Makeup for working on the catwalk. Catwalk makeup. Step-by-step example of performing runway makeup


Fashion makeup is a must fashion industry. By performing this makeup, a professional goes beyond the real, feels the spirit of new ideas and expresses what will be perceived by the realities of the future. Applying fashion makeup to present a runway look is the work of creators!

Initially, fashion makeup was only part of the catwalk world during the display of fashion trends. For a long time, the range of options was limited to a variety of techniques in the smoky eyes style.

The purpose of makeup is to minimally distract the viewer from the designer outfit. For the first time, John Galliano, a fashion designer from England, broke the established boundaries. He showed that runway makeup can be an independent part of a designer collection. In his performance, he acquired creative and fantasy images and became an important accent.

What is included in the concept of fashion makeup?

This is a capacious meaning that combines make-up for presentation on the catwalk and showing a reflection of the future in a creative style using special effects.

The goal in creating such makeup is to embody a futuristic face, which reflects current and future trends in high fashion.

What it is: catchy, defiant, charming or fatal - depends on the collection presented. In modern execution it is presented in a variety of formats:

lips decorated with rhinestones and small sparkles;
contrasting colors;
chaotic geometric shapes or drawings on the face.

Fashion makeup to create a runway direction must be long-lasting. After all, it is designed for many hours of display under the hot light of lamps. It is suitable for photography and television shooting. It should be bright enough to be seen by everyone present.

For competition works The make-up must also correspond to the theme of the performance: a demonstration of the wrong, unreal, transcendental, which goes beyond generally accepted boundaries.

If in salon makeup flaws and deformations are hidden, then in the fashion version they are given importance. They are brought out of the shadows and exaggerated: a relief surface with rigid structuring, a deepened shape of the eyes, too wide lips.

The salon version involves the formation of an oval. In the fashion industry, square face shapes are valued. When using cosmetic products, makeup artists deliberately emphasize the protrusions of the jaws.

What is considered wrong and ugly in the ordinary world turns into a charismatic and central accent of the direction.

Despite the fact that fashion boundaries are erased in fantasy images, there are fundamentals that characterize fashion make-up.

You cannot apply a certain design or image to your face.
We must not forget about trends, so the face expresses futuristic ideas. This is observed even if the image is made in a retro style.
It is necessary to express the feeling of unreality of what is happening.

To comply with the rules, you have to sacrifice the beauty of the natural: enlarge your lips, widen your eyebrows, create an aggressive look, unnaturally sharpen your cheekbones. The combination of features becomes a masterpiece that sets the tone for the entire image.

Features of applying fashion make-up

The main thing in performing catwalk makeup is the foundation. The tone guarantees reliability and practicality. Even after a long time, it is important that there are no smudges, no greasy shine, and no pilling of the substance.

After application the base is Blank sheet, on which a fantasy face will be drawn. Apply the tone with a sponge. It simultaneously distributes the substance and absorbs excess moisture from the foundation.

Powder is used as a fixative, which is evenly distributed with a wide brush over the face and décolleté. In every image, the eyes are the center.

This is a part of the face that in one image becomes a solo note, in the second - a bright addition, in the third - a muted tone.

In any case, they are distinguished by a clear touch decorative cosmetics. Expressiveness is given with the help of eyeliner. The dominant color is black.

Eyebrows play their own roles in different seasons. They can take precedence and then they are made wide, with clear outlines. They can serve as a background and then they are made as close to natural as possible.

Lips are often painted in dark red, burgundy, and lingonberry tones. You can use a pencil, but it must match the tone of the lipstick.

“Juicy lime” in the style of runway make-up

To reproduce this look, it is enough to have a basic foundation, light green, beige, black eyeliner and a bright lemon eyeliner. Blending brushes and black mascara.

The eyelids are covered with the basic base.
Cover the entire upper area of ​​the eyelid up to the border with the crease with lemon liner.
Light green shadows are applied over the eyeliner.
Apply the same shadows to the inner corners of your eyes using a fluffy brush.
Beige shadows should be applied to the area from the crease to the eyebrows.
Shade the fold in gray.
Draw a graceful arrow with a black liner.
Shade the area under the lash line of the lower eyelid with a gray shade.
The finishing touch is applying black mascara.

Purple fashion makeup style graphics

To create an extravagant look you need: a base for eye shadow, pencils, eyeliner and black mascara, eye shadow of the same tone, lavender, purple, orange and sand color.

To create a graphic design you will need tape and brushes of various sizes.

After applying the base, stick two pieces of tape on the eyelid so that they cover the eyebrow arches from the middle to the tips.
Draw lines along the line of the tape with a black pencil, highlight the eyelids and extend the eyeliner so that it reaches the tape. Trace the tape-free line of the eyebrow to the bridge of the nose. Blend the drawn line and cover it with charcoal shadows.
Fill the part between the strip and the upper eyelid with purple eyeshadow. Lighten the corners with silver shades. Duplicate the lower eyelid below the eyeliner with lavender shadows. Blend the orange shades under the eyes, reaching the cheeks, including the temple area.
Take a brush and blend the edges.
Remove the tape and apply sand-colored shadow to the free area.
with a black pencil and draw a graceful arrow along the ciliary border of the upper eyelid.
As a finishing touch, tint your eyelashes with black mascara.
Practice, implement runway makeup ideas and soon you will learn how to quickly create a runway look yourself.

January 6, 2014, 12:35

The fashion industry is a whole mysterious world. Representatives of many creative professions, such as photographers, makeup artists, fashion designers, hairdressers, stylists, designers, are specialists who create masterpieces in their work.

Fashion style makeup is an important part of the world high fashion. Runway make-up is necessary when creating the image of a collection; it often goes beyond the usual, it is unusual, futuristic, and reflects fashion trends, both modern and future.

Initially, the purpose of the makeup was not to distract the viewer from the designer's collection during the show. The models and their faces served as a background, a blank sheet of paper; the main focus was on the outfits and accessories.

For the first time these unwritten rules were violated by an English couturier John Galliano. At the shows of his designer collection, everyone saw how runway make-up can be an important element of a colorful show, part of an image that works for the designer’s idea.

Runway makeup has become a self-sufficient form of professional art.

Fashion style

At fashion shows, models are required to look perfect. The main way to hide all the imperfections of the facial skin, making the girl flawless - this is a professional make-up. An experienced makeup artist works with each model for a very short period of time allotted to him during the show. The organizers calculate everything minute by minute; some models change outfits several times throughout the show.

Therefore, runway makeup is very practical and resistant to high temperatures, mechanical influences. After all, the work of models involves many hours of demonstrations, numerous changes of clothes, bright lights and hundreds of flashes are directed at them.

The runway make-up should not blur due to heat.

At the same time, it must be bright so that the spectators in the outer rows and photographers can see it.

Makeup for the catwalk is done using stage makeup techniques. When creating an image, professional makeup artists are required to take into account the laws of photography and the effects of optics, since such makeup is intended for the stage, photo shoots and video filming.

Application technique

Step number one when applying makeup for runway shows is an even, smooth tone. It is the background against which the makeup artist creates a new fantasy image of the collection. The required qualities in a foundation are durability, reliability and practicality. The model's facial skin must be matte. Even after a long time, smudges, greasy shine, and pilling are unacceptable. cosmetic product. Makeup foundation is applied with a sponge, which allows you to remove excess moisture contained in cosmetics from the skin. Professional powder will help set the tone. Traditionally it is applied to the face, neck and décolleté.

The eyes are the most expressive part model's face. Depending on the creative task and idea of ​​the collection, makeup artists use various decorative cosmetics and different techniques. Use eye shadow in bright colors; there may be large arrows around the eyes - black or contrasting colors.

If the main emphasis is on the lips, then most often the eyes remain in natural colors.

When shaping lips Makeup artists use lipstick in bright shades - ruby, plum, burgundy, as well as classic red.

Depending on the look, lips can be decorated with sparkles and rhinestones. A clear contour is achieved by using a pencil to match the lipstick. Sometimes powder is applied over lipstick, which makes the lips velvety.

Eyebrows are of great importance. The masters achieve a natural shade that matches the model’s hair color as best as possible. Correction of eyebrow shape is required in accordance with fashion trends. They are given the optimal shape in terms of width and density. The model's eyebrows should not be faded.

It is possible to apply a graphic design to the face using tape and a set of brushes.

Distinctive features

Makeup for the catwalk is strikingly different from what we are used to and what we encounter on a daily basis.

Salon makeup hides all imperfections and unevenness on the face. Fashion style makeup places great emphasis on a strong personality. Features of appearance are emphasized, even exaggerated: the relief surface of the face, too deep-set eyes, too wide lips.

In the salon version, the main thing is the formation of an oval face shape. The fashion industry values ​​the square, so with the help of makeup, makeup artists specifically emphasize the protrusions of the jaw.

Makeup for the catwalk is noticeably different from everyday makeup. It is brighter, more convex, and various effects are used to create it.

Depending on the mood of the collection and the designer’s intention, makeup artists use different kinds runway makeup looks.

The natural look is very valuable, as is the clean, almost invisible effect of no makeup on the face. Lipstick- only flesh tones.

To create an avant-garde look, eye shadow and lipstick in unusual contrasting tones are used. An example is black gothic makeup.

Glamorous look. Its name speaks for itself. Bright colors of decorative cosmetics traditionally highlight the eyes and lips.

Makeup artists must follow the rules of makeup in their work to create an image. The makeup artist never forgets about trends, even when creating a retro look.

Sometimes for implementation original idea must be sacrificed natural beauty: make lips thicker, eyebrows wider, give an aggressive look, overemphasize cheekbones. Taken together, a masterpiece emerges that delights in its unreality.

Some trends this season

  • Red lips. Accentuate your lips with classic red lipstick. They can be like this with neutral makeup, as well as with other bright accents. This is, for example, dark hair, thick eyebrows, heavily lined eyes - a trend in the style of the eighties.
  • Gothic. Fashion designers are welcoming gothic looks this season. Black lips or as close to black as possible, the color of a ripe plum. Gothic catwalk style eyes are shaped by unusual lines with bleached eyebrows.

  • Graphic black eyes. The trend is smoky shadows, curved contrasting lines, all shades of black.
  • Sharp lines. This trend offers a wide variety of eyeliners: triangular cat eyes, additional double lines in all shades.

Runway makeup is part of the intended image, which emphasizes the idea of ​​the entire collection as a whole, without interfering with the audience’s perception of the outfits on display. Any professional makeup artist has his own secrets that allow models to look flawless. In this article we will reveal the secrets of runway makeup, as well as analyze the latest fashion trends.


The first step for any makeup look is foundation. It should look like a clean and smooth sheet, without greasy shine or smudges. One of the secrets that gives the skin a matte finish is applying foundation using a sponge. This is the method that rids the skin of excess moisture contained in foundations.

Many makeup artists use powder to set the foundation. It is applied over the foundation and distributed evenly over the face, neckline and décolleté.

Runway eye makeup

In catwalk makeup, special attention is paid to the eyes. They are the focal point on the model’s face.

The most popular color for eyes in a catwalk look is black. “Cat eyes” and smoky eyes are always considered popular.

The combination of eyeliner and shadow can be seen at almost any show. This season, many stylists have decided to use bright yellow, turquoise, pink, green and lilac colors instead of the usual gray and dark shades.

Another secret that gives a slightly dramatic look is to apply makeup to the upper eyelid, as close to the lash line as possible, while leaving the area under the eyebrow unpainted.

To make runway eye makeup look more natural, you need to blend the eyeliner, mixing it with the shadows so that it does not stand out. Also, to achieve the best effect, you should use matte shadows.

This year, makeup artists highlighted eyebrows in a special way in catwalk makeup. Eyebrows that are black, clearly defined and straight are considered a hit. In some shows, you can see rhinestone jewelry that highlights and accentuates the popular eyebrow shape.

Lips in catwalk makeup

Natural shades are chosen for the lips, such as pink, plum or simply pearlescent lip gloss. One of the features of runway makeup that achieves a velvety effect is powdering the lips over lipstick.

Extravagant clothes, unusual shoes, trendy accessories and, of course, interesting hairstyle and makeup are the main components of the overall image and style, emphasizing individual characteristics personality.

Runway makeup: goals and objectives

An integral part of the fashion industry is runway makeup, with the help of which the newly created image is emphasized and complemented. This type of makeup is, first of all, a creative work that amazes with the imagination of makeup artists.

IN Everyday life Some creative people use this kind of makeup to stand out from the gray mass and attract the attention of others to themselves. If the work is done professionally, tastefully and is combined with the appearance, then such a manifestation creativity takes place.

And yet, fashion shows are the main event in the fashion industry, where makeup of this type is simply necessary and is designed to emphasize the key idea of ​​​​the fashion collection. All fashion world professionals are involved in the shows: clothing designers, stylists, hairdressers and makeup artists. In their creative union, a unified concept for the images shown is developed and born.

The choice of makeup option for the catwalk - natural, modest, gentle, fatal or erotic, defiant, extravagant or catchy, “with an accent” or a solid “mask” - is completely dependent on the main intention of the authors of the collection of images. Typically, makeup forms a harmonious ensemble with the clothes and accessories on display and plays a general melody of style and image.

Make-up artists participating in performances and photo sessions, masterfully mastering makeup techniques, demonstrate the diversity of their work and are pioneers of modern make-up, the main principle of which is the union of maximum naturalness and bold expressiveness.

Runway makeup: features

This makeup technique has its own characteristics, namely:

  • under the thermal influence of spotlights, spotlights and camera flashes, makeup must remain durable throughout the entire show of the collections;
  • makeup must be done in detail, worked out, of high quality and clearly visible at the farthest distance;
  • makeup must match the style of the author’s collection or, conversely, not interfere with the visual perception of the outfit;
  • the foundation of the face should be reliable and practical (without greasy shine, smudges and raised manifestations of foundation and powder);

Makeup accents at shows are placed according to the designer’s plans. Makeup artists usually pay special attention to the eyes of models, but if the image requires it, then the emphasis is on the lips, cheekbones or eyebrows. The color palette is also determined by specialists who choose lipstick of various shades (dark red, ruby, lingonberry, plum or burgundy) to highlight the lipstick. Black remains an indispensable color for the eyes.

Modern variations of makeup are moving away from the natural look that was very popular in the past. Nowadays, high-class professionals at performances amaze viewers with new, shocking, in a good way, ideas and complement their images with bright accessories not only in the hairstyle, but also on the face.

Runway makeup is a multifaceted, interesting and amazing work that, when masterfully performed, turns a fashion model into a fabulous diva, and a runway performance into real magic, which gives the audience a lot of indelible impressions.

The runway look combines bold, creative or stylized elements such as hair accessories, runway makeup, colorful accessories and a matching suit. The peculiarity of make-up for the catwalk is that it brings the intended image as close as possible and reveals it. It is designed to highlight the model's outfit. The palette is selected in accordance with the psychotype and certain external data. In this article, we will try to convey to you all the subtleties and nuances of creating runway makeup.

Stylish catwalk makeup with your own hands

Using the example of a model with dark hair, dark skin And brown eyes Let's take a step-by-step look at how to do catwalk makeup yourself. Runway makeup step by step includes preparing the face, choosing bright pigments with gold for the eyes, correction products and a set of different brushes:

  1. You should start performing runway makeup with a foundation base, which is applied from the center to the sides over the entire face.
  2. The foundation is applied on top of the mattifying base.
  3. Brighten the area under the eyes using a light corrector. Since the skin around the eyes is very delicate, it is necessary to distribute the product with your finger, gently tapping it into the skin in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. Don’t forget to highlight the bridge of the nose and the moving eyelid with a light corrector.
  4. To disguise blemishes and small skin imperfections, you will need a dry texture concealer (it is important to choose a concealer that matches your skin color). To apply, use your finger or. After this, you need to wait a few seconds for the concealer to dry and combine with the main tone.
  5. The final step is to apply powder to remove oily shine and make the skin matte and velvety.

Complete the look with decorative cosmetics

  1. Let's start decorating the eyes with a base for the shadow and distribute it evenly over the upper eyelid.
  2. Both upper eyelids are covered with light matte shadows, so that the subsequent color of the shadows is easier to apply and blend.
  3. Using a special eyeshadow brush, apply contrasting shadows to the inner corner of the eye and decorate the outer upper corner (you can take brown, plum or black shadows), leaving the middle untouched. If you are afraid that the shadows will crumble, apply them with patting movements. Along the crease of the eyelid we connect two areas with the same shadows.
  4. Using a Sigma E-25 or MAC 217 brush and brighter shadows, but of the same shade, apply another layer to the crease of the eyelid, without touching the middle, so that the effect of a light haze is obtained.
  5. Use a sharp blending brush to pick up red eye shadow and apply it to the same crease, but do not close your eyes. This way you can achieve more precise application.
  6. On any flat brush, take bright yellow or gold crumbly shadows (shimmer shadows are suitable for this) and apply them to the empty middle using tapping movements.
  7. Using a fluffy brush, go over the crease of the eyelid again.
  8. Draw liquid eyeliner along the upper edge along the growth of the eyelashes. If the gel leash has dried out and you don’t want to throw it away, you can give it a second life by mixing it with an eyeshadow base. Let's line the lower eyelid with it, later lightly shading the result, and use the bright pigment from point 4 to emphasize the lower eyelid.
  9. We tint the eyelashes above and below with black mascara.
  10. We correct the eyebrows with a dark shade of eyeshadow using an angled brush.
  11. For cheekbones, it is better to choose pink or peach blush. Drawing in the cheeks, apply them along the hollow of the cheekbones, and highlight the protruding line with highlighter.
  12. We tint the lips with gloss or light lipstick of a non-intense color.

Video: creating your own runway make-up

Spring runway look

The second catwalk look features a delicate spring color type with fair skin. Clothes are dominated by pastel shades, and performing runway makeup involves a warm peach technique. The instructions and photos below will allow you to do spring makeup for the catwalk yourself, and all you need for this is a delicate palette of shadows, mascara, concealer, Foundation and a little glitter.

  1. On initial stage base is applied under foundation over the surface of the entire facial skin and a foundation with a consistency according to the season - if it is winter time, a foundation with a dense texture is chosen; in the warm season it is better to apply a translucent product or one that has a light consistency that does not clog pores.
  2. Use a corrector (ivory tone) to lighten the circles under the eyes and apply a little corrector to the upper eyelids. Transparent mineral powder removes shine and mattifies the skin.
  3. The next stage involves shaping the eyes, eyebrows, cheekbones and lips. Use a brown pencil to highlight the eyes along the eyelashes. While it is not fixed, shading is done, creating a “haze” effect.
  4. Using cream shadows, which will make the makeup for the catwalk long-lasting and bright, the upper eyelid is shaped and coral pigment is immediately applied to the moving upper part.
  5. For a more expressive look, add shimmering shadows of a silver hue (from the New Year's collection) to the corners of the eyes, and a steel-colored pencil with subsequent shading will emphasize the lower eyelid. To add mystery and charm to the look, dark brown shadows are applied to the outer corners of the eyes with a cone-shaped brush and applied slightly along the crease of the eyelid.
  6. Black mascara will complete the expressiveness of the look.
  7. At the final stage, we cover the T-shaped area and cheekbones with reflective powder to illuminate the spotlights. Sandy blush will add softness to the look, and lipstick in the “velvet tan” style will highlight the warm spring makeup (if desired, you can apply gloss in the middle of the lips).

Fantasy catwalk makeup

Video: Variations of fantasy runway makeup

Fashion trends in runway makeup this year

The photo shows ones that never leave the eyes of the models. They are given special attention. Expressiveness of the eyes is achieved different ways: from smoky techniques eyes to body art using rhinestones, feathers and additional decorative paraphernalia.

  • An easy way to make your eyes brighter and more attractive at home is to design your eyes with lower eyeliner. This image may seem a little different in everyday life, but in the version with the catwalk it looks catchy and fashionable. In the case of a face completely devoid of color, in order to direct the viewer's eye to the clothing on display, the greatest attention is paid to the tonal basis. Makeup artists achieve the desired consistency with a special sponge that distributes the tone without letting it run, and then sets the makeup with powder.
  • In 2016, thick and wide eyebrows remain a fashionable and striking element of the face, which special gel and wax sets, brushes and beveled brushes help to emphasize.
  • Lips in 2016 should not stand out in makeup, but be a natural color so as not to distract the eye from the model’s eyes. In some cases, when flashy clothes are shown and the image itself is bright, then the lips do not remain a pale spot on the face.

When creating a catwalk look yourself, we must not forget about the time of year. Makeup for autumn and spring shows is always restrained, dominated by neutral and fresh shades. Summer and New Year's makeup is characterized by bright colors, shiny textures, and bold ideas.

Video: Professional podium makeup - step-by-step creation