Where to apply foundation. How should you apply foundation correctly? How to prepare for applying the cream

Good makeup will transform and complement any look. Unfortunately, not everyone has the time and opportunity to constantly use the services of professional makeup artists. Therefore, many take special courses, learn using videos and the Internet. The key to great makeup is a properly applied foundation. This means that any self-respecting girl should know how to apply it correctly. Foundation.

When purchasing a cream, be sure to look at the manufacturer’s brand, quality, expiration date and shade of the product. It must go well with your skin color. The wrong shade can not only ruin your entire makeup, but also turn your face into something like a mask.

  1. Do not buy a product based on the color of the packaging or the color listed in the catalogue. Even if the tube is transparent and visually the shade seems suitable. Skin testing is mandatory before purchasing. It is not advisable to test it on the wrist or the bend of the elbow; the result may be distorted. Do the test on the lower part of the cheekbone.
  2. Don't take the first product you like. To make the best choice, experts recommend testing several similar shades.
  3. To make your face look younger, use a product that is a shade lighter than your skin tone. This rule especially applies to makeup for photo shoots.
  4. A product with a dense texture always looks a little darker on the face than a cream with a light one.
  5. You cannot use the same shade in both summer and winter. Skin changes color when tanning, so it is advisable to choose a new tone.

What is the best way to apply foundation on your face?

Choosing the right shade is not a guarantee of good makeup. It is important to know how to apply foundation correctly. Do this with a good brush, sponge or your fingers.

Advantages and disadvantages of additional tools

  • Brush. Its main advantage is the application of foundation in a thin, even layer. One of the disadvantages is the wasteful use of cream, since the tool absorbs a large amount of it. The question of what size a brush should be cannot be answered unequivocally. It is better to use two brushes - a large and a small one. After each use, the tool must be washed to ensure it lasts longer. When buying a brush, it is better to give preference to flat synthetic options with a smooth edge.
  • Sponge. There are many types of sponges different shapes and various materials. It is better to choose a classic, standard sponge. After each use, the instrument must be washed thoroughly. With the help of a sponge it is very easy to blend and blend the foundation so that it is not visible.
  • Fingers. This is the most economical method, since the minimum amount of money is spent. But using your fingers is not so easy to apply an even layer and make smooth transitions compared to a brush.

  1. Redness is very difficult to disguise with regular foundation. Problem areas are hidden using a corrector with a green tint.
  2. To disguise yellow spots, you need to use a purple corrector.
  3. Pores that are too large can be hidden by applying foundation using patting movements.
  4. A foundation with a tanning effect will help disguise freckles.
  5. Do not apply the product all over your face. It is enough to cover the main areas (forehead, chin, cheeks) and then blend evenly over the entire face.
  6. When applying the cream, the skin should not be deformed or stretched. Strong pressure is also unacceptable, but light slapping movements are acceptable.
  7. Use several tools of different sizes. For areas under the eyebrows, around the nose and corners of the eyes, you need to get a small brush.

We invite you to watch a good informative video that may be useful to you.

Rules for applying foundation

Professional makeup artists have identified several rules that are worth listening to, regardless of the type of foundation and the tools used.

  1. Do not immediately apply foundation to flaky skin. Before applying cosmetics, do a peeling or mask.
  2. Makeup base must be applied under foundation.
  3. Do this in a circular motion, rubbing it into the skin a little.
  4. To apply the product evenly, use a little bit at a time. Then the makeup will turn out natural.
  5. To prevent errors and flaws, do your makeup in daylight.

By following the basic rules, you can do high-quality makeup yourself.

How to properly apply foundation on your face - step by step photo

Applying foundation consists of several stages. Do everything consistently and the result will not disappoint.

Stage 1. Cleansing and moisturizing

Use your usual products (lotion, scrub, foam, milk). Moisturize your skin with cream.

Stage 2. Correction of imperfections using a makeup base

Stage 3. Applying foundation with a brush

Stage 4. Shading

Step 5. Apply concealer

You can apply concealer before foundation, the result will not suffer.

Stage 6. Consolidate the result

How to correct your face shape using foundation?

Did you know that you can visually change the shape of your face? It’s enough just to know some secrets that lie in the correct application of foundation.

  • The oval shape of the face does not require adjustments. Makeup artists consider this shape to be ideal.
  • A round face can be lengthened a little by visually reducing the cheeks. Apply a light-colored product to your chin and forehead.
  • To correct a triangular-shaped face, apply a dark tone to the cheeks and forehead, and lighten the chin.
  • An elongated, oblong face is corrected using a dark foundation on the forehead and chin. A light tone is applied to the cheeks and cheekbones.
  • For those with a rectangular face: lighten the center of the forehead, chin and area under the eyes.
  • To make your nose more graceful, apply a light tonal corrector to the bridge of the nose and the bridge of the nose, darken its wings.
  • To visually make your nose shorter, darken its tip.

When correcting your face shape, it is important to ensure smooth transitions between products of different shades.

How to properly apply foundation with a brush?

  1. The first stage is skin preparation. Cleansing and moisturizing.
  2. Make sure the work brush is clean and dry. Do not use the tool if there is any residue left on it. Applying makeup with a damp brush is possible only if this is provided for by the specific features of the product (there will be a mark on the packaging). In other cases, the brush should be dry.
  3. Not previously a large number of Apply foundation onto your palm between your thumb and wrist. Do not squeeze it directly onto the tool.
  4. Next, apply the cream to the four main areas of the face. A strip on the forehead, chin and cheeks. The best way to apply foundation depends on how quickly the product is absorbed. If slowly, then apply to all areas at once, and then shade.
  5. Start shading from the forehead with smooth movements. First tint the sides, then move up and only then down to the bridge of the nose.
  6. The next stage is toning the cheeks. For evenness, move from the center to the edges. Do this quickly, before the applied product has time to be absorbed.
  7. The last thing to tint is the chin. It is important to make a smooth color transition from the face to the neck.

How to properly apply foundation with a sponge?

Sponges come in several varieties. The two most common options are:

  • round standard sponge;
  • beauty blender.

The difference lies in the shape. The beauty blender has an ovoid shape with a pointed end. They are good for working on hard-to-reach places - the corners of the eyes, the area around the wings of the nose, the area under the eyebrows. The principle of using both types of sponges is the same.

  1. Before applying makeup, lightly moisten the tool with water. Blot gently with a napkin or towel so as not to damage the surface.
  2. The first stage is traditional cleansing and moisturizing.
  3. Next, apply the foundation onto your face, onto four main areas (forehead, cheeks, chin).
  4. Blend with a sponge using patting movements. Move from the top of the face to the bottom. In the cheek area - from the center to the edges.

After applying makeup, wash the sponge with foam, gel and other products.

Don't despair if it doesn't turn out the way you wanted the first time. The more experience and practice, the better the result. Much also depends on the quality of the cosmetics used.

The key to successful makeup is beautiful skin. Achieve desired result You will benefit from constant careful skin care and the right product that will help give your skin an even, pleasant tone.

The main purpose of foundation is to hide skin unevenness and give it the desired pleasant shade. To achieve the result, you can use a special cream with a light texture or use a fairly thick cream. A light foundation will make it possible to hide only minor skin imperfections, while a dense texture cream can disguise more significant facial skin problems.

In some cases, after applying foundation, it becomes necessary to treat problem areas with a corrector or concealer. If the skin is in order, then it will be enough to apply a small amount of foundation.

Legends about the dangers of foundation

Sometimes they say that foundation causes significant harm to the skin; its use leads to loss of skin elasticity, clogging of pores, and contributes to the appearance of premature wrinkles. However, it should be noted that this cosmetic product has many very useful properties.

Concealer does not lead to clogging of pores.The product creates a film on the skin that allows oxygen to pass through without hindrance. The film not only does not harm the skin, but also protects the skin throughout the day from exposure to dust and harmful impurities that are found in abundance in the air of megacities.

Applying foundation will helpavoid skin peeling. The composition of the emollient includes various vegetable oils. These components have the ability to resist chapping of the skin, additionally nourish the skin and retain fluid in the skin tissue cells.

Many creams contain UV filters that protect the skin fromdamaging effects of sunlight. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin is the main cause of premature aging.

But you can take advantage of the positive effect of foundation only if you follow some basic rules:

  • use high-quality foundation cosmetics;
  • follow key recommendations for use cosmetic product.

Stages of skin preparation prior to applying a cosmetic product

In order to lay on the skin extremely carefully, you need to knowhow to apply facial foundation correctlyso that it does not cause any unwanted reactions. Before applying it, it is necessary to cleanse and moisturize the skin.

Apply foundation correctly step by step:

Facial cleansing

Cleansing is carried out through the use of tonic. The procedure will remove all impurities that, being under foundation, can provoke the development of inflammation and, as a result, the appearance of pimples. In addition, cleansing will ensure a more even coverage of the skin with foundation. To cleanse your skin, do not use a toner that contains alcohol. Alcohol can cause skin irritation and, as a result, redness, which is extremely undesirable before applying foundation. In this case, the cream will lie unevenly and the desired effect will not be achieved.

Skin hydration

Before applying foundation, the skin should be slightly moisturized.How to properly apply foundation on your face?You can do this by first applying a light moisturizer, oil or serum. Moisturizing is necessary regardless of what kind of skin you have. Oily skin requires sufficient hydration no less than dry skin. By properly moisturizing oily skin, excessive oil production is reduced, which significantly improves skin condition. After applying the moisturizer, you need to take a short break to allow the product to absorb into the skin.

Application of primers

Using primers before how to apply foundation, This is an additional step that will better prepare your facial skin for applying the toner. The application of primers is not mandatory, but helps to ensure better distribution of the cosmetic product. A mattifying primer can eliminate specific shine. Primer can only be applied to areas prone to rapid accumulation of fat. The use of a radiant primer visually makes the face more fresh, rested and well-groomed. A moisturizing primer can completely replace a moisturizer. It will perfectly hide areas of peeling, saturate the skin with moisture, and allow the tone to last better throughout the day and not crease.

Selection of foundation based on skin type

It is a mistake to believe that correctness lies only in choosing the right shade. The cream should not only make the skin smooth and mask all its imperfections, it should also take care of the skin throughout the day. To do this, when choosing a cream, you need to take into account individual characteristics skin.

Foundations for problem and combination skin

Owners of this skin type need to select products that contain anti-inflammatory elements - vitamin A, sulfur, zinc. Such elements help reduce sebum secretion, which prevents oily shine. It is advisable to use products with a light texture. It is not recommended to purchase products containing oleic and palmitic acids. The elements activate the sebaceous glands.

Foundations for dry skin

For dry skin prone to flaking and irritation, it is necessary to use toning products that can additionally nourish and moisturize it throughout the day. An excellent option are foundation creams containing various healthy oils, For example, Coconut oil or grape seed oil. Gel-based products will saturate the skin with moisture and remove flaking and dryness.

Foundations for mature skin

Mature skin lacks elasticity and firmness. Because of this, wrinkles appear on it. For mature skin It is necessary to choose products containing elastin, collagen or substances that activate their formation. Products containing SPF filters are recommended; mature skin is particularly sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. It is necessary to avoid the use of creams that have a thick texture; they can add several extra years to the owner of mature skin.

How can I apply foundation?

Use different ways applying a cosmetic product. Each method has certain advantages. You need to try several methods to decidethe better to apply foundation.

Foundation can be applied:

  • sponge
  • brush;
  • fingertips.

Sponge application is the simplest way. Any beginner can handle this method. The method allows you to achieve a thin coating with perfect shading. You can get a thicker layer of cream for evening makeup by gradually layering the foundation. Very convenient for blending cream in the area of ​​the wings of the nose. The disadvantages of this method include the rather large consumption of cream.

Many people like to use it to apply cream. fingertips . When using this method, the cream does not need to be rubbed; you need to take a little of the substance onto your fingertips and spread it in dots on your face. Then, using patting movements, distribute the product over the entire desired area. The warmth of your hands simplifies the process, making the material more pliable. This method is considered quite difficult, you need to get used to it. The method is economical.

Distribution of the toning agent through brushes is the neatest way. Hands remain practically clean. There is no need to wash them for a long time at the end of the process. When choosing a brush, give preference to products made from synthetic fibers; they are easier to wash.

Before distributing the cream, apply a small amount onto your palm. Wait a few seconds, the cream will become more pliable as it heats up, then spread the cream with gentle movements.

Light-shadow correction using foundation

Every woman wants to have a face perfect shape. Using foundation, you can not only make your facial skin have a smooth texture and a pleasant shade, but also carry out light-shadow correction. To carry out the correction, you will need two additional shades, one should be a little darker, the other a little lighter than the main tone. The difference should be one to two tones. To get the result, apply a light shade to the central part of the face, dark under the cheekbones. Then blend the tones, erasing the boundaries with the main tone. The proposed contouring method is suitable for any face shape.

Is the foundation applied correctly?

There are certain indicators that allow you to understand that the foundation has been applied correctly.

  • The skin should be smooth and uniform.
  • The complexion should not differ from the color of the neck, because the tinting agent is applied not only to the skin of the face but also to the neck area.
  • The cream should not highlight skin imperfections.
  • The cream should not slide off throughout the day.

If you properly prepare your skin for applying the toner and correctly, you will amaze everyone with perfectly smooth skin and a beautiful complexion.

Ideal makeup begins with the right foundation and an even complexion; these are the goals that a high-quality and properly selected foundation can achieve.

The history of foundation goes back to ancient times, when the face was covered with a mixture of flour, chalk and oil to ward off evil spirits. In our usual version, the cream appeared only thanks to Max Factor in 1938, since then the structure and components have changed many times and today the market offers a wide range of different foundations for every taste and budget.

How to choose foundation for perfect makeup?

The first step to achieving the perfect makeup look is purchasing the right foundation that suits your skin tone.

First you need to determine skin type:

  • Dry skin needs creams that contain essential oils, due to the moisturizing effect, the skin will become smooth, peeling will go away and the cream will lie evenly.
  • For fat for skin that needs to hide excess shine, choose mattifying products.
  • owners combined The skin is lucky; all cream options are suitable for them.
  • For skin prone to irritation and problematic The skin will benefit from special medicinal cosmetics, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

The next step is choosing the color of the foundation, for this:

  • Apply a small amount of cream to the back of your hand and rub - your perfect color must match the skin color, that is, the transition border should not be visible.
  • Salon lighting does not always allow you to correctly assess the color, so go outside and look at the applied cream again in natural light.
  • It is believed that in order to select the ideal cream, it is better to apply it directly to the cheek; only you can decide how hygienic it is in the conditions of publicly available store testers; for example, you can bring the hand on which the cream is applied to your face to evaluate the correctness of the shade.

Foundation colors

Foundations are presented in a wide palette of shades of all colors from ivory to chocolate. If you find it difficult to choose color range, then remember a few tips:

  • For cold skin type(usually found on brunettes with fair skin and dark eyes) pink shades are suitable.
  • For warm skin type(usually found in fair-haired or redheads, with light or brown eyes) olive, brown shades are suitable.

You shouldn’t limit yourself to one foundation; for example, for evening makeup, a cream with optical pigments that refresh your face is suitable, and for daytime makeup, you can choose a light face cream with a moisturizing effect. On summer period You need to protect your face with a cream with a UV filter, and moisturize your skin in winter.

The right foundation

In addition to color, when choosing a cream, you should pay attention to a number of factors:

  • Manufacturer- on the one hand, well-known brands offer proven and certified products, but you will also have to pay a lot for a well-known name.
  • Package must be intact, without chips or smudges.
  • Best before date— for foundation it lasts from 6 to 18 months.
  • Presence of hazardous components such as Octyldimethyl PABA, or NDGA, or Padimate-O, which are detrimental to the health of facial skin.

Types of foundation

On store shelves you can find foundations of different shapes and consistencies:

  • A classic cream with a dense texture that allows you to disguise minor skin imperfections and even out your tone.
  • Thick cream that hides serious imperfections such as acne, scars, pigmentation
  • BB cream combines the properties of toning and moisturizing the skin; it does not hide serious imperfections
  • The foundation mousse has an airy structure that gives the face a velvety feel.
  • Cream-powder has a unique texture that, when applied, covers the face with a thin, barely noticeable layer that hides skin imperfections.
  • Cream stick, thick foundation in a convenient package, convenient to take with you on any trip
  • Creams with a UV filter help protect your face from ultraviolet radiation.

How to apply foundation correctly?

Having decided on the brand, you still need to apply the cream correctly to hide all minor skin imperfections:

  1. Wash and wipe your face with toner, then apply any light day cream, leave for 5 minutes to absorb.
  2. If there are redness or bags under the eyes on the skin, then first apply a corrective base, treat all redness with a green tint, and cover the bags under the eyes with concealer.
  3. After this, using a sponge, brush or fingers, apply a small amount of cream first to the forehead and blend. Then apply the cream to your nose, cheeks, chin and neck, gradually blending the cream so that there are no borders left.
  4. Set the cream with a thin layer of powder.

Foundation brush

Shading the cream so that it fits perfectly and looks natural is not an easy task, and the choice of the tool that will help you with this depends solely on your preferences. The main advantage of the brush is its thin layer application, but this tool will require some practice and adherence to the rules:

  • choose a flat brush up to 3 cm wide
  • the brush must be made of synthetic material
  • It is preferable to have a smooth edge of the brush rather than a pointed one

How to apply foundation with a brush?

To get the perfect makeup, follow these steps:

  1. Cleanse your face, apply day cream, and use a corrective base if necessary.
  2. Squeeze a drop of the existing foundation between your thumb, pick up a dry, clean brush and dip it into the cream, rub lightly, remove excess.
  3. Make four strokes with the brush: on the forehead, on the chin and on the cheeks.
  4. Blend the strokes to the sides and upwards, the strokes should be gliding and light, without pressure, if necessary, add more cream to the brush.
  5. Having tinted the forehead, move to the nose and cheeks and gradually go down to the chin, all movements of the brush should be made from the center to the edges.
  6. Be especially careful when working on the nasolabial folds; excess cream in these areas can roll off and look untidy.

Sponge for foundation

Another effective material for blending concealer cream is a sponge.

  • Choose special sponges for shading; due to their shape and composition, this tool allows you to apply an even layer of cream with soft movements, while using less cream than when applying with a brush.
  • Sponges are made from latex, foam rubber or cellulose, and natural sponges are also available.
  • To make the sponge last longer, do not forget to rinse it after each application of the cream.

How to apply foundation with a sponge?

The method of applying cream with a sponge has its own characteristics:

  1. Prepare your face, apply day cream, corrective base
  2. Wet the sponge warm water and carefully remove excess moisture with a napkin
  3. Squeeze a little cream onto the area near thumb left hand, pick up the sponge and dip it in the cream, rub lightly
  4. Gently spread the cream over your face, starting with the forehead, then the cheeks and nose, ending with the chin and neck.
  5. Rinse the sponge and leave to dry

How to apply foundation with a beauty blender?

A beauty blender is one of the types of sponges that has a certain egg-shaped shape. Depending on the type of cream applied (light, dense, medium), various beauty blenders are available that allow you to apply the concealer as evenly as possible.

The egg-shaped shape with a pointed tip allows you to reach even the most difficult to reach places, such as the inner corner of the eye, and apply makeup as smoothly as possible.

The application technology is the same as with a regular sponge, you need to wet the beauty blender, squeeze it slightly so that it remains wet, while it will increase in size, then apply the foundation using patting movements.

How to apply foundation with your fingertips?

You can evenly distribute the cream over your face without any tools, using only your fingertips. This method can be called the most economical in terms of foundation consumption.

  • Wash your face thoroughly with toner, apply face cream, and let it absorb for 5-10 minutes.
  • Wash your hands well with warm water and rub your palms to warm your fingers.
  • Apply a few drops of foundation into the crease near the thumb on your left hand, take a small amount of cream on your finger and apply to the main areas on the forehead, chin and cheeks.
  • Blend to the sides and upwards using light patting movements with your fingertips, trying not to pull or stretch the skin.
  • To assess the uniformity of application, periodically move away from the mirror a couple of steps and evaluate the result.
  • Distribute the tone evenly over the entire face and neck, especially carefully working on the hairline and eyebrows.

How to apply foundation under the eyes?

This area must be treated with special care and precision. Incorrect movements when shading can lead to stretching of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

On the other hand, lack of sleep and stress primarily affects this area, so it is also impossible not to mask it. For this area, choose a cream with a light and delicate texture, one tone lighter than your base skin color, apply it with a brush or fingertips.

  • If regular foundation does not cover all imperfections, then use concealer.
  • Concealer differs from regular foundation in its structure, lighter on one side, but very dense on the other.
  • This product is ideal for sensitive skin around the eyes, allowing you to disguise all imperfections without drying out thin skin. Usually they have a yellow tint, which allows you to optically “extinguish” the blue under the eyes.
  • Any product for the area under the eyes should be applied with light movements, do not stretch the skin, start from the inner corner of the eye, gradually moving to the outer corner.

How to remove foundation?

Foundation good manufacturer with an unexpired expiration date, you can use it constantly, every day. It protects your skin from environmental influences and nourishes, but in any case, after a busy day, do not forget to remove your foundation so that your skin can rest. For this purpose you can use:

  • makeup remover wipes
  • makeup remover milk
  • shower gel
  • foam for washing
  • hydrophilic oil
  • micellar water

The modern beauty industry offers women a wide choice of products to create perfect makeup. You can be sure that your skin will glow with beauty and health, while foundation will not only not worsen its condition, but, on the contrary, will help you cope with problems. Love yourself and be beautiful!

Video: Face makeup with foundation

Looking at the covers of glossy magazines, girls are partly jealous of the perfect skin of the models. Of course, in addition to the masterful techniques of special photo processing programs, the lion's share of the credit goes to cosmetologists.

You can do professional makeup yourself by learning the basics of the rules for using foundation. In addition, with the help of concealers, the skin acquires additional moisture and protection from external factors.

The quality and beauty of makeup depends on proper preparation. The application of concealer plays an important role in this, so proper preparation of the skin guarantees a good result.

The basic rules for applying tinted cosmetics to the face are as follows:

  • Apply the product to the skin only in natural light. This is the only way to achieve an even distribution of foundation on the face and the absence of sharp transitions after shading the neck area.
  • Before applying makeup, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed with special caring cosmetics. A tonic, lotion or cleansing gel is suitable for this.
  • After cleansing, the skin is lubricated with a moisturizing nourishing cream. As soon as the day cream is absorbed, a makeup base is applied to the face. This will allow the foundation to be evenly distributed and withstand external factors throughout the day.
  • After 15 minutes of moisturizing the skin, apply foundation to the face. Moreover, this needs to be done pointwise. Drops of concealer cream are blended using existing tools until a uniform shade is obtained.
  • If necessary, you can apply a layer of product to the neck and décolleté area.
  • You need to begin further steps to create the perfect makeup no earlier than after 10 minutes. The foundation will dry completely and will not allow your makeup to bleed.

How to apply foundation correctly: secret techniques

In the crowd, doll girls with a thick layer of decorative cosmetics often catch the eye. This makeup looks quite unnatural. It gives the impression of a “mask” effect on the face.

To create a natural skin tone and disguise imperfections, you need to apply foundation correctly. In particular, you should:

  • choose a foundation that has a lighter shade than the color of the skin;
  • keep makeup tools clean and tidy;
  • carefully blend the foundation near the hairline;
  • distribute the foundation evenly over the skin - from top to bottom;
  • apply the required amount of cream to the face - an excessively thick layer on the skin looks untidy;
  • dilute the foundation with day cream to lighten the shade and provide additional moisture to the skin;
  • store foundation correctly - a dark and cool place is the most ideal;
  • use a toning product with the addition of silicone if there are difficulties with the uniform distribution of the cream on the face;
  • Spray the masked face with mineral water to preserve makeup for a long time;
  • first apply powder to the skin, and only then foundation to hide imperfections;
  • cleanse the skin of decorative cosmetics daily to allow the skin to breathe;
  • use a cream with good durability in heat or in rooms with high humidity;
  • apply foundation to the lips if the face does not have bright features;
  • use a light-reflecting concealer over peach-toned foundation to camouflage blue circles or redness under the eyes;
  • use reflective corrector sparingly, highlighting certain areas of the face;
  • give preference to a sponge if you need to achieve the smoothest possible skin or disguise red areas.

Concealing redness on the face

Sometimes it is almost impossible to hide skin imperfections. Pimples tend to appear even through a thick layer of makeup. To be sure to mask redness on the skin, you should apply the product in accordance with certain rules.

  1. The first layer of foundation is applied to the entire face.
  2. The second layer is applied exclusively to areas that require careful masking.
  3. Acne and redness on the skin can be hidden with the help of a green corrector.
  4. For oily skin, foundation is replaced with compact powder suitable shade.

How can you apply foundation?

To create excellent makeup, professional cosmetologists use a large number of special tools. Some devices suggest their use when working with sensitive facial skin, others when applying a tinting agent to the eyelids.

Each of the tools available in the arsenal is used for its intended purpose. The main assistants for applying foundation are: a brush, sponge and fingers.


Using a brush, you can gently blend the foundation at the border of the beginning of hair growth. With the help of this indispensable tool, different tones of the decorative product are mixed.

The main characteristics that a foundation brush should have are its flat shape and synthetic hairs.

The algorithm for applying a concealer using a brush looks like this:

  1. Squeeze a small amount of cream onto the back of your hand.
  2. Gently dip the brush into the product and apply it to the face with frequent strokes.
  3. First, the foundation is applied to the forehead, cheeks and chin, and then distributed in the direction from the center to the edges of the facial contour. It is necessary to monitor the thickness of the applied layer: the more cream on the face, the shorter the “life” of the makeup.
  4. Apply foundation to the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle: on the nasal wings and circumlabial folds.


A cosmetic sponge allows you to make makeup on your face less noticeable and light. Using a sponge, you can gently distribute the foundation in the eye area and nasolabial triangle. The applicators are shaped like a square or triangle, making it easier to apply the cream to uneven areas of the face.

As a variation, there is a hybrid of a brush and a sponge that has a soft applicator on a stick instead of synthetic fibers. Applying the concealer with a sponge is carried out in several stages:

  1. Moisten the applicator in clean water and squeeze well.
  2. Squeeze a little foundation onto the brush and dip the free edge of the sponge into it.
  3. To remove any remaining product from the applicator, pat the sponge on the back of your hand.
  4. Use similar movements to apply basic makeup.

To maintain the original appearance of the applicator after numerous uses, it is necessary to wash the sponge in warm water each time.


Nothing can help disguise skin imperfections like your own fingers. When applying several layers of foundation, your fingertips will evenly distribute the product on your face, avoiding the appearance of spots or smudges. When using a solid toner, only your fingers can gently apply makeup and blend the makeup onto the skin.

The movements should not be strong - you just need a smooth glide without pressing and light pats. Before directly using the foundation, your hands must be washed and dried. Applying makeup occurs in the same directions as with conventional cosmetic tools.

Let's say "No!" to the mask effect.

Naturalness will always be in price, no matter what fashion trends appear. Therefore, too much makeup on your face is unlikely to create a positive opinion about a girl’s cosmetic skills. To achieve naturalness in makeup and disguise skin defects, you should be wary of some techniques.

Under no circumstances should you:

  • Apply a thick layer of foundation and powder to your face;
  • use a product that does not match your skin tone;
  • shading only on the central part of the face;
  • forget about applying foundation to the neck and carefully shading it.

Foundation companions

The usual application of foundation on the face is not enough to create a complete and long-lasting makeup. Comes into play decorative cosmetics, capable of transforming the appearance of any girl, as well as permanently securing the result.

There is a big difference between the products used, so it will not be superfluous to know the exact purpose of each foundation assistant.


The second name of the primer is a makeup base. If you need to preserve the beauty of your face for a long time, then you should use a primer. It can be applied both to cleansed facial skin and to the skin lubricated with regular day cream. The base is able to disguise minor skin imperfections thanks to various shades, as well as give it a matte finish.


If you need to add radiance to tired skin or highlight prominent facial features, you should use a highlighter to complete your makeup. It is applied to the forehead, eyebrow area, cheekbones, chin and the very back of the nose.

Highlighter adds volume to your features, making your face more expressive. The product can be purchased in the form of a sticker, powder, eye shadow.


The main task of concealer is to disguise. Its ability lies in the content of a huge amount of pigments. Defects are corrected by applying a layer of concealer to individual areas of the skin and carefully shading the product.

The process of creating the perfect makeup is quite labor-intensive, so it should be done with the utmost care. Using tricks when applying foundation to the skin will not only make your makeup look natural, but also disguise imperfections on your face.

Many women use cosmetics every day, but not everyone knows how to apply foundation correctly in order to advantageously disguise imperfections rather than highlight them. Properly applied makeup is almost invisible on the face. To skillfully use concealers, you do not need to attend makeup artist courses; you will need a little patience, practice, and most importantly, you must follow the advice of professionals.

In practice, 3 tone application techniques are used:

  • fingertips;
  • brush;
  • with a sponge.

But controversial debates flare up between the fair sex: what is the best way to apply foundation?

Preparing the face for application

The successful outcome of skin toning largely depends on the preparatory process, which includes:

  1. Regular exfoliation (scrubbing).
  2. Cleansing and toning using tonic, gel, lotion, milk.
  3. Moisturize with cream (using your fingertips in a circular motion).
  4. Dry for 10-15 minutes.

Scrubbing will help get rid of dead particles that affect the texture and interfere with the regeneration of new cells. The cosmetic product contains abrasive components that are used for cleansing.

The rules and frequency of using the scrub depend on your skin type:

  1. For oily type Weekly treatments are recommended.
  2. For dry type 2 times a month is enough.

Applying a tonic or special gel to the face will help tone the cellular layer of the skin and cleanse it of fine dirt. Only after natural drying can you use a moisturizer. After 15 minutes, all components will be completely absorbed and the face will be ready for tinting.

Foundation can be used as the only means of tinting the skin when applied daytime makeup. If this is evening makeup, or you have any skin defects, then this product alone will not do; you will have to use others that have a denser texture.

The foundation is applied to the entire surface of the face after the moisturizer. Application is carried out using a sponge, brush or special sponges. The choice of one tool or another depends on the consistency of the foundation. If it is very thick, it is best to apply it with a sponge. If the cream is more liquid and transparent, the tone is applied using a soft natural brush.

Application technique

  1. Before using foundation It is recommended to mask all areas that differ in color with a corrector. Brownish spots and circles under the eyes will help hide the pink or yellow tone of a corrective pencil, and thanks to the green tone, you can make any redness invisible.
  2. Distribute the foundation evenly over the face in the form of dots. When applying makeup in the summer or on the occasion of a celebration, the neck and décolleté area are covered with the cosmetic.
  3. Blend with smooth movements. Do not pull the skin or put pressure on it. When using a brush, blend using short masks. The brush should move from top to bottom. The chin area is shaded towards the top and towards the ears. If the distribution of the product is done with your fingers, then you can get by with light pats.
  4. Allow the cream to absorb for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Powder your face to set the tint layer using a brush with natural bristles. Use fine structure powder in small quantities to prevent delamination of the treated surface and the formation of cracks in facial wrinkles.

A feature of the tone application technique is considered to be leisurely smooth movements directed along massage lines.

The most important stage: cleansing, moisturizing

What kind of negative reviews are these? foundations ah, which ones are most often found on the Internet? I'm sure you've read them more than once too. This is a criticism like: “Emphasizes dry skin, flaking, does not hide redness. The conclusion is a very bad tone.” Such statements just make me sick. And if such comments are still found on the Internet, it means that not enough explanatory work has been done about what to do before applying foundation.

Just keep in mind: any foundation hides no more than 30% of skin imperfections. There are denser, heavier products - they can “photoshop” up to 70% of imperfections, but they are not recommended for every day. Therefore, our direct task is to remove as many imperfections as possible before applying foundation. And for this, the skin should:

  • Clear.
  • Moisturize.
  • Conceal with additional means, if necessary.

Exactly in this sequence. The main thing is to get rid of any redness, peeling, dryness, etc. as much as possible before applying foundation. Think of your face as a canvas. What artist would paint on an uneven canvas?

What means to use is up to you. What suits you, what you are used to. Just keep in mind a few tips:

1. If you use micellar water for cleansing, do not forget to rinse it off. The micellar should always be washed off - this colorless water creates a disgusting sticky feeling on the skin. And this is a solvent. It dissolves not only dirt on the skin, but also all the products that you will apply next.

2. Tonic must be alcohol-free.

3. Allow at least 10 minutes to absorb any moisturizer before applying the next layer. We used cream, serum, oil - wait 10 minutes. If you see that the product is not completely absorbed, blot it.

Facial oil before applying foundation

Can oil be used when applying foundation? How? For what? Which? In what order? What is the final effect? There are many legends and conflicting opinions surrounding this issue, let’s figure it out. I will highlight this aspect separately, because on the one hand, oil is one of the stages of preparing the skin for makeup, and on the other hand, it is a means for applying makeup. Let's consider all methods of application.

Mix oil with foundation

  • Option 1: drop a little foundation onto your hand, add a couple of drops of facial oil, mix and apply the mixture to the skin as usual.
  • Option 2: Apply foundation or concealer to the face with strokes, drop a couple of drops of oil onto a damp cosmetic sponge, and blend.

What is the benefit of adding oil to tone?

  • If you want to lighten, dilute the matte finish of the foundation, make the coverage lighter, more radiant, more natural.
  • If you want easier application, distribution, shading of the foundation.

My opinion on this matter. I haven’t tried it, and I’m not going to try it. It is better to choose a foundation that is comfortable, suitable in color and consistency, than to dance with tambourines around an unsuitable one.

Apply oil before makeup

Together with the rest of your skincare cosmetics: cream, mask, serum, tonic, you don’t have to apply everything on yourself at once. The main thing is to achieve the main goal: remove peeling, redness, nourish the skin, moisturize. If one product is enough for this, great, if more is needed, ok.

My opinion on this matter. Oil as a preliminary part of care is the most reasonable option, if you take into account two important conditions:

  • The oil is chosen to suit your skin type, and this is not an easy task. Wide variety, hundreds of varieties of pure mono-oils, regardless of manufacturer. But there are also ready-made mixtures from different brands. With such a choice, it’s easy to get confused. If you have found “your” oil, I can only congratulate you. Personally, I haven't found it yet. How to determine that a particular oil is right for you? The criterion is extremely simple: it is comfortable to live with, you rub a couple of drops into the skin and they are absorbed without a trace, leaving behind only a feeling of softness and moisture. If this consistency creates a film on the face, an oily sheen, a feeling of stickiness and disgust, then there is no need to use such a product anymore. Guided by this rule, you should choose all other skincare products. And it would be a mistake to think that face oil is only for very dry skin, to remove dryness and flaking. A suitable bottle can be selected for absolutely any skin type and for any defect.
  • Even with the perfect oil, it takes time to absorb; allow at least 10 minutes for this process and only then apply the next product.

Use oil instead of highlighter

Kind of a life hack. The finishing touches to the finished makeup. If you want to replace your usual highlighter, rub one drop of (appropriate!) oil between your fingers and apply it to the desired areas on top of the foundation.

My opinion on this matter. Personally, the shine of the foundation is enough for me, I don’t need more.

What to apply?

The foundation should be applied using a brush or sponge.
When using a special technology that provides a dense covering base, a damp sponge is used. However, this tinting technique is not suitable for thin, sensitive skin.

Using a dry sponge, foundation is applied in two ways:

  1. After the spot distribution of the cream on the face, the surface is leveled with a disc.
  2. The required dose of the product is squeezed onto the disk, after which it is evenly shaded over the skin.

Often the cream is applied using fingertips. The product is first distributed with light patting movements, then secured with gentle circular movements. Under no circumstances should you stretch or press on the skin.

To create the perfect base for makeup, you can use the skin tinting technique using a flat brush with synthetic bristles. The brush blends the composition along massage lines, carefully smoothing out tone boundaries and unevenness.

Regardless of the method of applying the tone, you need to adhere to the dosage. Only a thin layer will skillfully hide flaws and give freshness. A thick layer will create a mask effect, focusing on wrinkles, which will spoil the natural beauty.


Makeup should be applied only in natural light, when the color is perceived adequately. Artificial lighting distorts the natural tone, so it is difficult to choose the right shade. The result will be a darker or lighter complexion, which will stand out against the background of the neck color.

Makeup rules

  1. Before using cosmetic products, you must apply moisturizer to your face.
  2. If you need to get a denser tone, then apply the product with a slightly damp sponge.
  3. Apply foundation using tapping and tapping movements with your fingers.
  4. If you apply a concealer that is a shade darker into the wings of the nose, you will create the effect of reducing it.
  5. We must not forget about the neck area. Use the remaining product on the brush or sponge to go over your neck, smoothing out the visible transition.
  6. After completing the makeup, the skin of the face should be lightly sprinkled with thermal water to consolidate the results.
  7. The foundation should be a tone lighter genuine leather. This will create the effect of a fresh and rested face.
  8. The skin above the hairline should be re-shaded again so that the presence of the concealer on the face is least noticeable.
  9. If you plan to go to places with high humidity, it is best to use a waterproof foundation.
  10. Makeup artists allow you to apply concealer cream to your lips only if your facial features are poorly defined.

For a girl, foundation is an indispensable product in her makeup bag. Bags under the eyes appear from lack of sleep, wrinkles come with age, and acne - from unhealthy food and improper care. Of course, you should eradicate the problem from the inside, but if an important event is planned, and there is an unattractive pimple on your face that spoils the entire upcoming mood, then an indispensable concealer will come to the rescue. The main thing is to apply foundation in accordance with the recommendations given.

Any woman can always be on top, regardless of skin condition. Properly composed makeup will not only hide flaws and imperfections of the skin, but will also highlight the most beautiful areas of the face, enlarge the eyes and lips, make the nose smaller, and correct contouring can change the appearance beyond recognition. But don’t get carried away with cosmetics - fashion dictates natural and unnoticeable makeup.

Correction of face shape using foundation

A foundation with foundation not only improves the color and texture of the face, it helps to correct the shape. An oval shape is considered perfect, so when applying makeup, makeup artists try to bring the result closer to the ideal.

First, the areas that need to be emphasized are determined. Then areas requiring camouflage are identified.

For correction, creams of different shades are used.

By highlighting or darkening parts of the face, you can visually change the shape of the oval, nose, chin:

  1. A long face can be visually shortened by applying a dark tone along the chin and forehead.
  2. A dark tone of cream distributed over the temporal and lateral parts will help to narrow a round face in a matter of minutes.
  3. A square shape can be made oval thanks to a dark tone applied from the corners of the mouth to the temporal part.

Final elimination of defects

Have you completed all the preparatory procedures? Let's see what happened. Is your skin smooth, nourished, even? You did a great job - now you can pick up a tube of foundation. No? Or do you have doubts that all this beauty will last long? It’s sad, of course, but everything can be fixed. The next stage is the “foundation”.

If there is a suspicion that this area will soon become shiny, dryness will appear here again, there are too many blackheads here, there is a pigment spot here, and here the acne has not gone away... that means we are “building a foundation.” It's time to get down to business makeup base. Or the base. Or color correctors - the name may be different, but the purpose of the product is the same - to disguise imperfections before applying foundation. I will not give recommendations on which bases to select, because recommending brands in this case is a thankless task. I will only say that the basics can be found for any shortcoming.

You also need to take into account that CC and BB creams are also considered bases, but they are self-sufficient, after which you do not need to apply foundation. And if you are lucky and don’t need to mask anything, then a regular transparent silicone base without effects will increase the durability of your makeup. If the day promises to be long, then with a colorless “classic” base the foundation will last longer, and there will be no need to refresh the tone.

How to store the cream?

You can create the most favorable conditions for storing cosmetics by placing the cosmetic bag in the refrigerator on the top shelf.

The sponge needs to be changed as needed, but it should be cleaned after 5-7 days, depending on the frequency of use.

You should regularly check the expiration dates of products. Expired cosmetics can cause allergic reaction or skin irritation.

The sun's rays can reduce the quality of creams in a matter of hours, so you should not leave jars and tubes in the open sun.

How to correctly and perfectly evenly apply foundation without a mask effect with a sponge?

A sponge is a small cosmetic sponge that can be made from both natural and synthetic materials. It greatly facilitates the application of both crumbly and creamy cosmetics. A sponge is very often used to apply foundation.


  • You need to wet the sponge in water and squeeze it out. After this, the tone is applied pointwise to the face.
  • This is done in the area of ​​the forehead, chin, and nose using driving movements, from the center to the temples and ears.
  • After distributing the product, the sponge is washed and dried.
  • Never leave the sponge wet or dirty. Because bacteria can grow in it.

Types of foundation

Different manufacturers produce foundations that differ in structure, density, and fat content. Each representative of the fair sex can choose the cream that is most suitable in composition.

Types of tinting cosmetics are classified mainly by consistency:

  1. Liquid creams are intended for oily skin types and are almost colorless, which is why they cannot disguise problem areas.
  2. Thick creamy formulations create a good camouflage for dry skin types, fatty enzymes provide sufficient nutrition.
  3. Foundation films have a delicate structure, are suitable for any skin type, and are applied in a thin layer.
  4. The cream stick is intended directly for masking imperfections: scratches, circles under the eyes, etc.
  5. Cream powder can be used daily, perfectly moisturizes, smoothes out color and unevenness.
  6. Foundation mousse creates a light effect and cannot mask problem areas

What to apply first: foundation or concealer?

Concealer is the same corrector, its composition is the same as foundation. The difference is that a unit of this product contains more pigments than a foundation. That is, it can be used to disguise minor defects, as well as uneven skin tone. For example, concealer and corrector are often used to disguise dark circles under the eyes, rosacea, small branches, and inflammation on the face. Concealer or corrector is applied after moisturizing the skin, but before applying foundation. After masking the defects, a thin layer of foundation is applied and gently pressed into the skin.

The fact is that many girls note that after using foundation, the effect of a mask is obtained. The so-called plaster is very visible. It is necessary to be able to apply foundation correctly so that the complexion turns out natural, and its shape and ideal highlights are preserved. Several techniques are used for this.

Selection by skin type

Before purchasing foundation cosmetics, you need to determine your skin type. Many compositions, in addition to the camouflage effect, perform the functions of moisturizing, nutrition, protection from ultraviolet radiation, etc.

Determining the type will help you choose a product that improves the structure of the cell layer:

  1. Moisturizing is important for sensitive skin. A thick cream with a moisturizing effect will provide reliable protection.
  2. Only oil-based tinted cosmetics can provide dry skin with nutrition rich in fatty enzymes.
  3. For oily types, creams that create a mattifying effect and contain a minimal amount of fat are suitable.
  4. For the mixed type, conventional formulations with a balanced amount of nutrients are suitable.

How to apply foundation correctly and perfectly evenly without the effect of a mask with your hands and fingers?

Many beauty bloggers, as well as makeup artists, recommend that people use their fingers to apply daily makeup. Indeed, this cosmetic product, that is, foundation, can be applied with your fingers. This helps to save substance and also to make everyday, light makeup.

Fingers are suitable if you want to achieve a translucent tone, or hide minor defects, even out your complexion. In this case, you can completely do it with your fingers without using brushes and sponges. Please note that if there are defects on the skin, bruises under the eyes, then it is best to hide them with concealer and corrector. The technique of applying the cream with your fingers is simple.


  • It is necessary to apply several dots of foundation in the area of ​​the cheekbones, under the eyes, in the forehead, and chin. They should resemble the size of beads. Next, along the line from the nose to the ears, evenly tap the product in with your fingers. You will do quite poorly at the beginning, because you have no experience.
  • Under no circumstances should you spread the product like a regular cream. Only with driving movements will you achieve uniform application. If the skin is very flaky, usually in the area of ​​the nose and chin, you do not need to rub the product in, but to hammer it in.
  • That is, spread a little product on your finger and, using tapping movements, correct the nose area and all flaky areas.

Review of the best brands

Loreal (AllaincePerfect)

  1. A wide range of creams that differ in structure, density and composition.
  2. The products even out skin color, adjusting to your individual shade.
  3. Does not create a mask effect.
  4. They have a masking and moisturizing effect.
  5. For dry skin types, a series of moisturizers are available that are used before tinting.

The only drawback is the ability of the cream to leave marks on clothes.

Max Factor Xperience

  1. Has a moisturizing and softening effect.
  2. It has a light structure and is practically not felt on the face.
  3. Covers small imperfections well.

The disadvantage is that it cannot be used for problem skin.


  1. Adjusts to natural skin color.
  2. The lightweight structure allows the skin to breathe.
  3. Doesn't create the feeling of a mask.

Disadvantage: Only suitable for thin skin.


  1. Easily shaded.
  2. Has a moisturizing and masking effect.
  3. Suitable for problem skin.
  4. Hides small wrinkles.
  5. The pleasant smell fills you with freshness for a long time.

How to correctly and perfectly evenly apply the foundation of a mask with a brush and what brush?

Brushes are best suited for applying both light and dense foundations. It is best to choose an artificial brush; products made from badger hair can serve as an alternative. Using a brush you can create the effect of porcelain skin or a mask.


  • In order to apply foundation with a brush, you need to draw several lines in the forehead, cheekbones, chin and bridge of the nose. In order for the cream to apply well, you need to apply a small amount of product onto reverse side palms.
  • This way the product will soften a little, its thickness will decrease, and it will be much more pliable to apply to the skin. In this case, the product must not be smeared or smoothed, but applied with driving movements.
  • If you have a flat brush, apply the product using tapping movements, distributing it evenly over large areas. Such as the forehead and cheeks. You can use a round brush. In this case, the product is distributed in a circular motion.
  • Vary the size of the brush on different parts of the face. If this is the back of the nose and its wings, the ideal option would be a thin, dense brush, as for applying eye shadow. If it's the cheeks and chin, as well as the forehead, a denser, thicker brush will do. This way you can save time and money.

Common mistakes

  1. Do not spread the cream all over your face. It is enough to apply one drop of cream on the forehead, chin and both cheeks.
  2. Foundation should be selected according to skin color. Only slight differences in shade are allowed.
  3. A thick layer creates a mask effect and has nothing in common with the makeup base.
  4. The texture of the cream should match your skin type. An incorrectly selected product will not look natural and fresh.
  5. When distributing the cream, the skin is often stretched and pressed. This is a gross mistake that provokes sagging and the formation of new wrinkles. Only smooth, light patting movements are allowed. The entire hand should not take part in applying the foundation. Only the fingertips are used.

Is the brush the head of everything?

Finding a quality makeup tool is essential before use, but what is the best foundation brush? The following options are known:

  1. A brush with flat bristles for detailed work on hard-to-reach areas.
  2. With unnatural pile. A natural brush absorbs a large amount of cosmetics, so it is better to buy a synthetic one. This will reduce foundation consumption.
  3. The brush for applying foundation should be moderately elastic to easily work on difficult areas.

After choosing the right beauty tool, you need to learn how to apply foundation with a brush.

For more convenient use, apply a few drops of concealer base first to inner side hands. Use a brush to place small dots on the T-zone, smoothly distributing from the center of the face to the temples and carefully blending the border of the tone transition. It is important to point the brush strictly perpendicular to the face in order to avoid visible strokes. Difficult T-zones can be re-worked with your fingers. The skin around the eyes requires a minimum amount of makeup, but a maximum amount of shading is required so that the foundation does not accumulate in expression lines.

Before each use, the brush must be clean, so after use, the cosmetic accessory must be treated with soap and dried well.


What exactly will be in the bottle depends on the effect that is being achieved. The gel base is complemented by action

  • polymers,
  • minerals,
  • peptides (plant extracts),
  • reflective elements,
  • fluids with hyaluronic acid and collagen are popular.

Manufacturers do not use glycerin (it slows down the absorption of substances by the skin) and fragrances. Therefore, fluids cannot be used after the expiration date.

The product can contain up to a dozen active components aimed at a specific result.

Who better to choose a denser tone and give up the vibes?

The weightless texture of such a foundation may be a disadvantage for you - not everyone strives for a translucent coverage. Sometimes it is better to choose a classic foundation, cream powder or mousse.

In what cases do I not recommend using fluid foundation because its texture is too light:

  • If the skin is inflamed and there is local redness. A translucent product will not hide minor problems on the skin - it is better to take a classic foundation instead and arm yourself with a concealer.
  • If you like thick coverage. Even 2-3 layers of fluid will not give the same density that you get when using cream powder or tinted mousse.
  • If you are doing makeup for a photo shoot or creating an evening look. In photographs and under artificial lighting, makeup appears 30-40% paler, so particularly thick coverage and bright accents would be appropriate.

What is facial fluid?

At its core, it is a light cream with a more liquid texture (like milk, serum or emulsion) without fats and oils. Therefore, the fluid is absorbed faster, leaving a pleasant feeling of moisture and freshness, and is used sparingly. But, on the contrary, you will not see heaviness and oily shine.

This is mainly due to the composition: a non-greasy gel, supplemented with active ingredients, creates the thinnest coating on the face.

Fluids without oils are designated as “oil free”; if the products contain oils, then in a small proportion.

How to choose: a short overview of companies

Almost all brands offer a certain type of fluids in their lines. Here we list the most popular and interesting ones.

  • Nivea

Representatives were the first to announce the express properties to the general public. Nivea Make-Up Expert “2 in 1” is a good universal product for lightly moisturizing the skin before applying cosmetics. This is an affordable brand, however the cream may not live up to expectations if it is quite dry or too oily skin, it does not solve age-related problems.

  • Oriflame

Available worldwide and frequently introducing new peptide products. The brand offered a hypoallergenic product with cucumber and string extracts. The Giordani Gold series features a light toning product.

  • Avon and Faberlic

Companies also have their own analogues with a similar effect - both for toning, smoothing and moisturizing the face. The moisturizing properties of cucumber extract are actively used in fluids in the mass and luxury segments.

  • Planeta Organica

Released a fluid with extracts of rare plants. This is a combination with components of iris, seaweed and other effective extracts.

  • Dr. Stern, Shiseido, Estee Lauder and Eisenber

Prestigious brands producing mattifying care products. They solve complex problems (lifting, rejuvenation, alignment).

  • La Roche

A variant of a pharmacy cosmetics company that, along with creams, produces a fluid.

  • Librederm

Pharmacy cosmetics with good moisturizing properties.

  • Maybelline

The line includes tonal fluids with good coverage. The product applies smoothly, holds well and hides blemishes, pimples, and redness. The brand is interesting because it was one of the first to produce foundations under different types skin.

  • Yves Roche

I created a foundation fluid with an applicator called “Cushion”. This name turned into a common noun and began to denote a certain form of sponge. And yet, as the first, Yves Rocher is remembered precisely as the creator of a good tinting fluid that can be applied at any time.

Preparing cream fluid

So, let's try to prepare a fluid cream for oily and normal skin with our own hands. This is a light and gentle product that is easily absorbed by the skin and does not leave a greasy feeling. We will need:

82 grams of chamomile hydrolate; 5 grams of Monoi de Tahiti oil; 3 grams of watermelon seed oil; 3 grams of Montanova 202 emulsifier; 1 gram Simugel 600; 3 grams of violet extract; 2 grams Sepitonic; 10 drops of preservative Phenotype; 10 drops of violet ether.

First, weigh the oils. Monoi de Tahiti is considered a unique product that has moisturizing properties and a unique aroma. Watermelon seed oil fights excess sebum production, regenerates and moisturizes. Add an emulsifier to the oils, which helps mattify the skin.

Now place the mixture in a steam bath and heat until the emulsifier melts. At the same time, steam the chamomile hydrosol in another bowl to warm up. When the emulsifier granules are straightened, hydrosol must be poured into the fatty phase.

Mix with a small mixer until smooth, then turn it off and stir until cool. Pour violet extract (extract) into the cooled product. It will soothe and soften the skin. Add Sepitonic. This is a mineral component that will revitalize the skin.

Homemade cream will give softness and elasticity to the skin. It will eliminate excess oil and tighten pores.

After including each component, mix the cream thoroughly. Pour in the violet ether. It will tighten pores, reduce oiliness and improve overall condition. The preservative is added at the last moment.

This emulsion is liquid, so you need to add Simugel, which will turn it into a homogeneous cream-fluid. The cream is delicate and light, it is quickly absorbed, softens the skin, fights oiliness and enlarged pores.

Popular tonal fluids

Finding foundation fluid is not difficult: a huge number of products are presented in cosmetic stores, as well as online. Before purchasing, be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition and effect of the product, and read consumer reviews.

Teint Couture Everwear SPF20 by Givenchy

Active ingredients: absorbent powder, fixing polymers, glycerin, licorice extract, mineral filters.


  • evens out the relief and complexion of the face;
  • corrects deficiencies;
  • makes the skin silky;
  • protects from sun exposure.


  • is characterized by increased stability - provides dense coverage throughout the day;
  • has 20 different shades;
  • According to user reviews, the product does not clog pores and is easily distributed over the face.

Approximate cost: 4,050 rubles. for 30 ml.

Teint Couture Everwear SPF20 from Givenchy has a wide range of shades

Soft Fluid Foundation SPF20 from La Mer

Active ingredients: peptides, velvety algae enzymes and other plant extracts, sesame oils, eucalyptus, etc.


  • creates a uniform tone;
  • intensively moisturizes and smoothes contours;
  • tightens pores;
  • protects from sun rays.


  • has regenerating properties;
  • contains many plant extracts and oils;
  • According to users, it covers minor redness and other skin imperfections well.

Approximate cost: 7,800 rubles. for 30 ml.

Soft Fluid Foundation SPF20 from La Mer contains a large number of plant extracts

Flawless Satin SPF20 by Sensai

Active ingredients: Silky Lustrous pearl powder particles, Skin Aura pigments, Koishimaru silk.


  • provides uniform coverage;
  • corrects deficiencies;
  • adds shine and softness.


  • has a creamy texture developed using Silk Drape technology;
  • has high durability;
  • Judging by consumer reviews, the coverage is medium in density and is not felt on the skin.

Approximate cost: RUB 3,292. for 30 ml.

Flawless Satin SPF20 from Sensai gives the skin a special silky glow

Everlasting Youth Fluid SPF15 from Clarins

Active ingredients: Skin Tone Optimizing pigments, red algae and chicory extracts, oat polysaccharides.


  • hides minor irregularities and pigmentation;
  • improves skin elasticity;
  • has a moisturizing effect;
  • makes the surface of the face radiant.


  • has a lifting effect;
  • the composition contains a unique complex of peptides and valuable plant components;
  • spreads easily over the skin.

Approximate cost: RUB 3,890. for 30 ml.

Everlasting Youth Fluid SPF15 from Clarins is suitable for aging skin as it has a lifting effect

Synchro Skin Teint Fluid SPF20 from Shiseido

Active ingredients: absorbent powder, translucent corrective polymer, color pigment, St. John's wort and thyme extracts.


  • smoothes out unevenness and evens out tone;
  • tightens pores and prevents the appearance of oily shine;
  • the face acquires radiance and a fresh look.


  • Due to the unique formula, the product adapts to the natural skin tone;
  • ideal for combination and oily skin;
  • It has a delicate texture, almost invisible on the face.

Approximate cost: RUB 2,299. for 30 ml.

Synchro Skin Teint Fluid SPF20 from Shiseido is often used for oily and combination skin

Maybelline Dream Satin Fluid SPF13

Active ingredients: elastomers, isododecane, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, titanium dioxide.


  • masks small defects, makes pores invisible;
  • softens and moisturizes;
  • refreshes skin color.


  • has a weightless texture - easy to apply and remove;
  • has a bright smell;
  • According to consumers, when using the product on oily skin, an oily sheen appears within a few hours.

Approximate cost: 489 rub. for 30 ml.

Maybelline Dream Satin Fluid SPF13 contains hyaluronic acid

Video: testing Dream Satin Fluid SPF13 from Maybelline

Nude Super Fluid Foundation by IsaDora

Active ingredients: silicones, glycerin, grape extracts, aloe, tocopherol.


  • disguises small wrinkles, spots and other imperfections;
  • eliminates flaking and excess dryness;
  • gives the skin a natural tone.


  • economical consumption - the composition is dosed using a pipette;
  • has a moisturizing effect;
  • Users note that due to the very liquid texture, the composition is difficult to apply.

Approximate cost: 1,370 rubles. for 30 ml.

Nude Super Fluid Foundation from IsaDora is suitable for dry skin prone to flaking

Miracle Fluid from L’Arte del bello

Active ingredients: cyclopentasiloxane, dimethicone, glycerin, titanium dioxide, tocopherol.


  • levels the surface;
  • gives the skin a healthy glow;
  • has moisturizing properties.


  • convenient to apply using a pipette;
  • users note the economical consumption of the composition;
  • There are few natural ingredients in the product.

Approximate cost: 1,290 rub. for 30 ml.

Miracle Fluid from L’Arte del bello is easy to apply using a pipette

Dermablend SPF35 from Vichy

Active ingredients: VICHY SPA thermal water, titanium dioxide, glycerin, dimethicone.


  • creates a matting effect;
  • hides most flaws - post-acne, scars, pigmentation;
  • protects against ultraviolet radiation.


  • characterized by a significant concentration of masking pigment (25% of the total composition);
  • has a high sun protection filter;
  • The durability of the product declared by the manufacturer after application is 16 hours.

Approximate cost: 1,540 rubles. for 30 ml.

Dermablend SPF35 from Vichy has high UV protection

All Stay Cover Cushion SPF35 by Limoni

Active ingredients: titanium dioxide, cyclopentasiloxane, dimethicone, niacinamide, amino acid lauryl lysine, beeswax, glycerin.


  • evens out color;
  • hides small defects;
  • Provides protection against UV rays due to the high SPF factor.


  • Available in cushion form;
  • after application it is instantly absorbed;
  • According to user reviews, the composition is not felt at all on the face.

Approximate cost: 1,592 rubles. for 15 years

All Stay Cover Cushion SPF35 from Limoni has a cushion shape

Do I need to apply foundation in summer?

In the summer, you also want to be beautiful, and therefore girls try to hide all the flaws in their appearance with the help of foundation. In this case, you need to do it correctly. Under the influence high temperature the foundation may run. Therefore in daytime days, if you are going to the beach or walking in hot weather, it is better to refrain from applying foundation.

If you are going to the office or to evening walk When the heat subsides a little, you can use the product. If you go outside during the scorching sun and cannot refrain from using foundation, choose a product with a light texture, as well as mandatory protection from ultraviolet rays.

Mistakes when applying cream along massage lines

There are some misconceptions among those who already practice this technique. You can often come across them in some instructions. To avoid this, you should immediately familiarize yourself with the main mistakes:

  1. An excessive amount of product is not needed; the layers should be as thin as possible.
  2. There is also an opinion that a good balm should sting a little. This is complete absurdity. Such a reaction on the face is symptoms of an allergy.
  3. In places where unwanted active growth hair, application can be avoided. It is not necessary to completely cover the surface. Such areas can be left, because the nutrients in the composition can lead to more active growth over time.
  4. Movements should be smooth, not abrupt. Some people believe that the application should be clear and confident, but this is not the case.
  5. Always using the same product becomes ineffective. The body gets used to the composition, adapts and becomes immune.

You can come across various misconceptions on the Internet. To be completely protected from them, you need to check every moment with trusted sources.

Is it possible and how to apply foundation around the eyes and on the eyelids?

The foundation is applied around the eyes and on the eyelids too. But the fact is that very often after applying it, dark circles remain in the eye area and wreaths are visible. In this case, you will need to use a corrector or concealer. In the blue area, a yellow corrector will suit you. If there are green marks under the eyes, choose orange.

Don't worry about the skin around your eyes turning orange. In fact, with proper shading, you will be able to remove these skin imperfections. Foundation in these areas is applied using a thin brush or the corner of a sponge, which is made in the shape of an egg. Using the tip of a sponge, foundation is driven into the area around the eyes and upper eyelid.

The skin around the eyes is very delicate and sensitive, so it requires some attention. The fact is that in this area it is imperative to apply a primer. This is a special base that fills wrinkles and evens them out. In addition, it nourishes thin skin. Only after the primer has dried can you wear foundation. Nowadays there is a lot of controversy regarding whether concealer is applied before foundation or after it.

Fashionable make-up artists note that it all depends on what effect you want to achieve. If you have serious problems with the skin around your eyes, then it is better for you to apply a primer. After this, evenly distribute the foundation, and then the concealer. If there are no particular problems, then you can simply work on the area around the eyes with concealer. There is no need to apply powder to the area around the eyes, as this dries out the delicate epidermis.

Can I apply foundation after sculpting?

Makeup artists have different opinions about whether foundation can be used after structuring and sculpting the face. In general, many people recommend immediately applying foundation to your face. After this, use concealers and highlighters to sculpt your face. And after that, apply another layer of foundation.

It all depends on your preferences and skin defects. The more defects, the more products will have to be applied to correct them. The video below describes in detail how face sculpting is carried out, as well as applying foundation.

What is it for?

Fluids solve the same problems as creams:

  • improve skin condition,
  • retain moisture
  • supplemented with active ingredients,
  • restore the protective barrier,
  • promote the regeneration of your own collagen structures,
  • activate metabolic processes,
  • extinguish excess secretion,
  • reduce shine,
  • mask color unevenness,
  • cleaned.

Daytime vibes are supplemented with sunscreen filters. Specialized beach cosmetics separately include light-textured facial skin creams with high SPF.