P.; 3 - turn to the left, legs do not move, hands with the ball do not lower. 4 - return to the starting position.

Repeat: 3 times in each direction.


I. p.: legs parallel, holding the ball with both hands below.

Execution: 1 - sit down; the ball in straight hands in front of you; keep your back straight; look forward. 2 - return to the starting position. Repeat: 5 times.


I. p.: legs parallel, both hands down, ball in the right.

Execution: 1 - raise both hands forward, transfer the ball to left hand; 2 - return to i. p. (ball in left hand). 3 - raise both hands

forward, pass the ball to right hand. 4 - return to the starting position.

Repeat: 4 times.

Complex No. 6 (with ribbons)

1. "WAVES"

Execution: 1 - hands with ribbons forward. 2-3 - movement with both hands up and down at the same time. 4 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 4 times

2. "TILT"

I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with ribbons down.

Execution: 1 - bend forward; move both straight arms with ribbons back; do not tilt your head; look straight; do not bend your knees. 2 - return to i. P

Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: lying on your back, arms with ribbons along the body, legs straightened.

Execution: 1 - simultaneously raise your arms and legs, trying to do cross movements. 2 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 3 times.


I. p.: basic stoic, hands with ribbons are lowered down.

Execution: 1 - squat on your toes, knees to the sides; hands with ribbons in front of you. 2 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 5 times.


I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands with ribbons below.

Execution: 1-3 - swing your arms: one hand forward, the other back, 4 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 3 times.

Complex No. 7

1. Line up in a column, one at a time, with a rattle in your hands. Stop, raise the rattle up and jingle it.

2. Run in a loose manner, ringing the rattle, stamping in place alternately with the right and left foot, hiding the rattle behind the back. Repeat 2 times.

3. Walking and forming in three columns (without music).

4. I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms with rattles along the body. Raise your arms to the sides, rattle the rattles, and lower them down. Repeat 5-6 times.

5. I. p.: sitting on the floor, legs crossed. Turn to the left - back and with your left hand put a rattle behind you, return to the starting position, then with the same hand take the rattle and return to the starting position. Do the same with your right hand. Repeat 3-4 times in each direction.

6. I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. Bend forward - down and rattle the rattle, return to the starting position. Repeat 5-6 times.

7. I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Alternately pull your legs bent at the knees towards your body, tap the rattle on your knee, and say: “Knock-knock.” Repeat 4-5 times (without music).

8. “Horses” – straight gallop.

9. Walking.

Complex No. 8

1. Forming and walking in a column, one at a time, forward and backward.

2. Walk with your knees bent high.

3. Walking and forming in three columns.

4. I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Swinging your arms forward and back. Repeat 5-6 times.

5. I. p.: sitting on the floor, legs crossed, hands on the belt. Turn to the right, say: “Tick”, return to the starting position (the teacher at this time says “Tock”). Do the same to the left. Repeat 3-4 times in each direction.

6. I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. “The clock is striking” - lean forward - down, bending your knees, say “Bom”, return to the starting position. Repeat 5-6 times.

7. I. p.: lying on your back, arms extended along the body. Sit down, leaning on the floor with your hands, return to the starting position. Repeat 4-5 times

8. “The balls are jumping, the balls are rolling” - bouncing in place and running in a straight direction.

9. Walking.

Complex No. 9

1. Walking in a column one at a time and running in all directions. At the end of the music, form a column. Repeat 2-3 times.

2. Walking on outside stop. Line up in a circle with flags.

3. I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms with flags raised to the sides. “Signalers” - swing your arms, cross them in front of you, return to the starting position. Repeat 5-6 times.

4. I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. Bend to the right, try to touch the floor with the flag, and return to the starting position. Do the same to the left. Repeat 3-4 times in each direction.

5. I. p.: sitting on the floor, legs apart, hands with flags in front of you. Bend forward - down, reach the flags to the toes, straighten up. Repeat 5-6 times.

6. I. p.: lying on your back, arms with flags along the body. Pull your left bent leg to your chest, place a flag on your knee with your left hand and blow on it, return to the starting position. Do the same with your right foot. Repeat 4-5 times with each leg.

7. Jumping in place and running in all directions.

8. Walking.

Complex No. 10

1. Walking in a column, one at a time, forward and backward.

2. Jumping on two legs followed by running. Repeat 2 times.

3. Walking, forming into links.

4. I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. Swing your arms forward and back, return to the starting position. Repeat 5-6 times.

5. I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands on your belt. Tilt the body to the right and left, bending over and saying: “Sh-sh-sh.” Repeat 4 times in each direction.

6. I. p.: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands hidden behind your back. Lean forward, look in front of you, return to the starting position. Repeat 5-6 times.

7. I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. “Beetles” – free movement of arms and legs, return to the starting position. Repeat 4-5 times.

8. Walking.

Morning exercise complexes

for children 5-6 years old

Complex No. 1

1. “EARS”

I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, look forward.

Execution: 1 - tilt the head to the right shoulder, do not raise your shoulders. 2 - return to i. step 3 - tilt the head to the left shoulder, do not raise your shoulders. 4 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 3 times in each direction.


I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.

Execution: 1 - raise your hands up. 2-5 - springy bends forward, keep your arms straight, do not lower. 6 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 4 times.


Execution: 1 - rise on your toes, stretch up like a string. 2 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 5 times.


I. p.: standing, legs wider than shoulders, arms down, hanging.

Execution: 1 - bending back, slightly bending your knees, try to reach the heel of your right foot with your right hand. 2 - return to i. step 3 - the same for the left arm and leg. 4 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 2 times in each direction.


I. p.: basic stance, straight arms in front.

Execution: 1 - raise the right leg, bent at the knee, pulling the toe down, while simultaneously swinging both straight arms back. 2 - return to i. step 3 - raise your left leg, bent at the knee, pulling your toe down, while simultaneously swinging both straight arms back. 4 - return to i. P.

6. “JUMPS”

Execution: 1-10 - jumping on two legs.

Walking in place and waving your arms (marching).

Repeat: 3 times.

Complex No. 2 (game) “Journey across the sea-ocean”


Walking in a circle (back and forth, in place), cross-stepping, backwards, forwards, on toes, on heels, bearish (on the outside of the foot). Changing the type of walking at the signal of a tambourine or clapping your hands. Easy jogging (can be done on the spot)


I. p.: basic stance, hands on the belt, look forward.

Execution: 1 - turn the head to the right. 2 - return to i. step 3 - turn the head to the left. 4 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 3 times in each direction.


I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.

Execution: 1 - clench your hands into fists. 2 - raise both arms to the sides. 3 - lower your hands. 4 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 4 times.

3. "MAST"

I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.

Execution: 1-2 - left hand on the belt; tilt to the left; the right hand goes up. 3-4 - right hand on the belt; tilt to the right side; the left hand goes up.

Repeat: 4-5 times.

4. "UP-DOWN"

I. p.: sitting on the floor, arms bent, resting on elbows.

Execution: 1 - raise both legs up. 2 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 4-5 times.


I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.

Execution: 1-2 - circular movement of the straightened

right hand. 3-4 - circular movement with a straightened right hand. 5 - return to i. n. Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.

Execution: 1-3 - forward bend; swing straight arms left and right (trying to reach the floor with your hands). 4 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 4-5 times.


I. p.: standing, legs wide apart, arms down.

Execution: 1-2 - arms to the sides; lunge to the right, right leg bent at the knee. 3-4 - arms to the sides; lunge to the left, left leg bent at the knee.

Repeat: 4-5 times.

Complex No. 3 (game) “On the ship”

INTRODUCTORY PART: The adult tells the children that today the exercises will take place on the ship.


Adult: “Let’s go up the rope ladder.” Then he explains the exercise and shows the movements.

I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.

Execution: 1-2 - raise your left leg, bent at the knee, touch it with the elbow of your right hand. 3-4 - raise your right leg, bent at the knee, touch it with the elbow of your left hand.

Repeat: 6 times.


The adult explains: “The ship sails on the waves, so it’s not at all surprising that the deck shakes under your feet.”

I. p.: standing, legs wide apart, hands on the belt.

Execution: 1 - transfer body weight to the right leg, bent at the knee; left foot on the toe. 2 - return to i. step 3 - transfer body weight to the left leg, bent at the knee; right foot on toe. 4 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 3 times in each direction.

3. "FISH"

An adult asks: “What animals will we definitely see in the sea?” The children answer. Adult: “That's right! Of course, there are a lot of fish."

I. p.: lying on your stomach, straight arms extended forward.

Execution: 1-2 - simultaneously raise straight arms and legs; stretch up. 3-4 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 4 times.

4. “DECK - HOLD”

Adult: “Now we will play the game “Deck - Hold”.” When I say, “Deck,” you stand up, and when I say, “Hold,” you squat. Say the word “hold” with me.”

I. p.: basic stance, hands on the belt.

Execution: 1 - squat on your toes, back straight, knees to the sides, arms forward. (Adults and children say: “Hold.”) 2 - return to i. n. (Adult says: “Deck.”)

Repeat: 6-8 times.

An adult says: “You can often see lighthouses on the shore. A lighthouse is needed so that its light illuminates the way for ships.”

I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.

Execution: 1 - jump, spread your legs to the sides, at the same time clap above your head.

(The adult says: “The fire has been lit.”) 2 - return to i. p. (An adult says: “The fire has gone out.”)

Repeat: 6-8 times.

Final part

Adult: “So our journey has ended. Let's go home." The complex is completed by walking with exercises for the arms: arms forward, arms behind the head, arms to the sides, etc.

Duration: up to 1 minute.

Complex No. 4 (game) “Heron”


I.p.: main stand.

Execution: 1-3 - raising your arms to the sides, make three wave-like movements with them at shoulder level, slightly bending and straightening your elbows. When bending the elbows, the hands lower, and when straightening, they rise. 4 - straighten your arms in a wave-like motion. 5-6 - slowly lower your arms, bent at the elbows, through the sides with the word “in-i-i-z” (exhale); The hands are slightly raised. 7 -


Repeat: 4 times at a slow pace.


I. p.: legs wider than shoulders, arms down.

Execution: 1 - turn the body to the left side, clapping the sides with straight arms; legs motionless. 2 - return to i. step 3 - turn the body to the right side, clapping the sides with straight arms; legs are motionless. 4 - return to i. P.


I. p.: legs wider than shoulders, arms down, hanging.

Execution: 1 - bend forward, straight arms are simultaneously pulled back, do not bend your knees, look forward. 2 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 6 times.


I. p.: basic stance, hands on the belt.

Execution: 1 - raise the left leg, bent at the knee, pulling the toe down; hands to the side. 2 - return to i. step 3 - raise your right leg, bent at the knee, pulling the toe down, arms to the sides. 4 - return to i. P.


I. p.: basic stance, hands on the belt.

Execution: 1-4 - squatting on a bent right leg, placing the left leg forward on the heel, while simultaneously raising and lowering the arms, slightly bent at the elbows. 5 - straighten up. 6 - exposure. The same with the left leg.

Repeat: 4 times with both legs.

The complex is completed by walking in a circle using movements from the “Heron Flapping its Wings” exercise.

Complex No. 5 (with a gymnastic stick)


I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, gymnastic stick in hands (hold it with a grip closer to the ends) - lowered down.

Execution: 1 - lift the stick up with straight arms. 2 - lower the stick onto your shoulders. 3 - lift the stick up with straight arms. 4 - return to i, p.

Repeat: 5 times.


I. p.: standing, legs wider than shoulders, arms with a stick down. Execution: 1 - bend forward, hold the stick in front of you, do not lower your head, do not bend your knees. 2 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 5 times.

3. "TURN"

I. p.: standing, legs wider than shoulders, hands with a stick in front.

Execution: 1 – turn to the right, do not lower your hands with the stick, say: “to the right.” 2 - return to i. n. the same to the left, say: “Left.” 4 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 3 times in each direction.


I. p.: standing, legs parallel, hands with a stick below.

Execution: 1 - holding the stick as close to the ends as possible, step over it (without letting go of it from your hands) with your right foot; don't lower your head.

2 - return to i. step 3 - holding the stick as close to the ends as possible, step over it (without releasing it from your hands) with your left foot; don't lower your head. 4 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 3 times with each leg.


I. p.: standing, legs parallel, hands on the belt, gymnastic stick on the floor.

Execution: 1 – 10 – jumping on two legs over a stick (jump forward, turn around, jump into the pond again, turn around)

Walking with arms waving (marching).

Repeat: 3 times.

Complex No. 6 (with a pigtail - cm long cord)


I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hold the pigtail with both hands behind your back at the bottom.

Execution: 1 - lift the pigtail back and up, do not lower your head, arms straight, movement from the shoulder. 2 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 5 times.


I. p.: standing, legs wider than shoulders, arms with a pigtail down.

Execution: 1 - raise straight arms with a pigtail up. 2 - tilt to the left side, keep your arms above your head, do not bend your elbows. 3 - straighten up, hands with a pigtail at the top. 4 - return to i. P.

The same to the right side.

Repeat: 3 times in each direction.


I. p.: lying on your back, a pigtail in your lowered hands (on your hips).

Execution: 1 - simultaneously raise straight arms and legs, touch your toes to the pigtail (make a “triangle”), do not lift your shoulders off the floor. 2 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 5 times.


I. p.: basic stance, pigtail in the right hand, arms down, hanging.

Execution: 1 - arms to the sides. 2 - join your hands in front, transfer the braid to your left hand. 3 - arms to the sides. 4 - return to i. n. Same with the other hand.

Repeat: 3 times with each hand.

I. p.: legs wider than shoulders, pigtail in both hands, below.

Execution: 1 - bend over, place the braid as far in front of you as possible, do not bend your knees. 2 - straighten up, arms down.

3 - bend forward, raise the pigtail. 4 - straighten up.

Repeat: 3 times.


I. p.: the main stand is sideways to the pigtail, the pigtail lies on the floor.

Execution: 1-8 jumps with both legs sideways through a pigtail, moving forward a little. Walking, hands on the belt.

Repeat: 3 times.

Complex No. 7

1. Forming and walking in a column one at a time, changing direction.

2. Running in all directions.

3. Walking, forming into links.

4. I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms down along the body. Swing your arms forward and back, after several movements, raise your arms up through the sides, look at them and smoothly lower them down. Repeat 6-7 times.

5. I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart. Turn to the right, move your hand back, look at it, return to the starting position. Do the same to the left.

6. I. p.: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of you - “Hold the pump.” “Inflate the tire” - Bend forward - down, straightening your arms, return to the starting position, after two bends, step in place. Repeat 2-3 times.


8. I. p.: stand straight, hands on your belt. Jumping in place and running in different directions.

9. Walking in a column one at a time.

Complex No. 8

1. Forming and walking in a column one at a time, running in all directions.

2. Walking, forming into links.

3. I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms down along the body. Raise your arms up to your sides, stretch, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

4. I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms down along the body. “Pendulum” - tilt the body alternately to the left and to the right, the movements are continuous. Repeat 3-4 times in each direction.

5. I. p.: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped above your head. “Chopping wood” - sharply lean forward - down, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

6. I.p.: sitting on the floor, lean your hands behind you, bend your legs at the knees. Stretch your legs, return to the starting position, then add alternate lifting of your legs from the floor. Repeat 6-7 times.

7. Jump.

8. Walking in pairs.

Complex No. 9

1. Walking in a column, one at a time, with high steps scattered on tiptoes.

2. Easy running.

3. Walking, forming into links.

4. I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, bend your arms at the elbows in front of your chest (fist to fist). “Winding threads” - rotate your arms bent at the elbows in front of you in one direction and the other, then spread your arms to the sides and lower them. Repeat 6-7 times.

5. I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands on your belt. Turn left and right, saying: “W-w-w”, return to the starting position. Repeat 3-4 times in each direction.

6. I. p.: sitting on the floor, legs apart. Lean forward, clasp your hands into fists, say: “Knock-knock”, tapping on the floor, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

7. I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body on the floor. “Riding a bicycle” - bend your knees, bringing them closer to your chest, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

8. Straight gallop.

9. Walking in a column one at a time.

10. Easy running.

Complex No. 10

1. Walking in a column one at a time, holding a hoop in your hand. At the end of the music, disperse and put the hoop on the floor.

2. Running in all directions between the hoops.

3. Walking and forming into links.

4. I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hold the hoop in your hands vertically in front of you. Raise the hoop up, look at it, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

5. I.p.: sitting on the floor, legs crossed, hold the hoop vertically in front of you with both hands. Turn to the left, straightening your arms, say: “Ku-ku,” return to the starting position. Do the same to the right, repeat 3-4 times in each direction.

6. I. p.: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt, hoop on the floor. Lean forward - down, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

7. I.p.: lying on your back, hold the hoop by the middle with both hands in a horizontal position on your chest. Bending your knees, bring them closer to your chest, secure your feet with the edge of the hoop and pull your legs closer to your chest, say: “Pull,” return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

8. I. p.: stand straight in the hoop, feet slightly apart. Jumping in place with a hoop jump and walking around the hoop. Repeat 2-3 times.

9. Walking.

Morning exercise complexes

for children 6-7 years old

Complex No. 1

1. "PINE"

I. p.: basic stance, arms down.

Execution: 1-2 - rising on your toes, smoothly raise your arms up, stretch, inhale. 2 – return to i. Steps 3-4 – smoothly lower your arms down, exhale.

Repeat: 5 times.

2. "WIND"

I. p.: standing, legs together, arms down.

Execution: 1 - raise your arms in arcs upward, clap above your head, inhale. 2-3 - tilt down, bring your head closer to your feet, clap behind them, exhale. 4 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 4 times.

3. "Slide"

I. p.: lying on the floor, arms to the sides, legs straightened.

Execution: 1-2 - sliding your feet along the floor, pull them towards your buttocks. 3-4 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 5 times.

I. p.: standing, legs wider than shoulders, arms down.

Execution: 1-2 - arms to the sides, inhale. 3-4 - tilt without bending your knees; with lowered straight arms, simultaneously perform a forward-backward movement, exhale; And. P.

Repeat: 6 times.


I. p.: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms along the body.

Execution: 1 - clasp your knees with your hands, tilt your head. 2-3 - do several rolls on your back back and forth. 4 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 3 times.


I. p.: standing, legs parallel, hands on the belt.

Execution: 1-5 - jumps on the right leg. 6-10 - jumps on the left leg.

Repeat: 3 times.

Complex No. 2 (using a wall)

1. “SUN”

I. p.: basic stance, facing the wall, arms down.

Execution: 1-2 - up, inhale. 3-4 - return to i. p., exhale.

Repeat: 5 times.


I. p.: basic stance, facing the wall (at a distance of a step from the wall), hands touching the wall at chest level.

Execution: 1-4 - moving your hands along the wall, bend down to the floor, - exhale. 5-8 - the same movement, but straightening up - inhale.

Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: basic stance, facing the wall, hands on the belt.

Execution: 1 - raise your leg bent at the knee, touch your feet to the wall, exhale. 2 - return to i. p., inhale. 3 - the same with the other foot. 4 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 3 times with each leg.


I. p.: basic stance, back to the wall, arms to the sides, palms touching the wall.

Execution: 1 - straight arms crossed in front of the chest,

exhalation. 2 - return to i. p., touching the wall with your palms, inhale

Repeat: 4-5 times.


I. p.: sitting facing the wall, legs bent, feet pressed to

the wall, hands supported behind.

Execution: 1-4 - moving your legs along the wall, straighten them. 5-8 - return to i. p., breathing in a random rhythm.

Repeat: 4 times.

6. "KNEE"

I. p.: basic stance, back to the wall, arms to the sides.

Execution: 1-2 - pull the leg bent at the knee towards

breasts 3-4 - return to i. n. Same with the other leg.

Repeat: 3 times with each leg.

Complex No. 3 (with children's dumbbells)


I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in lowered hands

Execution: 1 – raise the dumbbells with straight arms through the sides up. 2 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 5 times.


Execution: 1 - bend forward, hold dumbbells in straight arms in front of you, do not lower your head, do not bend your knees. 2 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 5 times.

3. "TURN"

I. p.: standing, legs wider than shoulders, arms with dumbbells lowered.

Execution: 1 - arms to the sides, turn to the right, do not lower the dumbbells, say: “To the right.” 2 - return to i. p. 3 the same to the left, say: “Left.” 4 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 3 times in each direction

I. p.: standing, legs parallel, dumbbells in hands below.

Execution: 1-3 - arms to the sides, straight leg swings

back and forth. 4 - return to i. n. Same with the other leg.

Repeat: 3 times with each leg.


I. p.: legs parallel, hands on the belt, dumbbells on the floor.

Execution: jumping on two legs around dumbbells. Walking with arms waving (marching).

Repeat: 3 times.

Complex No. 4 (with a small diameter ball - jumper)


I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, hanging, ball in one hand.

Execution: 1 - raise straight arms through the sides up, do not lower your head, rise on your toes; transfer the ball from one hand to the other. 2 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 5 times.

2. "TURN"

I. p.: standing, feet wider than shoulders, hands in front of the chest, ball in one hand.

Execution: 1 - turn to the right, jerk to the right side, straight arms spread to the sides. 2 - return to i. p., transfer the ball to the other hand. 3 - the same to the left. 4 - return to i. n. The same to the right side.

Repeat: 3 times in each direction.


I. p.: sitting cross-legged, arms down, hanging, right hand on the ball, which lies on the floor.

Execution: 1 - lean to the right, move the ball along the floor as far away from you as possible. 2 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 4 times in each direction.


I. p.: standing, ball in right hand, arms down.

Execution: 1 - spread your arms to the sides. 2 - tilt forward and down; connect your hands under your right knee; transfer the ball to your left hand 3 - both hands to the sides. 4 - the same with the other hand

Repeat: 3 times with each hand


I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, hanging, ball in the right hand.

Execution: 1-2 – throw the ball on the floor with one hand, catch it with the other hand. 3 - return to i. P.

Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: legs parallel, arms bent at the elbows at the waist, ball in hands.

Execution: 1-8 - jumping on the right leg, ball in the left hand.

The same on the left leg, the ball in the right hand. Walking, hands with the ball move freely.

Repeat: 3 times

Complex No. 5

1. Walking in a column one at a time.

2. Jump while moving forward.

3. Walking and forming into links.

4. I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms down along the body. Smoothly bring your arms in front of you, behind your back, above your head and, bending, lower them down. Repeat 8 times.

5. I. p.: sitting on the floor, legs crossed, hands on the belt. Lean to the right, return to the starting position. Do the same to the left. Repeat 4-6 times in each direction.

6. I. p.: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Bend over, touch your toes, and straighten up.

7. I. p.: sitting on the floor, legs crossed, hands on the belt. Swinging your arms forward, quickly stand up and return to the starting position. Repeat 4-6 times

8. I. p.: lying on your back, hands on the floor along the body. Raise your left leg straight, up, say: “Up”, return to the starting position. Do the same with your right foot. Repeat 4-6 times with each leg

9. Walking in a circle with acceleration and running.

10. Walking in circles.

Complex No. 6

1. Walking in a column one at a time, moving forward and standing still on your toes.

2. Running in all directions.

3. Walking, forming into links.

4. I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. “Mill” – swinging movements of the arms, turning into circular movements. Repeat 8-10 times.

5. I. p.: lying on your back, raise your arms up, clasp your hands together. Turn from your back to your stomach and back. Repeat 4-5 times in each direction.

6. I. p.: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. “Geese hiss” - lean forward with a straight back, move your elbows back, saying “Sh-sh-sh”, return to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.

7. I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Pull your legs bent at the knees, clap under your knees, say: “Clap,” return to the starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.

8. I. p.: stand straight, heels together, toes apart, lower your arms. Half squats and deep squats with arms extended forward.

9. “Horses” – running with high knees.

10. Walking.

Complex No. 7

1. Walking in a column one at a time.

2. Walking in all directions, imitating skiers. Repeat 3-4 times.

3. Walking, forming into links.

4. I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms down along the body. Swing your arms forward and back. Repeat 8-10 times.

5. I. p.: the same. Bend forward - down, without bending your knees, reach your right foot with both hands, return to the starting position. Bend over in the same way, but reach your left foot with your hands. Repeat 6-8 times

6. I. p.: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down along the body. Turn to the right, move your arm back to the side, return to the starting position. Do the same to the left. Repeat 6-8 times.

7. I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Sit down, helping with your hands, without lifting your feet from the floor, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.

8. Jumps with high knees, spring walking.

9. Walking.

Complex No. 8

1. Walking in circles.

2. Jumping forward, moving to walking. While walking, spread your arms to the sides and lower them.

3. Walking, forming into links.

4. I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. “Mill” – swinging arm movements. Repeat 8-10 times.

5. I. p.: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms. Turn to the right, swing your right hand from behind - up, return to the starting position. Do the same with your left hand. Repeat 4-5 times in each direction.

6. I. p.: sitting on the floor. Lean forward, trying to reach your toes, and return to the starting position.

7. I. p.: the same, legs apart, hands below. Turn right and left, simulating kayaking. Repeat 6-8 times.

8. I. p.: lying on your back, legs together, arms along the body. Clapping your hands and alternately rotating your legs - “riding a bicycle.”

9. Running in circles.

Fun exercises for children 3-4 years old

Summary of game exercises for younger preschoolers.

Kryuchkova Svetlana Nikolaevna, music director of MDOU Kindergarten No. 127 “Northern Fairy Tale”, Petrozavodsk

Description of material: a summary of game exercises for primary preschool age may be of interest to music directors, educators, as well as interested parents. IN summer period Game exercises can be done outdoors. Exercise can be used as a physical exercise or part of an activity or entertainment.

Target: introducing children to healthy image life

- promote children's health
- improve the skills and abilities acquired at music lessons
- develop coordination of movements
- develop creative abilities by transforming into various images.

In the morning the sun rises,
He invites everyone to the street.
I invite you guys
For a fun workout.
We raise our legs higher, - walk one after another.
We walk one after another.
We all walked together
And now they have stood still. - stop in place

Let's show everyone our hands - raise your arms at shoulder level
And we'll wave our palms. - turn your palms from side to side
They stomped their feet - stomp
And now they clap. - clap

Let's all get on the train, - bend your elbows,
Let's go to the forest for a visit. - move one after another, performing rotational
movements with bent arms

We hit the lawn
And we saw a bunny there.
Let's jump happily
Everybody portray a hare. - jump on two legs

Little frogs - jump and jump
Heels - together, apart - toes. - put your heels together, toes apart,
hands raised up, fingers spread out

(image of a frog). Spring with half-bent legs.

Here comes the fox -
Red-haired sister - move in the form of a fox (one arm bent in front of you -
“paw”, the other behind to represent a tail, making smooth
rocking movements

Teddy bear is strict
He left the den. - arms raised up, walk, waddling from foot to foot

The bird flew
Sang a song - easy running on toes

A warm breeze blows
Spin with me, buddy. - spin around yourself

There will be a strong wind blowing
He will bend the tree. - raise your arms high, spread your legs slightly wider.
Swing from side to side.

Let's get on the train again
And we'll all go home. - move in the form of a "train"

All! We've arrived!
Need to stretch my legs again!
Don't fall behind
Walk together everyone! - walk in a free direction.

Let's wave to the sun
And we'll say thank you. - wave with both hands
Rise up on your toes,
Touch the sun with your hands. - reach up with your hands
Put all your hands down, - put your hands down
Repeat everything from the beginning.

(repeat 2-3 times - arms up - down)

All the guys will say thank you
Here's to some fun exercise! - clap

A healthy body gives rise to a healthy mind, that's why integral component children's education considered morning exercises in kindergarten. A simple set of exercises develops the physiological abilities of children, has a beneficial effect on their immunity, promotes the formation of proper breathing skills, and also strengthens the functional abilities of all body systems.

Gymnastics develops willpower

People face the problem of waking up in the morning every day. Children and adults are reluctant to open their eyes and have great difficulty getting out of bed. If you find the right motive for your child and teach him to do morning exercises, then this clever action will contribute to the development of willpower in him. The very fact that the child will be required to perform daily physical exercise in the morning, will teach him discipline and responsibility.

Over time, the baby gets used to a sports lifestyle and develops the skills to persistently achieve goals. Consequently, it will not be so difficult for him in the future to accustom himself to perform any other actions in a systematic manner.

Children's gymnastics has a healing effect only if it is performed systematically. Very young children will not do the exercises on their own, so they need a mentor (adult) to encourage and motivate them.

In what form should gymnastics be performed for children?

In order for the baby to be interested in doing morning exercises, a special atmosphere should be created. It is best if classes take place in game form. Very often, parents do not have time to organize a “sports performance” before work, and this fate awaits teachers in kindergartens.

Children's gymnastics and play immerses the child in an atmosphere of warmth and fun. During the formation of a child’s personality, which occurs before the age of 7 years, the factor of feeling happiness is extremely important, otherwise the child may grow up withdrawn or even become neurotic.

In the morning, kids are often capricious, not wanting to part with their mother, who mercilessly takes them to kindergarten. This can make them withdrawn and reluctant to play with their peers. In such a situation there is no time for exercise at all! But as soon as a child sees his favorite fairy-tale character and imagines himself as the hero of his favorite fairy tale, Bad mood evaporates. Group classes are very useful at such moments, where the guys make contact with each other - this develops their ability to make friends.

Teachers in kindergartens actively use costumed outdoor games, where children, without realizing it, perform a set of common useful exercises. This is especially active in preparations for matinees and other festive events.

How is gymnastics done in kindergarten?

Any exercises are performed according to the principle of appropriate age category. Children's gymnastics can be carried out at any time in the morning, on the street or in the hall. The essence of each exercise is to evoke positive emotions in the baby and awaken his communication skills. As a rule, all sporting events in kindergarten are accompanied by music. The structure of the exercises is as follows:

  • walking in place or walking with a task;
  • physical tasks for attentiveness;
  • exercises for general development;
  • dance movements that develop a child’s sense of rhythm;
  • active games.

Every day in kindergarten there is a formation where the children walk in place, walking alternately on their toes and on their heels. Then, while walking, children are instructed to raise and lower their arms, spread them in different directions and make rotational movements with their body. All this develops their muscle corset. Gradually, children switch from walking to running, while the teacher gives them various tasks: running with legs raised high forward, running alternating with jumping, and so on.

As soon as the basic gymnastic complex is completed, the teacher moves on to exercises that develop motor skills. These can be various tasks with objects: (ball, ribbon, flags, toys). At the end of the event, it’s time for an outdoor game, where each child has his own role.

Morning exercises in kindergarten: benefits and features

Classes are held before or immediately after breakfast, when the children are in a stage of low activity. Children's gymnastics in the morning helps to start the working day in an organized manner. kindergarten and teach kids to have a clear routine. The main task in this case is to introduce children to group activities. This approach helps children with varying degrees of nervous system excitement begin to either become more active or calm down. This evens out the general emotional background in the children's team.

In kindergartens, physical activities with children begin at the age of 1.5-2 years. Simple exercises help shape posture, prevent the formation of flat feet, and strengthen the nervous system. A clear benefit from exercise is observed if the exercises are selected in such a way that they alternate the load on different groups muscles. This is especially clear among age groups 4-5 years old, where kids take turns performing tasks to develop the shoulder girdle, then the back, abdomen and legs.

As for younger kindergarten students, they are usually offered simulation games, where they do morning exercises by showing how birds flap their wings or animals stomp.

What should you pay attention to?

One of the skills that children acquire as a "side effect" of morning exercise is the ability to breathe properly. Educators should closely ensure that sports rooms are thoroughly ventilated before children begin their morning exercises. In the warm season, it is advisable to conduct sports activities in the fresh air.

As additional safety standards, you should check the room for the presence of foreign objects in it, and also see if all toys are in their places to avoid the risk of a child falling or getting hurt. Morning exercises, whether for children or adults, only contribute to the activation of all processes in the body, so children are often inattentive or behave in a way that is not typical for them. It is necessary to closely monitor their condition, ensure that the babies are breathing correctly, and prevent them from overtiring.

Breathing exercises

Any sports activity requires integrated approach. In order for the child to develop evenly and get sick less often, in kindergartens, in addition to the standard set of exercises, children's breathing exercises have appeared. This was largely due to frequent colds among preschoolers, which are caused by improper breathing of children in the cold season, as well as during exercise.

Specially designed children's gymnastics for the respiratory tract consists of a simple sequence of actions that should be performed in any position, but only with a straight back. The exercises are a bit like breathing yoga, but for children they are designed in a playful way. The very first thing that children have to master is holding breathing: they need to relax, take a deep breath and not exhale for the maximum possible interval of time. You need to perform 10 such breaths.

The rest of the breathing exercises are performed in a group, and in addition to the general healing effect, they also look like fun gymnastics. Children's joy is off the charts, and deafening children's laughter can be heard in the hall! Just imagine how fun it is to do exercises with such funny names: “clock”, “cockerel”, “tick-tock”, “pump”.

Example of an exercise using breathing exercises

The teacher asks the children a riddle, the answer to which is “sparrow”. Then, in a playful way, children are invited to imagine themselves as this bird and perform a series of movements characteristic of it: walking one after another, then walking on their toes, then running. After running, children are encouraged to “talk” like a bird to restore their breathing. When the teacher sees that the children have rested, he asks them to take turns imitating how a sparrow flaps its wings, how it hides behind them, how it basks in the sun and breathes.

An example of an exercise to relieve tension in a team

This type of exercise is called “Visiting the Sun.” It is carried out in case of conflict in the group to relieve tension. The teacher begins to play with the children, launching sunbeams at them using a mirror. The kids are having fun and laughing. Gradually, the teacher moves on to general warm-up exercises: walking, running. The main part of the tasks for children is designed to develop motor skills and involves clapping hands and various play poses (lying on your back, bend your knees and smile at the sun). All this is accompanied by joyful comments that encourage the kids to rejoice. At the end, in order to calm the group, the teacher plays “rain-sun”, where the children squat, hiding from the rain and clouds, and stand in the sun’s rays.

Morning exercises in senior group"Friendship is the miracle!"

Morning exercises are a very important component of physical education and health work with preschoolers. It is aimed at improving the health, strengthening, and developing the physical qualities and abilities of children, and consolidating motor skills. The need to begin morning exercises after waking up requires, and therefore develops, the child’s strong-willed qualities: perseverance, discipline, perseverance, independence.
Our kindergarten has created excellent conditions for physical development children: there is a spacious, well-equipped gym, and a large sports ground on the territory of the kindergarten. As an instructor, I offer children interesting forms of exercise. Children enjoy doing exercises under musical accompaniment, in a playful way, which contributes to a cheerful start to the day. Professionally selected physical exercises for a certain age contribute to the physical improvement of preschoolers. In addition to health-improving tasks during morning exercises, we solve problems moral education, namely the formation of cooperation skills and friendly relationships in children of senior preschool age. I bring to your attention exercises carried out in pairs.
Educational technologies used: health-saving, playful, personality-oriented.
Target: Promote health and friendly relationships between children.
Create a positive emotional mood, give a charge of vigor.
Develop all muscle groups, coordination of movements, sense of rhythm, speech breathing.
Cultivate the habit of daily exercise.
Develop the ability to simultaneously start and finish exercises to music in a timely manner.
To develop skills of cooperation and friendly relationships in children of senior preschool age.
Morning exercises are performed with musical accompaniment.
1. Introductory part. Line up according to height. Executing commands.
Instructor: Every day for us, guys, begins.....
Children: From charging!
Instructor: And of course, it is very important that you do exercises...
Children: Every!
Form a column one at a time, turning on the spot.
Types of walking and running: normal walking: at the teacher’s signal “one or two”, children line up in a column of two and one at a time; normal running: at the teacher’s signal “one or two”, the children line up in a column of two and one at a time; fast walking with a gradual slowdown. Formation into a column of two by turning while moving and into two ranks (opposite) by turning in place.
2. Main part.
A set of general developmental exercises in pairs.
1. “We reached out together in unison,
And they smiled at each other!”

I.p. – standing with your feet together, facing each other, holding hands, hands down. 1-2 – step back, arms up in arcs outwards, stretch, inhale, 3-4 – ip, exhale; 5-8 – the same in the other direction.

2."Let's swing a little,
Let’s put our foot to the side.”

I.p. – standing with your feet together, facing each other, holding hands, arms down. 1-2 – step to the right (left), foot on the toe, arms to the sides, inhale, 3-4 – i.p., exhale; 5-8 – the same in the other direction.

I.p. – standing with your feet apart, facing each other at a distance of a step, right hand forward, left hand bent in front of the chest, resting your palms on your partner’s palms. 1-14 – alternate flexion – extension of the arms with little mutual resistance. 4. "We bend in sync,
Right, left, back straight!”

I.p. – standing with your feet apart, your backs close to each other. Hands on the belt. 1- tilt to the right, feeling your partner’s back; 2- i.p.; 3-4 – the same to the left.

5. "And now we will turn around,
And let’s smile at each other.”

I.p. – standing with your feet apart, your backs to each other at a distance of a step, hands to your shoulders. 1 – turn to the right, right hand forward, touch the partner’s palm; 2- i.p.; 3-4 – the same to the left. 6. "Pedal together,
And you will stay where you are!”

I.p. - lying down, opposite each other, 1-8 - forward and backward movements are performed synchronously with the right leg;

7. “We squat very friendly,
You need to keep your back straight."

I.p. – standing with feet hip-width apart, holding hands, at arm's length from each other. 1-16 – squats; 1-16 - walking in place. 8. "We are friends".
I.p. – standing with your feet together, facing each other, arms down. 1-2 – step forward, turn your head to the right, arms to the sides, inhale; 3-4 – children hug each other; 5-6 – ip, exhale.

3. Final part.
Psychotraining exercise with elements of self-massage "Friendship".
“Our hands are friends, our fingers are friends”– children massage their fingers, rub their palms against each other, achieving a feeling of warmth;
“The girls and boys in our group are friends”- press their palms to the palms of their partner, close their eyes, smile and mentally wish each other health, happiness, joy.
Form into a column of two, turning on the spot.
Detour movement by normal walking in pairs with the words:
“We are friendly guys!
We arrived at the kindergarten.
And everyone does physical education
I’m very happy to study!”