A comic code of conduct for guests at an anniversary. (Not) funny rules of behavior at a corporate party. Humor about etiquette. Cool etiquette rules

Many people don’t want to celebrate their 45th birthday. Arguing this by saying that the next anniversary will be half a century, and then we will celebrate it. But this is in vain, because if you think sensibly, then there are not many anniversaries in a person’s life, only about 15, and not celebrating one of them is depriving yourself of a holiday. Do you want another argument in favor of celebrating your 45th birthday? Then here it is! We have prepared for you cool competitions for a woman’s 45th birthday, and these competitions will help you celebrate the holiday with a bang. So don’t deprive yourself and your guests of pleasure, arrange your anniversary and let everyone be happy.

Are you planning your 50th birthday? Then you need to come up with something that your hero of the day will definitely like. We propose to fulfill funny ditties for a man's 50th birthday. Interesting, meaningful and funny ditties This is a great reason to sing, dance and have a great time.

Have you often encountered the fact that when guests come to your party, they behave timidly at first, but then begin to “unwind”? This usually happens after drinking several glasses of vodka. But why wait so long, and even harm your health? After all, you can immediately cheer up your guests and “charge” them with a holiday. And they will help you with this funny rules behavior for guests at your anniversary. We came up with humorous rules in verse that can be divided into several categories: rules of behavior at the table, on the dance floor and general rules. So read them out to your guests and let them know that you don’t mind them getting a little naughty.

Invitations to an anniversary in verse (text)

An anniversary is very different from a birthday. Although it would seem that this is exactly the same holiday. But it is precisely for the anniversary that we want to prepare, as they say, in all weapons. And you should start preparing by drawing up a list of guests and inviting them. If you don’t want to buy banal invitations that your guests may have already received for another holiday, then you should come up with something new and interesting. You can, for example, make an invitation card yourself and write your own original text on it. If you decide to do so, then read our anniversary invitation texts in verse. We have prepared texts for the most different ages, from 25, 30 and 35 years, and up to 45, 50, 55, 60 and even 65 years. All the invitation texts are in verse, and they are very funny, and some are even witty. Your guests will definitely like it and they will definitely come.

You should not immediately, without “warming up,” offer to play or solve a puzzle. But it’s very opportune to offer an aperitif, exchange news, show off new acquisitions: a painting, a hand-made shelf, a flower that unexpectedly blossomed.

Each gift given should be unwrapped and accepted with joyful comments and gratitude. “This is exactly what I need! There you go, thank you!”

It is customary for the owner of the house to open the door and greet guests. The hostess and other family members (including children) also come out to greet the guests. The owner takes off the guest's coat, the guest undresses himself. After this, guests are invited to the room.
You should not force guests to change their shoes into slippers. The slippers won't go with their formal outfits. Prudent guests will bring their own replacement shoes. In any case, it is better to vacuum the carpets one more time than to change your guests’ shoes into slippers.

The hosts, when receiving guests, introduce them to each other. If the owners are not there at the right time, a close relative or friend can do this. When coming to visit, first of all they greet the hostess, then the owner of the house, and only after that the other women and men. Guests are greeted in the order in which they are seated, regardless of gender or seniority. In difficult cases, only a sense of tact can help. If it is impossible to greet everyone, the person entering only bows.

When new guests enter, men stand up and sit down again only when women and older men sit down. The host remains standing until all the guests are seated. The one entering is the first to greet those present, and the one leaving is the first to say goodbye to those remaining (this rule also applies to women). If the invitee comes to visit with his acquaintance (naturally, only by prior agreement with the hosts), he is introduced first of all to the host. In a crowded society that has already split into groups, the newcomer is introduced only to those standing nearby. Not in the rules good manners immediately sit down at the table, especially - introduce the guests at the table. It is supposed to invite guests to the table only when everyone has already met each other.

While the owner of the house introduces and seats the guests, the hostess takes care of the flowers brought and other signs of attention. If only one person receives guests, then he first introduces the guests to each other, and then takes care of housekeeping matters. It should be remembered that the host and hostess must be equally attentive to all guests. Giving special attention to one of your guests just because he is your boss is indecent. An exception can only be for the oldest person in the company, a respectable person or a newcomer who needs to be helped to get used to it.

A few rules to follow when smoking at a party:

  • when you come to visit, do not take cigarettes and a lighter out of your pocket and do not place them on the table in front of you;
  • There is usually no smoking at the table (except in company, in which everyone smokes, then this may be allowed);
  • they don’t serve a light across the table, through someone, in front of someone’s nose;
  • you cannot talk with a cigarette in your mouth;
  • You must not blow smoke in the face of your interlocutor;
  • If you need to put a burning cigarette down for a minute, place it on the edge of the ashtray, not next to it. Also, do not allow the cigarette to smoke for a long time in the ashtray.

You need to invite guests to the table 20 minutes after the appointed time, even if not all the guests have arrived. Otherwise, those who arrive on time may get the impression that they are less respected and welcome than guests who arrive late. The table must be set, and in addition to the appetizers, the first course must be served. The hostess should be the first to take a seat at the table and start eating. The hostess is also the first to rise from the table. During meals, she should not often leave the table or eat hastily.

Hosts should provide places for themselves that would provide the opportunity to leave the table without disturbing guests. The hosts can sit nearby; but preferably places at different ends of the table, opposite each other. Places of honor for guests are always “facing” the front door.

Owners must take care, especially in big company so that guests with the same interests sit next to each other if possible. It is customary to seat husband and wife, brother and sister separately, but not opposite each other.

If space allows, arrange a separate table for children and young people or seat them together at the end of the table. If children are not familiar with table manners or for any other reason, they can be seated next to their parents. In any case, children should not be the “center” of the table and should not create unnecessary noise.

If there is an honored guest in the house, then the owner and the wife of the honored guest sit first at the table, and the last are the hostess and the honored guest. The reverse is also possible. The place of honor is considered to be the first place to the right of the hostess. If guests are invited who are not familiar to the assembled society, they are seated as close as possible to the host and hostess.

Nowadays, according to the rules of good manners, you are not supposed to give:

  • strong drinks - for women;
  • flowers - for men (exceptions may be a boss, a teacher, a beloved grandfather or father, and occasions of anniversaries);
  • linen and bed linen for people who are not relatives (personal items are generally not given to strangers);
  • your photographs (if you were not asked to do so);
  • money (except for weddings or housewarmings);
  • You should not give animals if you have even the slightest doubt about the appropriateness of such a gift;
  • and, of course, you should not give something that is superfluous in your home.

Flowers are a good gift Anyway. You just need to remember a few rules:

  • It is customary to give flowers in vases and pots to close people and relatives;
  • a bouquet of flowers will almost always be a good gift, and not just an addition to it;
  • flowers are given without packaging (if packaging is not part of the bouquet design);
  • the bouquet is given with the flower heads up;
  • It is customary for us to give a bouquet of an odd number of flowers (three, five, etc.);
  • A woman gives only one flower to a man. A bouquet of roses (or carnations) would be appropriate to give for an anniversary.

Symbolism of flowers:

Roses. Red roses are, of course, a symbol of love. An exquisite bouquet that you can give to your beloved woman - several white roses and one red. By giving a woman a bouquet of yellow roses, you will emphasize her intelligence.
White callas - a wish for a happy marriage.
A bouquet of lilacs given to a girl can speak of unrequited love.

Gerberas are very beautiful decorative flowers. A bouquet of two white and one red gerberas, according to legend, brings happiness.
Gladioli are flowers that are given for celebrations. Flowers are usually chosen for this pink shades. It is also believed that at the birth of a son one should give a bouquet of red flowers.
gladioli, and at the birth of a daughter - multi-colored.
Chrysanthemum - translated from Greek as “golden flower”. In Japan, this flower is a symbol of the nation, the state emblem. Chrysanthemums, as well as hyacinths and carnations, are usually given to married women.

In any case, flowers are given to the hostess of the house, even if she is not the “hero of the occasion.” The hostess should thank her for the flowers and place them in water in the room where guests are received.

The question of whether to give money should be decided on a case-by-case basis. It is definitely customary to give money as a gift for a wedding, housewarming, newlyweds (and in general to people whose material well-being is not very secure). Of course, this should be done tactfully so as not to offend the person.

The elders always start the conversation. The younger one, who was introduced, needs to wait until they speak to him. If the beginning of the conversation is delayed, the younger one can interrupt the awkward pause by saying something tactful.

It is not customary to insist when offering food and drinks. Under no circumstances should you be forced to drink or demand “penalty” glasses for those who are late.

When seating guests, try to take into account the characteristics of their character and temperament. In any company there are entertaining storytellers. Place them among the “silent ones” who prefer to listen rather than talk.

In society it is not customary to whisper or speak loudly. You should talk in a low voice. When talking to a neighbor, half turn your head towards him. It is indecent to turn your whole body, because this will make you sit with your back to other guests.

When making a toast in honor of someone present, you should look at him (both before and after you take a sip of the glass). According to etiquette, the glass is raised and held at the level of the third button of the shirt. Never raise a glass above your shoulder, much less above your head.

There are a few things to remember simple rules so as not to find yourself in an awkward position when making a toast:

  • women are not recommended to toast to the health of men, and young ladies to the health of the elderly;
  • Don’t try to say all the toasts at the table;
  • If a man makes a toast to a woman's health, the men present may drink their glasses standing - as a sign of respect for ladies in general. However, this procedure is not accepted everywhere;
  • When making a toast, guests must pay attention to the speaker. You should not eat, rearrange dishes, or talk at this time.

In modern society, it is very important to know the rules of behavior at the table, because many business issues are resolved here, or sometimes you just want to throw a feast for the whole world, inviting relatives and friends. Therefore, it is simply impossible to ignore table etiquette today.

By the way, the word etiquette itself originated several centuries ago in France. Then, under one of the kings, his nobles and guests were given so-called labels, which contained a set of rules for behavior at the table.

Of course, different countries have their own nuances, but, in general, there are general rules of behavior at the table that every cultured person should know.

General table manners

The first thing you need to know is where to sit. If this is a family celebration, everyone has their own permanent place here. If this is a business banquet, you need to remember that the places of honor are considered to be the places to the right and left of the hostess and the owner of the house, who, by the way, should sit opposite each other. When everyone has learned their place, everyone stands and waits until the hostess sits down.

If you eat in a cafe, restaurant, or other public place, then best places men are obliged to give in to women. All dishes must naturally be clean. You need to take plates, dishes, and all utensils from below, while supporting the edge with your thumb. Under no circumstances should you touch food with your fingers!

How to serve food?

Any dish must be brought close to the plate so that nothing drips onto the tablecloth.

At a separate serving table, soup is poured, and only into deep plates.

Fish, roasts, vegetables, snacks, as well as sweet biscuits and candies should be served from the left.

As for coffee and tea, these drinks should be poured from the right. The guest has the opportunity to add the required amount of sugar and cream to his own taste.

After guests have eaten, according to etiquette, dishes that have already been used are removed to the right of the person sitting with their right hand.

Table etiquette

Table manners apply not only to the hostess and host who are organizing the event, but also to the guests.

Only after the dishes have already begun to be served can the guest remove the napkin from the plate and put it on his lap without tucking it into his collar.

You need to sit at the table on the entire seat, leaning slightly forward.

When talking with a neighbor, you don’t need to turn your whole body, just turn your head.

Don't stretch your legs under the table. The elbows are also not kept on the table; they are pressed against the body.

If during a meal you come across a bone, a pebble, or cartilage, place it on a spoon or fork with your lips, and then place it on the edge of the plate.

After you have eaten, wipe your mouth and, if necessary, your hands with a napkin. After which it should be placed to the left of your plate.

After finishing the meal, place the knife and fork with their bulge down, parallel to each other, on the plate. At the same time, their hands should “look” to the right.

Rules of behavior at the festive table

Rules of conduct for festive table are no different from the general rules, except that here the hostess can show her imagination - decorate the table in an original way. Lay out a snow-white or any other interesting tablecloth, decorate the table with napkin figures, and somehow decorate the house itself in a non-trivial way.

There are some sets of rules of behavior at the table that arose in previous centuries, reading which now it is impossible not to laugh. The comic rules of behavior at the table, in fact, have underlying reasons - hygiene, expediency and much more. It’s just that today we are so accustomed to modern etiquette that past attempts to enshrine all this in laws seem funny to us.

Humor about etiquette. Cool rules of etiquette.

No matter what foreigners imagine, a spoon in a glass doesn’t bother me at all...

The boy asks:
- Dad, what is ethics?
- I'll give you an example. You know that I, together with Rabinovich, have a shop. And so Rabinovich leaves for the city to buy goods, and I am left alone in the shop. A lady comes in, asks for some small change, takes out a purse, takes out a hundred rubles, then small money, pays, takes everything, but forgets the hundred rubles on the counter and leaves. And here the question of ethics begins: should I share with Rabinovich?

What is etiquette?
- This is when you say: “Thank you, no need,” when you want to shout: “Give it here!”

It's better to pretend than to do nothing.

- Vasya! Doesn't it bother you that you're left-handed?
- No. Every person has their own shortcomings. For example, with what hand do you stir the tea?
- Right.
- You see! A normal people stir with a spoon!

About the rules of behavior.
If you are sitting at a table as a guest, you should not cut out words like “SGPTU-30”, “DMB-94” or “Tolyan from Alapaevsk” on the tabletop. It’s best to cut out the words “Thank you!”, “High!”, “We’re stuck!” The owner will be very pleased.

Before you enter, think: are you needed here?

Thank you, aunt,” the little boy thanks the guest.
“You’re welcome, my dear,” she smiles.
“I think so too, but mom insists.”

Allow me.
- Let me not let you!
- I won’t let you not let me.

Grandma, would you like to sit in my place?
- Thank you, grandson, why don’t you sit down!
“Then don’t leave: I’ll get off in three stops.”

Recipe “Beef in English”: “If you are visiting, take a large piece of beef and leave without saying goodbye...”

Dining etiquette was probably invented by people who did not know the feeling of hunger.

Remember girls! According to etiquette, the fork should be to the left of the plate, and not in the soft tissues of the boy who offended you!

Etiquette is the ability to yawn with your mouth closed.

If a person does not know how to behave, can he then drive a car?

From the rules of good manners.

It is indecent to keep your hands in your trouser pockets in front of strangers... Especially if you are a woman and the trousers are men's...

Etiquette was invented by people who did not know hunger.

Rules of cat etiquette:

- If you feel sick, quickly climb into a chair. If you don’t make it on time, then go to the Persian carpet. Then bury it well!

— Quickly determine which of the guests hates cats. Sit on his lap all evening. He won't dare drive you away and will even call you a "sweet pussy." If you can make yourself smell like cat food, so much the better.

— Always escort guests to the restroom. You don't have to do anything. Just sit and stare at the guest.

- If one of the owners is busy and the other is not, sit with the one who is busy. If the owner is reading a book and cannot lie across the book itself, then get under his chin.

- If the hostess is knitting, quietly curl up in her lap and pretend to be asleep. Then extend your paw and sharply hit the spokes. She calls this a “loose loop.” She will try to distract you. Don't pay any attention to it.

— If the owner is busy doing homework, sit down on his papers. After you are removed from them for the second time, wipe off everything that can be brushed off the table: pens, pencils, stamps - not all at once, but one at a time.

- Get plenty of sleep during the day so that you are in shape for night games between 2 and 4 am.

About the rules of behavior.
Phrases like: “Now I’ll show you our family album!” or “Look how our son is studying!” — significantly save food and drink.

When a man kisses a lady's hand, according to the rules of etiquette, he must bow to her hand. Modern “gentlemen” pull the lady’s hand to their mouth, they are afraid to bend over and show their bald head.

Etiquette is when you think: “Damn you!”, but say: “Hello.”

If you think you've reached the heights of etiquette, try eating a glass of sunflower seeds with a knife and fork.

Yes. Thank you, and you too. Thank you, and the same to you. Thank you, and you too.

- What prevents you from being yourself?
— Rules of etiquette and the criminal code.

When you quit, behave as if you were a cultured person.


— "List of George W. Bush's virtues."
- "Osama bin Laden's phone book."
- Mike Tyson's Rules of Etiquette.
— “French hospitality.”
— “Etiquette for Englishmen leaving guests.”
— “Jokes about blondes, told by them.”
- “Everything women know about men.”
- “Everything men know about women.”
- “How to spell the name Bob correctly.”
- “Words that have never been used to call Bill Gates.”
- “Honest Lawyers.”
- “Prosecutors who have never been to a bathhouse.”
— “What I wouldn’t say for money” by Sergei Dorenko.
— “Headdresses of Yuri Luzhkov.”
— “Human rights in China.”
— “Places where terrorists should be killed” by V.V. Putin.
- "Arab flying schools."
- “Things that a Russian could not name one of the three main
swear words."

Morality without conscience is just etiquette.

From etiquette - only the label!
There was no etiquette here...
There is no cure for rudeness,
There is only one remedy - turn off the Internet

Before you point your finger at the shortcomings of others, pay attention to how much dirt you have under your nails.

By strictly observing the rules of etiquette when visiting, you will leave angry, sober and hungry.

According to etiquette, in which hand should you hold a knife in order to force the waiter to bring your order faster?

Friends! Everyone should respect culture!
You can't throw cigarette butts through the window!
Suddenly you will find yourself among kind, lovely citizens,
What are they peeing under your windows?!

There are two peaceful forms of violence: law and decency.

After all, people are paradoxical creatures. If you shout loudly “A-a-a-a!” in the library, people will only look at you in confusion. And if you do the same on the plane, they will join.

Who is a gentleman?
- This is the one who, in a dark room, steps on a cat and calls it a cat.

Rules of conduct on minibuses

Do you know how grandmothers are offended when they give up their seat? They begin to feel weak and helpless. Sit by the window, close your eyes, it’s harder to give up your seat, support the elderly!

You need to sit with your legs as far apart as possible, this improves blood circulation, promotes ventilation and emphasizes the piquant lines of your body. And remember, men, the wider your legs, the more courageous you are!

If they call you, be sure to pick up the phone. You need to speak as loudly as possible, because either the interlocutor cannot hear you well over the noise of the minibus, or those sitting next to you may not understand what you are talking about, and they will be embarrassed to ask again, they may burn out of curiosity, you need to respect people.
ADDENDUM: If you know at least some obscene vocabulary, use it, broaden the horizons of those around you.

If you see an acquaintance at the other end of the minibus, quickly draw attention to yourself (by shouting, whistling, dancing), God forbid the person thinks that you are uncultured or have a bad attitude towards him! You also need to inquire about his affairs, ask why he didn’t call so much (shout louder so that the interlocutor can hear you, and you won’t let others get bored, they’ll listen to an interesting story)

Don't be greedy, let others listen to your wonderful music, not everyone has the money for a player! Move your headphones away from your ears to let others enjoy your amazing taste in music.

Throw candy wrappers, seed husks, empty cigarette packs on the floor! Don't deprive the cleaning lady of her job!

Are you an athlete? Don’t change clothes after training, get on the minibus like that, motivate people, let everyone see how hard you work out! And yes, don’t use deodorant, it leaves stains on your clothes. (If you have overweight, especially show that you are still fighting with him)

Now that you are familiar with the basic rules, I wish you pleasant travel companions!

Yes... In my time, girls knew how to blush, says the father of his daughter.
- I imagine what you told them...

Men! Be gentlemen! Never interrupt a woman when she is... silent.

One of the oldest rules of etiquette comes from swearing. The English King George V once slammed his fist on the dinner table in anger, after which he burst into violent abuse. When he calmed down, he issued a decree according to which forks should lie on the table with the tines down.

- Honey, happy birthday. I give you a subscription to etiquette courses.
- Ah * amazing!

Sorry for what I say when you interrupt...

A man sitting on a tram in the presence of women becomes an empty place in their eyes.

Everything here is like a parade. A napkin here, a tie here. Yes, “sorry”, yes, “please-mercy.” But so that for real - this is not the case. You are torturing yourself, just like during the tsarist regime.
Polygraph Polygraphych Sharikov

Should a gentleman:

wish a lady good night if the lady doesn’t say good night?

ask a lady for her hand if his legs won’t support him?

When leaving a restaurant, should you wear gloves if you leave on all fours?

kiss a lady's hands if there is no napkin at the table?

raise a glass to a lady if the lady can no longer raise a glass herself?

take a lady's coat off if he likes the coat?

help a lady get off the bus if the lady wants to get on?

Should a gentleman shower a lady with flowers if the flowers are in pots?

Should a lady ask a gentleman to get up from his knees if she is tired of holding him?

Should a gentleman date a lady under a clock if the clock hangs above his sofa?

In which hand should a gentleman hold a fork? right hand gentleman holding a cutlet?

Should a gentleman pay for a lady on the bus if she paid for him in a restaurant?

Should a gentleman, if he should?

Should a gentleman give his wife tights if she found them in his pocket?

Should a gentleman give way to a lady if he is in bed with another gentleman?

Should a gentleman shout, “Bitter! ”, if he is not sitting at a wedding, but in a public dining room?

A true gentleman will always let a lady pass first to see what she looks like from behind.

- Girls, help! The director of our base invited me to a corporate event. Who can tell me whether it’s etiquette to eat stew from a can with a fork or spoon?

Don't pick your nose: there won't be any children!
- Yes, I’m shallow.

One British lady said that when uninvited guests she always puts on shoes, a hat and takes an umbrella. If a person is pleasant to her, she will exclaim: “Oh, how lucky, I just came!” If it’s unpleasant: “Oh, what a pity, I have to leave.”

Let's go from you to you.
Otherwise I’ll hit YOU in the face -
It's against etiquette.

According to the rules of etiquette, the knife must be held in the right hand, the fork in the left, and the husband in both.

For a long time as a child, I was taught to eat with the right cutlery... But for some reason they didn’t warn me that it was possible
there will be something and nothing...

Comic rules of behavior at an anniversary. Rules for guests

Have you often encountered the fact that guests, coming to your party, behave timidly at first, but then begin to “unwind”? This usually happens after drinking several glasses of vodka. But why wait so long, and even harm your health? After all, you can immediately cheer up your guests and “charge” them with a holiday. And humorous rules of behavior for guests at your anniversary will help you with this. We came up with humorous rules in verse that can be divided into several categories: rules of behavior at the table, on the dance floor and general rules. So read them out to your guests and let them know that you don’t mind them getting a little naughty.

Dear guests!
You came to visit me!
But don't be afraid of me,
Everything is simple for me, as always.
You just follow the rules
And don't get any comments.
Where are the rules? Here they are
And you better write them down!
First of all, my food is delicious,
Therefore, you need to eat everything to the end!
Secondly, the drinks aren’t bad either,
So drink them up, my dears!
Well, the third rule, the main thing,
So that everyone has a good time at the holiday,
No need to sit and be bored
You need to sing, dance and play!
Become more active
And have a great time!

I want to tell you, my friends,
It’s not in vain that you came to me!
I have great drinks and delicious food,
So help yourself, my friends!
In the meantime, I'll tell you the rules,
And maybe I will surprise some people with this.
And the rules are simple, remember them,
So that there are no hard feelings afterwards.
If you pick up a sandwich,
Then we immediately put it in our mouth!
If you put salad on your plate,
Needless to say, it was postponed until later!
You've poured a glass - drink it to the bottom!
Even if it's a glass of wine!
In general, you probably understood
That my rules are simple!
You just have to drink, eat and have fun,
And enjoy the holiday to the fullest!

I am the mistress of the house, you are my guests.
Thank you very much for coming to see me!
But so that we don't get bored,
This is what I will tell you all.
Don't sit at the table for a long time,
We ate a little and hit the dance floor - dance!
Tired of dancing? Let's Play!
And receive gifts for winning the game.
In general, do you understand me?
So that we don't get bored, friends,
Let's have fun together
And as young people say – “let’s hang out”!


Sketch of congratulations on the holiday “Guest Code”


When there is no agreement among comrades,
They will not make a friendly company:
They will come and drink indifferently
And they silently eat lunch!
In such company there is no music, no songs,
No one is interested in each other in her,
The crystal ringing does not ring under the wise guests.
And this is called a holiday?!

But this, friends, will never affect us! With our quiet, small company, We gathered again to rest our souls! The host invites the guests to help him announce the “Guest Code” - the rules of behavior at the holiday. Those interested are selected, and the presenter distributes the text of the “Guest Code” to them. Everyone reads one rule, the guests unanimously answer in rhyme “We promise!” or, conversely, “No way!”

The answers do not always rhyme in meaning - the host warns the guests to be careful and not get caught.

1. We are smart, cheerful,
The house is full of tables!
Shall we have a nice walk?
Guests: - We promise!

2. We were invited to a holiday,
And we forgot to undress.
Shall we sit at the table in a coat?
Guests: - No way!

3. Our glasses, our dishes,
Like other dishes,
Don't forget to fill it.
Guests: - We promise!

4. We will interrupt everyone,
Argue, quarrel, shout,
As if we know everything in the world?
Guests: - No way!

5. We will sing and dance,
Smile, flirt,
Clapping together one hundred grams!
Guests: - We promise!

6. Let's dump the soup on the dress,
Let's lie face down in the salad
And let's drop the cup of tea.
Guests: - No way!

7. Jokes away, smiles too,
It's no good to have fun here!
Whoever laughs is kicked out?
Guests: - No way!

8. We don’t sit sullenly in the corner,
Away from games and noise,
Are we going full blast?
Guests: - We promise!

9. Let's enjoy the gossip
And to find fault with the hostess:
Everything is tasteless, everything is wrong.
Guests: - No way!

10. The toastmaster tried for us,
And by the end I was hungry!
Are we treating the toastmaster?
Guests: - We promise!

Leading: Great! Then the holiday can begin!

Jubilee Scenario

Scenario #000140

Oh, you are guests, gentlemen.
Why did you come here?
Or is life bad at home?
But the clothes are simply wonderful.
And the answer is quite simple,
Our Elena is young
And among your friends
I decided to celebrate my anniversary.
But, dear guests, before we begin our celebration,
Let's find out why you came here:

Green ball - come to get drunk,
Red ball - have fun,
Yellow ball - eat something tasty,
Blue ball - there was nowhere else to go.
And yet we came to the celebration - Anniversary
Elena Nikolaevna.
Dear guests, let's welcome our
hero of the day so that she feels
the warmth of our hearts.

Dear Elena Nikolaevna
Your anniversary is just a little bit,
But the years were not lived in vain.
It's been a long road,
Great things have been done.
May life always be like this.
So that the years go by and you don’t count them,
Never grew old at heart
And they would never sigh bitterly
There is no escaping anniversaries.
They will overtake everyone like birds.
But the main thing is to carry it through the years
Warmth of the soul, a bit of cordiality.
Today is your anniversary.
We sincerely congratulate you!
And we wish the most important thing in life:
Health, happiness, joy.
And up to a hundred years without growing old!
We raise our glasses.
Dear friends, our dear family, of course we know each other, but let’s still get to know each other better.
What's your name
1. You will play the role of the ringleader at the anniversary - you will use your mood to win over all the guests and have fun yourself.
2.You will sit at the table until the vodka runs out.
3. At the anniversary, you play the role of director - you will be the most important, and the guests must obey you.
4. Your neighbor across the street will confess his love to you all evening.
5. You play the role, praisers will go out into the street and tell everyone how beautiful our hero of the day is.
6.You will give your last 100 rubles to the guest sitting on the right (left)
7.You - ambulance If someone becomes unwell, you must provide medical assistance
8. Your neighbor will carry you home (left), (right)
9.You will walk home on your own feet.
10.You are the one who makes the most toasts.
11.You will stay overnight here.
12.You sing the most.
13.You will dance the most.
14.Candy wrappers, fish and meat bones
15. Don’t put it on the table, put everything in your neighbor’s pocket.

Song Remake "Cheburashka"
Let our years fly by.
We are not afraid of adversity
We keep our tails up anyway
We're all good together
We love dancing and singing
We all like this kind of vacation.
We play the harmonica
In plain sight of those sitting
Celebrating Birthday
Only once a year.

To hell with stones and kidneys.
And sleepless nights
Diathesis, diabetes and gastritis.
Let's not bury ourselves in holes
Let's break all the barriers
We will defeat chondrosis and nephritis

We love to eat delicious food
Listen to jokes
We are ready for the furthest journey.
Don't care about pain
Let's crawl on all fours
If you need to go for a walk somewhere.

Well, in the meantime, have a snack and a drink,
Of course, among you there are those
who adhere to the principle
“There is not a big gap between the first and second”
I would like to inform you about table manners
1. Everyone have fun today, otherwise we won’t let you get hungover.
2. Sliding under the table, politely say goodbye to the guests.
3. Today no one claims such nonsense as:
“It’s time for me to go home,” “Don’t drink,” “Don’t yell.”
4. Don’t spit under the table, there may be guests there too.
5. Don’t even think about saying that you can’t drink too much,
The meaning of life for everyone present will come down to getting you drunk.
6. When the toast is made, you need to drink so that you can see the ceiling through the bottom of the glass.
7. If you don’t rely on yourself, put a note with your home address in your pocket.
8. Do not gather under the table for more than three, and follow the traffic rules.
9. Everyone must drink the first three glasses, the rest will go without a special invitation.
10. If you can't dance standing, dance while sitting.
11. Remember, drink to the bottom, but don’t lie down.
12. Everyone can drink, you just need to know when to stop.

And now there's a dance break.

Now, while everyone was having fun, the postman Pechkin came.
As you can guess, probably to the address of the hero of the day
Telegrams arrived, and even a parcel post.
He himself refused to come in, because he was afraid that the bicycle would be stolen, and he entrusted me with reading out the telegrams:

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IN modern world not knowing the rules of etiquette means going against society, exposing yourself as not the best in the best possible way. I present to you a selection of current rules that every person who respects himself and others should know.

1. Never come to visit without calling. If you are visited without warning, you can afford to wear a robe and curlers. One British lady said that when uninvited guests appear, she always puts on shoes, a hat and takes an umbrella. If she likes the person, she will exclaim: “Oh, how lucky, I just came!” If it’s unpleasant: “Oh, what a pity, I have to leave.”
2. The umbrella is never dried open - neither in the office nor at a party.
It needs to be folded and placed on a special stand or hung.
3. The bag should not be placed on your lap or on your chair.
A small elegant clutch bag can be placed on the table, a large bag can be hung on the back of a chair or placed on the floor if there is no special chair (these are often offered in restaurants). The briefcase is placed on the floor.
4. Cellophane bags are only acceptable when returning from the supermarket, as are paper branded bags from boutiques.
Carrying them with you later as a bag is redneck.
5. A man never carries a woman's bag.
AND women's coat he takes it only to carry it to the locker room.

6. Home clothes are trousers and a sweater, comfortable but decent looking. The robe and pajamas are designed to go to the bathroom in the morning, and from the bathroom to the bedroom in the evening.
7. From the moment the child settles in a separate room, learn to knock when entering his room. Then he will do the same before entering your bedroom.
8. A woman may wear her hat and gloves indoors, but not her cap and mittens.
9. According to the international protocol, the total number of jewelry should not exceed 13 items, and this includes jewelry buttons.
A ring is not worn over gloves, but a bracelet is allowed. The darker it is outside, the more expensive the jewelry. Diamonds used to be considered an evening adornment for married ladies, but recently it has become permissible to wear diamonds during the day. On a young girl, stud earrings with a diamond of about 0.25 carats are quite appropriate.
10. Rules for paying for an order in a restaurant: if you say the phrase “I invite you,” this means you pay.
If a woman invites a business partner to a restaurant, she pays. Another formulation - “Let's go to a restaurant” - assumes that everyone pays for themselves, and only if the man himself offers to pay for the woman, can she agree.
11. A man always enters the elevator first, but the one closest to the door exits first.
12. In a car, the most prestigious seat is considered to be behind the driver, a woman occupies it, a man sits next to her, and when he gets out of the car, he holds the door and gives the lady his hand. If a man is driving, it is also preferable for a woman to take a seat behind him. However, no matter where the woman sits, the man must open the door for her and help her out. IN business etiquette Recently, men are increasingly violating this norm, using the feminist motto “There are no women and men in business.”

13. Talking publicly about the fact that you are on a diet is bad form.
Moreover, under this pretext one cannot refuse dishes offered by a hospitable hostess. Be sure to praise her culinary talents, while you don't have to eat anything. The same should be done with alcohol. Don't tell everyone why you can't drink. Ask for dry white wine and sip lightly.
14. Taboo topics for small talk: politics, religion, health, money. Inappropriate question: “God, what a dress! How much did you pay? How to react? Smile sweetly: “It’s a gift!” Change the conversation to another topic. If the other person insists, say softly: “I wouldn’t like to talk about it.”
15. Every person over 12 years of age must be addressed as “you.” It’s disgusting to hear people say “you” to waiters or drivers. Even to those people with whom you know well, it is better to address them as “you” in the office, but only as “you” in private. The exception is if you are peers or close friends. How to react if your interlocutor persistently “pokes” you? First, ask again: “Excuse me, are you addressing me?” Otherwise, a neutral shrug of the shoulders: “Sorry, but we didn’t switch to ‘you’.”
16. Discussing those who are absent, that is, simply gossiping, is unacceptable. It is impermissible to speak badly about loved ones, in particular to discuss husbands, as is customary in our country. If your husband is bad, why don’t you divorce him? And in the same way it is impermissible to speak about one’s native country with contempt and a grimace. “In this country, everyone is a redneck...” - in this case, you also belong to this category of people.
17. In the cinema, theater, concert hall, you should only go to your seats facing those sitting. The man goes first.
18. Nine things should be kept secret: age, wealth, a gap in the house, prayer, the composition of a medicine, a love affair, a gift, honor and dishonor

In anticipation of the corporate evening, employees are rubbing their hands: finally they can relax at work! It is not known for certain how many people then went in search of new job. But companies have long lived stories about corporate events. If you are underpaid and your boss is an idiot, then break the rules of behavior at a corporate party and in the near future you will be able to leave this worthless job.

So, you don’t need to think about, remember: what rules of behavior at a corporate party need to be violated in order to speed up the dismissal process.

Seat at the table

HR managers believe that one of the common mistakes employees make is choosing a seat at the table. It happens that someone was late at work and was late for the start of a corporate evening. I looked around the room: all the seats next to colleagues in the department or smoking room were occupied, and suddenly: oh, a miracle! There are free seats at the VIP table. And if one of the leaders smiled friendly, then without a shadow of a doubt you can accept this as an invitation to the table.

It’s okay that you’ll sit there all evening as if “out of your element,” but you can be sure: your manager will remember you well.

Table manners

The most common mistake, according to those same boring HR managers, is the desire to relax, which is accompanied by alcohol abuse. Mascara under the eyes, smeared lipstick, barefoot dancing (the first stage of undressing), unbridled fun, casual sex, tears, scandals, fights... One could continue the list of “miracles” and include real examples, but this article is not for lovers of juicy details. It is for those who are looking for a reason to quit with a scandal and not regret what happened at the corporate party. Therefore, feel free to break the rules of behavior at a corporate party and don’t be painfully ashamed:

Do you agree that it’s not so difficult to break the rules of conduct at a corporate party and do it for your own pleasure?!

Well, if you still want to work in your company, don’t relax ahead of time and understand that a corporate party is a continuation of work only in an informal setting. A corporate evening is aimed at establishing friendly, constructive relationships between colleagues by creating favorable conditions: food, drinks, entertainment.

At first, it may seem that all participants in a corporate party are equal to each other. Bosses and subordinates, young specialists and mentors. But this is only an appearance. Don't be fooled if your organization's leaders demonstrate a democratic attitude toward their subordinates. It is democratic as long as the subordinate follows the rules of behavior at a corporate event and keeps the required distance, that is, he respects the chain of command. In addition, know that there will always be “well-wishers” who will be happy to notice your mistake.

Follow the golden rule in everything: It’s better not “before” than “before”!

Comic rules of behavior at a corporate event