Congratulations on the last call to school graduates in verse. Wishes and congratulations on the last call Short congratulations to graduates on the last call

Wishes to classmates take us back to school. It’s as if we are flipping through a photo album, remembering the story depicted in the photo. Wishes for classmates are always a hope for a quick meeting of former mischievous, cheerful boys and girls.

In verse

  • I wish we meet more often,
  • And they remembered our cheerful class,
  • Always smiled brightly when we met,
  • And they remembered every hour they lived!
  • Let the school greet us with flowers,
  • What we planted in the schoolyard
  • So that sometimes we fly to school with our dreams,
  • When we wake up in the morning, at dawn.
  • We studied together
  • A lot of years!
  • I wish you, friends,
  • Happy victories!
  • So that we don't study in vain,
  • For knowledge to be useful,
  • So that on the way to your destiny
  • We met only kind people!
  • Dear and dear classmates!
  • I wish everyone to find love,
  • So that your soul burns clearly,
  • And let the blood boil with passion.
  • So that they love and remain faithful,
  • They gave birth to a lot of children,
  • Let hope and honesty live in the heart,
  • And may you live many days,
  • Long life to you, joy,
  • And let life be marmalade,
  • And so that from this sweetness
  • My soul was always happy!
  • My classmates!
  • I wish you love!
  • A strong and big family,
  • Life is long and cool.
  • Have healthy children,
  • New impressions,
  • Tender meetings, dates,
  • Happy dreams.
  • Warm relations,
  • New, good zeal,
  • Let everything come true
  • Executes quickly!
  • Who studied in our class,
  • Let your path be clear!
  • You go boldly towards your goal,
  • Keep good memories,
  • Remember our friendship
  • Come if you need
  • Always at the school door,
  • And may you all be protected by God!
  • My classmates,
  • We have become family!
  • I wish you that in life
  • Don't get tired of yours!
  • Never got sick
  • Avoided troubles
  • And let it be in your destiny
  • There will only be victories!
  • I wish my classmates well,
  • And inspiration, and the creaking of the pen,
  • Paint pictures, write novels,
  • Someone to become a screen star,
  • Someone to become an astronaut,
  • Someone might be an astronomer,
  • And may you graduate from all universities
  • Only with honors, with honors.
  • Let everyone have their own star in life,
  • May she always illuminate your life,
  • So that on the journey of life
  • It was easier for you to go!
  • You are my classmates!
  • Friends, girlfriends!
  • I wish you to keep
  • This friendship of ours!
  • And wherever you go,
  • Remember school
  • Always return to her
  • If it hurts!
  • Let school be a joy
  • And the fatigue will go away,
  • And let all your pain
  • It will quiet down immediately!

In prose

My dear classmates! Thanks to you, studying at this school was not only a necessity, but also wonderful entertainment. Our class was always the most fun and noisy. Usually students wait for the holidays to begin, but I couldn’t wait for them to end in order to see all of you as soon as possible. I sincerely wish that we never forget about our friendship and even after graduation, our cheerful company gathers in full force at least at the alumni meeting.

When my parents took me to grade 1 “A” of our school for the first time, I was very worried, because I didn’t know what awaited me here and whether I would be able to make friends with anyone. But after a month I found best friend, with whom I am still friends. My dear friend and classmate! I am very glad that I was enrolled in the “A” class, and not “B” or “C”. This helped us get to know each other and get closer. I wish you to always remain as smart, talented and collected in your further studies, and cheerful, open and positive in everyday life.

Our school years are coming to an end. Soon we will be going to different colleges and universities and may never get together again. But, to be honest, I can’t imagine that completely different people will surround me there, and our class will remain only in memories and photographs in the school album. Classmates! I want to wish each of you the fulfillment of your hopes and goals. And may any team we join after school be as friendly and united as our class!

In your own words

How you poisoned my first years at school! You always gave me offensive nicknames, lifted up my dress and embarrassed me in front of other boys from the class! I cried and didn't want to go to school. Why did you do this? We were residents of the same country called “school” and had to help each other, play and grow up together! Classmate! I hold no grudges and with all my heart I wish you a worthy future! Be strong and very brave. And also love and respect women, because one of them will become the mother of your children! Classmates! Girls! I want your life to turn out the way you dreamed! I wish you to become models, actresses, journalists and simply wives of oligarchs! Sail on yachts, interview the president and stars, perform on the catwalks! Boys! And you yourself become presidents and oligarchs! Then we will be connected not only by work, but also by the old friendship of classmates. Good luck to you all! Many years from now I will look through our school album and remember this day. I will look at photographs and guess how their fate, career and personal life turned out. Dear classmates! Friends! I suggest you never get lost. Let's come up with some place where we will come, for example, on Friday, every three months! I will miss so many of you!

Choose the right path for you,
There are many good days in your life,
Achievable, real goals,
And so that everyone can do it, everyone has time.

Let adult life greet you with joy,
May you all be lucky at first.
Nearby - a reliable and dear hand.
Good luck to you all, graduates!

The school waltz plays sadly,
There are tears in my eyes,
Tomorrow the school will be empty
It's summer and hot again.

But for you it will no longer be
No lessons, no rulers,
Because it flew by
Your school time.

The last bell rang
Expanses await you ahead,
Something new will burst in
In your future days.

Only in memory for a long time
The school remains with you,
Gently warms the soul,
Her quiet lights.

I wish you dear
Free and wide
You are starting your journey
From the school threshold.

Let the last call
The heart will respond
Adult, happy
Let your life begin.

Trill of the last call
Fills us with sadness.
We say “bye” to the school
The hour of farewell has come.

Congratulations to all graduates,
A bright and successful life.
May good luck come to you
And everyone's hopes will come true.

The bell rings for the last time
Today we congratulate you.
We wish you to be friends,
We found a calling for ourselves.

Small steps left
And you are postal graduates,
May everyone's dreams come true,
Good luck in life and love.

On a warm, spring day in May,
The last bell will ring.
Seeing you off on a good journey,
This makes us a little sad.

After all, you have grown up so quickly,
Everyone already has their own goals.
So let them be accomplished easily,
You always achieve your goal.

Your adult life began today,
But sometimes remember your class.
Don't forget your school days,
Good luck, graduates!

School days flew by quickly
And your studying highlights!
Congratulations, you are already graduates,
And your feeds tell us about this!

We wish you all to go to college,
So that you build a career in the end!
May great success await you all,
Let the roads in life be happy!

For the last time you stand on the “line”,
The bell rings for you.
All grades have already been received -
You have learned your lesson.

You have a difficult path ahead -
Good luck and luck,
You can’t turn off the right path,
Enough patience.

We always wish you with joy
You need to remember school
And so that at least sometimes
To visit native walls.

Are you leaving school guys?
Under the farewell trills of the bell,
The roads will take you somewhere,
Let the new life be easy.

Meetings and new discoveries await you,
The path to success and many obstacles,
Just don’t say goodbye to school,
Everyone is very happy to see you here.

We will be sincerely proud of you,
We wish you great achievements,
And countless victories in the new life,
And success in any plans!

Remember these moments
Remember the sweet faces
We can't be together, unfortunately.
Hurry up to say goodbye to school.

We wish you a sea of ​​emotions,
Are you ready for a vibrant life?
Today will be in the past
And tomorrow the real one will come!

Graduation party for 11th graders! A touching and responsible moment! What awaits them behind the walls of the old good school?
This event is exciting not only for the graduates themselves, but also for their teachers and parents. How to make this day unforgettable? What words should you say so that they will be remembered for the rest of your life?
We want to help you find such words, so we have collected for you beautiful and touching wishes for graduates of 11th grade.

Universal wishes to graduates: in verse and prose

The school years flew by.
Congratulations on your graduation.
But we want you to stay
You have a mischievous attitude.

So that everything works out for you
In the lives of adults,
So that your dream smiles at you,
And fate gave friends!

Another stage in your life has ended. You are moving to adult life, more responsible. Therefore, we want to say some parting words to you.

Always follow your dreams and don’t give up, find happiness in life and don’t miss it. Good luck and success to you on the difficult but very interesting path of life.

The last lesson is over.
Life opens many roads for you.
My school years flew by in an instant.
We wish you to try

Choose your right, true path,
Walking firmly along it, you won’t turn away,
Don't end up off-road.
Happiness, good luck and God's help!

Today you are leaving your home school and everything that awaits you in adult life now depends only on you. Here you were taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, and responsive.

We learned to be friends, to defend our opinions, to love science, to treat knowledge with care - that is, they gave the basis for what it is impossible to become a real Man with a capital H!

We wish you not to lose all this, but to multiply and cultivate in yourself best qualities. We wish your dreams to come true. Good luck to you, luck, new achievements, happiness and success in your future life!

Graduates, happy journey to you,
After all, your choice means a lot!
Believe in yourself, don't worry,
I wish you every luck!

Let there be everything that you have long dreamed of,
May life lead you to success!
I want you to understand everything:
Great happiness awaits you ahead!

Graduation wishes for 11th grade

Congratulations on graduating from school and wishing that the road to adulthood follows blooming garden so that the carriage of life carries you easily and happily along the roads of life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, so that everyone you need is nearby. Good luck and prosperity to you!

Congratulations to you today,
You are now graduates.
Changes await you in life,
Let your dreams come true.

We wish you a new life
Don't turn off the path
Achieve new goals,
Keep up with the times.

We wish everyone only the best,
Don't forget us friends.
Come visit more often
And bring the kids.

Guys, now you proudly bear the title of “graduate”, for which we want to congratulate you. May all your innermost desires and dreams always come true, and may all your plans certainly come true.

So you have grown up, matured,
Leaving the school walls
From the nest, like the chicks flew away,
To be happy without fail.
We wish you to conquer
All the heights you wanted
And nests so you don't forget
From which you flew away!

How quickly my school years flew by. Here's yours prom. I wish you to enter adulthood from the front door along the red carpet.

Carry yourself with dignity, nobility and honesty. Never make deals with your conscience. I wish you the fulfillment of all your dreams, no matter how incredible they may be.

Congratulations on graduating from school!
And we are in a hurry to give you a gift today.
Joy, big victories,
Kind words and warm songs.
We wish to live a hundred years,
To make the world interesting.

Your last day has come within the walls of this school. Today is your graduation!

We wish you a happy future, a prosperous life, in which there is a place for seriousness and fun, love and devotion, fulfillment of desires and successful work!

Keep in your heart the memories of school days and live easily!

Wishes to graduates from parents

Dear Guys! It seems like only yesterday we brought you to first grade, and today you are already graduates. Time passed quickly, but your path was not easy: it was filled with successes and failures, joys and sorrows. You did it and we are proud of you!

But the journey continues - new heights and achievements lie ahead of you. Let faith, hope and love be your constant companions!

Believing in yourself is the key to success. Confidence in a bright future is the credo of an optimist. Faith will help you achieve your goals and not give up on your plans, and optimism will not allow you to become limp if something does not work out.

Don't let go of hope. It inspires and gives strength. Walking hand in hand with hope, you can overcome any difficulty.

Cherish the love. It is in each of you. Don't let her light go out. Keep your love for teachers, for knowledge, for your small homeland.

Love your family, loved ones, friends, nature, music. Look at life with love, and it will love you back!

Believe! Hope! Love it! And you will succeed!

Dear, beloved, our dear,
The children grew up and quickly became older.
You are now beautiful, exactly in a row,
And the tears sparkle from afar!
Today we cry and laugh,
And let’s touch the cherished dream together!
Congratulations on the holiday - may you be lucky
Wishes will come true - with God, let's take flight!

The children are cute, just recently funny and charming; you walked into first grade, holding tightly to your parents’ hands. Now, confident in your independence, you hold your classmates by the hand.
And we still want to take a child by the hand, a story based on this difficult life, avoiding all obstacles, lending your shoulder.
We understand that it is impossible, so we say, walk through life with dignity!

Today is your farewell evening with school
We'll have to part ways, and soon
You will enter into life. They are looking forward to seeing you there,
Please accept congratulations from your family.

Live with hope and faith in your soul,
Fortunately for you, the road is already open,
And may this life seem difficult to you,
It is also possible to dream about the impossible.

Be greedy for science and knowledge,
That's all we want to say goodbye,
Have a safe journey, success in everything,
Walk this path with confidence.

Dear Guys! From this day on, a new stage of your life begins; it’s time to make informed choices and largely rely on your own strengths.
Graduation is not a reason to be sad about your amazing childhood. No matter how much you want to keep him, there are great changes ahead, the result of which depends on you.
We, your parents, are always ready to support you and help you whenever you need it.

Wishes to graduates from teachers

Our dear graduates! Today you have an important event - graduation party. You are entering adulthood, leaving the walls of school, and taking the first serious steps on your path.
We, your teachers, wish you strength and courage to accept this responsibility and avoid irreparable mistakes. Do not be afraid of difficulties and boldly make decisions using reason and your own feelings.
Let life be an exciting journey for you that will teach you valuable lessons for future use.

We taught, and you surprised
Us with success and kindness,
But you grew up quickly,
And now it's your graduation!

Happy travels to you guys
In this life, sometimes difficult,
Let it be bright, beautiful,
Like today's prom!

Nothing lasts forever, so school years have come to an end. They flew by unnoticed both for you and for us - your teachers.
Throughout all these years, we have helped you as best we could, experienced failures together, and rejoiced at your successes. So let each of you continue to have a reliable shoulder next to you that can help you in difficult times.
Take care of your friends and don’t forget your loved ones and your teachers, then luck will definitely smile on you in life!

Release your students
The school staff is so pleased!
To know that his work is necessary,
Every teacher is happy.

Let the dream call beyond the horizon,
And luck is waiting around the corner,
There will be happiness and love in life,
Friendship and favorite work!

Let in the labyrinths of adult life
It will be simple and easy for you!
Serve the cause and the Fatherland
Near and far!

The world is incredibly interesting
And intriguingly large!
Let the songs make you happy,
Let the continent be small!

The day of parting has come, but guys, know: teachers never forget their students. Years will pass, and you will always be able to return to your home school, as if it were your home.
Let your destiny work out the best way and everyone will receive what they deserve through perseverance, work and talent. Go ahead guys, the adult world awaits you!

We congratulate you, dear guys!
You graduated from school and now
We wish you to find ways like this,
To achieve goals without loss.

Don't be offended by us, students.
Don't get angry if something suddenly goes wrong.
We love you, don't doubt it.
Let every new step be true.

And may you succeed
Everything you dream of now.
We wish you aspirations, ambitions,
And may love never leave you!

We really hope that you liked our wishes to the graduates, and you will be able to give them real pleasure on their last evening within the walls of their home school.

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Passed today, graduate,
Your last lesson.
And very soon it will ring
Your last call
But don’t rush to relax,
Pass your exams first
Apply with full dedication
Received knowledge.
Well, while the bell is ringing,
Remember this May
And never in adult life
Don't forget him.


Graduate! We congratulate you!
Yours sounded last call.
We wish you good luck and happiness,
And to preserve the memory of school.


Today you will hear the last call
In this school, which turned out to be my second home,
The last lesson in your life is behind you,
Only joy and sadness were mixed a little...
There is a difficult path ahead, and there are many exams,
After all, you have to go to college...
This is how the first results in life are summed up,
But there are still challenges ahead.
I wish you success, a little luck,
Now comes a difficult time,
I wish you good luck and a lot of patience,
So that every exam is passed with a bang!


The last lessons are behind us,
But your heart is a little sad,
And now the teacher doesn’t seem strict -
There are different feelings in my soul now.
After all, now no one will teach,
Life itself will teach,
Neither a cheat sheet will help nor a miracle,
You will have to answer to your conscience.
And today we guys wish you,
So that luck does not let you down,
For you to pass your exams successfully,
And the road led you to victories.


For the last time, eleventh grade,
The call sounds exciting for you.
We hasten to congratulate you on this bright day
And I wish you success in everything!


Golden time of school breaks
And according to interests in the class groupings,
Beautiful girls in knee-high socks,
Boys in love, in jeans and sneakers.
And now you will only remember it,
The last lesson is behind us, the notebook is put away,
And today, graduate, I want to wish,
So that you pass any exam in life with an A!


You are like birds from a nest,
Ready to fly out today,
But we want it here
Sometimes you came again.
We wish you in adult life
Meet good luck along the way,
Find answers to questions,
But the main thing is to find yourself.


We wish you success, happiness, joy, love,
So that you meet good people along the way,
So that you achieve everything in life in spite of all the winds,
And we also wish you: no fluff, no feather!


The heart worries when it rings,
The very last one within the walls of this school,
No more rushing to class...
It's your holiday, although not very merry.
You close the door behind you
The door behind which is a carefree childhood,
And if suddenly you feel sad sometimes,
Know that it is somewhere in the neighborhood.
It's a little sad that it's all behind us
And it can never happen again,
But there's still a whole life ahead
Many different events await you.
We wish you success, good luck,
In order to achieve success,
To solve any problems,
To find yourself in this life!


The bell rings for the last time, which means...
You are taking a step into the adult world,
And life's challenges
Now you will have to decide for yourself.
Let everyone be proud of your success -
Parents, friends, teachers, -
After all, you can do better, more beautiful
A planet called Earth!


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The last school bell has rung! We congratulate you on your graduation. Childhood remains beyond its threshold; you enter adulthood. So much has happened over the years: the joy of the first victories, hard work on oneself, sleepless nights parents. Do you remember what your first clumsy steps in studying were, the first letters you wrote, the words you read? All this is far behind us. Everyone has their own path ahead. Each of you has probably decided on your choice of profession. Now you will make all decisions yourself. And how your future fate will turn out depends only on you. Wishing you easy undertakings, successful achievements, and a bright future!

The last call is the end of an important life stage and the beginning of a new, no less exciting one. I wish that bright memories warm your hearts, and that the future attracts you with its vast possibilities. Believe in yourself, in your strengths and dreams. Let all your plans come true, let your plans come true, let victories and triumphs appear on the horizon. Happy holiday and enjoying the moment, bright grand prospects!

So the last bell has rung for you, informing you that school lessons are over, and ahead of you is a new, adult life that will teach you its lessons. We wish you to be capable students, to grasp everything on the fly and always be afloat. In the meantime, we wish you success in passing your exams and may good luck accompany you.

Once upon a time, a cheerful bell greeted you on the threshold of 1st grade, but today it rings as a sign of farewell to school. Farewell moments are always filled vivid memories and aching sadness from the fact that something important, dear, dear is becoming a thing of the past. Dear graduates! May each of you find your own path in life. There will always be a light on in the school windows for you.

Dear graduates! Today you say goodbye to school and enter adulthood, the last school bell rings for you. To its sounds, one remembers all school defeats and victories, joys and sorrows, first love, first teacher, and one becomes a little sad... We wish you further successful studies, the right choice of profession, easy victories and new achievements, new useful acquaintances and hobbies!

Study, classmates, teachers - everything is left behind and childhood too - distant, cheerful and kind... The last bell at school is the first bell in an adult, difficult and serious life! To everyone who is involved in this great event in life - love, prosperity, joy, etc. Of course, great success and moving forward! Let the path not be strewn with roses, but the graduates are now adults, strong and courageous people - they will go through and overcome everything with honor! Good luck, Dear friends!

The last bell rings and everyone is a little sad. It’s such a pity to part with what is familiar and dear. But in our souls there is a thrill of happiness and anticipation of a new, big, adult life. Let it always turn out well for you guys. Remained final stage, passing exams and you will float along the river of independence, and you will apply all the knowledge given to you by your teachers. So, good luck and no peace!

The last call is the end of another school year and the beginning of fun summer holidays. For some it is the last time it sounds at our school, for others it is the first time, for others it has already become a familiar event. Let every student take stock of this school year, become wiser and a little more mature. I wish you all happiness and an unforgettable summer.

Dear Guys! On this day a new stage of your life begins, it’s time to make informed choices and largely rely on your own strengths. The last call is not a reason to be sad about your past amazing childhood. No matter how much you want to keep him, there are great changes ahead, the result of which depends on you. We, your mentors and parents, are always ready to support you and help you whenever you need it.

Congratulations on your graduation! Last call - here you are entering a big and adult life. I wish only easy and bright paths to find myself and my calling. May you be blessed with good fortune and may all your dreams come true. Have a great mood and a little persistence to achieve great plans and desires.