Flying stars recommendations for correction May

You have already read about the favorable and unfavorable influences of the year in the previous article. We have already talked about 5-yellow.

Now let's see in which rooms other favorable and unfavorable energies of flying stars are visiting. As a rule, the main remedy for unfavorable stars is not to use a particular room, move the bed, behave carefully. Sometimes it is possible to weaken a star that has flown into an active location, such as a door.

Attention Group

Remember that, first of all, you should pay attention to:

  • A star flying to the front door of an apartment or house
  • A star that has landed on a bed or table (small tai chi)
  • A star flying onto the bedroom door (and the front door) relative to the bed
  • A star that has flown into a bedroom or office

In the southwest there will be 7, robbery star. Problems with the respiratory system and surgery are likely, especially in older women. There may be a real robbery or fire in this sector. Women can become overly sharp-tongued and unrestrained in conversations. If 7 lands on the door, place a vessel with salt water there. Also set an alarm and check the functionality of the locks.

7 gets worse in February, May, November.

Who should pay attention to the southwestern sector:

  • For those who have activity or sha from the southwest
  • The eldest woman in the family
  • Woman over 45 years old
  • People with gua 2
  • Attention Group (see above)

Troika, star of quarrels, in the west. The sector will be quite active throughout the year, thanks to the energy of Tai Sui. The combination of star and sector is conflicting, so quarrels, courts, robberies, loss of finances due to wrong decisions, operations, wounds and injuries, problems with the liver and legs are more than likely. A person sleeping in this sector may become more irritated. Treatment for the sector is a vessel with calm, “Yin” water and a small red accessory.

Unfavorable months: May, July, October.

The influence of the troika can most affect:

  • Attention Group
    • people with gua 7
    • young girls and girls
    • younger daughters

Deuce-black in the northwest. As a rule, 2 speaks about diseases, especially chronic, protracted ones. In the north-west, we are more likely to talk about the respiratory system, head diseases, stomach problems, and gynecology. The northwestern room is not suitable for newlyweds and, especially, for conceiving or pregnant women. Traditionally, it is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo examinations at the beginning of the year if the deuce is active in your home. You can also place the Wu-Lu pumpkin on the windowsill or by the bed.

Please note the months: February, April, June, September, November, January 2018.

Who will be more affected by:

  • Attention Group
  • Those who have sha or ugly structures on this side, activity
  • People with gua 6
  • Father, husband
  • A man over 45 years old

Six-white in the north creates a favorable combination for the military, people working in a large organization or structure. Unless you work in a company or have a reputation for strict self-discipline and you sleep in the north, you may experience headaches. Overall, the sector is favorable. It gets better in July, and worse in October.

Who will be most affected by:

  • To the Attention group
  • People with gua 1
  • young people from 15 to 30 years old
  • Middle son

Four-green located in the north-east. As always, the number four can inspire your creative impulses. If the matrimonial bedroom is in the northeast, figure out how to revitalize relationships within the family. The sector is not very good for young children, especially boys. In terms of diseases, pay attention to the pelvic organs. You can use a red and triangular shaped accessory, especially in the following months: February, March, August, November, December.

Who will be more affected by:

  • To the Attention group
  • those who have activity or sha on the northeast side
  • people with gua 8
  • boys under 15 years old
  • younger sons

Eight-white in the east, star of Wealth, won't let you get bored. If you use the east room, be prepared for systematic, tireless work. You can place a fountain in the east or southeast of the eastern room if your natal stars are good. However, it is better for the child not to sleep in this room. Best months: February, August, September, November. Do not plan active changes and turn off the fountain at March and December.

8 will have the greatest impact this year on:

  • Attention group
  • Eldest son
  • Man with Gua 3
  • Male from 30 to 45 years old

Nine, the star of the holidays, in the southeast. Very good this year. Gives breakthroughs in creativity, charisma, good news, promotes conception. Best months: August, September, October. Do not plan to reshuffle or activate in April and January 2018.

To use the potential of nine, place a fan, a mobile, a bright lamp, and burn candles in this sector. If you are planning a new addition to your family, then it is good to combine 9 with 8 or 1. For example, 9 on the door to the bedroom, one on the bed, or vice versa. It’s good if the south-eastern bedroom has an entrance in the east, or the eastern bedroom has an entrance in the south-east. Monthly stars can also help: in August and October there are more opportunities for conception (if you sleep in the south-east bedroom). If pregnancy is not planned, use contraception, especially during these months.

Greater impact on:

  • Attention Group
  • Eldest daughter
  • Man with Gua 4
  • Woman from 30 to 45 years old

What to do with the information received?

  1. Draw a plan of an apartment or house
  2. Measure the direction of the rear of the house.
  3. Understand where which directions and energies are located in you
  4. Check the front door, beds, work tables - are they good or bad?
  5. Find best places for beds and desks, adjust what is possible.

If you find it difficult to determine directions, read our articles on this topic, for example,

You can track the energies of each month, adjust them, and also do activations using our

Natalia Tsyganova 2017

Find out which sectors the Flying Stars will visit in 2017 and get maximum benefits in the coming year! Pay attention to the Flying Stars, whose influence can be adjusted with the help of Feng Shui attributes, and many secrets of happiness and good luck will be revealed to you. The tables of Flying Stars for 2017 reflect the distribution of energy for each of the nine sectors (home or office).

The map of flying stars will help you attract maximum luck and correctly plan your home and its interior. For the average person, this method is ideal because it puts you in control. Landscape feng shui, by comparison, is quite complex for those who are not experts in this field. This method will help you control the situation and make the necessary changes, rather than worrying about things around you that you cannot change, such as buildings or mountains!

The Flying Star Method relies on facts rather than intuition. This is the most practical way to change three areas of life - health luck, prosperity and relationship luck. The method takes into account energy changes in time and space. You will not only learn about the upcoming problem, but you will also be able to prevent it using a certain method of protection. Only you are responsible for your success, happiness and opportunities.

The usual Flying Stars card for 2017 consists of 9 numbers in the Lo Shu square. The Luo Shu square has been used for many years to predict the future. Each star (number) moves in a predetermined order from one sector to another according to the Lo Shu square.

The card comes into force on February 5, 2017. Overlay the map on the floor plan to identify favorable and unfavorable areas. It is recommended to first deal with unfavorable stars, and then with favorable ones. The stars will influence you if the entrance to the room is directed in this direction, located in this zone, if the bedroom is in this zone.

Flying stars 2017 - unfavorable

As stated above, it is better to first identify the unfavorable stars and neutralize them with elements or symbols.

In the Southern part Yellow Star #5 in 2017

This is the most problematic star, as it brings failure, tragedy and misfortune. Wu Wang associates it with losses, perhaps income or even human life. The star can provoke serious health problems, so if everything is so serious, it is better not to occupy this zone.

If your bedroom is located in the southern part of the house, it is advisable to move it to this year, if possible. If you are a Horse according to your horoscope, you are at risk and it is better for you not to sleep in this room. Keep the area quiet - keep windows and doors closed, do not turn on music or television. Do not dig in the southern part of the garden, do not plant trees there.

Place metal objects in the southern part of the house. 6 Inch Tree of Life, 5 Piece Pagoda – the best means protection. If you have a large house, you will need 3 large pagodas to enhance the effect. If you are the middle daughter or were born in the year of the Horse, you are at risk. Carry with you Golden Pagoda Keychain, Golden Buddha Pillar or wear a gold 5 element pendant.

In the North-West is the Star of Diseases #2

Black #2 brings illness and health problems. At risk are elderly family members, the head of the family, family members born in the year of the Pig or Dog. If your house faces the North-West, use copper protection. If your bedroom is at risk, move it to another room, or at least move the bed from the North-West corner.

Carry with you Keychain Garuda or Health, wear Healing pendant with Buddha or put his photo in the North-West at home. An excellent means of protection is Copper Wu Lu with 8 immortals.

Hostile Star #3 in the West

Star #3 brings quarrels, irritation and fights, which can affect any relationship. Misunderstandings will quickly escalate into a more serious quarrel. If your house is located in the west, faces west, or your bedroom is located in the western part of the house, we recommend using protection 2-sided flaming disc, which represents the strongest protection against the influence of the star.

The shi energy of the youngest daughter or family members born in the year of the Rooster will also be affected by the star. This means that in 2017, things will happen between these family members and their friends and relatives. a large number of quarrels and disputes, which may even lead to litigation. To neutralize the star, be quieter. Avoid loud noises and sudden movements in this area of ​​the house.

Protection from the negative influence of the star – Crystal pendant in the form of a laughing Buddha (jade) and Amulet for achieving peace and harmony.

Theft Star #7 is located in the South-West

In 2017, star 7 will bring violence, danger and physical loss. A house facing in this direction, as well as rooms in the North-East of the house are at risk. Elderly women or women at the head of the family should be careful, but any woman at home can fall under the adverse influence of the family. It's time to stop wasting trust.

If you were born in the year of the Sheep or Monkey, the star will also affect you. An elephant or a blue rhinoceros will protect you. Elephant amulet or sodalite rhinoceros will protect you from thefts on the streets.

Another method of protection is a glass sticker that protects against robbery and violence. Hang Protective amulet - rhinoceros and blue elephant in the car to prevent accidents.

Auspicious Flying Stars in 2017

Not all stars carry negative energy. Moreover, some people will feel protected in 2017. Luck will smile on those whose living rooms, bedrooms, entrances look in the directions listed below, or if you were born in the year of a certain animal. Take advantage of this opportunity to make the most of this energy.

Prosperity Star #8 in the East

Star #8 in the East creates additional opportunities for those born under the sign of the Rabbit, as well as for the eldest child in the family. The favorable influence of the star also extends to the eldest son. If your house faces East or if your room is in the eastern zone of the house, you will also experience the beneficial influence of the star. You will succeed in everything, and your competitors will fade away. If you are planning a renovation, start in the East, so that luck will smile on you in matters of renovation as well.

To activate the star in the eastern rooms, place it there White God of Wealth Jambala, studded with precious stones. For maximum effect, wear Ammonite shell pendant. Brings good luck in financial matters Crystal ball with 8 auspicious items. Can be hung in the car Wu Lu's magic knot made of yellow jasper.

The North is Blessed with the Presence of Celestial Star #6

If your house faces the North, you will be under the auspices of Heavenly Star #6. If you are the middle son or were born in the year of the rat, you will also experience the beneficial influence of the star. This is one of the most auspicious stars and often brings good luck. If you are a gambler, try to use rooms facing North or located in the Northern part of the house. You will gain strength and power through good fortune and heavenly support.

Place 6 large smooth coins or Gui Ren Disc to bring good luck to your home. Bring more heavenly luck to your side with the Gui Ren Good Luck Talisman and Feng Shui good luck activator keychain. This will bring you support influential people and good luck in the most unexpected situations.

In 2017, Victory Star #1 moves to center

White Star #1 brings good luck to everyone in the house. It will bring you even more luck and success. You will be able to overcome obstacles in your personal life and career. Activate the star King Geser and the Banner of Victory, always carry with you Victory talisman keychain.

Star of Love and Science#4 in the Northeast

2016 has been a tough year for people whose home faces or is located in the Northeast. Star #4 will bring them good luck this year. This star brings success not only in science and education, but also in love, because it is also known as the Peach Blossom Star. The star has a beneficial effect on youngest son and for bachelors who are planning to start a family, as well as for those whose rooms are located in the North-East of the house. The Northeast is also favorable for those born in the year of the Ox and Tiger.

For success in starting a family, use these symbols in the north-eastern part of the house - Double happiness with peonies, studded with precious stones. Can be hung in your car or carried with you Pendant for good luck – rose quartz mandarin ducks or Keychain Double Happiness to have more success.

For maximum star impact in education, use Yellow crystal with mantras. You can also put this symbol in the office to attract the attention and creativity of employees to increase the efficiency and profitability of the business. You can also carry it with you Scholastic keychain.

Future Prosperity Star #9 moves to the Southeast

This star will have a beneficial effect on those whose rooms are located in the South-Eastern part of the house, who were born in the year of the Snake or Dragon, as well as on first-born daughters. The star will bring success, recognition, fame and career advancement. Its influence can be strengthened Nine dragons with a disk, nine dragons with a wall, and Keychain of nine rings, which you can carry with you

East 2017 (Financial Well-being):

Near Eastern Bagua A very favorable Feng Shui star will pass through your home in 2017. There is potential for excellent Qi energy here, which can attract good luck and prosperity.

The 2017 Feng Shui star in this sector is Wealth Star #8 and its element is Earth. This is good because the element of the eastern region (Wood) is in harmony with the element of the Earth - the arriving star.

How to Feng Shui prepare the Eastern zone for a successful 2017:

Decorate with your favorite wealth-attracting amulets such as Chinese coins, wood, gems, money frog, etc. Bagua East Sector is a good area to store your financial papers in 2017 and also to place your wealth vase.

Place some attributes of the Fire element here and a lot of decoration and interior elements of the Earth, avoid the strong presence of the Metal element here in 2017. Feng Shui crystals are especially good in the eastern sector this year. You may choose citrine or pyrite for their association with wealth. Tiger's Eye for strong protective earth energy or Amethyst for cleansing.

Make sure the energy of the eastern part of your home or office is clean and beautiful. Keep the energy fresh, flowing and happy.

Since this year is present here negative energy(the so-called three murders) - it is best to remain calm in the Eastern sector, and also use the Feng Shui remedy - salt water.

Southeast sector of Feng Shui 2017 (Future wealth):

Feng Shui Star No. 9, also called the Star of Future Wealth, or the Purple Star, is in the southeast region for 2017. This is a favorable star that brings a lot of good things with it.

The Feng Shui element of the Southeast sector (Wood) feeds the element of the incoming Star (Fire), so this is excellent.

How to prepare the South-East zone for a favorable 2017:

Place money, such as Chinese coins, tied with a mystical knot, Money Tree, three-legged toad, etc. A small amount of crystals, with the exception of stone beads (most decorative beads are not actually crystals).

Decorate this area with 9 items, such as 9 candles or 9 beads. Be creative and find a decor solution that works best for your home.

Healthy lush plants and beautiful fresh flowers can create great feng shui energy in the southeast area in 2017. A good treatment here would be lucky bamboo with 9 stems.

Bring a moderate amount of Fire colors, figures, illustrations and Fire items. There are many ways to bring the Fire element into your decorative items. Choose those that work well with your space and appeal to you for aesthetic reasons.

Northeast sector Feng Shui 2017 (Love and education):

The auspicious Feng Shui star No. 4, the star of Love and Romance, as well as Education, flies in the area of ​​the northeastern sector of your home.

Think of the Northeast Bagua area of ​​your home or office as a powerful area that can nourish your love relationships and bring thoughtful imagery and even feng shui cures. If you have children, this is also a good area to help increase energy for study and education.

How to prepare the North-East zone for a successful 2017:

Activate the energy of love here in 2017 with your choice of remedies such as double lucky sign, 2 hearts (choose rose crystals), a couple of tangerine slices, etc.

A variety of crystals can be laid out here, as well as the delicate Element of Water, both in the colors of blue or black, and a shiny mirror.

Lush green plants are superb in the Northeast sector in 2017.

Avoid the presence of a metallic element in your decor, such as large metal objects or a strong presence of colors such as white, grey, silver and gold.

Another element to avoid in decorating in the Northeast sector is Fire, which is expressed in red, orange, purple and hot pink, lots of candles, fire images, etc.

If you are considering a new career and/or want to gain more knowledge in a particular field, this is a good sector to store your books/study materials as well as visual content related to your field of study.

North Feng Shui 2017 (Luck and Career Success):

In 2017, the Feng Shui star, which can help you with career success, visits the area of ​​the northern sector of your home. White Star No. 6 - Element Metal.

How to prepare the Northern Sector for success in 2017:

Place furnishings made of metal there, which can enhance your career energy. For example, you could put pictures of people you admire in a metal frame, or choose highlights from your own career. Be creative with your content in this sector.

The feng shui crystals here are also excellent, so good treatment there will be 6 crystals arranged beautifully. Choose any rock crystals you like and in any form - from natural formations such as clusters and minerals to processed objects and spheres. For example, pyrite may work well in the northern part of your home (or office) in 2017.

Central Sector Feng Shui 2017 (General Success):

The No. 1 star visiting the Center in 2017 is a feng shui star associated with overall success - be it in career, love relationships, money or education.

It is the Water Element that visits the Earth Element zone, so it is best to focus on strengthening the Water Element and keep the Earth Element design under control.

How to prepare the center for a prosperous 2017:

In 2017, water and metal elements will be featured at the center of your home/office.

The colors blue, black, charcoal gray and white are all good choices for centerpiece decoration in 2017 due to the energy of the feng shui elements.

It is necessary to avoid the presence of wood elements in the central sector in 2017 (Wood depletes the energy of Water). So avoid strong presence of green and brown colors, as well as tall large plants or focal images with plants/lush greenery.

Also here it is better to avoid the strong presence of colors of the Fire element in 2017, since Fire collides with Water, and thus weakens its energy. The Fire element also feeds the Earth, which can then further weaken the incoming Star's Water element.

The best feng shui treatment for the Center in 2017 is treatment with strong, victorious, joyful energy.

Horse imagery is a classic feng shui treatment that can work very well here. Wu Lou (Chinese gourd) metal is also recommended, as are round shaped items.

Northwest Feng Shui 2017 (Eliminate disease):

In 2017, the so-called disease star No. 2 is located in the northwestern sector. The element of the arriving star is Earth, and the element of Northwestern Bagua is Metal. Right off the bat, if you are familiar with the five elements of feng shui, you will know how to use the design and healing elements for the Metal Element because Metal weakens the Earth in the cycle of destruction of the feng shui elements. I hope you will be wise enough not to decorate the sector with objects and colors of the Element that generates the Earth and, accordingly, enhances its negative impact. This element is Fire.

Here's how to neutralize the bad influence of Northwest Sector energy in 2017:

Familiarity with the rules of design for the Metal Element will help the treatment, the purpose of which is to weaken the Earth Element of this complex annual star. You can take a metal singing bowl, such as a metal Wu Lu bowl, six Chinese coins, or any metal decorative item, preferably with round or rounded shapes.

The North-West sector in 2017 is a good bagua area where you can perform treatment with salt water or just a bowl of clean water. The main thing is to keep this sector constantly clean and fresh.

Avoid Fire Element colors because Fire energy enhances the difficult 2017 star you want to weaken. Fire fuels the Earth Element of this star. Avoid strong bright lights and visible triangular trim pieces and candles here.

Feel free to decorate the Northwest sector with the colors of the Water, Wood and Metal Elements - blue, black, brown, green, grey, white and all metallic shades.

Avoid major renovation or finishing work in this area in 2017. By the way, a metal statue of Buddha will be an excellent feng shui element here.

West Feng Shui 2017 (Protection of Relationships):

Star No. 3 visits the Western sector of your home in 2017, making it a difficult feng shui bagua area. This star's energy is associated with strife and arguments, so be sure you know how to take good care of the West in 2017 to avoid negativity in your relationships.

The element of the arriving star is Wood, and the element of the West is Metal.
Since Fire and Metal are the elements that weaken Wood in the 5 Elements Feng Shui Cycle, let's focus on strengthening these two elements in the West in 2017. This will weaken the Tree Star's energy, thus neutralizing or at least minimizing its negative effects.

Here's how to neutralize the destructive influence of energy in the Western Sector in 2017:

A strong presence of the Fire Element is recommended here. Decorate with red and purple flowers, have candles, bright lights and triangular elements. If none of this suits your particular Western sector, then even a couple of books with red covers might work. Or change your lampshade to bright red and buy red pillows.

Avoid water and wood elements here in 2017, which means limiting the strong presence of blue, black, green and brown. Make sure you do not decorate the sector with elements such as large plants (Wood element) or a large mirror (Water element).

The presence of Kuan Yin is an excellent healing tool to calm the energies present in 2017 in this sector.

Also, avoid loud noise and do not turn on the TV or computer in this area. You do not need to activate this sector, you need to create strong Fire energy, but not take it to the extreme. Find that unique balance where the Fire Element in your design is strong, but not so extreme as to cause heated emotions and controversy.

In 2017, there is the presence of a specific negative energy (traditional feng shui name - Tai Sui, Grand Duke of Jupiter) in the Western sector. Therefore, caution is necessary. One of the most popular cures is Pi Yao - place it in the area opposite the Grand Duke's annual location.

South Feng Shui 2017 (Avoid Failures)

In the Southern sector of your home or office in 2017, several strong energies are located - the so-called 5 (Yellow Star). Speaking in simple words What these feng shui energies can provoke if not adequately taken care of is various instances of failure in various areas of your life.

In the language of the 5 elements of Feng Shui, the complex annual energy of a star belongs to the element Earth. So, what you need to do to remove its negative effect is to use medicines that belong to the elements of Water or Metal. Why? Because these two elements weaken the Earth Element (in accordance with the same theory of 5 elements).

Here's how to neutralize the influence of the energy of the five in the Southern sector in 2017:

Post your annual seawater treatment here. Additionally, you can place a bowl of clean water, but do not install a fountain here throughout 2017.

Metal bells or heavy metal jewelry are a must in the South in 2017. In addition to the six-hole fan hammer, you can also put six metal Chinese coins, Wu Lu metal or wood, a metal bell or bowl of your choice, or Chi Lin metal.

Be creative and use different metals such as gold, silver, copper and brass.

Avoid fire element colors, which are red, purple, blue and orange, as well as earth element colors, which are sand and brown. Also, avoid triangular shapes (Fire element) and candles.

The 2017 Southern sector is best for metal items and certain colors such as white and gray (Metal) or blue and black (Water element).

Kuan Yin Statue, Goddess of Mercy, Wu Lu Metal or Feng Shui Dragon Statue will also be in place here. Make sure that the statues you use are not red in color.

As usual with the complex annual energies of Feng Shui, it is best to keep the southern sector of your home or office quiet. Do not activate this area with loud music, playing TV, or excessive activity.

Southwest Feng Shui 2017 (Protect your Home):

In the area of ​​the southwest sector is the complex star number 7, a star associated with unexpected negative events relating to you and the protection of your home. The element of this incoming star is Metal, and the element of the southwestern sector is Earth.

This means that you should do everything possible to limit the attributes inherent to Earth here, as this only enhances the influence of the incoming star.

For healing, you need to focus on the water elements to weaken the Earth element, because Earth gives more strength to Metal, according to the five cycles of feng shui elements. Also avoid the presence of Fire attributes here (which ones we have discussed more than once above).

Here's how to neutralize the influence of negative energy in the Southwest sector in 2017:

Decorate the sector with the colors of the Water element - blue and black - with various home decorations such as pillows, lampshade, rug or curtains.

Avoid strong metallic presence in colors (white and grey) or actual furnishings. Also avoid the earth element in color or actual pieces such as crystals and ceramics.

As with all challenging feng shui areas, keep the southwest sector calm in 2017, free of renovations and noise-free.

So, to summarize, be sure to take care of those Feng Shui areas that are affected by the negative energy of the so-called “bad stars.” And, of course, strengthen and take advantage of favorable sectors with “good” stars that have flown there!

Some of the information in the article is taken from the materials of the excellent Feng Shui master, Lilian Tu.

Annual stars can be considered as activators of the Water or Mountain stars of the Palace, and also separately, as independent stars, regarding their character.

In order to understand how the annual Flying Stars affect Mountain and Water Stars, you need to build a Flying Stars map for your apartment/house or office.

Next, let's look at what energies have flown into this or that sector and what needs to be done in order to avoid unpleasant situations and attract positive changes during the period under review.

Distribution of Flying Stars in 2017 According to Feng Shui it looks like this:

In the center – “Unit”

North-West – “Deuce”

West – “Troika”

North-East – “Four”

South – “Five”

North – “Six”

South-West – “Seven”

East – “Eight”

South-East – “Nine”

Important! The map of flying stars for 2017 will begin to operate not on January 1, but only on February 3, 2017!

Correction of the Flying Stars 2017 according to Feng Shui

Central sector occupied by Flying Star 1 White. The influence of the central star on the life of household members is background and extends to all areas of life. If in 2016 the disease star 2 Yellow was located in the central sector, which spread its influence to all residents of the house/apartment, which could be felt by people who were in a period of weak luck. Then in 2017 it is a star of wisdom, good luck and prosperity.

This star favors good studies, career advancement, and any endeavors. Star 1 in the current 8th period is one of the most favorable stars; it heralds growth and advancement, incoming prosperity, and restores vitality.

It is good to support 1 White by adding a metal element, enhancing the Star element - water, while at the same time weakening the influence of the background Star 5 Yellow, which occupies the central sector in the Lo Shu square. In the central zone, movements, activity, music, light are favorable - all this will activate the positive energy of the Star.

One brings prosperity, happy events, good luck in any endeavor, success in business, good health. She especially patronizes researchers, scientists, people associated with education and writing.

Online workshop “Basics of Feng Shui”

For everyone who strives to comprehend such a science as FENG SHUI, which includes incomprehensibly interconnected sections such as Yin and Yang (BA ZI, FENG SHUI of space, QIMEN and much more)!

We invite you to the online workshop “The Basics of Feng Shui”, in which we will be able to go through the basics of Chinese metaphysics, because as you already know and understand, without a correct understanding of the phenomena it is simply impossible to take a single step!

Just now here:

Bonus: Let's learn to identify dangerous hours in every day, when any activations are not just useless, but harmful due to their negative consequences!

details here:

Star of Diseases 2 Black moved to northwest in 2017. Part of its harmful influence will be neutralized by the energy of the metal of the northwest. Still, it is necessary to try to further neutralize negative energy.

The traditional way of correcting the “earth” deuce is the placement of a “wind chime” with six metal rods, a striking clock. To weaken 2, a bunch of 6 coins is often used. It is advisable to stay in the northwestern sector for as little time as possible so as not to be exposed to negative energies.

Once under the influence of a deuce, a person may develop health problems. The “earth” two can be neutralized thanks to the location in the northwestern sector of objects made of the material or color of the metal element. It is also good to place a health talisman, a gourd pumpkin, in the sector where the deuce flies. You just can’t place such a talisman in the toilet or bathroom.

If the front door is located in the north-west or the deuce is activated in some other way, then this year you should pay special attention to your health: play sports, adhere to a healthy lifestyle, undergo a medical examination.

IN west sector falls Star 3 Jade, bringing quarrels, conflicts, litigation. You can neutralize the energy of the tree of three using the energy of fire.

The energy of the tree of three is traditionally weakened by the element of fire. In the western sector in 2017, bright light is favorable; you can light candles from time to time.

It is good to decorate the western sector with red interior items. In the bathroom or toilet, you can tie the pipes with red tape so that harmful energy leaves along with the water.

Star 3 Jade, known as the star of conflicts, quarrels, discord, which has a negative impact on all areas of relationships, including the occurrence of litigation.

On West-2 also settled in 2017 Grand Duke of the Year(Tai Sui). Therefore, in 2017, the western sector cannot be disturbed - do not make repairs or major changes in this zone. Avoid sitting facing and sleeping with your head in this direction.

Star 4 Green arrived in 2017 northeastern sector. The energy of Star 4 Green favors study, creativity, and enhances romantic luck. In the northeastern sector, the energy of the Flying Star tree comes into conflict with the earth element of the sector. The element of fire will help mitigate the conflict of energies - you can add a red interior item to the northeastern sector.

The number four helps to achieve success in scientific and research activities, in the field of education, and also contributes to the development of romantic relationships. To activate the four, you need to be in the northeastern zone as often as possible.

“New Year's Magic: Rules and secrets of celebrating the New Year. Training in 2 parts"

On south located Star 5 Yellow. Repairs and rearrangement of furniture in the southern part of the apartment must be done before February 4, 2017. Otherwise, the anxiety of the five can attract misfortune to any area of ​​activity. In the southern sector in 2017, it is better to appear as rarely as possible.

They neutralize the “earth” five with a bunch of 6 coins, a “wind chime” with 6 metal rods. You can also use a special Feng Shui remedy “salt, water, coin”. To do this, place a glass jar on a saucer with six yellow and one white coins, which is filled two-thirds with water and a kilogram of salt. This composition is placed in the sector where 5 Yellow is located.

The best option, of course, would be not to disturb the Star - not to be in the southern sector, not to turn on music or bright lights there. If there is a bedroom in the southern sector, then it is better to move to another room. If this is not possible, then you should not turn on bright lights here, it is better to leave them dim, do not play loud music, etc.

Active activity in the south in 2017 can attract various types of losses and tragedies into the lives of household members. An excellent solution would be to ignore the southern region - do not have people or animals here, do not turn on music, do not turn on bright lights. The bed or desk from the southern sector should be moved, or better yet temporarily moved to another room.

Favorable Star 6 White flies to north. The Six bestows heavenly protection, good luck in any endeavor, advancement up the career ladder, and bestows authority and power. The Six patronizes managers, administrative workers, civil servants, and military politicians. It is useful for such people to locate their office in the north.

Six promotes professional growth and helps to find patrons and mentors, and brings good luck in financial projects. Six is ​​especially favorable for managers, military personnel, civil servants, and workers engaged in manual labor.

It’s good if this sector contains the front door, bedroom or living room, where people often visit. The star needs the elemental support of earth or metal, since the element of the sector - water, depletes the element of the white six - metal.

On southwest settled Star 7 Red. Seven, when activated, can bring losses, thefts, and defeats in life. The negative energy of the “metal” seven is enhanced by the energy of the earth in the southwest. Yin water will help weaken the energy of the metal - water devoid of movement, i.e. it could just be a vase of water rather than a fountain or an aquarium. Of course, you should take care of the safety and security of your home in advance.

Seven, when activated, can bring losses, thefts and robberies. Houses/apartments with an entrance door falling into this sector need strengthening and protection.

Ruling Star of the Eighth Period 8 White flies to East. The energy of the Eight is associated with monetary luck. By activating the eastern sector, you can attract prosperity and well-being to your home. It is advisable to add elements of fire to the eastern sector, which will strengthen the “earthly” energy of the number eight and smooth out the conflict with the energies of wood in the east.

In the eighth period, eight is the most favorable star; it brings prosperity, well-being and success. It’s good if we often visit this sector of the apartment. You can still further strengthen the “earthly” energy of the number eight, since it is weakened by the energy of the eastern sector – wood.

The element of fire - red triangular objects - will help smooth out the conflict of elements. It is also advisable to place crafts made from natural stones and crystal in the eastern sector.

On Vostok-2 placed Destroyer of the Year(Sui Po). You cannot sleep in this direction or look while sitting at the dining table or work table. The Destroyer of the Year must not be disturbed - carry out repairs and earthworks, rearrange furniture, etc. All changes in this sector must be made before the start of the Chinese New Year 2017.

On southeast settled in 2017 Star 9 Violet, which in the eighth period favors affairs planned for the future. Those who want to achieve success in their career, fame, and fame need to be in this sector as much as possible. In the southeast you can place a desktop.

9 Purple, bringing good luck and prosperity in all matters planned for the future. Nine gives support to any endeavors. Nine is capable of bringing recognition, fame, and career growth in the future. Nine is strong in 2017, as its fire energy is supported by the wood energy of the sector. The frequent presence of people in this sector of the apartment will also activate the energy of the Nine.

Rationally using the positive energy of favorable Flying Stars and avoiding “communication” with negative stars, personal and financial success will come to your home, and problems and conflict situations will bypass you for at least a year.

"Aksinya's Consultation"

Pure knowledge is endless, knowledge of its laws not only enriches your world enormously, but also forces you to be in constant search, checking and testing in thousands of combinations luck, business, career and everything on which the life of each of us depends.

Together with you, we will determine which activations are necessary in each specific situation, and I will show you how to correctly perform all these actions in order to get the maximum flow of luck!

Approximate list of activations for a month:

  • - noble assistants of the year;

  • - activation of “3 generals”;

  • - activation for business and career “the dragon turns its paw”;

  • - activation of “a bird falling into a nest”, when luck comes from the sky without effort;

  • - calculation of personal money days for signing agreements, contracts, agreements for purchasing real estate, starting a business, etc.

  • - and of course the crown of Chinese metaphysics, the use of Qi Men Dun Jia (walking through the magic gates) - when the implementation of the task occurs as quickly as possible and luck accompanies all our actions.

The 2017 Flying Stars are Feng Shui energies that move in certain directions every year. They have unique characters and characteristics - some of them are more positive, others negative. Knowing the movements of flying stars, you can make a forecast about which places in the house in 2017 will be favorable and which will bring problems and troubles.
The Feng Shui forecast of flying stars for 2017 is not intended to present a fait accompli, but to give recommendations on how to get the maximum benefit from your home, and indicate where and where to take extra care.
That is, help you choose a place where you should be more often - work, relax, sleep, or just spend a lot of time. And where, if possible, stay as little as possible or at least make a correction for unfavorable flying stars.

Flying Stars Map for 2017

So, what energies did flying stars bring in 2017 will this map help you determine.

In the center - "Unit"
North-West - "Deuce"
West - "Troika"
Northeast - "Four"
South - "Five"
North - "Six"
South-West - "Seven"
East - "Eight"
South-East - "Nine"

Important! The map of flying stars for 2017 will begin to operate not on January 1, but only on February 3, 2017!

Flying stars for 2017

There is no need to pay attention to absolutely all sectors of your home. Flying stars that “hit” rarely used rooms - such as a pantry, bathroom, etc. - do not have a noticeable effect.
It is worth considering only frequently used places - these are living rooms - a bedroom, a children's room, a living room (if you often spend time there), a study, as well as places where there is a bed, a desk and where the front door is located.
If any good annual star falls into one of the above places, then you are lucky, since you will receive favorable energy from it more often. And if there is negative energy here, then you should try to be in this place as little as possible, or, as a last resort, apply the appropriate means of correction, which will be described below.

Star "1" was in the center in 2017
This is the "ruling star" of the year, as it is in a central location. From the point of view of flying stars, the center does not have its own dedicated place; it extends its influence to the entire house or apartment.
Therefore, usually the energy of the central sector is not corrected by special means, it simply influences in the “background”. It is important to understand the nature of the “central star” - such trends will be particularly evident in 2017.
"One" is the star of "intelligence". We can say that in 2017 it will be especially favorable to study and engage in any intellectual activity.

In the South in 2017 - the most unfavorable star "5"
Often it brings various problems. In private life, these are bad relationships, illnesses, accidents. In society, these are money problems, troubles with superiors, and other external circumstances that cannot be influenced.
In 2017, “The Five in the South will be quite strong, since the energies of the sector itself support it.
The most pronounced place in 2017 where the energy of the “Five” is concentrated is the southern part in the southern room. If your bed or desk is located here, and there is a negative Sha object to the South of your home, or there is a lot of activity outside (for example, construction), then it is advisable to move from this place.
To protect against the Five star, you can hang a metal wind chime in the South. But if this requires drilling a wall or hammering a nail, then it is better to do this in advance, before February 3, 2017. Otherwise, there is a risk of disturbing the “Five”, which can cause problems. Also, to protect against “5” you can use a special correction tool - “Salt, water, coins.” It should be set for the whole of 2017. The southern sector should not be “disturbed” throughout 2017. It is undesirable to do noisy repair work in it, knocking, drilling, or breaking walls.
If the front door is located in the South, then it is recommended to hang a metal bell on the door handle. Every time the door opens, the bell will ring, thereby calming and weakening the Five. In addition, avoid increased financial risks throughout 2017, do not take risky loans and do not borrow money.
These corrective measures will help minimize troubles from the flying star “Five” in 2017.

In the North-West - the star of diseases "2"
Because of this, people who frequently use the North-West sector in 2017 may encounter various diseases.
Therefore, you should pay increased attention to your health! It is advisable to undergo a medical examination and identify possible ailments. And then during 2017 there will be significantly less problems with health.
As a means of correction against the flying star "2", metal can be placed in the North-West. It could be a metal windchime, or a Hu-Lu gourd, or a bunch of 6 metal coins.

"7" came to the South-West - the star of thefts, injuries, scandals
The southwest is unfavorable in 2017. The star “Seven Red” has arrived here, which provokes thefts, injuries, cuts, as well as troubles from “bad communication” - scandals, gossip, slander.
As a means of correcting the flying star "7", Chinese Feng Shui masters recommend a traditional remedy - three branches of bamboo in a vessel with water. Or you can put a regular container with highly salted water. The element of Water weakens the metallic “sharp” star. Also weakens the "Seven" Blue colour– for example, you can lay out a blue rug.
If you often use the South-West, then in 2017 you can study metaphysics, feng shui or public speaking in this sector. Then the “Seven” will help in this activity, and thereby bring benefits. This is an alternative way to correct the negative star "7".
However, in some months of 2017, under the influence of good monthly energies, the “Seven” may turn out to be useful and make the South-West temporarily favorable sectors. You can find out when this will happen from monthly feng shui forecasts.

In the Northeast, the star "4" promotes romance and studies
We can say that the North East is more or less favorable in 2017. He came under the influence of the star "4", which patronizes love and romance. Also, “Four” is favorable for those who study, teach, or engage in creative activities.
However, she is quite flighty and frivolous, and in an unfavorable environment she is capable of creating sexual problems and scandals. In the event that in the direction to the northeast of the house there are ugly Sha objects - destroyed buildings, dirty water, power line support, then this star will bring indecent behavior, infidelity.
It will be great if there is a pleasant looking environment to the northeast. Then the star “4” will bring good luck in love, in study, in creativity.

In the Southeast, the star "9" promises love and money
The South-East can also be considered “romantic” and will even be superior to the North-East in this regard. After all, the star “9”, arriving here in 2017, receives support from the sector. Plus, it promotes deeper relationships, not just romance. After all, the star “9” brings people together, like a matchmaker!
Therefore, the South-East in 2017 is good to use for those who are engaged in mediation, active sales, and work in areas where something needs to be demonstrated and shown in the best light. Star "9" will help in this activity and bring money!
To activate this favorable star “9”, in 2017 in the Southeast you can: a short time launch objects that create movement - for example, a mobile, a pendulum, or place a Feng Shui cat waving its paw.

In the East, the money star is "8"
Money star “8” is kind and calm in nature, it brings reliable and risk-free money, for which it is very loved by most people.
After all, the majority always strives for stability, and even small, but constant income without unnecessary stress and turmoil!
Therefore, to get money with the help of the Eight, you need to work hard!
You can be here more often or place an active object in the East - a pendulum or mobile.

In the West, star “3” is active and aggressive
The “Troika” star is exactly the opposite in character to the “Eight” star. It brings money that is risky and unstable, but potentially huge, more than the G8 can give.
But star "3" can also take money - after all, it is a robbery star! Either you rob or they rob you! Therefore, it is suitable for the minority - assertive, pushy people - those who love excitement, risks, unpredictability and hate boredom.
Using “Troika” you need to be able to stop in time, like a roulette player!
If you are a peaceful person, then the star “3” is not suitable for you and will bring trouble! Because she provokes quarrels, aggressive behavior, swearing. We will consider the West sector in 2017 to be conditionally unfavorable, but with nuances!

North - star "6" is good for a career, gaining social status
The North as a whole is a good sector in 2017. There will be a favorable star here - “6”, which patronizes the career. She is considered a useful star for those who work in "the system".
True, the star of “6” is already “outdated”, and one might say retired. However, it still brings good things, although it does not promise golden showers.
Therefore, if you are simply striving for a promotion, and at the same time money issues are not paramount for you, then in 2017, spend more time in the North.

Flying stars of 2017 by month

Feng Shui forecast for 2017The favorability of sectors as a whole is relevant for the whole of 2017. But every month, flying stars will also be “mixed” with the annual stars by month, which will add their energy. And therefore, all sectors can change their characteristics in one direction or another every month. Some may become more favorable for a while, others less so.

You can read monthly information about the flying stars of 2017 in the Feng Shui Forecast issues. You can subscribe to them completely freely, and every month you will receive notifications about changing energy influences in your home. And besides, in Feng Shui forecasts you will find many other useful and interesting things!

Understanding the nature of flying stars and using the necessary sectors is effective way improve your luck for the whole of 2017.

May you be surrounded by great Feng Shui!
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