Does he really love me? How to find out whether he loves you or not. How to understand whether you love a person or is it affection

How to find out who loves you? Does your husband or boyfriend have these feelings? These questions arise quite often among girls. There is nothing strange about this. However, it’s not even funny. It is important to realize that a person loves you. It's nice to know that your husband or boyfriend is sincere in his feelings, even if he doesn't confess his love. How can you find out who loves you if they don’t say it directly? Naturally, it is impossible to constantly ask a direct question regarding the sincerity of feelings. However, everything can be understood by behavior. It, unlike words, can show a lot.

How do guys show love?

There are quite a lot of signs by which one can judge a man’s love. The main features should be given. So, how do you know that you are loved?

  1. A man who has serious feelings for you will not stoop to criticism of you. At the same time, he will not casually note that, for example, his girlfriend’s figure is better.
  2. How to find out if a guy loves you? If yes, then he will begin to take your side in any dispute, regardless of whether you are right or wrong. Plus, he will do his best to keep you from getting upset.
  3. You will never hear excuses from a loving guy. Even if a man is extremely constrained in his financial capabilities, he will find a way to please his beloved.
  4. What will he choose? loving man- watching football or going to the cinema with you? Naturally, the second option will be chosen. Even if he doesn't particularly like the movie.
  5. How do you know if a man loves you? If your hands are cold in thin gloves, he will find a way to warm them up. Even if it means giving up your gloves.
  6. Are you sick or just in a bad mood? Loving guy will not be somewhere far away at this time. He will look after you or try to make you laugh. And if you have problems, he will help you solve them.
  7. A loving person doesn't care what clothes you wear. Whether you bought it at the market or in a company store - this does not play any role for him. You are already the best. But if you want to purchase something in a company store, he will find a way to make this opportunity appear.
  8. How to find out who loves you? A guy who is sincere in his feelings will not rush into intimacy if you don’t want it or are afraid. And if he spends several nights with you, he will not cool off after that.
  9. A loving guy will never just disappear without saying anything. After all, it is unacceptable for him that you show excitement.
  10. Your opinion plays a huge role for him. He won't say that you don't understand something. And he will not make a decision without consultation.
  11. How do you know if a boy loves you? Even in early age he will try to please you by any means. No matter what effort it may require from him.
  12. There is no shame in introducing your loved ones to your friends and relatives. There is no shame in going to events with her. However, you shouldn’t expect a guy to show his feelings in public. All his tenderness and love will be shown in private.
  13. A guy who loves always tries to avoid quarrels with his girlfriend.
  14. If he doesn’t show up for dates on time, then you can already think about the frivolity of his feelings for you.
  15. If a man really loves, he will desire children from his beloved. And if she already has a child from her first marriage, then he will not be biased towards him. He will love him as if he were his own.

How to find out who loves you? These signs will help you understand the truth of the feelings of your boyfriend, husband. In addition, with the help of them you can find out about the interest of a simple acquaintance or someone you like.

How to understand that a girl loves you?

People in love quite often see nothing. They become quite immersed in their experiences. In this case, the ability to adequately think is lost. How to find out who loves you? In the situation with young people, this issue is most difficult. The reason for this is a misunderstanding. Rarely a guy can immediately determine exactly how a girl feels about him. However, sometimes you just need to observe her behavior. And there is no need to ask those around you.

She will talk constantly

Women's love is verbose. The consciousness of a girl who is in love is completely occupied with thoughts about the guy. She is unable to think about anything else. When talking with her friends, the girl constantly brings up the same topic. She tries to talk about her beloved. And even if there are reasons forcing her to hide her feelings, she will still talk about the guy she likes.

How to find out if a girl loves you? When talking with the guy she likes, she will show kindness and attention. She will be interested in hearing what he has to say. She will remember everything, even the smallest thing. Is it possible to learn about love through correspondence? Ask a question regarding something you talked about a week ago. If she responds instantly, then she has feelings for you.

The main signs of true feelings

How to find out who loves you? TO important features serious feelings include the following points.

  1. The praise that a girl expresses towards a guy.
  2. Reluctance to discuss your intimate secrets.
  3. at that moment when the guy talks about other girls.
  4. She laughs at his jokes.
  5. She is genuinely interested in the guy's life.
  6. She has no fear when discussing love topics.
  7. She shows confidence in everything the guy says.
  8. She shares all sorts of little things with him.

What can you see in the eyes?

Women's feelings cannot be separated from the desire to possess. In the initial stages of a relationship, when neither the guy nor the girl can afford much, it’s worth looking into the eyes. They are the ones who act from the position of a magic mirror reflecting true feelings. Not allowing themselves to confess, to touch, to be nearby all the time, girls in love simply watch and enjoy, dreaming of being noticed by the guy they like.

Can you tell about love by the eyes? You should take a closer look at:

  1. Duration of gaze. Science has proven that those people who evoke sympathy are looked at for at least 7 seconds. For the rest, no more than 2 is spent.
  2. Pupil size. If they are expanded, this may indicate the presence sexual desire which we are able to evoke in a person.
  3. The nature of the look. If a girl quickly looks away, then she is crazy about a guy. Constant eye tracking also speaks of love.

Has her behavior changed?

A girl's love can work wonders. First of all, changes occur directly with the representative fair half humanity. Girls in love change instantly and dramatically. They begin to follow the guys they like more closely. They don't let their appearance go. Changes also occur within the girl herself. How to find out about feelings? You should pay attention to what she has become. Usually girls in love:

  1. They enjoy trifles, and also stop getting irritated by serious problems that arise at home or at work.
  2. Lose their appetite or stop sleeping.
  3. Ready to do crazy things. This usually manifests itself in a change in image. Sometimes girls decide to go skydiving.
  4. So good that they begin to attract most men.
  5. They are able to work all day long, the main thing is that their loved one is nearby.
  6. They stop paying attention to their well-being and forget about their own habits.

Actions on the part of the woman

If a girl really loves, then she will:

  1. Trying to touch the guy. Accidentally or on purpose - it does not play a special role.
  2. Worry, blush, smile, get lost in words.
  3. Trying to flirt, fiddling with clothes, fiddling with hair, wearing provocative dresses, etc.
  4. Try to repeat gestures and movements.

Girls who are dominant can behave aggressively and indifferently towards the guy they like. They can also make malicious jokes or insults. But they also show many exciting signs of love.

Do you still have feelings after the breakup?

You were with her for a while, but decided to break up. Whether there was a mutual decision or not does not play any role. But now time has passed, and you have a desire to return to her feelings? The easiest way to find out about this is to ask directly. At the same time, it is worth explaining that you were mistaken. We just need to talk. But don't forget about body language. How do you know if you are loved? A girl still has feelings if:

  • agrees to talk;
  • to invade your personal space;
  • allows you to touch personal belongings;
  • shows any signs of interest.

Don't forget that the body can give itself away even with a little caress.


How to find out what a guy likes? Or maybe you want to know about the girl’s feelings? This review examined the main points that will help determine how the person you like treats you. You just need to show all your attentiveness when communicating with a girl or guy. If there is love, then it will not be possible to hide it, no matter what attempts are made. Remember that everything is in your hands! Therefore, observe the behavior and determine the presence of feelings.

Love is a wonderful feeling that all people on earth dream about. However, sometimes it happens that you meet a person, and it is very difficult to understand whether there is love (especially at a young age, when such sensations come for the first time). This article will help deal with this problem.


The simplest rule for a man to know if his beloved loves you is to simply look at her attitude. Without understanding even some of the nuances, from the overall picture you can draw simple conclusions about what it nourishes. Constant quarrels, nagging, jealousy - this is not love. But trust, honesty and tenderness are exactly what you need. However, relationships are built from little things: you need to watch how the girl reacts to a particular situation. After all, often, for certain reasons, ladies can pretend to be in love, and such intent can be revealed in the simplest and smallest things. For example, if a guy accidentally tore a girl’s notebook, and she “let loose all the dogs” on him, remembering the grievances of the past, this is hardly love. A person who loves will never make his other half suffer, especially over such trifles.


Another way to show how caring a girl is. If you love a person, you won’t care what he’s wearing, whether he’s dressed for the weather, and how hungry he is at the moment. These are the little things that reveal the essence of a caring relationship. Your beloved will always ask how you slept, if everything was done homework and as a result, if you need something, he will help without any excuses. However, there is another side to a caring attitude, when a girl simply intrudes with her questions. You shouldn’t be offended, it’s just how some people show their feelings, they’re used to it. This also suggests that the girl loves the guy very much and constantly worries about him.


How to find out whether your beloved loves you, you can, having learned how closely she has a pure feeling of love, will never flirt with other representatives of the stronger sex and provoke them into relationships (option: to harm the beloved in front of his eyes - does not count). Moreover, a girl who has a loved one will never go on a date with another guy, even though it will be a friend. After all, everyone knows that friendship between a boy and a girl does not exist. There is always someone secretly in love with their friend, or they are just former lovers who can get back together.


It is also worth remembering that the most beloved girl will always choose to communicate with her beloved in a situation if, for example, the alternative is to go for a walk with her friends. However, there are also certain nuances here: a girl, like a guy, needs to be given a bit of freedom, a break from relationships. So if she chooses a date with a guy, although she could have had a fun evening with her classmates or fellow students, it is better for her beloved to change his plans and allow the girl to relax in female company. Also, you should not demand maximum attention from a girl to your person. It is important to remember that she has friends, relatives and, possibly, a work circle, to which she also needs to devote a sufficient amount of time.

Nice words and actions

Another option is to listen to her. A girl will always talk about her feelings. Only guys try to hide them. So if a girl says three main words: “I love you,” why not believe it? In addition, a loved one can often compliment her boyfriend, praise him for various actions, and positively evaluate his behavior. As for actions, this is a completely separate issue. A woman is ready to go to great lengths for a man. However, not all men notice this. So, if a lady from time to time suits romantic dinners, tries to maintain order in the house (if the couple already lives together) - isn’t this proof of love? After all, these little things take a huge amount of time, which can be spent much more fun. You should not expect a woman to grab stars from the sky for the sake of her beloved - this is already the concern of men. A woman can simply make the life of her lover simple, convenient and as comfortable as possible.


Also, a beloved girl can from time to time, regardless of holidays, give her man gifts. This also suggests that she has feelings for the guy. strong feelings. So, even a small note on paper in the shape of a heart, left somewhere in a secluded place or in plain sight, is already proof of this. Among other things, a girl can write letters or poems to her beloved, make small romantic gifts, even if not expensive, are all a manifestation of such a bright feeling as love.


It should be said that the girl you love will also know what the guy likes about her. If the relationship is quite long - what you don’t like. Love will also manifest itself in the fact that the lady will try to take care of herself as best as possible (it’s no secret, with her eyes), and try to correct those problem areas that the guy points out. A man should appreciate this, because it is often very difficult for a woman to admit her problems, and sometimes even harder to try to work on them.


If a man asks the question: “Does my wife love me?” - you just have to look at her usual mood. If a lady loves, she will greet her husband from work with a smile, and see him off with a shadow of sadness that he has to leave. There is also no need to exclude kisses and hugs, which are also an important element family life. If there are constant scandals, nagging and omissions in the house, there is no need to talk about love and it is worth thinking carefully about such relationships. The same applies to those who have not yet reached the stage cohabitation. If a girl meets a guy joyfully, regardless of the situation and previous mood, there is no need to doubt - this is love.


In any relationship, the main thing is trust. If a girl (her beloved) calls her boyfriend a hundred times a day to find out where and with whom he is, this can hardly be called love. This is most likely a painful crush or something even worse. Thus, a person who truly loves will completely believe and trust his partner in any situation. They say, “trust but verify.” This is true, however, this must be done very delicately and very rarely, in the most extreme cases.


Another the right way How to find out if a girl loves a guy. Ask if she knows about his hobbies. Yes, this can say a lot. A loved one will definitely tell a girl something about his hobby from time to time. If a lady not only listens attentively, but also hears, delving into the meaning of the words, it means she cares, which means we can already say that the girl treats the guy well. If a lady from time to time can easily go with her loved one, for example, to football, without particularly understanding or being interested in this sport, this is definitely love.

Secrets, plans, desires

A person who truly loves is always open to his soul mate. In such relationships there are no omissions, secrets, secrets. A girl can easily tell a guy about her most intimate, painful things, without being embarrassed by her tears. Also, a girl who loves will share plans for the future with her lover, without hiding from him. The same applies to desires: only a lady can tell her beloved about her deepest desires. And who else if not him?

Meeting loved ones

Well, the very last piece of advice on how to find out if a girl loves a guy: ask to introduce you to people dear to her (if this has not already happened). If a woman loves, she will do it without problems or delays. If any excuses, omissions or prevarications begin, you should be wary. This may mean that the girl is not serious enough about the guy to introduce him to her relatives and close friends.

Proven ways to understand that you love exactly the right person, or you just like him

The feeling of falling in love is one of the most exciting, exciting and at the same time frightening feelings that each of us experiences sooner or later.

Once you fall in love, it is already unthinkable for you to imagine your life without your soulmate. Of course, you lived somehow before you met your loved one, but in fact, you only existed until the two of you met.

I remember the first time I fell in love with my girlfriend; it was some kind of frightening feeling, because before meeting her I managed to avoid the feeling of falling in love. I remember especially well this transition from the state of falling in love with Vanessa to the state of loving her.

At the beginning of the relationship, Vanessa was the woman who made me smile, and in the end became a kind of catalyst for my happiness and joy. I called her a spectacular girl, now she is the most beautiful in the whole wide world for me. She was once the object of my adoration, today she is the love of my life.

Each of us experiences love differently and in different time. Love is an extremely subjective concept, but I can say with confidence that everyone who has experienced this feeling will agree that it is the most beautiful.

Here are 10 ways to understand that you love the right person, or you just like him:

1. Your loved one is the best part of your day.

American actor and musician Childish Gambino sings in one of his songs: “When I'm alone, I'd rather be with you.” The part of the day when I see my girlfriend is the most enjoyable for me. If you truly love someone, you will never get tired of that person.

No matter how successful the day was, your loved one can even brighten it with his presence. If you just like the person, he or she will be able to make your day better, but most likely they will not be the best part of it.

2. The first person you think about when you wake up in the morning is your soul mate

3. Self-interest comes second

Love is selfless. In my personal world I was the most important person until I met my girlfriend. When I fell in love with her, her interests became much more important to me than my own.

This is what love is all about. Your interests always seem insignificant compared to the interests of your loved one.

4. You are ready to do anything

If I had to make a list of the things I would do for my girlfriend, it would probably be empty. When you are in love with someone, you will do anything to make that person happy.

When you just simply like a person, you can also go to great lengths for him, but nevertheless, your options will be limited. And true love has no boundaries.

5. You are not afraid to express your feelings in public.

I have a habit of telling the whole world that I love my girlfriend. When you truly love someone, you want everyone to know it. You are not shy about your feelings. When you like someone, you will definitely refrain from showing feelings in public.

6. Your love is imperfect

My girlfriend is the most beautiful person I know, but she also has her flaws. But for me these are not flaws at all, but her special qualities that I love.

When I jokingly remind her of her shortcomings, she thinks I'm laughing at her, but in fact I adore these imperfections of hers. Love is the ability to accept the shortcomings of your other half.

You may know the shortcomings of the person you like, but you will learn to accept them only by loving him.

7. You plan for the long-term future.

When you are in love with someone, it is very difficult to imagine your future without this person. Based on this, you will plan your life with your loved one for the long term.

You will not give in to short-term temptations that could harm your goals. When you just like someone, planning for the future is scary.

8. You become a better person

No one is perfect, there is always room to grow further. But the feeling of falling in love pushes you to self-improvement.

You want to be a better “version” of the person you love. Today I am much better than I was before I met my girlfriend.

9. Your feelings are not conditioned by anything.

When you love someone unconditionally, it means that your love knows no conditions and it is absolute. In fact, I don’t like the term “selfless love”, it sounds a bit too verbose. But I believe that real love not limited by any conditions.

When you like a person, your feelings directly depend on the circumstances.

10. Your love is your best friend

After some time, my girlfriend became mine best friend. It seems to me that this is natural for most people in love.

Your significant other becomes a partner in crime. You feel that together you can move mountains.

Sometimes a person finds himself in a difficult heart situation. He is in some confusion due to uncertainty about his partner’s feelings.

After all, you must admit that a worthy and faithful person is not always next to us. People have their own interests and priorities. And not everyone is guided by their conscience.

Sometimes romantic relationships are started out of boredom, for mercantile reasons, the essence of which the victim of such a complex intrigue is not even aware of.

Therefore, information on how to use magic to find out whether a person loves you is useful to people. Let's take a look at the common methods.

  1. Choose a time when you are sure that no one will disturb you.
  2. Sit quietly and think.
  3. You should answer the question: why did you decide to look for a way to use magic to find out whether a person loves you? This is extremely important in this case.

After all, in fact, suspicions do not creep into the soul just like that. They have a serious basis. It should be isolated from the chorus of various thoughts wandering in the head.

Magic rituals are shown only when you understand that you have no self-doubt. Otherwise there is no point in them. And they won't show anything.

You know, different people want to understand how to use magic to find out whether a person loves you. Often their experiences turn out to be far-fetched. They have not yet grown to understand that all personalities are structured differently.

They have their own habits, priorities, dreams. This does not interfere with loving truly and passionately. Think about it, aren’t you one of those alarmists? Chickpeas? Then we begin to cast a spell.

Girls are asked to ask one more question: does your boyfriend give gifts? If not, then leave him immediately.

A loving man strives to give something to his goddess. If such a desire is not visible, it means either there are no feelings, or he is a terrible egoist, or both. If there is a gift, we will begin to cast a spell with it.

  1. You need to put it from your loved one under your pillow on Thursday.
  2. Say this just before going to bed:

“If a snowstorm appears, tomorrow will be a happy day; if a river appears, love will be thrown into the clouds; if sand appears, my friend will deceive.”

After these words, dive under the blanket and don’t talk to anyone.

You will receive the answer. You need to solve it in accordance with the words of the formula.

  • It's very good to see the water this night. It denotes the love and loyalty of the chosen one.
  • If you see sand, stones or earth, expect a dirty trick from this person. There is no sincerity in him.
  • Well, if precipitation in a dream means that the romance will be short, but will end by mutual agreement.
  • If there was no sleep at all, then you are warned that you are asking Silly questions. This sign is also favorable.

To check whether the previous answer is correct, it is recommended to tell fortunes.

  1. Buy regular (36). It must be completely new.
  2. Pull out the kings (for men) or queens (for women).
  3. Lay them out in a row in front of you.
  4. Choose a form or card that represents you.

Basically, just make any wish.

  1. Now make a wish for your partner. Focus on age and hair color. Red cards - blondes, brown-haired. Black – brunettes or older people.
  2. Now you should shuffle the cards and arrange them into four piles, each next to the figure.
  3. Open the stack located next to your form.

If there is a card there indicating your partner, then doubts are in vain. In other cases, they are justified.

method 1:

In addition, you can make a dream for guys. This is only done from Tuesday to Wednesday.

Place it under your pillow. But the conspiracy is the same.

method 2:

There is another method for determining the truth of demonstrated feelings.

  1. To carry it out you need to buy it in the Temple.
  2. Bring them home.
  3. In the evening, scratch names (yours and your lover’s) on the candles.
  4. Place next to it (no more than 3 cm).
  5. Light it with one match.
  6. Watch them carefully.

You need to solve it like this:

How to use the answers received during rituals

It should be noted that magical rituals do not make mistakes.

You shouldn’t redo them five times, trying to get desired result. No matter how bitter it is, accept the truth the first time.

But this does not mean that you must put up with it, especially when the answer turned out to be negative. Since you have already begun to cast a spell, then bring the job to the end.

There are various rituals that can change the situation. For example, to arouse sincere feelings, if there are none yet.

And not all love spells lead to negative consequences. But, it is advisable, before you put your knowledge into practice, to think carefully about whether you need a person who maintains a relationship that is not filled with feelings.

But don't make a decision rashly. Look at your loved one, observe.

After all, there is something that connected you. This reason is hidden deep, perhaps. It's worth digging up. Do you know the expression that marriages are made in heaven? It's not accurate.

In fact, couples are formed there, who then create families. If you get a person who is not yet burning with passion, this does not mean that your choice was wrong. Love will come later. In the meantime, you should understand why this person is next to you. Why did higher powers bring him to you?

This article will discuss a very delicate and difficult topic: how to understand whether a person you really like loves you? This issue worries a huge number of people, both women and men. Let's figure out together what signs you can use to determine true love.

Why is he always nearby

Let's say you work together with the person you are interested in in the same organization, or study together, or are housemates... There can be a lot of options for such “ifs”. How can you tell if a person loves you - your work colleague, college classmate, etc.? Have you ever noticed that he is always somewhere nearby?

If you always come across him or her nose to nose, wherever you go, this is a reason to think about whether the person is deliberately setting up these spontaneous (at first glance) episodes. Yes, people in love strive to be as close as possible to the object of their desire and try to always be close. If you yourself are forced to constantly provoke nose-to-nose clashes, then this may mean a high degree of your interest, but not a person you like.

Tokens of attention and cute little things

How do you know if a person really loves you? Take a closer look at how attentive he is to you. When you love someone, you try to be aware of his interests, some significant dates. If you were not even congratulated on your birthday, then this is a disappointing sign, and you need to muster up the courage to admit this fact.

People in love do not miss the opportunity to give a gift to someone for whom they have tender feelings, and even if it is just a cute, insignificant trinket - the fact itself is important. The object of love is always greeted with a smile, compliments are given, questions are asked, etc. etc. And even constant banter and teasing are also signs of attention - keep this in mind.

Eyes can say a lot

How can you tell if a person loves you by looking into his eyes? They are said to be the mirror of the soul. Try to do this, and perhaps the question will disappear by itself. It is very useful to sometimes turn to classical literature. Here, for example, is the novel “Anna Karenina” - how did Kitty understand at the ball that Vronsky was absolutely indifferent to her and passionately in love with Anna? In his eyes! The girl looked lovingly into Alexey’s face, and his response glance struck the unfortunate woman with absolute indifference and coldness. And at the same time, when the young man looked at Karenina, his eyes flashed with fire and obvious love.

Sign language

How to find out if you are loved by deciphering body language?

If a man is interested in a woman, then he can behave as follows (according to psychologists):

  • straightens your posture, tightens your stomach;
  • tries to catch your gaze, while his eyes are wide open and express interest, eyebrows are raised;
  • trying to attract your attention, a man can straighten his hair or tie and even shake off non-existent specks of dust from his shoulders;
  • when talking, he tries to touch you with his hand; when walking next to you, he puts his hand on your back or shoulder;
  • if, when a guy looks at you, his pupils dilate and his mouth opens slightly, this indicates a clear sexual interest etc.

In general, body language is a very individual subject. After all, men can be very shy, and then when the woman they love appears, contrary to what was stated above, they will shyly look away, blush and behave very unnaturally.

Well, as for ladies, here is a small list of characteristic gestures that can betray their love:

  • Constantly unknowingly straighten their hair.
  • They demonstrate sexuality by tinting their lips.
  • They laugh and talk loudly, trying to attract attention.
  • They try not to sit or stand half-turned towards the object of love, but to turn around to face him, etc.

Is your phone silent or not silent?

Well, how can you tell if a person loves you if you exchanged phone numbers, but for some reason he doesn’t call, citing being very busy and other reasons. Oh, rest assured, a lover will always find time to chat on the phone with the one he loves, and to send a sweet, humorous SMS. Even with a very heavy workload, even during illness or a natural disaster, he will try to be in touch. If the initiative constantly comes only from your side, then you can stop dialing your favorite number and see what happens next... It is possible that your target will understand how much he misses you and will come to his senses.

What if you just take it and ask

If you have read a bunch of articles on the topic of how to find out if you are loved; received a lot of advice from friends on this issue, but were still unable to understand the feelings of the one with whom they themselves are head over heels in love, then perhaps the time has come to act more decisively. Indeed, how much you can suffer from the unknown! What if you ask the object of your love and passion about his true feelings?

Of course, you will have to choose some appropriate moment. It could be a friendly party or a corporate event. Everyone has good mood, everyone is relaxed, and so are you. In addition, at such events there are usually dances... Once you find yourself in a couple, moving slowly to sensual music, you can hint to the person about your feelings and try to find out about his sympathies.

If he loves, he will be happy to open his heart, but if not, he will most likely start laughing it off. Well, then you will have no choice but to pretend that they were joking, and let it be worse for him, he missed such a chance!

Do you love yourself?

People often ask the question: “How can you tell whether you love someone or not?” And at the same time they cannot understand their own passions. Sometimes love is mistaken for a serious feeling, which arose out of nowhere and which after a while will dissipate without a trace if you do not focus attention on it.

In order not to suffer in vain and not to swim in false illusions, you need to engage in introspection in time. How do you know if you love? First you need to ask yourself, what exactly is your interest based on: some qualities of the object or simply external data? Or maybe your interest is fueled by his wild popularity among others? But there's an old saying about this that says that not all that glitters is gold.

Observe the person from the outside. Surely he has some shortcomings... But if, in spite of everything, your attention is focused on his merits alone, then this serves as a definite sign. Oh those rose-colored glasses of love!


In parting, let's say that it is important not just to read the advice that answers the question of how to understand whether a person loves you, but to take the information into service. But it often happens that, despite all the signs of complete indifference on the part of a person, the interested person continues to manically look for the slightest glimpses of interest in herself. Perhaps it's time to pay attention to another object who is really in love with you? We wish you a meeting with a real mutual love. Be happy!