How to always be young? What accelerates aging and how to avoid it? How to stay young and beautiful: tips for women of any age Is it good to be forever young

According to the data British Medical Journal, about 84% of people who have problems with overweight, eat much faster (1) - on average, they chew one serving of food in 3 seconds, while slimmer people spend about 9 seconds on this.

In addition, many nutritionists believe that it definitely reduces the level of the most important male hormones, and, above all,. There are studies showing that having 15 kg. excess weight equivalent to aging 10 years.

2. Play computer games

Research American Psychological Association showed that surgeons playing computer games, during operations were 27% faster and made 37% fewer errors than their colleagues who did not pick up a game console (2).

At the same time, apparently, games that develop logical abilities help the brain age more slowly, since it occupies it enough difficult work. As for the simplest crossword puzzles, there is no clear opinion.

3. Do strength training

The process of muscle loss with age is one of the main disadvantages of aging. It is important that fat often replaces lost muscle, since it is the predominant form.

Moreover, because adipose tissue is lighter than muscle tissue, and one kilogram of fat takes up about 18% more space than one kilogram of muscle, an aging person appears much fuller even at the same weight as in his youth.

4. How long does healthy sleep last?

A large-scale scientific study that lasted 22 years and studied the health of more than 21 thousand subjects found that men who got less than 7 hours of quality sleep per night had a 26% greater chance of dying earlier (3).

Interestingly, the same study found that those who sleep more than 8 hours a night also have a 24% greater chance of premature death. This is why it is important to sleep at least 7 hours, but no more than 8, while paying attention.

5. Go jogging

Long-term research Stanford University, which lasted more than 20 years, showed that middle-aged and elderly people who regularly jog have a 40% lower risk of heart disease.

In addition, studies have shown that those who have been running for a long time begin to experience problems with disability much later - on average, they have a chance of being in good physical shape 16 years longer (4).

6. Take care of your facial skin

Use scrubs at least once a week, since to renew your facial skin it is important to help it by removing dead particles. Try to use not just abrasive scrubs, but those that contain weak acids (for example, glycolic).

Make a rule to attend a professional facial massage every few months - interesting, but most men have never tried this in their lives the simplest way restoration of skin tone and youth.

7. How to avoid wrinkles?

Men's skin, unlike women's, is most often of the oily or combination type, so most young men do not have problems with the need.

However, as we age, our skin type changes and becomes drier and thinner - the skin around the eyes can be as thin as 0.02mm - and without the use of moisturizers, men in their 40s and 50s notice a sharp and significant increase in wrinkles.

We have matured, become sad and unhappy, but there are people who are young at heart. They attract happiness, attention of the opposite sex, friends and adventures. How to become young and happy?

“You have matured. And wiser. And he became sad. An ordinary staircase of three steps.”

Sometimes I look around and see young people living like old people. They grew old ahead of time in soul, but not in body. They stopped being young, became isolated in their own little world and began to look like pensioners. Some people are already old at 20 years old, while others at 50 are young in body and soul.

Each of us was young, but some retained it, while others died in their souls ahead of time. Remember yourself in your youngest years of madness. What were you like and what have you become?

To be young

Remember yourself young, careless, disheveled, prickly, risky and impulsive. Walking barefoot, looking at the stars, dancing out of step and singing rebellious songs. Those who believe in themselves, miracles, a bright future and everything good. Living according to their mood, not having fun with a bicycle, occasionally smoking and drinking crappy alcohol. IN torn jeans, with torn dreams and torn feelings. Hitchhiking, walking, even barefoot walking towards a dream. When the body is covered with scars, abrasions, splinters, the heart is pinched, and there is a bruise under the eye. We were in love, abandoned, loved and desperately happy-unhappy. We frightened the whole world with our ambitions, determination and thirst for adventure.

We've all been like that. We were sometimes unhappy, but more often we were happy. And now it's the other way around. What happened to us? Nowadays we are more often unhappy, sad and depressed. Is it a coming-of-age crisis, midlife crisis or depression?

Look at you. You will see yourself in a crowd, in transport or rushing about business. You will be faceless, like a gray crowd. An old man, a loser and a downtrodden guy to whom he betrayed himself.

Remember yourself young. It's never too late to become young and happy again.

Chizh&So - Eternal youth

Group "Christmas" - Youth

Every person dreams of eternal youth. What could it be more beautiful than youth? This is beauty, freshness, and health. How often one has to admire youth as the highest work of creation, which cannot be compared with all the masterpieces of art taken together. Sometimes you notice a lonely old lady who sits outside the house for hours and just looks at people. But you are unlikely to think that looking at people, especially young people, is the same for her as going to the cinema for you. The old woman even enjoys this, because she knows the value of youth and sees its beauty. When you take a closer look at people, you will see that not everyone looks the same, some are older than their years, others are much younger. The reason is in your inner content, consciousness and power of the Spirit. And above all, it is necessary to remember that the greatest wisdom is a strong desire. In order to look younger, you must work on yourself, writes

What is our physical body? This is our most valuable private property. This is the house where our Spirit lives. When you drive into the village, you see the difference between the houses. One stands like a toy: well-groomed, painted, in regularity and order, the other is skewed, unkempt, with a leaky roof, but people live in both of them. The fact is that some are looked after and others are not, so is your physical body. An unkempt body looks like a lopsided house, and the stomach hangs, and some of the organs are “leaky.” Fasting once a week means clearing your house of debris, dousing cold water- this is the external cleansing and strengthening of the house, and besides, this is a Russian religious rite, breathing is the airing and ventilation of your home.

Now let's move on to the main method of rejuvenation. If you wake up in the morning tired and overwhelmed, then pay attention to what thoughts you go to bed with. If you fall asleep with thoughts about work or care, or think about love affairs, then after falling asleep your consciousness is tuned to one or another action and reflects this direction on the physical body, although you are sleeping, and your body in the morning for this reason will look like tired.

To rejuvenate, you need to mentally imagine yourself 15-20 years younger before going to bed. If you are 50 years old, imagine yourself at the age of thirty. To remember yourself, you can look at a photograph of yourself from those years, and keep your image in your thoughts until you fall asleep, and do this every day. If you do this every day, then within a week your employees will tell you that you are much younger. By the way, all these methods have been tested for a long time and the result is one hundred percent. In two months of daily exercise, people look 15 years younger. You will see this for yourself. Many people start working and internal organs just as they worked in their youth, and the hair becomes thicker and more beautiful, i.e., it changes for the better not only appearance, but also internal organs. But you should remember that if you have chosen some past age, remember that at that time you did not have any failures or serious illnesses. It is very important. If you are seventy, don’t imagine being seventeen years old, be more modest, there is a very big gap, imagine yourself being fifty years old.

Some people cannot imagine any pictures in their minds. It depends on the internal state of the body, but nevertheless, you must train and strive for this, and you will succeed, the main thing is your desire.
Those who are young now, keep your youth throughout your life, to do this, fix your image now and fall asleep with the idea of ​​this unchanged age all your life and there will be a miracle - until old age you will keep yourself young and vigorous. Yogis use similar secrets and maintain their youth until old age.

Scientists have set their sights on eternal life. Recently, a corporation with a self-explanatory name was even created in Russia - “Immortality”. It brought together financiers and scientists who are working on the problem of radically increasing life expectancy.

Is eternal life possible? Tells Vladimir Shabalin, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, director of the Scientific and Clinical Center of Gerontology.

Promises eternal life there has been plenty in the history of mankind - from the elixir of eternal youth to the transplantation of the gonads of monkeys. So far, not a single attempt has been successful. But scientists continue to fight. Now she is going in two directions - along the path of chemical immortality (creating a pill of “eternal youth”) and preserving the brain with its subsequent transplantation into a new body.

Is old age abolished?

Lidia Yudina, AiF: The “pill of youth” has already been synthesized - Siberian scientists promise that it will arrive in pharmacies in five years and will be available to everyone...

Vladimir Shabalin: Aging from a biological point of view is a development, so a person begins to age immediately after birth. By destroying some cells, the body immediately creates new ones. So he is looking for more perfect and viable structures, which ultimately allow us not only to grow, but also to become wiser.

Stopping aging chemically means using a pill to stop development at some level. But evolution (which is nothing more than the scientific name for God) cannot agree with this. We were born in order to create more advanced life structures (physical and intellectual) in the period of time allotted to us and pass this development on to future generations.

Therefore, immortality is a disaster for humanity as a biological species, and the creation of a “pill of youth” is the construction of another Tower of Babel. There is no doubt that it, like all the previous ones, will be destroyed.

- What about preserving the brain?

- This is a more promising direction. Not only scientists, but also nature itself are currently struggling with this. If earlier she worked to increase the population of the clan (in 11 thousand years there have been nine doublings in the number of earthlings), now we are seeing a sharp increase in life expectancy (doubled in the last century alone - from 40 to 80 years). This suggests that evolution is now aimed exclusively at improving the brain, which does not stop developing either at 40 or 60 years old.

Therefore, scientists in many countries are struggling with the problem of preserving the vital functions of especially valuable specimens of intelligence. There are no concrete results yet. The most that has been possible is to keep the animals’ brains viable for a long time, but scientists have not yet been able to make it work fully autonomously from the body. Perhaps it is not worth trying to do this - after all, the “archive of information” accumulated in the brain, in any case, passes on to subsequent generations.

- How?

After death, we do not disappear without a trace. Those structural elements that are embedded in atoms and molecules are preserved and, undergoing certain metamorphoses (after decomposition and processing by animals, plants and microorganisms), through the food cycle in the biosphere they return to humans. Why are modern people so perfect? They stand on top of a huge pyramid created by our predecessors.

Infographics by Yana Laikova. AiF

Times and deadlines

- The corridor of life is constantly moving apart. What is the maximum lifespan a person can expect?

It is defined both in the Bible and in human history - 120 years. This is the maximum species lifespan. It is unlikely that it will ever be possible to step over it.

The same Bible says: “It is not your business to know times and seasons.” Scientists have not yet learned how to calculate this using modern laboratory methods, and in the mass version it is completely impossible. Moreover, life expectancy is constantly adjusted by the quality of our lives. For example, a person's chances of long life increase sharply after a person stops drinking and smoking. And any disease shortens our genetically determined lifespan.

But there are hundreds of methods that allow you to find out your biological age - all of them are based on assessing the functional activity of organs and systems: vision, hearing, lung function, heart function. You can roughly recognize it yourself - just look in the mirror. The younger you look compared to your actual age, the longer you will live.

Youth from WHO

- Modern people They look much younger even than their parents at the same age.

This is a fact that even the World Health Organization was forced to admit. According to the new WHO age classification, 45 years is the upper limit of young age, and 2-3 hundred years ago it was considered senile.

- Many people attribute our youthfulness to the merits of civilization?

Civilization, with its electromagnetic smog, genetically modified foods and harmful emissions, has taken much more from people than it has given them. Only evolution could take care of a sharp increase in life expectancy and for people to live most of it in an active and flourishing state. It is she who now needs a smart, youthful, long-living man. Only under such conditions of development does the brain acquire the possibility of faster and better development.

It's hard to admit, but no matter how much we resist, sooner or later we begin to notice age-related changes our skin of the face and body. In most cases, the first such changes appear after 25 years. And the care that you could afford at 18 can play a cruel joke on you after 25. After all, as Coco Chanel said, if a woman has not become beautiful by the age of 30, then she is a fool. 🙂 You and I, of course, are not fools and therefore today we will talk about how to take care of your skin after 25 years in order to remain young and beautiful for as long as possible!

Facial skin care after 25 years

1. Good skin cleansing

Believe it or not, both at 16 years old and at 25, 30 and 40-80 years old, cleansing the skin is one of the most important and important steps towards beautiful face. It’s only after 25 years that your cleansing should become softer and more gentle. First of all, you must clearly understand what type of skin you have and build on that. Milk and light foams - for dry skin, gels - for oily and combination skin, and many more options for cleansers that are right for you. Don't forget that our skin changes with age - it becomes more dehydrated and dry, so using the same washing gels as when you were 16 years old can be a very disastrous step for your skin.

2. Moisturizing and nutrition

As was written earlier, as we age, our skin loses its elasticity and becomes drier and dehydrated. Therefore, hydration and nutrition are something that your evening and morning ritual should not be without. Now you can choose a cream for any occasion, depending on the season and your skin type. Don't forget about the area around your eyes. Many girls think that until the age of 30-35 they should not think about caring for the area around the eyes. And this is a gross mistake. This area is in great need of hydration, and frequent facial expressions accelerate the formation of wrinkles. Therefore, apply moisturizer around the eyes daily along the orbital bone with light patting movements.

3. Exfoliation of the skin – facial scrubs and peels

The third important step to maintaining youthful skin is exfoliating the skin. Using a facial scrub weekly will help make your skin smooth, remove dead cells, remove roughness and give your face a radiant glow. But, as with skin cleansing products, it is important to choose the right product for your skin type. This can be a soft gommage consisting of tiny granules or a harder scrub consisting of larger granules. Try not to neglect this procedure. And at the same time, do not use scrubs and home peels more than 2 times a week, as this can lead to the opposite effect, thinning and high sensitivity of your skin.

4. Anti-aging facial massage

Your precious facial skin, just like your body, needs the relaxing effects of a massage. A massage will not only make your skin beautiful and fresh, but will also help your facial muscles relax. Quite often it is difficult for us to relax our body, so wrinkles seem to freeze on the forehead, around the eyes and in other parts of the face. Massage is great for relieving this tension. Therefore, if you want to maintain youth for a long time, do not neglect massage. Do this procedure 1-2 times a month or once every six months - this way you will ensure a healthy complexion and a minimum of wrinkles.

5. Sun protection

About Negative influence you've probably heard more than once about the sun on our skin. It is simply useless to argue with this fact. There is only one conclusion - be sure to apply cream with SPF before leaving the house. This can be a moisturizer or foundation for the face. By the way, in defense foundation I would like to mention that it effectively protects your skin not only from the sun, but also from environmental pollution - exhaust gases, dust, which directly fall on your skin when you go outside. Therefore, the myth of harm foundations in our time - is already truly a “myth”. And, of course, when going outside in sunny weather, do not forget to take with you Sunglasses, if you don’t want to get extra wrinkles around your eyes. 🙂

  1. Masks, facial serums

After 25 years, facial serums, which differ from creams in their high content and concentration of beneficial ingredients, are excellent skin care aids. The same goes for face masks. There are many products that can truly protect your skin from the signs of aging. The secret lies in the ingredients. Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, retinol. Regular use of these products will help you reduce and slow down the appearance of new wrinkles. Remember to always read the instructions and do not use highly concentrated products more often than recommended.

7. Care for the neck and décolleté area

Most of us don't forget to take care of our face. But many people don’t even remember about the neck and décolleté area. Don't worry, it's never too late to start. Just with today Start applying a caring, moisturizing cream to your neck and décolleté in the morning and evening. If you are sorry to waste your expensive and favorite face cream, then just get a more budget-friendly one. nutrient for these important areas.

8. Self-care from the inside out

It’s boring, banal, but it’s a fact - your appearance, first of all, depends on your lifestyle. You can apply the most expensive creams, the most famous serums and face masks to yourself, but everything will be useless if your lifestyle is far from healthy. Healthy eating, giving up bad habits, daily routine - everything that is of primary importance for preserving youth. And after 25 years, this point becomes extremely important. Therefore, if you want to stay young as long as possible, think very seriously about this point.

The correct daily routine includes:

- Healthy sleep

Proper nutrition

- Drink plenty of fluids

- Quitting alcohol and cigarettes

— Minimum amount of coffee per day

— Daily consumption of fruits and vegetables

— Regular sports

And, of course, a good mood! 🙂

Dear ladies, do not forget that your health and beauty are only in your hands. Therefore, now, from this minute, you have the power to change yourself and your life for the better, we believe that you will definitely succeed! 🙂

P.S. Still, don’t forget about the neck and décolleté area.

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