How garlands are made. We decorate the house with voluminous paper garlands. Create your own canvas with a pattern of glowing lights

Good afternoon. Today I want to tell you how to decorate your house for the New Year using a garland. We will do DIY New Year's garland. And I'll show you 33 ways its creation. We will crochet a garland, cut it out of paper, sculpt it out of cotton wool, and make modules for the garland out of salt dough. You'll love this collection of ideas. Moreover, there are many options I can do it children's hands, which means the whole family can take part in creating New Year's decor for your home.

So, let's start creating beautiful home decorations with our own hands. Onward to the New Year!

Children's garlands for the New Year


At the very beginning, I will show you what garlands children can make for the New Year with their own hands - in classes in kindergarten, or at home with their mother.

A garland with houses is suitable for the little ones. We cut out silhouettes of houses (pentagon) from colored cardboard. From white plain paper we cut out the bottom snowdrift and the coal shape of the snow on the roof. We also cut into 2 bowls – doors separately and windows separately. The child’s task is to glue snowdrifts (down and onto the roof) and doors with windows onto the cardboard silhouettes of houses. Then the teacher himself or the mother strings the houses on strings, interspersing them with white circles of paper. To prevent the houses from sliding along the thread, you need to use a thick woolen thread and secure it with tape on the back wall of the house. This garland will look good on the window.

Children will also enjoy making their own New Year's garland of three stars(on the right photo below). Here it is important to teach the child to apply the stars in such a way that the rays lie spread apart - they do not coincide with the lower silhouette of the star.

Garland for children

from sandmen.

We cut out silhouettes of people from rough brown cardboard and the child colors them from it (easy to work with) cotton swabs when drawing dots of buttons, cheeks and eyes. White wavy stripes are already more difficult to make, but the child can be helped.

Children can also make blanks for a garland with paper holly leaves. Berries are possible roll from red felt(in hot soapy water, roll pieces of felt into balls, like plasticine, and let dry overnight). This method is called felting.

Can make red berries from cotton wool(mix pva glue with red gouache (more glue, meunier gouache) - soak pieces of cotton wool in this red liquid, roll balls from it, dry overnight.

Or you can roll berries for a garland - from crepe paper(just roll out lumps from crumpled corrugated paper).

Red and white garland. If children (even the smallest ones) are given large white cardboard templates of Christmas tree decorations, a brush and one paint (red only). Then you will receive good result. Before this work, you need to teach the child to carry out different types lines:

  • (straight(vertical and horizontal)
  • criss-cross,
  • rounded "like smiles"
  • large round dots(you place the brush vertically and twist it with your fingers like a spindle - you get a completely even circle).

This white and red garland can be made not on the basis of cardboard, but based on SALT DOUGH(as it is in the photo above).

A glass of salt + a glass of flour + 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (so it doesn’t stick to your hands) + water(add gradually, stop adding when the dough becomes like tight plasticine.

Roll out on the table (we roll out without flour, thanks to a spoon of butter, it will not stick to the table). Cut out the shapes of Christmas tree decorations. If desired, you can apply SCREEN STAMPS to the surface of the rolled dough (even before cutting out the silhouettes). Any embossed lace, or a knitted napkin, or a piece of wallpaper with a raised convex pattern can act as a stamp. We place this “stamp” on the dough and roll it with a rolling pin, pressing it so that the relief is imprinted on the surface of the dough. We dry the figures in the oven - paint them in white gouache and dry them. And then we give the child paints to apply lines, stripes and polka dots.

GARLAND New Year's


Children will also enjoy making a garland from natural material. If you have little ones Pine cones, then they are perfect for a New Year's garland. They are quite light. If the cones are dried on a radiator or in the oven, they will open their scales and can be easily painted with gouache in bright colors. After the paint has dried, it is better to spray it with hairspray - this will make the color brighter and stop getting your hands dirty (the color is fixed). We make eyes, a beak from plasticine and sew hats from red felt (or red paper). We attach the cap to the pine cone with glue.

Based on the pine cone, you can make other New Year characters, gnomes or Santa Claus. If he paints the pine cone white, we will get the basis for the snowman.

New Year's garlands


The simplest garlands with deer are a flat silhouette made of cardboard, which is decorated with an applique of colored paper. In one evening you can cut out 20-30 silhouettes like this. Then glue on the faces, spots, and decorate the hooves with a black marker. Separately, cut out the horns from black cardboard and attach them to a stapler.

And here is an interesting design of a module for a garland in the form of a THREE-LAYER deer. Everything in the photo is quite clear here. We cut out three silhouettes and string them with string BETWEEN THEM, inserting thick layers - either from beads, or from a cut-up cocktail tube, or simply from lumps of paper.

New Year's idea

For a garland with Santa Claus.

Here are ideas for garlands of pendants with the image of Santa Claus, the easiest way is to cut out triangles from red cardboard, glue a strip of a face and a beard made of cotton wool to them from beige paper.

Here are ideas for a quick garland made from cotton pads. Here, using glue-pva (or hot glue), we attach a face made of pink paper, a mustache (from pieces of a disk), a red nose and a hat made of cardboard.

The garland looks good not with small modules, but with large elements. For example, in the photo below, the New Year's row of Santa Clauses looks impressive and bright due to its size.

New Year's garlands


And here is an example of a beautiful garland with lanterns. For a flashlight you need five strips - 2 long red, 2 slightly shorter green, 1 shortest red. We connect the strips with edges using a STAPLER - from the upper end and from the lower end. Then, just below the top staple fastening, we make a hole with a hole punch - to string it on a rope.

Using the same scheme, these lanterns for the garland are made. A strip of paper is folded into several folds (diamond-shaped). The edges are connected at the top with a stapler. Around this upper end we make a wrapping from a gray strip of paper (this turns out to be the base of a light bulb).

And since we touched on the topic of flashlights, here’s more for you idea of ​​three-dimensional modules-bulbs for a garland. A little later I will make and post a diagram and template for such a light bulb.

You can also twist paper strips into twisted strands. And then we will get twisted modules for quilling crafts. We make green New Year wreaths or Christmas trees from the modules and string these crafts onto a garland.

New Year's garlands

WITH BLADE modules.

In the photo below we see an example of how beautiful the blade modules look on a garland. I showed how to make such lobed three-dimensional figures in the master class below.

Using the paddle technique, you can make not only circles, but also any other SYMMETRICAL SHAPE shapes. That is, the main thing is that this figure has the same sides - right and left. Like a star (with photo below) and like a snowman, for example.

New Year's garlands


Here is a garland with minimal paper consumption. We cut out the triangles - we bend the triangle in half vertically (along the center line). And we make cuts - from the edge and from the side of the fold line too (as shown in the diagram below - in a checkerboard pattern). After this, our triangle can be stretched - like a spring, and you will get a Christmas tree.

You can use short strips of paper to make small fans (staple them at one end) or bend them in half and glue the halves together (as shown in the photo). And then we use the same stapler (or glue) to assemble a colored garland from the fans. It can be hung above the door, along the wall, along the mantelpiece, along the curtain rod, along the stair railing.

Such a garland can be made from fans of different heights. And then the tall fans will look like FIR-trees. You can make it green (like a Christmas tree), and make intermediate middle fans white(like snow).

You can cut the fan so that it has a leg in the center as in the photo of the garland below.

Based on a round fan, you can make many different modules for a garland pendant for the New Year. With Santa Claus, with deer, with a snowman, with a penguin.

Garlands - STARS

for the New Year with your own hands.

And here are ideas where the garlands are made in the shape of the symbol of the New Year - a star. There is an article on our website where we make stars out of paper - there you will find a lot different ways. And here I post those that are not there.

I really like this option - it is very economical in terms of paper consumption. From just one strip of paper you can make a VOLUME large star. This is cool.

And follow the garland rule - alternate colors. In the photo below, if all the stars were the same color, the garland would be lost. And then there is an alternation of two contrasting colors and the garland hits the eye brightly

But the star is made of thick paper or cardboard. Here, please note, you need TWO-COLOR cardboard (so that all edges are colored).

Or, to save money, you can simply make such stars out of white paper (thick for drawing) and then use dry wax crayons to draw your own patterns of curls or stripes on this white paper.

But the easiest way to quickly make a star out of paper is with ready-made folds for embossed edges (so that the star immediately has a convex volume).

We fold a regular sheet of paper in the manner shown in the diagram below.

Here again we see what it looks like in the photographs.

New Year's garlands

From toilet paper rolls.

You can string these on a garland: New Year's gnomes. We paint the toilet paper tubes in different colors with gouache (or cover them with colored paper). We fold the woolen threads into several folds in a bundle - we cut off the ends of the bundle, bend it in half and glue it to the sleeve with hot glue from a gun. On top we make a hat out of paper - it can be white, or it can be colored (red like Santa Claus with a white border around the edge). The border can be made from white lace braid (button shops cost mere pennies).

If a paper roll is cut into rings, then many more modules for an indoor New Year's garland can be made from this material. For example, these snowflakes are obtained if the rings are inserted into each other - connecting them in the center with threads (the stitch is as if we are sewing a button, and cover it with glitter). The rings themselves need to be painted in the color of the snowflake (white or blue).

You can make bright flowers - if reverse side Seal the rings with colored crepe corrugated paper.

Such flowers made from ruts from a sleeve can be decorated inside with a fluffy wire brush. Or quilling modules made from paper twists.

Children's garland for the New Year


An excellent material for a DIY New Year's garland is CAPSULES from a coffee machine. Used coffee capsules look like little bells. We make a hole in the bottom of them, thread a silver or gold ribbon through it, thread a bead and tie a knot (the bead can be twisted into a piece of foil). We string bells onto a long and narrow Christmas tree brush garland (from the store) - you can do it in pairs, or you can do it one at a time and we get a long and shiny garland with bells for the New Year.

You can make bells for a New Year's garland from an egg carton, easy colored paper (pictured below). You can make bells using the blade gluing technique.

Knitted New Year's garlands

With my own hands.

On our website there is an article about how to crochet Christmas trees. And there I give instructions for creating flat Christmas trees. These are the ones in the photo below.

If such trees are strung on a long string, then we will get a garland to decorate the walls or mantelpiece on New Year's days. Below we see the works of Natalia Pushkina - combinations of two shades of green and red beads gave the Christmas tree a warm festive coloring.

You can create flat Christmas trees for the garland using a DIFFERENT crochet pattern. For example, like the ones in the photo below.

You can take absolutely any New Year's symbol as elements of the garland. For example, a Christmas wreath or bright light bulbs.

The wreath is knitted around a ring (plastic rings are sold in the same section of the store as buttons - these are clothing accessories). We tie such a ring with single crochets and knit lace on it. We thread a red ribbon through the lace and get a quick garland element.

You can knit small snowflakes and string them onto a garland. Many snowflake patterns crocheted, posted in a special article “Crocheted snowflakes”

Or you can tie New Year's stars onto a garland, as in the photo below.

Below is a master class where you can see exactly how such a star is knitted.

Your knitted modules for a garland can depict any symbol of the New Year - Christmas decorations, holly leaves.

Below I am posting a master class on knitting a holly leaf.

From the leaves left after the garland you can make a Christmas knitted wreath like this.

These are the tips for creating a New Year's garland with your own hands that I presented here. This new year, you have the opportunity to decorate your home in an unusually bright and interesting way - together with your children.

I wish you a fun evening and a beautiful result.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

The garlands look great all year round, but especially good for the holidays - New Year, Easter, Birthday or Halloween. You can decorate the walls, ceiling or windows of any room with a garland - from the kitchen to the children's room, as well as a Christmas tree or mantelpiece. In this material we will give you 10 ideas with step-by-step master classes How to make a garland with your own hands from scrap, natural and even waste materials.

New Year's garland of voluminous snowflakes

We present the first idea for making a garland for the New Year with your own hands - from snowflakes. We probably all remember how to cut a flat snowflake from a square sheet of paper. This method will help you out if you need to make a garland in the shortest possible time. However, if you want to make a more elegant decoration, we suggest assembling it from volumetric snowflakes. They take a little longer and are more complicated to make, but the resulting garland will survive more than one holiday.


Prepare paper, such as regular office paper, a pencil, scissors, a stapler, glue or double-sided tape, and thread.

  1. Divide a sheet of A4 paper into two equal strips.
  2. Now assemble each strip into an accordion. This can be done in the following way: fold the strip in half, then fold the half in half again, then also fold the quarter in half and continue until the entire strip has folds. Next, focusing on the fold lines, assemble the accordion.

  1. Cut one small strip from your accordion, cut it in half, and then draw a template on it that you will use to cut out the snowflake patterns. The template is drawn arbitrarily, but so that the edges of the assembled accordion remain uncut in two or three places. An example of the template can be seen in the top right photo.
  2. Bend the accordion in half and fasten it in the middle with a stapler.
  3. Use a pencil to trace the outline of the template on one of the halves of your workpiece, and then use scissors to cut off the corresponding parts of the design.
  4. Repeat Step #5 with the other half of the piece, using the same template.
  5. Fan out each half of your piece and glue their ends together.
  6. Hang snowflake medallions on a beautiful thread, such as silver.

Brushes made of thread or paper in silence

And now we present the idea of ​​​​making a garland with your own hands, which is the most fashionable attribute of birthday celebrations or weddings - a garland with tassels. In our master class you will learn how to make a large version of the decoration, but using the same principle you can easily make mini tassels (for example, for decorating a Christmas tree) using smaller paper.


Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Sheets of paper 50×50 cm or 50×60 cm (to make 2 tassels you need 1 sheet);
  • Scissors;
  • Ribbon.
  1. Fold a piece of tissue paper in half, then in half again, but in the other direction, to make a quarter.
  2. To create a fringe, start cutting your workpiece into strips (no more than 1 cm wide) not reaching the fold line of about 2.5-3 cm.
  3. Now cut the fringed quarter into two halves along the fold line. You will get two blanks as in the photo below.

  1. Unfold one piece and start rolling it tightly, as shown in the next photo.

  1. Once you have completely rolled the piece (see photo above), fold it in half and then twist the two halves together to create a loop for hanging from the ribbon. Secure the loop with transparent glue (eg PVA) or thread.

  1. Make a few more tassels in different colors and hang them on the ribbon.

In this video you can see detailed master class How to make a garland of tassels with your own hands.

The following selection of photos provides other ideas for garlands made of tassels.

Garland idea for a child's birthday

Garland of cones in the “snow”

A garland of pine cones is a natural and durable decoration, especially relevant in autumn, winter and, of course, on New Year’s Day. You can simply take dry and clean buds and tie them to, say, jute rope. But in order for the garland to take on a truly festive look, try decorating the scales of the cones with “snow” from any white paint. Now is the time to pull out that old white enamel from your stash!


  1. Pour no a large number of paint onto a paper plate and dip the pine cone scales into it.
  2. Turn the pine cone so that each end is covered with paint. Set the pine cone aside to dry and repeat with the remaining ones.

  1. When all the cones are dry, start hanging them on a thread. To do this, wrap the end of the thread around the bottom of the first pine cone and tie a knot. Then tie the second, third and all other cones around their lower parts, and tie a knot on the last “link” of the garland.

  1. Additionally, secure the position of the cones with a hot glue gun.

Garland of balls

Paper balls can be used to create either a DIY New Year's garland or any other. It all depends on the colors you choose. To make a garland of balloons with your own hands you will need: glue or double-sided tape, beautiful paper(eg, colored or scrapbooking paper), scissors or a special hole punch for cutting out circles.


  1. To make 1 ball, you need to cut out 6 circles of the same diameter from paper. However, you can cut from 3 to 16 circles for one ball. The more circles you use, the more voluminous it will be.
  2. Fold each circle in half so that the front side of the paper is on the inside.
  3. Now you can start forming the ball. To do this, glue the resulting halves of the circles with the wrong sides facing each other.

  1. Before gluing the last parts of the ball together, run some tape through the center of the ball.
  2. According to the described scheme, make a lot of balls and secure them all to the tape.

  • if you have sewing machine, then the process can be accelerated in the following way. Cut out circles from medium-weight colored paper (no more than 6 pieces per ball) and arrange them in piles. Keep in mind that the paper must be colored on both sides. Next, sew the stacks one by one on a typewriter, and when the garland is completely “sewn”, simply straighten each semicircle of the ball. As a result, you should end up with a decoration that looks something like this.

By the way, using the same principle, but using parts cut in a different shape, you can create a garland of any theme.

Yarn pompoms

Depending on what color yarn you use, you can create a garland for any occasion. So, for example, for New Year you can take white, red and green colors, for Halloween - orange and black, and if you take skeins under color scheme interior, get a fashionable decor item.

Christmas garland made from homemade pompoms

There are many ways to make pompoms with your own hands, but the best way to make a garland is one that allows you to quickly make several balls at once.


  1. Wrap the yarn around the legs of the upside down chair as shown in the first top photo.

  1. Remove the resulting skein from the legs and tie it along its entire length with the remaining thread, maintaining an interval of approximately 5 cm.
  2. Then simply cut the skein into equal balls so that each ball has a tied center.
  3. Trim the fibers and straighten the balls, turning them into balls. If there are not enough balls, repeat the steps with another skein.
  4. Secure the balls to the tape.

LED garland with flowers from an egg carton

Now let's find out how to transform an ordinary LED garland with flowers from... the cells of an egg carton. The decoration will be not only beautiful, but also consistent with the idea of ​​recycling waste. Moreover, the box can be not only cardboard, but also plastic.


Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Egg packaging (6-12 pcs.);
  • LED garland;
  • Acrylic paint (in spray or can);
  • Hot glue gun;
  • Scissors;
  • Stationery knife.
  1. Cut off the lid of the box and set it aside.
  2. Using a knife, cut out the cells (for tulips) and/or the areas between the cells (for small or narrow elongated buds) of the box.

  1. Using scissors, form petals from the cell walls. Don't be afraid to experiment and cut out petals different shapes and size.
  2. Once all the flowers are cut out, start painting them. You can dry flowers on wooden skewers stuck into the lid of the box.
  3. When the flowers are dry, cut a small cross at the bottom of each bud.

  1. Place a bud on each light bulb of the LED garland.
  2. Now you can hang your flower garland anywhere you want.

Quiet paper flags

Bright colored flags on a ribbon are a classic decoration, appropriate for any holiday or just for interior decoration. Today we propose to make an updated version of it, namely from tissue paper or tissue paper and with fringe.


To make your own flag garland you will need: tissue paper/tissue paper of different colors, scissors, pencil, plate (any round object that can be traced), ruler, ribbon that can be folded in half and a glue stick.

  1. Fold the paper into a stack and draw a circle on the top sheet using a plate.
  2. Without disassembling the stack, cut out circles. Then cut the stack of circles into halves.

  1. Start creating fringe on the blanks. To do this, simply cut the semicircle into narrow strips, not reaching 1-1.5 cm from the top edge and maintaining approximately the same interval.
  2. Now simply glue the top edge of each half circle onto the tape.
  3. Using the same principle, make a garland of flags and pennants, but use paper of a different color.

Pasta garland

Figured pasta is almost ready-made garland parts that only need to be decorated a little and strung/attached to a thread. So, for example, you can use butterflies (bows).


Prepare one or two packs of butterflies, paint, PVA glue, glitter and a cute thread.

  1. Paint the butterflies and leave them to dry.
  2. When the pasta is dry, coat it with PVA glue using a brush, then sprinkle it liberally with glitter. Shake off any excess and let the butterflies dry.
  3. Tie each noodle to a string.

If you wish, you can replace the bows with any other shaped pasta, for example, shells, tubes. You can make a garland not only from bows; any shaped pasta and tubes, as in the photo below, will do.

Garland with glowing balls

Small spheres that glow in the dark and seem to hang in the air look very impressive. To make such a garland, you will need to buy a large number of ping-pong balls, prepare a stationery knife (or better yet, a breadboard knife) and, of course, the electric garland itself.


  1. Using a knife, cut a cross on each ball.

  1. Place a ball on each light bulb. Hooray! The garland is ready!

You can decorate your home and garden with garlands all year round - there are few things that quickly and surely create a romantic mood and a magical atmosphere. Fortunately, today it is easier to add decorative light to the house than in the days of our childhood: now the garlands consist of safe diode light bulbs and can be powered by batteries.
Safety light bulbs can be decorated using a special set (IKEA also sells decorations for them in addition to “naked” garlands), but it’s much more fun to do it yourself, taking into account the features of the interior and your own taste.
A summer garland should be bright and look good not only at night, but also in the light of a long day. We decided to decorate it with paper octagons - and we share our experience with you.
We needed: LED garland (for example, “Sardal” from IKEA), thick colored paper, scissors, ruler, hole punch, pin, tack button, knitting needle.

1. Print out a diagram of octahedrons.

We did not find suitable colored paper in the sets, so we chose Canson with a density of 120 g/m2 (it can be bought in art stores for about 15 rubles per sheet). This paper is dyed throughout and has a uniform structure, which means it will look good when lit from the inside. In addition, Canson has a wide selection of shades, the beauty of which cannot be compared with standard paper colors for children's crafts.

Flashlight patterns can be downloaded (for large ones) and (for small ones)

2. Press through the fold lines.

To neatly fold the lanterns, it was necessary to push the fold lines along the ruler. At first we used a regular pencil, but the lead particles, when smeared, stained the flashlight, so we found a thin knitting needle.

3. We make perforation

It is better to make small holes on the paper for lanterns, so the garland will look more openwork, give more light and cast beautiful shadows. The easiest way to make perforation is with a pushpin-tack, placing the paper on a lint-free carpet, sofa or piece of felt. First we pierced the paper with random, quick movements, then added holes where necessary. It is better to pierce a workpiece that has not yet been cut out - this way the sheet will not wrinkle at the edges. It is important that the paper lies face up: the surface of the lanterns should remain smooth.

The hole punch is not very suitable for making decorative holes (if only because small light bulbs will try to poke through them), but we still used it for blue lanterns.

4. Cut out the blanks.

There should be room for wires in the corners of future flashlights. We cut out the holes with a hole punch, but you can also use scissors.

5. Glue the lanterns together.

We glued the first few lanterns together, immediately putting them on a garland. Then it turned out that two pairs of sides can be connected in advance, and only the rest can be glued together while hanging. It turned out that it was important to use a fast-setting glue. The pencil was fine.

6. Light up the garland!

The garland turned out magical! The yellow and orange paper turned out to be very bright when held up to light, and the lanterns resembled fabulous glowing physalis flowers. But the weak light of the diode bulbs did not penetrate through the blue paper, so although they looked good, they were lost against the background of their brighter neighbors; next time for such a garland we would take only light sheets. Another important thing to do: it is better to print the diagram in toner saving mode, since the black lines will show through the paper

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From paper

A paper garland is quite simple to make; it can be made for a child’s birthday or simply to decorate a room for any holiday. Making the brightest and most spectacular paper garlands is not at all difficult - the instructions will help you do it in literally a matter of minutes.

We make a garland of flowers with our own hands.

Stylized flowers

Funny roses

Another garland of paper flowers - this time it's stylized roses. Making such a flower garland from paper with your own hands is quite simple - draw it yourself by hand or print out templates for cutting, and trace them on any paper (by the way, you can use paper with a pattern).

Make a lot of roses - you need to cut out a spiral and then glue an original rose out of it. When there are enough flowers, string the roses on a rope, and your DIY paper garland for a wedding or birthday is ready!

or you can cut out a spiral with a wave, you get a flower like this:

Printable template:

From felt

It is very easy to make a garland with your own hands from felt.

For this we need:

  • colored felt (it is better to take pure shades);
  • lace, ribbon or braid;
  • sharp scissors;
  • sewing machine (or thread and needle).
A DIY felt garland is made like this:

If you already have a flat garland, and now you want to make voluminous New Year's garlands, then you will like the butterfly garland.

Make this original garland Christmas tree is very, very simple:
  1. we cut the blanks (you can use diagrams - you can download them for free, you can cut them by eye);
  2. we collect bow ties - we sew a large rectangle with thread across it, pull it together, tighten the knot and close it with a small jumper;
  3. we string the butterflies on a thread or a beautiful cord; you can also use twine or ribbon for the garland;
  4. straighten the butterflies - your DIY wedding garland is ready!

From hearts

Garlands made of hearts look very impressive - they can be used for any holiday, you can make your own decoration for a wedding or simply decorate an apartment or office for Valentine's Day.

How to make a garland of hearts using colored paper and a stapler:

You can make a one-color garland - for example, in red or pink tones, or you can use paper of several shades (by the way, double-sided colored paper is good for a printer).

There is another option for a garland of hearts made from paper yourself. We will need colored paper, a cutting template (you can download and print), a pencil (to transfer the template onto paper), scissors and a sewing machine.

This DIY heart garland is made like this:

By the way, a garland of paper circles is made using the same principle - circles of colored paper are folded in pairs and stitched. You can stack three or four blanks, then you will get multi-colored paper balls.

From checkboxes

A flag garland looks very elegant - it can have an inscription happy birthday, or welcome, and a garland of flags can be used at any party or children's party.

How to make a garland of flags for a children's birthday with your own hands? Three simple steps: Simple, isn't it?

For those who want a little more complexity, a garland of flags and fabric. So, we already understand how to make a garland of flags with our own hands, but at what stage should we add fabric and what kind? Again, it's simple.

It is clear that paper garlands are not very durable - they will last a maximum of one or two uses, but what if you want to make something more durable? For example, for kindergarten You can make a flag garland from fabric.

How to sew a garland of flags step by step:
Decorative braid with flags made in this way can be used at home and in the kindergarten, you can make special decor for the street (kids especially like this for the New Year).

for the new year

Making New Year's garlands is fun and exciting! To make a beautiful and original garland you will need small candle lamps, narrow tinsel and a couple of jars of paint - special for glass or regular acrylic. The light bulbs are dipped one at a time in paint and dried on a cardboard stand (the bases can be wrapped in cling film to prevent them from getting dirty). Then the light bulbs are glued to the tinsel in a chaotic manner, and the unusual Christmas tree garland is ready!

Making another Christmas tree garland is also not too difficult - the main thing is to stock up on a template. Can be used immediately for printing colored paper, or you can make one general template and copy it onto paper of any color. Printed or redrawn templates must be cut as shown in the diagram and strung on bright twine.

A garland made of felt balls looks very cozy and very Christmas-like. You can do it together with your child - you just need help. In order to make this interior decoration, you will need felt balls. No, not even that - A LOT of felt balls.

Making them is quite simple - take a little wool for felting in your palm, wet it under the tap, and then lightly roll it into a ball. Add foam or soap and continue rolling. When the ball starts to form, you need to apply a little effort.

If the fur is capricious, try changing the water temperature several times - after a couple of changes with cold water when hot and back, the fibers begin to fall off. The future ball must be thoroughly rinsed from soap. The ball is ready when it becomes hard.

Make a lot of these balls - they can be the same color (then it is better to take a contrasting thread for stringing) or different shades, and then just string them on a thread and a needle, and your cozy winter decor is ready. By the way, with such balls you can decorate a Christmas wreath on the door and christmas tree.

Christmas tree patterns:

Well, I’ve infected you with my handicraft enthusiasm and you already want to make all kinds of garlands from flowers, felt balls, flags and other things? Then it's time to see what other decors are available.

For example, you can make chic wedding garlands with your own hands.

How to sew a garland of artificial flowers in half an hour on a machine? There's an answer. By the way, if you want, you can make butterflies out of paper and alternate them with flowers.

Creating a cozy atmosphere in the home thanks to the creation original jewelry for the home with your own hands - this is a very popular trend today.

Handmade has gained recognition among the majority. This process is characterized by ease of execution, elegance of the final result, as well as its economy and ease.

Variable DIY paper garlands have begun to attract more and more craftswomen, because with their help you can transform absolutely any home interior.

Paper garlands help create a comfortable environment in your home, a cozy atmosphere and bring a little more warmth into your home.

Paper garland - as a way to decorate your home

Many famous interior designers recommend taking a closer look and studying ways to decorate your home with paper elements, in particular we are talking about garlands. After all, to make serious changes to the interior, you need a little money, as well as a temporary resource, replacing almost all the furniture, and rearranging the house.

And making a change using an element such as a garland is as easy as shelling pears. People just need to show their imagination and “live” creativity.

Photos of DIY garlands can be viewed on the Internet - all garlands differ from each other in their charm, originality and individuality.

When asking yourself the question of how to make a garland for your home yourself, the most varied solutions and methods of creation come to mind.

To begin the process of creating a garland, you need to mentally decide on their future shape and color. After all, depending on the shape of the garland, the selection of material for its manufacture also depends. There are light garlands made of plain paper, and some are made of cardboard.

Of course, dense material in the form of cardboard is a reliable and more durable material that will not fail even after a long time. But the fastening of such elements to each other should be stronger, and not as for the first type.

There are several types of garlands that you can build with your own hands:

Garland based on balloons

A garland of balloons is usually suitable for disposable. For example, you can create it for some event: children's party, birthday or wedding celebration.

But most often it is a children's garland. Bright Balloons can be connected into an arch, into figures of angels, into volumetric hearts, or simply located along the entire length of the wall.

Making such a garland at home is more difficult and takes longer, so many people order this type of garland in ready-made form from special establishments. But, if you start this process at home, you can save your expenses rather than spending money on the services of special agencies.

Garland of paper rings

This technology for creating a garland has been known to everyone since the very beginning. early childhood. Back at school, everyone made a garland from multi-colored rings cut out of paper. By connecting these rings, you get a long garland in the form of a chain.

It is very simple to make, but if you choose the colors wisely and add additional decor, you can get the ideal solution for decorating the whole house.

When connecting the rings to each other, special attention should be paid to the attachment points, since if the garland is poorly attached, you can get a poor-quality result.


Garland of paper hearts

Many couples in love can create such a garland for romantic evening for two, so as not to spend money on decorating the house. The shape of the garland and, of course, the bright pink and red hues make this garland a must-have for a holiday like Valentine's Day.

Some people create such garlands and even sell them on Valentine's Day. And, oddly enough, people willingly buy such handmade work. The main thing is to do everything carefully and get the desired result.

When creating paper garlands, it is not necessary to use only high-quality clean paper; some give preference to newspaper sheets, napkins, and cuttings from glossy magazine, and bright candy wrappers, and old cards given for some holidays.

This is also a kind individual style making garlands at home. For fastening, both the most common PVA glue and more durable adhesives such as moment, etc. are used.

Photo of DIY garland

