Esoterics obesity. Energy aspects of excess weight. “I’m gaining weight for some unknown reason...”

But, of course, there is also clean energetic reasons excess weight. It is because of them that the kilograms lost through diets come back again and again. As long as a person’s biofield is set to “get fat,” he will not achieve a stable result in getting rid of obesity. And the reasons may be violations of the “chest-back” polarity, and disturbances in the parameters of the subtle bodies, and negative programs left by other people (as a rule, bad wishes for a person aimed at reducing his attractiveness). Energy causes need to be identified individually and eliminated professionally.

Many observations show that couples gain weight after marriage, during a long and unhappy life. Why does this happen?

In many families where life is organized, they often eat a lot of fried, sweet and high-calorie foods. But in food, as in other areas of life, harmony is necessary. Occasionally, of course, you can and should make your diet more varied (sometimes you can eat something “heavy”), but you should not go too far either into overeating or into starvation.

In general, the reason for completeness is not family life, and unhealthy eating habits, age-related changes or if the body needs fewer and fewer calories, and we get more and more pleasure from food. One of the most unpleasant reasons- slagging of the body: our body, forced to fight the harmful substances that we consume with food, does not have time to remove them, but only “preserves” “waste” in the fat layer, contributing to the appearance of excess weight.

You need to understand your eating habits.

Why is it harder for women to lose weight? According to statistics, the respiratory, cardiovascular and reproductive systems are the first to be damaged in men. In women - hormonal, gastrointestinal, breast and reproductive. And a damaged hormonal system is a direct prerequisite for the appearance overweight. Moreover, with hormonal problems, normalizing weight is somewhat more difficult.

Also, men and women think differently. A woman mentally tries on “for herself” everything that happens around her, and thereby takes on both the negative and the positive, becomes more nervous, experiences stress, which again “eats” on sweets. A man, on the other hand, thinks abstractly, looks at everything a little from the outside and experiences much less negativity. Also, pay attention to which men are prone to being overweight - “soft” in character, flexible, loving comfort. They also resemble women a little in their way of feeling. Because they also eat away stress with buns.

So men fewer women worried about being overweight. Does this mean that they are healthier on a bioenergetic level? Alas, statistics in this case refutes this statement. Men live almost 10 years less than women, which means they are no stronger energetically.

Does the biofield change in people who are overweight?

The biofield is constantly changing, but in a certain spectrum of radiation inherent in humans, the energy continuously changes in intensity, strength and frequency of vibrations. The biofield is not a constant value, and it changes in both slender and plump people. But with excess weight, the biofield is less bright, since an overweight person is less healthy.

Is it enough to simply stop eating to restore the biofield?

If you “starve”, then no, you cannot recommend fasting to everyone. There are people for whom this is contraindicated, and there are those who feel that fasting is their way of healing. But there are only a few of them. The rest have to force their bodies. In this way you are unlikely to restore the biofield. Only a gradual and sustainable transition to a healthier diet will help.

But you can also go the opposite way: first restore the healthy parameters of the subtle bodies, and only then the body itself will begin to “adjust” the physical features to more “slender” parameters.

Are extra pounds always really extra?

If, according to the constitution of your body, you have always been plump, then this state is more or less natural for you. But if for inexplicable reasons you begin to gain weight, then the consequence of malfunctions in the hormonal system, heart, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract is obvious. And of course, they reflect disturbances in self-esteem and consciousness. Always, without exception, ours appearance reflects what is happening in our heads. And weight loss should first start from there. First, you need to love yourself and “become beautiful” in your mind, and then start changing your diet and lifestyle.

If you correctly formulate your desire (in the present tense and in the affirmative) and constantly and calmly, without excess positive or negative emotions, declare to space that you are slim, then there will be ways, people and means to bring your physique back to normal . Not to the standard that you want, but to the form that nature intended for you.

Why in different times Are there different ideas about ideal weight?

Fashion is always changing. The rulers of past centuries led a riotous and disorderly lifestyle, as a result of which they gained weight. They couldn’t say about themselves that they were sick and ugly. So “PR” appeared: the courtiers began to flatter and glorify the “beauty” of the nobles. For the common people, it has become natural that being fat means “good.” Since a person is not thin, it means that he can afford to eat in excess. This can be compared to expensive sports cars, which now seem beautiful only because they are a luxury item. Once upon a time, even cellulite for women was in fashion.

This Section is dedicated to analysis and notification of what actually are the Karmic Causes of Problems in people: their Diseases, Everyday Needs, Bad and Unbalanced Relationships between each other, Negative Situations and various Events. In general, here there will be illumination to clarify your Consciousness of what prevents you from walking in step with God, with the Heavenly Powers, with your Guardian Angels and other Beings of the Spiritual World close to you in Kind, in Spirit, and even to some extent in their Strength Intentions to live in the Grace of God.

Here we will provide you with specific examples from real life and point out that you yourself could not see, did not understand your Hints or those given to you by the Higher Heavenly Powers, for your recognition of the Causes of your Problem and therefore it remained in you uncorrected and active to worsen your own life and the lives of the people around you. ..

1. Worms in humans;

2. Situational Dissatisfaction;

3. Cruelty;

4. Allergic Runny nose;

5. From excess weight;

6. Sick Loneliness;

5. Overweight (excessive body fat)

AND extreme Fullness of the Body is a Special Extensive and Long Information Topic. Since, for the basis of this, there are a lot of negative influences on the body from which it tries to protect itself from them and tries to do this in the way that its three-dimensional mind allows it to do, and not the Spirit and Soul, with which the body has no connection until it valorizes above them, therefore, one finds a way out for himself, very limiting himself in this and not really working for the body for the Good.

The classic reason for Body Fullness is Huge accumulations of energy and aggression within oneself, as in current life, and in their past incarnations, which together puts pressure from the inside on all parts and cells of the body with its enormous discomfort, which the person himself, who has such Karmic Negative Baggage and a body, often does not understand, in order to protect himself from Sick Discomfort within himself, he chooses the most primitive, not a reasonable way of Protection and reaction to all this, how to increase your “Protective Layer”, that is, the layer related to the body is Fatty and “thinks” that if this layer is larger, then the body will be further removed from the negative experienced inside, implanted by negative ones emotions and destructive reactions to everyone and everything. But in fact, as Practice shows, the fat layer in the body does not help protect against such influences, and the increased weight remains and if a person does not change his behavior to positive, attentive to himself, to other people, to their and his inner Peace, By pacifying, bringing everything into Balance, then the weight continues to increase, since the False Weight Gain Program is turned on and no one changed it in the right direction as needed so that it would not harm the Body.

The body reacts especially sharply with weight gain to when a person tries to hide his dissatisfaction inside himself, that is, to suppress it, so that, as he thinks, he does not upset others or so that they do not know about their negative reaction for fear that they will judge him for this and then he will also have to suffer because of their discussions, that is, there is a problem of dependence on the judgment of others and this can also affect both an increase in body weight and its depletion, depending on the psychotype of the person with whom he lives most of his life time, this must be considered individually.

If you talk a little with people with a very large weight, which is simply slowly but surely killing them, then you yourself will understand that they do not believe in God, in the fact that there are Laws of the Universe, that it is necessary to change oneself to all the problems it has , they only demand attention to themselves and that they always be helped for free, they love to put pressure on others with their pity so much that, due to their excessive obesity, they are disabled, that is, defective in our society and they definitely need to be helped, and if anyone doesn’t want to do this, then there is a huge internal condemnation of them and even hatred manifests itself, because they met with refusal, and they are always determined to get something from others for this - this is the Karmic Reason for the fact that in the past, in their previous in his life, such a person very powerfully manipulated other, large masses of people, enslaving and adjusting them to himself, to what was beneficial to him, and now this acquired quality is trying to manifest itself through him and now in his current life and the person can no longer cope with it, and most likely he doesn’t want to, since he doesn’t perceive it as negative and harmful to him, he stubbornly believes that it’s normal to behave this way... “well, that’s my character...” he usually says and can’t help it this can't do anything.

The body is such a universal biological instrument that it depends on what it contains and what it will be like, what the internal accumulations will be... if they are dirty and caustic, then the body will never be slim, no matter how much it contains the man didn't hide. It is necessary to consciously get rid of this Junk and Internal Chaos on your own, to free yourself, to change to something that can bring Benefit and Joy to the person himself, and you need to learn a lot about all this first to understand so that these changes embodied by him occur.

Such people with overweight, the Liver and Spleen are very often damaged, stones are formed in the Liver, Gall Bladder, Kidneys and their Ducts, and if they are cut out, but the person does not continue to change after the operation, then the formation of new stones will continue, but understand that if you have cut out then place, then there will be no place for them where they can accumulate again and the person simply then dies, as if he did not understand his purpose and what he came to this life for and what he was going to do in it to correct the negative things he had accumulated in the Past. The liver is the repository of a person’s internal aggression, and those who have problems with this organ need to think about the fact that the time has come to become consciously Good, for the present, and not looking for benefits or the still common way of life between people - this is “you” to me - and I to you,” that is, so to speak, barter, contractual terms, and not for the sake of Sincere Pure and Boundless Love for everyone and everything, including you... such relationships are always Karmic work-off, and not the development of New High-vibration Divine Relationships that bring everyone closer to God.

As a rule, people with increased body weight due to internal anger, hidden hatred and aggression towards others have problems with blood pressure, it can jump like a kangaroo, up and down, and most often it is prohibitively elevated and the stronger the internal The more anger a person experiences, the more clearly it leads to stroke, heart attack and many other heart and muscle diseases. As a rule, the muscles of the limbs of the arms and legs gradually atrophy and the person simply weakens in body, because he does not have the Normal Flow through all the Veins of Blood and Life Force, along with the Energy of Love for himself and others too. The very course of the movement of the body, life and development slows down, only the internal dirty swamp remains in which the person and his Spirit continue to “cook” and become more and more dull, because it becomes further and further from the energy of God and goes back, in the opposite direction from him, that’s why it’s difficult for him to move on. It is very difficult for everyone who leaves God to move through their lives, which means that their lessons are not learned and their destiny is not fulfilled, and such people will never see Happiness and Prosperity. Such people are very demanding of themselves, but do not consider it necessary to be very demanding of themselves, so that they themselves can keep track of when and under what circumstances they themselves feel unpleasant and bad, under what reactions in them, which need to be changed so that everything begins to be corrected, changed and healed in better side.

Another problem for people with increased weight is their own self-created Fear for various reasons, such as for example: - being left alone without a husband, or rather, without his support, which she cannot provide herself due to certain reasons for her insolvency or lack of independence in everything for oneself personally, and it’s the same with men. Such people are very dependent on others and their support in everything, but this will never truly make them Good and Faithful in everything, first of all to God and themselves, as a Particle of God living in a given body. It will always be problematic to live with such people in a marriage, but while the marriage has not yet been concluded, the relationship can still remain at some level that satisfies both parties (again, out of fear of breaking up and so that later you don’t have to look for someone new for a long time), but as soon as the marriage is legalized, then all the Karmic accumulated negative Problems will come out of the person in full swing and then just stay away from all the indignations that will pour out, as if from a Cornucopia, from him in different directions, on everyone and everything, in everything there will be a lot of discontent, some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent, which means more in a suppressed form will again be suppressed inside oneself, if it does not come out, and thus the body weight will only continue to grow. And there is no Vicious Circle here, there is simply NO AWARENESS of yourself and your personal Behavior, which needs to be changed and with this the weight will gradually begin to return to normal, since the calmer the body feels, the more it will understand that it no longer needs there is no need to defend yourself against anything negative inside, since it will no longer be there. Cleanse yourself of internal Negativity, recognize it, change it to Kindness and Love without benefit to others, and then everything will be fine with you!

In general, every created Problem or Disease, if we look at it more carefully and deeply at the level for the Development of the Heart, Spirit and Soul, then it is like a Unique-Universal Huge-Wisest Book, which provided everything that needed to go through each one For the Soul, in order to cultivate in itself, something more necessary than it had before, so that the Soul can step over to a New Stage of Development, such Episodes of Life push it to move forward and they must be passed through with dignity, and not refused, as they always do only panties than necessary Stronger than man become, the more he needs to accumulate the Power of Spirit, the stronger and more difficult it is for him to pass the Lesson in his life and it’s all up to him how he will persistently or fail to implement it in his life. A person must first of all become a Teacher for himself and understand that for each of his actions he must give his own rating “excellent” or “failure” so that it is clearly honest and fair, so that the Heavenly Teachers and all other Higher Powers see this in you , where you intend to return in the future yourself, as a Spirit-Soul...

Plus, a person needs to monitor their Proper Nutrition so that it happens on time, that is, when the body needs it, and not according to a schedule: Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner and only the amount necessary for it, and never overeat more than this you need, that is, in time to be able to stop eating according to the Prompt of your Body and Soul, you need to be very attentive to such Internal Signals and never ignore them, do not give in to the temptation to finish the food left on the plate, do not rush to throw it in the trash, collect it in bag and feed a homeless animal on the street, do Two Good Deeds for yourself and others, be Merciful to yourself and other Living Co-beings living in this World with you side by side and you will definitely be counted by the Higher Forces of Light as very Kind and A sign worthy of their attention. The Universe has a Huge Number of Opportunities to thank you for all the Good you have shown in this World. Believe me, this is true!

4. Allergic Runny Nose

Allergic Runny nose is the internal cry of the body, as a Signal indicating that the body is not comfortable inside because its Spirit-Soul has collected a lot of energy of anger, aggression, dissatisfaction for “every” reason and the body simply can no longer withstand this internal pressure - pressure from them, which begins to send out its Crying Signal about the violation of Peace, Balance and Harmony in it, so that the “owner” of this body pays his attention to this, so that he begins to quickly take measures to remove this discomfort that his body is experiencing inside himself, so that it becomes Clean, Quiet, Peaceful and Comfortable for him and the Owner again, for cohabitation further, so that you can develop without any problems, improve yourself in everything, that is, so that you can Continuously Move further along the Path of Destination of each in parallel, without interfering with each other and at the same time, as a Single Whole Organism called Man.

Allergic Runny Nose has a Karmic Cause that appeared in the distant Past, most often it originates in Past Lives. But as a rule, in this current life, if this Problem appears, then you need to watch yourself in order to understand where you are sticking, so to speak, your Nose where you don’t need it.


1.) If for some reason a person in this life is contraindicated from doing things with a minus sign, but he does them, then this just means that he is sticking his nose where it is not necessary, thereby creating for himself more and more mental pain, suffering and dissatisfaction, which he has already accumulated too much and needs to be reduced now, and not continue to accumulate further.

A simple example for such a definition: If in a given life a Man-Soul needs to move into the Light, Return and Restore his once lost Powers of Spirit, Willpower and other Higher Divine Qualities, and he completely immerses himself in computer activities, doing heavy or dirty work physical labor lowering his level of consciousness and vibration, then he thereby disrupts the Course of all his Good Events, which were intended for him to live in this life along the Path of fulfilling his assumed Destination. As a result, such a person’s emotions “dance chaotically”, most often they are called “emotionally vulnerable”, all events are also lived in disarray, then he does not have the results he needs or has them partially, so that they do not cover what he needs in his life in the required quantity and the Karmic Debt System is growing in his predominance, the growth of which only makes things worse in life: there is never enough money, because of this they are always borrowed from someone or loans from banks, harmonious relationships almost never develop for a long time never, given that under the word long there is a fact that develops over at least decades, constant JOY never happens, and True Love never happens at all, because where still unbalanced emotions “dance”, Divine Love does not live there, so how Her place there is taken by everything that dances in chaotic disorder inside him. In order for the real Boundless and Total Love to return to your Heart and Soul again, it is necessary to clean out and make room for it, providing it for Her to permanently stay inside.

2.) When a person is overly Curious and “meddles” in the affairs of others in which he should not participate, then he also sticks his nose where he does not need to;

3.) When a person wants to control everything in the lives of others and tell them what they need to do and what to refuse at his discretion, this also applies to this topic. Total Control of others is not living your own life, which means you are sticking your nose into the control of others, doing what you don’t need, everything has its place and time, but you must not forget that the Feeling and Desire of Control over others is this comes from a deep Program created by the Forces of Darkness;

4.) Manipulation of others is also a Quality that is the Creation of Darkness and a person, using something similar, becomes like this Darkness and accumulates it in himself, darkening his entire Light Potential of God and, unnoticeably for himself, turns into an enslaver of others, and then everything works downward to the decline of the energies of the Spirit-Soul and Consciousness, as if according to a well-established system prepared by dark spirits, so that for a very long time, or rather, as long as you use their creation in yourself, so long will you sit on the hook of the darkness and give it more part of your Precious Motive Life Force and you will always remain on the verge of Spiritual-Mental, and even physical exhaustion, because Powers are given to you for a day in a certain quantity by your Guardian Angel or another Guide, if your Guardian Angel refuses you lead because you do not strive to go to the Light and God for a very long time and do not try to overcome everything in order to get closer to it, understand that your Guardian Angels, they also want to grow in the Spirit, they love God infinitely and it is very important to them to be as close to Him as possible, and when you don’t understand this, they get the impression that you hate them and they have been trying for a long time to guide you on the True Path, and seeing that you always turn away from it and don’t want to live consciously , wander through the nooks and crannies of your mortal body, bustle and mind, then at some simple moment their strength also begins to deplete and in order not to “die” themselves, they ask the Forces of Light, all the Lords of Karma to release them from such a position of being your Guide in the Dual-Earthly World and you are then left with nothing, or rather with no one, without your Personal Guide and then very difficult days are coming for you, because when the Guardian Angel is removed from his post, then the channel for the flow of Life Force to you from him also closes and the Life-Life Force remains in your Channel for only 5 days, and then if another Guide from the Higher Plan is not found for you, if everyone to whom the Higher Forces offer to be your guide refuses you, far-sightedly seeing your spiritual laziness, then then death inevitably occurs, for often when such people die for lack of seeing any special reasons for this, other people say about such people “he died so quickly, but he wasn’t sick at all, it would have been harmful for him to be healthy.” Yes, it is true that a person may physically seem healthy outwardly, but if his Spirit and Soul are already rotting during his lifetime from his negative actions, thoughts and other various manifestations of his behavior, then there is a limit to everything and this is strictly monitored by the Interdimensional Observers-Sages who record your actions in your Books of Fate and the Lords of Karma, and you need to understand this in order to explain to yourself whether you are thinking and acting correctly, whether you are doing everything without harming yourself and others.

5.) Loss of the nose’s sense of smell - this condition occurs when a person, as they say, has lost the sense of smell in his direction of fulfilling his Destination, which means he has already stuck his Nose deeply in the wrong place, he has gone to the wrong Path, into which he does not need to deviate It was so as not to commit a lot of things against himself and the Creator-God-Creator that would later “backfire” on him. Allergic Runny Nose says that this person, this Soul has been wandering through the nooks and crannies of Darkness for a long time, many lives in a row and does not see the Clear Clearance and the exit to it, he is always turned to face the Darkness, which means his back is to God, and in this position it is never possible to see the Light and God in person; for this to happen, it is necessary to realize for yourself what position he is currently in and consciously gradually correct everything that was violated by him and this will certainly bring him positive results that will make his own life easier at a given time.

3. Cruelty

The woman wrote her perception:



Truly Good people are, first of all, completely BALANCED people and do not experience such negative emotions and internal states, because such people clearly know that they are not their own enemies and it is not their trait to succumb to the provocations of cruelty.

Cruelty is a very strongly negative state of the Spirit-Soul-Human that is not balanced, in which all emotions are still “dancing” in a chaotic unconscious order, that is, they resonate on those who provoked them. But the Correction of others is a test of yourself for the assimilation of your Lesson that you are going through at the moment... most often, many people fail their lessons miserably and do not even think about it, that then they do not follow the Path of their own Destination at all, but they shirk in different directions from him and thereby accumulate more negative karma for themselves, from which they will have, now or later, even more time to cleanse themselves through their own labor, which everyone will have to put in... Is it worth not loving yourself so much?

Cruelty gives rise to violence, both against oneself, that is, over one’s own Soul and Body, and subsequently against other people. And if Cruelty continues its aggressive development, both in this and in many subsequent lives, then in certain incarnations, a person already plays his role of the Executioner, an obvious Murderer, usurper, Rapist, Punisher, Fascist who hates everyone and mercilessly destroys others indiscriminately, since it no longer matters to him who he will cause pain, martyrdom, and ultimately, after all this, Death. Executioners and Punishers are simply not born right away.... in order to be born like this, it is necessary to accumulate the Feeling of Cruelty for hundreds of lives in a row, but after such savage many incarnations, a boomerang sent by itself overtakes it in time, and such a one is reborn further in the walking body, most often weakened physically, Spiritually and Morally in order to experience many of the hardships of many bullying of others, to experience it on oneself, and here it is necessary not to break completely in the Spirit, but with Patience, Humility, Love and Repentance for everyone to re-grow in yourself everything that was once lost from the Supreme Divine, to return through your Purifying Spiritual-Practical Work. This is the Practice of knowing the Spirit of Duality as It Is.

Karmic problems resulting from Cruelty:

Cruelty completely covers the Path of Prosperity, Luck and Success in many subsequent lives, a good relationship With someone, as a rule, they are short-term, unstable, unbalanced, not trusting, very shaky, unsatisfactory for one or both people, or initially do not work out at all, as the person who showed his sympathy for someone would like this. There will always be problems with money, right up to deep poverty.

In health - this can be reflected in gangrene of the limbs most often, but it can also be in another part of the body, which was most involved in causing harm to others, and Psoriasis, Anthrax and Trophic ulcers, Cancer of all parts of the body and many have their karmic origin from there. other diseases that cannot be cured by medical methods, which can constantly rot, bleed and cause very severe pain if they are not treated karmically, spiritually, healingly, medically, in general, comprehensively. Also, a consequence of the cause of Cruelty is Alzheimer’s disease (closing of memory), since it was previously used to harm oneself and others, Parkinson’s disease (trembling of the hands, head and other parts of the body) as a sign that a person has used his body not for its intended purpose. A lot of spots of different sizes may appear on the body at a certain period of life, similar to pigment spots, but this is actually a reflection of the Memory accumulated inside of the many killed in the past or causing grievous harm to others, these are like a kind of Marks that have not gone anywhere from Subconscious and reminding themselves that the time has come to work on them, so that they disappear, like a negative, for good and cease to have a detrimental effect on the bearer of them.

2. Situational Dissatisfaction

A specific example from the life of one person described by himself:

“...... For example, someone behaves dishonestly - today, I walked next to a shop that sells cell phones, and there the seller “sold” a woman already quite old about some modern phones and payment programs. .. and so he explained in a confusing way and the energy of his explanation was felt like a snake - loop after loop and it was not clear where the general direction was, and confusing her, he just wanted her to buy something more expensive - without care or attention to her he did this , but only for your own sake and benefit...
I felt in my heart that they had their own personal relationships and I have no business getting into it, it’s not my business, but since this matter has reached my ears, unpleasant feeling created inside, for some reason even a feeling of sadness arose... I continued to listen to the Heart and realized that this feeling of sadness is not the True Self, and there is also no point in focusing attention on it, but you need to direct yourself to the pleasant, to the joy, to the positive , and so I did. In the process of directing myself in the right direction, I felt that I had a fleeting and almost imperceptible slight anger at the sellers there, that they were not doing work for the sake of others, and more deeply - under the anger - just that sadness about society , in which I live, which has gone so far from the Origins - from Love and the positive foundations... And then I felt some fatigue.
I didn’t understand all this right away, but only after some time, so I didn’t correct it properly on the spot right away.”

Explanation for this Example:

In fact, this person himself would hardly be able to initially correct the real Karmic Cause, because it hides its beginning in his past lives. It is possible to change yourself to this situation only indirectly or emotionally, by learning not to react now in this life to everything and everyone in a negative way, and this is the least that this person could do, but not correct themselves The reason is in their distant past, since memory he is still closed to this, the person himself is not ready to remember what needs to be corrected and healed now, so that his past stops having a negative effect on his life today and coloring it in the dull tones of a joyless life.

With Our help, he was given information that in a distant past life he was a noble warrior who captured and enslaved many countries, which he mercilessly destroyed, destroyed and was the instigator of the fact that for the sake of his own benefit, profit, hatred of other peoples, after seizing the lands of other countries, he simply brazenly sold them in such a way that the country became torn into pieces and lost its integral significance and was offered for acquisition specifically to the rulers of those neighboring countries with whom there were very difficult, one might say long, hostile relations, after which the warrior himself returned from long march to his country, sowing behind him a huge trail of discord, complete destruction and hostility for many, long centuries and millennia of life of all those with whom he did this, that the action and Negative influence this distant past continues to this day.

Therefore, this person, having been reborn in a new body, now experiences exactly what others experienced in relation to him in those distant and near times, that is, the boomerang of his actions in the past overtakes him now in all subsequent incarnations, crippling his own life. And it doesn’t matter that a person does not remember all his atrocities, this does not relieve him of responsibility for Correcting the Negative Karma he has done and observing the Laws of this Universe; retribution for violating Them will definitely be Mandatory now or later...


- Did he himself, being in the Role of a Seller, committing such a brutal sale of the lands of another country, which he had once captured, about Caring for those to whom he sold, how this would subsequently affect the peoples who would live there practically mixed up, having opposite views on life generally? And when he offered the elderly Ruler of another country to buy these pieces of land that he had torn up, a country foreign to him, his thoughts and words befuddled this Elderly Ruler just like a snake looping loop after loop, tempting him with his flattering speeches about the goodness of adding to his people, about whom he Did you care then?

As a result, the ruler embodied now in this life, who was nevertheless tempted to buy pieces of land from him, also has problems in this life, and one of those related to this case, like Boomerang, is a serious problem with the health of one eye and with the vision of both eyes , and the reason for this is that he “closed his eyes” at that distant time to the Truth, was tempted by flattery and the desire to acquire these lands in an illegal way without the consent of those peoples to whom they originally belonged, not the desire to see the Truth. On the one hand, we can say that he wanted the best for his people, so that the territory of his country was much larger, but the problem and not honesty was that all this acquisition was not achieved in such an honest way, but was the result of the aggravation of his subsequent lives-incarnations every time, as they say, it was obvious... and it will be so until the person himself realizes the Cause of his Problem to the depths of his Heart and Soul, repents of his malicious actions and thoughts sincerely, and only after that he begins to slowly but surely slide from him the Veil of complete Oblivion of the Past will appear and quite a lot of interesting cases from his lives will appear, for which the time has come to correct them consciously, so that they cease to actively live in him and negatively influence his life and remain only as inactive information in him for self-knowledge and recognizing this in others, in order to help them free themselves from the heavy shackles of their negative deeds and karma.


- Of course not, I didn’t think about others, about their well-being! This is what this illustrative incident from his own personal life tells him in his Mirror Image. And I often repeat to my students and many other people who want to develop Spiritually and improve their lives, the lives of other people and this World, these are these Treasured Words:

"Everything that you don't like in others - you have it all! Look for it in yourself! Find it in yourself! Correct it! Heal it so that you will never again be hurt and feel bad because of this for yourself and everyone else. DO NOT cling for the behavior and sins of others, look for everything only in yourself, everything that you resonated with yourself and work hard on correcting yourself, only yourself! And only then, in a corrected state, you will be able to appear in the Clear Light before others as your Personal Living Example, more clearly than others, explaining to everyone that everything is changeable, that everything is solvable and cannot be healed or changed only by those who do not want it themselves and do not do what helps them to find Peace and Prosperity in Health, Relationships and Life. "

Fatigue from uncorrected mistakes, Causes of Problems in this life or others will always remind you of yourself constantly, because they all take your Precious Energy of Life to continue your life, because you are their Creator, and while you stubbornly turn your eyes to it, brush aside information you received from someone and say that all this is nonsense, your Strength will continue to go to them, and you will continue to weaken in Spirit, and Courage, and Conscience, and all the Riches of your life... Weakness literally takes away everything and completely destroys the life and destiny of a person. Prosperity will begin to grow confidently only after a person begins to fully live Consciously, with Unshakable Faith in God and His Powers, in the Light of his Highest Intentions and the Heavenly Powers in General, then everything in his life will begin to really change for the better and not temporarily , but it will be like this all the time, as long as he himself wants it and you choose what to continue to live with, and what to start from, without delaying until later, to free yourself truly honestly, without causing harm to yourself and others.

1. Worms in humans

Example from life

"...... of my strong impressions from the trip and interaction with the little boy and his mother, I remember one moment, during which I was almost not indignant. I analyzed myself from the outside, assessing myself, that is, I did not express anger so much as was the case in previous cases, I missed it much more calmly. Of course, in many ways I still did not understand the behavior of the little boy, or rather, I was a little outraged that I could not understand that he was so small and could not go poop in the desert. I did not embarrass him. , but he just couldn’t go on his own and suffered from this. He wanted to sit on the toilet, but he wasn’t there... I’ll note that this is not the first time that he needed to go for a long time in nature...

When the boy finally dared to poop, it happened suddenly, he had worms....."

Karmic reason for the presence of worms:

- Worms are the embodied thoughts of a person in himself, that is, this means what the thoughts are - such are the manifestations from them and where they are ultimately directed, where the health of their carrier person itself is destroyed, but to whom the negative thoughts were initially directed - you need to figure it out yourself or parents if their children have it. And it is impossible for a person who is attentive and caring about a child or other people not to notice such a problem, since everything has its own manifestations in the External behavior and the World of a person suffering from this. You may not notice this unless you see it yourself or simply don’t want to notice it and take urgent action, or even more. worse than that and completely “turn a blind eye” to such existing problems in general.

If we postpone for a while the recognition of the very Cause of worms, then in this situation, which is repeated time after time, it would be wiser for adults, knowing that this happens when traveling by car, they would simply need to take something like a bucket without a bottom, digging a hole in advance so that everything left after does not lie on the surface and no one else gets into it, plus a lid with a pre-cut hole of the required size so that the child can sit down and easily do his forced tasks. Or you can do it even simpler, just take a bucket, insert a large bag into it that extends beyond the edges of this bucket, so that later it can be tied neatly and tightly, also cover with a lid with the right size hole for such needs, but then the bag with these “incense” you will have to carry it with you to a certain garbage collection point or any container with garbage, but never throw out your bags with any garbage anywhere just to get rid of them, you are thus cluttering and polluting your energy, subconscious, health, relationships and as a final the result is your own and the general Planetary Karma from which you will suffer even more than you already have problems in this life, just don’t make it even worse for yourself...

This topic is quite common now and should not be avoided, since it brings a lot of torment to those who have it personally and brings many troubles for many years of life and to those who live hand in hand with such people, because the problem itself may be hidden from human eyes for many years, and therefore may manifest itself for a very long time secretly from everyone else, and therefore this topic must be approached very carefully from the point of view that this is a serious matter and requires a considerable investment of time and effort , so that it ceases to be completely, that this is the work of more than one day and sometimes even more than one month, and maybe more than one life, so you need to be quite confident in order to help a person complete this Path of his Correction, unless of course he is doing it himself wants to do it, but you should never fall under his control and give him the will to control you, otherwise the most losing final ending will obviously be predetermined by you long ago and you will not only not help this person infected with this scourge, but you yourself will go to live not according to your Path Destination, violating all the Laws of Time and the Universe and most likely you will not be able to fulfill what you yourself came to this life for, and this is always fraught with bad consequences and new accumulations of negative karma and withdrawal into the heaviest layers of low-frequency vibrations, simply called Hell.

Karmic reasons, given that many of them carry over into the next incarnation of life, I propose to think about the karmic causes of the problem associated with the presence of worms:

A person, regardless of age, has negative tendencies developed over many lives, which both manifested them in past lives, and as his body grows, he begins to gradually manifest similar qualities, starting after his birth in a new incarnation. While the newborn's body or small child cannot yet cause great physical harm to someone, then at that age everything negative that has been accumulated begins to manifest itself in him through his emotional sphere, then, if possible and as the body grows, this manifests itself through all his physical actions and various negative, reckless, selfish actions and demands more and more attention to himself and adjusting others to himself, and despite his small and very young age, a child-man very effectively enslaves other adults to himself, that is, he uses the most distorted concept-program among people that all children are pure and angelic souls and they always need to be pleased while they are small in body.

But in fact, a person with the presence of worms manifested in our physical world has developed very aggressive and negative qualities, and if you start to monitor him very carefully in his daily behavior and perception, then the presence of everything that is being written to you now will definitely be revealed to your conscious gaze and you too See for yourself that everything is not as simple as it seems at a superficial moment in life.

Karmic reasons for the presence of worms:

Think very carefully about whether it is worth connecting your fate with such a person, because your life lasts a very long time and it can become just hell for you from the influence on your life with such negative qualities accumulated over many lives, and remember to correct them back and to heal everything in all the negative karma he has collected will now take quite a lot of time, or even lifetimes in a row, and is it worth it for you to invest your own years of life, losing them on the problems of another person, when you have plenty of your own that have not yet been corrected and should be focused on them first? go all your Life Forces, and not to the one who must correct his own and himself... Live your Life and Reasonably understand that you must live your own Life, not to the detriment of yourself because of others, and if there is such an opportunity, how - then bypass the negatives of others - do this until you yourself grow in Spirit, Power, Eternity of Understanding of yourself and others so much that your Life becomes the Flower of Life for everyone and will be an Example for others of how everything needs to be corrected in themselves , but until you have grown in the Spirit, you are wasting time, scattering it on others, you are simply drowning with them in their energy-dirt, and from that time on you yourself are not moving forward and your self-improvement is not growing at all, or very, very weakly. ..

Life is Life and everyone must first learn to cherish it as a Great Treasure given by God in the True, that is, in the Divine, and only after that can he really appreciate how precious the Life of other people and all Living Creatures of the Planet, and Her herself is...

Don’t confuse yourself with the fact that you are bringing good to others without healing your qualities and emotions, you will still be wandering for a long time through the nooks and crannies of your personal darkness accumulated in the subconscious by your painful, sad experience of negative deeds and karma...

Love yourself! Love others, but it’s better to do this from a distance, so that everyone cannot distortly influence each other’s lives, and get to know yourself from the inside in such a way that it cleanses yourself, corrects all your insides, twisted into a karmic lump of all your energy systems, and catch yourself thinking , in what really prevents you from living, succeed in everything and correct everything, because know that everything can always be solved if you take on this matter with confidence and bring it to a satisfying effective goal.


After his own war with extra pounds five years ago and four full-time 40-day courses “Self-love and a slim body"I saw from real examples that the reasons for excess weight are not only in the fact that the mouth does not close, but also in psychological, astrological and even mystical reasons. So, my selection, for each point of which, (to my regret) I know dozens of stories .

I note that in the article I mean excess weight - 10-40 additional kilograms to the general norm.

1. Accumulation of grievances. Having different zones of our body through measured fullness, they show the “specificity of resentment” - in the legs, distrust of the whole world, the desire to be independent, in the area of ​​​​the hips and lower abdomen - against men, etc... any resentment or injury does not just remain in our energy field, it moves onto the physical plane, either as excess weight, or as a tumor...

2. Hide your sexuality. Very often, huge weight changes occur in women after harassment or rape - their body screams “I don’t want to be sexual and be raped anymore” - it hides under a layer of fat like a spacesuit.

3. Not accepting the mother. The female body - hormones, the female reproductive system - this is all very closely connected with our relationship with our mother (but not even an external attitude, but an internal attitude towards her) and if we subconsciously hate her - the first prototype female image in our lives, we subconsciously reject the female body, as if hating our feminine manifestation or feminine aspect. The result is a “unisex bun” figure with a corresponding clothing style. Another option is to condemn the mother - her figure, if she became fat or did not control herself, and everything that we condemn is attracted as a scenario, because more than once I met overweight people who hated other overweight people in their thoughts, calling them “weak-willed and pigs”:( ((

4. Disappointment in your man, revenge on him. Unfortunately, you have come across the following example more than once - he is a thin as a match alcoholic, and she is a 90-150 kg woman with a barrel figure. Such a couple, it’s terrible to live and it’s impossible to separate. In this case, the woman does not want to make love with the man, she is offended/disappointed/does not respect (choose the appropriate) this man - but she cannot say NO to requests for intimacy and the woman begins to disfigure her body - as if showing him “you are not worthy to live with beautiful, look what I’ve become, shame on you.” Here, as a continuation of the story, such women lack romance, positive emotions and the figure comes with women's romance novels, soap operas and lots and lots of sweets and baked goods, where a woman takes at least a little energy of happiness.

5. Stressful period - after a crisis or tragedy, all people go through a transitional stage from “my life before the disaster” to “my life after the disaster” - and during this period of crisis, many gain a lot of weight, others can suddenly lose weight - the reason is the same same - a person tries to escape from this world and this reality, someone by refusing food shows that they do not live, do not feel the body and do not want to be in this reality, others starting to “eat stress” try to distract themselves with food as entertainment.

6. Energy exhaustion. If a woman (and a man) is very tired physically, psychologically or energetically (work/raising children/breastfeeding/being with old people/pregnancy - you need to choose - if several at the same time, even more so) he has a need to somehow find energy in Elsewhere, someone goes into spiritual practices to gain energy, someone turns into an energy vampire and sucks strength from unfortunate victims, but it’s easier and faster to take it from food. Usually this is a special need for sweets or meat and fish. It receives energy, but the husks of food are deposited on the butt and tummy.

7. Pregnancy and consequences of childbirth. Many women, after expecting a baby, change dramatically in appearance - some get better, others become slimmer than ever before - the reason for this is a change in behavior, lifestyle and values. If a woman was active before pregnancy - a leader, a boss, and motherhood pulls her out of such a life - she stops, her life slows down, becomes monotonous, she learns patience and lack of haste - in addition to the fact that there is less fire in the mind, there is less of it in the stomach - the fire of digestion slows down, which cannot but affect the figure. And vice versa, some women become more active over the course of motherhood - always ready to protect the baby, trying to do everything and everywhere - compared to past life Before motherhood, they are like a squirrel in a wheel, they may eat rarely or not have time at all, but even if they eat, the increasing fire of digestion “in the furnace” quickly survives everything - that’s how they end up very slim, like never before in the mother’s life.

8. The reason is astrological - Venus gives round shapes and if a person has it very strongly manifested in a person’s chart, but in a bad house or zodiac sign, problems with the figure can become a personal curse. It happens that during the period of Venus - it happens to all people once in a lifetime

ESOTERIC AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CAUSES OF EXCESS WEIGHT AND FULNESS After my own war with extra pounds five years ago and four full-time 40-day courses “Self-love and a slim figure” I saw from real examples that the reasons for excess weight are not only “that the mouth does not close,” but also for psychological, astrological and even mystical reasons. So my selection, for each point of which, (to my regret) I know dozens of stories. I note that in the article I mean excess weight - 10-40 additional kilograms to the general norm. 1. Accumulation of grievances. Having different zones of our body through measured fullness, they show the “specificity of resentment” - in the legs, distrust of the whole world, the desire to be independent, in the area of ​​​​the hips and lower abdomen - against men, etc... any resentment or injury does not just remain in our energy field, it moves to the physical plane, either as excess weight, or as a tumor... 2. Hide your sexuality. Very often, huge weight jumps occur in women after harassment or rape - their body screams “I don’t want to be sexual and be violated anymore” - it hides under a layer of fat like a spacesuit. 3. Not accepting the mother. The female body - hormones, the female reproductive system - all this is very closely connected with our relationship with our mother (but not even an external attitude, but an internal attitude towards her) and if we subconsciously hate her - the first prototype of a female image in our life - we subconsciously reject the female body, as if hating our feminine manifestation or feminine aspect. The result is a “unisex bun” figure with a corresponding clothing style. Another option is to condemn the mother - her figure, if she became fat or did not control herself, and everything that we condemn is attracted as a scenario, because more than once I met overweight people who hated other overweight people in their thoughts, calling them “weak-willed and pigs”:( ((4. Disappointment in your man, revenge on him. Unfortunately, you have come across the following example more than once - he is a matchstick-thin alcoholic, she is a 90-150 kg woman with a barrel figure. Such a couple, it is terrible to live and it is impossible to separate. In this In this case, a woman does not want to make love with a man, she is offended/disappointed/does not respect (choose the appropriate) this man - but she cannot say NO to requests for intimacy and the woman begins to disfigure her body - as if showing him “you are not worthy to live with a beautiful woman, look at what I have become, let you be ashamed." Here, as a continuation of the story, such women lack romance, positive emotions, and women’s romance novels, soap operas and lots and lots of sweets and baked goods, where a woman has at least a little takes the energy of happiness. 5. Stressful period - after a crisis or tragedy, all people go through a transitional stage from “my life before the disaster” to “my life after the disaster” - and during this period of crisis, many gain a lot of weight, others can suddenly lose weight - the reason is the same same - a person tries to escape from this world and this reality, someone by refusing food shows that they do not live, do not feel the body and do not want to be in this reality, others starting to “eat stress” try to distract themselves with food as entertainment. 6. Energy exhaustion. If a woman (and a man) is very tired physically, psychologically or energetically (work/raising children/breastfeeding/being with old people/pregnancy - you need to choose - if several at the same time, even more so) he has a need to somehow find energy in Elsewhere, someone goes into spiritual practices to gain energy, someone turns into an energy vampire and sucks strength from unfortunate victims, but it’s easier and faster to take it from food. Usually this is a special need for sweets or meat and fish. It receives energy, but the husks of food are deposited on the butt and tummy. 7. Pregnancy and consequences of childbirth. Many women, after expecting a baby, change dramatically in appearance - some get better, others become slimmer than ever before - the reason for this is a change in behavior, lifestyle and values. If a woman was active before pregnancy - a leader, a boss, and motherhood pulls her out of such a life - she stops, her life slows down, becomes monotonous, she learns patience and lack of haste - in addition to the fact that there is less fire in the mind, there is less of it in the stomach - the fire of digestion slows down, which cannot but affect the figure. And vice versa, some women become more active over the course of motherhood - always ready to protect the baby, trying to do everything and everywhere - compared to their previous life before motherhood, they are like a squirrel in a wheel, they may rarely eat or not have time at all, but if they eat, the fire of digestion increases “in the furnace” quickly experiences everything - this is how mothers turn out to be very slim, like never before in their lives. 8. The reason is astrological - Venus gives round shapes and if a person has it very strongly manifested in a person’s chart, but in a bad house or zodiac sign, problems with the figure can become a personal curse. It happens that during the period of Venus - all people have it once in their life 9. According to astrology, a person is now in the period of life being controlled by the planet Jupiter. This is the planet of parenthood, wisdom, and lack of haste. For everyone whose figure has always been very thin, during this period it acquires rounded shapes, and those who were already well-fed receive a belly as a gift. 10. The reason is that the woman has weak willpower (according to Pythagoras’ numerology there is one 1 or in astrology the Sun is weak) and the woman works a lot with food (she feeds others - a housewife or at work) because physical level eats many times more than necessary, unable to say NO to himself. 11. Work on night shifts. According to Vedic and Ayurvedic knowledge, the fire of digestion turns on at dawn and goes out at sunset, as a result, a person working on the night shift eats at least twice with the fire of digestion extinguished, which results in food not being beneficial, but causing excess weight. (Here I would like to recall, as an example, the figures of 90% of priests - due to the duty of “service” (that’s the pun) they do not have breakfast, they can eat their first meal of the day no earlier than lunch, but calmly and a lot already at home for dinner. Also, the body perceives fasting as diet, or if you remember festive tables at Easter, you will understand how the body stores fat before the next famine (therefore, vegetarianism is healthier than fasting, since there is less stress on milking the body and jumps in dietary fat content). 12. Rebellious character. Moral pressure on consciousness “you should be thin” from (mother, husband, girlfriends, social standards) in combination with the character of a revolutionary gives the result “here I am fat to spite you.” 13. Eating not according to desire and appetite, but what your mother or grandmother has prepared in conjunction with the complex of “excellent food”; the plate should be empty, then you good girl. Most often, this is in conditions where a student or teenager hardly eats all day while doing business, and for dinner (after 20:00) fried zrazy, her favorite pie with cabbage and a specially prepared cake are waiting for her with love from her mother... In a word, unhealthy food plus the desire to please the cook at home. 14. Damage or curse in the energy sector. The impact can greatly change the figure, a person can suddenly lose weight for no reason (as if he wasn’t there, just a shadow) and gain weight and begin to swell (unfortunately, I encountered this in my family:(((but we didn’t have time to save it, and the lining was damaged found after the funeral). How to determine that the cause is an energetic effect - the figure changes and looks sick, the person is constantly exhausted, constantly gets into small or even very large troubles (accident, robbed, fell, all his equipment broke, suicidal). thoughts or constant depression and indifference.) In general, outside help is needed 15. Adjustment to the environment, birth program Women being in the same group and communicating a lot, become similar not only in thoughts and characters, but they can also have hormonals at the same time. critical days, and the figures can become one standard. This can be seen in women's groups who have been working inseparably for 15-20 years. Also, if a woman grows up or lives surrounded by fat women, and she herself has a tendency to be overweight, the subconscious can bring her figure to the social standard. With wishes for you to be healthy and accepting of yourself and your body. Milana Artyukh

What are the causes of excess weight?

The first thing that comes to mind is a rich or unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle, and hormonal imbalances.

But these are researchable and relatively easily removable factors. You just need to adjust your exercise and nutrition (and, if necessary, see a doctor).

More advanced people are familiar with the emotional causes of excess weight. For example, that fat deposits accumulate from pent-up emotions, or act as a kind of “protective cushion” during times of stress.

This is a little more complicated, but also more or less understandable.

Our body can “read” what exactly we need at one time or another, and gives clear clues. Yes, you yourself have probably noticed more than once how you are suddenly drawn to try something unusual. Or even change your diet completely.

“I’m gaining weight for some unknown reason...”

But there's another one important factor, which neither nutritionists nor psychologists know about.

It happens that people watch their diet and seriously work on emotional awareness - and the weight is still coming on.

Here is an excerpt from a letter from one of our readers and students:

- Weight gain. I gave up everything white. I completely gave up sweets except honey. I don’t eat after 6 pm. I do fitness 3 times a week. And the weight is growing. This really bothers me. It’s hard to move, breathe, walk. How can I harmonize spiritual practices and body?

Write in the comments how many of you know this?

This is not an isolated appeal. The same symptoms are described by many people who are seriously interested in spiritual practices, as well as psychics and healers.

Weight gain as resistance to spiritual growth

What is happening cannot be explained from a medical and psychological point of view - but it can be explained from a spiritual point of view!

So, attention.

Paradoxical weight gain is a sign resistance your body to the growth of your spirituality.

"Some people's bodies can resist loss of density caused by descents of the spirit. A symptom of resistance is weight gain.

Human bodies tend to try to cope with the descents of the spirit by becoming larger in order to accommodate the spiritual mass entering them».

Simply put, our consciousness becomes more and more expansive, accommodating more and more spiritual energy. And the body strives to keep up with it, in the simplest way for itself - by gaining excess weight.

By the way, this can also happen to those who do not engage in very deep practices. The reality is that all people now, to one degree or another, are going through - and, therefore, they can unconsciously resist it and gain weight.

And this is not at all safe. Neither for your health, nor for your spiritual growth.

“Adipose tissue is not able to protect the nervous system as much as muscles do, which absorb excess energy from the nervous system.

From excess energy, adipose tissue will “fry”, and as a result, insulin receptors inside the cells are destroyed.

Metabolism is out of balance, and the weight will continue to increase.”

If you don't take action, you won't be able to do it properly.

But, most importantly, you risk getting problems associated with impaired metabolism and obesity - cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, etc.

What to do? It's good that there is a way out!

To stop gaining excess weight, you need 2 conditions: start serious physical training and.

Sport is our salvation

Here's what Laurie Gilmore says about it:

"The only and effective method stop weight gain as soon as it starts - physical exercise.

I'm talking about very intense exercise such as lifting weights, cycling, running or swimming. The exercise should be enough to get started build muscle mass.

Building muscle mass will protect the nervous system, for the energies coming with each descent are much stronger than those to which it is accustomed.

Shaped by exercise muscle mass will take on excess energy from the nervous system and convince the body consciousness that the latter is “big enough” to hold the Spirit.”

So, to continue my spiritual development and to maintain health, we need sports.

Choose the closest training system for yourself (dancing, swimming pool, yoga), at least 1 hour a day and several times a week.

Don’t let yourself be deceived by internal “excuses” that you don’t have money, time, that you’re the wrong age, or that you’re sick. For your own good, overcome these attitudes and take care of yourself.

This will help you form a beautiful and healthy body and fill it with powerful spiritual energies.

Various psychophysiological systems, both ancient and modern, are designed to strengthen the spirit through the body. It is important to exercise regularly and consciously and listen to your trainer.

Remove resistance

This is also the most important condition for your victory over excess weight.

Resistance - initially protective factor, which turned into destructive self-sabotage.

For us, self-development practitioners, it manifests itself in several ways. This is not only a gain of mass, but also, for example, a “slipping” of willpower.

“I just can’t get started (with course exercises, sports, practices)... I can’t finish...” Or – “I remember what needs to be done, but there are always some small things to do.”

Write, who knows this?

It's important to be aware of your resistance, understand where it comes from, and remove anything that no longer serves you. It's not very easy, but since you already know the “enemy”, fighting it becomes easier!

So, let's summarize. If you want to stop “unexplained” weight gain and successfully move along the path of self-development, I advise you to deal with resistance and engage in regular exercise.

I will be glad if after a while you share your findings and achievements!

P.S. In order to help people work through resistance, we have developed.

You will realize where your resistance to spiritual growth manifests itself and eliminate it at all levels. A separate block of the master class is on working with health and excess weight.