Notes on valeology classes in kindergarten. Collection of notes on valeology. Video: valeological lesson on the topic “Why do we need a nose?” in the older group

Summary of the lesson on the formation of valeological culture

"Take care of your health" in senior group № 3


Serhovec St. Nick.

"Journey to a healthy lifestyle"

Target: Learn to apply the rules of maintaining and promoting health in everyday life.


Educational: To generalize and expand children’s knowledge about the factors influencing

human health;

clarify children's knowledge about food products and their importance for


introduce the technique of proper nasal breathing.

Educational: Develop physical qualities: speed, endurance, eye, coordination of movements.

Educators: Develop qualities such as mutual assistance and the ability to work in a team.

Material: map of the Country of Health; hygiene items (soap, washcloth, towel, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb), cards with images of food products, didactic game “What’s extra”, didactic game “Helpful-harmful”, didactic game “Do’s and Don’ts”, didactic game “Puzzles-rest”, toy Microbe, audio recording of sounds of the sea , audio recording: “Song of the Little Engine” from the film “Locomotive from Romashkovo”.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Introductory part.

Educator: Today we have gathered with you to talk about health. What word is the word “health” similar to? That's right, the word health is similar to the word hello. When we say hello, we wish each other health.

- Guys, now you, like well-mannered people, say hello to our guests.

Children: “Hello.”

- Guys, what do you think “to be healthy” means?

Children: to be healthy means when nothing hurts; to be healthy means that a person has strong arms; to be healthy means that a person has fast legs; to be healthy means a person has strong teeth; beautiful hair….

Educator: Guys, what is the mood of healthy people?

Children: a healthy person has a cheerful mood; A healthy person is in a joyful mood.

Educator: - Today I suggest you go to a magical land - the Land of Health. Want to know what's magical about it?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Then let's go to the map and see what is drawn there. (children approach the map of the Land of Health). The map is glued to the wall.

Guys, look, like in all countries, there are cities in the Land of Health. We will stay with you in all of them. Look, what road connects the cities of the Country of Health?

Children: The railway connects the Countries of Health.

Educator: So, you and I will go by train. We take our seats on the train. (children stand one after another, pretending to be a train). For the train to move, you need to say the magic words:

I will save my health

I will help myself!

To the music “Locomotive from Romashkino”, children move like a train around the hall. And they stop at the first city.

2. Stop - City "Chistyulkino".

Educator: Guys, what do you think the residents of Chistyulkino like?

Children: Residents love cleanliness, residents love order, city residents love to wash, love to brush their teeth.

Educator: Why do you need to maintain cleanliness?

Children's answers: Cleanliness must be maintained so that there is no dirt.

Educator: Why is dirt dangerous?

Children's answers: germs live in dirt.

Educator: Who are “microbes”?

Children's answers:………………

A microbe appears:

I'm cunning ha ha ha

Being healthy is nonsense!

Put your dirty finger in your mouth

How are you living, how is your tummy?

Well, does your head hurt?

This makes me happy.

How pretty am I?

I'm a good microbush!

Educator: Bad, terrible

Microbe: Yes, I am the most beautiful!

Educator: Contagious

Microbe: I'm being insulted, poor me!

Educator: you are a terribly harmful microbe

Microbe: Well, now I won’t leave you alone!


- You microbe, don’t lag behind, play the game with us.

Didactic game“You can - you can’t” (with pictures)

- Let's play a game, which items can be used all together, and which ones can only be used one at a time. Prepare your palms, don’t forget to clap when you hear the name of personal items. And so, the game “you can - you can’t”:

towel... - pencils...

tassel... - handkerchief...

toothbrush... - book...

comb... - toys...

Didactic game "What's extra"

Microbe: Oh, I can't

And now I'm falling

A healthy lifestyle is not for me

Oh, I'm dying, I'm dying!

Educator: - Guys, we drove away the Microbe.

Educator: Now we know how to defeat dirt, and therefore germs?

I will save my health

I will help myself!

To the music “Locomotive from Romashkino”, children move like a train around the hall. And they stop near the city.

3. Stop - Zaryadkino city.

Educator: The guys who live in this town really love to do exercises. Why do you think you need to do exercises?

Children: You need to do exercises in order to be strong; exercises need to be done in order to be resilient; exercises need to be done in order to be fast; Exercises need to be done in order to be flexible.

Educator: Guys, let's show our favorite exercise that we do every morning.

The teacher shows the children exercises, which they repeat after him.

I have a head

Right - left, one - two . Turns, head tilts

She sits on a strong neck ,

Twisted and turned . Circular turns of the neck.

Then the body goes

Bend back, tilt forward ,

Rotate - turn . Hands on the belt, bends, turns

Everyone has strong hands ,

Down - up, down - up . Jerks your arms up and down.

We need legs to run...

Jump... squat... stand! Running in place, jumping, crouching

This is my body!

With him you will do everything to perfection! Straighten up, rise on tiptoes, arms up.


So that you never get sick,

So that your cheeks glow with a healthy blush,

To have excellent health,

Everyone needs to exercise (exercise) in the morning

Educator: But it’s time for us to move on. Take your seats on the train. Let’s remember our motto and repeat it all together: I will save my health, I will help myself!

To the music “Locomotive from Romashkino”, children move like a train around the hall. And they stop at the city “Inhale-Exhale”

4. Stop - City “Inhale – Exhale”.

Educator: Guys, when do we inhale and exhale? We are breathing.

What does it mean to breathe? (this is when air is inhaled and exhaled).

Who can breathe? (animals, birds, plants, people).

-And the residents of the city of Inhalation - Exhalation can teach us how to breathe profitably so that a person can be healthy. I'll show you a few exercises and tell you what they are for.

We will breathe with sounds.

“Airplanes” - with the sound “B” - from a runny nose.

Children pronounce the sound “B” while exhaling for a long time, arms to the sides, swaying as if in flight.

“Mosquitoes” - with the sound “Z” - when your throat hurts.

Palm on the neck, pronounce the sound “Z” while exhaling for a long time.

“Beetles” - with the sound “Zh” - when coughing.

Palm on the chest, pronounce the sound “Zh” as you exhale.

“Lion cubs” - with the sound “R” - When Bad mood and I want to quarrel with someone.

“Vodichka” - with the sound “S” - when you are tired and want to relax.

- Very good exercise! We will remember them and will definitely use them.

And now it's time for us to go. Our motto:

I will save my health

I will help myself!

5. Stop - City "Rest".

Educator: - Why is this city called that?

Children: This city is called that because the residents love and know how to relax.

Educator: Guests often come to the residents of Otdykhai-ki to have a good rest. You also need to be able to rest. Will you rest if you play on the computer all day? What if you watch cartoons on TV for a long time? Lying on the couch with coloring books for half the day? How can you rest?

Didactic game “Useful puzzles-relaxation”

Children: you can go to the cinema, to the circus, to the park, to the playground, to the stadium...

Educator: And you and I will relax on the seashore.

Children lie down on the mats and close their eyes. You can hear the sound of the sea surf and the cries of seagulls.

Relaxation exercise"On the shore"

It’s quiet, calm all around... The sun warms from above, and its rays gently stroke your shoulders and heads... The breeze moves your hair... You feel warm, calm... You hear only the sound of the waves and the cries of seagulls... They don’t bother you at all... Feel how the sea caresses your heels... All your fatigue flows away with the water. You feel good, calm. Lie there for a little while, listen to the sound of the waves... So you have rested. One - two - three - four - five - here you are in kindergarten again! Open your eyes, stretch properly, smile at each other.

- And we get on the train and remember our motto all together:

I will save my health

I will help myself!

To the music “Locomotive from Romashkino”, children move like a train around the hall. And they stop near the city...

6. Stop - City "Vkusnyashkino".

Educator: Mmm, it smells so delicious here! What smells do you smell? (children fantasize). Residents of the city of Vkusnyashkino love to treat their guests. But they know well which foods are good for us and which are harmful. Do you know? Shall we check?

Didactic game “Helpful-Harmful”

Before you sit down at the table,

Think about what to eat!

Game with pictures “Food”

Educator: The most delicious thing for children and adults is ice cream and milk. And now we will all prepare a classic milkshake.

Making a cocktail.

4 things. banana

500 ml. milk t.+6 degrees.

500 ml. ice cream sundae

Beat until foamy

(We treat guests and children)

- And we get on the train, it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten. And let us all remember our motto:

I will save my health

I will help myself!

To the music “Locomotive from Romashkino”, children move like a train around the hall.

6. Summary

Educator: - Guys, did you like the trip? Let's look at the map again and remember what rules you need to follow in order to be healthy.

Everyone should know for sure:

We must maintain health!

Need to play sports,

Need it right...

Children: eat,

Wash your hands before eating,

And generally be friends with...

Children: water!

Breathe deeper, absorb oxygen!

Walk more, with friends...

Children: play!

And then all the people in the world

They will live for a long, long time!

And remember: health

Can't buy it in the store!

Educator: tell me what cities we visited?

Children: City “Relax”, Stop - City “Inhale - Exhale”, City “Vkusnyashkino”, City “Chistyulkino”, city “Zaryadkino”.

The lesson is over.

Summary of a lesson on valeology in the senior group of kindergarten, topic: “What we are like inside”


Introduce children to the main organs human body(brain, heart, lungs, stomach), their names, location and functions.
Teach children to experimentally confirm their acquired knowledge (through simple experiments).
Make children want to learn more about their bodies.
Develop thinking, fine and gross motor skills.
Cultivate the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.


Colour pencils.
Sheets of paper with a drawn silhouette of a person and internal organs.
Mirrors, previously inflated and deflated balloons.
Pictures of food products.
Small feathers.
Glasses of water, straws.

Progress of the lesson:

Every person should know the structure of his body, because this will help him to be healthy.
You already know that our body is structured like this: on top - the head, then the neck and torso. The torso has upper limbs - arms and lower limbs - legs.

But this is what we see, and there are many different organs inside our body. We don’t see them, but thanks to them we live, breathe, think, eat and much more. Today we will get acquainted with the most important organs.
Here is a diagram showing these organs. After getting to know each organ, you will color it in with colored pencils and try to remember it.


One of the most important organs is the brain. He is like the boss over all organs, he knows everything and is responsible for everything. Signals from the outside world come to it, as if through wires, and it gives orders to the entire body how to react to these signals. The brain helps a person to be human. Think. Walk. Do different jobs.

Didactic exercise “Follow the order”

Children perform actions according to commands.

Our brain rests at night when it is dark and we sleep. But not the whole brain rests; it has duty cells that work even at night. After all, at night we see dreams. Can you tell me what you dream about?

The brain is very fragile. It’s good that a hard skull reliably protects the brain from damage. But still try not to hit your head. From strong blow there is a concussion.


The heart is like a big pump that pumps blood. Blood “runs” throughout the body through different vessels. The main task of blood is to nourish the whole body. And a very important organ pumps blood and helps it move - the heart. The heart works constantly, even when a person sleeps.

It knocks day and night,
It's like it's a routine.
It will be bad if suddenly
This knocking will stop.

The heart is located in the center of the chest, almost in the middle, and the size of a fist. Form your hand into a fist and place it on the center of your chest, slightly to the left. This is approximately the size of your heart. Now clench and slightly unclench your fist - this is how the heart works: when it contracts, it pushes blood. And you hear a heartbeat.

What color is our blood? How did you find out about this? When blood flows from your wound, adults rush to treat the wound and stop the bleeding. This is very important because losing blood is very dangerous. How do you treat your wounds?
The heart must be protected. But if a person decides to lie down all the time and do nothing to take care of his heart, he will be very mistaken and will only harm his heart. The heart needs to be trained and exercise. When you run, your heart works faster. It beats and pumps blood.


Now we will prove it. Place your hand on your heart and listen. Now jump, run in place, lean forward, backward. Now place your hand on your heart again. What changed? My heart began to beat faster.


A person has two lungs. A person needs lungs to breathe and supply the blood with the necessary air. The air is not visible, but you cannot live without it.


Look at your breath. Bring the mirror closer and breathe on it. Warm breath will fog the mirror.
Your lungs expand like this balloon when you inhale and contract when you exhale.
Place your hands on your chest and take a deep breath. You felt your arms rise along with your lungs filling with air. Now exhale. Hands dropped.


Take the straws in your hands, lower them and blow into them. What did you see? This is air in the form of bubbles.

We don't always breathe the same way. When we run, we breathe more often and deeply, and when we are calm or sleeping, our breathing is even and calm.
You should try not to breathe smoke or dirty air. Our lungs benefit from fresh, clean air. And of course, you shouldn’t poison your lungs with cigarettes. Cigarette smoke turns your lungs black and makes you sick.

Breathing exercise “Blow on a feather”

Children, at the teacher’s command, perform the exercise.


The stomach is like a saucepan inside us - all the food goes there, and the stomach digests it. With useful, healthy food the stomach copes easily, but from junk food the stomach suffers and even gets sick. The stomach really doesn’t like it when we overeat - we fill our belly. The stomach does not have time to cope with the enormous amount of food and our stomach begins to ache.

Didactic game “Healthy and junk food”

Children are divided into two groups: “Healthy” and “Harmful” pictures depicting food products.

Self-massage “Help yourself”

There are many, many points on the human body. Which are connected to different organs. And if you learn these points, you can help yourself when you get sick. Now we will learn how to massage ourselves.

The gnome lives in your fingers,
(bend and extend fingers)

He brings us health.
One two three four five,
(sprayed phalanges on the points at the wings of the nose)

Our gnome began to play,
Draw circles with your fist near your nose,
And then I rose higher
(lightly stroking the maxillary sinuses)

And rolled down from top to bottom.
The gnome looked out the window,
(massage with index and middle fingers on the brow ridges)

He laughed and flew away.
The gnome found a point near the eye,
(massage of points on the bridge of the nose)

Turned right, left,
Pressed on the other one,
(massage points near the wings of the nose)

And then he went down -
(massage points above the upper lip)

Closer to your mouth,
Hid behind his ears
(massage of auricle points)

Laughed at me
And he wanted to play with me.
One two three four five,
(massage of the forehead and brow ridges)

I decided to catch him.
I caught the gnome in the eyebrows,
And he kept walking in circles,
So our gnome fell silent
(nose tip massage)

And he took off running.
We will take it in our hands,
(relaxation of hands)

Let's wave our hands a little.

Unlike medicine, the focus of which is, first of all, a sick person and methods of treating him, in the field of interest of valeology - a healthy person who wants to maintain his vigorous and cheerful state. To teach children to take care of their health, to be conscious about nutrition and physical activity - this is the main meaning of all classes, the outlines of which are presented in this thematic section.

See how your colleagues tried to interest their students in values healthy image life and instill in them the basics of health conservation.

Encyclopedia of classes on the basics of valeological culture

Contained in sections:
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 1116.
All sections | Valeology. Lesson notes, GCD, developments

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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MDOU TsRR No. 25

compensating type



  • develop healthy lifestyle skills in children and teach them to take care of their health;
  • involve children in regular physical education;
  • consolidate knowledge about the benefits of healthy products and their importance for human life and health.
  • To develop cognitive - emotional interest, motor activity of children.
  • Cultivate a desire to be healthy and a respectful attitude towards each other.


Cards with images of products.

Cards with images of personal hygiene products.

Puzzles with the image of a car.

2 fragments from the cartoons “Doctor Aibolit”, “Moidodyr”.

Red and green circles.


Progress of the lesson.

Educator : Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's say hello!

Educator : Guys, we received 2 emails with the note SOS , help. Let's see who is asking us for help. (View an excerpt from the cartoon Doctor Aibolit)

Guys, who is this email from?

Guys, look, the poor animals are sick. Their tummies hurt!

Guys, why do you think their tummy hurts? (children's answers)

I think they ate poorly, drank soda and ate a lot of sweets. Guys, let's help the animals recover and teach them the rules of nutrition. Do you agree? (Yes)

Guys, do you know the rules of nutrition? (children's answer). We'll check it now! There are mugs on your tables.

You should always wash your hands with soap before eating.

You need to eat at night, no, you need to eat during the day at certain hours.

You need to eat foods that are good for your health.

You need to eat quickly. No, you need to eat calmly, chewing your food thoroughly.

Rinsing your mouth after eating is beneficial.

To be healthy you need to eat a lot of sweets.

Instead of compote, you should drink soda.

Vegetables and fruits - healthy foods

Don't eat porridge in the morning

You can't talk while eating

You can't overeat, you have to eat in moderation

Please put them on the edge of the table so that they do not disturb you.

Well done, we taught the animals the rules of nutrition. But in order for them to recover faster, I suggest sending a package with healthy products. Do you agree?(Yes)

You have cards with pictures of products on your tables; you need to put in the basket those products that will be useful for our sick animals. You need to draw arrows with a pencil from the useful product to the basket. Grab your pencils and start doing the task. (The teacher walks through the rows and looks at the correctness of the exercise)

Now let's check it out.

Look at my board for pictures of products. Please tell me which foods are harmful to health.

Hamburger is rich in bad cholesterol.

Harmful Snickers chocolate - yes, it will only make your teeth hurt, no, such a product is not needed.

Crackers - they don't contain vitamins. They are harmful.

Chips - they only make your stomach ache

A soda called “Pepsi” - if you drink it, it will bubble up and dissolve from your nutria; it is a harmful product.

Please put the cards on the edge of the table.

Well done, we did a good job with you. And our useful package has been collected, and we will send it to sick animals. Guys, what do you think can be used to fix it? (children's answers).

Guys, you have puzzles on your trays, let's put them together and see what happens. Place the puzzles in front of you. Let's start collecting.

Guys, what did we do? (children's answer)

This is special. machine for transporting mail.

Please put the puzzles on the tray and place them in the middle of the table.

And now I suggest you cheer up and recharge your energy with the help of exercises. Children stand near the chairs.

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hand on the belt. Rotate your head left, right, forward and back.

In a forest clearing,
The animals are doing exercises.
The hare turns its head -
Warms up the neck muscles.
Makes every move carefully

He really likes this exercise.
I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, left hand back, right forward.

Striped raccoon. Depicts a helicopter:
Waves its paws back and forth,
I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hand on the belt. Side bends.

The gray wolf is a little sleepy,
He performs bends:
"You little wolf, don't be lazy!
Right, lean left,

And then forward, backward. And you will get a boost of energy!

Educator : Well done. Take your seats.

Educator: Now we'll look at the second email. We found out who this letter was from. (Viewing an excerpt from the cartoon “Moidodyr”)

The guys ran away from the boy with all their things, but why do you think? (He didn’t wash his face or comb his hair, that’s why his things ran away) That’s right, you need to wash your face in the morning, comb your hair, and brush your teeth. Wash your hands before eating. Guys, why do you need to do all this?

Moidodyr asks us to teach the boy to be careful.

Children you want to teach the boy! (Yes)

There are cards on your tables, look carefully, they show objects that will help the boy get himself in order. Let's circle with a red pencil things that will help the boy be clean and tidy.

(The teacher walks through the rows and looks at the correctness of the exercise)

Now let's check if you did the task correctly. Tell me the things you circled in pencil. Tanya, tell me the item you circled? (survey of children no more than 5 people).





Well done guys, you did everything right, and the boy now knows that in the morning he needs to wash his face, brush his teeth and comb his hair, then no microbes will enter our body. This is also very important.

Guys, we are so great. We helped sick animals by collecting a parcel of healthy food for them, and taught them the rules of nutrition. Recharge your energy with exercises. They taught the boy to be clean and neat. If we eat only healthy food, practice good hygiene and exercise, we will have excellent health.

Our lesson is over. We quietly get up and push our chairs back.

Lesson on valeology in middle group


  • To develop healthy lifestyle skills in children.
  • Involve children in regular exercise.
  • Develop cognitive and emotional interest.
  • Ensure children's compliance with nutritional rules.
  • To instill in children a positive attitude towards their health and the health of others. Cultivate a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Class in valeology in the senior group on the topic:

"Magical Country - Health"

Program content:

To give children a general idea of ​​health as a value that needs to be constantly taken care of.

Continue to developemotional sphere of children, cognitive interest, mental activity;as well as imagination and the ability to display your idea in a drawing.

Exercise in establishing cause-and-effect relationships; develop children's coherent speech.

Cultivate a desire to be healthy, be attentive to yourself and others,takes care of his health.

Methodical techniques: conversation, game moment,artistic word,questions, use visual material, wellness moment,appeal to children's life experiences.

Material:Pictures depicting 2 gnomes: one gnome is cheerful, healthy, the second gnome is sad, sloppy; For each child, a landscape sheet and pencils.

Vocabulary work: clarify and consolidate the words: health, healthy man, rarely sick.

Preliminary work: instilling hygiene skills in children, talking with children about health and the benefits of exercise, reading fiction and educational literature on the topic,telling riddles,looking at illustrations,children's encyclopedias.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the group and make a semicircle on the carpet.

Educator:We love it when guests come to us.Let's say hello to them.You know, we didn’t just say hello, we gave each other and everyone in the group a piece of health, because we said “Hello!” This means I wish you good health.

"A Minute of Friendship"

- Now let’s form a circle. (children stand in a circle, holding hands)

- One palm, two palms.

Be friends with me a little.

We are friendly guys

Friendly, obedient. ( Children pronounce words together with the teacher)

Educator:Guys! Today I wanted to talk to you about a very important topic - about health.What word is the word “health” similar to? That's right, the word health is similar to the word hello. When we say hello, we wish each other health.

Today I want to tell you an old legend.

“Once upon a time, the gods lived on Mount Olympus. They became bored, and they decided to create man and populate planet Earth. They began to decide what a person should be like.

One of the gods said: “A person must be strong.” Another said: “A person must be smart.” A third said: “A person must be healthy.” But one god said this: “If a person has all this, he will be like us.” And they decided to hide the main thing that a person has - health. They began to think - decide - where to hide it? Some suggested hiding health deep in the blue sea, others - in high mountains. And one of the gods suggested: “Health must be hidden in the person himself.”

This is how people have lived since ancient times, trying to find their health. But not everyone can find and preserve the priceless gift of the gods!”

This means that health, it turns out, is hidden in me, and in you, and in each of you... Guys, do you feel healthy?What do you think health is?What does it mean to be healthy?(children's judgments). Yes, children, you understand what health is, but not everyone knows what to do in order to be healthy. Today in class my two new friends will help me tell you about the magical land of health. They came to us from the wonderful land of fairy tales. These are gnomes. One is called Big Man, and the other is called Clumsy.Look. Which one do you think is the Big Guy and which one is the Clunker?(Children's answers)

Why do you think so? Who will share their opinion?(children's judgments)

Yes, I agree with you. Strong, strong children who rarely get sick are called Healthy Children. Look at the complexion of our Big Man. He has rosy cheeks, a strong a slim body, I think he plays sports, walks a lot fresh air, knows the rules of personal hygiene, observes the rules of behavior on the street,eats vitaminsdoes not eat unwashed fruits and vegetables and does not forget to do exercises. And of course he knows what is healthy and what is harmful to health. Do you agree with me?

Dwarf Clutzer:Guys, I came to you for help. I’m completely exhausted, it seems to me that I’ve lost my health and don’t know where to find it. Will you help me?

Educator:What do you think, does Clutzer lead the same lifestyle or not? And why? That's right, it's clear from him that he's a Clutzer. Let's help him become like Big Man. So we begin to help Clutzer, but first of all we must set an example for him ourselves. Offers to spend a healing moment.

Phys. "Ladybug" minute.

Spun around yourself

And they turned into ladybugs. (spinning)

Ladybugs, show your heads,

Noses, mouths, wings - arms, legs, tummies.(show named body parts)

Ladybugs, turn your heads to the right,

Ladybugs, turn your heads to the left.(turn head right, left)

Stomp your feet, flap your wings.(stomping feet, clapping hands)

Turned to each other

And they smiled sweetly and sweetly.(turn, smile, sit down).

Well done boys. Now let's teach Clutzer the rules of a healthy lifestyle with the help of games.

Game "Right, right, absolutely right."

I will tell you little poems, if they say what is right, then you all say it together"Right, right, absolutely right" and if the poem talks about what not to do, then you remain silent.

1. To grow and harden -

You need to play sports.

2. May you not be too lazy

Brush your teeth 2 times a day.

3. To prevent teeth from hurting -

Eat caramel candies.

4. If you go out for a walk in winter

You should leave your hat and scarf at home.

5. Fruits and vegetables before meals

Carefully, very carefully mine.

6. Go to bed on time, get up -

Follow your daily routine.

7. Here’s another simple tip -

Wash your hands before eating.

8. Run away from your mother quickly -

Don't let her cut your nails.

9. Handkerchief and comb must be your own -

Remember this and don’t use other people’s.

10. If there is a puddle or mud on the street -

You definitely need to fall there.

Game "Finish the sentence"

Charging needs to be done to...
You need to wash your hands because...
You need to breathe through your nose to...
People brush their teeth to...
Fruits are good for humans because...

Educator:Children, if a person is sick or unwell, what does he look like? You guys are so great! What should Clutzer do to be beautiful, strong, smart, healthy?(Children's answers).

So, now the gnome and we know that health is strength and intelligence. What is health? Wonderland, this is beauty, this is something that should always be protected, this is the greatest wealth of every person. Health is when you are cheerful, when everything works out for you, when you don’t have a fever and you can go to kindergarten, walk in the fresh air, go downhill, when nothing hurts. Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals. Do you agree with me? I'm sure that you and I helped Clutzer. But I really wouldn’t want him to keep such an ugly name. Let's come up with a new name for him, but also appearance he needs to change too. Is it true?

Now each of you will come up with a new gnome, your own. It can be a gnome - a boy or a gnome - a girl. There is a gnome on each of your tables. You need to decorate it and come up with a new, beautiful name for it yourself.

Independent activity children to calm music.

Analysis of the lesson and drawings.

List of sources used:



Didactic game "What is good and what is bad"

Children look at pictures and name the images with the words “good or bad.” The pictures are put into two boxes: green, red.

- The morning begins

Everyone smiles.


Crying is...BAD.

Fighting is also very...BAD.

Be good, kind, friendly,

This is very good.

Keep exercising

And you won't get sick.

You'll get sick...BAD.

Being healthy…GOOD.


Being BAD.

If it's cold and windy,

The rain pours into puddles,

Everyone knows this...BAD.

We can't go outside.

– Remember, Ninochka, always:

In a red box, you can’t do that.

You better look into the green one,

Remember everything there

And come to us.

Game "Exactly True"

1. If you want to be slim,

You have to love sweets.

Eat candy, chew toffee,

Become built like a cypress.(children are silent)

2. To eat right,

You will remember the advice:

Eat fruits, porridge with butter,

Fish, honey and vinaigrette.(children answer)

3. Don't forget before lunch

Have a pie.

Eat a lot to get more

Load your stomach. (children are silent)

4. No healthier products

Delicious vegetables and fruits.

And Seryozha and Irina -

Everyone benefits from vitamins.(children answer)

5. Our Lyuba ate rolls

And she got terribly fat.

He wants to come visit us,

Yes, he can’t crawl through the door.(children are silent)

6. If you want to be healthy,

Eat right

Eat more vitamins

Don't know about diseases!(children answer)