What to do in summer? What should you do in the summer? What we won't do in the summer

50 things you need to do this summer

Waiting for him, waiting. You think that you definitely won’t miss this summer. Make the most of every day, so that later you won’t be excruciatingly painful for wasted time. But September comes, and you realize that you didn’t really have time to do anything and summer is down the drain again.

Don't worry, Pics takes care of you. We have compiled a checklist of fifty points. If you complete at least half of them, then you can consider that your summer was not in vain.

  1. It's best to watch the sunrise on the roof of a high-rise building.
    2. Walk barefoot through the dew.
    3. Swim naked at night in a river or lake.
    4. Fly a kite.
    5. Drink fresh milk from a cow, eating a piece of hot bread.
    6. Drink kvass from a barrel.
    7. Eat ice cream while walking down the street.
    8. Walk in the mushroom rain without an umbrella.
    9. Squint at the sun until you sneeze.
    10. Buy a huge watermelon.
    11. Eat strawberries.
    12. Eat cherries.
    13. Ride a bike.
    14. See a rainbow, or better yet a double one.
    15. Fry the potatoes in the coals and eat, getting dirty.
    16. Draw on the asphalt.
    17. Try not to go online for at least a couple of days.
    18. Play badminton or volleyball in nature.
    19. Eat cotton candy.
    20. Ride the carousel or Ferris wheel.
    21. Prepare okroshka with kvass or kefir and eat urcha.
    22. Have a battle with water pistols or plastic bottles with a hole in the lid.
    23. Swing on a swing.
    24. Spend the evening looking at the stars.
    25. Go to at least one open-air concert. There are many of them in summer.
    26. Have breakfast on the balcony.
    27. Go to the forest to pick mushrooms or berries.
    28. Take an unfamiliar bus route to the final destination and study new area cities.
    29. Fry kebabs.
    30. Take a photo of the snail.
    31. Weave a wreath of wildflowers.
    32. Blow soap bubbles.
    33. Have sex outdoors.
    34. Quit smoking (if you smoke). If you don’t smoke, then find a blade of grass in the field and make a chicken or cockerel out of it.
    35. Scream at the top of your lungs in the field.
    36. Try a new fruit (passion fruit, feijoa, papaya).
    37. Smile at a stranger on the street.
    38. Catch a butterfly with a net.
    39. Swing in a hammock with a cocktail in hand
    40. Sunbathe on the beach, or on the roof.
    41. Make a wish on a falling star.
    42. Burn in the sun and then smear yourself with kefir.
    43. Launch a flying flashlight.
    44. Feed the ducks.
    45. At night after a hot day, place your palm on the asphalt and feel its warmth.
    46. ​​Blow on a dandelion and watch the white fluff fly away.
    47. Lie in the grass, looking at the floating clouds.
    48. Spend the night in a tent.
    49. Take a walk in the park
    50. Fall in love.

We all wait for summer for so long, we are so happy when it comes, and we are so sad when summer ends... These 3 months fly by at great speed, and therefore we need to have time to enjoy the warmth and sun as much as possible. In order not to waste precious days, you can make a list of what you need to do in the summer. the site will try to help you in this matter by offering an already compiled list of 150 things to do for the summer.

Summer to-do list “Outdoors”:

  • 1. Remember your childhood and run after butterflies with a net.
  • 2. Go to the forest to pick berries and mushrooms.
  • 3. Weave a wreath on your head from wildflowers.
  • 4. Run barefoot on the grass.
  • 5. Have a picnic with friends on the river bank or in the forest.
  • 6. Bake potatoes over a fire.
  • 7. Swim in a river or lake.
  • 8. Jump over the fire on Kupala holiday.
  • 9. Have a Vodian Day and douse yourself with water.
  • 10. Ride on a swing.
  • 11. Sleep in a hammock.
  • 12. Go skinny dipping at night.
  • 13. Catch a grasshopper.
  • 14. Lie on the grass, looking at the clouds.
  • 15. Climb a short tree.
  • 16. Go camping for several days with tents.
  • 17. See a beautiful rainbow and make a wish.
  • 18. Run in the rain.
  • 19. Arrange a summer photo shoot in flowers.
  • 20. Take a running jump into the water.
  • 21. Swim with your clothes on.
  • 22. Swim in the sea.
  • 23. Build sand castles on the beach.
  • 24. Sunbathe on the roof or balcony. (Read, how to sunbathe properly ).
  • 25. Get a bronze, even tan. (Read, how to tan quickly ).
  • 26. Plant a tree.
  • 27. Stay up all night counting the stars.
  • 28. Watch the sunrise on the banks of a river or sea.
  • 29. See a shooting star.
  • 30. Fall asleep listening to birds singing.
  • 31. Collect a bouquet of wildflowers.
  • 32. Scream at the top of your lungs in the forest.
  • 33. Stand for 15-30 minutes, hugging a tree, charging with energy from it.
  • 34. Work in the garden or garden.

To-do list "Health and beauty":

  • 35. Get into the habit of drinking a lot of water.
  • 36. Cleanse your body.
  • 37. Make face masks using all types of fresh berries.
  • 38. Make masks from all the healthy vegetables growing in the garden in the summer.
  • 39. Learn walk gracefully and beautifully .
  • 40. Lose a few extra pounds.
  • 41. Collect medicinal herbs and dry them on the balcony.
  • 42. Sleep (lay in bed) all day.
  • 43. Find new ways to care for the skin around the eyes .
  • 44. Take a break from phones and computers by not turning them on for a day or two.
  • 45. Have a fasting day, giving up food (but not water).
  • 46. ​​Go for a massage.
  • 47. Give someone a massage.
  • 48. Do your make-up in a new way.
  • 49. Learn to walk in high heels.
  • 50. Change your hairstyle.
  • 51. Go to a beauty salon.
  • 52. Dye your hair.
  • 53. Apply a temporary bright tattoo with summer motifs.
  • 54. Buy a bright swimsuit.
  • 55. Get rid of bad habits.
  • 56. Get a summer manicure.

List of “delicious things to do” for the summer:

  • 57. On your own prepare a cold brew, okroshka or gazpacho.
  • 58. Make your own ice cream.
  • 59. Drink kvass.
  • 60. Make a fruit salad.
  • 61. Eat a big chocolate bar.
  • 62. Give up coffee for a week.
  • 63. “Eat your fill” of strawberries and cherries.
  • 64. Eat a huge watermelon alone.
  • 65. Prepare some very complex exotic dish.
  • 66. Drink champagne for breakfast.
  • 67. Eat cotton candy.
  • 68. Drink freshly squeezed juice every day.
  • 69. Create your own cocktail.
  • 70. Try 15 types of cocktails.
  • 71. Learn to marinate meat for barbecue.


  • 72. Learn to roller skate. ( What sports to do in summer .)
  • 73. Play tennis or badminton.
  • 74. Ride a bike.
  • 75. Fly a big and beautiful kite.
  • 76. Go for a morning jog.
  • 77. Go water skiing.
  • 78. Ride a boat or catamaran.
  • 79. Go fishing with a friend.
  • 80. Learn to serve the ball correctly when playing beach volleyball.
  • 81. Learn to dance beautifully (waltz, salsa, twist).
  • 82. Go to the ice palace and cool off.
  • 83. Ride the bungee.
  • 84. Learn to swim in a new style.

List of summer things to do in the city:

  • 85. Read an interesting and exciting book.
  • 86. Read a book on self-development and changing your consciousness.
  • 87. Go to a concert of your favorite artist.
  • 88. Visit an exhibition, museum or theater.
  • 89. Go to the zoo and “take pictures” with the animals.
  • 90. Learn 100-1000 foreign words.
  • 91. Learn a beautiful poem.
  • 92. Acquire a new hobby (embroidery, scrapbooking).
  • 93. Draw summer (do this even if you are very bad at drawing).
  • 94. Assemble a huge puzzle from many small parts.
  • 95. Draw on the asphalt with crayons.
  • 96. Make a summer video.
  • 97. Find a part-time job. ( 21 ways to make money on the Internet )
  • 98. Learn to save money .
  • 99. Write short-term and long-term goals. (Read about mistakes when setting goals ).

  • 100. Draw a beautiful butterfly or a cheerful face on your face and show yourself to your friends.
  • 101. Launch a sky lantern.
  • 102. Throw out all the trash from the house.
  • 103. Meet fly lady system .
  • 104. Grow strawberries, parsley or flowers on the balcony.
  • 105. Write a poem.
  • 106. Change the design of your room.
  • 107. Make a wish card.
  • 108. Play a once-favorite game board game.
  • 109. Ride the Ferris wheel.
  • 110. Get up at 5 o'clock in the morning.
  • 111. Hitchhiking.
  • 112. Travel to three cities.
  • 113. Go to church.
  • 114. Buy a lot of balloons and release them into the sky.
  • 115. Ride a trolleybus, minibus or bus all day.
  • 116. Talk to a foreigner on Skype or on social networks on foreign language.
  • 117. Take part in a flash mob.
  • 118. Feed the pigeons.
  • 119. Talk while “breathing” a gel balloon.
  • 120. See fireworks.
  • 121. Leave a tip for the waiter.
  • 122. Finish abandoned and unfinished tasks. (Read, how to finish what you start .)
  • 123. Learn to play the guitar.
  • 124. Meditate.
  • 125. Find your old dolls and play with them, plunging back into childhood.
  • 126. Buy a notebook with a lock and keep a diary.
  • 127. Visit the sights of your city.


  • 128. Just give a gift to a friend, mother or loved one.
  • 129. Arrange romantic dinner by candlelight.
  • 130. Ask for forgiveness from the one who is offended by you or the one with whom you are offended. ( How to forgive an insult? )
  • 131. Write a letter to your childhood friend whom you haven’t seen for “100 years.”
  • 132. Get rid of obsessive people in your surroundings.
  • 133. Bring breakfast in bed to your beloved man (if there is none, then to mom, grandma or dad).
  • 134. Have a heart-to-heart talk all night.
  • 135. Spend the sunset sitting on the roof with your boyfriend or girlfriend.
  • 136. Finally meet a man, with whom I have long wanted to talk.
  • 137. Spend the whole day just with your child.
  • 138. Tell your parents how much you love them.
  • 139. Learn adequately respond to criticism .
  • 140. Drop a nice message into your loved one’s mailbox.
  • 141. Cover your loved one with chocolate or whipped cream, and then….
  • 142. Gathering with the whole big family around a huge table just like that, for no reason.
  • 143. Forget your ex. ( Statuses about ex-boyfriends )
  • 144. Arrange themed party, for example, a pizza party or a musical evening with friends.
  • 145. Visit your grandparents.
  • 146. Become an optimist .
  • 147. Cheer up your man when he is sad.
  • 148. Learn to smile at passers-by.
  • 149. Help to a stranger.
  • 150. Confess your love.

You can add your own ideas to this list of things to do in the summer. And, of course, at the end of the summer, don’t forget to make a plan for the fall! Have a nice summer!

Summer is the warmest, brightest and most positive time of the year. Most schoolchildren and students are looking forward to the summer holidays since the New Year. Summertime is associated with many plans and hopes. We bring to your attention a proven way to make your holidays as bright and eventful as possible. Make your own list of “100 things to do in summer” in advance, and then you will definitely have an interesting and bright time!

Activate summer mode!

1. Create a new daily routine.

Summer holidays are a reason to take a break from the alarm clock. Getting up a few hours later than usual or waking up at dawn during this period is entirely your own business. Don't forget that you should sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

2. Meet the dawn.

Even if you plan to sleep until lunch in the summer, try to get up at dawn at least 1-2 times. Watching the sunrise is equally pleasant both in the city and in nature.

3. Take a walk every day.

The most important item on any list of “100 things a teenager needs to do in the summer” is walking. Don't be lazy to go out Fresh air, even if there is no one to walk with or the weather is cloudy. On the coolest and rainiest days, you can “walk” on your own balcony or near an open window.

4. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

There is no need to give up ice cream and pizza, but fresh fruits and vegetables should be the basis of your summer diet.

5. Clean out your closet.

Warm weather is a reason to put away your down jackets and jackets, and also reconsider your summer wardrobe!

6. Get rid of everything unnecessary.

Sort out the clothes you no longer want to wear. Organize your school supplies. The beginning of summer is a reason to sell last year's textbooks and make room in your closet for new outfits.

7. Plan your summer.

Coordinate your summer plans with your parents and friends. Perhaps a trip to the sea or to a summer camp awaits you?

8. Make a summer shopping list.

Perhaps you've been wanting to buy a kite, a new bike or accessories for outdoor sports? Don't forget to stock up on various little things like soap bubbles and water pistols.

9. Decorate the room.

Creating a summer mood is not difficult at all. Rearrange the furniture in the room, hang a bright framed picture and add colorful decor to the interior.

10. Make your own “wish map.”

Remember everything you have long dreamed of. Highlight free time in order to create a personal “wish list”, or stick pictures depicting everything you want on a large sheet of paper.

Caring for beauty and health

11. Get a henna design or temporary tattoo.

Summer is the perfect time to experiment with your own appearance. Try to make a fashionable transfer tattoo or draw something interesting with henna on your own body.

12. Go shopping.

Buy bright, fashionable T-shirts ripped jeans and comfortable sneakers. Or any other clothes you like.

13. Change your hairstyle.

Among the 100 things a girl needs to do in the summer, there must be an item - “do new haircut" However, it would be useful for a guy to update his hairstyle too. Summer is a time for change; you can even try temporary hair coloring with colored mascara or special crayons.

14. Make shorts from old pants.

Try to change something from old clothes. Did you know that it’s easy to make original shorts from an unwanted pair of denim pants?

15. Refill your makeup bag.

This summer list item is addressed exclusively to girls. Although guys can also buy perfume and hair styling products.

16. Take care of your own appearance.

You can accomplish a lot in three summer months. Perhaps you would like to improve your figure or get rid of skin imperfections? Stop dreaming - start acting!

17. Buy clothes for the beach.

Be sure to purchase at least two new swimsuits.

18. Remember the taste of natural food.

Take the time to find and purchase farm dairy products, wild berries and country vegetables.

19. Instill healthy habits in yourself.

Scientists have proven that any new habit is formed in 21 days. In the summer, it's time to accustom yourself to systematically exercise, exercise, or simply become more responsible and punctual.

20. Buy new sunglasses.

In addition to a fashion accessory, you can also purchase products to protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation.

Unforgettable city breaks

21. Draw pictures on the asphalt.

Remember your childhood and draw a simple sun, or try to create a real masterpiece.

22. Go on rides.

Set aside one day to visit the amusement park.

23. Blow bubbles.

Believe me, it's just as fun as when you were a kid!

24. Take photographs of the sights of your hometown.

Charge your camera and go for a walk.

25. Have a picnic.

In the list of “100 things that must be done in the summer,” you simply need to add the item “organize a picnic in the fresh air.”

26. Read interesting books.

Make your own reading list for the summer.

27. Don’t forget to lie on the grass!

Even if you have to spend most of your vacation in the city, be sure to find time to go to a park where walking on the lawns is not prohibited.

28. Eat watermelon and ice cream every day.

Try to indulge yourself in the most delicious summer treats.

29. Go to museums, cinemas and exhibitions.

Don't be lazy to learn something new and expand your horizons.

30. Try to find seasonal work.

During the summer holidays, you can significantly replenish your own piggy bank if you find a part-time job that suits your liking and strength.


31. Go boating.

Be sure to conquer a river, lake or pond this summer.

32. Fly a kite.

This is fun without age restrictions!

33. Ride a bike.

If possible, give up traveling by transport completely in favor of a two-wheeled horse.

34. Master a skateboard or roller skates.

Making your "100 Crazy Things to Do in Summer" list? Be sure to try to learn how to roller skate or skateboard.

35. Climb a tall tree.

Another great way to remember your childhood is to climb trees again.

36. Run in the park.

Regular jogging is a sport accessible to everyone.

37. Exercise every day.

In the summer it is especially pleasant to play sports, start doing morning exercises or repeat some set of exercises daily.

38. Play team sports.

Football, basketball and volleyball are great options for summer leisure activities with friends.

39. Pick mushrooms and berries.

In the warm season, it is very pleasant to go for a walk in the forest. Picked mushrooms and berries can be a pleasant bonus.

40. Jump over the fire.

For example, on the holiday of Ivan Kupala. The main thing is to remember to be careful and safe.

Rest in the village

41. Go fishing.

And catch the biggest fish.

42. Go on a hike.

If possible, spend the night in a tent. But a one-day hiking trip will bring no less positive emotions.

43. Bake potatoes in the fire.

No culinary talent is required, just bury the tubers well in the smoldering coals.

44. Fire up a shish kebab or barbecue.

In addition to meat, you can deliciously cook vegetables and fish over an open fire.

45. Live a week without the Internet.

Take a break from the virtual space, just don’t turn on your computer for 7 days.

46. ​​Work in the garden.

During your holiday in the village, don’t be lazy to help water, weed and harvest.

47. Make a herbarium.

Collect beautiful wild plants and carefully dry them between the pages of the book.

48. Walk barefoot in the morning dew.

Make sure there is no debris or sharp branches under your feet - and go ahead!

49. Ride a horse.

Horseback riding gives a lot of positive emotions.

50. Take pictures of nature.

Arm yourself with a camera and record the flowering of meadow grasses, the flight of a butterfly, a rainbow, the beauty of the forest and local reservoirs.

Relaxation by the water

51. Swim as much as you want.

In the summer heat there is nothing more pleasant than going to the beach!

52. Tan until bronze.

Don't forget to apply protective cream!

53. Build a sand castle.

Or try to build another interesting figure.

54. Find a shell or pebble as a keepsake.

Be sure to pick up your trophy from the beach!

55. Take a swim in the fountain.

Sometimes it's the most effective way cool down on a hot day.

56. Bury yourself in the sand.

Ask your friends to bury you so that only your head is visible.

57. Dive while swimming.

Learn to swim underwater, dive from bridges and towers on the beach.

58. Visit a water park.

And ride down the highest slides.

59. Learn to swim.

Don't forget to take an inflatable ring with you for your first lessons.

60. Go on a cruise or river trip.

If possible, be sure to go on a boat or boat.

Try something new!

61. Think about what clouds look like.

One of the 100 things to do in summer is to look at the sky more often.

62. Don't hide from the rain.

If you are suddenly caught in a warm rain, try not to open your umbrella.

63. Eat an exotic fruit.

Be sure to choose one that you have never tried before.

64. Discover the cuisine of other countries.

Visit a national restaurant in another country or try to cook something yourself using a previously unknown recipe.

65. Sign up for courses.

Find a topic you like: crafts, programming or vocational training.

66. Learn a foreign language.

If you memorize about 10 foreign words every day, in six months you will be able to communicate at an everyday level with native speakers.

67. Educate yourself.

Try to learn some new facts every day, read encyclopedias and watch documentaries.

68. Find new places in your hometown.

Sometimes interesting sights are located on the next street.

69. Study the traditions of countries around the world.

Getting to know the culture of other peoples is an incredibly exciting activity.

70. Play sports.

Perhaps you have long wanted to join a sports section?

Vacation with friends

71. Have a water fight!

Prepare bottles and water guns in advance.

72. Play badminton.

All you need for this game is a pair of rackets, a shuttlecock and a reliable partner.

73. Play sports outside.

In the warm season, you can organize a real pull-up or push-up tournament in the fresh air.

74. Go to a concert or city festival.

Attending such events will be an excellent leisure option.

75. Write real letters.

Stop using modern gadgets with your friends and exchange paper letters.

76. Sing songs with a guitar.

In any company there is a person who knows how to play the guitar.

77. Become a volunteer.

I would like to add something useful to the list of “100 things to do in summer”. Why not try yourself as a volunteer? Volunteers are needed today by animal shelters and a wide variety of social organizations.

78. Communicate in person.

In the summer it is much more pleasant to meet friends in person more often than to communicate in in social networks and by phone.

79. Celebrate new holidays.

You can have a lot of fun if you remember dates such as Ivan Kupala, Neptune Day or International Hug Day. Create a personal holiday calendar.

80. Weave flower wreaths.

Having learned the art of weaving wreaths, you can have fun and take bright photographs.

Summer with family

81. Go visit relatives you haven’t seen for a long time.

You can write a letter to those who live in other cities.

82. Have a family weekend.

Don’t be shy about inviting your parents and brothers and sisters to go for a walk or go to nature.

83. Give your mom flowers.

In the summer, it’s not at all difficult to please your loved one.

84. Help your parents.

Do not refuse to do household chores and offer your help at every opportunity.

85. Go to the village.

Be sure to have time to visit relatives living in the village or neighboring town over the summer.

86. Take pictures with your parents.

One of the most important 100 things to do in the summer is to take a photo with your parents. If you wish, you can even arrange a whole photo session.

87. Spend the day with your brother or sister.

If you have younger sister or brother, don’t be lazy to spend the whole day with her (him).

88. Help arrange the dacha.

Invite your parents to buy or make something interesting for their summer house.

89. Learn from your parents.

We are often embarrassed to ask our parents for help or consult with them. Add “learn something interesting from your own parents” to your top 100 things to do this summer.

90. Prepare breakfast for your parents.

Surprise mom and dad on the weekend by getting up early and making delicious pancakes or an omelet.

Don't forget to get ready for autumn

91. Collect natural material for crafts.

Stock up on twigs, moss, shells and cones, from which you can create real masterpieces on rainy autumn evenings.

92. Take at least one photo every day.

You can review bright pictures and lift your spirits.

93. Make a collage of your best photos.

Collect all the brightest summer photos, place them in one frame and decorate the interior of your own room.

94. Visit seasonal sales.

Shopping must be included in your list of “100 things to do with friends in the summer.” At the beginning of the warm season, you can buy things for the winter inexpensively, and at the end, pay attention to the liquidation of summer collections.

95. Understand your computer.

Sort out all unnecessary documents and organize folders on your desktop.

96. Plant a plant.

Try growing something from seeds and enjoy the sight of fresh greenery all year round.

97. Prepare spicy herbs and medicinal plants.

Mint and lemon balm are excellent additions to tea, and basil can be used in cooking meat dishes.

98. Sign up for preparatory courses.

Usually in the fall it can be difficult to get involved in the educational process. It is useful to include among the 100 things that a teenager needs to do in the summer, the need to enroll in preparatory courses or a private tutor in August.

99. Prepare for your studies.

Before the beginning school year You need to purchase stationery and teaching aids, start doing this in advance.

100. Make a to-do list for the fall.

Summer is ending and it's very sad. But don’t forget that you can arrange for yourself an equally bright and eventful autumn!

001. don't sleep for 24 hours
002. launch a sky lantern
003. make pizza with someone together
004. take a picture of the sea
005. write something nice under someone's window
006. walk barefoot in the rain
007. have breakfast at the pizzeria
008. drink a liter of water in one gulp
009. spend the day alone
010. throw a party (hen party)
011. lose weight
012. confess your love to your eyes
013. heart-to-heart talk all night
014. eat a kilogram of ice cream per day
015. meet the sunrise on the embankment
016. read a book
017. drink champagne for breakfast
018. refuse all means of communication for a day
019. run into the water with a running start
020. fall asleep to your favorite music
021. watch the sunset on the roof
022. talk on the phone with a complete stranger
023. watch 20 films
024. swim in clothes
025. make coffee for a dear person
026. write a poem
027. write a letter to God
028. swim in the rain
029. play spin the bottle
030. sleep more than 12 hours
031. create your own cocktail
032. ride a bike (rollerblades) all day
033. eat cotton candy
034. ride the Ferris wheel
035. roast marshmallows on the fire
036. see the rainbow
037. photograph a wild animal
038. "train" with a person of the opposite sex
039. visit 3 cities
040. correspond for a long time
041. meet 10 new people
042. go to the cinema to watch a horror movie
043.go to a professional photo shoot

044. go to church
045. see a shooting star
046. collect a bouquet of wild flowers
047. have dinner by candlelight
048. listen to the birds singing at 5 am
049. talk all night on the phone
050. buy a lot of helium balloons and release them
051. Listen to music for 12 hours straight
052. ride a minibus all day
053. prepare summer soup: okroshka or gazpacho
054. talk to a foreigner, on Skype, chatroulette or Facebook
055. take your morning photo
056. talk to a person you haven’t dared to talk to for a very long time
057. watch your favorite movie
058. take a photo from a bird's eye view
059. if you are a girl, then learn to do pull-ups or push-ups
060. make peace with the one you miss
061. take part in a flash mob
062. make a dream catcher
063. go ice skating for a change
064. go to another city, go to the cinema and return
065. spend the whole day with your child
066. throw in the mailbox loved one nice message
067. feed the pigeons
068. go to a deep forest or field and scream properly, scream at the top of your lungs, this is an incredibly effective way!
069. listen to all the albums of some artist for the whole day
070. try 10 types of cocktails
071. give someone a massage
072. bake a cake
073. listen to a song played on a guitar
074. leave a tip for the waiter
075. see fireworks
076. talk under the moon
077. assemble a puzzle with 1 thousand pieces.
078. don't drink coffee all day
079. slow dance with a person of the opposite sex
080.eat some chocolate
081. walk down the street blowing soap bubbles
082. make fruit salad
083. douse yourself with water
084. determine your perfume style and always be true to it
085. feed someone from your hand
086. learn strange phrases from a foreign language
087. cover yourself with chocolate
088. always say “yes” (agree to everything all day long, to decent things naturally)
089. play a board game with a large group
090. write and send someone your favorite poem by letter
091. start a summer album
092. get a summer manicure
093. learn to cook well 1 dish
094. smile at a passerby
095. cover someone with whipped cream
096. drink for brotherhood
097. have a picnic
098. wake up to birds singing
099. meditate - just relax, turn on some nice music, don’t think about anything
100. Every day write down 1 word characterizing this day

Summer holidays are the perfect time to explore different interesting things that you did not have time to do during the school year. Whether you have to stay home or can go out, consider redecorating your room, selling unwanted items, or throwing a sleepover. Enjoy the summer weather, go swimming and go cycling in the evenings. You can also do something useful, such as find a part-time job or go to the college you plan to attend.


Find at-home activities

    • You can bake something, such as muffins, brownies, or homemade bread.
    • Try it new recipe and delight your family with a new dish to serve for dinner one night.
  1. Learn a new sport. Maybe you've always wanted to try a sport like rugby, skeet throwing or croquet, but you've never had the time. Start practicing your skills on your own or gather a group of friends to practice together and master the sport faster.

    • Find out if there is a club or camp in your area that can help you learn to play football, basketball or bowling.
  2. Grow a garden with delicious fruits and vegetables. There are many plants that bloom and bear fruit in summer, e.g. various berries, peaches, corn and green peas. Choose a plant you'd like to grow, plant seeds or buy a seedling so you can watch it grow throughout the summer.

    • You can start the seed or plant in your own garden, or you can grow it indoors in a pot - it depends on the type of fruit or vegetable you hope to grow.
  3. Go outdoors with friends or family. Invite your friends and family to go hiking or go on a nature trip. You can sit in the forest, in the park, on the beach or even at your own dacha. Bring a tent, enough sleeping bags, and enough food to provide for everyone while you're out in the wild.

    • If you decide to camp in a public area, make sure you don't need special permission to do so.
    • Check the weather in advance to make sure it won't rain during your hike.
    • You can grab bread and sausages to grill over the fire, a Frisbee to throw with friends, and cards to play in the tent.
    • If it's a hot day, find a shady picnic spot under a tree and bring plenty of water or other drinks.

Attend social events

  1. On a very hot day you can go to the museum. Search online for a museum in your area or city that interests you, whether it's an art museum, a science museum, or a history museum. You can go there alone to explore the museum on your own, or invite friends.

    • Find out if the museum has special days when admission is free.
  2. Go to the library to look for interesting books. If you want to spend some time reading but don't have any new books, head to your local library and see what they have. You can read interesting book from your summer list or find a book on a topic you'd like to learn more about.

    • The library also offers films, CDs and audio books.
    • If you don't already have a library card, ask a librarian to help you get one.
  3. Invite your friends to the ice cream shop for a refreshing drink. On a hot day, enjoying ice cream or cold yogurt is a great way to cool down. Invite a friend to meet you at your local ice cream shop or invite your family to come with you.

  4. Get a group of friends together to go to a concert. Plan to see one of your favorite artists in concert or, if possible, attend a free concert in your area. Summer is a popular season for concerts, so there are many opportunities open to you once you start looking for something.

    • Go online to find out when different acts are coming to your city.
  5. Play games with friends, such as bowling or laser tag. Ask friends or family members to take you to the bowling alley or laser tag arena to play together. This will be especially interesting if a lot of people gather.

    • Enjoy a snack before or after playing with friends or family.

Be productive

  1. Try to get a summer job to improve your resume. There are plenty of summer jobs you can try to apply for, even if you don't have much work experience. Consider jobs as a promoter, nanny, dog walker, or city landscaping worker to earn a little extra money during the summer.

    • If you live within walking distance of small stores or fast food restaurants, find out if they hire temporary workers for the summer.
    • You can also try to get an internship if you want to gain more experience related to a specific profession.