We use olive oil during pregnancy for stretch marks - it’s simple, but very important. Olive oil for stretch marks

Is olive oil effective for stretch marks during pregnancy, and is it safe? There are women who were very satisfied with this product, but there are also those who did not see any results. How to use olive oil correctly so that it brings benefits and protects the skin from unwanted changes?

Effect of olive oil

Olive oil, as the name suggests, is made from olives, which are passed through a press without heat treatment - this way the product will not lose its properties.


Everyone knows about the benefits of olive (Provencal) oil or oil - a large number of vitamins and microelements contained in it help restore the normal function of the heart, blood vessels and digestive system. This is if you use a certain amount of the product internally, but how does external use of the oil affect the body during pregnancy?

To answer, it’s worth looking at the composition of “Provencal gold”:

  1. Oleic acid. Fatty acid can restore aging, unhealthy skin. Helps maintain the necessary moisture in the layers of the epithelium. Allows other useful components to penetrate into the deeper layers.
  2. Linoleic acid. The main function is to regulate the water balance of the skin. Softens and protects the epidermis.
  3. Arachidonic acid. Gently smoothes the skin, protects from external influences, and has a regeneration function.
  4. Palmitic acid. Prevents skin dryness, nourishes, restores lost elasticity.
  5. Stearic acid. The substance serves for gentle cleansing.

Fatty acids are beneficial in the fight against stretch marks due to vitamins A, E, C, K, and other elements contained in the oil.

Most likely, spruce trees will not be completely saved from existing deep and long stretch marks, but the product can prevent or significantly reduce minor imperfections.

For reference! When used externally, Provençal spruce does not cause any negative reactions, so it can be used during pregnancy. The only contraindication will be individual intolerance to the product.

Secrets of the right choice

You can buy an olive product in any supermarket, but the goal is to purchase quality product, because the right medicine for the skin will bring greater effect. The cost does not always justify the high level of quality factor, therefore, in addition to the cost of oil from 400 rubles at a minimum, you should pay attention to the following facts:

  1. The label should read “Extra virgin olive oil”; this is the most natural product.
  2. The bottle should be made of dark glass, under no circumstances plastic! In addition, products should be stored in a dark place.
  3. You should not choose a refined product for external use - cleaning may not affect taste qualities, but the composition will lose in favor.
  4. The fresher the oil, the better. Even if the shelf life is written on the package more than a year, the oxidation process is inevitable over time, so it is better to choose those bottles that have a production date of no more than six months at the time of purchase.

If you cannot find the product “Extra virgin olive oil”, you should pay attention to varieties with a minimum percentage of acidity – from 0.8%. For example, a product with 2% acidity will not work.

How to use the oil?

Having chosen real oil, you should think about how to use it correctly, because if the product is completely harmless during pregnancy, then other components that may be present in recipes for masks, wraps or rubs can harm both the woman and the fetus.

Several ways to safely, but still effectively fight against stretch marks:

  1. After a shower, take a few spoons of oil at room temperature and rub the most likely areas of stretch marks. You can also combine it with Vaseline, so the original cream will become even more nutritious. Such procedures can be carried out several times a day.
  2. If stretch marks have already appeared, you can use compresses with the product. Apply them at night, secure with cellophane. You can add melted honey to the compresses if you are not allergic. The mixture can be used for hot wraps. It is best to use such recipes daily.
  3. A scrub is suitable for stretch marks: combine 50-100 g of ground coffee and 50 g of oil and rub into the problem area. It is not advisable to scrub frequently, so it is best to use this recipe 2 times a week, on other days use compresses or rubbing.
  4. Mix aloe juice with olive product in a ratio of 1 to 1, apply to the area of ​​stretch marks under the film. This way you can use the product daily.
  5. You can increase the effect of the purchased product by combining it with ampoules of vitamin A and E. Thus, the effectiveness of the product will increase significantly. This composition is used as a rub and can be used every day.
  6. Coconut oil, also effective against stretch marks, can be combined with olive oil and rubbed into problem areas. Before use, you must do an allergic reaction test.

Striae will go away faster if, before using any product, you cleanse the particles of the old, top layer - you can use a hard brush. This way, not only will the excess layer of epithelium be erased, but also blood circulation in the required area will improve.

Oil is used extremely sparingly, and unlike creams, it will last for a long time. The main condition for effectiveness is regular use. To prevent stretch marks, use the product throughout pregnancy, starting from 3-4 months. For existing stretch marks, use the oil for at least six months; additional products can be used.

For reference! If there are no contraindications to taking olive oil, it would not be a bad idea to use it as a salad dressing, thus increasing the level of immunity and strengthening the cardiovascular system of both mother and fetus.

How quickly results are visible, reviews from women

Almost all women say that the oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin well; it really takes on a healthy appearance. 76% of reviews note that with regular use of the product and other preventative measures against stretch marks, they can actually be prevented. Women whose skin was damaged by stretch marks during pregnancy notice a reduction and change in the shade of the stretch marks when using the oil.

During pregnancy, I was very worried that my skin would deteriorate. Friends advised me to use olive oil, because it is safe for the baby. Used the product as massage oil and compresses, I used it for a long time. No stretch marks!

Lyudmila, 34 years old.

During the first pregnancy, stretch marks formed, when I became pregnant for the second time, I was afraid for my skin - this is still more stripes will! The doctor recommended olive oil because it is hypoallergenic. The most interesting thing is that stretch marks appeared, but they were small, and the old ones became smaller.

Christina, 26 years old.

I used olive oil during my first pregnancy, there were almost no stretch marks, only a few on my stomach. I decided that I would use it during the second time - it seemed to help, but nothing.

Alena, 26 years old.

But no remedies helped me, olive oil, of course, had a very good effect on the condition of the skin, but stretch marks still appeared. I was afraid to use cosmetic creams, there are a lot of additives.

Lyubov, 32 years old.

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Many women know firsthand what stretch marks are. For some, their appearance is due to poor genetics. Someone has suddenly gained or, conversely, lost weight. After childbirth, the problem of stretch marks irreversibly confronts almost all of us. It is clear that in some people stretch marks are more noticeable, in others they are less noticeable. However, in any case, you want to get rid of stretch marks. And we need to fight them comprehensively.

Today the site will tell you how you can use olive oil for stretch marks. You will be surprised, but this product, which is available in any supermarket, will help you cope with this pressing problem if you know how to use it correctly.

What makes olive oil effective in the fight against stretch marks?

Olive oil is the richest source of valuable vitamins and microelements that our skin needs. They nourish it, make it firm and elastic, retain moisture in it, and have an antioxidant effect.

In terms of combating stretch marks, the high content of olive oil is especially important. vitamin E. This vitamin, as you probably know, is included in most anti-aging products.

Our skin needs it to maintain its freshness and elasticity. It also promotes skin regeneration.

Since the appearance of stretch marks is primarily caused by the skin losing its elasticity and, as a result, the formation of internal tears, it is clear that olive oil can be very effective in treating this problem.

How to use olive oil for stretch marks

Any doctor will tell you that it is easier to anticipate a disease than to treat it. Therefore, we advise you to regularly use olive oil as a preventive measure.

To combat stretch marks, unrefined oil is best - it retains most of the nutrients for which it is so famous.

The easiest way to use olive oil against stretch marks is to apply it to high-risk areas. Stretch marks traditionally appear on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and chest. At the first sign of danger, start using oil.

Every day before going to bed, do a light massage of problem areas with olive oil. It takes a little time, but your body will thank you for such care.

Olive oil, among other things, stimulates metabolism in the skin. Therefore, in order to enhance its effectiveness, it must be rubbed in with intense movements.

Olive oil can also be used as a base for various masks, scrubs and lotions. For example, you can use this recipe: mix 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 150 g of low-fat sour cream and grated zest of 1 grapefruit. Apply the resulting mixture to the problem area for half an hour, and then rinse off in the shower. To prevent stretch marks, this procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a week.

The following remedy will also help to prevent stretch marks: mix 30 ml of olive oil with 15 ml of wheat germ oil and the same amount of avocado oil. Add a few drops essential oils lavender, geranium, calendula, neroli, carrot seeds.

Rub the resulting oil mixture into your skin twice a day, and you won’t get any stretch marks.

If stretch marks have already appeared, it is more difficult to get rid of them. However, it is quite possible. One of the most effective means is olive oil with aloe juice. Mix 100 ml of olive oil with the same amount of aloe juice and add vitamin E, which is sold in tubes or capsules in pharmacies.

You can pour this product into a convenient bottle and lubricate problem areas of the skin with it every day.

Well, in order to enhance the effect of any remedy for stretch marks, it is advisable to make a cleansing scrub before applying it. And you can cook it again using olive oil. To do this, combine it with coffee grounds. Natural ground coffee is an excellent product that stimulates skin renewal. The oil should thoroughly saturate the coffee.

A little honey also won’t hurt – it will make the scrub more convenient to use and become an additional source of skin nutrition. Apply the scrub to your skin lightly massage movements, and then rinse with water.

Now you know how olive oil can help against stretch marks. We also recommend that you eat it regularly: this way you will solve many health problems.

In order to get rid of stretch marks that give the body an unaesthetic appearance, many spend significant amounts of money on expensive creams and ointments. But in fact, there is a simple solution, especially effective during pregnancy, which is to use olive oil against stretch marks. This product is inexpensive and accessible, you always have it on hand. And those who have tried it in cosmetic and medicinal purposes, they call the product miraculous.

Most often, stretch marks appear during pregnancy. But there are other reasons that lead to the appearance of stretch marks:

  • Dramatic weight loss as a result of strict diets
  • Puberty
  • Treatment with hormones
  • Premature aging

But whatever the factors, the nature of stretch marks is the same - loss of skin elasticity. In subcutaneous tissues that do not have time to adapt to the rapid growth of body volume or its loss, ruptures and destruction of collagen and elastin fibers occur.

Stretch marks are scars and stripes of white, pink, lilac, violet. They do not cause any pain, but they bring a lot of anxiety to the “owners”. Favorite places for scars to appear: thighs, chest, abdomen.

Genetic predisposition also plays an important role in the appearance of these defects on the skin.

Here, as in the case of many other medical and cosmetic problems, the truth is relevant: it is easier to pay attention to preventative measures than to deal with them later. Olive oil is suitable for both prevention and treatment.

Effect of olive oil on stretch marks

Since ancient times, beauties have known the recipe for using olive oil for stretch marks. This product is unique in its composition: it contains vitamins A, C, E, and microelements responsible for the beauty and elasticity of the skin. Therefore, the oil can be safely used as an independent preparation without adding additional components.

The special value of this product is that it has the following effects on the skin:

  1. Protecting cell membranes from oxidation
  2. Preventing skin cell degeneration
  3. Has antioxidant and regenerating properties
  4. Helps smooth the skin, nourish and moisturize it
  5. Stimulates the production of elastin and collagen
  6. Activates the recovery process
  7. Increases blood circulation at the local level

Who should consider this product to combat stretch marks? Of course, women, because it is fair half These unpleasant skin lesions are more likely to form, especially during pregnancy. But hormonal changes in the body occur regardless of gender and age. Therefore, stretch marks can “settle” on the body of teenagers and men.

Olive oil - this amazing natural product, it is reasonable to use at any age and gender. There are no contraindications to its use for children and adolescents. But, of course, it is most often used during pregnancy, since olive oil has virtually no side effects and will not harm the expectant mother and baby.

Rules of application

To get rid of the problem and for preventive purposes it is necessary to start external use of this product at the earliest stages, that is, at the beginning of pregnancy.

The process should be carried out throughout pregnancy or treatment. It must be systematic. If prevention was not carried out, relief will be even longer; according to reviews of those who use oil for stretch marks, it will take at least a year just to lighten the darker scars.

The most effective for medicinal purposes is the unrefined product, with a dark shade and a specific odor. This oil is labeled as “first cold pressed,” which means it has not been subjected to heat treatment and has retained all its valuable qualities to the maximum.

Apply the product to problem areas covered with stretch marks in the morning and evening with vigorous massage movements, rubbing it into the skin.

You should adhere to the following options for using olive oil:

  • Before applying the oil, you need to prepare the skin: clean it, removing possible sweat and sebaceous contaminants. It is better to do this with the help of peeling, for which you will need a body scrub and a rough washcloth. After this procedure, the skin is ready to actively absorb the nutrients contained in the applied olive product.
  • Apply the product to slightly damp skin, massaging it.
  • Pledge successful fight against stretch marks using oil - regularity.
  • Rub the product twice daily on the stomach, chest, thighs, and forearms, leaving the area of ​​the body without clothing for several minutes until the oil is absorbed.
  • Using napkins or paper towels, remove excess oily liquid. There is no need to apply any creams after this.
  • Various additives allow the oil to achieve even greater effectiveness: juices of medicinal plants, essential oils.

Lemon oil

Mix and apply. This mixture is rich in vitamins and has enhanced firming properties.

Aloe oil and juice

Mix the ingredients and pour into a bottle with a strong stopper. Store the product in a cool place. Apply 2 times a day. The product does an excellent job of removing stretch marks on the chest.

Store in a closed jar in the refrigerator. The product made according to this recipe can be used to cleanse the skin before directly applying the oil. This scrub itself is therapeutic, as it helps improve blood flow to areas of the body with lesions, thereby promoting their recovery. Use the mixture during water procedures (taking a shower), rubbing into the skin until redness appears, then rinse.

For preventive purposes, to avoid the appearance of stretch marks, more complex products based on olive oil are prepared at home.

With wheat germ and avocado oils

Shake thoroughly and use 2 times a day.

With grapefruit zest

Mix the ingredients, apply for half an hour, then rinse.

You need to make such masks three times a week.

With oat flakes

Use the same as in the previous recipe. When adding 1 spoon to this mixture sea ​​salt, it is used as a peeling to cleanse the skin. The product helps give the skin elasticity and smoothness.

You can use olive oil as an external remedy during pregnancy without fear; there are no contraindications.

During the prenatal period, this natural product should be taken not only as a cosmetic product; it also has obvious benefits when included in the diet. It must be added to food, as olive oil promotes:

  • Delivery of omega-3 fatty acids to the body, necessary for the formation of the nervous system of the unborn baby
  • Supplying a large amount of vitamins (E, D, K), which are beneficial for bones and skin and mother and fetus
  • Normalization of intestinal function
  • Eliminate the threat of constipation
  • Has a slight laxative effect (1 teaspoon of oil per day on an empty stomach)
  • Reduces appetite, which means it protects against overeating and adding excess weight
  • In addition, olive oil has a persistent effect against oxidation, so it can retain vitamin E in its composition for a long time, and it, in turn, protects against the threat of miscarriage.
  • Early use of the oil tones the muscles, thereby facilitating cervical dilatation during childbirth.

As already mentioned above, for the purpose of prevention, you should start treating the skin with olive oil even before the onset of pregnancy, or at its earliest stages, when intensive changes have not yet begun in the body. Thus, without special effort The development of stretch marks is prevented.

When using the oil internally, you should be careful only if the pregnant woman suffers from cholelithiasis, because this natural product has a choleretic effect.

But in general, olive oil is absolutely harmless, allergic reactions doesn't call.

Pros and cons, precautions

Thanks to your healing properties Olive oil is used not only in homemade homemade masks. Very often it is part of professional cosmetics, skin care creams and emulsions.

But you should never forget that all attempts to combat stretch marks with the help of this oily liquid may be futile. To avoid being disappointed with the result after lengthy procedures, you should be observed by a doctor before starting treatment. Stretch marks caused by genetic predisposition or endocrine disorders will most likely not be removed with oil alone. In this situation, the specialist will prescribe further drug treatment.

By remembering the simple rules for using olive oil, observing regularity, avoiding long breaks, and enriching the oil with vitamins of other components, you can forever say to stretch marks: “Goodbye!”

Pregnancy often changes a woman's taste preferences. Some products cannot be consumed for medical reasons, because... they can harm the baby. Due to the processes occurring in her body, a woman simply rejects other products as causing toxicosis. We must always remember that a pregnant woman’s nutrition during this period should be complete and beneficial both for her and for the health of her child.

Particularly important in a woman’s diet is the consumption of fats, due to which the child’s brain is formed. Olive oil, a storehouse of healthy fats, vitamins and microelements, is ideally suited for this purpose.

The beneficial effect of olive oil is due to its rich composition of polyunsaturated fatty acids, a whole complex of vitamins and microelements. Olive oil promotes longevity and is included in all Mediterranean dishes.

Protects the walls of the stomach from Helicobacter bacteria that cause ulcers. High-density lipoproteins can destroy bad blood cholesterol, destroying existing blood clots and preventing their new formations.

Saturates the body of mother and child with all the necessary substances and strengthens their immunity, promotes the development of the baby’s brain and strong nervous system.

When taken orally on an empty stomach, it can solve the following problems:

  • Effective, improves regular and clear bowel function.
  • Significantly reduces the risk of toxicosis.
  • Helps increase the elasticity of the uterus and facilitate labor.

It is recommended to take orally on an empty stomach as follows. In the morning, immediately after waking up, drink one tablespoon of oil on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast. You can drink the oil with a small amount mineral water without gas, room temperature.

The only contraindication for oral use is cholelithiasis.

But external use has practically no contraindications, so every woman with the help of olive oil can solve the main cosmetic problem that arises during pregnancy - stretch marks, or they are also called stretch marks... This does not sound very good. It also looks unattractive. Probably many have seen them on women sunbathing on the beaches. Long stripes along the body, usually on the stomach, hips, and chest area, which cannot be hidden under a swimsuit.

During pregnancy, the mother's skin stretches significantly as the fetus grows. The process is quite fast, during which the woman’s body does not have time to produce enough collagen, which ensures the elasticity and correct structure of the skin.

As a result, there is a rupture of the deep fibers of the epidermis, more pronounced in problem areas, such as the surface of the abdomen, chest, thighs and buttocks. Long, unsightly stripes that are a different color from the surrounding fabric. The skin underneath, lacking sufficient blood supply and, accordingly, nutrients, ages faster, aggravating the problem with an even flabby and sagging appearance.

Tanning will not help here; it only more clearly marks the boundaries of problem areas, creating a contrast in color due to pigmentation.

Important factors of heredity and hormonal changes contribute to the development of the problem.

The following will help prevent sprains:

  • competent selection of lingerie items specially designed for pregnant women;
  • thoughtful daily routine, with balanced diet, optimal physical activity and proper rest;
  • use of appropriate modern cosmetology products.

Of the numerous external care products intended for pregnant women, the advantage of natural, natural compositions is undeniable.

For example, vegetable oils, among which olive oil occupies a leading position. It has unique properties to moisturize the skin and promote collagen production. Stretch marks violate the integrity of the skin structures, and the properties of the oil help restore its structure.

Other oils can bring no less benefit to the expectant mother. For example, it is effective in the fight and prevention of stretch marks, it will help to begin labor, if it does not occur, it can be used for various unpleasant conditions that accompany pregnancy (toxicosis, candidiasis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins and others)

The mechanism of action of olive oil is due to the presence of the following components:

  • Vitamin E accelerates skin restoration at the cellular level and is included in all known remedies for stretch marks and stretch marks.
  • Vitamin A increases skin elasticity and stimulates collagen production.
  • Vitamins K and D improve not only the structure of the skin of mother and child, but also strengthen their skeletal system.
  • Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, high-density lipoproteins, and other numerous beneficial elements with antioxidant effects improve the overall health of a woman and her unborn child, nourish and regenerate the skin, enhancing its protective functions.

First aid for stretch marks

Our grandmothers knew how to use olive oil for stretch marks. It can improve the condition of the skin due to the rich natural components it contains. The properties of olive oil are manifested when used in its pure form., in the composition of personally prepared products, and when enriching finished cosmetics products with it produced by well-known manufacturers.

Adding olive oil to creams, gels, tonics, serums and balms for stretch marks helps to increase their penetrating effect and significantly enhance the regenerating properties of the cosmetic product. The complex interaction of the components of the prepared product accelerates the restoration of damaged skin.

It is important to use olive oil externally for rubbing against stretch marks, subject to the following conditions:

  • Before carrying out any procedures during pregnancy, including rubbing in anti-stretch marks, you should consult with your doctor.
  • Clearly know the dangerous, aborting zones. Incorrect strong movements in these areas can lead to spontaneous abortion or damage to the health of the fetus.
  • Know the contraindications. Only your attending physician can determine whether you have contraindications for massage.
  • Anti-cellulite massages are strictly prohibited. Harmful substances from the breakdown of fats through the placenta will penetrate the body of a developing child and cause great harm to his health.
It is usually recommended to start massage courses at home or in a beauty salon from the first month of pregnancy. They can be carried out until childbirth, under the constant supervision of a doctor.

The procedures will have a more pronounced effect if performed regularly, beginning with early dates pregnancy. When receiving massage sessions, the atmosphere that can be created both in the salon and at home is important.

Light music, dim lighting, aromatization of the air with an aroma lamp, warm and clean hands of a massage therapist will allow a woman to fully relax and raise her emotional mood.

To prevent ruptures during childbirth In the last trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended to rub olive oil twice a day, morning and evening, using stroking movements. If there are no special instructions, it is better to massage at home at night, so that after relaxing movements you can immediately go to bed. A professional salon massage should be performed in the morning.

When conducting professional massage or self-massage, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of specialists.

  • Massage techniques allowed during pregnancy: light stroking, rubbing, kneading, squeezing.
  • Prohibited massage techniques: shock, sharp, vibration.
  • Only stroking techniques are allowed on the stomach and lower back.
  • The use of technical massage devices, electric massagers and vibration stimulators is strictly prohibited.
  • The frequency of professional salon massage is once a week, home massage is daily.
  • All procedures should be carried out after taking a light hygienic shower. The water should be at a comfortable temperature.

Recipes and rules of use

Recipe No. 1 Rubbing

After a shower, lightly blot the wet body with a terry towel, stroking and kneading the body. Apply olive oil to damp skin with very gentle rubbing movements. The area of ​​the abdomen, hips, and chest requires a special approach and increased attention. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once a day, at night.
You can put on a robe until the product is completely absorbed, but if possible, it is better not to wear clothes. When the oil is completely absorbed, after about 20-25 minutes, remove the remaining product using a paper napkin.

Recipe No. 2 Blue clay wrap

Blue cosmetic clay (recommended to be purchased only in pharmacies) is diluted with warm mineral still water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Clay must be taken in sufficient quantities to cover all problem areas of the body. Apply the prepared clay and wrap in cling film. Keep for about an hour. After rinsing the composition from the body with a light gel, apply a thin layer of olive oil.

The frequency of procedures is twice a week, for one month.

Recipe No. 3 Wrap with a mixture of oils

Prepare an oil mixture of equal parts olive and lavender oils. Add steeply brewed chamomile infusion (4 tablespoons of dry mixture per two cups of boiling water) and cooled to 40 degrees. Apply the resulting mixture with gentle rubbing movements to all problem areas of the body. Lie down, wrapped in cling film and a sheet. Keep for an hour. Then wash off the composition from the body in the shower.

This procedure can be carried out daily for two months.

Recipe No. 4 Seaweed wrap

Special algae for cosmetic purposes, prepared in accordance with the instructions, are carefully applied to problem areas of the body. Dry seaweed is pre-placed in a container heated to 60 degrees warm water, until swelling. Lie down, wrapped in cling film and a sheet. Keep for 40-50 minutes. Afterwards, wash off the composition from the body with a mild shower gel. Also apply olive oil in a thin layer.

The frequency of procedures is once a week, for one to two months. It is more comfortable to carry out this procedure in a beauty salon.

Recipe No. 5 Wrap with onion extract

Prepare an oil mixture of equal parts olive oil and pre-prepared onion extract.
Due to its moisturizing properties and promoting collagen production, onion extract is included in many medicines.
Apply the oil mixture using rubbing movements to problem areas of the body. Lie down, wrapped in cling film and a sheet. Keep it for 40-50 minutes, maybe an hour. Afterwards, wash off the composition from the body in the shower with a soft body gel.

This procedure can be performed twice a week for three months.

Principles for choosing oil

High-quality olive oil must have four characteristics.

  • First cold pressed, Extra Virgin variety.
  • Greenish-yellow color, with a predominant green tint.
  • High price category.
  • Packaging: darkened glass bottle.

Experts consider it most useful and recommend buying extra virgin olive oil.

You need to focus on color, y good oil it is greenish-yellow in color. The more pronounced the green color, closer to color scheme raw material, the fruit of the olive tree, the higher the quality of the resulting product. This means that the oil has undergone minimal processing and has retained all the beneficial substances of the olive fruit.

Next you should look at the price of oil. A high-quality original product should cost much, at least twice as much sunflower oil. After all, it contains the cost of many years of labor invested in growing and caring for olive trees, the cost of its fruits, as well as the painstaking process of manual picking, sorting and complex cold-pressing technology.

Add to this list the cost of glassware, as well as the long transportation of the finished product from warm countries to our shelves, which requires special care.

Pay special attention to the packaging of the oil. High-quality oil, obtained with such difficulty, cannot be packaged in polyethylene or plastic containers. It will be exclusively in a darkened glass bottle so that light rays do not affect the quality of the product.

Olive oil can effectively and safely prevent scarring. This article will discuss information about whether olive oil helps with stretch marks during pregnancy, how to use this remedy and how safe it is.

The benefits of olive oil in the fight against stretch marks

Olive oil is a real storehouse of valuable vitamins and microelements for the skin:

  • vitamins A, E and D – protect and moisturize the skin, increase its elasticity and improve the regeneration process;
  • fatty acids – maintain the skin’s water balance and increase its resistance to the negative effects of harmful factors;
  • phospholipids - improve metabolic processes in epidermal cells, promote skin restoration and increase its elasticity.

All of these substances provide effective prevention of scars and streaks that can occur during pregnancy. Olive oil also contains important elements that trigger regeneration processes and promote the production of natural collagen.

The benefits of magic oil for beautiful skin difficult to overestimate.

In order to choose high-quality oil, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer and composition of the product. The oil should not contain chemical additives or preservatives. It is worth giving preference to unrefined, cold-pressed oil; it is the most beneficial.
Olive oil

The method of using olive oil against unpleasant diseases is quite simple and does not require large quantity time. Twice a day, apply oil to problem areas with light massage movements, allow the oil to absorb, then remove excess. Before the procedure, you should take a shower and thoroughly cleanse the skin with light peeling. It is better to apply the oil to slightly damp skin, creating an invisible film on the surface of the epidermis; it retains valuable moisture.

Olive oil is not only effective, but also safe means from stretch marks for expectant mother, if there is no individual intolerance to the product. It does not contain aggressive or harmful components and is hypoallergenic.

Information on how to choose olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy and how to use it correctly was discussed above. We sincerely hope that the article was useful.