DIY New Year's things. DIY gifts for the New Year Beautiful things to do with your own hands for the New Year

Show me a person who doesn't like gifts? And, of course, many people like to give them. But often the process of finding a suitable gift turns into real hell, especially if you need a lot of them at once, as is usually the case two or three days before the New Year. Money is running short, there is only consumer goods left on the shelves, and it is unknown what to give to a second cousin who has suddenly appeared!

What a pity that the times when a book was a universal gift have sunk into oblivion (today almost everyone has both a tablet and an e-reader). And I don’t want to give something trivial that will be immediately passed on or thrown away as unnecessary. Thinking about all of the above, I discovered that there are at least 25 gifts that you can easily make yourself, moreover, without spending much money, using mainly scrap materials.

1. Soft toys and sofa cushions

Kids will never refuse a big one soft toy, and most adults too. And sewing any funny face is not as difficult as it might seem at first. Don't throw away old clothes, bright children's socks, shreds, buttons, beads and you will always have the right material at hand. You can stuff the toy with holofiber specially purchased for this occasion, or you can use the same shreds or padding polyester. Make the pattern yourself, or find a simple master class on the Internet. Don’t be afraid of the difficulties, the Internet is simply replete with the easiest video tutorials on any type of needlework! Even a child can sew a pillow with their help!

2.New Year's wreath

An ideal New Year's gift for a friend, mother, sister or colleague. Everything related to decor that is done with taste and a sense of style will be appreciated! This traditional wreath, hanging over a door or decorating a table, will become bright accent in a festive interior.

One of the most simple master classes...

Take an unnecessary aluminum trample, use pliers to straighten it until it takes the shape of a circle (this is not difficult to do by hand, even without using other tools). String Christmas balls of different sizes and different colors onto the wire (pre-lubricate the places where they touch each other with glue so that your wreath holds the desired shape) until you fill the entire space. The colorful wreath is ready!

The material for the New Year and Christmas wreath can be anything - from clothespins to foil! Imagine!

3. DIY vintage painting

Using a cutout from gloss and canvas, you can make an unusual and stylish gift in a couple of hours, which will suit your girlfriend, your beloved, your second cousin, your hairdresser Zoya, and your English teacher. Cut from a magazine beautiful photo or a drawing, paste it onto the canvas with the pattern “down” (you will get a “mirror” reflection) and leave the painting until completely dry. Then take a spray bottle, a sponge and begin to gently remove the top layer (see photo), splashing water on the canvas and wiping it with a sponge until the picture appears. The paper will be removed in fibers - they must be removed immediately and excess water removed. When the painting is completely dry, you can rub it a little with a dry abrasive sponge to give it a worn, vintage look, so to speak. Now you can open it with varnish.

4.Soap self made

Soap is a unique gift. Everyone uses soap. Moreover, if it is made by hand with the addition of oils and herbs... Mmm... The easiest way to make it: grate a bar of baby soap and heat it in a water bath with 2 tsp. olive oil. Then add 100 g of water and cook everything until smooth, stirring occasionally. As you go, add (optional): finely chopped herbs, dried fruits, ground coffee, dyes. Add essential oils last and immediately remove your brew from the heat! Grease your soap molds with oil and you are ready to pour your soap! A couple of hours in a cold place and your unique handmade gift is ready. To remove the product from the molds, you need to turn them upside down and tap lightly. If you have any difficulties, hold the molds over the fire for a while - the soap will melt and slide out easily. You can also freeze it in the refrigerator for a few hours and try to pull it out again.

8.Birthday calendar for the most forgetful friend

What do you think about the idea of ​​a calendar where the birthdays and anniversaries of all your relatives and friends will be entered? I think this is cool, especially if among your friends there is someone who consistently forgets these dates! Include additional cells in the kit for such a very useful thing, in case new dates appear, and the calendar will serve its owner for a very, very long time!

9.Original postcard

Don't forget about postcards! big, beautiful card with a “twist” it can become both a full-fledged gift and an addition to the main present.

10. Gift for a needlewoman

Is your friend interested in sewing? Is your mom always making something? Give them a beautiful pincushion! Such things are sewn quite simply, but the needlewomen themselves always have little time for themselves. What can you say, a shoemaker without boots! How to sew .

11. All kinds of decorations

There is never enough decoration! Therefore, you can safely give your friend, mother, mother-in-law, or colleague a hand-made necklace or brooch, but only if you know at least a little about her taste preferences!

12. Towel - robe

Giving just a towel is trivial, but presenting a towel that, if desired, can be transformed into a very comfortable and stylish robe is already something. The secret is simple: buy a large bath towel, a couple of buttons, ruffles and ribbons “to match” and start assembling the “transformer”. Make a couple of loops on the towel at one end in the chest area, and sew buttons on the other (here, of course, you need to know the size of the person for whom you are preparing this gift). You can sew ruffles or ribbons on the bottom and sides. You can also make embroidery, a monogram with initials, or applique on the robe. This gift will be appreciated by many, because this thing is not only beautiful, but also practical - it can be used both at home and on the beach. If you think that this will not be enough, you can buy bright slippers or a set of useful “bath” little things for your robe: bombs, bath foam, body scrubs, essential oils, handmade soap.

13. Bath bombs

Another “bath” gift is homemade “fizzy drinks” filled with aromatic oils and skin-friendly starch. Many people will like this gift.

The simplest recipe for making “bombs”: take 2 cups of soda; a cup of citric acid and the same amount of corn starch (it can be replaced with potato starch or milk powder); 0.5 cups of sea salt; 2 tbsp. any oil (olive, coconut, walnut...); 1-2 tsp. any essential oil; dye as desired.

You can also add herbs, coconut flakes, ground coffee, etc. if desired. The main thing is in moderation, otherwise your bombs may not form well. Now mix starch, citric acid, soda and sea ​​salt. If you use dry dye, use that too. Mix thoroughly to completely remove any lumps. Then mix: base and essential oils, as well as dye (if it is liquid). Shake the mixture to a creamy consistency and mix it with the starch-soda mixture, dripping drop by drop into the center and gradually kneading everything until smooth. If the resulting mass is smooth and does not crumble, you can form bombs; if it does fall apart, sprinkle it with water and knead again.

Molds for bombs can be special molds or any available materials: an ice cream spoon, an “egg” from a Kinder Surprise... Dry the finished products on a napkin until they become hard as a rock and you can start packaging!

14. Sweets

Today, confectionery factories produce a lot of “themed” delicacies for the New Year holidays: snow-covered houses made of ginger or almond cookies, chocolate trees and Snowman figurines, snowflakes - gingerbread cookies... You can do all this yourself if you wish! Moreover, both adults and children will be delighted with such gifts!

15. Beautiful decor for bottles or glasses

An ideal gift option for those who are interested in making homemade wines and liqueurs. In any other case, you can give good wine or cognac, while decorating the bottle with something “New Year and Christmas”.

Before you start decorating the bottle, it is better to remove all labels from it and wash it thoroughly. When it's dry, start decorating. You can use a syringe filled with glue to apply a design on it, and then quickly sprinkle it with semolina and let it dry. The resulting pattern will resemble frost.

The second decor option is decoupage. Apply a good coat of primer (this could be paint or glue) to a clean bottle, then take a regular patterned table napkin and peel off the very top layer. Using a brush and a solution of glue and water (1:1), glue the napkin onto the bottle, smoothing out any irregularities with your fingers. Allow the work to dry completely, then coat it with varnish. You can also further decorate the bottle with sparkles, inscriptions, stamps, etc.

The third option is to decorate with cotton fabric or an elastic bandage. To do this, you need to soak the bandage fabric for a couple of minutes in glue, and then carefully stick it on the bottle, modeling beautiful folds and irregularities. The fabric is applied in one layer, but with the bandage you may need to tinker and put it in two or three layers. When the glue is completely dry, the bottle can be painted or decoupaged. The final stage is autopsy finished work varnish.

You can decorate glasses in the same way: paint them acrylic paints, decoupage, make openwork modeling from thermoplastic or polymer clay.

16. Christmas tree decorations

The most popular New Year's gift. There are many beautiful Christmas tree decorations today, but none of them compares to the one you make with your own hands, because it automatically becomes unique. Consider the characteristics of the person to whom you are giving such toys. A musician - decoupage the balls with sheets of music, an architect - glue mini-models from cardboard, loves dancing - fashion ballet shoes out of plastic, is crazy about cars - attach a ribbon to a small Ferrari model...

17. Fun flash drive decor

The flash drive is now the same necessary thing in our everyday life, like a telephone or a comb. Without a flash drive - nowhere. But presenting a friend or relative with just a flash drive is somehow... boring. But giving a photographer a miniature “Canon”, which, if necessary, quickly transforms into an information carrier, is at least funny! How to make a work of art out of an ordinary flash drive? Using polymer clay. But only self-hardening, since the usual one will have to be baked together with the equipment, and this, alas, is deplorable for the latter.

18. Gloves

In such a snowy winter, a pair of gloves will never be superfluous! They, of course, can be knitted, but it’s easier and faster to sew them from an old sweater, a piece of dovetail or thick felt. The scheme is simple - draw a hand on paper or cardboard - a mitten of the desired size and cut it out, adding another 2 cm for the seams. Now take a fabric or an old sweater, apply your stencil to it and trace it twice (the second time in a mirror). All that remains is to cut out both parts of the mitten and sew them together. The rest of the decor is at your discretion.

19. Clothes for your beloved pet

If the person you are looking for a gift for has a cat or dog, a good gift there will be a warm “fur coat” for his beloved pet. And if this “fur coat” is made with funny New Year’s prints (with a hood in the shape of a Santa hat or with deer horns) - this is a double plus. You can use unnecessary knitted items, worn-out towels, or any other scraps as material. And to make it easier for you to navigate, here is a basic cutting diagram...

20. Key holder

Maybe I’m the only one whose keys bring a lot of trouble - they tear the linings of my pockets, get lost in the depths of my bag, get confused with the headphones of the player... Maybe. But, if you know another such person, give him a key holder! Believe me, he will be very, very grateful to you!

21. Warm slippers, socks or blanket

In winter, warm clothes become our fetish! We buy gloves en masse, run to supermarkets for duvets, take out bags with extra insoles from the depths of closets... Therefore, everything will be soft and warm by the New Year the perfect gift! If you really want, you can sew a large one from fleece and warm blanket, or you can give a more modest gift - socks or slippers.

22. Passport cover

Today, handmade passport covers have become very popular: made of felt, jeans, lace. You can try to sew the same one. Or you can decoupage a regular plastic cover.

23. New Year's bottle decor

A bottle of champagne in a fluffy bright “fur coat” (this could be a Santa, deer, Snow Maiden, snowman or Christmas tree costume) will be a good gift for lovers of all kinds of New Year’s decorative things. They will drink the champagne, but the fur coat will remain, and it can be used more than once! The simplest cut of such “clothes” looks like mini aprons with ties at the bottom and neck.

24. Socks for gifts

If you are visiting a whole family, then you can give traditional personalized socks as a gift, which hang over the fireplace and into which the caring Grandfather Frost then puts gifts. Sewing them is not difficult, just draw and cut out a stencil of the required size from paper, transfer it to the fabric twice (the second time in a mirror), leaving a couple of centimeters for the seams and sew both blanks, finishing the edges beautifully before doing this. A couple of bright ribbons and Christmas decorations - the socks are ready!

25. Sweet bouquet of candies

A bouquet of sweets that you can easily make with your own hands will be a good gift for any table. Watch the master class...

New Year is in three days! This thought makes me want to scream the letter “A”. I always don't have enough time. And I want everything around me to be beautiful and elegant. It’s so good that there are wonderful people in the world who share their ideas on how to do it easily and quickly, with their own hands... I hope they will make you happy too. With coming!

What's a holiday without sweets?

Marmalade figures in a jar of sugar. For eyes and buttons, you can use cake sprinkles and glazed seeds

Sweet decoration. Place about five round lollipops in a circle shape. Wet the next circle of candies with water or syrup so that it sticks to the bottom circle. Decorate with cinnamon or powdered sugar. Let it dry for two to three hours.

Cookies are best toys on the Christmas tree. But they won’t be decorating for long)

Sausage boots. One sausage makes one pair.


Oh no... They're melting! Place marshmallows on a cracker in a 400 degree oven. Cover the baking sheet with foil to prevent the marshmallows from darkening. Bake for 11 minutes. At this time, paint the heads of the snowmen. Place the heads on the heated marshmallows and press down. Cooled snowmen can be decorated as you wish.

If you know how to cook, then another melting snowman cookie idea is for you.

From wool pompoms you can make such a wonderful snowman with a felt hat. Add a loop to the hat and it will become a decoration on your Christmas tree.

Something like a snowman. Perhaps it will turn out more beautiful if you use round skeins of thread.

Funny faces for a snowman can be printed and glued to the top ball of white thread.

Snowmen outside can have their cheeks rosy. Mix five drops of red food coloring with a cup of water, then use a spray bottle to apply to the snowman's cheeks.
The second snowman is made from ice cream balls in coconut flakes.

Christmas trees

Christmas trees from old magazines. Incredibly effective at minimal cost. In the photo on the right, America's First Lady teaches children how to make these Christmas trees. Here is a video master class on making such Christmas trees from Martha Stewart.

And these are very simple trees, but large quantities they make a beautiful spruce forest. Their special charm is the gifts inside. The authors made their forest in five sizes and from several shades of green. If the trees are made of thick paper, then it is better to use double-sided tape for gluing and additionally strengthen the seam from the inside with ordinary tape. Cones pattern.

This wonderful example New Year's lottery.

Print the first page of the template, then reverse side the same sheet of paper with a background picture. Cut out the strips and glue them in the indicated places. An arrow with a circle indicates the beginning of the puncture. Pass a wooden stick through these places. Glue apples to the top. Stick Christmas trees into cupcakes.

Christmas tree made of candies. We will need a polystyrene foam cone. toothpicks and soft candies.
The second option is simpler, but not as beautiful.

Your whole family will probably be involved in the creation of this Christmas tree. We take an apron (preferably white), fabric paints and hands of all sizes.

Christmas tree decorations

Has anyone guessed that this is pasta?)

Snowflake designs are limited only by your imagination. Just use a good strong glue. To dry, place snowflakes on wax paper. Move them periodically to prevent them from sticking to the paper. When dry, you can paint them, but overdo it, otherwise the pasta will soften and lose its “marketable” appearance. At the end, you can lightly brush them with glue and sprinkle them with glitter.

Garlands of pine cones and others natural materials. It is also better to use rope made from natural fiber. For example, in this version the cord is made of hemp.

Lovely jewelry from Martha Stewart.


Very simple 3D cards

Use child labor) Of course, if you have children) Is it possible to buy such postcards? Grandparents will be happy.
here . Glue two large pompoms together. Download and print the templates for the legs and ears and cut them out. Using the templates as patterns, cut out 2 ear shapes from pink felt, and 2 legs from white felt.

List New Year's wishes on a spool of thread.

I wish you a wonderful new year!

New Year is on the list of holidays that are dearly loved not only by children, but also by adults. They look forward to it and believe that something magical and fabulous will happen on this day. The main tradition of this holiday is the exchange of gifts with friends and family. Some people enjoy giving gifts, others, on the contrary, enjoy receiving them, but in any case, every person asks the question of choosing a gift. Let's consider how to make gifts for the New Year 2017 with your own hands.

When choosing gifts, the main task is to find an unusual and original present. Of course, modern stores offer a wide range of various interesting things, but it’s much nicer to make original gifts for the New Year with your own hands.

New Year photo frame

A photo frame is a fairly common gift, so it can also be given on new year holidays, casting aside doubts. It will always remind your loved ones of your love for them and, of course, please the eye. There are many advantages to such a gift, the main one being ease of implementation. The frame can be decorated with any decorative elements that seem suitable to you.

To work you will need:
  • Any frame;
  • Beads, rhinestones, sparkles;
  • Glue;
  • Cardboard or photograph;
  • Varnish for coating.
Manufacturing principle:

You can use any frame as a basis: wood, plastic or metal. In addition to this, you will need various beads, rhinestones, glitter, glue and varnish for coating. You need to cut out snowflakes from felt, each of its own size and color. A cardboard base on which wishes will be written or a photograph will be pasted will also be useful for work. Glass can be used if desired. A cardboard base should be attached to the frame, snowflakes, beads and other decorations should be glued to it. At the end of the work, apply varnish and let the product dry. Such a gift will become a pleasant and warm memory for those for whom it is intended.

Other DIY Christmas frame ideas:

New Year frame for DIY photos
A regular frame sprinkled with glitter makes a cool DIY souvenir

DIY Christmas tree

A homemade Christmas tree is a gift that anyone will surely like. It is unique in that it is able to create a real New Year's atmosphere and is an excellent substitute for a large real spruce. After all, some people do not always manage to put up this tree and decorate it.

To work you will need:
  • Paper, whatman paper or cardboard;
  • Tinsel;
  • Small toys;
  • Garland.
Manufacturing principle:

It’s not difficult to make such a gift; for this you need to take cardboard or whatman paper. The size of the sheet or roll depends on how large the tree you want to make. You need to roll the paper into a cone shape and screw tinsel onto it, after applying glue there. The main thing is to wrap the cone tightly with tinsel so that there are no gaps. The finished Christmas tree can be safely decorated with small toys or garlands. This will create a real feeling of the New Year's holiday.

Other options for homemade Christmas trees:

A small Christmas tree is a cute souvenir in addition to any gift. New Year

DIY sweet gifts for the New Year

Many people associate New Year with sweets. Giving or receiving something tasty and original as a gift is doubly pleasant.

Sweet Christmas decorations

A great gift is a delicious and edible decoration for the Christmas tree. These gingerbread cookies will look great as decoration and will be a great addition to other sweets on the table. Such delicious homemade New Year gifts will pleasantly surprise everyone.

To work you will need:
  • Butter good quality;
  • Linden honey;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Cardamom;
  • Egg yolks;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Sugar;
  • Flour;
  • Chocolate;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Ginger;
  • Carnation.
Cooking steps:
  1. 120 g sugar and ½ part of a pack butter must be mixed and heated until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  2. Add 250 g of linden honey to this mixture and mix.
  3. Grind 20 clove inflorescences.
  4. Add ½ kg of flour, cloves, 2 tsp. peeled and grated ginger, 3 yolks, 1 tsp. cardamom grains and 2-3 tsp. cinnamon.
  5. Next, all ingredients must be mixed and brought to a homogeneous mass.
  6. Roll out the layer with an oak rolling pin so that its thickness is at least 0.5 cm. Use molds or a glass to cut out the desired shapes.
  7. Make small punctures on the gingerbread cookies with cocktail straws.
  8. Bake the products for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of at least 190 degrees.
  9. Then you need to prepare the sugar icing. To do this, grind 50 g of sugar in a coffee grinder. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice and stir.
  10. Fill the gingerbread cookies with sugar glaze. You can also melt 120 g of chocolate in the microwave and dip the gingerbread cookies into it.
  11. Ribbons should be pulled through the holes and the gingerbread cookies should be decorated.
  12. To achieve bright colors, you can add natural ingredients to the glaze. food colorings, such as beet or carrot juice.

Sweet ball for the Christmas tree

A sweet ball for the Christmas tree is a genuine joy for those with a real sweet tooth.

To work you will need:
  • Round Christmas tree decoration made of transparent plastic or glass;
  • Cocoa powder;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Small candies;
  • Chocolate drops or pieces of bar;
  • Small marshmallow.
Cooking steps:
  1. You need to remove the top part from the transparent ball, rinse it and dry it.
  2. Pour cocoa powder, powdered sugar and chocolate drops inside. Mix.
  3. Add small candies and marshmallows.
  4. Place the top on the ball.

You can safely give such a gift to friends and family. It will be an excellent decoration for the Christmas tree, and after the celebration, the contents of the ball can be poured into a cup, poured with milk or boiling water and enjoyed with a fragrant drink.

Other sweet options New Year's gifts:

Symbolic do-it-yourself gifts for the New Year 2017

You can prepare a gift in the form of a Fire Rooster. This mythical bird is the symbol of the New Year in 2017. For example, make an original souvenir in the form of this bird.

To work you will need:
  • Flour – 200 g;
  • Water – 130 g;
  • Salt – 125 g;
  • Paints;
  • Beads;
  • Glue.

In order to make such a souvenir, you need to mix flour, salt and water. From the resulting dough, mold a rooster: head, beak, eyes, tail, comb. Fasten all the parts together with glue and paint with bright colors. You can also glue beads onto the colored rooster for decoration.

Cock bottle

Turn a bottle of champagne into a rooster - an invariable attribute New Year's table. Her appearance will delight children and will undoubtedly surprise adults.

To work you will need:
  • Colored paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Feathers.

Even a first grader won’t have any difficulty making one like this. original gift. You need to make a cone out of yellow paper and cut out the wings. Cut out small details from red paper: beak, scallop, eyes. The tail can be made from feathers, or can also be cut out of paper. Glue all the parts together, and the symbolic original rooster-case for champagne is ready.

Unusual gifts for the New Year with your own hands

A gift with the real thing New Year's mood- This is a Christmas tree toy with a photo. Everyone, without exception, will be pleased to receive such a gift. After all, photography is pleasant memories, and in this form it will not leave anyone indifferent.

To work you will need:
  • Transparent Christmas ball;
  • Artificial snow;
  • Ribbon;
  • The photo is approximately 5x5.

First, print out the photo. Its size depends on the size of the toy itself. Next, pour artificial snow into the hole of the toy and insert a neatly folded photograph. Using a needle or toothpick, straighten the photo inside. Tie the toy to a bright ribbon, and the gift is ready.

Snowmen made from light bulbs can be a great addition to the New Year's interior. The proposed New Year's gift will definitely please its new owners, especially if it was made by hand.

To work you need:
  • Bulb;
  • Glue;
  • White paint;
  • Brush;
  • Colored paper;
  • Markers and felt-tip pens;
  • Scraps of fabric;
  • Scissors.

For this option, you can take burnt out light bulbs. To begin with, they need to be painted White color and let dry. Then cut out rectangles from scraps of fabric - these will be snowman scarves. They should be glued to the snowmen. You can use markers and felt-tip pens to draw eyes, pockets, a mouth and buttons, and cut out a carrot nose from orange or red colored paper. A little smiling guest will certainly decorate festive table.

Creative DIY gifts for the New Year

It’s very easy to give your loved ones warmth, comfort and a little bit of magic. A beautiful and festive candlestick will help create that very atmosphere.

To work you will need:
  • Glue;
  • Glass vase, glass or jar;
  • White paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Brush;
  • Candle;
  • Decor elements.

To make this creative candle holder, cut out snowflakes of different sizes from white paper. The container that will become the candlestick must be perfectly clean and dry. You need to take a brush, dip it in glue and carefully apply it over the entire surface. Next glue the snowflakes. After the snowflakes are glued, you need to apply another layer of glue to create an uneven texture. After this, leave the candlestick to dry for 1 day. Next, you can take beads or seed beads, string them on a thread and tie it around the candlestick. Bright ribbons are also suitable for this. When the candlestick is ready, you will need to place a candle inside.

What else the New Year holidays are associated with are pine cones. You can also use them to create an original gift that will be remembered for a long time.

To work you will need:
  • A frame wreath with a diameter of 40-50 cm;
  • Green nylon thread;
  • Glue gun;
  • Fir cones.

To make a wreath of pine cones, the frame must be carefully wrapped with nylon thread. You can make it yourself from wire and foam rubber. Using glue, large cones need to be glued to the moss. Use small cones to fill the empty space between the large ones. Next, you should wait until the wreath dries, and then the gift is ready.

The listed gifts with instructions will help bring to life the most original and creative ideas for the New Year. Don't be afraid of difficulties, because everything is much simpler than it might seem. In order to create a universal gift for loved ones, you don’t need to have special knowledge, it’s enough to want it and make it with love.

Other DIY New Year's crafts from pine cones

To prepare for the New Year, you don’t have to buy expensive ones. New Year's toys and decorations. In each apartment there are many things that will help decorate the house in a stylish and original way. offers several interesting and inexpensive ideas for a creative New Year.
Christmas tree made of threads

How to make Make a cone out of paper. Wrap it in a plastic bag. Take threads: simple for sewing, floss or knitting threads - from different threads you will get completely different Christmas trees. Wet the thread thoroughly with PVA (or silicate) glue. Wrap the base of the Christmas tree with thread dipped in glue. You can apply the thread randomly or in even circles, but the end result should be an openwork mesh over the cone. Let the Christmas tree dry (preferably within 24 hours). Take out the cone. Decorate the Christmas tree.
Snowman made from a sock

Chupa Chups deer

How to make You will need: 1 lollipop colored sheet A4 pencil scissors glue felt-tip pen with glitter ink How to make: On the top half of the sheet, draw with a pencil or print out the outline of a deer’s head. In this case, the deer’s neck should fall on the fold edge of the sheet. Consider the size of the nose for the lollipop. Fold the sheet and cut along the drawn contours, but do not touch the folded edge. Decorate the deer with a glitter marker. Insert the lollipop into the hole for the nose, using the stick to pierce the edge of the paper. Apply glue along the borders on the underside of the sheet and thus secure the sheets together.

Winter hats

How to make You will need: thread toilet paper rolls How to do: Cut the rolls into rings (the width depends on what kind of cap lapel you want). Prepare several pieces of thread, each of which should be at least 30 cm long. Thread a thread folded in half into a cardboard ring and make a loop. Continue doing the same around the entire perimeter of the ring and follow the photo instructions. Pass the resulting “braids” through the center of the ring and tie with thread. Trim off the excess length to create a pom pom. The finished hats can be hung on the Christmas tree or made into a garland.

Popsicle stick angels

List of gifts

How to make You will need: thick paper wooden spools of thread paint of any color thin tape, rope, thread or rubber band glue pencil or pen How to: Paint the spools any color. You can skip this point, but it will be more beautiful if the coils are bright in color. From thick paper, cut several strips slightly less than the width of one spool. The length of each strip is approximately 20–25 cm. Glue one end of the strip to the reel. Once the glue is dry, wrap a strip of paper around the spool. Insert ribbon, thread, or elastic through the spool. Now have each family member write down a list of gifts they want to receive and hang the list spool on the tree.

Snowflake ballerina

Cut out the snowflake and ballerina according to the template. Place the snowflake on the ballerina.
Retro decorations

It's quite simple. All you need is a black and white printer and pictures you like.
Wreath made from baking tins

Cookie deer

Openwork Christmas tree

Simple garland

For the New Year, you don’t have to buy expensive New Year’s toys and decorations. In each apartment there are many things that will help decorate the house in a stylish and original way. DIY offers some interesting and inexpensive ideas for a creative New Year.

Christmas tree made of threads

How to make Make a cone out of paper. Wrap it in a plastic bag. Take threads: simple for sewing, floss or knitting threads - from different threads you will get completely different Christmas trees. Wet the thread thoroughly with PVA (or silicate) glue. Wrap the base of the Christmas tree with thread dipped in glue. You can apply the thread randomly or in even circles, but the end result should be an openwork mesh over the cone. Let the Christmas tree dry (preferably within 24 hours). Take out the cone. Decorate the Christmas tree.

Snowman made from a sock

Chupa Chups deer

How to make You will need: 1 lollipop colored sheet A4 pencil scissors glue felt-tip pen with glitter ink How to make: On the top half of the sheet, draw with a pencil or print out the outline of a deer’s head. In this case, the deer’s neck should fall on the fold edge of the sheet. Consider the size of the nose for the lollipop. Fold the sheet and cut along the drawn contours, but do not touch the folded edge. Decorate the deer with a glitter marker. Insert the lollipop into the hole for the nose, using the stick to pierce the edge of the paper. Apply glue along the borders on the underside of the sheet and thus secure the sheets together.

Winter hats

How to make You will need: thread toilet paper rolls How to do: Cut the rolls into rings (the width depends on what kind of cap lapel you want). Prepare several pieces of thread, each of which should be at least 30 cm long. Thread a thread folded in half into a cardboard ring and make a loop. Continue doing the same around the entire perimeter of the ring and follow the photo instructions. Pass the resulting “braids” through the center of the ring and tie with thread. Trim off the excess length to create a pom pom. The finished hats can be hung on the Christmas tree or made into a garland.

Popsicle stick angels

List of gifts

How to make You will need: thick paper wooden spools of thread paint of any color thin tape, rope, thread or rubber band glue pencil or pen How to do: Paint the spools in any color. You can skip this point, but it will be more beautiful if the coils are bright in color. From thick paper, cut several strips slightly less than the width of one spool. The length of each strip is approximately 20–25 cm. Glue one end of the strip to the reel. Once the glue is dry, wrap a strip of paper around the spool. Insert ribbon, thread, or elastic through the spool. Now have each family member write down a list of gifts they want to receive and hang the list spool on the tree.

Wreath made from baking tins

Cookie deer

How to do

Openwork Christmas tree

Simple garland

How to do

You will need: colored paper scissors glue (stapler or tape)

Bunny made from a burnt out light bulb

How to do

Candlesticks made from empty tin cans

How to do

Cover empty cans gift packaging or colored paper. Then tie a rope around it and leave one long end from which you can hang the candlestick.

Snowflake "Darth Vader"