What should a boss do if his subordinates are smarter than him? How to manage people who are smarter than you The skills of a good leader that you cannot do without

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A leader is a person who is not just a leader and manages a group of people, but a person who has special qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities that allow him to competently organize the work of the people under his command and achieve his goals and objectives. But, in addition to this, the manager must apply certain rules to his work that will allow him to perform his functions as efficiently as possible. And today we will talk about what rules a successful leader should follow in his activities.

Below we bring to your attention a dozen universal rules for any leader who strives for success and high results:

  • The very first thing to note is that a leader must play the role of a role model among his subordinates. He must be an authority for them and a person whose instructions they will follow unquestioningly. Remember that a leader is a person who is capable and accustomed to taking responsibility for his actions, for the actions of his team and for the actions of any other person who is subordinate to him
  • A successful leader must certainly have the ability to show them to his subordinates and explain how they can be achieved. A leader should not be the one who forces people to do anything - he should be the one whom people follow themselves. And this can only be achieved if you are able to show strength of character, indicate the main guidelines on the path to the result, organize the work of each team member and support the passion and initiative in each. There are no insignificant people in the team, and everyone should feel involved in the common cause
  • For competent and effective management of people, it is important, among other things, to have well-developed rhetorical skills and the ability to speak openly and convincingly. All this can be an excellent help in the process of establishing effective communication with team members. A successful manager can always convey information to an employee in such a way that he not only understands what he needs to do, but also wants to do it
  • The essential qualities of a successful leader, for whom the most important thing is the victory and success of his team, are inexhaustible energy and enthusiasm. Determination, result-basedness and optimism, in turn, allow you to achieve your goals no matter what and set new ones almost immediately. By acting this way and not otherwise, the leader will set an example for his team, which means that they will adhere to the same values
  • A successful leader is able to take a step back when necessary, which is expressed in giving subordinates more space for action and encouraging their initiative. It is thanks to this that he has the opportunity to understand how involved each employee is in the common cause. Its employees must feel their individual responsibility, and also understand what may follow from doing or neglecting this or that task. This will help them gain determination and independence, and also develop in them serious attitude to work. If there is no clear guidance for action, there is a high probability of mistakes, but the experience gained will be extremely valuable in any case
  • It is important to understand that the team is the guarantee of success, but you need to be able to create a team so that it ceases to be just a team. And a competent leader is the person who can unite the team and create an atmosphere in it that will turn employees into like-minded people. The leader must be able to wisely apply and organize the interaction of team members, which is based on the pursuit of common goals
  • Each employee has a unique set of individual qualities, characteristics and abilities; each of them has their own talents. An effective leader is able to find an individual approach to each of his people in order to understand how to motivate each of them, and determine which path to direct people along so that the highest results are achieved
  • A good leader must be able to wisely use the reward system for his people. But the incentive system should be the same for everyone, and the approach to incentives should be purely individual. Some will be motivated by career growth, some by the opportunity to earn more, and others by the opportunity to have more free time and freedom to make decisions. All this must be taken into account, but this can only be understood through individual work.
  • A successful and self-respecting leader must in every possible way avoid the status of an “unattainable idol” or “bloodthirsty monster” among his team members. Collateral efficient work and the successful functioning of a team is the absence of shortcuts, quality feedback, mutual respect and trust. The manager must devote part of his time to contact with employees, but at the same time nip in the bud disrespectful attitudes, insubordination and familiarity. In addition, the manager must have the ability to convey information to people in an understandable form, and be able to make the life and activities of the organization for employees as transparent and open as possible
  • Many people believe that the essential quality of a good leader is rigor. But here it is very important to feel a special boundary so that employees are open and ready to interact, but at the same time maintain subordination and control themselves. The task of a successful leader is the ability to find this boundary. The leader must, mainly, discuss issues of requirements and discipline together with his people, because the entire work process is directly dependent on what the boundaries of what is possible and what is not. In addition to this, work schedules, daily routines and other similar things must be properly established. Subsequently, this will allow misunderstandings
  • A professional and competent leader is in a continuous process of self-development and self-improvement. He should never be satisfied with the achieved professional level, because... only through obtaining new information and constant development of oneself can one achieve the maximum possible disclosure of creativity and the realization of creative potential
  • And the last thing worth saying is that a successful leader must feel that he is responsible for the people who trust him and who decide to follow him. Thus, it is completely impermissible to deceive, commit dishonest acts and treat one’s subordinates unfairly. As they say, it can take forever to earn the trust and respect of other people, but only a second to lose it. People will never forgive a person for betrayal, which means you must always remain honest with yourself and the people around you.

And in conclusion, we will only add that a successful leader should not limit his actions only to setting tasks, making demands and monitoring the quality of work. He must be a creator in creating an effective team, must be an inspirer and the main motivating force for all his people. For this reason, the range of his tasks should include creating the ground for development, and work on building an effective communication system, and activities to update the abilities of each employee.

WHAT KIND OF LEAD ARE YOU: Naturally, being a good and successful leader can be difficult, because leadership is, first of all, working with people. But to work with people, you need to have an idea of ​​an individual approach to each of them, to see their characteristics and uniqueness. But how can you understand someone if you don’t know yourself? Most likely, this will be very difficult to do, so you first need to get to know yourself. And today you have a great opportunity to do this, and you won’t have to spend a lot of time on it, re-read a lot of complex literature and endlessly understand yourself. We invite you to take our original systematic course on self-knowledge, which will tell you about your leadership abilities, your teamwork abilities, your individual qualities and advantages, and give you a lot of other equally interesting and important information. So don’t waste time and start getting to know yourself - you will find the course at.

We wish you success in completing the course and the desire to become, first of all, a successful leader for yourself!

The boss is not always right, but he is ALWAYS THE BOSS!!!

(English saying)

Our boss is a liar. But fair. He deceives everyone without exception.

You can only rely on what resists.

Blaise Pascal

A weak person doubts before making a decision; strong - after.

Karl Kraus

Treat those below you the same way you would want those above you to treat you.


It is more difficult to control those who crave fame and pleasure than those who want bread.

P. Buast

If something doesn’t get to you, then you are either stupid or a big boss.

The boss joked exhaustively: others had no time for jokes.

Create legends about yourself. The gods started with this.

Stanislav Lec

A flock of lions led by a ram can lose to a herd of rams led by a lion.

Folk wisdom

Of all abilities, the most difficult and rarest is the ability to manage.


If a foolish boss acted smartly, don’t be surprised. Well, a man made a mistake, never happens to...

Try to be smart, not rich: you can lose wealth, but rationality is always with you.


Any instruction that is transmitted by a superior boss through a subordinate will be understood in the exact opposite sense.


The less democracy there is, the more bosses there are.

D. Volkogonov

What is “I’m the boss - I’m a fool, you’re the boss - you’re a fool”?
- Labor collective, consisting of one person!

If your boss tells the same jokes year after year, it’s more tactful to laugh in different places.

V. Brudzinski

Fear of rulers is rarely fear of their intellect.

V. Shwebel

The most important formula for success is knowing how to treat people.

Theodore Roosevelt

A boss's rank is determined by the number of people who suffer from his mistakes.

Anyone who pays their employees with groundnuts should not be surprised to find themselves surrounded by screaming chimpanzees.

A management structure in which ten or more direct subordinates are focused on the manager is a heart attack.

V. Tereshchenko

A fruitful exchange of opinions: you come to your boss with your opinion, you leave with his opinion.

Impoliteness between equals is unsightly, but on the part of a superior it is tyranny.

Lope de Vega

Three minutes of laughter at your boss is equivalent to a quarterly bonus, five minutes of laughter is the 13th salary.

An organization is the elongated shadow of one single person.

Ralph Emerson

They believe that success comes to those who get up early. No, success comes to those who get up in a good mood.

Marcel Achard

One and only one person must be responsible for every assigned task.

O. Bismarck

Never trust a subordinate who does not find any faults with his superiors.

D. Collins

The most important thing is to be able to distinguish the important from the urgent.

Evgeniy Kashcheev

Our director is a pure baby: what’s wrong is immediately a cry.

For the boss, there are always only two types of former employees: employees who are not capable of anything, and employees who are capable of everything.

Anyone who blames others for his failures, logically speaking, must also acknowledge their share in his successes.

Howard W. Newton

The boss conceived new idea and this made everyone sick in the morning.

In higher positions, as well as in extremely elevated areas, people are subject to dizziness.

P. Buast

The desire to command in an area foreign to oneself is tyranny.

S. Dovlatov

Anyone who knows nothing can take on anything.

Stanislav Lec

The best leaders are those whose existence the people do not notice.

Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher

A friend in power is a lost friend.

Henry Brooks Adams

Each flaw has a first and last name.

S. Ordzhonikidze

Smile - the boss loves idiots.

The man who knows "how" will always find a job, and the man who knows "why" will be his boss.

Diana Reivich

A real manager is one whose working time is sufficient to complete all the tasks assigned to him. Lee Iacocca

When persuading, do not use power until you have exhausted all other means.

A monologue is a conversation between a boss and a subordinate.

The boss is like a bad wife - you have to agree with all his stupidity, just to get behind.

“Divide and conquer” is a wise rule, but “unite and direct” is even better.

I. Goethe

Bosses often forget that their subordinates are people too and don’t want to think either.

L. Lisovsky

The success of a businessman depends 15% on his professional skills and 85% on his ability to communicate with people.

A person should go about his business as if he had nowhere to look for help.

D. Halifax

Don't drink at work, you'll become a boss.

Leaders are divided not into young and old, but into smart and fools.

A person's indispensability is judged by the number of his deputies.

Danil Rudy

The secret to successfully choosing employees is simple - you need to find people who themselves want to do what you would like them to do.

G. Selye

Danish proverb

You should refrain from speculating on the stock exchange in two cases: if you do not have funds, and if you do have them.

Mark Twain

Subordinates have two vacations, the first is their own, the second is the boss’s vacation.

I don't need employees who can only assent. I want everyone to tell me the truth to my face, even if they get fired for it.

A smart boss's deputy is always smart.

Mikhail Genin

To lead means to be able to change style.

A good manager makes people first, and then money.

Leonid S. Sukhorukov

Tell me what you can't do, and I'll think about who to appoint you to.

Mikhail Genin

As the year of the goat passed, luck began to turn away from my boss......

For subordinates, both discord between superiors and their unanimity are equally harmful.

A person who has not become a boss by the age of 46 will never be useful for anything again.

Cyril Parkinson

I consider my most valuable quality to be my ability to arouse enthusiasm in people and develop what is best in a person through recognition of his merits and encouragement.

Ch. Schwab

The higher you rise, the harder it is for others to understand whether you are doing your job or not.

Allan Cohen

If a director shows initiative, he thinks about the future. If an employee takes initiative, talk about the consequences.

Not observing employees means leaving your wallet open to them.

B. Franklin

Imagination: a quality of the mind that makes us think that we would be a much better leader than our boss.

To lead people, follow them.

Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher

What is the difference between a boss and the sun? The sun has breaks between eclipses.

Only those who know how to command can command.


On average, a boss is twice as stupid as he thinks he is, and twice as smart as his subordinates think.

"Lieberman's 2nd Law"

A person who knows “how” will always find a job, and a person who knows “why” will be his boss.

Diana Reivich

It’s easy to bend in front of your boss, but it’s difficult to straighten up.

There is no need to look for a path to victory - we need to create such conditions so that all paths lead to it!!!

In my opinion, if the authorities do not harm us, then this is already a considerable blessing.

Pierre Beaumarchais

Chief, remember! White (not tanned) color indicates employees who still want to go on vacation!

A person deprived of the ability to make important decisions begins to consider any decisions that he can make important.

S. Parkinson

There are such people that being under their command is the end...

It’s difficult with three, and when you learn to organize three, then the number doesn’t matter.

Valentin Chernykh, screenwriter of the film "Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears"

When I was a switchman, I thought: what a fool the station manager is. Then he became the station chief. If your salary has been reduced, tighten your belt... around your boss's neck!

Aman Tuleyev

There were a lot of opinions, only the boss’s opinion turned out to be indisputable.

Don't let those who work for you live too calmly. Don't let them get a firm foothold. Always do the opposite of what they expect from you. Let them worry and look over their shoulders all the time.

Henry Ford

While you measure seven times, others will cut!

Managing is like holding a dove in your hand. If you squeeze harder, you’ll kill him; if you loosen your grip, he’ll fly away.

Tommy Lasorda, American baseball coach

For a born boss, all ailments begin on Friday evening and end on Monday morning.

S. Parkinson

There are no unsolvable problems, only unpleasant solutions.

E. Born

If today's horoscope promises you new sexual sensations, do not flatter yourself - perhaps your boss will call you in...

The master sees more than four servants.

Danish proverb

It is not the one who is right who is right, but the one who has more rights.

There is nothing more difficult, more dangerous and more uncertain than to lead the introduction of a new order of things, because every innovation has ardent enemies who lived well in the old way, and sluggish supporters who are not sure whether they can live in the new way.

Niccolo Machiavelli

The best managers hire smart employees. But what if your subordinates turn out to be smarter than you? How to manage people whose experience or knowledge exceeds yours? How to act as a mentor if your level of expertise is not that high?

What the experts say

When you get a promotion, you also gain responsibilities that go beyond your experience, and this can make you feel intimidated. Employees are about to start asking questions you don't have answers to. Moreover, you may not always understand the questions themselves. “A technician is always clear about their value to the company,” says Wanda Wallace, president and CEO of Leadership Forum and author of Reaching the Top. “But a person who doesn’t have specific or “best-in-industry” experience has the nagging question of what use it is.” To answer this question you will have to completely restructure your worldview.

“It's no longer about your individual contribution to the company,” explains Linda Hill, a professor at Harvard Business School and co-author of Being the Boss. “Now your job is to create conditions for a team that includes people who have greater experience, skills and expertise than you.” At first, such a task may cause discomfort, but this is precisely the key to a successful professional future. “The higher you climb the career ladder, the more often you have to make decisions without having the resources to do so.” personal experience and appropriate qualifications,” notes Roger Schwartz, psychologist, author of the book Smart Leaders, Smarter Teams. Here are some tips to help you.

Face your fears

It is natural to feel fear or uncertainty when you have to give instructions to someone whose experience or skills are superior to yours. “Business is emotional,” reminds Wallace, “and being in charge of a group that understands the day-to-day details of the job better than you does is scary.” According to Schwartz, the first step to take is to understand whether your fear has a real reason. “If no one has directly or indirectly pointed out your incompetence, you need to look deeper within yourself and ask where this fear comes from,” Hill agrees, adding that turning a blind eye to self-doubt is dangerous. Firstly, others will sense your fear, and secondly, if you find it difficult to manage a person who has more experience, you will most likely begin to avoid him.

Seek advice

You can talk to other leaders who may have gone through similar struggles. Talking to colleagues, coaches, and mentors about your feelings and fears of being seen as inadequate can help you stop feeling like an outcast and may give you some useful ideas, says Wallace. Schwartz also finds it useful straight Talk with your own boss: “Share your concerns with him, ask why he chose you for a leadership position, what he expects from you.” This is not a hunt for compliments at all, the expert clarifies: “There is no mistake in asking a question and playing it safe.” According to Schwartz, the answers received will help you understand your own strengths and the development needs of your employees.

Gather information

Previously, the leader was the teacher, and the subordinates were humble students who did what he asked. Now learning has become a two-way process, Schwartz says. Tell your subordinates that you are willing to learn from them, and then organize the conditions for such learning, he advises. “You don't have to become a technical person, but you should understand enough about the business to be able to identify problems,” says Wallace. She advises becoming the “shadow” of someone on the team for a day or a few hours and “asking a lot of stupid questions" Find out what worries your employees, what interferes with their work, whose feedback and advice could help. “Get into the work of your subordinates,” Wallace urges. “This will be a powerful incentive for them.”

Don't shy away from problems

If team members doubt your ability to lead, if unpleasant rumors and gossip reach you, you need to immediately take action to resolve the problem. When dealing with a subordinate who is hostile to you personally or has targeted your position, you should be honest and not afraid of your own vulnerability, Schwartz advises. He suggests telling such a subordinate something like this: “I know that you have more experience and skills, and I understand that you are concerned about my lack of qualifications.” There is no need to protect your ego; on the contrary, treat your interlocutor with keen interest and discuss what you can do to satisfy his needs. Remember, Hill adds, your main task is to understand how to work with this employee and how to support him.

Give and get feedback

“It's pretty stupid to reprimand subordinates in areas for which you lack the technical expertise,” says Wallace. You should focus on areas in which you have authority and the right to judge. “Identify the most relevant problems and be as specific as possible. Say, “I want to talk to you about how you communicate with your sales team.” Give an example, discuss the situation and its consequences,” suggests Wallace. But make sure you're getting as much as you're giving, Hill says. “You need to make it clear that you, too, are open to feedback,” she says. “It will benefit everyone.”


Perhaps the best way for a boss to gain trust is to demonstrate the value you add to the team, says Wallace. It could be how you bring people together, how you use your connections to get work done, how you interact with stakeholders or provide a broader perspective. According to Hill, you also need to demonstrate a desire to contribute to the career development of your subordinates. She advises asking them questions like: “What do you want to achieve?”, “What do you want to learn?”, “What would you like to get from me?” Schwartz adds: “You don’t have to become a personal mentor to your employees, but you should help them develop.”

Give subordinates sufficient freedom

One of the main responsibilities of a leader is to create an environment where talent can flourish, Hill says. To do this, you need to learn to step aside in time. “You don't have to be the smartest. Your role is to create space,” she says. Wallace agrees with her. “Release your hand, but be ready to grab it—like a parent teaching a baby to walk,” she says. “Be close, but don’t hold your hand all the time.” Main principle– transparency. “Determine what you need to know and how often you need to receive reports,” adds Wallace. You need to warn your team about how often you will report to your own superiors. When your subordinates understand why you are going into detail, they are willing to cooperate. But if questions are asked without any explanation, employees will think that you simply do not trust them.

Exude confidence, but don't overdo it

Even if sometimes you get bogged down in new problems, you need to demonstrate sufficient self-confidence. But moderation is good in everything, says Wallace. If you become overconfident, you will be distrusted and considered arrogant. Likewise, subordinates will not be able to trust a boss who looks scared to death. You need to cultivate the behavior of a top manager. There are no secret ingredients in it. Keep calm. Be polite. Take yourself and other people seriously. Distinguish necessary details from unimportant ones. When the team is convinced that you are on an equal footing with other managers, your subordinates will also gain confidence in you.

What to do

Discuss with your boss what qualities are expected of you in your new position.

Look for ways to contribute to the team and advance the careers of subordinates.

Step aside and let employees do their thing without unnecessary interference from you.

Not to do

Don't ignore your own insecurities. Face your fears and find a way to overcome them.

Don't perceive specialized knowledge subordinates as a threat; on the contrary, take the opportunity to learn new things from employees.

Don't be arrogant: the team won't trust an overly arrogant boss.

Case No. 1: learn to understand the work of your subordinates

Emily Burns, founder and CEO of Learnivore, a Boston-based startup that helps clients find local instructors, coaches and courses in their neighborhood, decided to hire a chief technology officer. Her ideal candidate would have excellent development skills, be proficient in a variety of programming languages, and have a strong understanding of new web technologies. In a word, Emily needed a person with such knowledge and capabilities that she herself did not possess at all. “The hardest thing when selecting candidates with qualifications that you don’t have is evaluating them,” she explains. “I had to figure out what they were doing myself.”

So Emily started reading, talking to people in the industry, and figuring out how development works. “I've learned to appreciate this work, even though I can't do it myself,” Emily says. “I understood how much time it takes for this or that result, what can be done and what cannot.”

This study provided Emily with two benefits. Firstly, it became easier for her to select candidates for a new position. Secondly, when she eventually had a technology director, Heather, it was easier for her to lead. Emily now explains to Heather what outcome she is looking for, but refrains from giving detailed instructions on how to obtain that outcome. “I understand the general way our programs work and can explain to the CTO what I need, but how she does it is up to her,” Emily says.

Emily and Heather work together to prepare the company for venture capital investment. They determined what metrics they should track and what new things they would like to add. “Heather understands enough about our overall business to know why we need it, she always finds ways to improve our technology, and often comes up with ideas that save us time or money,” says Emily. – When you know how another person should do his job, you can explain it to him. But if you don’t understand it, you need to listen and be receptive.”

Case #2: Provide your team with resources and support

Meredith Haberfeld became vice president of marketing services early on and led a large team, all of whom were more experienced and capable than herself. “They were better at building a business than I was,” Meredith recalls.

Meredith had a crisis and no longer felt confident. “I thought: how can I guide these people, what good am I?” she admits.

A conversation with a mentor helped her change her approach. The mentor reminded Meredith that she was nominated for this position for a reason: the company management was confident that she had important and valuable skills. The mentor also emphasized that a manager's job is not to do the work of his subordinates, but to help them do their work better. “My job is to notice what they don't see and help them shine brighter,” Meredith explains. “According to my mentor, my lack of confidence would prevent me from performing this responsibility well, so I should not worry about the fact that someone on the team might outshine me.”

From that moment on, Haberfeld focused on “vision, direction and strategy.” “I make sure the team has everything they need to thrive,” she says. To strengthen and develop a good relationship With her subordinates, Meredith gave them a lot of freedom. She trusts their experience and knowledge and is not concerned about how exactly they do their job. “My subordinates are responsible for the result, and not for each of their actions. I give them a lot of leeway,” Meredith says.

She also learned to be modest. When subordinates ask her questions for which Meredith has no answer, she “shamelessly searches for knowledgeable people both inside and outside the company” and always thanks them for their help. “Sharing the glory is important,” she says. “It turns out I’m not required to be a hero or an expert at all.”

The service, where Haberfeld worked for four years, was recently sold for $200 million. Now she is the founder and CEO of ThinkHuman, a company specializing in career coaching and management consulting. “These four years replaced my MBA,” explains Haberfeld.

HR people, and not only others, often ask the question: is it possible to grow an employee into a leader or are these entirely natural inclinations that cannot be influenced? The answer to this question is simple, simpler than it might seem at first glance. In general, the world has many simple answers to seemingly complex questions.

Yes, almost every employee can be turned into a manager if He wants this. This is the main question that should be asked to an employee whom management and HR are thinking of “making happy” with a promotion.

Often when selecting a human resource for promotion, one of the main selection criteria is how successful candidate as an employee, But it's not right. A good specialist and a good manager are two different people! It is with this attitude that the “Smartest” ineffective leader syndrome is associated.

Oddly enough, if a manager especially values ​​the fact that he is a good professional, then this can be a powerful factor in his ineffectiveness.

Considering himself a professional specialist, the manager selects employees for his team, as a rule, with a lower level of professionalism than himself, because it is so important to be “The Smartest”. Therefore, such a leader’s team is weak, uninitiative, waiting for instructions from “The Smartest”. A desert of talent is emerging, there simply aren’t any there, except for one...

All processes in the company are tied to one person, all decisions are made by one person, this leads to the fact that in all decisions there is only one point of view, which makes it difficult to see an objective picture. Plus, such a leader with the “Smartest Man” syndrome is extremely busy and, as a result, experiences colossal mental and physical exercise.

A one-sided view of problems and pressures leads to the fact that a manager makes mistakes. Of course, everyone makes mistakes, but the problem of “The Smartest” is that he cannot admit them, because then his leading value, his conviction that he is “The Smartest” collapses.

Therefore, such a manager never admits his mistakes, especially publicly, and tries to either blame them on others or not notice them at all. Everything depends on him personal characteristics, but any option does not lead to a solution to the problem, because there is no analysis and analysis of the error. The question hesitates. But the problem is that the error does not disappear anywhere; moreover, uncorrected errors accumulate.

Often at trainings and seminars we discuss with students the topic of mistakes, and whether a manager should admit his mistakes. My answer is always the following: a strong manager is always ready to admit my mistake publicly to show the team how to deal with errors. After all, the team needs example, how to behave in a given situation, therefore, while admitting his shortcomings, the leader must also show how work with error. The team does not need simple recognition of problems, the team must receive an algorithm for working with them.

Option to effectively deal with errors

In addition, by covering up a mistake, the manager shows others that they too may not notice their mistakes or deny them altogether, or shift them onto others.

By the way, this already seems so obvious, but it is still very common in the business environment when problems begin in a company, weak leader begins to look for the guilty, and not solution, so meetings are usually devoted to transferring responsibility from one department to another, rather than finding a solution.

This is why in many companies departments are not busy solving common problem, but they only decide your problems, even to the detriment of others, while the whole company becomes worse. There is no communication between departments, and even the most expensive team building will not help here, the problem is with the manager, not on a team.

A manager who believes that specialized professional knowledge is his greatest asset is afflicted with the “Smartest Man” syndrome. This is not a leader - this is specialist in a managerial position.

That is why, if you want to be an effective manager, give up the value of being “The Smartest”, manage a team “ the smartest» employees.

Few ordinary workers do not dream of becoming a manager. Wouldn't someone be happy at the prospect of being a boss, handing out tasks to subordinates, pointing out their mistakes and enjoying their new position?

However, as you know, a new position of responsibility means not only unlimited power, but also new responsibilities, greater responsibility and the need for constant monitoring of the work of the team.

How to learn to lead correctly? How to find an approach to each employee so that the atmosphere in the team is calm and harmonious, and everyone listens to your opinion without exception? Below we will talk about ten golden rules on how to become a successful leader?

One of the negative traits of many managers is the inability to clearly formulate and convey a task to a subordinate. When a manager does not know what he wants, then, most likely, it is unclear what he will get as a result, unleashing his anger on a bad employee, in his opinion.

Clearly defined goals, as well as the order in which tasks are completed, will significantly facilitate communication between the boss and subordinates and speed up the process of completing work.

Scold only in private

If a person has not coped with the task, then under no circumstances should you reprimand him at a general meeting or in front of other subordinates. This move can significantly ruin your relationship with him and offend the person. Be sure to express all your complaints to him, but face to face. In addition, this will allow you not to make an enemy in the team.


Most managers very generously scold their subordinates for misconduct and poor quality work, while at the same time forgetting to praise them for their good result. Meanwhile, we all know that praise is usually a better incentive than blame, and makes a person do his job much better. If there is something for it, be sure to praise your employees and you will see how their attitude towards you and their work will change.

Friendly atmosphere in the team

The manager sets the tone for the development of relationships between employees. You will definitely achieve success if you create a warm and friendly atmosphere in your team, in which there is no room for squabbles and intrigues. In addition, employees will be very happy if you hold scheduled weekly meetings with coffee and cookies or pizza.

Teach employees to independently monitor their work process

First, set a rule: every day at the end of the working day, each employee of the company must make a short report of his work, so that both he and you can understand what he did that day. You shouldn't force people to write tons of explanations. A verbal answer will be sufficient. Soon this will become a habit, and work will be more productive.

Clear organization of the work process

Your subordinates should know that with a boss like you, they need to get the job done quickly and efficiently. Let them know that you intend to control all stages of the work, and if there are any problems, you are ready to help.

Keep calm

There is nothing worse at work than hysterics and shouting from a manager at his subordinates. Often it is not entirely justified, and in almost 100% of cases it is absolutely unnecessary. Everything can be settled through calm dialogue. This will help maintain good relationships with people and clarify the situation correctly.

Don't be afraid to take responsibility for the failures or mistakes of your subordinates

In the end, it was you who controlled how the work was done, and since you could not monitor the quality, then you need to be held accountable for it. You will significantly add points to yourself in the eyes of your subordinates if, during a conversation with your superiors, you take full responsibility upon yourself, and later, at a meeting with your team, you work on your mistakes. Nobody likes people who shout about their importance, and when it comes time to be responsible for work, they hide behind the backs of the workers.

Be an example for others

When a person sees in a boss not only a leader, but also an intelligent, developed, charismatic person, he is doubly pleased to work with him. It is very important that authority is earned not only through position, but also through personal qualities. When employees are proud of their boss, they will try to do better work.


Do not allow yourself to be addressed in a familiar manner at work. You are a leader, period!

Constantly improve

If you really want to become a successful leader, you must constantly develop as a person, improve your leadership skills, and you must become a team leader who takes responsibility for the productivity and successful work of his subordinates.

Be sure to read business books, books for managers, books on the psychology of relationships - a manager is also a psychologist who knows how to find the right approach to his subordinates, knows how to correctly create a favorable atmosphere in the team.

Becoming a successful leader is not easy, however, by listening to some advice and your team, you can find an approach to each employee.

What do you think, what skills, knowledge and personal qualities What character should a successful leader have? Share your opinion, and perhaps experience, in the comments to this article.

Good luck and see you in the next article.