Meeting my daughter from the maternity hospital. How to beautifully greet your wife from the maternity hospital: original ideas. How else to please your beloved wife

What can be compared in importance to the discharge of mother and baby from the maternity hospital? Yes, practically nothing!

On your wedding day, you share attention with the groom, while buying a car or apartment you enjoy material values, but the holiday on discharge from the maternity hospital means special emotions, special photos and completely different feelings!

Today we will tell you how to organize discharge from the maternity hospital so that the baby’s mother is delighted! Of course, it’s worth slipping this publication to future dads and godparents, grandparents and aunts :). Let them take charge of organizing the fun!

Organizing discharge from the maternity hospital is a complex and time-consuming process if you do it alone! But what if we divide powers and responsibilities and take on ideas for discharge from the maternity hospital point by point?

  • Organization of discharge from the maternity hospital
  • Meeting of a young mother and baby at home
  • Menu for discharge from the hospital

The first point can easily be taken care of by your friends, the second by your husband, but the third will definitely fall on the shoulders of the parents (grandparents of the baby).

Beautiful and original extract from the maternity hospital: meeting place

Of course, every couple wants their graduation ceremony to be the most stylish and beautiful! That is why I propose to move dozens of steps away from the banal posters “Thank you for your son/daughter!” and move on to more romantic and modern ideas!

For example, it would be appropriate if your wife (daughter, daughter-in-law, sister, etc.) receives her first bouquet upon waking up from the delivery room. Nothing pleases a woman’s eye like an elegant bouquet of flowers that will remind her that she is loved and appreciated! Just note that the flowers do not have to be very fragrant (like lilies, for example).

Let the unusual discharge from the maternity hospital begin from the first minute! The cheerful mime will scatter rose petals in front of the mother and lead her to where the young father, parents and family friends are already waiting!

Be sure to hire a professional photographer who can capture vivid emotions and beautiful shots! Believe me, you will have no time to photograph mother and baby, because all your emotions and energy will be spent on congratulations!

An interesting solution would be to make various attributes for the meeting - arches, paths, fireworks and other “chips”. Discharge from the maternity hospital and the “pleasures” organized with your own hands will not go unnoticed on this day!

Please note that it should be decorated in delicate colors - pink, peach, yellow, coral.

Don't forget to cook balloons and firecrackers with rose petals, but you shouldn’t buy too many flowers - let only the husband with the bouquet be the one who is most looking forward to his girls coming home :).

It will be fun to issue a discharge from the maternity hospital in the style of the birth of a Princess! Then the key element of the entire design can be a small crown, which will crown the girl’s name, flags, balls and other accessories!

Give small crowns to everyone present :). Let them feel like they are at court!

But maybe it can be more restrained :). Blue and blue tones more traditional for children of this gender.

Give preference to a holiday in the style of a little gentleman. Funny mustaches, butterflies and blue balloons - such a creative discharge from the maternity hospital will be remembered by everyone without exception!

Give all your guests a piece of candy - let them feel the sweetness and fun even before the buffet table :).

After mom comes out, congratulations and a few photos of the newborn and parents should be sent home!

Perhaps you are planning a small buffet for discharge from the maternity hospital? You will find ideas for it below!

Extract from the maternity hospital: what to think of for apartment decor

The holiday doesn't have to end with arriving home! It should just begin there! Depending on the gender of the child, place garlands and congratulations, photographs with the pregnant mother, things and other little things on the walls!

Frames with ultrasound photos and a pregnant photo shoot in the album will complement the overall atmosphere!

A good solution would be to arrange gifts in the house, decorate the crib and place children's soft toys!

If you're planning to invite guests home, don't forget to send them fun invitations!

Just for friends and family, place a book of wishes at the entrance, where they can congratulate the baby and mother. By the way, the first pages can serve as a wish book children's photo album. This way, you will forever preserve the wishes of those closest to you for your daughter or son!

Many people ask the question “How to celebrate being discharged from the maternity hospital?” The next section of our article is exactly for you!

How to arrange a discharge from the maternity hospital: a celebration of the belly

Noisy feast, alcohol and large number It’s better to leave guests until the bridesmaid or christening. Then mother and child will adapt to each other, the situation and the environment at home and will be able to fully enjoy the holiday. For now, a circle of close people is enough :). Treat people to light snacks and sandwiches, skewers and tartlets, recipes for which you can find on our website.

Give preference to desserts and tea, which will be enough for a festive meeting!

Don't forget about the little things that will brighten up your holiday!

For entertainment, you can arrange competitions when you are discharged from the hospital. For example, conduct a short quiz among the guests with questions on the topic “What is the weight of the newborn baby?”, “Length of the foot in millimeters,” etc.

Let your guests have fun by guessing children's songs and riddles, playing games or other children's activities!

We are sure that our tips on how to decorate a discharge from the maternity hospital will help your family create a unique holiday!

Read in this article:

What could be more beautiful in life than the birth of a baby? For men, the holiday begins from the first minutes after they find out that they have a child. Unlike them, a woman at this moment is overwhelmed with mixed feelings, since her body is simply not able to be in an emotionally elevated mood, because in her head the program of feeding, warming the baby and everything else is already turned on.

And only at the moment of discharge from the maternity hospital can a woman plunge into the holiday atmosphere. But what this holiday will be like, successful or not, depends only on how you are able to organize this day. To do this, the husband must first ask himself how to greet his wife from the maternity hospital so that she can feel the holiday, since simply giving flowers and balloons is very banal and predictable.

Psychology of a woman after childbirth

Satisfying a woman 100% is quite a difficult task. Sometimes even she herself doesn’t know what she needs, but she definitely wants everyone around to guess or feel her thoughts in advance.

After she carried this little man inside her for 9 months, and then gave birth to him in agony, she simply needs such strong care and support that a man cannot even imagine it.

Don’t be lazy, dear men: call, come running, find out, swaddle, warm... Forget about yourself for a while, that you are tired, didn’t get enough sleep, are hungry, and so on. Believe me, they will soon remember you too, but for now they need you more than you need someone or something.

An accomplished mother really wants to be in an atmosphere of love and care, since she has experienced too much emotional stress. Hug her as often as possible.

About 15 years ago, men stood near the walls of the maternity hospital and waved to their wife. They were not allowed to visit their beloved wife, much less hold the baby in the first minutes after his birth. Today everything is completely different. You can argue for a long time whether this is for the better or not, but one thing is clear: a woman who has just become a mother simply needs the support of her family and friends, no matter how good the medical staff surrounds her. Therefore, always be there and give your wives your warmth and love.

Holiday for women

Based on the personal components of your woman, you must guess her wishes and, based on this, implement them.

For example, your wife has long dreamed of owning a car, and you were not at all against such an idea and agreed to make this desire come true, and the reason is excellent. Of course, it will be a great gift for her if she sees the car of her dreams with the inscription “thank you for your son” or “thank you for your daughter” after she crosses the threshold of the maternity hospital.

You can also, if it is winter time, throw a coat of expensive fur over her shoulders. But what should those men do whose finances do not allow such expensive purchases? Don’t be upset, because despite this, you can give a woman a surprise that will bring no less positive emotions than those presented above. The most important thing is that the woman feels that it was done from the bottom of her heart, thinking about her, and how much it will cost is not so important.

Flowers. You can beautifully greet your wife from the maternity hospital with the help of flowers. It’s a common thing, because almost no extract can be done without it. You can do this in an original way and far from what is expected of you, by passing them from hand to hand.

Knowing that your dear wife loves daisies, buy a large bouquet yourself, ask your family and friends to buy a bouquet each, and you will have an armful of her favorite flowers. You can then take a photo of your baby wearing them.

You can make real masterpieces from flowers. These can be your favorite cartoon characters that your wife loves, and bouquets that may contain booties, pacifiers, rattles, butterflies and even jewelry.

Air and helium balloons for the holiday

It's hard to imagine a holiday without balloons. Try to make the extract as picturesque as possible. The more bright color there is, the better. After all, nothing has such an impact on good mood like bright colors.

From them you can make whatever your heart desires. It could be flowers, animals, a stroller, a toddler, or a huge heart. Helium balloons can be released into the sky. You can make any inscriptions that are meaningful to you and express your emotions, since it is very difficult for men to express feelings in words.

It has become fashionable these days to greet your baby with a name created from the same balloons.

Sweet table. And why is it so strange that it is customary to celebrate a baby’s birthday when he or she is one year old, but the main event happened quite recently? On this occasion, buy a cake or a portioned cake and treat it to passers-by who happens to be near you. After all, you will definitely want to give your overwhelming feelings to as many people as possible.

Love and doves. Everyone knows that doves are a symbol of peace. In our traditions, it is accepted that doves are most often present at marriage or wedding ceremonies. But this is not often practiced upon discharge from the maternity hospital, but in vain. After all, with the birth of a child, the situation in the family becomes not as carefree as it was before; minor quarrels may arise due to fatigue or everyday issues. Therefore, peace in your family will certainly not hurt. It will look spectacular when they fly together into the sky and leave a beautiful picture on the film frame.

Automobile. Take this issue very responsibly. After all, after giving birth, it is very difficult for most women to be in a sitting position; if the transport has limited space, this can bring a lot of discomfort to the mother, so try to think about this moment in advance. Yes, and one more thing, try to have someone else behind the wheel and not you, since you will certainly want to catch the eye of your baby, and being distracted on the road is very dangerous. Try to make the car also have a festive look (ribbons, dolls, flowers, balloons).

Show of fairy-tale characters. You can contact an agency organizing holidays, where you will be offered a choice of several options for scenarios for your family’s discharge. These can be funny pranks or shows with fairy-tale characters. It is very important not to overdo it. After all, if your wife does not feel very well, then all this will not be entirely relevant.

Flawless appearance

In addition to how to meet your wife from the maternity hospital, ask yourself one more question: what will you wear on such an important day in your life?

Most likely, there will be video shooting, so you must look impeccable.

It was not uncommon for men to come to pick up their wives in sweatpants and camouflage pants. Eliminate this practice in your case, show off the solemnity of this ceremony with your appearance.

Don't forget to shave, because if you kiss this baby, your stubble may damage his delicate skin.

It may be advisable to invite your wife to invite the hairdresser to her room. Very often accomplished mothers are reluctant to remember this day precisely because they appearance left much to be desired. Of course, there is no mirror, hair dryer, comb, or hair products that she is used to, so such a surprise will definitely put her in a good mood, because she will come out beautiful and happy.

And don’t forget to ask what things your spouse should bring to the discharge.

You can be original, do crazy things, such as ordering a crane, going up to the floor to see your family, giving your wife flowers, or reading her favorite poems. Try to surprise, you can put helium balloons in the car interior, which will fly out of it when the door is opened, creating the effect of surprise.

A beautiful meeting near the maternity hospital is good, but if you arrive home with your family and the apartment is not cleaned, then your significant other’s mood may deteriorate sharply.

It would be good for you to prepare your apartment at home, and especially the children’s room, for the arrival of your long-awaited baby.

  1. Clean the entire apartment very thoroughly. Wash the floors, get into the most inaccessible places. Try not to use any household chemicals. It is advisable to use only baby or laundry soap.
  2. In those days while your wife is in the maternity hospital, try to buy everything the baby needs: a bath, powder, a stroller, and so on.
  3. Prepare a separate chest of drawers for children's things. Think about zoning in the room, what, where and how everything will be located.
  4. Decorate the room to keep the holiday mood in your home for as long as possible.
  5. Prepare bottles, pacifiers, and grass for bathing.
  6. Let the ironed undershirts, diapers, nappies, and so on be ready.
  7. Prepare something for tea to treat your family. Try not to let the tea ceremony last for a long time.

It is advisable that you participate in this entire process not alone, but together with your grandmothers or someone else who was happy to help you. But there are times when only dads do all this.

Make sure that the medical staff also need to be thanked. To do this, purchase a box of chocolates and flowers in the quantity that your spouse dictates to you. Be as organized, attentive, and restrained as possible. Calculate your every step. Do not be offended by your spouse if she lashes out at you somewhere or shouts at you, as she has suffered a very strong nervous strain.

No matter how you approach this issue, with a song or a dance, with an expensive gift or without it, the main thing is that you do it from the heart, taking into account the condition of your wife and beloved baby. Take this miracle in your arms, kiss it, press it to your heart, say thank you to your wife, and the three of you will feel a huge flow of positive emotions. This is happiness!

“I came, took the envelope, gave flowers and sweets... and that’s it!” - this is often how we remember our discharge from the maternity hospital. But I want a surprise, attention. We know, girls, that this is nonsense, but... so pleasant. This is very important for us! Woman’s offers 7 original ideas on how to organize this delightful and touching moment. Before going to the maternity hospital, slip our article to your husband.

The long-awaited miracle must be met magically!

Call your friends for help

Words of gratitude are printed on album sheets. We invite family friends who are waiting for mother and baby on the street in front of the maternity hospital. This is a surprise that will definitely touch a woman's heart. You quietly turn on your wife’s favorite music, and your friends gradually and one by one raise sheets of words above them. An example version of the installation: “Beloved!”, “Tender”, “The best in the world”, “My girl”, “Wife”, “Mom!”, “I’m happy!”, “Thank you!”, “For you exist!”, “For these 9 months”, “For my daughter and son!”, “Thank you that I am now a DAD!”, “I will love you!”.

Dance flash mob in front of the maternity hospital

The father, while waiting for discharge, with the help of friends or relatives, prepares a dance with bouquets of flowers (balloons, hearts, packs of diapers - whatever your imagination allows). Learn 3-4 movements the day before and try to dance synchronously for two minutes to your favorite music. participate. When the dance ends, everyone turns around, lining up in a row, and on the backs of the flash mob participants are attached sheets with the words: “Darling! Thank you for your love and son!” or any other words you come up with. And even if the movements are not very coordinated, and the inscription on the back is clumsy, the main thing is that you will try for your beloved!

New Year

Mother is greeted, regardless of the time of year... Father Frost and Snow Maiden! Yes, don’t let this bother you, because from the date when your baby comes home you really have New Year- completely different from all the previous ones. And don’t limit your imagination, bring an artificial Christmas tree with family photos, bottles, onesies and pacifiers to the discharge. And at the end - an impromptu round dance around mother and baby and, of course, gifts.

Dad makes his own diaper cake

What a surprise!

Of course, such a gift can be ordered, which is often done by girlfriends of a young mother. But what surprise awaits your wife if such original gift you will do it yourself, adding a little of your own, personal, family, some words that only you two know. So, find a million pages on the Internet on this topic, videos and detailed photos. And while your wife is in the maternity hospital, do it. Be sure to include your father's promises in the baby's socks, which are usually used to decorate a diaper cake. Sample text: “I will take care of you”, “I will wash diapers”, “Get up at night”, “Give you flowers”, “Walk with my son (daughter)”, “Take you to the sea”, “And most importantly “Love you every second.”

Saxophone, violin, guitar and declaration of love with sliders

Don't forget to put a recognition ring in your sliders.

Ordering a string quartet or saxophone for discharge is not that expensive (from 1000 to 3000 rubles). You choose your wife’s favorite melody and make a very unusual declaration of love to it. To do this, you will need two people to help you. What are we doing? Music is playing, you open the doors of your car, one person comes out, and behind him is a clothesline on which hang photographs of your first meeting, a wedding waltz, a kiss, your wife is expecting a baby - what larger size If there are photos, the better. And the last person to get out of the car is the second person in this chain and the final element is the sliders in which you will put a ring in honor of the birth of the child. The music stops, and you take out a surprise and declare your love with tender words.

House made of boxes and pigeons in the sky

Your friends will always come to the rescue!

Buy small ones in advance cardboard boxes at an office supply store or ask in the household chemicals department. You need from 9 to 15 pieces. If they look unpresentable, cover them with white paper; it will be cheaper that way. But, if you don’t have time, just buy ready-made beautiful boxes in interior design stores, and then use them at home to store things. On one side of the box, tape or pin a piece of paper with the words: love, understanding, joy, fidelity, happiness, concessions, etc. Make the top cardboard box in the form of a triangle-roof, signing it: “Baby’s happiness”, “Our son-daughter”. In front of the maternity hospital, to the music, in front of your surprised mother, you build a house from these boxes. The last element is the triangular roof, where you hide the pigeons in advance. And as soon as you put the roof on the house, open the cap and let the pigeons fly into the sky. Your beloved will never forget such a miracle!

Balloons and stork in the sky

If you didn’t have time or weren’t able to prepare and make the previous six options, then run to the company where they inflate balloons and order 50, or better yet 100, helium-inflated balloons. Drive a minibus to the maternity hospital, open the doors and, in front of your amazed wife, release it all into the sky. The last one to fly into the sky is the figure of a stork made of white balls. And then you just say words of gratitude to her.

Meeting a newborn from the maternity hospital

Have you become a dad and are looking forward to your wife and baby returning from the hospital? Don't forget to carefully prepare for their arrival: tidy up the children's room, prepare baby clothes and take care of proper nutrition young mother.

So, the wife gave birth safely and is in the maternity hospital with the baby. You only have 3-4 days left to prepare for their arrival. Of course, you really want to indulge in the temptation to celebrate the birth of your baby with all your friends and colleagues. But – time does not wait! You still have a lot of urgent matters.

What to do at home

Clean the room where the baby will be:

  • wash windows and curtains;
  • wipe cabinets and shelves;
  • wash the floors and vacuum the carpets (it’s better to take the carpets out altogether - these are dust accumulators);
  • put things that collect dust in another room - old ones soft toys, old books, etc.

The nursery should not have a lot of upholstered furniture and carpets (it is better if there is no carpet at all), a TV, or a computer, as they create around them an increased concentration of dust that is harmful to the child.

Assemble the crib(and if it doesn’t exist yet, then buy it first), hang bumpers on the sides, equip the crib with a canopy (if there is one).
Bed linen for baby need to be washed with special baby powder in washing machine and iron it with an iron.
Hang in a child's room night light so that it is convenient for the mother to get up at night to see the baby.
Clean the bath with a special baby-safe cleaner or baking soda (if you don't have a baby bathtub and plan to use a larger bathtub for your baby's bath).

On those days when you are left without a wife, do not be afraid to turn to family and friends for help. Your mother or mother-in-law will be happy to help you tidy up the apartment for the baby’s arrival, and choose and buy the things your child needs in the store.
If grandmothers are absent for some reason, ask one of your wife’s friends to help you (preferably those who already have children). As a last resort, contact a company that provides apartment cleaning services and order a crib online.

Visiting my wife

Don't get too carried away with household chores. Your other half craves attention, even if communication is limited to contemplating each other through the maternity hospital window and blowing kisses. Therefore, visit your wife at least several times, and at the same time pamper her with all sorts of goodies. True, the list of what can be brought to women who have given birth is quite meager. You won't run away here! But the baby will not be allergic to what the mother, who is now feeding him, ate.

What can you bring to your wife after giving birth?

  • Apples and pears.
  • Kefir, curdled milk, yogurt, cottage cheese without fruit fillings.
  • Boiled beef or chicken.
  • Dry cookies, biscuits.
  • Sausage, smoked products.
  • Salted and pickled foods.
  • Mushrooms, seafood, caviar.
  • Cakes, pastries, chocolate.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Citrus fruits (they can cause allergies in the baby).

Grapes, melons, watermelons, cucumbers - consumption of these foods by a nursing mother can lead to increased gas formation in the child.

Filling the refrigerator

If you think that your wife will leave the maternity hospital and immediately run for groceries to feed you, your beloved, then you are deeply mistaken. Of course, she can do this, but then who will the newborn be left with? Therefore, it is better to take care of filling the refrigerator yourself in the first days. You can buy yourself anything you want, but your wife (if she is breastfeeding) will have to limit herself in some way.
Therefore, it is advisable to wait for your wife at home:

  • fresh or frozen beef or turkey;
  • fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt) - preferably without fruit fillers;
  • butter and vegetable oils;
  • apples and pears;
  • potatoes, zucchini, zucchini, cauliflower;
  • greens (parsley, dill);
  • cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • baby juices or juices recommended for pregnant and lactating women;
  • bread, dry biscuits.

And if you can also prepare turkey broth or vegetable soup and buckwheat with meat for the main course before your wife arrives, then the other half will be simply happy! (If you don’t know how to cook, ask your mother, mother-in-law, or your wife’s friend for help.) You shouldn’t order sushi or other delicacies from a restaurant for your wife - she now needs to be careful about her health and home cooking would be preferable.

Necessary purchases

Some women prefer to buy everything they need for the baby in advance in order to be fully prepared for the birth of the baby. This is the most best option for dad - all he can do is clean the apartment and wait for his wife to arrive with a new household member. But there are women who are afraid to buy things for a child before his birth out of superstition. It also happens that labor begins several weeks ahead of schedule. Here, dad has to make many purchases alone or in company with his mother-in-law, mother or wife’s friend.
If your wife is superstitious and doesn’t want to buy anything before giving birth, you can go to the store with her even before she gets to the maternity hospital, see what exactly you need, choose suitable models of cribs, strollers, etc., but not buy them, and purchase them after childbirth. Another option is to look at available models in product catalogs or on the Internet. The main thing is that you have an idea of ​​what exactly you need to buy.

List of things needed for a newborn (minimum required)

  • Cot.
  • Orthopedic mattress.
  • Children's bedding; flannelette and wool blankets (baby does not need a pillow).
  • Two waterproof oilcloths or a set of disposable absorbent diapers measuring 60x60 or 60x90 (placed under the sheet in the bed).
  • Baby bath (if you do not plan to bathe your baby in a large bath, it is better to consult your wife about this).
  • Water thermometer.
  • Bathing foam and shampoo intended for children from birth.
  • Disposable diapers (at least 30 pieces - for the first 3-4 days).
  • Bath towel.
  • Baby milk (cream).
  • Diaper cream.
  • Children's drinking water.
  • Two bottles with a nipple.
  • Cotton swabs with limiters.
  • Sterile cotton wool.
  • Hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, brilliant green.
  • Scissors with rounded ends.
  • Children's powder for washing clothes from birth.
  • Wet wipes.
  • Knitted bodysuit with and without sleeves or regular vests - 3-4 pieces.
  • Cotton rompers - 3-4 pieces.
  • Anti-scratch mittens (so that the child does not scratch his face with his hands in the first days) – 2 pairs.
  • The blouse and rompers are warm.
  • Socks – 2 pairs.
  • The hats are light and warm.
  • Flannelette and cotton diapers - 3-4 pieces each.
  • Two pacifiers.

You can buy the rest of the necessary items (for example, a stroller, scales, mobile) a few days after the child arrives home, if you don’t have time for this now.

Getting ready for the meeting

The big day is getting closer, you are already feeling impatient... In this state, try not to forget something important, otherwise you will then reproach yourself that the day of welcoming your newborn from the maternity hospital was not a success.

Car Naturally, traveling home with your baby by public transport is completely excluded. This means you need a car, and a serviceable one. If you don't have your own car, ask your friends for help or call a taxi.
Car seat Where should I put the child in the car (namely, put it down, not sit it down, because the child doesn’t know how to sit yet)? When transporting a baby in a car, you need to use a special child car seat (there are models designed for transporting babies from birth). If you have your own car, then you can buy a car seat in advance - for your car model. If you are “horseless” and use taxi services, then you can buy a universal car seat suitable for different models cars. As a last resort, use a special carrying cradle, securing it with seat belts in the back seat (you can buy a carrying cradle at a children's goods store or use the upper removable part of the stroller as a cradle).

Things for the baby For discharge, the child needs clothes that have a festive look, because the baby will have to appear in front of photo and video camera lenses for the first time.
The baby will need:

  • knitted bodysuit;
  • sliders;
  • suit for discharge;
  • cap, socks;
  • disposable diaper (bring 2-3 pieces just in case);
  • an envelope for discharge or warm overalls and a warm hat (if the weather is cold outside).

Things for mom Don’t forget that your wife walks around the maternity hospital in a robe and slippers and cannot go home like that. You need to bring beautiful and comfortable clothes for her (it’s better to discuss which one with your wife in advance by phone).
Camera and video camera It’s simply impossible not to capture such an important event as being discharged from the hospital! Therefore, be sure to take a camera and video camera with you and do not forget that you need to charge them in advance or take extra batteries with you.
Bouquet Your wife has given you a gift - an heir or heiress. Don’t forget to thank her for this - give her a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and if it’s customary in your family to give any gifts, then think about this in advance.
Champagne, sweets, money When you receive a beautifully tied envelope from the hands of the nurses, from which your baby’s face sticks out, thank them for such a priceless package with a box of chocolates, champagne or an envelope with a small amount of money.
Relatives and friends Of course, family and friends would be happy to come to the discharge and celebrate the joyful event with you. It’s better if everyone comes to the maternity hospital, and only then no more than five of your closest ones go to your home. At the same time, among the invitees there should be those who will set the table, and then clear and wash the dishes, as well as those who will help care for the baby. Try so that after the feast your wife does not have to clean everything herself - she is already tired after giving birth. And remember: drinking for a newborn is very good, but not to such an extent that you lose your sober mind - you really need it now!


Solve the transport issue. If you want to meet your wife in style, order a limousine. It is also convenient because it can accommodate everyone who welcomes you home. But you can also come in your own. If you wish, you can decorate the car, the main thing is to observe the limits and limits of good taste.

If your spouse loves balloons, bring them with you. It is best not to take them into the apartment, but to release them into the air right next to the maternity hospital.

Give your wife flowers. This simple gift will be a pleasant sign of attention. Talk to your relatives and decide who else would like to bring the bouquet. If there are too many flowers, they may simply be inconvenient to transport.

If you have prepared a gift for your wife, you can give it directly upon discharge from the maternity hospital. This is especially convenient if the surprise is small, for example, this jewel.

Think about courtesies for the doctor and nurses. These could be some kind of memorable souvenirs, sweets. However, such a gift is appropriate if it truly expresses gratitude. You are not obligated to give anything if you do not like the attitude of the staff or are not satisfied with their level of professionalism.

Prepare the apartment for your wife's return. Clean up, fill the refrigerator with food that is easy to prepare, and make sure you have everything your baby needs.

The birth of a child is one of the brightest and most joyful moments in people's lives. A wonderful idea is to turn mother and baby’s discharge from the maternity hospital into a small celebration.

Thirdly, organize photo and video shooting. In some maternity hospitals, professional photographers are on duty during discharge hours. For a certain fee, they can take not only high-quality photographs of the baby and young parents, but also make a short, musical film about how a newborn is going home for the first time. Such a memory of the child’s first meeting with dad and family will delight not only the parents, but also the child himself when he grows up a little.

Fourthly, take care of transport. Great if you have your own car. If you don’t have your own car, you can order a taxi. You should not take your newborn on public transport.

Fifth, prepare the apartment for arrival small penis family. The nursery should not be decorated, but it is important that it is ventilated, clean and tidy. But it will be great if the hallway or living room is decorated with multi-colored balls. This will pleasantly please the young mother.

Preparing for discharge from the hospital

The birth of a child is an extremely joyful and important event in the life of every married couple. Bustle, flowers and gifts, congratulations - all this awaits the mother after being discharged from the maternity hospital. By the way, the meeting should be organized at the proper level. In this case, you can use different ideas.

And yet, before you go to meet your mother with, it won’t hurt to do everyday things. Clean the apartment thoroughly, as she obviously won’t have time to clean at first. Be sure to take care of lunch and dinner. It won’t hurt to take from the maternity hospital a list of foods that are prohibited when breastfeeding.

Also, the happy father and other relatives must purchase a special discharge kit, two for the midwife and mother, as well as champagne and sweets for the medical staff.

How to organize a meeting with balloons?

Here comes the long-awaited moment of meeting from the maternity hospital. This is a very important event in the life of a couple, so you can play up the meeting in the most interesting ways. For example, a celebration would be an excellent option. You will need to order a large number of heart-shaped balloons filled with helium and decorate the car with them in which you will go to the maternity hospital.

It is advisable to put the inscription on the car “I’m going to pick up my daughter/son” and even draw a stroller with a baby. True, for this it is better to use the services of an artist. Well, at home, mother and baby should have a children’s room, also decorated with heart balloons.

Meeting according to the ancient Russian rite

If you consider the above idea not original enough, you can celebrate the meeting from the maternity hospital according to the old Russian rite. To do this, find a Russian folk song ensemble in your city. When the mother and child leave the maternity hospital, members of the ensemble in folk costumes will greet them with cheerful songs and ditties.

The newborn should then be placed on a natural fur coat so that he never needs for anything. Then you can give gifts to new parents. By the way, the baby’s grandfather should give him a silver coin. When bathing for the first time, you need to put her in the bath. But the grandmother should serve the young loaf baked with her own hands. Also, one of the relatives must give the baby a doll-amulet. Moreover, it should be sewn without the use of needles and threads.

A little romance

For a romantic meeting from the maternity hospital, you will need to hire a violinist. Let him start playing when the mother and baby appear. Then the happy father should get down on one knee and, with words of gratitude, present his beloved with a huge bouquet of flowers. At home you can arrange an interesting continuation in the form romantic dinner.


  • Original ideas for a meeting from the maternity hospital