Stolz's attitude to friendship. Friendship between Oblomov and Stolz essay. School assistant - ready-made essays on Russian language and literature

In the novel “Oblomov,” Alexander Goncharov touches on the theme of friendship between people who are completely different in character and views.

A comparative description of the image of Oblomov and Stolz will help the reader figure out whether it is capable of changing a person for the better.

Childhood and education

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov grew up as a spoiled child. The parents were too protective of their son and did not give him the opportunity to prove himself. Didn't like to study. He believed that science was sent to people as punishment for their sins. As a thirteen-year-old boy, he was enrolled in a boarding school. He often asked his mother for permission to stay at home and not go to school. I did not receive sufficient knowledge at the university due to my own laziness.

Andrey Ivanovich Stolts was a smart boy. He absorbed knowledge like a sponge. His father raised him strictly. Mother didn't encourage labor education" When the father sent his son to university, he did not take him to the city. I said goodbye at the gate without unnecessary emotions, put on his cap, and pushed him so hard that he knocked him off his feet.”


Ilya It has excess weight. His “plump arms and soft shoulders” gave his appearance a certain delicacy. “His complexion was not ruddy or dark, he seemed positively pale.” IN gray eyes There were always certain thoughts that quickly disappeared before they had time to settle in my head.

Andrey he is thin, has no cheeks at all, and has dark skin. “He was made of bones, nerves and muscles, like an English horse.” His face had expressive green eyes. It exudes masculinity and health.

Aspirations and wealth

Ilya Oblomov at thirty-two years old, he had acquired absolutely nothing on his own. He left the service because of a stupid mistake he made, sending important documents to the wrong address. He couldn't complete a simple assignment. Lives in rented apartments. The property inherited from parents suffers losses and does not bring adequate prosperity. Ilya Ilyich knows nothing about financial matters.

Doesn't try to keep up with anything and create something in life. He lies on the sofa, constantly in a sleepy state.

Stolz“I served, after resigning, I went into business on my own and made a house and money. He's involved in some company that ships goods overseas." Does not make mistakes in work. He achieved respect in society and material wealth through his own efforts. “He is constantly on the move: if society needs to send an agent to England or Belgium, they send him. Should be created new project or disassemble new idea- Stolz is chosen.”

Love for a woman

Andrey respects opposite sex. In his relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya, he proves himself to be a true gentleman, capable of solving all the concerns of his beloved and making her happy. He achieved his goal - he married the one he loves.

Ilya always tactful in dealing with women. He loved Olga Ilyinskaya, but could not overcome his laziness and reluctance to change. I was afraid of the ordinariness of marriage. He caused his beloved a lot of trouble; she often cried because of his caustic speeches. He married the widow Pshenitsyna, from whom he rented a room. She demanded absolutely nothing from him. Such relationships suited Oblomov.

Attitude to life

Andrey Stolts, full of health, wishes to live many more years. Although he is a realist, phrases are often heard from his lips that he wants to “live two hundred, three hundred years.” Adheres to the goal that everything should be accomplished based on clearly defined tasks. The dream had no place in his soul.

Ilya Oblomov calls himself an “old caftan.” Sometimes he voices thoughts that he would lie down and fall asleep forever. Likes to dream. His imagination often paints imaginary pictures. The images of the future wife and children are especially clearly highlighted.

The famous Russian writer I. A. Goncharov published his next novel “Oblomov” in 1859. It was an incredibly difficult period for Russian society, which seemed to be divided into two parts. A minority understood the need and advocated for improving the lives of ordinary people. The majority were landowners, gentlemen and wealthy nobles, who were directly dependent on the peasants who fed them. In the novel, Goncharov invites the reader to compare the image of Oblomov and Stolz - two friends, completely different in temperament and fortitude. This is a story about people who, despite internal contradictions and conflicts, remained true to their ideals, values, and way of life. However, sometimes it is difficult to understand real reasons such trusting intimacy between the main characters. That is why the relationship between Oblomov and Stolz seems so interesting to readers and critics. Next, we will get to know them better.

Stolz and Oblomov: General characteristics

Oblomov - undoubtedly main figure, however, the writer pays more attention to his friend Stolz. The main characters are contemporaries, however, they turn out to be completely different similar friend on a friend. Oblomov is a man aged just over 30 years. Goncharov describes his pleasant appearance, but emphasizes the absence of a specific idea. Andrei Stolts is the same age as Ilya Ilyich, he is much thinner, with an even dark complexion, practically without blush. Stolz's green, expressive eyes are also contrasted with the gray and dull gaze of the protagonist. Oblomov himself grew up in a family of Russian nobles who owned more than one hundred serf souls. Andrei was raised in a Russian-German family. Nevertheless, he identified himself with Russian culture and professed Orthodoxy.

Relationship between Oblomov and Stolz

One way or another, the lines connecting the destinies of the characters in the novel "Oblomov" are present. The author needed to show how friendship arises between people of polar views and temperament types.

The relationship between Oblomov and Stolz is largely predetermined by the conditions in which they were brought up and lived in their youth. Both men grew up together in a boarding house near Oblomovka. Stolz's father served there as a manager. In that village of Verkhleve, everything was imbued with the atmosphere of “Oblomovism”, unhurriedness, passivity, laziness, and simplicity of morals. But Andrei Ivanovich Stolz was well educated, read Wieland, learned verses from the Bible, and recounted illiterate reports of peasants and factory workers. In addition, he read Krylov’s fables and discussed sacred history with his mother. The boy Ilya sat at home under the soft wing of parental care, while Stolz spent a lot of time on the street, communicating with the neighboring children. Their personalities were shaped differently. Oblomov was the ward of nannies and caring relatives, while Andrei did not stop doing physical and mental labor.

The secret of friendship

The relationship between Oblomov and Stolz is surprising and even paradoxical. There are a huge number of differences between the two characters, but, undoubtedly, there are features that unite them. First of all, Oblomov and Stolz are connected by a strong and sincere friendship, but they are similar in their so-called “life dream”. Only Ilya Ilyich dozes at home, on the sofa, and Stolz falls asleep in the same way in his eventful life. Both of them do not see the truth. Both are unable to give up their own lifestyle. Each of them is unusually attached to their habits, believing that this particular behavior is the only correct and reasonable one.

It remains to answer the main question: “Which hero does Russia need: Oblomov or Stolz?” Of course, such active and progressive individuals as the latter will remain in our country forever, will be its driving force, and will feed it with their intellectual and spiritual energy. But we must admit that even without the Oblomovs, Russia will cease to be the same as our compatriots knew it for many centuries. Oblomov needs to be educated, patiently and unobtrusively awakened, so that he, too, can benefit his homeland.

I.A. Goncharov in the novel “Oblomov” wanted to contrast two cultures: Russian and Western. The entire work is based on the technique of antithesis. As this antithesis, the author presents two characters: Oblomov and Stolz.
Thanks to the technique of antithesis, you can gain a deeper understanding of the personalities of the heroes: after all, everything is learned by comparison. If we remove Stolz from the novel, we will not be able to understand Ilya Ilyich. Goncharov shows the shortcomings and advantages of the characters. At the same time, the reader can look at himself from the outside (at his inner world) in order to avoid the mistakes of the heroes. Oblomov and Stolz were brought up completely differently. Ilyusha's upbringing was lordly. Many relatives and guests lived in his parents' house. They all caressed and praised little Ilyusha. He was fed a lot and exquisitely. In general, the main concern in Oblomovka was food. For Stolz it’s the other way around. From an early age, Andrei’s father (German) fostered independence in him. He was dry towards his son. Strictness and purposefulness are the main features that the parents put into Stolz’s upbringing. It is worth looking at the scenes of Oblomov and Stolz leaving their native villages. Everyone sees Oblomov off with tears, they don’t want to let him go - you can feel the atmosphere of love for the baby. And when Stolz leaves, his father gives only a couple of instructions about money. They don’t even have anything to say to each other at the moment of farewell... “Well? - said the father. Well! - said the son. All? - asked the father. All! - answered the son.”
Oblomov and Stolz had common character traits, because Ilyusha and Andrey met in childhood and, communicating, influenced each other. Verkhlevo and Oblomovka are two completely different environments. Oblomovka is an island of paradise on Earth, where nothing happens, everything flows quietly and calmly. In Verkhlevo, a German is in power - Andrei’s father. He arranges the German order. Friends lack communication so that they can somehow influence each other. As they grow up, they begin to move away. The fact is revealed that the property status of Oblomov and Stolz is different. Oblomov is a real master of noble blood, the owner of three hundred souls. Ilya could do nothing at all, while his vassals would provide for him. For Stolz, it’s different: he was a Russian nobleman only through his mother, so he had to maintain his material well-being himself. In their mature years, Oblomov and Stolz became completely different. It was already difficult for them to communicate. Stolz began somewhere to make fun of and sneer at Ilya’s reasoning, detached from reality. Judging by this, the aphorism “plus and minus attract” is incorrect. In the end, differences in the outlook on life and characters of Ilya and Andrei began to tear apart their friendship. Oblomov is the image of a man with a Russian soul. Stolz is the image of a man of a new era. There are always both in Russia. Apparently, this constant confrontation is what makes our country different from others in its social structure. Since Oblomov and Stolz have friendly relations, the question arises: which of them is more interested in these relations? In my opinion, Stolz is more interested in Oblomov, because Ilya does not need anything that is in Andrei’s character. He will live in complete peace just like that. Stolz is drawn to Oblomov because he feels in him a soul that he himself dreams of possessing all his life. It turns out that Ilya is more sincere in his friendship. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” helps us understand what role friendship plays in a person’s life, thanks to the fact that it provides a rich example of its vicissitudes. Oblomov doesn’t need anything from Stoltz, Stoltz is simply his only friend. Who else should he discuss his thoughts and feelings with? Thanks to the described friendship between Oblomov and Stolz, the essence of these heroes, Goncharov’s thought about childhood, that in childhood the foundation of a whole life is laid, was fully revealed.

In the novel “Oblomov,” Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov subtly analyzes human relationships, explores and reveals the theme of friendship between people. Can completely different people be friends? The author carefully reflects on this problem.

The writer reveals this idea through the main characters of the novel: Andrei Ivanovich Stolts and Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Some critics believed that Stolz is the antipode of Oblomov, his complete opposite, but I believe that Stolz rather complements Oblomov. If Ilya Ilyich appears to us as a naive and open nature, then in the image of Andrei Ivanovich Goncharov portrays a decisive and purposeful person. He clearly sees the goal, the way to achieve it and tries to captivate Oblomov with his ideals.

So, it is Andrei Stolts who is trying to “stir up” Ilya Ilyich and instill in him his views on the surrounding reality. He drags him out of the house and forces him to go out into the world. It is Stolz who gives the order to Olga Ilyinskaya to “look after” Oblomov. What is this if not real manifestations of friendship?

And this is not the only example in Russian classical literature of the “golden age”. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin also shows friendship different people in his novel "Eugene Onegin". In this work, the master of words, like the most faithful mirror, masterfully reflects the friendship between the “St. Petersburg dandy” - Evgeny Onegin and the romantic poet Vladimir Lensky. Despite the contrasting characters of the characters, they become friends without spilling water.

Two great writers in their works give us accurate examples of the fact that different people, often possessing different, sometimes opposing qualities, are capable of having the most tender feelings for each other, that despite the strong differences between the heroes of the novels, such friendship is not only possible, but and can bring a lot of benefits to all parties.

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Essays on literature: Oblomov and Stolz.

They are people of the same time. It would seem that, living in the same environment, they should be similar in character. But, reading the novel, we are surprised to find in Oblomov and Stolz various components that make up their personality. What makes them so different? To answer this question, let us trace the physical and spiritual development heroes from childhood, when the foundations of characters are laid.

Stolz. He was brought up in a poor family. His father was German by birth. Mother is a Russian noblewoman. All the family's days were spent at work. When Stolz grew up, his father began to take him to the field, to the market, and forced him to work. At the same time, he taught him the sciences, taught German language. Then Stolz began sending his son to the city on errands, “and it never happened that he forgot something, changed it, overlooked it, or made a mistake.” His mother taught him literature and managed to give him a wonderful spiritual education son. So, Stolz became a strong, intelligent, independent young man.

Oblomov. His parents were nobles. Their life in Oblomovka followed its own special laws. The most important thing in their life was food. They devoted a lot of time to her. They decided as a family “what dishes would be for lunch or dinner.” After lunch there was a long nap. The whole house fell asleep. This is how all the days passed: sleep and food. When Oblomov grew up, he was sent to study at a gymnasium. Parents were not interested in Ilyusha's knowledge. They dreamed of receiving a certificate proving that “Ilya passed all the sciences and arts.” As for physical education, he was hardly even allowed outside. They were afraid that he might die or get sick. So, Oblomov grew up as a “home” boy, without education, but kind at heart.

Now let's analyze their views on life. Work for Stolz was a part of his life, a pleasure. He did not disdain even the most menial work. For Oblomov, this was a burden. I'm not even talking about physical labor. He was too lazy to get up from the sofa and leave the room so that they could clean it up. Their lifestyle also speaks about the characters’ character. Oblomov spends his life living on the couch. He does nothing, is not interested in anything. He still can’t bring himself to finish reading the book “Journey to Africa,” even the pages of this book have turned yellow. Stolz leads an active life. From the moment he left home, he lives by work. Thanks to work, willpower, and patience, he became rich and famous to a wide circle of people. Oblomov's ideal of happiness is complete calm and good food. And he achieved this: he slept peacefully on the couch and ate well. Servants cleaned after him, and he had no big problems with housekeeping at home. Stolz's ideal of happiness is life in work. He has it. He works hard, his life is in full swing.

Opposites attract - this common phrase could not be more appropriate here. The heroes complement each other, each subconsciously sees in his friend what he himself lacks. Obviously, Goncharov outlined in these two types of human character those traits that, from his point of view, can constitute an ideal, harmonious personality.

I. A. Goncharov in his novel “Oblomov” showed the society of the mid-19th century, then

Russia was at the end of serfdom. Trade and industry developed in our country, there were many educated and smart people. These include the main characters of the novel: Stolz and Oblomov. They are connected by old friendship, they are educated, thinking and feeling people. But, despite their friendship, Oblomov and Stolz are two completely different people in character and worldview, and let’s look at their differences. Oblomov is a meek, soft, dreamy, trusting and gentle nature, in short, a “dove soul.” Oblomov cannot stand up for himself when Tarantiev and Mukhoyarov are pumping money out of him. He also likes to dream about how he will arrange life on his estate, but for several years he has not been able to get together and do this. Stolz is distinguished by energy and willpower. For him, what he said means he did it. Andrei Ivanovich made his way into high society from among the commoners, and this requires considerable will. Oblomov is devoid of complacency and ambition, in him the heart prevails over the mind. Ilya Ilyich understands that he leads a miserable lifestyle, but he can’t do anything about it. Stolz is a rational, calculating nature. He is an entrepreneur, and without rationality and prudence in business you will never make money. Oblomov is very skeptical about life business people: “Look where the center is around which all this revolves,” he says in a conversation with Stolz. Oblomov is prone to philosophical reflections about the high purpose of man. And therefore he does not move in secular society, where

Everything, in his opinion, is boring and mundane. Stolz is distinguished by his practical mind. He does not indulge in meaningless reasoning and daydreaming. Oblomov and Stolz lead absolutely different image life. Oblomov is distinguished by idleness and passivity. He sleeps for a long time and does not get up from the sofa, does not go anywhere, is too lazy to even read. Stolz, on the contrary, does not sit still: “He came for a week on business, then to the village, then to Kyiv, then God knows where.” Nature showed Oblomov the only goal of life: life as it lived in Oblomovka, where they were afraid of news, traditions were strictly observed; books and newspapers were not recognized at all. Stolz, on the contrary, says that work is the main thing

In a person’s life: “Work is the image, content and purpose of life,” Stolz says to Oblomov. Oblomov grew up in the village of Oblomovka, where traditions were respected sacredly, where Ilya Ilyich was protected from everything and tried to ensure that he did not think about anything. Stolz grew up in a family where he was forced to work and study hard. His parents took little care of him, and he grew up in a constant and difficult struggle with life. The meeting with Olga Ilyinskaya changed Oblomov for a while. Influenced love feeling incredible transformations occur with him: his greasy robe is abandoned, Oblomov gets out of bed as soon as he wakes up, reads books, looks through newspapers, he is energetic and active. But love, which carries within itself the need for action and self-improvement, is doomed in Oblomov’s case. Olga demands too much from Oblomov, and Ilya Ilyich cannot stand such a stressful life and gradually breaks up with her. When Stolz finds out this, he allows his own feelings to manifest themselves, and at the end of the novel we find Andrei Ivanovich and Olga Sergeevna husband and wife. Goncharov treats the two main characters of his work differently. The author has a kind attitude towards Oblomov - while denying the foundations of his life. The writer has an impartial attitude towards Stolz; he does not condemn, but also does not approve of the lifestyle that Andrei Ivanovich leads.

So, we have traced how the main characters of the novel differ, and now we can draw a conclusion. Stolz is a man of the new capitalist era, which began in Russia in the mid-19th century. Oblomov is a product and consequence of Oblomovism, a historical type, a bearer of noble culture. Goncharov depicted the tragedy of a typical

A Russian character, devoid of romantic traits and not tinged with gloom, but nevertheless finding himself on the sidelines of life through his own fault and through the fault of society. The novel by I. A. Goncharov was written more than one hundred and forty years ago, but the types he created still remain modern, and now there are many Stolts and Oblomovs in Russia.

Each of us can recognize the traits of Oblomov or Stolz in ourselves. If they ask me which type of people is better, I will answer this way: “For all that Oblomov is pleasant to me as a person, I like Stolz more, because it is precisely such people who lead a more vibrant, interesting and eventful life.”

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1. Introduction

2. Similarities and differences between Oblomov and Stolz

3. Relationship between Oblomov and Stolz

1. Introduction. In his famous novel, I. A. Goncharov very accurately depicted a special phenomenon in Russian life - “Oblomovism.” Main character represents this negative phenomenon. Laziness, passivity and lack of any aspirations are the main distinguishing qualities of I. I. Oblomov. The complete opposite of this is Oblomov’s closest friend, A. Stolz. This is an active, purposeful person who brings real benefit to the whole society. Two completely different people have a very close relationship.

2. Similarities and differences between Oblomov and Stolz. The two main characters of the novel were connected only by their childhood together and their years of study. There were some similarities in their innate spiritual aspirations, but the methods of raising Oblomov and Stolz were too different. Little Ilya grew up as if in a sleeping kingdom of a village idyll. He had nothing to worry about. Before Ilyusha’s eyes there was always an example of the correct and reasonable structure of life.

In the Oblomov family, life flowed slowly and leisurely. Worries and anxieties did not concern them at all. The little boy would have been happy to run around and play with the village boys, but he was under the vigilant supervision of his elders. Parents believed that the healthiest thing for the child was to eat and sleep more. Even studying was a last priority for them. By limiting their son’s natural need for movement and activity, they gradually turned him into the future lazy Oblomov.

Stolz grew up in completely different conditions. His father was a German who strove to give his son a hard-working, practical education. From the very early years Andrey began to study various natural sciences. At any free moment he did not indulge in rest, but ran as fast as he could to the village. He felt like he belonged among peasant children. More than once Andrei was brought home beaten and in torn clothes, but at the same time extremely happy.

Stolz's mother was Russian. She instilled in her son a love of music and literature. Thanks to such a diverse upbringing and training, Stolz took after neither his father nor his mother. Having taken the best from his parents, he became a unique personality, stubbornly pursuing his goal. In their youth, Oblomov and Stolz were fond of literature and science together and dreamed of traveling around the world. But Ilya Ilyich soon got tired of the fuss, and Andrei made his dreams come true.

3. Relationship between Oblomov and Stolz. People with opposite personalities get along the easiest. Stolz is a strong personality to whom Oblomov unconditionally obeyed. But there was nothing humiliating in this submission. Ilya Ilyich endlessly respected Andrei for his determination, and Andrei responded to him with sincere friendly love. It was love that forced Stolz to constantly make attempts to “stir up” his friend, to force him to do the real thing.

Under the influence of Andrei, Oblomov at least thought about his aimless existence. He was greatly influenced by Stolz's apt definition - "Oblomovism." Only Stolz had the strength to temporarily pull Oblomov out of his sleep state. Ilya Ilyich’s love for Olga is the direct merit of Andrei. Oblomov, for his part, also loved his only true friend. He believed only Stolz and tried to follow his reasonable instructions.

Oblomov is not a negative character. He had an open soul and big heart. Andrei understood this better than anyone and was afraid that laziness would destroy his friend. Friends complemented each other. If it were possible to create one person out of two, then the merger of Oblomov with Stolz would give a truly ideal personality with a sensitive soul and a desire for a goal.