Alexey Chernozem The Big Book of Female Influence. Behind a successful man there is always a woman! School of astral practices Alexey Chernozem Training Center

My name is Alexey Chernozem

For more than 5 years I have been teaching women how to achieve success in relationships with men and in other areas of life, to build their own Happiness.

Everything I'm talking about I've experienced myself.. I got burned and fell, lost the people closest to me, but I got up and moved on.

And I know for sure - there are no defeats, there is only how you will relate to the problem. It’s very easy to be positive when everything is ok in your life. But when you feel bad... What to do?

So - looking for something positive in any problem and there is that very positive worldview that everyone talks about, but no one can really explain what it is...

Do you think I’m a classic psychologist who sits in his office wearing big glasses, serious and sedate? Who looks a little down on mere mortals and their problems? Not at all, I’m a simple guy who grew up among you...

Yes, I'm a psychologist. Graduated Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Southern Federal University" by specialty "Applied personality psychology"

I have a specialty as a trainer, a certificate for the right to conduct training on the Internet

But this is not the main thing... But here’s what:

I am a man myself with extensive communication experience. I taught men how to communicate with women for over a year - it was just a hobby for me. During this time, I talked to a huge number of men - very different: with different characters, with different financial situation, different status.

But despite this, we all have a lot in common. We are more predictable than women.

I don’t treat men or women, I’m not a doctor... I’m not trying to re-educate anyone...

I just give women the tools with which they can make their relationships brighter and stronger.

I studied the characteristics of male and female psychology, completed a number of trainings with best trainers in seduction and building relationships, I overcame my fears and worked, worked, worked. In the end, I achieved what I set out to achieve. And now I want to teach you what I know.

That's who I am

  • In 1993 he graduated from the Faculty of History and Social Sciences of MarSU.
  • He worked in the internal affairs bodies to identify particularly serious crimes, where he passed special training in the training centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on methods and means of communication and the psychology of communication.
  • In 2004, he underwent special training at the Information Center for Security Problems in St. Petersburg, where, among other things, he learned psychology and methods of successful communication, including between men and women.
  • I have been doing business for about 10 years. Wherever I tried myself: I ran a stall at the Central Market - I sold candies, then I organized a woodworking production, which I did for more than 3 years.
  • Two years ago, after I spent two years consulting men and women in parallel with my main business, I decided to found an Internet project, the goal of which is to help as many women as possible become more successful in all areas of life that are most important for a woman.
  • Psychologist. Graduated from the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Southern Federal University" with a degree in "Applied Personality Psychology"

Studied with such famous people:

- Nikolay Mrochkovsky- one of the most famous business coaches

- Andrey Parabellum- one of the most famous business coaches

- Oleg Hot- Leading Relationship and Personal Growth Coach

- Alex Leslie- Leading relationship and personal growth coach

- Brian Tracy- one of the leading business coaches in the world

- Bob Doyle- one of the leading goal achievement coaches in the world, one of the participants in the film “The Secret”

...and many others


I am not only just an expert in the topic of relationships, I am also a man, and my methods are based on such deep-seated features of male psychology that men are silent about and women are not even aware of..

As a man with extensive experience in business, especially experience in topics interesting to WOMEN- I am sharing my experience of making money in this, because the problem of lack of funds is more than relevant for 70% of women!

A little about me in photos

It's me:)

One of the most famous and largest speakers in the world

Why is a woman so unhappy sometimes?

Why is she so sensitive and helpless, bitchy and aggressive, scared and confused?

Because she doesn't like herself and isn't confident in herself. Because once upon a time she forgot about who she was and what her strength was and stopped valuing herself. Hence the troubles - love addiction, intolerance, women's diseases, conflicts in the family, loneliness, failure, loss of meaning in life, infertility.

But inside every woman lies the most important force - love in all its manifestations . It is this feeling that brings a woman a state of balance, satisfaction, tolerance, understanding, the ability to wait and neutralize conflicts. Love brings understanding of yourself, your inner world, your desires and feelings, and caring attitude towards your body. Then she also treats the environment and people with care. She knows what she wants, sees a goal in any area of ​​life, and calmly achieves it without fear or stress.

A woman by nature is like water, soft, hugging, delicate. She will never rush forward. She will find small imperceptible paths with the help of which she will bypass the obstacle.

A woman should be pure in heart and always young in soul. The ability to forgive and see joy in every moment of life is its main property. The most attractive and mysterious for men.

The woman is flexible. She can be soft and pliable, or she can be indestructible and decisive. Every time she intuitively knows how to act and what force to use: soft or hard.

Her decisions are born from the depths of her soul. Logic is her assistant, but her main strength is intuition. A woman feels what is happening around her and knows how to see the essence of things.

This is its magic, its eternal secret.

If she trusts herself, it is impossible to deceive her and impossible to deprive her of freedom. Thus, she respects the man’s freedom, which is very valuable in the relationship between them.

A loving woman accepts herself completely. A woman's sexuality is expressed in her freedom to be herself. In her courage to know herself, her body, her internal processes. Then she can help a man bring her pleasure and joy and give it to him to the fullest.

Such a woman cannot be lonely. After all, she is a source of light in herself, fresh and desirable. She feels good with herself and with the people around her.She can be in solitude and in the flow of society, remaining natural and calm.

Such a woman has no age...

There are times when a woman falls out of balance. This happens if a lot of suffering, fears, and pain have accumulated inside. Then she loses her strength and self-confidence, her harmony. Then other personality traits may come to the surface: loudness, jealousy, tough leadership, drunkenness, sacrifice and cowardice.

The fear of loneliness, celibacy, and the loss of a man pushes a woman to become dependent on her goals, to worry too much, to rush, to rush events, to enter into relationships with people who do not suit her. You need to be able to manage your fear and be its master, not its servant.

The modern world introduces harsh living conditions in which it can be difficult to learn flexibility and maintain pristine purity. But all this is possible and worth the effort.

Enjoying success, the fact that you simply exist, that you are loved and can love - this is an amazing path.

It is very important for any woman to decide who she is for herself?

What role does she play for herself, her family and friends, and for the world as a whole?

What image should she strive for?

What qualities of her own nature are more important to her?

What can she be grateful to herself for?

When clarity is created inside, a woman knows what to do and how to effectively interact with the world around her.

(With) Bazhazhina Svetlana Vladimirovna

Alexey Chernozem

The Big Book of Women's Influence. Behind a successful man there is always a woman!

I dedicate this book to my untimely departed son, largely thanks to whom I became who I am.

© Chernozem A., 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

I used the techniques from this book not only at work, but also at home. I learned to solve problems with colleagues without conflicts and quietly follow my line. There are also much fewer misunderstandings with my husband. Now I know what I want and how to get it.

Marianna, insurance company manager, Volgograd

I got married thanks to this book! It all started small: small changes at work, new acquaintances and connections, improved relationships with parents. It turns out that everything was simple: you just need to realize that a lot depends on effective communication and master its basic techniques. I learned to build my life the way I want!

In the crime genre, or a few words about the author of the book

The story of how everyday police duty changed the lives of many women

Early 90s...

I'm standing in the entrance on a flight of stairs. There is a man standing on the steps, just above me. There's something I don't like about him. And then I understand what exactly... His eyes are absolutely empty. But the worst thing is that the barrel of the pistol, as dark and merciless as his gaze, is aimed directly at me... I could now tell in vivid colors how bravely I looked into the face of danger, despising the thought of fear. But that's not true. To put it mildly, I felt uneasy because I understood what would happen in the next second.

2 hours before the events described...

Me and two other colleagues are walking along a dark street and peering into the faces of passers-by. When we pass by another man, in my head, like the Terminator, it’s as if a computer turns on and dozens of photographs begin to flash, which I saw a little earlier and which I diligently tried to remember. Then a comparative analysis occurs: is it? No, he's not. We're clearly looking for someone. But who?

Just a month ago I joined the police. And this is my first raid. And we are looking for one “bad man” who attacks women at night. Since I'm still a trainee, I don't even have a weapon. But on the other hand, I’m young, passionate, and I have a passionate desire to catch this scoundrel, because since childhood I’ve been reading “Police Sergeant”, I adored films about brave operatives who break boards with their bare hands and can twist any bandit with one left hand... There’s only one thing I don’t like - nothing happens. Where are the chases and shootouts? We walk and walk, but so far there are no arrests! Not a single scoundrel has yet been neutralized and not a single beauty looks at me with admiration and gratitude for the fact that I saved her from a maniac. And I really want this...

And finally we hear some kind of revival on the radio. The duty officer reports that a woman was attacked at the entrance. God, if only this were in our sector. Before I had time to think about it, he adds that the attack took place in the area of ​​the train station. Yes, it’s very close to us!

It seemed to me that I understood perfectly well what was about to happen. In movies they often say that at such moments your whole life flashes before your eyes. To be honest, I didn’t have this. I just began to figure out in my mind what might threaten me if I suddenly remained alive... If my face was disfigured, I could do plastic surgery, you will only need to save from your salary... and similar nonsense.

It’s funny to remember all this now. But then it was not fun at all. Was I scared? Of course, I would like to tell you how I courageously fought the criminal, how I used Sambo to knock the gun out of the villain’s hand and skillfully twist the villain, and the grateful girl secretly put a piece of paper with her phone number in my pocket. But none of this happened. Just a second or two later a shot rang out, I fell and flew down a whole flight of stairs...

Fortunately, the gun was gas. An exact copy of the combat one, but it didn’t cause me much harm. I cleared my throat, washed my eyes, and my health was no longer a concern. The guys who were in the raid with me detained the guy who shot at me. By the way, he turned out to be not a maniac, but a crazy husband who had a fight with his wife and tried to intimidate her with a pistol. We called a car and sent the rowdy to the investigator on duty for further investigation.

Are there knights today, and why am I telling all this?

On the way back, like many subsequent days, one thought tormented me. If I, a healthy young guy, felt scared at that moment at gunpoint, how could a woman feel in such a situation?

I suddenly realized how easy it is to hurt a woman. A second is enough for this, and the psychological trauma that those who were offended receive does not heal for years...

Of course, everyone knows about this, and there is no point in repeating common truths. We often hear the right things, but for some reason they don’t “catch us” emotionally. This is probably why we so rarely do the right things. In this regard, I remember one interesting experiment with smokers, because I myself was an avid smoker in the past. They took a group of smokers and connected them to devices to record them emotional state. They were then told that smoking was harmful. The arrows on the sensors remained practically motionless. They were then shown how a surgeon amputated the leg of a smoker whose blood vessels had begun to die due to smoking. And then this nice man said the following phrase: “Oh, guys, if you knew how many smokers I cut off the legs...” The shooters began to go off scale. After the experiment, 80% of the participants quit smoking.

How often does a smoker hear that smoking is harmful, that it leads to fatal diseases, so what? Does it help? Hardly. But when he show what might happen is a completely different matter.

The same thing happened to me. After all, boys are still in kindergarten They say: girls cannot be offended, they need to be protected. But are there often noble knights among male representatives?

When I saw with my own eyes the cruelty and humiliation towards that unfortunate woman, I suddenly felt unbearably sad and sorry for the woman who was subjected to such abuse by the man whom she loved and probably still loves.

Then they explained to me that very early on I showed one of the fundamental instincts of a man - the instinct of a protector. Most likely, this is true. But, one way or another, this incident determined a lot in my life. Including what I'm doing now. Due to the specifics of my service, I studied the basics of communication between people, methods and ways of influencing them. Then he studied to become a psychologist.

After serving in the authorities, I worked in the security services of various companies and was involved in business. But the desire to help women did not disappear and, moreover, turned into interesting idea and a very specific and important matter.

That's why in 2011 I organized a project for women, Now it is proudly called the Alexey Chernozem shopping center.

Then it was an absolute gamble - they laughed at me, my friends didn’t believe me, my colleagues said that a man could never work with women. But nevertheless, after 5 years, we have several tens of thousands of subscribers, we conduct “live” master classes in different cities, more than 5,000 women have attended our online trainings, and I already have more than 3,000 hours of consultations.

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Video review of the course by Alexey Chernozem How to get your loved one back:

review of Alexey Chernozem was left by Yana Sokolyuk

Why do I like Alexey Chernozem? Review:

I would like to express my gratitude to Alexey Chernozem for his master classes, and, in particular, . This material is just a bomb! Very often, girls, women, including myself, forget that the male sex is absolutely different from us. Men think differently and see the world and their relationship with their spouse completely differently than we do. But we are still trying to unravel them, understand them, predict them, etc. from the position of ourselves, from the position of female logic. We are trying to convey information to them in a way that would be clear to us and not to them! And then we get upset, offended and make trouble, which is absolutely forbidden to do! Remembering myself before I became acquainted with Alexey’s works, I am filled with horror at my, to put it mildly, stupid behavior in my relationship with my husband. Thank you very much to the training center of Alexey Chernozem for the training!
review left by Irina Gavrilova

The story of a girl who returned her beloved man with the help of Alexey Chernozem’s advice (review and interview):

I am 31 years old, we live in Israel, from an ordinary working-class family. My man is 6 years older than me, we have been dating him for 9 years. There were various problems in the relationship. The last thing that happened with us was that I really hooked him, and in a conversation in public I started raising my tone once again. I let him down publicly, I lowered his self-esteem. For a month I didn’t apologize, didn’t cry, kept it to myself, did nothing, was distracted by something else. And a month later he needed to meet with me to pick up the photographs. I got a chance to meet him. I dressed up and brought him photographs, they were going to meet on the street... Word for word, we started communicating and again resumed an incomprehensible relationship, I didn’t even apologize for my public insults. We argued, he didn’t come... I started looking for information on YouTube about how to get my loved one back. I found a video of Alexey Chernozem. He explains briefly, clearly and clearly. I listened to it first free videos, read articles . Then I wanted to get into training at the Chernozem School, but I didn’t make it to the first class, I was worried, and continued to quarrel with my man. As a result . I wanted everything at once! I realized what I was missing. Namely, to increase my self-esteem and show a man that I am significant and in demand by the people around me. I wanted to show him that I’m not just a girl next to him who will bring him food, who should run on tiptoe and follow his every command, but a person with my own opinion. And now, after studying at the School of Alexey Chernozem, where I got my head straight, when some disputes arise with my loved one, we resolve them differently, not like before. I understand many of the tricks, I don’t get into trouble. Now my beloved and I are in such a state that he still lives separately, but wants to move, he wants children...

I will give advice to girls and women who have had a break in their relationship, whose loved one has left or is about to leave... If he wants to leave, let him go, don’t hold him, blame him, insult him, etc. He’s in a fever, look at it from the other side sides to the situation, maybe his decision is your fault. And then, when the emotions pass, the negativity subsides, it will be possible to talk and come to an agreement, and convey information through different eyes. He is a man, and if he gets hot, let him get hot, he needs it, you don’t need it. Do not under any circumstances say nasty things to him, he can get into trouble!

Girls, don't be discouraged, your current or ex-man, he is not the last and not the first. You have to love yourself, live for yourself, life is short. And if you enjoy life and glow, then he won’t want to miss such happiness!

review left by Lyubov D.,

Video review after training at the training center of Alexey Chernozem:

I turned to Alexey Chernozem with a request to help me return to my previous relationship. Alexey developed a plan especially for me and we worked with him for a year. The program was aimed at increasing my value. In the process, I realized that I did not want the same relationship with that man, and Alexey drew up a different program for me. I increased my value so much that I easily began to meet worthy, high-status men, which I was previously afraid of. The result of completing the training is that I have a 100% high-quality relationship with a worthy man, everything is just super! I definitely recommend contacting Alexey Chernozem, you will be guaranteed a high-quality result! Alexey is a very competent, good and comfortable trainer, he will always tell you how best to do it, etc. I'm delighted!

review of Alexey Chernozem was left by Yulia Bushueva

Review of the master class “How to drive any man crazy with flirting”:

I would like to leave a review about Alexey Chernozem and express my deep gratitude . I really lacked such knowledge, especially now that I have a man to whom I still cannot directly tell about my feelings))) Previously, of course, I tried to flirt, but I practically couldn’t do it - I had no tools, no I understood how to do it correctly. And after studying the master class, I became more confident in myself. Alexey is one of the few coaches who gives real techniques, and does not pour water or fill your head with theory. I will be happy to share these techniques with my friends and will recommend them to attend Alexey Chernozem’s seminars.
review left by Skrabunova Ekaterina

How did I complete the training “Financial love spell like a woman” by Alexey Chernozem (review)?

When I found out , there was no doubt at all about participation. I had already studied before free webinars Alexey, I saw his performance on the program “They and Us”, a long time ago ... I was “cured” from my previous relationship and wasn’t particularly aware of the problems, but the idea that it was possible to return or rewrite the relationship, which was heard in Alexey’s speeches, revived me.

In the process of studying the training, I discovered a lot about myself, although I thought that I knew a lot about myself, and I was even surprised. I realized for myself: if it is difficult to solve a problem, then you need a mentor and together you will solve it. I started going to the gym, I used to work out in a group, but the result was fatigue. Now I go to personal training. In 3 weeks I lost 3 kg and toned up. And I don’t get tired, but I enjoy it. I also had money to pay for my needs, unfinished business that was draining my strength moved forward. At work, I was unexpectedly offered two projects.

As for changes in relationships with men, it is more difficult here, but I am sure that if I continue to apply all the technologies and tricks that I received in the training, the result will be good. Girls, if you need a distraction, then working with Alexey, you will only think about how to accomplish homework)) And what a voice Alexey Chernozem has))) He simply heals with it. Thank you, Alexey!

review left by Oksana Dubrova

Sincere feedback from student Alexey Chernozem:

I am very grateful to Alexey Chernozem! I didn't regret it at all ! I advise everyone to go through it, all at once. It seems that they say primitive things that we have forgotten how to be girls - soft, gentle, but without someone's help this does not reach you. I understood my mistakes FROM and TO, I understood what I need to pay attention to, it is very important that the relationship initially develops the way the woman wants. And of course, you must always remain a woman. It seems that we love to put on makeup and dress up, but we show a masculine character - and this is a big mistake. Thank you very much Alexey!

a review was left by a participant in the master class “Love spells in a feminine way”

Feedback about the workshop "Salon". Review of the training center of Alexey Chernozem:

For a long time I had no luck with men, although I was outwardly attractive and took care of myself. I have two marriages behind me and I thought that in the future, with the acquired, albeit negative, experience, everything would be fine in my relationships. I thought that I would no longer make the previous mistakes, I would choose the right men for myself. But that was not the case! Choosing worthy man, I noticed at the fourth, fifth meeting his cooling towards me, my misunderstandings about this and so on several times. It wasted my strength, I felt my mental health because I didn’t know what was happening and what to do about it. This continued until, among a lot of information on relationships on the Internet, I came across , which is dedicated to the relationship between a man and a woman, how to become happy.

After watching Alexey’s video, I became curious, and . Thanks to doing classes and exercises, I saw a different me, the changes became obvious to my friends. Everyone thought I was having a new romance, seeing how positive I became. Following the “eye to eye + smile” method, I met a person, and not on the Internet, but just on the street! We exchanged phone numbers and already had our first meeting! I am very pleased and grateful to the author of this project, thank you very much, Alexey!

review left by Galina Krokhaleva

The best techniques for falling in love from a real expert in the field of relationships - Alexey Chernozem!

Every woman dreams that her beloved man dotes on her, does not look at other women and always rushes to fulfill any of her whims. In order for this dream to turn into reality, one prerequisite is necessary - to make a man fall in love with you.

Men often get carried away beautiful women, but fall in love with them much less often. In addition, men usually do not give much importance to their hobbies, but they are always ready to carry the woman they are in love with in their arms. How to make a man fall in love with you?

What will you get by studying the video course “how to make a man fall in love”?

  • Proven techniques for falling in love and step by step instructions on proper communication with men;
  • Answers to the most interesting questions;
  • Recommendations for falling in love with a specific person;
  • The best tips for making a man fall in love for all occasions.

Making a man fall in love with you is not easy, but with the right actions it is quite possible. You just need to follow certain rules when communicating with the man you like!