Is androgyny a sign of a third gender? Are androgyny signs of a third gender? Who are androgynes and what sets them apart from the rest? Androgynous appearance of a girl

    Tilda Swinton

    Orlando forever

    The film star and contemporary artist, belonging to an ancient Scottish family, has a fragile and painful beauty, behind which lies an almost sexless strength. Tilda, with her 180 centimeter height, translucently pale skin, angular android figure, universally emphasized by her resemblance to David Bowie and paradoxical androgynous grace, is a favorite model of advanced designers like the Zarathustra of world fashion Hussein Chalayan, as well as subtle directors such as Sally Porter, who She used the star’s gender ambiguity a long time ago by starring in the film “Orlando,” where she plays a person who has lived in both a male and a female body during her life.

    Stas Fedyanin

    People's hero

    Stas Fedyanin, an androgynous fashion model and one of the most famous “victims of VKontakte,” like all people with a non-standard appearance, initially endured ridicule from peers and teachers. It also took several years for the parents to accept their son for who he was. The skinny teenager weighs only 45 kilograms and is 180 centimeters tall. Interested modeling business, in Russia, Stas did not have the most successful start and moved to Germany, where people of broader views happily accepted him. Fedyanin participated in shows at Berlin Fashion Week and immediately received a number of photo shoots, interviews and offers to appear on the covers of foreign magazines. Despite his obvious homosexual appearance, Stas claims that he prefers girls as sexual partners.

    Brian Molko

    Reluctant warrior

    Brian Molko, frontman of the late 90s alternative band Placebo, which was once discovered by David Bowie himself, began to look effeminate with early years. His image developed as a protest against his parents, who suppressed his desire to become an artist. He wore makeup, dressed in dresses and had long hair. Brian's feminine appearance, aristocracy, intellectuality and contempt for the opinions of society have always been a challenge for his narrow-minded classmates. And now a bisexual narcissist with painted lips, eyeliner and silver nail polish manages to seduce even straight people at his concerts. The extravagant English rock star has repeatedly admitted in interviews that he feels like a “lesbian in pants.”

    Genesis P-Orridge

    Victim of art

    The 64-year-old founder of the first-ever industrial band Throbbing Gristle and the long-time leader of another group, Psychic TV, Genesis Breuer P-Orridge demonstrates an experience of the beyond, mixing art and his own life in one radical gesture that has lasted for four decades. He also took a tough approach to the issue of gender: in the early 2000s, P-Orridge and his wife, artist Lady Jaye, made a series plastic surgery and got breast implants. The goal was to transform into a single bisexual being, a “pandrogyne.” After Lady Jaye's death from cancer in 2007, Genesis refers to herself as “we,” considering herself one with her late lover.

    Edward John "Eddie" Izzard

    Shameless showman

    The English stand-up comedian and dramatic actor calls himself a straight transvestite and does not hide his sexual preferences. At the beginning of his career, he appeared on stage exclusively in women's clothing - dresses, makeup and stiletto heels. Izzard presented himself as a "professional drag queen" and devoted much of his speeches to the topic. The show Dress To Kill, created by the comedian in 1998, brought the actor two Emmy awards. But, many years later, Eddie swapped his heels for sneakers and became involved in charity work, running 43 marathons. Having changed the image of an extravagant lady to business suit, the comedian announced that by 2019 he is going to run for mayor of London from the Labor Party, but, if he still does not collect enough votes, he plans to seek a seat in parliament.

    David Bowie

    Depraved genius

    The British musician, composer and singer from the very beginning of his career, and subsequently, stood out sharply in his image, differing from asexual hippies, teenage angular punks and brutal hard rockers. In the summer of 1969, Bowie wrote the song Space Oddity that made him famous. While touring America, he began experimenting with an androgynous-alien look, walking the streets in dresses and other feminine attire, and dyeing his hair unimaginable aniline colors. Silk, avant-garde jumpsuits, non-standard makeup, the grace of Elien, carefully cultivated rumors about bisexuality: until the end of the 70s, David embodied not even an androgyne, but a beautiful alien.

    Danila Polyakov


    Before working as a model, young Danila Polyakov performed with the Demo group and Valeria as a dancer. The beginning of my fashion career began with an acquaintance with David Bradshaw, director of British GQ and stylist for Prada. Bradshaw invited the Moscow model to a shoot consisting of female images. And everything started to spin: a page on FashionSpot, shows by Yohji Yamomoto, Junya Watanabe, Antonio Marras, Vivienne Westwood, Jean Paul Gaultier, a photo story of Steven Meisel in Italian Vogue and, of course, inexhaustible fame in his homeland: Polyakov judges in “Russian Top Model” ” and teaches men to walk in heels. In addition to modeling, 31-year-old Danila is excellent at styling fashion shoots: look for confirmation in.

    Prince Rogers Nelson

    Prince in heels

    One of the founders of modern rhythm and blues, better known as Prince, from the very beginning of his career began to shock the public with the unconventional appearance and provocative lyrics of his compositions. Due to his miniature height, which was only 157 cm, the artist received the nickname purple dwarf and tried to perform exclusively in heels. After he appeared as the opening act for the Rolling Stones in high boots, knitted gaiters, a bikini and a military-cut overcoat, fans of the rock band threw garbage at him, which only encouraged the King of the Blues to further shock the audience. But, despite all the media suspicions about non-standard sexual orientation, the singer acquired a reputation as a real seducer, bewitching the most beautiful women peace. In addition to several marriages, the singer was seen in relationships with many stars, including actresses Kim Basinger and Sherilyn Fenn, singers Madonna and Carmen Electra.

    Bill Kaulitz

    Starter of the emo kids

    When the Tokio Hotel group began to gain momentum and become increasingly popular, heated debates broke out in the media every now and then on the topic of the gender of its vocalist Bill Kaulitz. Incredibly popular in the late 2000s, pop rocker from Leipzig - a hybrid of Boy George from 1982 and the dragon boy Haku from the cartoon Spirited Away - would hardly have been greeted kindly in any of the residential areas of the metropolis, but for some reason he gained universal popularity among teenage girls. Despite the semblance of a beard that Bill has begun to grow, the anorexic lead singer of the German band still looks like an anime character. At a minimum, young schoolgirls can take a master class from him on perfectly made-up eyes in the smoky eyes style.

    Lana Wachowski (Lawrence Wachowski)

    Was there a boy?

    Until 2002, Lana Wachowski was a successful director Lawrence Wachowski, who, together with his brother Andy, directed the cult trilogy “The Matrix” and “The Connection”. Then Larry disappeared and Lana appeared. Wachowski admits that all her life she hated her own body and thought about suicide every day. After 47 years of silence, Larry finally confessed to his loved ones about his addictions and changed his gender. The newly minted lady was even presented with a Visibility Award for her decision to end her reclusive lifestyle and openly declare her transition to the status of a woman. Now Lana claims that she lives in harmony with herself and is again married to a woman.

Nowadays, among doctors, psychologists and ordinary people who have nothing to do with medicine, there is a constant debate about what androgyny is. This is a kind of duality that can manifest itself in appearance, behavior, character and many other aspects of a person’s life. Of course, this trait is not fully characteristic of each of us, but often we notice some beginning within ourselves that has nothing to do with the gender given to us by nature.

How did this term come into being?

Androgyny is the bisexuality of the body, soul, and behavior of a person. This is the feeling when in one body there are two principles at once, fundamentally different, but capable of complementing each other and coexisting together. This is exactly what each of us can learn from ancient written information, which was compiled mainly by the ancient Greeks. The Holy Apostles, who contributed their work to writing the Bible, spoke about human sexual duality. However, it is sometimes extremely difficult to understand the words of our ancestors, so such a concept as “androgynous people” appeared only when psychology became an independent science. It was Carl Gustav Jung who introduced society to the concept that traits are different from those of women. By tracking which qualities a person has more, you can determine the degree of his androgyny. In other words, you can understand how “masculine” the character of a certain woman can be and vice versa.

Basic laws of duality of personality

Nowadays, androgyny is a full-fledged psychological concept that is based on certain patterns. The first of these consists of the bipolarity of human nature, each criterion of which claims to be dominant. That is, one person contains both male and female character traits, regardless of what his “biological” sex is. Most often, natural gender coincides with psychological one, which is what gives rise to such judgments as “a typical woman” (for example, representatives of the fair sex are overly concerned about their appearance, no matter how dry and strict their character may be). If in female body“male” moral criteria predominate or she perceives the world the way a guy should do it, this is already a sign of an androgynous personality, which, of course, finds itself in a person’s appearance.

Optimizing the Androgynous Personality

Such a process begins, of course, with spiritual qualities. First, a person’s worldview, his type of behavior, habits, and manners are formed. If a teenage boy exhibits certain feminine traits in his behavior, you should also pay close attention to his appearance. Often a similar trend is caused by androgynous appearance, when it happens that the figure appears to be both masculine and feminine at the same time. As they say, everything is balanced in nature, so it is not surprising that a guy at a young age, having a fairly feminine appearance, gradually acquires a weaker character. However, it is worth remembering that this is not at all a sign of sexual disorientation, since an androgyne is, as a rule, straight or, in extreme cases, in the sexual aspect he prefers both sexes at once.

What androgynes might look like in real life

Such a biological miracle as androgyny is, first of all, hard mental work for the one to whom it is characteristic. The fact is that a person who has, so to speak, an average appearance, balancing between masculine and feminine, as well as a similar character and manners, must choose what is closer to him. And this choice may not be made in favor of biological sex, strange as it may seem, and at the same time sexual orientation such a person can remain extremely natural. It’s just that sometimes it’s easier for a man whose appearance is dominated by soft features typical of the fairer sex to be a girl to those around him, but at the same time remain a true gentleman at heart.

A deeper look at this theory

Each of us has an internal dialogue that can be balanced or contradictory, even a little scandalous. These two “subpersonalities,” whatever one may say, are divided into the dominant and the subordinate, or the one that is located on a deeper level, inaccessible to outsiders’ perception. Let's try to look at this using an example of how androgyny manifests itself in women. IN modern women“that very fragile and tender nature,” as if their true nature, as a rule, occupies precisely that subordinate position, that is, hidden in the depths of the soul. A stronger nature, which is comparable to a man’s, has a dominant position. In turn, a modern representative of the stronger sex may seem indecisive and lethargic, since his leading sub-personality is characterized by feminine criteria. But his subconscious is the complete opposite of this, thanks to which balance is restored. Based on this balance, people of the opposite sex are attracted to each other, regardless of what appearance they have or what they are more developed in them.

the way you are?

Often, even in our time, a person with a “middle-sex” appearance causes bewilderment, ridicule and gossip in society. In this case, it’s worth paying attention to very famous models who have exactly these appearance features, conquering not only magazine covers, but also the hearts of fans. Today, one of the most famous is the androgynous native of Australia, who has Serbian and Croatian roots. Being tall man and having an athletic figure, his face looks incredibly feminine and gentle. Repeatedly he appeared as a standard model on the catwalk in order to present the next masterpiece of one of the world's designers. And it’s worth saying that Andrey always showed exclusively women’s collections. Among the androgynous models there are also girls who, on the contrary, have a boyish appearance and sometimes even a figure.

An androgynous image will help everyone

In order to determine your own nature, moral inclination towards a certain gender, you need to try yourself in different roles. We are not talking about an operation that allows you to change gender, but only about a style that manifests itself in clothing, hairstyle and, of course, in a person’s behavior. Sometimes girls who feel uncomfortable in this world, for whom something is not working out in their personal lives, change their appearance, and immediately everything gets better. In particular, we are talking about short hair, more discreet clothing. The wardrobe should be dominated by trousers and shorts, not skirts. But it’s worth remembering that these things should remain feminine, at least in their cut. A man, on the contrary, can afford to grow long hair, dress in unisex clothes and wear appropriate jewelry. It’s worth remembering that you won’t be able to please everyone, and at the same time, you should never suppress your essence. Therefore, in the form in which you feel comfortable, you will be more likely to find the person who shares your worldview and outlook on life.

How do you know if you are androgynous?

American psychologist Sandra Bem in the middle of the last century developed a whole theory about how human gender becomes established and how this trait is determined. If you want to find out which group of people you belong to, take the test she created, which consists of a series of questions that are simple and understandable to everyone. As a result, it will be possible to calculate in percentage terms which traits in your nature are more masculine or feminine, and in accordance with this, build your future life, look for your style and people who will like your androgynous appearance, who will support you, understand and will share your priorities and views.

Hello, dear readers. Today we will talk about what the signs of androgyny are. Let's talk about theories of this phenomenon. You will become aware of a pathological condition in women due to high levels of male hormones.

General information

Androgyny in men and women is a demonstration of the origins of the opposite sex. In certain situations, a guy can demonstrate femininity, a girl - masculine qualities. This phenomenon can manifest itself both psychologically and physically. More recently, the concept of androgyny was considered as a synonym for androgyny. However, psychoanalysts have come to the conclusion that the second phenomenon is physiological, while the first affects the mental side of human life.

This deviation is associated with the definition of stereotypical behavior that is distinguishable among people of different sexes. Men are strong, girls are caring. The norms of human behavior can be influenced by various factors, stereotypes begin to mix, then difficulties arise in determining gender, due to which the psychological type of androgyny is formed, which subsequently manifests itself externally.

Any deviation from the norm was considered suspicious. Today, many men can be caring and women can be strong and independent. However, this manifestation is not a sign of androgyny, since outwardly these people are no different from other representatives of their gender.

The occurrence of androgyny may depend on upbringing, as well as on the social circle of an individual. Based on these facts, psychologist Bem was able to identify the following categories of people:

  • masculine - individuals who have a pronounced masculinity;
  • feminine - expressed feminine;
  • androgynous - individuals who combine behavioral traits of both sexes;
  • undecided - individuals who cannot decide which type of behavior to use.

IN modern world an individual can have both feminine and masculine traits, choose the behavior that suits him in a particular situation, while remaining normal from society. Today, this quality helps people adapt to different life circumstances.

It is important to understand that transsexuality or homosexuality is not androgyny.

Depending on what exactly a particular person lacks, he adds the missing features to his image, practically becoming something in between. There is a concept of unisex, a situation where a guy and a girl look the same and have similar habits. It is important to consider that from a physical point of view they remain a representative of their gender.

A woman has to be assertive if she wants to succeed in life, a man has to be romantic if he wants to build a lasting relationship.


There are both positive and negative traits. The positive ones include:

  • the ability to adapt to any social circle;
  • lability of the human psyche;
  • the opportunity to demonstrate your sensuality, as well as emotionality;
  • In an intimate sense, a person becomes liberated.

Negative ones include:

  • difficult relationships with adherents of standard views;
  • difficulties in building relationships with the opposite sex; not every man wants to see a strong, masculine woman next to him;
  • The androgyne may not be perceived by society as a full-fledged person.

Signs of androgyny in men may be as follows:

  • using makeup that gives femininity;
  • wearing clothes of a style and color that makes it impossible to determine gender;
  • shoulder length hair and below;
  • thin build;
  • the presence of soft gestures.

When androgyny is dictated by pathology

Need to know that appearance and a woman’s health status largely depends on the level of hormones. When everything is balanced, your hair will be healthy, your skin will be clean, and your body will function without failure. In fact, it depends on the production of a certain amount of male androgen hormones. They influence the girl to begin to experience changes during puberty, and they also affect the functioning of the reproductive system. Androgens are constantly present in the female body, however, they do not affect the health and appearance of the girl. In a situation where a certain malfunction occurs within the body, the level of androgens increases, and androgyny may occur in women.

Androgenization is characterized by the presence of the following manifestations:

  • changes in character;
  • the beginning of hair loss;
  • change in voice, its timbre;
  • the appearance of hairs in unusual places, in particular on the chest, face and stomach, while the hairs are dark and hard;
  • the appearance of problem skin;
  • psychological problems - depression may begin;
  • the appearance of pathological processes in the reproductive system, namely infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome, an increase in the size of the clitoris;
  • endocrine problems, namely the development of diabetes, obesity, deterioration of lipid metabolism;
  • failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • increased attraction to members of the opposite sex.

When suspicions arise indicating the development of androgenization, you should immediately consult a doctor. There is no need to try to cope with this condition on your own, as precious time is wasted and you can wait until serious consequences develop, which will be much more difficult to get rid of. After the doctor personally examines the patient, interviews her complaints, he will prescribe certain tests. First of all, a blood test for hormones will be necessary, a blood test for sugar will also be prescribed (to rule out the presence of diabetes), and a pelvic ultrasound will be prescribed to check whether polycystic ovaries have appeared.

Treatment should be under the supervision of a physician after the diagnosis is confirmed. The main efforts will be directed towards eliminating the cause that provoked the androgenization process.

  1. If the pathology occurred due to the fault of taking hormonal drugs, then you need to stop drinking them and replace them with another remedy.
  2. If problems with the liver are to blame, then treatment should be aimed at restoring the functioning of this organ.
  3. If the whole point is a lack of vitamins, then vitamin therapy is prescribed.

When the factor that affected the growth of male hormones is eliminated, the doctor will begin to treat androgenization itself. In order to normalize hormonal levels, as a rule, Yarina or Diana - 35 is prescribed. Metipret or Dexamethasone can also be prescribed. These drugs will not reduce the level of male hormones, but will increase the level of female hormones, which is why the balance will be normalized.

It is important to exclude self-treatment, because you can not calculate the dosage and completely destroy male hormones in your body. And this will lead to great consequences, since androgens affect a number of functions necessary for the normal functioning of a woman.

As you can see, in most cases, androgyny is a variant of the norm. Except in cases caused by health problems. Androgynes adapted to life in society. They have harmony with the outside world. The ability to combine masculinity and femininity can have a positive impact on a person, his place in society, his career and his personal life.

WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. During the creation of this article, 20 people, including anonymously, worked to edit and improve it.

Does Garbage's song Androgyny intrigue you? Do you like the way Japanese youth look, so much so that you can’t even tell a girl from a guy? Do you want to attract the attention of passersby so that they turn around and wonder if you are a girl? Or maybe you are simply not happy with the traditional views on your gender imposed by society?

Androgyny can be interpreted as a combination of equally masculine and feminine qualities. If you are a girl and want to look androgynous, you should completely or partially negate some of the feminine traits of your character and appearance, and also try to develop as much of your masculine traits as possible (for guys, it's exactly the opposite). Androgyny is still different from transsexuality or bisexuality, and the two concepts should not be confused (though if you are bisexual, then androgyny will help you highlight this).


    Start by shopping and choose clothes that are suitable for both sexes or that follow the latest fashion trends; for example: buy straight trousers, a button-down shirt, a cardigan or something not very feminine and preferably in gray, blue, black and red tones.

    For hair, try a boyish cut; slick your hair back or wear it natural. If your face shape doesn't allow you to get a boy's haircut, you can always go short round haircut and comb your hair any way you like. Asymmetrical haircuts are just what you need. If you're a guy, grow your hair long or have side bangs. Girls with long hair It's much harder to look neutral, but if you love Rapunzel curls and can't stand having your hair fall in your face, you can go for a traditional haircut, or just hide your hair under a hat.

    The size of your eyebrows and their shape is another feature of your gender. If you're a guy, try plucking or waxing to create a thinner, more feminine brow line. If you're a girl, grow a natural eyebrow line without plucking it.

    If you really like makeup, then use gray or black eyeliner, but avoid being too flashy. Forget red lipstick and blush. Use foundation, matte powder and possibly a concealer pencil to hide pink tint your lips (but try not to overdo it, because you don't want to look like a dead person).

    As for shoes, sneakers or high heels are just what you need. Anything will do, as long as the shoes are not too flashy or feminine. Sneakers and Snickers too a good option combined with casual wear.

    Be independent. Develop the quality of self-sufficiency. You can start doing everything on your own, even down to cleaning your room, doing your homework, or maybe cooking a meal. It will become sure sign your responsibility and independence.

    Avoid soft, feminine shades when choosing clothes, as if the light has come down on them like a wedge. At the same time, you should not constantly wear black clothes or choose clothes only in dark colors. Other colors can also look neutral. These are blue, khaki, brown and black. The camouflage option will also look good.

    Tighten your breasts if you have them. Breasts are what give girls away. You should be completely flat. A sports bra may work if your breasts are very small, but for those with larger than AA breasts, it won't work. You'll need something snug. If your bust size is A or closer to B, then you can use special jerseys for athletes. You can find shapewear at sports stores. Girls whose breasts are larger than size B will need a bandage. Brands such as Under-works, Mango and T-Kingdom make just such devices.

    Hide your legs unless you shave them. Girls' legs are very different from men's legs, and girls usually shave them. Try wearing very loose jeans to hide the curves of your legs, or wear your pants with them hanging off your hips. Use this method paired with an extra-large T-shirt and you'll look like a true androgynous girl.

    Don't listen to the opinions of others; It doesn't really matter what people think of you.

  1. Stay fit. When it comes to the physical aspects, things get much more complicated. Build muscles! But so that you don’t look like a bodybuilder (all because some “muscles” are better left unnoticeable).

    • Be careful with breast tightening. This may be dangerous to your health. If you have difficulty breathing or feel chest pain, STOP tightening immediately! And never walk around with your chest tight for too long.
    • NEVER forget who you are. This is what makes you stand out from the crowd.
    • Yves Saint Laurent founded a whole trend called “tuxedos for women.” They looked androgynous, but did not go beyond traditional fashion.
    • Play sports. This doesn't mean you have to go to the gym and lift weights every day, just watch your weight and don't forget to do push-ups!
    • Don't hide your essence. If you are a feminine girl and want to look androgynous, follow the latest trends now; Often girls say this is what I found in my boyfriend's closet.
    • Wear shoes such as high-top sneakers more often. Black - best color for you, and besides, the sneakers are very comfortable!
    • Don't overdo it with makeup.
    • Looking androgynous doesn't mean you just have to wear men's clothing. You can add some features associated with your gender and still look androgynous. For example, a girl who dresses like a guy but paints her nails may look more androgynous than a girl who simply wears men's clothing. Your job is to challenge what is expected of you.

These amazing people conquered the world with their uniqueness.

For those who don't already know, an androgyne is a person who does not fit the definition of either a male or female gender role. Many androgynes identify as either male or female or asexual. Our today's heroes do not hide their true nature, and do not fear that society may not accept them. They are who they are and you can’t help but admire that.

1. Willie Cartier

In 2010, the world learned about a talented androgynous model who advertised the autumn-winter clothing collection of the Givenchy brand. Later, many world-famous brands began to invite Cartier to shows and to participate in advertising campaigns. Rumors soon appeared that the handsome Parisian was dating singer Frank Ocean.

Now he is 26 years old and is still considered the sexiest man among models in in social networks(he has 118 thousand subscribers). Today he receives many applications from world-famous agencies. The young man gives preference not to quantity, but to quality. His latest work includes a hot photo shoot for Out Magazine. It is interesting that Willie Cartier’s extraordinary appearance is the result of a mixture of French, Senegalese and Vietnamese roots.

2. Erica Linder

Swedish model Erica Linder once said in an interview: “I have too rich an imagination to be limited to one gender.” Looking at the girl's photographs, you understand that she knows what she is talking about. Thanks to its versatility, many designers adore it. Before she even had time to celebrate her twenty-third birthday, Erica walked the catwalk at the shows of Rick Owens, Yohji Yamamoto and 3.1 Phillip Lim.

By the way, at the age of 14 she was offered to sign a contract with modeling agency, but Linder refused, explaining her action by saying that she wanted to remain a tomboy and not turn into a “commercial princess.” However, at the age of 18, the androgynous beauty became a model for the large Scandinavian agency MIKAs.

3. Agyness Deyn

Today, 34-year-old Agness not only works as a model, she also sings and acts in films. Laura Michelle Hollins, which is the girl's name, signed a contract with the Models 1 modeling agency at the age of 18. She soon began collaborating with such fashion houses as Anna Sui, Blugirl by Blumarine, Burberry, Cacharel, John Galliano, House of Holland, Gianfranco Ferrè , Giorgio Armani, Mulberry, Paul Smith and Vivienne Westwood. In 2008, the model was awarded the title of "ambassador of British youth culture." As for her personal life, Dane was married to actor Giovanni Ribisi from 2012 to 2015.

4. Andrea Pejic

Look at these pictures. Here is the charming blonde beauty Andrea, an Australian transgender fashion model who was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Previously, the 25-year-old model took an active part in the shows of men's and women's collections. Her modeling arsenal includes collaborations with Jean-Paul Gaultier, Marc Jacobs and many other famous designers.

In 2011, Andrea took 18th place in the list of “Top 50 Male Models”, and in 2013 she starred in David Bowie’s video for the song The Stars (Are Out Tonight). In 2014, Andrea Pejic came out and became transgender. To date, she has undergone many gender reassignment surgeries, thanks to which, according to the model, she now truly lives in harmony with her body.

5. Harmony Boucher

You may have heard of 30-year-old Harmony Bush not only as a London-based model, but also as a musician and singer of the rock band VuVuVultures. 4 years ago she married her longtime friend Nicole. The girl loves street culture, and therefore gives preference to street style. The peculiarity of the tomboy beauty is androgynous sexuality, for which modeling agencies value her.

6. Kristina Salinovich

Salinovic was born in Croatia. It was friends who persuaded Christina to become a model. In 2010, in London, she signed her first contract with Select Models and in the same year took an active part in shows for the collections of Louis Vuitton, Ungaro, Vivienne Westwood, Paul Smith, Richard Nicoll. Many people adore the girl not only for her uniqueness and androgyny, but also for her high cheekbones. She has experience working with Anna Sui, Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Emanuel Ungaro, Ermanno Scervino and many others.

7. Yana Knauerova

Today, Yana Knauerova works as a model, maintains her own blog about polygamous life, and is engaged in entrepreneurial activities. Her modeling career began in the Czech Republic. Today Yana lives in New York with her colleague Julia Hamilton. Since 2011 he has been volunteering. Yana has collaborated with Gas Jeans, TopShop, Sportmax and Versace.

8. David Chang

28-year-old David has long gained fame as the second Andrea Pejic, who was discussed a little higher. The Taiwanese native now lives in Canada. Even as a 13-year-old boy, he heard only one thing addressed to him: “You need to be a model.” But Chang entered the fashion world only when he was 21 years old. His debut was a show of clothes by Alexander McQueen and Emporio Armani. It is worth noting that the model studied pedagogy at the institute and saw himself as a teacher junior classes. Now the guy is trying to take part in the Victoria's Secret show.

9. Sarah Weil

Sarah was born in Brussels. Has British and Belgian roots. The androgynous beauty has blond curls, Brown eyes and a height of 180 cm. Her modeling arsenal includes collaborations with Maria Grachvogel, Julien MacDonald, Paul Smith, Houghton, Christian Siriano and many others.