How to celebrate the New Year: ideas for a stunning holiday. How to celebrate the New Year: ideas for a stunning holiday How to celebrate the New Year

For the next 365 days to bring good luck and prosperity, you need to know how to greet New Year 2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig: what colors should be preferred in attire and home decoration, what dishes to prepare and in what company to meet him. You will learn about all this from this article.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig will be held under the motto of hard work, partnership, savings and reliability - in strict accordance with the main qualities of the mistress of the year. People born in the year of the Pig are distinguished by generosity, nobility, optimism, and faith in people. Piggy, as the patroness of such qualities, will be especially favorable towards those who will try to live up to them in 2019. At the same time, Pig is a symbol of wealth and prosperity, so the year will be favorable for businessmen and everyone who wants to start their own business.

How to decorate your home for the Year of the Pig

2019 will be influenced by the earth element, so the main colors will be brown, yellow, black, gold, all shades of orange: from ocher to saffron, dark gray. Piggy loves luxury and wealth, so it’s better not to skimp on decorating the Christmas tree and home. Decorate walls and doors, as well as window openings and staircases with pine, cypress or spruce branches. It is also recommended to create arranged compositions from cereals, ears of rye, dried leaves of oak, maple, and aspen. Don't forget to add acorns or chestnuts; flowers: carnations, roses, chrysanthemums will also be useful.

Various sweets and nuts, like those wrapped in shiny foil or multi-colored paper, artificial flowers and beads, are suitable as decorations for the Christmas tree.

It is recommended to pay special attention to the design of the table at which you will celebrate the New Year. It must have candles of one of the shades of the year and flower arrangements perhaps using fruits and nuts.

It is also important for New Year's Eve to collect seven items in the house that symbolize prosperity, wealth and good luck. These can be either well-known symbols (horseshoe, grain, coins, etc.), or your personal amulets that bring you well-being and success. Place these things near the Christmas tree or on festive table: such a ritual will definitely contribute to your prosperity in the coming year.

What to cook for 2019 Year of the Pig

The boar is an intelligent and noble animal. At the same time, he really loves comfort and abundance, so the table on New Year's Eve should be bursting with dishes to delight the taste of Gourmet Piggy. For obvious reasons, it is better to avoid pork dishes, but you can “break away” from everything else. Be sure to include dishes from vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts and mushrooms in your menu. Also pay close attention to the sweet table: glazed fruits, homemade pastries, cakes and sweets - there should be plenty of everything. There should certainly be bread and fresh green herb-spice on the table. For drinks, you should prefer homemade fruit and berry fruit drinks, fresh juices and compotes. Alcohol, of course, is not forbidden, but it is better to know when to stop and not try to become like the symbol of the year.

Remember: for the Year of the Pig, the table should be plentiful, not dietary. Even if you adhere to a certain diet, try to put as many snacks and various dishes on the table as possible. You can have a little bit of everything, but so that there is variety. Piggy loves according to the principle: the more, the better.

What to wear for New Year 2019

In what way and how to celebrate the 2019 Year of the Pig so that the next 12 months will bring you good luck and prosperity? Mistress of the Year Pig is partial to wealth, comfort and luxury, so the New Year's outfit should be eye-catching. This can be either a suit or a dress in one of the colors of the year. It’s very good this time to decorate the outfit with sequins, embroidery, and something shiny. All kinds of jewelry are welcome: jewelry, products made from natural stones, gold. Men can wear cufflinks and tie pins, expensive watches or other men's accessories.

Where to celebrate New Year 2019 and spend the winter holidays

The pig is a sociable, sociable animal, and also loves to have fun, so it is better to celebrate the Year of the Pig in a cheerful company and preferably not at home. It’s good to go to a restaurant, bar or organized event on New Year’s Eve. This will allow you to wear your outfit for a walk, communicate with people, and eat to your heart’s content. If the financial side of the issue confuses you, then there are several quite budget options, how to celebrate the New Year of the Pig 2019 and at the same time “not go down the drain.” You can, for example, go to the dacha with friends, agreeing to spend together. A feast with delicious dishes, a bathhouse, clean air, and good company will definitely please Piggy, and she will treat you favorably over the next year.

If you have your own skates, you can wonderfully celebrate the New Year at an ice skating rink, including a free one, in one of the courtyards. Bring a thermos with hot drinks, spare mittens and good mood, and after the chimes go to someone’s house to warm up.

After New Year's Eve you can continue your vacation on winter holidays. The pig is found everywhere: in the middle latitudes, in the north, and in the tropics, so you can go on a trip to any part of the Earth.

Piggy will favor traveling to warm countries: Thailand, India, Vietnam, China, Bali, etc. If you book a trip in advance, it will cost on average the same amount as a trip around Russia to Sochi, for example. If acclimatization frightens you with its inconveniences, then you can go to Karelia and admire real forest wild boars or go dog sledding.

But the true pleasure for the mistress of the year will be a trip to mud resorts. For obvious reasons, Piggy’s love for mud baths is especially strong, so this trip can easily be called the most symbolic in the Year of the Pig. Wonderful resorts with health treatments a huge variety, for every taste, budget and place of residence.

Throughout Russia, the health resorts of the North Caucasus are famous: Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki. Mud applications go well with narzan baths and medicinal drinks. Resorts on the Black Sea coast allow you to combine health benefits with mild climatic conditions and take a little break from the cold weather that is common in most of Russia. In many regions of our country there are smaller local health resorts that also offer mud treatment. It makes sense to find out what is in close proximity to your place of residence, and it may be more convenient to go there. This will save money on moving and travel time.

If such problems do not bother you, then you can go crazy and go to the famous resorts of the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria. Karlovy Vary, Baden-Baden, Innsbruck – the abundance of services offered and natural beauty can make your head spin. True, this pleasure is not cheap, and, unfortunately, our fellow citizens will not be able to save on anything there: you will still have to fly instead of drive, you will also have to eat on full board, and you will have to pay extra for some procedures on the spot. So, of course, it costs a pretty penny. But there are impressions for the whole year, and there’s no talk of health benefits.

However, if none of the proposed options is equally affordable for you, buy cosmetic clay at the nearest pharmacy, make a homemade mud wrap with aromatic oils and adding essential oils and with a clear conscience, tick yourself: the New Year’s ritual is complete, you have pleased Piggy, and you have pampered yourself.

We hope that the material in this article will allow you to plan your New Year's holiday in the best possible way.

New Year 2019 is getting closer. And the question “What and how to meet” becomes very relevant. We'll show you how to celebrate 2019 so that the whole year goes off with a bang!

What and how to celebrate New Year 2019

The coming 2019 is the Year of the earthy yellow Pig or Boar. The year will be quite good for all Zodiac Signs, and in order for it to be as productive and financially enjoyable as possible, you need to meet it correctly. Mistress of the Year - Pig - is not very capricious, but demanding. Therefore, in order to please her, you need to prepare and think through absolutely everything - from the meeting place to the color of the shoes you will wear to celebrate.

Colors and colors of New Year's outfits

Pig's colors are natural and natural: brown, yellow, green. They can be used in shades and combinations. Therefore, we boldly choose matching colors clothes from the Pantone fashion palette for 2018-2019:

  • Limelight – light and soft yellow;
  • Ceylon Yellow – muted yellow with a slight addition of mustard;
  • Russet Orange – soft orange with a hint of carrot;
  • Martini Olive – the color of olive in martini;
  • Quetzal Green – deep green, named after the color of the plumage of the quetzal bird.

Don’t forget that the color of 2018 is ultraviolet, and all shades of red and noble burgundy are also on trend.

Pig also approves of the golden color, and quite welcomes black and white. But at the same time, the image should contain something from the natural range of yellow-brown shades.

Interesting. According to the horoscope, the Zodiac signs have their own elements (fire, water, earth, air). Each element has its own shades. Combine them with Pig’s favorite colors and it will be wonderful.

Current dress colors for celebrating the Year of the Pig

What to wear for New Year's Eve

You need to prepare several festive bows to use them for celebrating the New Year, visiting relatives, going to the cinema and other events that you plan to do on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays.

This should include:

  • Holiday dress, which we have long dreamed of. Let it be a fluffy ball gown “like a princess,” for example, in a pleasant yellow color. Or a tight-fitting golden one that drives all men crazy, elegant black, flowing burgundy or terracotta. We wear the dress to a party with friends, to a club or restaurant.

  • Dressy pantsuit or jumpsuit– just not an office option. It can be elegant fashionable styles made of silk or chiffon in Pig’s favorite colors – shades of yellow or brown. Want to choose a different color? Then use the “right” shades in accessories or jewelry.

  • Blouse and skirt– strictly avoid association with work. The blouse should be original - for example, asymmetrical, with interesting sleeves, with bare shoulders or one, with ruffles or frills. At the same time, the skirt can be classically strict. Or vice versa: the skirt is incredible, with an asymmetrical hem or a unique color, then it is better to choose a more laconic top.

  • Warm outerwear will be needed to celebrate the New Year on the street. You can use either classic coats, fur coats or original voluminous down jackets, the main thing is to add something festive and fun to your look. Carnival elements, Snow Maiden or Santa hats, tinsel and rain, scarves with cheerful colors, funny mittens can help out.

Advice. Lush, voluminous sleeves are in fashion. These can be the sleeves of a blouse, dress, or blouse. At the same time, the thing itself can be more strict.

  • Shoes, of course, should match the outfit. But it is best to take elegant shoes or sandals with heels.

  • Accessories: feel free to use shiny bags with rhinestones, gold chains, light bright scarves, creative belts and belts. Throw fur capes over your shoulders as a symbol of the passing old year, and fur is now in trend.

Fashionable fur capes are the perfect addition to a winter holiday look

  • Decorations– for a stylish party and special occasions choose expensive gold jewelry with precious stones; tiaras and hair clips are welcome. And for fun get-togethers with friends, choose creative and original decorations.

  • Hairstyle and manicure– it’s better to update your haircut, add a touch of playfulness in the form of a pattern on your shaved temple or a bright purple strand. A manicure can be more classic, stylish or, conversely, sparkling and eye-catching.

Now we know what to wear to celebrate the new year 2019. And where?!

How and where to celebrate the Year of the Pig

In 2019 we are taking ten days off. So, if you celebrate New Year’s Eve at home, then there is still a lot of time ahead to celebrate the Year of the Pig in different ways.

The variety of ways to celebrate the New Year is so great that it will suit every taste and budget:

  • by ski– it doesn’t matter how far or close you go to a ski resort, but it’s never too late to learn to ski with experienced instructors, or just conquer a couple more peaks. And then go to the bathhouse or sauna, go shopping or just sit by the fireplace - a very romantic and sporty option for celebrating the New Year;

  • on the beach in hot countries - do you want something exotic? Splash in the ocean and sunbathe in the middle of winter? Then choose New Year's tours to the tropics. Make all your friends and colleagues jealous of your fresh tan. The most visited countries in winter: Egypt, UAE, Thailand, India;

  • in Europe– no matter which country you choose, the spirit of Christmas and New Year reigns everywhere. You can combine noisy fun with shopping, the discounts at this time are simply crazy, with visits to museums and attractions. Or go with your children to Lapland, the whole family will have a lot of impressions;

  • on a picnic in the forest - hang lanterns, toys, tinsel and garlands on the Christmas trees, light a fire and sing “a Christmas tree was born in the forest” - even for two, such a celebration will be much more original and intriguing than gatherings at a table or in a club. If you want such winter-forest exoticism, but more comfortable, there is a special hotel in the forest in Finland, where you can sleep in down sleeping bags in glass igloos “out in nature”, ride dogs or deer;

  • traditionally in a bath or sauna You can celebrate the New Year outside the city by renting a house with friends and family. In addition to water and steam procedures, you can play winter Games and sledding;

  • meet at home or with relatives- you can, but don’t turn the holiday into dull gatherings at the table and watching TV programs. Arrange themed party, competitions, fun and games - everyone will have fun. And that means that 2019 will pass the same way - cheerfully, energetically and with great mood. Don't forget to decorate the house. Decide for yourself how to greet and what to cook, the main thing is that there is no pork on the table. More plant foods delicious dishes from vegetables, legumes and grains, juices, seafood and fish - this is what can be included in the menu;

  • budget, but fun and noisy, you can relax by joining the crowd in the main squares cities. There are fairs and mass celebrations everywhere – it won’t be boring. The main thing is to dress warmly.

It's funny. According to signs, at 12 at night, after champagne and making wishes, grunt seven times. And you will be happy.

We will be very glad if our advice and photos inspired and told you what and how to celebrate the New Year 2019. If there is not enough information, let's discuss!

You, of course, know that a woman must be a mystery. Don’t forget about this when composing your image. The short length of the outfit calls for a maximally closed top, bare shoulders suggest a modest bottom, and a deep neckline hints at closed knees.

With the onset of winter cold, anticipation comes to our homes. New Year's holidays, and everyone is waiting for them with their own hidden dreams and desires. Some hope to find personal happiness in the coming year, others plan to make peace with ill-wishers and restore lost family ties, and still others intend to begin completely new life. There are also those who are looking forward to New Year's Eve just to properly relax and have fun.

However, everyone, without exception, since childhood, these days certainly dreams of a magical miracle that will paint the boring routine in bright colors, and sometimes can completely change existence. And 2019, the Year of the Yellow Earth Pig, is the best year for this. After all, it completes the 12-year cycle of the eastern calendar, summing up the results, reconciling people and softening the bitterness of past failures.

Astrological forecast for 2019

The stars predict unusually fruitful activity in any field for 2019. The cheerful Yellow Pig will allow you to completely abstract yourself from past problems and failures, instilling cheerfulness and optimism, awakening the desire to develop and achieve success in completely new directions. The coming year allows you not to adapt to the surprises of fate, but to direct its course yourself. the right direction, easily overcoming uncertainty and depression, achieving financial success and other outstanding achievements.

The good-natured and non-conflict Pig is good for those who intend to gain the favor of others and expand their circle of acquaintances and connections. It is enough just to open up a little to the world, to give up your own views and interests a little, and your former enemies will turn into sincere well-wishers, and your list of friends will noticeably lengthen.

2019 is also a favorable year for those who dream of the warmth and comfort of home. After all, the Yellow Pig favors family well-being, and therefore will certainly help lovers who decide to tie in their fate under her protection. It will help restore peace and tranquility in marriages where relationships are not going well. If you dream of renovating an apartment, building a summer house or other improvement of living conditions, then best moment There is simply no better time to work for the benefit of the family than 2019.

The pig is defenseless against flattery and deceit, but it has an exceptional mind. This quality will allow those who strive to improve their level of education and achieve achievements in 2019 to achieve remarkable success. scientific activity. Business activity in the Year of the Pig will also receive an additional boost, allowing business to move to a new level.

The rich inner world and generous imagination of the Pig contribute to the success of people in creative professions. They will be visited in abundance in 2019 creative ideas and bursts of inspiration, which will result in amazing results. Any endeavors in music and literature, sculpture and architecture, dance and painting will be welcomed and will certainly find wide support.

The Year of the Yellow Pig is perfect for those who decide to seriously take on improving their physical fitness. Any sport will be enjoyable and will lead to impressive results, and diets will only be beneficial. In 2019 there are all the prerequisites for healthy image life became a useful habit for many years.

Video recipe for the occasion:

In any professional activity, an attentive and purposeful Pig promises not only financial success, but also a lot of positive things from the work they love. Interesting projects, promising endeavors and exciting business trips will transform your business activity from a tedious task into an exciting process that also brings good money.

What to do on the eve of the holiday

More from early childhood We have learned that the anticipation of a holiday is perhaps a more significant pleasure than the celebration itself. That is why over the years more and more attention has been paid to the New Year period. Preparing for the New Year brings a lot of pleasure to both children and adults. However, in the pre-holiday bustle it is so easy to forget about something important. To prevent this from happening, a list of proposed tasks should be outlined in advance.

  • Every good housewife always cleans the house before the holiday. And the Year of the Pig should not be an exception just because this animal loves to bask in dirty puddles. In addition, while cleaning, remember the good habit of getting rid of old and unnecessary things. This will allow you to cleanse the aura of your home from negative energy and free up a lot of space for new acquisitions.
  • If you want to celebrate the New Year with a light heart and a new surge of energy, then be sure to repay all material and moral debts. Make peace with your enemies, pay off loans and return borrowed items.
  • The holiday should be celebrated in high spirits, and it can be guaranteed to be improved by visiting a beauty salon and purchasing a new outfit. Treat yourself to a spectacular hairstyle, an unusual manicure and a coveted item from the latest collection of your favorite brand.
  • With a pencil in your hands, analyze all the mistakes you made in the past year. After all, awareness of your mistakes will allow you to avoid making similar mistakes in the future, which means it will make you wiser and stronger.
  • Don’t forget to praise yourself for all your successes and victories, even if they consist only of a dress you sewed yourself or a rich harvest grown in your dacha. After all, any achievements from appointment to a higher position and the birth of a child to beautiful embroidery increase self-esteem and give rise to a feeling of pride in oneself. And these are precisely the feelings that encourage new achievements in the coming year.
  • On holidays it is customary to give gifts to family, friends and colleagues. To please everyone, their list should be thought out in advance. Make a list of people whom you would like to congratulate not only in words, but also in material terms, and then carefully select a surprise for each, taking into account his inclinations and preferences. After all, only in this case will you be able to truly please your loved ones on a holiday.
  • Remember in advance that when the chimes strike, it is customary to make your deepest wishes. Think about what you expect from the coming year, what you dream about, what you hope for, and then at the right moment you will be able to imagine your dream in all its details.

How to celebrate the New Year 2019 correctly

The Yellow Pig is a friendly and cheerful creature, and therefore it is best to meet it in a noisy company. You can gather family and friends far outside the city, on an exotic island or in a nightclub. The meeting place of 2019 is not particularly important if there are close and loved ones nearby.

At the same time, it is worth considering that Piggy prefers a cozy homely atmosphere to all non-standard ideas. Feel free to invite as many guests as possible to your home, not forgetting to invite your colleagues and neighbors. Set a rich table for them, don’t skimp on gifts, think of funny surprises and pranks. After all, Pig’s generous and creative nature will certainly appreciate a holiday organized on a grand scale and with imagination.

Don't be upset if New Year's Eve finds you away from your loved ones and friends. You shouldn’t worry too much about the lack of a decorated Christmas tree and the inability to personally present gifts. The generous Yellow Pig will not reproach the abandoned family if you can congratulate everyone by phone or the Internet. However, you should still try to arrange things in such a way that on the holiday you will be among your loved ones and loving people.

New Year's interior decor

When choosing decorations for your home or apartment, first of all you need to remember that the Pig loves everything natural and natural. Therefore, garlands and bouquets of pine or spruce paws and compositions of cones will come in handy. Decorate dry branches with scarlet tassels of viburnum or rowan, showering them with foam “snow”. It is better to put all this beauty in clay or wooden vessels.

Khavronya's yellow color in 2019 hints at her love for everything luxurious and shiny. Therefore, do not forget to add gold and purple ribbons, balloons or candles to your interior. However, keep in mind that Pig does not like excesses, and do not overload the space with sparkling holiday attributes.

Remember that the Earth Pig’s favorite delicacy is juicy grass, acorns and ripe fruits. Be sure to add bright greens, browns and oranges to your 2019 palette.

The table decor should look really chic. After all, the fastidious Khavronya wants to be greeted like a king. Do not spare the best sets and sparkling crystal for Piggy, and as a “pig” treat, place a large dish with ripe, aromatic fruits: tangerines, apples and pears in the center of the table.

To attract good luck in 2019, cover the tabletop with a blue, purple or yellow tablecloth. Place a piggy bank in the most visible place so that guests can throw a coin or bill into it for financial luck.

How to decorate a Christmas tree

It’s hard to imagine your beloved without the prickly New Year’s beauty winter holiday. However, her outfit should not contradict the general decor trends of 2019. Despite the fact that Pig gravitates towards a home celebration, it must certainly be bright, stormy and unforgettable. And the New Year’s tree should be decorated in full accordance with the wishes of the capricious Mistress of the Year: spectacular, magnificent and unexpected.

  • Piggy’s commitment to everything natural and natural dictates choosing the same style for the Christmas tree. Don’t skimp on purchasing a real fragrant tree to fully enjoy the smell of pine needles. Attach real gilded cones, candied fruits and berries, knitted or wooden toys, and any crafts made from natural materials to its branches.
  • Natural harmony and at the same time brightness can be achieved by turning the tree into a New Year's rainbow by arranging the toys in rows from top to bottom in the appropriate color sequence. Each of the seven sectors should be decorated with balls, ribbons and tinsel of the same shade, gradually moving from red to purple.
  • Don't you want colorful colors in your interior? Choose for your New Year's beauty one of the favorite colors of the Mistress of the Year: yellow or orange, purple or blue, green or brown, blue or white. The monochrome of the decorations can be diluted with gold and red additions in the form of garlands, ribbons or bows.
  • The pig is committed to moderation in everything, even in jewelry. Therefore, try to observe measure and proportion in the “outfit” of the New Year’s tree. An excess of toys, dissonance in color combinations or too large decor on a small Christmas tree will look ridiculous and clumsy, without adding beauty to the house, and to you - a festive mood.

What to celebrate 2019 with

Not only the house, but also its owners should dress up for the holiday. What clothes and accessories should you choose to match the spirit and mood of the coming Year of the Yellow Pig?

  • Despite the fact that Khavronya 2019 “wears” yellow, it is not at all necessary for everyone to dress in lemon-golden outfits for the holiday. It is enough just to purchase one or two accessories in these shades, while the main color of a dress or suit can combine brown and green, blue and orange, white and red. The main condition is that the palette should be juicy, but not flashy, otherwise the jealous Pig will not bestow his favor on you.
  • The best material for a festive toilet will be natural silk. Its matte iridescence and sophisticated coolness will effectively highlight all curves. slim figure, and the flying silhouette will hide any imperfections of ladies with curvy figures.
  • Piggy loves comfort in everything, which means you should leave too strict and elegant suits in the closet. Prefer them to wear loose and cozy clothes that will allow them to party all night long without experiencing any discomfort.
  • Choose jewelry in accordance with the sign of your element. If you are ruled by Air or Water, then silver or White gold, framing sapphire, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, turquoise, diamond or onyx. Fire signs should choose any red stones set in gold, while earth signs should choose jasper, topaz or amber, framed in a warm-colored metal. But do not displease the Mistress of the Year with an excess of sparkling decor in your toilet.
  • But the pig has no particular complaints about the choice of hairstyle. She will like the undignified ponytail, romantic curls, and ultra short haircut, especially if they are covered with sparkling varnish or decorated with sparkles of tinsel.

Festive New Year's table

Any good housewife thinks through the holiday menu in advance, trying not only to demonstrate her culinary abilities, but also to observe the traditions of welcoming the coming year. In 2019 this will be very easy to do. After all, a pig is an omnivorous and unpretentious animal in food, which means that it will like any dishes except those prepared from pork. Avoid serving chops and schnitzels, cutlets and shish kebab on New Year's Eve.

But Khavronya will certainly like meat dishes made from beef or lamb, rabbit or poultry. Prepare goose with apples or regular dumplings with minced turkey. An excellent choice will be fish dishes, from ordinary herring “under a fur coat” and aspic to delicious stellate sturgeon and black caviar. Guests will certainly appreciate the culinary delights, but Pig will not be offended by you for banal options.

We must not forget that Piggy’s favorite treats are a variety of greens, vegetables and fruits. Therefore, be sure to prepare a fresh salad and traditional Olivier, and serve some legumes as a side dish for the meat: lentils, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, peas. Place a large dish with apples, oranges, pears and grapes in the center of the table.

Don’t forget that the Pig has a big sweet tooth, loving fruit desserts, all kinds of cakes and any candy from caramels to Swiss chocolate. The right addition to the sweet table would be homemade muffins and nuts.

Khavronya disapproves of alcohol, so among alcoholic beverages only sparkling and dry wines are welcomed. Fans of strong drinks will have to limit themselves to cocktails containing them. But fruit drinks, juices and compotes from fruits and berries should be present on the table in abundance.

main feature New Year's table- its abundance. Khavronya should have many favorite dishes, and their variety should surprise the most sophisticated guest. After all, Pig is incredibly hospitable and generous, and therefore will more than thank someone who is not stingy and prepares for her meeting on a grand scale.

What to give for the New Year

Since childhood, none of us can imagine the New Year without gifts. Therefore, in order to really please your friends and family with a thoughtful surprise, you should take care of its selection and purchase in advance. So what will be relevant as a present for 2019?

  • The pig is an economic and practical animal, and therefore it welcomes gifts accordingly. Choose a useful and durable item in accordance with the inclinations and hobbies of your loved one so that it serves as a reminder of you and the Year of the Pig for a long time.
  • Don’t even think about limiting your budget for gifts. If Piggy feels that you want to save on the positive emotions of your friends and family, she will certainly refuse you her favor in the coming year. Choose something from household appliances, a spectacular service or antiques.
  • It is quite natural that for the year of the Yellow Pig you should choose gifts with the image of this animal. It is desirable if the item is made in gold or yellow colors. A golden pig piggy bank is ideal, symbolizing a rich and successful life in the New Year. A plush toy for a child or a bedding set for a married couple would be a good idea.
  • Piggy loves laughter and fun, and therefore will appreciate a gift with humor. Yellow slippers with a patch on the nose or pajamas decorated with numerous orange piglets look funny. But the Pig’s greatest favor will be received by a jewelry trinket (pendant, earrings, pendant) in the shape of a pig, made of precious metal.
  • Sometimes it is difficult to choose a gift that will surely please your loved one. However, the pragmatic Khavronya will be quite merciful towards a stack of banknotes if it is not presented demonstratively in front of everyone, but is presented in appropriate packaging (wrapped in beautiful paper, hidden in an elegant envelope or box).
  • The character of the coming year will be dominated by simplicity and unpretentiousness, and therefore gifts made with your own hands are coming back into fashion. If you knit socks or a sweater for your husband or child yourself, you will certainly please the undemanding Khavronya. Simple handmade New Year's souvenirs for friends, made using scrapbooking, quilling or decoupage techniques, will not require special expenses, but will clearly demonstrate your love and warm attitude.
  • Keep in mind that cards are making a comeback as we head into 2019. A small piece of New Year's themed cardboard should certainly accompany any more valuable gift. If you take the time and come up with your own congratulations, then such an addition will become especially valuable. You can even make a postcard yourself, guided by your own ideas about beauty and flights of imagination, which will make the surprise individual, and therefore extremely expensive.
  • On the eve of the holidays, we must not forget about ourselves. After all, the Pig is characterized by some selfishness, which means it would be quite logical to pamper your person with a gift that has long been dreamed of. Don’t skimp and finally buy something that you’ve had your eye on for a long time and didn’t dare buy because of its high cost.

Popular wisdom says that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. You can argue with this or agree. But the main question, where, how and with whom to celebrate the main night of the year, remains open.

We decided to help you choose. And in this article we have collected 30 ways to celebrate the New Year.

So, let's begin?

Bus.On New Year's Eve, you can rent a bus, decorate it, prepare snacks, choose music and drive around the city all night, visiting friends and visiting places where folk festivals take place.

Banya.The heroes of the famous film go to the bathhouse every year, why don’t you follow their path? Celebrating the New Year in a steam room is good not only for the body, but also for the soul. The bathhouse helps you relax, relieve fatigue and leave behind everything bad from the past year. In addition, this is a great way to warm up, remember Russian traditions and arrange an unusual New Year's photo shoot :)

Peak.This place is ideal for romantic people who are attuned to nature. Just imagine: exactly at midnight you stand on the top, look around and feel all the grandeur and beauty of nature. Elbrus, the Caucasus Mountains or Kilimanjaro... The choice is yours.

City Park.Celebrating the New Year in the park is also very romantic and at the same time budget-friendly. You can take with you a folding table, chairs, mulled wine in a thermos, champagne, tangerines, candles and lanterns and go to the park half an hour before the New Year. There, among the trees and the light of lanterns, you will feel like you are in a snowy fairy tale.

Village.For the New Year, you can go to the village to visit relatives or rent a house (room) from one of the local residents. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, you can truly enjoy the charm of this family holiday. It is here, among snow-covered fields and small rickety houses, that you can go skiing, build snowmen, warm yourself by a warm stove and drink tea from a samovar. What could be nicer?

E yearly Olivier, tangerines and herring under a fur coat.Traditional New Year with family- a good option. You can visit your parents, grandparents, or gather everyone at your home and have a big family holiday with the main New Year's character - dad, dressed as Santa Claus.

Christmas tree.We are talking about a large city Christmas tree, around which all folk festivities are usually concentrated. There will be entertainment here not only for adults, but also for children, who will happily take part in competitions and frolic in the ice town.

Wishes.Have a wish night. Let each family member (guest) write their little wish on a piece of paper and give it to you a week before the holiday. Agree in advance not to imagine anything impossible. On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus or another fairy-tale character can take wishes out of a magic box and immediately make them come true. Children will especially enjoy this holiday.

A fun pajama party.Who said that on New Year's Eve everyone must be at the parade. This year, try to go against tradition and have a warm, cozy pajama night with mulled wine, tangerines and sweets. Don't forget to stock up on soft blankets, pillows and fluffy bears for your guests :)

And an intriguing fireworks show in Australia.Sydney hosts the world's largest fireworks show every year. A sparkling, roaring, rainbow-colored sky- what else do you need for the New Year? On the festive night, residents and guests of the city rent boats and go to the harbor. It is there that the most unforgettable light show takes place above their heads.

A great place for all fireworks fans!

Yorick, poor Yorick, or New Year in theatrical style.An original way to celebrate the New Year- organize a theatrical performance at your home. Start preparing about two weeks in advance. Choose a good New Year's or Christmas play, prepare the scenery and costumes, ask all the participants in the play to learn their roles and rehearse everything thoroughly. Be sure to prepare and print invitation tickets to the performance for your guests and hand them out in advance. And then the show begins!

Roof.Another incredibly romantic place. On the roof you can set a festive table, decorate everything around and have a big party, or you can simply go up to the roof with glasses 10 minutes before the New Year and spend the last moments of the passing year there. It's so magical- at the same time see hundreds of lights burning in the windows, and understand that in each of them at that moment they are celebrating a holiday.

Forest.An option for those who are not afraid to freeze. New Year's Eve in a tent or in a house in the forest can't be bad. Fresh air, a huge starry sky and snowflakes fluttering overhead...

M o re.For those who are frozen in anticipation of the annual miracle, the best place celebrations- sea coast. There, among the palm trees, warm breeze and shells, you will feel truly happy.

Night in red flowers.The main color of the coming year of the rooster- red. Make this color the leitmotif of your feast. Let the outfits, table settings, gifts and decor be decorated in different shades of red. Scarlet, carrot, madder, burgundy, titian, crimson, massaka... The palette is very diverse. By the way, a great addition to your color celebration will be competitions that will help you plunge into a symphony of color.

O carnival!Another way to have a fun New Year's Eve- go to a costume party or organize one at your home. The holiday will become even more fun if you try to invent and make your own costume.

Train.Have you ever celebrated New Year on a train? A great celebration idea for the brave. The chiming clock accompanied by the clatter of wheels, the flickering of lights outside the windows and the endless romance of the train. New acquaintances, at least with the conductor, are guaranteed. And also- sincere conversations and aromatic tea with tangerines.

Rio de Janeiro.To Rio! It is there that the largest New Year's party in the world is held every year. Nand the 4-kilometer Copacabana beach attracts more than 2 million people dressed in all white. Dancing, fireworks and a huge living white sea with burning lighters and mobile phone screens.

From ahar.Today the New Year can be celebrated even in the desert, or ratherin a caravan crossing the Sahara Desert! In order to implement such an unusual idea, you just need to book a budget desert tour in Morocco (10 days) and rent a camel. Among the endless sands, the New Year will seem especially incredible!

T yumen and hot springs.Real exotic cold winter: the temperature outside the window is -25 -30 degrees, there is snow all around, and clouds of steam rise from the water. And you are not celebrating the New Year in evening dress, and in a swimsuit.

Cleaning.Do some real cleaning on New Year's Eve. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. This is exactly what the people of Edinburgh do. They throw out everything unnecessary from the house on New Year's Eve. You can turn this seemingly boring activity into a real quest for yourself and your guests. Set up a game« 12 unnecessary things"- Hide 12 items in the house that need to be thrown away and invite your guests to use the clues placed here and there to find them all. It's fun!

Let everyone who is going to visit you bring with them a couple of unnecessary things- build an unusual Christmas tree out of all this junk, and then arrange a photo shoot with it. At the end of this action, you can safely take all the trash to the trash can.

Flashlights.Have a Chinese paper lantern night. At midnight, go outside and launch glowing cylinders high, high into the sky. Don't forget to make a wish:)

X Ruschevka. Who said it's bad at home? There is no better place to celebrate the New Year than your small, cozy apartment. This is where it is best to say goodbye to the sadness of the past year and open the doors to new joyful moments. There will be quite a few of them this year. We promise :)

Flower greenhouse.For those who are yearning for summer. It’s not easy to get to such a place on New Year’s Eve, but if you really want to, you can organize a New Year’s rehearsal in advance. Among the bright fragrant flowers, you begin to believe in beauty even more, and therefore go to the greenhouse, for example, on the afternoon of December 31- great idea. There you can get your dose of summer and a boost of energy that will last for a long time.

What a wonderful trip to Veliky Ustyug. A good option for families with children. New Year's Eve visiting Santa Claus will definitely be memorable and will delight both kids and adults.

Sh smart karaoke bar.A great place for lovers of songs until dawn and noisy parties. Here, in warm company, you can once again demonstrate your talent and really have fun.

Happiness.This is the kind of place where the New Year will definitely be the best. May each of us visit there many times in the coming year.

b, bI, b. Celebration options for the bravest and most desperate :)

Eiffel Tower.The most romantic place to celebrate the New Year is the Parisian Champs Elysees with a view of the New Year's Eiffel Tower. On a festive night, thousands of fireworks fly over it. Amazing sight!

Yu Moristic New Year.Good jokes lift everyone's spirits, especially during the holidays. May His Majesty Humor rule your home this New Year's Eve. Prepare jokes and anecdotes, remember the funny stories that happened to you and your loved ones this year, ask children and guests to show funny scenes, watch the most perky episodes of KVN. And then the night will turn into a real holiday of fun!

I'm a pony.Celebrate New Year's Eve Japanese style. Japanese cuisine, kimonos, sake... And there are also a lot of bells that should ring at midnight. In Japan, at the hour X, it is customary to ring the bells 108 times. There, in an instant, all the bell towers of local churches begin their sacred chime. Fascinating action! Try again :)

Happy New Year!

With the advent of the New Year 2019, the Yellow Dog will give up its patron rights to the Yellow Pig, ruled by the same element - the Earth. This fact indicates the extension of the calm period, which is alien to all kinds of passions. The Pig (Boar) is characterized by an extremely calm disposition, feels sincere satisfaction from its actions and loves the comfort of home. In order for her rule to bring not only peace, but also good luck, you should try in advance.

Let's look in detail at how to prepare for the New Year 2019 and how to appease its owner so that she gives prosperity and happiness.

How to celebrate New Year 2019?

The pig feels extremely uncomfortable being alone. She is compassionate and generous: that is, she is ready to sacrifice both time and money to solve the problems of her neighbor. But at the same time, she does not assign herself secondary roles, as she simply loves to be in the spotlight.

The desire for freedom, great optimism, an excellent sense of humor and belief in miracles are the main character traits of Kabanchik. Besides, he doesn't like to save money, especially on food.

  • Organization of the most magnificent celebration: luxurious outfits, large decorations, expensive gifts and a table “bursting” with food.
  • Inviting artists or independently preparing a humorous program with practical jokes, funny outfits and a win-win lottery.
  • Introducing a “magical twist” in the form of “magic” tricks, fortune telling, mysterious stories or treats with notes containing prophecies for the coming year.

In order not to rush around shopping during the holidays, not to waste time in huge queues and not to do everything else in a hurry, you should draw up a detailed action plan in advance. If you have no idea where and how to start preparing for the New Year, take the to-do list below as a basis, think carefully and weigh: what purchases need to be made immediately and what to leave for later late date, what to order in online stores, how to allocate the budget, choose gifts, choose a menu, etc.

Decoration of the room and Christmas tree

Unlike its predecessor the Dog, the Pig loves luxury, so the main yellow color in the decoration of a house or hall should be replaced with gold. It can be combined with red, green and white.

In order for the room in which the New Year's celebration will take place to have an appropriate “expensive” look, it is appropriate to use gold-plated ribbons, toys, and garlands to decorate it. They can decorate both the Christmas tree and other elements: pine wreaths, curtains, chandeliers, railings, etc. Large golden-red candles are a decor that is appropriate on a holiday table, bar counter, bedside tables and wall candelabra.

When decorating your home, it is wise to focus on the Pig’s taste preferences. So, large oranges, beautiful yellow apples and pears, acorns, cinnamon sticks and nuts can be placed indoors. The combination of their aromas with the smell of pine needles will create a magical atmosphere of Christmas and New Year, so familiar to everyone from childhood.

What to wear to celebrate New Year 2019

When choosing a color, you should give preference to yellow, gold, brown, gray, as well as their combinations and shades. The style of the outfit is chosen depending on the place where the celebration will take place. At the same time, the main features of New Year's attire should be luxury and brightness.

If none of the listed shades suits you, then don’t rack your brains over what other color to celebrate the New Year 2019 in - just wear what suits you to feel “at ease” (for example, bright Red dress). Floral motifs are still in fashion. In the year of the Pig, hydrangea and daisy remain relevant, so they should be given preference when choosing a print.

Since the mistress of the year is a big spender, you should purchase appropriate jewelry and accessories to go with your outfit. Expensive brand shoes, clutch, jewelry - all this will complement the luxurious look. But since the Pig is also an egocentric person, you need to make sure that its clothes attract attention. This can be achieved with the help of an original bright belt, beads, sequins, shiny fabrics, ribbons and ribbons.

Best options jewelry For New Year's corporate party will become gold, diamonds and other gems. In a home environment it would be more appropriate to use voluminous jewelry made of wood or very bright jewelry that matches the clothes. And for those who plan to spend the whole night in carnival costume, you can complement your look with eye-catching original homemade accessories.

What should the stronger sex wear to celebrate the New Year? The colors of clothes and shoes should also be selected taking into account current shades. Classic style and muted, restrained tones of brown, sand, coffee with milk are the choice of a successful man. A colorful, shiny robe with a gold tie and bright shoes will help create the image of a carefree joker, the soul of the party.