How to give your husband an unforgettable night? How to have a romantic night of love with a man How to give your husband a wild night

It is known that varied and high-quality intimate life benefits the relationship. Love and sex are concepts inextricably linked with each other. Unfortunately, when a man and a woman date or live together for a long time, sex becomes dull and ordinary. And sometimes I would like to return the former hot passion, that storm of lust and emotions that covered me at the first stage of the relationship. How to arrange an unforgettable night for yourself and your partner and rekindle fading passion?

Invite your partner to fulfill his favorite sexual fantasy. Often men themselves are willing to talk about their fantasies to their partners, but sometimes it is very difficult to find out what their partner dreams about. According to psychologists, men's sexual dreams and fantasies are richer than women's, but the most secret of them is not told to anyone.

If your man is a silent man, and you want to please him in this way, then there is a way out. You can find out, for example, your partner's favorite movie that has a sexy female character. Try to get into the role of this heroine - choose a costume and makeup that makes you look like her, put on a wig. Such a one-woman theater will give the viewer and participant in the show, your man, great pleasure, and you yourself will experience exciting emotions while playing the role of a passionate gangster or a cunning catwoman.

You can play erotic games. They say that boys do not grow up, but only grow up, remaining children at heart. Don't doubt that your partner will love the opportunity to "play" in bed. Such erotic games are an excellent foreplay that inflames passion. No man will refuse to try, blindfolded, to find a piece of chocolate or fruit on the naked body of his beloved. In this case, the search must be carried out only with the help of the lips. Such fun will put both partners in a playful and excited mood. Then the partners can switch roles, and the woman will also try to look for a tasty morsel with her lips on his body.

Have a champagne dinner and make love later. Light snacks, candles, champagne - all this creates a sexy atmosphere. After the champagne hits your head, turn on sensual music and invite your loved one to play a game with you.

Place in a circle some pieces of paper prepared in advance, on which the names of body parts will be written (the more, the more exciting). The role of an improvised roulette will be played by a champagne bottle. Each of you will take turns spinning the bottle and, according to the rules of the game, must kiss or caress the part of your partner’s body that the neck of the bottle points to. Usually such a game stops very soon for natural reasons.

Dress-up games are another classic erotic prank that can brighten up and add passion to cold sex. Now in stores and on websites you can buy a lot of different sexy lingerie, themed costumes and piquant attributes to add variety to your intimate life.

Your loved one is guaranteed to be pleasantly surprised if you meet him in the evening in a sexy patterned dress, stockings and breathtaking stiletto sandals. You can organize a striptease or oriental dance celebration for your loved one. Passionate, attractive dances will excite both him and you. What else do you need for a magical night?

Try new poses. Experiments in bed diversify your intimate life, bringing novelty, emotions and sensations into it. There is nothing wrong with learning new poses. This helps partners better explore and feel each other.

In order not to be embarrassed when choosing one or another of the new poses for yourself, purchase a special manual and study it together. By finding your favorite positions, you can enjoy sex even more. The main thing is not to be ashamed and share your feelings and preferences with each other. After all, only you can make every night with your loved one unforgettable.

Monotony in bed is one of the most common causes of divorce. A man looks for passion on the side, and a woman remains unsatisfied, which leads to increased excitability and sometimes aggressiveness. To prevent this from happening, partners should not be shy about giving each other unforgettable pleasure.

Sex with your husband: how to give pleasure?

Night of passion - how to prepare for it

Surprising as it may seem, it very often happens that what longer people live together, the more shy they become. From passionate lovers, they gradually turn into relatives, practically brother and sister, between whom it is not customary to discuss bed issues. It is not worth allowing such a development of events. We must always remember that sexual intercourse is a normal manifestation of feelings between spouses. And as long as sex is enjoyable, you can be sure that the relationship will remain harmonious.

Don't be scared frank conversations with my husband about sex. You can discuss all problems with him and ask all questions. After such communication, you will get to know each other better and will be able to give your partner more pleasure.

Monotony in bed can get boring very quickly. In just a year or two life together Sext becomes a habitual duty, and not an enchanting pleasure. It is during this period that you should think about how to diversify your nights with your loved one. And you need to start the transformation with yourself. You will have to discard all complexes and tune in to trust your partner and unity with him. This is the only way to relax and turn traditional sexual intercourse into unforgettable sex.

Everyone has their own secret to memorable sex

To give your loved one an unforgettable night, do the opposite. If you have a long foreplay routine, invite him to have quick, aggressive sex. The best thing is sex in an unusual place. Do this in the car, in the privacy of your room at a party with friends, in a train compartment, etc. The novelty of sensations will be given not only by new sexual behavior, but also by the surrounding environment.

It is very difficult to relax and unwind in bed if relatives or children are sleeping in the next room. Therefore, when preparing a night of passion, make sure that only you two remain in the apartment

Many people think that over time the passion between spouses fades away. People get used to each other, say fewer and fewer words about their feelings and love. Yes, this is true, but only in those couples who allowed this to happen, who forgot about each other, getting bogged down in the daily routine. Refresh your feelings, ignite the flame of love with new strength will help you have an unforgettable night. A night in which you will exist only for each other. A night full of love, passion and tenderness at the same time. But we’ll tell you how to create such a night later.

There are several key points that go into creating an unforgettable night for your man:

  1. Atmosphere
  2. Romantic dinner
  3. Your image
  4. Your actions

Now let's take a closer look and sort everything out.


For an unforgettable night, you need to create an unforgettable atmosphere. Subdued light, or better yet, candles (if you are afraid to turn them over in a fit of passion, you can use special lamps shaped like a candle flame). Turn on romantic music, be sure to change the bed (if you have an expensive silk bed linen set, it will be perfect for such a night, believe me, it’s worth it). There is no need to strew anything with rose petals - a man is unlikely to like it, and you will have to clean everything up later, but getting more small soft pillows is a great idea. Not only will they help you master new poses, but they will also generally add a special touch of softness to the moment.

Romantic dinner

Attacking a hungry man is not the most best idea, but eating too much won’t be of much use either, so a middle ground is needed here. An excellent option would be a light dinner of vegetables and seafood with red wine or champagne. You should not cook something fatty and heavy - such food will hardly make you want to move later, but seafood contains natural aphrodisiacs that help increase male libido. You should not abuse alcohol either, this will also not have a very positive effect on your night.

Your image

Having prepared a romantic dinner, you should take charge of yourself. A man loves with his eyes, he likes to see well-groomed woman. Before your night out, you can visit the spa or treat your body at home. Fortunately, there are now plenty of all kinds of creams and other products that can make your skin smooth and velvety. Don't forget to wear light makeup and do a simple hairstyle. Wear your most beautiful lingerie, or better yet, buy new ones that your man has never seen before. Put it on Nice dress or a light silk robe, depending on where you are going to start your dinner. In any case, it definitely shouldn’t be stretched sweatpants or your favorite old T-shirt.

Your actions

Much of your success this night depends on your actions. To begin with, discard the stereotypes that a man should take the initiative in everything. This is far from true. He also wants to know that you desire and love him, that you also have passion for him. The main thing is not to rush. You can help your loved one undress and arrange a kind of striptease for him. Don't hesitate to take the initiative in everything. The main thing is to be soft and gentle, then your man will do whatever you want for him and you will definitely remember that night for a long time.

Eternal feelings exist only in films and books, but in real life passion fades away over time. You can love each other very much, but if your intimate life is monotonous, then interest in each other will disappear over time. That is why you should not be afraid to experiment and be able to surprise your partner. Take advantage of simple but effective advice in order to rekindle the passion in a relationship with renewed vigor.

Your man may be the most faithful and devoted, but this does not mean his sexual fantasies are reduced to a minimum. Even the most modest man can deep down dream of something unusual in bed. For example, about a wild night with a sexy catwoman or a warm welcome from a caring nurse.

There is no need to take your husband's fantasies as a bad sign. Use them to surprise. Try on a new look, buy an erotic outfit and get into character. Be sure that your man will be delighted and will definitely surprise you in return.

If your intimacy follows the same pattern, it's time to change it. Try new poses first. The Kama Sutra can give you ideas. There are many positions in this book that will please both partners. Try to use your imagination and experiment a little.

But be careful - some poses require special physical training. If you're not a gymnast, you might want to think twice about choosing a pose that requires a good stretch.

This option is suitable for those who are dissatisfied with the monotony of their life and do not want to take radical measures. Prepare for your loved one delicious dinner, open a bottle of champagne or good wine, and light some candles.

Don't forget to turn on languid music and decorate your bed. Let everything be conducive to a pleasant pastime. Don't jump straight into sex - enjoy the atmosphere of a romantic evening. Waiting will add passion. A romantic dinner is a classic that will always be appropriate.

A sex shop has long ceased to be considered an indecent place that should be avoided. In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. Items from an intimate store will help diversify your personal life and warm up your feelings. For example, you can buy a vibrator. Vibrators are known to help prolong sexual intercourse, give new experiences and help achieve orgasm. Some men dream of watching their beloved use an intimate toy. And the guy himself can take part in the process and try to give the girl pleasure with the help of this little thing.

A woman does not need to take special courses to give a man an erotic massage. It’s enough just to put on beautiful underwear, pour oil on the body and stroke your chosen one, touching the erogenous zones. The duration of the massage should be reduced to about 10 minutes to avoid causing drowsiness. After this, you can move on to a more interesting activity.

If you follow these simple tips, you will be able to not only surprise your man, but also please yourself. Don't be afraid to experiment, because it is variety that maintains passion and gives fresh emotions.

Girls in love at the peak love relationship They strive to surprise their chosen one with something. Older women, whose marriage has ceased to shine, are thinking about how to shake up their relationship. In any case, it will help you achieve your goals romantic evening for your loved one, prepared with your own hands.

Romantic evening ideas for your loved one

Men, unlike women, are not very emotional. A vanilla date could be... young man boring and does not lead to desired result. Therefore, when planning a date, do not focus on your ideas about romance, but try to approach the issue from the opposite side.

Options for a beautiful evening for your partner can be:

  1. Going to a restaurant;
  2. Romantic dinner at home;
  3. Watching your favorite movie or football match with the appropriate cuisine;
  4. Joint spa treatments are a great option for two. You can go to a spa or have them at home in the bathroom;
  5. An evening picnic in nature will allow you to change your everyday atmosphere. It is important to choose the time and place;
  6. If you don’t want to go far from home, you can admire the beauty of the city from the roof or balcony, without forgetting a bottle of champagne with strawberries.

Thus, there are many options for spending time together. It all depends on your imagination and budget. Whatever you have in mind, you need carefully think through all the details, then the evening will truly be unforgettable.

The main components of a romantic evening

For the success of the planned event, attention should be paid to special attention to the following things:

  • External environment must be beautiful. Candles will be appropriate both in a restaurant and at a picnic. You should definitely clean the house and decorate the room with balloons or ribbons, you can place frames with photos of them together, vases with flowers, etc.;
  • Plays a big role in romantic perception light. If the candle fire does not illuminate the room enough, you can turn on a sconce or floor lamp. There should be a little light, but at the same time you should see each other;
  • If you are not in a restaurant, you need to choose the appropriate music. It should sound quietly, in the background, so as not to drown out your voices;
  • Think it over menu. With any type of date, your man should be fed and satiated;
  • Your appearance should be impressive and exciting, but according to the situation. For a picnic, you can wear jeans and a shiny blouse with a deep cut at the back;
  • For fun, play a game where your interlocutors must answer each other's questions honestly. It will allow you to get to know your loved one better. Or, for example, dance for your chosen one;

Please note that the evening must come to a logical conclusion.

Your task is to think everything through as much as possible. However, if something goes wrong: you were served a salad at the wrong time, or a strong wind blew on the beach, do not be upset. A man in love and admiration most likely will not pay much attention to this.

Mistakes you shouldn't make

To avoid awkward pauses or completely ruin your date:

  • Don't force a man to do something he doesn't know how to do. For example, skating, dancing, etc. The chosen one will feel like he’s watching a theater group and there will be no trace of romance left;
  • Find out in advance what your boyfriend doesn't like. For former military personnel who underwent exercises in natural conditions, sitting on the grass in some forest belt will not look romantic;
  • Make sure that when you go to watch the planes take off, your betrothed has either already fed, or take dinner with you. A man will not be able to enjoy beauty if he is hungry and will most likely interrupt the date to go to the nearest pizzeria;
  • Make sure you both have tomorrow is a day off day. Firstly, this will allow you to enjoy the atmosphere without being distracted by thoughts about tomorrow, and secondly, most likely the evening will flow into an unforgettable night, and in the morning you will not have to interrupt the hug when the alarm clock rings;
  • Think in advance how will you get to the meeting point. It would be very bad to organize a date and force your betrothed to drive you to the venue and back.

Remember, this evening is entirely dedicated to your chosen one. Make it perfect.

How to arrange a romantic evening for your husband?

Spouses who have been married for several years know everything about each other. Therefore, many women believe that they cannot surprise their husband with anything. But this is only at first glance. In fact, the important element in this case is the effect of surprise.

  • Have someone watch the children or, if the children are old enough, send them to a friend's house for the night;
  • Change your surroundings as much as possible. Even if you are at home, you don’t need to have dinner at your dining table; it would be much better to arrange a cozy nest on the floor in the living room or on the balcony;
  • Change your look. If you are a strict careerist, become a soft and flexible Oriental woman. If your husband perceives you as a housewife, stockings, cleavage and an openwork mask over the eyes will help you.
  • Don't cook your own food. Your spouse already knows all your culinary secrets and, in addition, this evening should also be unusual for you. Order food in a restaurant or limit yourself to wine, snacks and fruit;
  • Surprise your husband with your love and care. Remember, he should not make any effort, just enjoy what is happening;
  • Also, as in the case of young people, the evening should end with dignity. In order not to disappoint your spouse, you should take care of the elements of novelty and surprise here too.

By paying so much attention to your loved one, you will complete the main task - energize your spouse for further achievements.

Why is it important to make time for romance?

Often, after the end of the candy-bouquet period, we live “by inertia.” We often take everything for granted. So as not to lose loved one, he should always feel that you need him not only to support your family and wash the floors.

Even important ones family issues and it’s more pleasant to discuss the problems of the passing day with a glass of champagne, wrapped in a blanket on the veranda.

Make it a rule to arrange a romantic evening for your loved one once a month. You don’t need any special reasons for this, just remind him how much you love him and, you’ll see, the answer won’t keep you waiting.

Video instruction: how to organize an unforgettable romantic evening

In this video, Alina Stasova will show how you can arrange a romantic evening for your beloved boyfriend or husband in just five minutes, several original and unforgettable ideas: