Is it bad to think about a person? What does it mean if you constantly think about a man? What happens if you think about a person for a long time. Telepathic communication - fact or fiction

Are you familiar with the situation when intrusive thoughts being stalked about the same person all day? You wake up and already think about him, you walk down the street and think, you go to bed and think. You are constantly replaying dialogues with him in your head, entering into new ones, arguing, trying to convince him of something. And so day after day, it doesn’t matter whether you saw each other yesterday or a year ago. And here the main question arises: “Am I thinking about him, or is he thinking about me?”

What is thought

Many people already know that thought is material. Smart people They say: “Think before you speak.” A wise people strongly advise think before you think.

A thought (thought image, thought form) is a clot of psychic energy containing information. Having a certain vibration frequency, it can take shape, size, color, and smell.

The question of how thoughts arise has been of interest to many scientists for a long time. In the mid-19th century, the German physiologist Buchner believed that the brain produces thoughts like the liver produces bile. By the end of the 19th century, opinion had changed, scientists came to the conclusion that no one could say how the brain generates thoughts. This opinion is also shared by today's psychology, adding that the mental does not live in the brain, it is projected onto the outside world.

Thinking about someone, we create a mental image, project it into the outside world and send it to the recipient. A thought image, carrying a certain energy charge, invades energy body(aura) of the recipient. If a person thinks about someone for a long time, a communication channel is formed between him and the addressee, through which energy is exchanged.

If this is a relationship between two loving people, then a uniform redistribution of energies occurs. For example, a woman feeds a man with her internal energy, and a man compensates her for the spent energy with material benefits. It’s not for nothing that they say that behind everyone successful man a loving woman is standing.

But if the relationship is one-sided or based on feelings of resentment, anger, guilt, and so on, then there is a loss of your mental energy, the most valuable resource on Earth. If you think that the most valuable resource is oil :), you are mistaken, it is psychic energy that is the basis for the materialization of any things and only man has it. Sometimes a person does not even control how he spends this priceless gift. Various addictions, such as smoking, alcohol, gambling addiction; painful attachment to another person; membership in egregors is all based on energy exchange.

Protection from obsessive thoughts

What kind of techniques did I use to escape from obsessive thoughts: I meditated - imagined that I was letting him go, asked him not to come to me; mentally covered herself with multi-colored caps, trying to create a barrier in the path of his thought forms; I tried to stop the flow of thoughts with an effort of will.

Do you think this helped? Whatever the case.

Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that the best temporary defense against intrusive thoughts is not to resist them. I simply allowed thoughts to come, but the main thing was not to enter into dialogue with them. Then they, like clouds in the sky, will begin to float by. Undoubtedly this technique also requires concentration, but the energy costs are much less than tireless “conversation” with a mental image or conscious resistance to obsessive thoughts.

Intellectual work also helps tremendously; in this case, the brain switches to another task, and obsessive thoughts stop bothering you for a while.

Unfortunately, these are only temporary techniques, and if you seriously decide to deal with obsessive thoughts, then you need to “go inside yourself,” as I would say. If someone steals your energy, it means you allow them to do so. These may be ones in which you could not fully understand, and the image of your partner continues to haunt you, or a relationship colored by feelings of resentment, a desire to remake the other, anger that everything is not the way I want, or you use obsessive thoughts as withdrawal from real life circumstances. In any case, the reason is in you, and until you consciously control your psychic energy, you are someone's energy donor, and your life will be spent on other people's successes and achievements.

But, just in case, I would ask the Stars by asking.
Maybe your friend has been secretly in love with you for a long time. So he thinks about the subject of his passion all day and night. Well, what a demand from a man in love! Even psychiatrists do not treat the diagnosis of “love”; they wave their hands and say: “It will go away on its own.” 🙂

Why horary question- one of the most proven and old ways figure it out love relationships you can read, and how to correctly ask a horary question we read.

Let your beloved man think about you all day and night!

CONTINUATION of the article dated September 21, 2018: After watching the video, you will find answers to the following questions: How do you know if a man is thinking about you? Can you sense other people's thoughts? How to check that it is he who thinks about you, and not you about him?

Hello! I’m 38 years old. I think about one person every day, every day. no matter day, night or morning. he's always in your head. memories associated with him, words, phrases, looks. everything is in memory. There’s no escape from this. and everything seems to be fine, but this person is missing. and literally a minute ago you were laughing, but now you’re just choking in pain. You can't even describe this pain in words. and you won't show it to anyone. you hide it under a smile. and then you come home and slowly die inside. I cry all day.

Answers from psychologists

Hello, Anastasia. You are tormented by experiences associated with the desire for the unattainable. Symptoms indicate a painful, real problem, which, if you recognize, you can change your pattern of behavior, and probably your entire life.


Alla Albertovna Kudryashova, private reception and remotely via Skype

Good answer 4 Bad answer 0

Hello Nastya!

Your letter is very emotional and full of pain. I sympathize with you. In this state, you need to get in-person psychological help. The most important thing you can do for yourself now is to find a decision within yourself that you no longer want to live like this, that you want to feel differently, and that your happiness and good condition are more important than this person and how he relates to you.

If you are in pain and want to cry, then cry out your pain by creating a structure for this. For example, every day I cry for 20 minutes, morning and evening. Or 30. But after 30 minutes, pull yourself together and switch, calm yourself down, promising yourself that the next run will come soon. After a while of such regular crying, you will feel less like crying.

I am conducting a training “I Can’t Forget You” on this topic. There are people in a similar state to yours. Communicating with a group is very helpful in seeing that you are not alone going through such suffering. It is very useful to speak out, to express yourself to someone, because living unrequited love is grief, as if someone died, but not someone, but your dream. I invite you to take part on April 30th.

All the best to you.

Grishina Nadezhda Nikolaevna, psychologist in Minsk

Good answer 2 Bad answer 2

Psychology of relationships

If a girl is abandoned by a guy, then she does not immediately forget her love. Thoughts about one person who is indifferent can constantly haunt you, preventing you from living a full life and moving forward. There are some secrets of psychology that help you get rid of thoughts about a person who no longer loves and does not want to communicate. Getting rid of memories and destructive emotions will take some time, but the results of the efforts will be worth it.

How to stop thinking about your ex?

In the lives of most girls, there was a case when a guy for whom they felt great love ended the relationship due to lack of feelings. It’s difficult to forget a person who abandoned you right away. Sometimes suffering can last for months and years, preventing a girl from living happily and building new relationships. In psychology, there are some methods that allow you to force yourself to forget about your former loved one:

  1. 1. If the breakup happened quite recently, you need to give yourself the opportunity to get rid of the accumulated negativity. A girl can give herself a limited period of time, during which she can constantly remember her past love, cry and complain about her beloved, to whom she is no longer indifferent to her friends. It is useful to pour out feelings on paper, and then burn such messages. But as soon as the period allotted for suffering ends, it is necessary to take control of emotions.
  2. 2. Thoughts about a former loved one are reinforced by constantly tracking this person in social networks or with the help of friends. This habit must be abandoned once and for all, because banal curiosity on the part of a girl and attempts to control the course of events in the life of the person she loves will never help to part with obsessive thoughts. The less information there is about your former loved one, the better. If a person is on the list of friends on social networks, then he is deleted or any notifications about his updates are blocked.
  3. 3. A person has dark thoughts when he has a lot of free time. Active work, hobbies, communication with friends - all this will help get rid of the habit of constantly thinking about a loved one who no longer needs you. You can also carefully analyze the shortcomings of your ex that irritated you. This will allow you to soberly assess the situation and see positive aspects in it for yourself.
  4. 4. Meeting other young people will help replace the usual communication with a guy, and the search for new friends can also take place on the Internet. Non-binding correspondence will help a girl open her eyes to the fact that there are other attractive guys in the world with whom she has common interests and hobbies.
  5. 5. If a young man you know invites you on a date, it is recommended to accept such an invitation, even if the girl still feels love for her former boyfriend. Meeting with a friend will allow you to have an interesting time and take your mind off the problem.
  6. 6. Any reminders of the beloved man (letters, gifts, messages) are destroyed so that they no longer evoke unpleasant memories.
  7. 7. Updating your appearance is a great way to start life fresh clean slate without relationships that cause nothing but negative emotions.

The period during which a girl forgets about one person takes up to several months. If you follow all the recommendations of psychologists, the long-awaited “recovery” will come soon.

Effective ways understand yourself and your feelings

Stop thinking about who doesn't love you

Love is not always mutual, and if a girl has fallen in love with a guy who doesn’t care about her, she needs to start getting rid of unanswered feelings. How to do it:

  1. 1. It is necessary to analyze the personality of the object of love. In fact, this person may not be as ideal as it seems, since the girl could have invented many of the guy’s advantages herself.
  2. 2. It is important to accept your lover’s feelings and respect his choice, even if this is difficult to do. A girl should understand that happiness is not expected with a person who does not love her.
  3. 3. The girl is advised to stop following the guy on social networks and stop asking friends about his life. This will help take your mind off thoughts of non-reciprocal love.
  4. 4. New acquaintances will increase the likelihood of meeting a person with whom mutual sympathy and a happy relationship will arise.

Alcohol abuse, promiscuity, immoral behavior, overeating, disfigurement of appearance - all this certainly will not help bring your mental health into balance. Such actions are highly likely to harm a person’s health and reputation, so they should be resolutely abandoned!

How to forget annoying people?

If you constantly have thoughts about a person who is annoying, then some techniques from psychology will help get rid of obsessive thoughts:

  1. 1. Ignoring people who cause irritation allows you to protect yourself from the negative emotions they cause. A minimum of communication, meetings, viewing their pages on social networks - all this will help solve the problem.
  2. 2. If you accept the object of irritation as it is, this will allow you to not be so aggressive towards the shortcomings of this person and stop focusing on them.
  3. 3. If you have any thoughts about someone who causes negative emotions, it is recommended to immediately switch to pleasant thoughts (about hobbies, friends, an interesting adventure, an upcoming trip).

To stop thinking about a person with whom it is no longer possible to build a common future or with someone who causes irritation, you need to forgive this person in your soul and let go of the offense. The more sincerely this is done, the faster the negative emotions associated with the offender will go away.

If you constantly think about a person, does that mean that he thinks about you too?

This does not mean at all that this person thinks about you. What's the connection with this? For example, I don’t see it.

If you fall into a person’s soul, then in this case he will think about you.

And in other cases, we can only guess - he thinks / doesn’t think.

If you constantly think about a person, it only means that this person is clearly not indifferent to you. Unfortunately, this means nothing more.

A person may also think about you often, or he may not think about you at all. THIS HAS NO CONNECTION. ALAS.

Yeah, so if I think about Johnny Depp, that means he thinks about me? :)

Then have famous people there would be no time at all to think about anything other than those who think about them.

If you constantly think about a person, it means that for some reason you are not indifferent to him, maybe it’s good, maybe it’s bad... And only you can know this reason. And that’s it, your thoughts will not affect this person in any way. And he won’t know about it, so think for your own pleasure.

I have a different opinion and feeling on this matter!

I think, or I want to think so, that this often happens in life, that our thoughts with someone we deeply care about seem to resonate.

It’s just how to explain that people close to each other think at the same time about the same thing, that if someone you care about is now feeling bad, scared or something else, you feel it like this as if it were happening to you.

It is possible that this does not always happen, a lot depends on how attractive you are to each other with the object of your dreams, but if it is mutual, then I am almost sure that it is so, namely: If you constantly think about a person, this means that he thinks about you too.

A beautiful fairy tale?! I don’t think so—feelings in general, as we know, defy logic.

I doubt it, it’s from that opera when you can say - he started hiccupping, which means someone remembered

This means exactly that you constantly think about this person, for some reason he does not leave your thoughts.

Unfortunately or fortunately, there is usually no feedback here.

If he also thinks about you constantly, it is for his own reasons.

No, you just might have fallen in love with this person, or are worried about him.

This can only be true given that the person is familiar to you. Thoughts tend to be magnetic and reciprocal. It is possible that two people think about each other at the same time, or think the same thought, or even have the same dream (this happened to me). But it all depends on how personally connected you are to this person, how well you know him, how often you encounter him and, ultimately, how strong your karmic connection with this person (and whether she exists at all).

  1. How to stop thinking about a guy

Unfortunately or fortunately, we all quickly get used to everything that happens to us. And one of the habits is attachment to the people with whom fate has connected us. And those to whom girls most often become attached are representatives of the opposite sex. “Habit” is the answer to the question of why you constantly think about a person. Imperceptibly, a man invades a woman’s life and becomes a part of it, and just as imperceptibly she gets used to him. But it often happens that the meeting gives way to parting, and the woman has to think about how to stop thinking about her ex. And there are other situations when the cause of the problem is not separation, but a reluctance to have a relationship with a person due to certain circumstances. In any case, this task is not an easy one, but we will try to cope with it. How to stop thinking about a person is the topic of our article.

Why did you decide not to think about the person?

Before you stop thinking about a man, try to figure out whether you really need it. There are several reasons why girls are looking for ways to stop thinking about a guy. Let's name the main ones.

  • Parting. This is perhaps the most common reason. If a girl still loves a man after ending a relationship, then it is not surprising that it is very difficult for her to stop thinking about the person. It happens that breaking up a relationship is difficult, and therefore thoughts about a man also do not leave a woman for a long time. Therefore, it is quite difficult for some to imagine how to stop thinking about their ex.
  • Fear of falling in love. This is not about a phobia, but about the fact that a girl, for some reason, does not want to start a relationship with a person who, nevertheless, is very attractive to her. For example, a man may be married, or a girl has just recently broken up with her ex and is not ready for a new relationship.
  • Incompatibility. Often a woman worries about how to stop thinking about a person when she realizes that he is not suitable for her. Soberly understanding this, the girl cannot forget the person, and this is very psychologically burdensome.
  • Uselessness. The saddest reason why you think about a person constantly. If a woman understands that she is not needed by a man, her grief knows no bounds. After all, not every girl will pursue a guy, and then, after waiting until she gets tired of it, she will let him go easily and simply. Constant thoughts about her lover, sleepless nights, tears into her pillow - this is what accompanies a girl with unrequited love.

Have you found the reason why you think about a person constantly? Maybe you are in a hurry to part with thoughts about a person? If you are free and love him, then shouldn't you try your luck? After all, in our lives everything changes very quickly, and perhaps a guy who doesn’t think about you will be conquered by you tomorrow. However, if you have finally decided that you want to forget about the person, then we will help you with this.

How to stop thinking about a guy

There are quite a few ways to forget a person. You can, of course, turn to a psychologist for help, but let’s leave this as a last resort. So, if you think about a person constantly, it means there is nothing else to “fill” your head with. Yes, no matter how trivial it may sound, you should just keep yourself and your thoughts busy with something. This does not always work, especially for those who lead a measured lifestyle and whose day is “planned out according to the rules.” But if you need to forget a person, then you will have to change something anyway. Sign up for gym or to dances, go to friends and invite them to visit, visit clubs, discos, go shopping, start renovating your house, in the end. There are many options to distract yourself, but the main thing is to choose what you like. What to do with sleepless nights? Take it to bed with you interesting book or a magazine and read until sleep overcomes you.

Try to avoid the person you want to stop thinking about. Even if life circumstances force you to be close to him, try not to look in his direction. Try not to communicate with a man even on business, but rather do it through third parties. Don't talk to your friends about the guy you want to forget - this way you will remind yourself of him.

Do you have the opportunity to take a vacation? Then this will be a great option to leave your sad thoughts and go to another country to find new friends and new impressions of life.

Love yourself even more. Understand that you are free and ready for a new relationship, but it can be much happier than the previous one. Do you know how to use affirmations? There are many of them and for any occasion. Affirmations are stable phrases formed from thoughts that you need to repeat to yourself every day. For example, “I am happy”, “I radiate love”, “I attract men”, “Best times have come in my life”, etc. You can come up with these phrases yourself, just don’t forget to inspire them in yourself. And as you know, thoughts have the ability to materialize, and therefore think only about a good future, and your dreams will begin to come true. And most importantly, you can easily stop thinking about the person you don’t need at all!

Obsessive thoughts about one person - Psychology

Good day to you, Stranger!

Try this experiment, tell yourself every half hour, “Don’t think about the big hairy monkey.” And keep track of how many times you managed not to think about the monkey and how many times this exercise was enough for you.

The Law was discovered a long time ago - we all have only what we want. You want to be insecure in some situations and you act insecure. Don't believe this is true? Then remember, you felt insecure when you really wanted to drink, for example. Perhaps you thought, no, I’m probably not very thirsty right now. Or. Apparently, I think I'm thirsty. Or. No, I’m thirsty, but not so thirsty that I need to get up and go pour myself a glass of water. Or. If I drink now, it is still unknown what the consequences will be.

Meeting with Dima. Your expectations were not met on all sides. You weren’t expecting the person in the photo (even though he was ideal) - shock; the first night together (against your rules) - stress again; impressions - so-so - again shattered expectations... And then you quite meaningfully refused to meet.

Now the question. Why do you think you were wrong then? Why don't you believe in the power of your intuition? And, besides, he openly told you that he cannot give you what you want. So what's the matter?

But the fact is that you once decided to yourself a long time ago that you are not worthy not only of all the best in life, but simply of the good. And for some reason you think that you simply have to suffer and suffer. This is why you believe that you are spending time with the person who wants to be with you. This is why you don't want to learn how to build relationships in such a way as to be happy. You think that you are unworthy of happiness. And if you think a little about what is happening, then perhaps this current boy of yours is exactly the one closest to you.

Of course, you will think about Dima, just like about that furry monkey. And the more you prohibit yourself (fill yourself with energy), the more often you will remember (fill yourself with energy again). And then in a circle - prohibition-memory, prohibition-memory... This is how our subconscious works. The poem turned out)))

So, Stranger, you need to finally understand what you really want. This is important. And then you will already know what to do. Well, if you have any questions, write to the chat.

Good luck and all the best to you!

If you think about a person very often (that is, you direct your energy towards him), will this somehow affect him? Maybe, of course, delirium came into my head, but now it doesn’t give me peace, maybe he feels it?

Yes, I myself receive lessons for “think about the person.”

There is such an understanding of “inhabitation,” that is, when we think about a person or a situation associated with someone in the past or future, we create our own phantom and place ourselves in the person or situation. It’s called “not being yourself,” that is, in reality you’re not all yourself. And thinking about one thing or another, you are all disassembled, scattered, doing everything mechanically. This is harmful, first of all, for you, namely “being dismantled.” In a scattered state, you yourself become weak and your immunity to everything (not just viruses) decreases.

Secondly, this is harmful for that person, by moving into him, you distract him and for some reason he begins to remember you and already moves into you. Plus, if that person has any contaminants or diseases, you can pick them up.

Forbidding yourself to think about something or someone is useless and even harmful, you will push the reason inside yourself even deeper and this reason will be embodied in the body. You just need to keep track of how when your brain started thinking about someone or something - then unnecessary, if I tracked it, I already stopped the flow of energy and the phantom’s messages. All! Job done! If you practice, it will be easy to track how your brain is cunning and begins to think...

I’m not advocating not to think about situations, about people, of course, you need to plan and summarize, but not every day living and going through situations, dreaming and daydreaming, you need to be in yourself and in the present!

What should you think about then?

If your brain is used to constantly working, then think about what you are doing in the present time. For example, when you wash your face, think about washing, about cleansing, about cleanliness, about water. When you go to a stop, think about the movement, about your legs, about the ground, take note of what is happening around you.

If you spend your thoughts in the present more often, you will notice a very strong surge of energy, or rather, there will be no “ebb” and you will be full and, as a result, a high return on everything you do.

What to do with daydreaming, especially for those who like to imagine how good things will be in the future?

Think, but don’t live a dream, for example, a trip to the sea! Leave this pleasure for the present. If you are buying tickets, think about the sea, if you are choosing a swimsuit, think about the sea. You need to dream, but for example, when you fall asleep or meditate, but not ten times a day. This is a recommendation, but if it’s difficult for you to understand, then it means you don’t need it yet.

And if you're on a bus, should you just go?

Yes, the situation on the bus is still the same. It’s best to live in the present, just be on the bus, you can listen to the signs (the speech of the people around you is for you, they can talk about their own things, but just for you, think about what is in you related to this conversation). Better yet, feel the wind from the window or the warming sun, or even billboards may be for you. All this will help you to be in the present, to be in yourself. And then you will be protected in any situation.

Try to apply all this - and notice the difference!

How to stop thinking about a person: a unique technique

You meet someone new and find him extremely attractive - you can't take your eyes off (while your mind is in turmoil). The temptation is strong enough, although you may not give in to it at the moment. At least you don't admit it to yourself. However, you soon find that your thoughts are returning to the moment of meeting this attractive person, and before you even realize it, you are already conducting an internal dialogue with all your might about the possibility of a romantic relationship with this person. Such thoughts may seem wonderful and tempting. But...

This state of mental imbalance often occurs as soon as love, romance or sex is discussed, and this is typical not only for women, but also for men. Falling in love is an extremely seductive emotional experience. Who knows where it will lead? But one thing is clear: if you cannot stop thinking about a person when you are already in a prosperous and even happy relationship, this in 99% of cases will lead to drama with an unpredictable ending. What can you do to stay faithful and focus on the partner you already have in your life? Here you definitely need to stop constantly thinking about the person you like! However, how to stop these thoughts?

How to stop thinking about a person if simply forgetting doesn’t help

Simply forcing yourself to stop thinking about this person is a technique that definitely does not help. Experiments by psychologists have long shown that attempts to suppress thoughts about someone or something actually have the diametrically opposite effect - a person ends up generating even more thoughts about the topic that he is trying to forget. This effect is typical for all types of thoughts, even very prosaic ones, not to mention romantic ones. Not only that, research has shown that repressed memories and thoughts can even cause that person to appear in your dreams.

Psychologists recommend trying to shift your attention and change your judgment, instead of suppressing your own thoughts. Most best advice actively focus your thoughts in a different direction, but the nature of these alternative thoughts is critical.

How to stop thinking about a person: switch to your partner

It may seem surprising, but the issue of obsessive thoughts about attractive people has been studied at a scientific level. For example, not long ago, American experts conducted an experiment, the purpose of which was to make participants think about the attractiveness of people of the opposite sex. First, the scientists presented volunteers with six photographs of attractive people of the opposite sex and asked the participants to choose the one who, in their opinion, was the most beautiful and attractive. They were then asked to explain their preferences: While looking at the photo, each participant had to write down all the reasons why the picture of the face was most attractive, as well as how they thought an ideal first meeting with that person would go. (This method of describing a hypothetical situation served as a model for the dreams that are typical for each of us after an encounter with a “sex object.”)

The researchers then asked the volunteers to stop—to simply stop thinking about that person. Of course, they knew what wouldn't work and it really didn't work in the experiment. But when psychologists asked participants to try to change the focus of their thoughts (specifically, to think about their existing romantic partners) instead of simply stopping themselves from remembering strangers, the results were different. Although they turned out to be very different, all the volunteers were able to forget the pleasant strangers, some were simply distracted by thoughts of the first meeting with their couple, others by memories of rough sex with a partner, and still others by the brightest moments of the time spent together. (Notably, thoughts about the sexual attractiveness of an existing romantic partner were not as effective as thoughts about feelings for him.) But in any case, all the volunteers stopped thinking about the person they liked “from the photo”, in other words, thoughts about love were stronger than sexual desire. The authors of the study claim that this is the essence of the feeling of love.

So if you're trying unsuccessfully to stop thinking about a person, try to remember the times when you felt love for your real mate. If you want to stop thinking about someone new in your life and want to remain faithful to your partner and successfully resist temptation, the approach is simple: think about your current partner - about a time when you felt love for him. After all, love is the force that can clear the wandering mind of fantasies and keep people together.

How to stop thinking about a person: reassessment and change of focus

Although the effectiveness of the technique described above has been scientifically confirmed, it cannot be called universal, at least because many people do not have a partner, but are faced with the problem of obsessive thoughts about an overly attractive person. What should they do? There are a lot of proven methods for this, on the basis of which you can develop a very effective algorithm based on just three points.

  1. First, reduce communication with him, preferably to zero: out of sight, out of heart! If you keep photos or things that remind you of your relationship everywhere, throw them away mercilessly!
  2. Secondly, remember that you have a personal life, your own interests and hobbies. So get on with them immediately! And when you are completely immersed in your hobby, you will completely forget about this person.
  3. Thirdly, increase the number of contacts with friends - this is the best antidepressant without side effects. (Just don’t even think about discussing the object of your obsessive fantasies with them, otherwise not only you, but also they will not be able to forget it). Have fun together more often and soon you will probably stop thinking about a person who is not worth a minute of your thoughts!

4 tips on how to stop thinking about the person you really like

“Out of sight, out of mind” - it would be good if a person could be forgotten so easily. In fact, the more you want not to think about someone, the more difficult it is to do so. Thoughts persistently return to the unwanted object.

How to get someone out of your head

In one eastern parable tells about a young man who asked Khoja Nasreddin how to find out the future and become immortal. The sage replied: “It’s simple: don’t think about white monkeys!” “Just?” - the young man was delighted. But from then on he could think of nothing else but white monkeys.

Having given free rein to such thoughts, it is easy to “think of” obsessive-compulsive neurosis, when the help of a psychotherapist is required. Therefore, it is better to try to get rid of them initial stage, while they have not yet become entrenched in our heads. But first you need to understand:

What prevents you from forgetting another person?

Psychologists talk about three types of such reasons. These are emotional, attitudinal and behavioral.

Among the emotional

1. Suppressed emotions. A person tries to appear strong, to “hold on,” so he suppresses the despair and pain that the separation caused him. This is especially true for men, because from childhood their parents instilled in them: “A man must be strong. It's a shame to cry." But then the pain sitting inside will constantly remind him of the person he wants to forget. You need to allow yourself to give vent to your emotions, to grieve, to cry;

2. Unexpressed resentment. After a breakup, many continue to mentally sort things out, argue, prove they are right, and make claims against the person who left them. To stop this mockery of oneself, it is worth expressing all unexpressed grievances in the form of a letter to him, but do not send the letter, but burn it;

3. Remorse, guilt. For some people, friends and loved ones easily become exes, while others cannot calm down that someone else is suffering due to their fault. They are not going to return their exes and at the same time reproach themselves for the harm they have voluntarily or unwittingly caused to them. Mental excuses turn into obsessive states. How to get rid of such exhausting conversations with yourself? See point 2.

Among the installation reasons

1. A strong belief that this person is the only one, he is our destiny, we will never meet anyone better. Or maybe we should take this opportunity to see for ourselves?

2. Confidence that together with him we have lost the ability to love and a joyless existence awaits us. Shall we check?

3. Linking your hopes and plans with this person. On the one hand, this is natural. On the other hand, these were probably just our plans, and he himself doubted the strength of the relationship. We have already come up with a route honeymoon and the names of future children - and suddenly loneliness, melancholy, emptiness. Everything will have to be canceled - meetings, walks, trips. We don’t do this: the last thing we need now is to isolate ourselves from people and immerse ourselves in memories.

The main behavioral reasons that prevent us from forgetting a person

1. Forced communication with him. We work together, study together, we have common friends and the same company. There is only one way out - change everything. Otherwise, obsessive-compulsive neurosis - hello!

2. A separated man and woman continue to have sex from time to time. This often occurs among divorced couples who have children together. Moreover, if for one partner it is just sex without obligations, the other has renewed hope of restoring the old relationship. However, here you need to follow the rule: “She died like that”;

3. Immersion in a depressive state. Despite the desire to withdraw into oneself, not go out anywhere and not see anyone, you should not indulge him. Alone with ourselves, we will dig into the wound with masochistic pleasure, not allowing it to heal. In this way, we will only strengthen our emotional attachment to a person who should be forgotten with minimal losses to our psyche.

Ways to help you forget someone

The question of how to stop thinking about a person has been relevant at all times. In such cases, our ancestors relied on magic, in particular:

1. Conspiracies and rituals

They must be performed on the waning moon: feelings should decrease along with it. It seems that there is a rational grain here, because with their help a person gives himself a positive attitude, programs himself for a positive result. In any case, there is no crime here, and the attempt is not torture.

All we need is a source with clean water, lemon balm leaves, solitude and a little imagination. Let's focus on our emotions - resentment, mental pain, which prevent us from forgetting another person. Let’s mentally transfer them to the lemon balm leaves, imagining them with our tears, and we’ll tear them off one by one and throw them into the water. Leaves float away, memories float away. We leave when we feel peace and tranquility, having first washed our face with water from the spring. This ritual can be repeated every week.

Finding the source may be a problem. In its absence, we will use fire: we put our obsessive thoughts on paper, and then set it on fire, imagining how they fly away from us forever along with the ashes.

These methods are harmless and will not harm anyone. However, it is strictly forbidden to turn to fortune tellers for help in order to cast a spell or spell on the deceased.

2. We give ourselves the attitude: “Everything that is done is for the better.”

It may very well be that life has closed some doors in front of us, having previously opened others. But we resist with all our might, clinging to old relationships, trying to revive to life something that has long died. There are new opportunities, discoveries, surprises, new people and new acquaintances ahead.

And, as the old song says, “If a bride leaves for someone else, then no one knows who is lucky.”

3. Let’s clear our living space for new relationships

Apathy, devastation, disappointment, loss of faith in the long term strong relationships, reluctance to make new acquaintances - you cannot let these feelings take over you. It will not be easy to escape from their captivity. Let's fill the void with interesting things that we always wanted to do, but never found time for. At first it will be difficult to completely switch to them, but gradually we will get involved and think less and less about “ex”.

It may be a renovation - even if you have to take out a loan, but your head will be occupied not with fruitless thoughts, but with the search for new income. At the same time, we’ll put away out of sight, give away or throw away things that we bought together or bring back memories.

They say you can't run away from yourself. However, after a month or two we will notice that the pain, if not gone away, has dulled. However, this is not yet a reason to relax - we do not lose our vigilance, we are not yet ready to meet this person. The slightest reason is enough for memories to play out with new strength.

4. We don’t discuss ended relationships with everyone.

When discussing the current situation, we want to hear words of support, our own righteousness, and condemnation of the person who left us. Talking about him makes it seem like he is still present in our lives.

At the same time, we do ourselves a disservice - the people with whom we were so frank will now, with their very appearance, remind us of what we would like to forget. Perhaps some of them will begin to constantly take an interest in our personal lives, believing that they have the right to do so.

It will not be possible to quickly erase from your memory the memories of a person to whom you have become accustomed, with whom bright events were associated, plans for the future, who has become family and friends. It takes some time to heal from emotional dependence and attachment. How long the healing will take and how complete it will be depends on the effort put into it.

Unfortunately, many people want this only theoretically, without taking practical action. One gets the impression that the mental pain of such memories gives them pleasure that compensates for the loss. Memories now seem to them to be the only thing that still connects them with the deceased, and they are in no hurry to break this connection.

© Elena Timoshenko,

Intrusive thoughts about a person are strong and often intensified, it is impossible to figure out why, because we no longer communicate. I would really like to understand what happens to a person when you constantly think about him, is this energy transmitted to him? and is it possible to somehow convey your state to him with energy, so that he remembers, writes, calls? How do thoughts materialize? Does a person feel that they are being thought of??


Thoughts about a person are transmitted at a distance about who you are thinking about. And a person cannot make himself known voluntarily. Your feelings can be heard through your thoughts, so when you constantly think about your loved one, he will definitely feel it.

Hello Anastasia. Most likely, your connection is not completely broken and you both remember and think about each other. Human thought has great power, just like the word. And if used correctly, you can achieve results. Good luck to you.

Of course, feelings and thoughts can be transmitted at a distance. And if you constantly think about the person you care about, he will feel it. His feelings can manifest in different ways. But there is nothing easier than just calling, writing a message, meeting and expressing your feelings to a person in person, looking into their eyes. This is the best way to confess and open up to someone who will understand you.
As for the materialization of thoughts, this is a very global topic that can be discussed in a private telephone consultation with a psychic. I wish you good luck and fulfillment of the most cherished desires, Anastasia!


Asked by: Olga (2011-04-24 06:59:27)

At times I have the feeling that a person who is close to me is thinking about me. Moreover, some special feeling arises, and for some reason I immediately understand that it is him.
Please tell me is this possible or is it all just imagining me?
Thanks in advance, I look forward to your response!


Hello, Olga!

All of the above is quite possible. This phenomenon is called synchrony: having known each other for several days, we somehow guess when a person is free, when he has a break at work, when he usually rests :) - why not think about it :))) - of course, having a little knowledge about your schedule and habits, he may assume the same thing. If you find yourself in different places at the usual time for meetings, the lack of communication automatically evokes memories of a loved one - your hand automatically reaches for the phone or keyboard.

These are just little things - after living with a person for a couple of years, you can understand what he feels by his voice, gaze, hand movements, etc. - this is empathy - the ability to enter into emotional resonance with another person at the level of feelings. Children under 10 years old are great at this, as well as higher mammals (dogs, cats, dolphins) - who understand our joy, anger, anxiety or fear by our movements and sounds.

Love and understanding to you! Christ is risen!

Hello, Olga! Many people act based on their projective mechanism “Projection”, which can be real or, on the contrary, false. In order to find out how it really is, you need to find out, that is, ask! Moreover, this happens to you in relation to a person who is close to you, and with close people you communicate, share your thoughts, feelings, through contact and interaction! This will be the surest way to find out the truth! And translate “understanding” into the language of feelings, then great opportunities and pleasures will open up for you! All the best to you. Sincerely, Lyudmila K.

This happens, of course!

The question is how much do you need it? Does this condition replace your need to be in contact with a person? Do you have a need to merge with him? This is an UNHEALTHY "feel each other" relationship. This leads to emotional dependence, which can be very difficult to get rid of, just like any other form of addiction.

The merging of close people is “high” only in rare moments of intimacy. This is the norm. You seem to lack real intimacy with a loved one, so you use a substitute.

It’s better not to delude yourself and lose touch with reality. (tested on yourself)

Olga, anything is possible! And maybe he doesn’t think, but you feel that he is thinking - and that’s wonderful! And he feels that you think that he is thinking, and begins to think about you! Have you noticed that sometimes you just think about someone and he/she calls (or vice versa)! This is a certain phenomenon, the interconnection of people! To be able to feel is a wonderful gift!

Almost every person knows how difficult it is to get rid of obsessive thoughts. Ideas, anxiety about the iron not being turned off, a banal melody - this is just the tip of the iceberg. It is more difficult if the object is a person who is dear to the heart. Many people have found themselves in such a situation; there seems to be no reason to remember, but all thoughts are concentrated around one person. Is this connection one-sided and what happens if you think about a person for a long time, will he feel it?

Telepathic communication - fact or fiction?

Issues of telepathy have been studied for centuries, some claim that such interaction is real, others do their best to dismiss the idea of ​​communication using thoughts. But multiple eyewitness stories confirm the existence of such a phenomenon.

The strongest connection is between blood relatives, especially between mother and child. In this case, the rule is: if you think about a person, he feels it, it works. Sudden calls after a thought arises, identical gifts, similar ideas - these are the most common examples of mental interaction between a parent and a child.

Also, a similar phenomenon is often noted by couples in love, but in this case it is difficult to say for sure, because their thoughts are constantly occupied with each other. But it is impossible to deny the coincidence of dreams and anxieties of loving hearts.

The most interesting thing is with telepathic messages to a stranger or a person who was once dear. In such a situation, the result directly depends on the energy sensitivity of the object. In case of immunity to subtle matters he will most likely feel nothing at all and will continue to go about his business.

But if he or she is distinguished by a subtle mental organization, then most likely he will feel a vague anxiety, and there may also be a sudden appearance of thoughts about a person who has not reminded of himself for a long time. In this case, the statement: if you think about a person, he feels it, is real.

Constantly thinking about a person - is it good?

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the appearance of obsessive thoughts significantly depletes a person. His internal energy is concentrated not on achieving his own goals, but on the energetic impact on the object. In a situation where you think a lot about a person, several scenarios are possible.

A person who is strong in spirit and at the peak of his energy can feel a sudden surge of strength. So, a thinking person will transfer his strength to him, help him fulfill his dreams, which means that even such obsessive states will bring good.

If the object is energetically weak or at this stage is going through a period of spiritual decline, thoughts about it can be harmful. He will experience vague anxiety, will not be able to concentrate on his thoughts, will lose the ability to concentrate, which is fraught with trouble.

Getting rid of obsessive thoughts about a person is extremely difficult. But it is important to understand that such telepathic messages can significantly complicate the life of the object. And if this person is dear, then it makes sense to decide whether you need to think about the person if it could harm him. If the answer is no, then you can use tips to get rid of the obsessive state.

You need to try to occupy your thoughts with completely different people, objects and events. Be in society more, don’t withdraw into yourself. You can find friends with similar interests, for example, buy a subscription to gym or take a handicraft course. The atmosphere of such places is conducive to communication with like-minded people.

And then, of course, not right away, life will sparkle with new facets, opening the door to new fascinating worlds, where there is no place for melancholy and repetitive thoughts. The main thing is not to be afraid to let go of the thread that connects you with the past or unfulfilled dreams.

When the first obsessive thoughts appear, it is important to admit to yourself that they complicate life for both parties of telepathic communication. And find the courage to fight them, because there is a long and happy path ahead.

Intrusive thoughts about a person are strong and often intensified, it is impossible to figure out why, because we no longer communicate. I would really like to understand what happens to a person when you constantly think about him, is this energy transmitted to him? and is it possible to somehow convey your state to him with energy, so that he remembers, writes, calls? How do thoughts materialize? Does a person feel that they are being thought of??


Thoughts about a person are transmitted at a distance about who you are thinking about. And a person cannot make himself known voluntarily. Your feelings can be heard through your thoughts, so when you constantly think about your loved one, he will definitely feel it.

Hello Anastasia. Most likely, your connection is not completely broken and you both remember and think about each other. Human thought has great power, just like the word. And if used correctly, you can achieve results. Good luck to you.

Of course, feelings and thoughts can be transmitted at a distance. And if you constantly think about the person you care about, he will feel it. His feelings can manifest in different ways. But there is nothing easier than just calling, writing a message, meeting and expressing your feelings to a person in person, looking into their eyes. This is the most best way confess and open up to a person who will understand you.
As for the materialization of thoughts, this is a very global topic that can be discussed in a private telephone consultation with a psychic. I wish you good luck and fulfillment of your most cherished desires, Anastasia!