Plan for the “New Year” themed week in the second junior group. Calendar and thematic planning in the second junior group “New Year at the gates Long-term plan New Year 2nd junior group

ROUGH PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK (for the week of December 26-30, 2016)

Group: II junior group No. 2 Topic: “Wonderful holiday - New Year”

Target: Expand children's ideas about the New Year holiday. Organize all types of children's activities around the theme of the New Year and New Year's holiday. They made us want to congratulate everyone on the holiday. Developed children's creative abilities.

Final event: Christmas story"The Mischievous Fox" Date of the final event: December 26, 2016

Responsible for the final event: teachers, music director

Day of the week

Main part

Variable part


Cooperative activity adults and children, taking into account integration educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

National-cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in critical moments


Conversation about the upcoming holiday, the New Year tree. Looking at an illustration of a festive tree. Foster love and respect for folk traditions.

D/i “What Christmas tree?” - selection of definitions for the word Christmas tree.

Encourage to independent execution basic instructions, independently perform the duties of duty officers.

Replenish the book corner with new New Year-themed books.

Prepare and review illustrations of the New Year celebration.

Memorizing poems “Santa Claus”, “Christmas tree”, nursery rhymes, calls about winter

Monday 12/26/16

Christmas story

"The Mischievous Fox"

Create a fabulous holiday atmosphere; encourage physical activity; involve children in the game plot; learn to interact with each other.


Observation “How are passers-by dressed?” “Birds in Nests” - Teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to quickly act on a signal.

Individual work

Walking between the lines (10-15 cm).

Goal: to develop physical activity.

Strengthen children's ability to dress consistently and independently. Learn to ask each other for help.

Independent play activities of children.

Removable materials: shovels, scoops, brooms, buckets, snow molds, oilcloths for downhill skiing.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Hardening procedures.

Preventive actions. Gymnastics for the eyes.

Repetition of previously learned finger games.

CHHL: K. Chukovsky “Yolka”

Offer children boards and plasticine. Strengthen the ability to sculpt according to the model proposed by the teacher.


Observation of a birch tree. Goal: expand ideas about wood; cultivate a desire to protect and preserve nature. P/i “Cat and Mice” - Develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice running in different directions.

Card “Winter.December” No. 16

Individual ATS work:

“Sharp Shooter” exercise - practice throwing snowballs at the target. Involve a subgroup of children.

Encourage children to independently perform basic tasks: washing hands with soap and using a towel after washing.

Independent play activities of children with external materials

Removable materials: shovels, bucket, snowman box, snow molds, oilcloths.


Plot role game "Shop" “Laying out a Christmas tree from sticks” to attract Dima, Yaroslav, Roma.

Offer children the didactic manual “Sun”. Exercise children in walking and jumping.

Independent play activities of children in activity centers.

Working with parents:

Invite parents to New Year's party


Conversation: “How will you celebrate the New Year?”

Game exercise “Solve the riddle”

Create conditions for interaction between children: stimulate children's interest in talking about the New Year holiday, how they prepare to celebrate it in the family, who they expect to visit, how they decorated their home.

Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Tuesday 12/27/16

1. Cognition. (ICD). "Slide for Katya's doll"

Learn to build a slide by placing parts (cubes, prisms, bricks) next to each other, making the building stable. Learn to distinguish and name the four primary colors. Develop a desire for playful communication, speech activity, and the ability to communicate with adults and peers.

Practice walking in a column one at a time, performing tasks as directed by the teacher, jumping symbols, walking along a winding path, develop attention.


Watching the snow. Goal: continue to get acquainted with the natural phenomenon - snow. Labor: sweeping snow from a bench on the veranda. Place food in bird feeders. Under. Game "Birds in Nests"

Individual ATS work: walking “snake” between objects. Involve Kirill S, Dasha.R, Amelia, Olya, Vika Denisova.

Problem situation “First Ice” - encourage children to solve the problem; develop imagination.

At the art activity center, offer children blank sheets, circles of colored paper, oilcloth, brushes and glue. Continue learning how to coat the part with glue and carefully glue it on.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Walking barefoot on a massage mat.

Preventive actions.

Didactic game “Name the extra one.” Involve all children.

CHHL: S. Kozlova “How a hedgehog, a donkey and a bear cub celebrated the New Year”

Offer children the printed board game “Puzzles”. Strengthen the ability to put together a whole picture from individual parts, develop attention and memory.

GCD: 1.Music development

According to the specialist's plan


Monitoring the roadway. Purpose: to familiarize with the roadway - highway, rules traffic. “The bears in the forest are taught to run without bumping into each other.

Individual work on the development of ATS: “From bump to bump” - to develop in children the ability to jump on two legs while moving forward. Act on a signal.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills

Learn to clean up toys after yourself. Practice dressing yourself.

Removable materials: buckets, spatulas, molds, ice cubes. Games with snow: “Traces”, “Let’s decorate the area with figures”.


Plot- role-playing game"Family"

Did. game "Cubes". Goal: learn to assemble a picture from separate parts. Involve Jozi, Roma, Yaroslav.

Situational conversation “Every toy has its place”

Offer throwing equipment to children in the sports corner. Learn to throw projectiles with your right and left hands from a standing position.

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents “Physical education”


Conversation “What is a gift” - discuss with children when they receive gifts and why they are given.

Did. game “Which one?” Learn to select definitions for nouns.

Education of KGN during breakfast. Strengthen the ability to use a napkin after eating.

Create conditions for viewing illustrations of books on the topic of the week.

Wednesday 12/28/16

GCD:1. Speech development. « Magic box». Looking at Christmas tree decorations. Zatulina p.54

Teach children to look at objects, highlighting color, details, qualities, purpose. Introduce adjectives into children's dictionaries and teach them to agree with nouns. Develop dialogical speech skills: understand a question and answer it with a sentence. To cultivate aesthetic feelings and respect for toys.

2. Music.

According to the specialist's plan.


Observation creates a desire to take care of wintering birds. Labor: clearing snow from paths on the site. Goal: to cultivate hard work, sociability, and teach how to work together. Round dance games: “Near our Christmas tree.”

Individual work

“Hit the ball of snow at the target.” Goal: to develop eye and throwing power.

Situational conversation “You need to know how to dress yourself.” Fix the sequence of dressing and undressing.

Removable materials: scoops, shovels, rakes, snow molds.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Massage chest area.

Musical development: listening to Vivaldi's "Winter"

CHHL: L. Voronkova “It’s snowing” - introduce the work of art.

The center of the art activity “Let’s decorate the mitten” is to consolidate the children’s knowledge of yellow and red colors; learn to draw straight lines with a brush, creating a simple ornament by alternating stripes of different colors; develop the ability to work with paints.

Children's educational institution "Rechetsvetik"

"About the sun and the snowman." Play the anthem: “Sunshine.”

1.Improve finger drawing skills.

2. Develop skills to connect dots with a line.

3. Activate your vocabulary through finger games.


Monitoring seasonal changes. Labor: building a snow slide. Goal: to cultivate a love of work, teach to work together. "Aircraft". Goal: act quickly on a signal, attention quickly.

"Forward to the toy."

Goal: to consolidate the ability to perform forward jumps.

Work on developing a culture of behavior at the table during dinner. Developing the skill of quickly and accurately eating food and using cutlery.

Games with external materials. Steering wheels, blades, molds, toys, cars.


S/r game “Family. Buying gifts” - teach how to choose gifts, how to give them, how to accept them, and what to say.

"Bridge for the bull." Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the details of a building constructor, to translate their plans into construction. Involve Dima, Kirill S, Josie.

To teach children to independently organize a story game.

Board and educational games: “Assemble a picture”, “Fishing”, “Assemble a beautiful pyramid”, “Which toy is missing”, “ Wonderful pouch", "Domino". Guessing riddles about toys.

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents " Unconventional techniques V artistic creativity children 3-4 years old"


Conversation “How to decorate a Christmas tree”

D/i “Wonderful bag”. Learn to identify and name objects by touch.

D/i “Every thing has its place Goal: identifying the level of ability to put things neatly in a closet.

Offer children blank paper, colored pencils, and stencils. Learn to hold a pencil and draw correctly.

Thursday 12/29/16

GOD: 1. Modeling"Decorating the Christmas tree"

Internet resource

Reinforcing the technique of rolling plasticine between the palms. Strengthening the ability to sculpt accurately. Cultivate the ability to listen carefully. To form an interest in modeling, develop fine motor skills fingers

Cultivate the ability to listen carefully. To develop an interest in modeling and develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

2. Physical education.

According to the specialist's plan


Monitoring the weather conditions. Goal: to learn to determine the time of year based on its characteristic features. Labor: shoveling snow to tree trunks. Sub-game “Fox and Hares”

Individual/work on development of ATS: Practice catching the ball and throwing it to each other.

Work on developing a culture of behavior at the table during lunch. Strengthening the skill of neat and quick eating.

Removable materials: spatulas, scoops, bird food.

GCD: 1. Physical development.

According to the specialist's plan.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Massage of the chest area.

Hardening procedures. Walking on a relief surface.

Musical development:

listening to songs: Snowman's Song, Santa Claus's Song, Snow Song.

CHHL: “Where is my finger?” N. Sakonskaya.

Create conditions for independent play activity on a walk. To develop children’s physical activity and the ability to play in a group together.


Observing the sun. Goals: continue to get acquainted with natural phenomena; give an idea of ​​the signs of winter.

Situational conversation about the need to take care of birds.

Reading jokes and nursery rhymes about birds.

Independent activity during a walk.

Removable materials: buckets, shovels, scoops, ice cubes.


Role-playing games:

"The dolls have a holiday"

“Guess by the description” - develop observation skills.

Work in the game center: games to develop fine motor skills. Application printed board game"Lotto".

Enrichment of the creativity corner: wax crayons, colored pencils, albums.

Working with parents:


Conversation “Dangerous situations on New Year’s holiday.”

Didactic game: “What has changed?” Goal: to develop memory, attention, observation.

Situational conversation about table manners.

Learn to hold a spoon correctly, eat carefully and independently.

Looking at the painting “New Year’s Round Dance”

Develop the ability to examine a picture, highlighting the main events and characters.

Friday 12/30/16

GCD: 1.Music

According to the specialist's plan.

2. Drawing.

"Snowballs for Santa Claus"

Develop the ability to depict rounded shapes.

Develop drawing skills with circular movements of the hand until a shape is obtained.

Continue to develop interest in the holiday.


Together with the children, shovel snow into piles to build New Year's figures; observe the work of the janitor; feed birds in winter and watch them.

Exercise for the development of ATS: consolidate the ability to walk between two lines; develop balance with a subgroup of boys

Work on developing a culture of behavior at the table

at lunch time. Training in memorizing menus and proper use of cutlery.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Massage of the chest area.

Hardening procedures. Walking on a relief surface.

Guessing riddles about the New Year holiday.

CHHL: “Among our yard” by Z. Alexandrov.

Father Frost's workshop - making the simplest New Year's toys from paper.


Observing the properties of snow (cold, white, crispy). Outdoor games “Chicken - Corydalis” - Develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, practice running in different directions.

"Catch-up in the labyrinth." Goal: to develop coordination of speech with movements, attention, memory, and to cultivate the ability not to break the rules of the game.

Conversation about the rules of conduct during winter games and fun on the street (snowballs, walking on ice paths, sledding from the mountains, as well as during games at the New Year's holiday.

Removable materials: ice cubes, spatulas, scoops.

Independent play activities while walking.


" A toy shop"

Goal: to help expand the range of role-playing actions in the game, to teach children to use their favorite toys in the game. select attributes for the game.

"Slide". Goal: to teach children to build a building from building materials, to teach them to analyze the building..

HBT. Toy cleaning training. Game situation: The cubes are tired and want to go back to their box, put them in a way that makes them comfortable. Analysis: note that we worked together, the group became cozy and beautiful.

Independent play activities in activity centers.

Working with parents:

Folder “Winter”

Municipal budget educational

institution "Kindergarten No. 10"


Thematic planning

In 2 younger group"Kolobok"

"New Year at the Gate"

implementation period: 2 weeks


M.V. Kopylova - teacher

N.M. Muraleva - teacher


Thematic planning in the 2nd junior group

Subject: "New Year at the Gate"

Implementation time: 2 weeks.

Goal: Organize all types of children's activities around the theme of the New Year and the New Year's holiday. Forming a caring attitude towards birds.

A week


1 Week

1 day

Morning: Conversation about the upcoming holiday, the New Year tree. Looking at an illustration of a festive tree.

Evening: Looking at New Year's toys and decorations.

Working with parents:Environmental campaign “Feed the birds in winter”

Foster love and respect for folk traditions.

Create an atmosphere of festive mood.

Forming a caring attitude towards birds and a desire to help them in difficult winter conditions. Invite parents of students to actively participate in this event.

Day 2

Morning: Looking at an album about wintering birds.

Evening: Singing New Year's songs, reading poetry.

Working with parents:Inventing your own feeder.

Draw children's attention to the birds living next to us. Learn to take care of birds and watch them.

Arouse interest in singing, song activities, and read poetry expressively.

Introduce parents to the manufacturing method various types bird feeders.

Day 3

Morning: reading and acting out K. Chukovsky’s poem “Christmas Tree”

Evening: Application “Decorate the mitten of Santa Claus”

Working with parents: New Year's toys do it yourself - “Wintering Birds”

Evoke an emotional response to the poem; answer questions about the content, reproduce the text based on the drawing.

Teach children to make a pattern by correctly alternating shapes according to shape.

To develop the creative potential of parents of pupils.

4 day

Morning: Finger gymnastics“That’s what a Christmas tree is”

Evening: Outdoor game “Dog and Sparrows”

Working with parents

Photo exhibition “We feed the birds”

Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

To consolidate children's knowledge about the characteristic movements of birds, to teach them to imitate their voices.

Arouse children's sympathy for starving and freezing birds in winter.

5 day

Morning: Drawing with wax crayons “Christmas tree in winter”

Evening: Didactic game “Let’s show the bear how to greet guests”

Working with parents: Folder - moving“Celebrating the New Year at home with the child”

Learn unconventional drawing methods.

To develop interest in role-playing games.

Teach parents new games to play with their children.

2 week

1 day

Morning: Didactic game “Find the tallest Christmas tree”

Evening: Wintering Birds Coloring Pages

Working with parents

Construction of snow figures.

Classification of objects.

Reinforce the names of birds and strengthen children's drawing skills.

Promote physical, intellectual aesthetic development children on a walk.

Day 2

Morning: Didactic game “Assemble a Christmas tree”

Evening: Observing the bird's dining room from the window. "New Year's ray" viewing New Year cards. Describe what is shown on them.

Working with parents: Christmas tree for birds with gifts.

Learn how to put together a whole image from several parts.

Give children an idea of ​​how birds winter; Show the connection between their lives and the state of plants and nature in winter; cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Help wintering birds survive the cold period; draw the attention of children and parents to the fate of their feathered friends.

Day 3

Morning: Word game"Hello, gray-haired grandfather"

Evening: Creative workshop “Visiting the Snow Maiden”

Development of thinking and speech.

Strengthen the ability to select epithets for the example of a fairy-tale positive hero (Snegurochka). Strengthen skills and abilities in working with paper and glue. Create an atmosphere of festive mood.

4 day

Morning: Examining the Snow Maiden's fur coat.

Evening: Role-playing game “Dolls Celebrate the New Year”

Working with parents:Making New Year's costumes.

Developing interest in a fairy-tale character, identifying some features of clothing.

Encourage children to independently select attributes for children to act together.

Development of imagination and ingenuity.

5 day

Morning: New Year themed coloring pages.

Evening: New Year's party"The lights came on on the New Year's tree"

Working with parents:New Year greeting card.

Develop and strengthen children's drawing skills.

Develop the emotional sphere, performing and creative skills of children.

Subject : "New Year's Kaleidoscope"

Program content:

1. Formation of children’s interest in the New Year holiday in different types activities.

2. Involvement in active participation in productive activities on New Year's themes.

3.Teaching games “next to” with peers, without interfering with each other.

4.Creating a joyful mood and emotional response for holiday events.

Final event:“Let’s decorate the Christmas tree!” decorating the Christmas tree with toys made by children together with their parents; (Friday evening.)

Planning educational work

Day of the week


children's activities

(activity centers,

all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/

social partners





Morning Gymnastics “Visiting the Christmas tree” No. 8, see appendix. Role-playing game “Builders” with the goal of developing imagination, expanding horizons,develop the ability to perform individual work actions with the participation of adults. Conducting simulation games: “We are spinning like snowflakes”, “How different animals go to the Christmas tree”;

Reminder for children correct landing at the table. Do not talk while eating, we may choke, spill on ourselves or under the table.

Invite parents to listen to audio recordings with songs and fairy tales about the New Year




holistic picture of the world)

Looking at the Christmas tree. Target:Clarify and enrich ideas about the upcoming event - the New Year holiday; learn to look at objects (Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations) and answer questions while looking at them. Activate the dictionary on the topic “ New Year's celebration"(see "Complex classes" by O.P. Vlasenko p. 137.)

Return from a walk, KGN, dinner, work before bed

Situational safety talk (do not include hot water, do not splash with water, do not play with soap), about the benefits of water.

Reading fiction "Teremok"

Situational conversations about cleanliness and order in the group, reminding children about the benefits of washing hands and wiping dry.

Illustrations for the fairy tale"Teremok"




Conducting dramatizations of situations familiar to children, simple literary texts (familiar fairy tales, poems) in order to teach imitation of fairy tale characters and develop dialogical speech.

playing a game called “Pack it up” or “Where the toy lives” to continue to encourage children to put toys back in their place

situational conversations with children about cultural and hygienic skills: -Continue to teach how to hold a spoon correctly while eating, use a napkin, eat carefully;

Introducing illustrations of familiar fairy tales, flannelgraph.

Day of the week


Joint activities between adults and children

taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a development environment for independent

children's activities

(activity centers,

all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/

social partners



Educational activities in special moments



Morning Gymnastics, conducting a didactic game (cut-out pictures “Santa Claus”, “Snowman” with the aim of teaching how to compose a picture from parts, developing attention. Organization and conduct role-playing game : “The doll is having lunch” Objectives: to provide initial knowledge about the items necessary for preparing and eating food, to develop the ability to perform individual labor actions with the participation of adults.

using the game exercise “How we wash our palms and squeeze out our hands” Objective: to consolidate self-care skills

cut pictures “Santa Claus”, “Snowman”

Bringing in a doll with toy cutlery for role play

Invite parents to consider a Christmas tree on the street, a decorated Christmas tree at home;



(sensory, constructive


(paper plastic) Festive Christmas tree. Target:Teach children to create the image of an elegant holiday Christmas tree based on an unfinished composition (silhouette of a Christmas tree) Teach the elements of paper plastic: tearing paper napkins into pieces, crush into lumps. Develop a sense of shape, color and rhythm.(see I.A. Lykova “ Visual activities V kindergarten. Early age. Page 45.)

Return from a walk, KGN, dinner, work before bed

Reading "Zayushkina's hut"

WITH situational conversations about the importance of hand washing; about the correct use of a towel; using nursery rhymes about water, washing “Water, water..”, “Warm water...”




See Attachment: " Physical education classes, lesson No. 11"


Carrying out gymnastics in bed “Stretching” (see appendix);

conducting a game-experiment with paper “Snowballs!” in order to get acquainted with the properties of paper and cultivate interest in the game.

Feeding is accompanied by an explanation of what foods children eat, their benefits and importance for health.

Prepare half a sheet of paper for each child, illustration “Children playing in the snow”

Day of the week


Joint activities between adults and children

taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a development environment for independent

children's activities

(activity centers,

all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/

social partners



Educational activities in special moments



Morning Gymnastics, observation of the work of the assistant teacher (what he does, what he uses (work tools)). Tasks: to introduce basic safety rules during work; role-playing game “Hairdressers” with the aim of introducing the profession of a hairdresser, accustoming them to combing their own hair, and teaching them how to maintain a neat appearance.

Learn to keep the table clean, eat carefully, slowly, and chew food completely.

Bringing in role play equipment"Hairdressers"

Invite parents to look at New Year's toys with their child.


Artistic creativity


(collective composition)Festive Christmas tree.

Learn to move a brush along the pile and draw straight lines - “Branches” Develop methods of visual and tactile examination of objects. (see I.A. Lykova “Visual activities in kindergarten. Early age. p. 45.)

Return from a walk, KGN, dinner, work before bed

Reading folk nursery rhymes about food, eating, dishes.

Situational conversations with the aim of consolidating the kg.

Teach children to thank ml. teacher and cooks who prepared delicious dishes.



According to the music director's plan


Observing the cleaning of an adult in the playroom, engaging in basic labor activities (putting away toys); educational games: Bathing the doll,” “putting the doll to bed,” “let’s dress the doll,” “help doll Katya make the bed.”

Usage game situations to learn how to dress and undress. Teach children to take off their shoes independently and put them in a locker.

Add an image of a balloon or a bear toy to play out game situations

Day of the week


Joint activities between adults and children

taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a development environment for independent

children's activities

(activity centers,

all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/

social partners



Educational activities in special moments



Morning Gymnastics, playing the game “The Snowman Has a Cold.” Develop a value-based attitude towards your health, the ability to avoid situations that are detrimental to health d

Role-playing game “Construction” with the aim of developing imagination, broadening horizons,develop the ability to perform individual work actions with the participation of adults.

situational conversations on observing safety rules when eating, washing, getting ready for a walk.

Bring in a toy (image) of a snowman.Construction material, toys for playing with buildings

Invite parents to learn a poem about the Christmas tree;



Find each snowman a Christmas tree.Goal: To teach to listen carefully and observe, to activate vocabulary on the topic, to cultivate a caring attitude towards plants (Christmas tree) (see “Comprehensive lessons” by O.P. Vlasenko p. 139.)

Return from a walk, KGN, dinner, work before bed

Carrying out the game “We wash ourselves”. Continue to develop the ability to use soap correctly, carefully wash your hands and face, and wipe dry after washing.

Reading “Bubble, Straw and Bast Shot”

Using models for washing

Physical Culture

See appendix: “Physical education, lesson No. 12”


Carrying out the s/r game “Waiting for guests”.Develop the ability to interact in stories with two characters (mother, guest), learn to use definition words in speech, and develop coherent speech.

organization and conduct role-playing game : “The doll has a birthday” Objectives: to provide initial knowledge about the items necessary for preparing and eating food,

Doll, birthday toys.

Day of the week


Joint activities between adults and children

taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a development environment for independent

children's activities

(activity centers,

all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/

social partners



Educational activities in special moments



Morning Gymnastics, viewing illustrations and paintings on the theme “New Year’s Kaleidoscope” in order to continue to introduce the features of the New Year’s celebration;conducting a role-playing game “Dolls visiting the children”: strengthen the skills of setting the table and inviting dolls to drink tea.

motivating children to eat (“Masha and Porridge”, music by T. Nazarova, lyrics by N. Naydenova);

Introducing illustrations and paintings on the theme “New Year’s Kaleidoscope”, Dolls, and pear dishes for “tea drinking”

Invite parents to take a walk around the snow town on the main square of the city, watch with their child the Snow Maiden’s ice house;


Artistic creativity


The molding is relief. What a Christmas tree! Target:Continue to teach how to roll out the flagella and attach them to the stem-column. Learn to use a stack - divide a column into pieces. Develop a sense of form. (See I.A. Lykova “Visual activities in kindergarten. Early age. Page 43.)

Return from a walk, KGN, dinner, work before bed

Game situation “the bunny is sick.” (the bunny ate a dirty carrot) Goal: introduce them to vegetables (carrots) beneficial properties how they affect health. Tell them that it is necessary to wash vegetables with water.

situational conversation about table manners (chewing with your mouth closed, using a napkin, drinking from a cup);

I bring in building material, a bunny toy, a clean and dirty carrot.


Physical Culture

See Appendix: “Physical training, lesson No. 13”


Game event:“Let’s decorate the Christmas tree!” decorating the Christmas tree with toys made by children together with their parents;

Cleaning up the playroom.

Finger gymnastics “Let’s warm up our fingers” - develop ways to protect against the cold;

situational conversation “Why do we need mittens?”: to cultivate the desire to take care of your health.

Christmas tree, toys made by children together with their parents.


1. "Cognition" (development of sensory culture): Teach Nikita B., Ilya V. to name animals (bunny, fox, bear, squirrel) in the picture, toys.

(Construction): Teach Vika Z., Lera O. to construct buildings according to the model.

2. “Cognition” (development of horizons)Cultivate interest in children

(Sasha V., Vika Kh., Senya I.) to folk toys, highlight their properties, qualities and methods of use.

3.4" Communication", "Reading fiction"Help children answer simple and more complex questions. Dasha D., Vladika M., Egor B.

5. "Artistic creativity"(modeling): Teach Ramil M., Angelina D. to roll out lumps of plasticine in a circular motion.

6. Music: Learn. Marata G., Slavitsa P. coordinate movements with music.

7 .Physical Culture:Continue to teach how to repeat movements after the teacher (Nikita B., Angelina D.)

8. Health: Continue to teach Vika T. to wash her hands when dirty and before eating. Strengthen the ability to use your own towel.

9. Socialization: Promote Sasha V.’s desire to independently select toys and attributes for play.

10. Labor: Invite Sasha V. to put the toys in their place.

Mini-project for children of the second junior group “The Christmas tree is a beauty”

Children and parents are not familiar with the history of the New Year tree, parents do not understand the importance of doing it together new year traditions with kids
Passivity of parents when holding creative thematic exhibitions of drawings and crafts inside the garden
Without sufficient knowledge, it is difficult to form a child’s ideas about Russian folk traditions
Objective of the project:
- expand children's knowledge about the New Year tree
-form children’s ideas about the New Year tree
-develop speech skills

Project implementation stages.
1. Conceptual:
- justification of the relevance of the topic, motivation for its choice, formulation of the goals and objectives of the project.
2. Preparatory:
- study of methodological literature;
- drawing up a long-term plan;
- creation of a development environment;
- selection of games and equipment.
3. Formative:
-activities in accordance with calendar and thematic planning.
4. Final:
- to form children’s ideas about the New Year tree
-develop speech skills
-introduce children and parents to the history of the New Year tree;
- expand parents’ knowledge about the tradition of the New Year tree and the importance of introducing children to it. Monday
In the first half of the day
1. Story - conversation about the history of the New Year tree:
introduce children to the history of the Christmas tree;
cultivate a love for Russian folk traditions.
2. Finger gymnastics “Christmas tree”:
develop hand motor skills.
3. GCD application “ Fluffy Christmas tree": learn to stick ready-made figures;
consolidate knowledge about gluing rules.
In the afternoon
1. Reading K. Chukovsky “Christmas tree”:
Study carefully, listen and retell excerpts from the work
2. Communication situation: “How the animals decorated the Christmas tree”:
give knowledge about the Christmas tree: its features, benefits;
teach to distinguish characteristic features objects by various analyzers;
develop tactile memory.
3. Offer children New Year-themed coloring books
develop independence.
Working with parents: Consultation “New Year Traditions”

In the first half of the day
1. Conversation “What does the Christmas tree look like”: develop curiosity, observation;
cultivate a love for Russian folk traditions.
2. Educational situation “Visiting the Christmas tree”: consolidate the skills of cultural behavior 3. World of music: Singing songs about the Christmas tree, repeating poems
develop an ear for music.
4. Speech lesson. ECD “Looking at the Christmas tree”: teach the skills of writing a story about the Christmas tree;
consider the decorations of the New Year tree - Christmas tree
In the afternoon
1. Didactic games: “Find the tallest tree” (on a walk)
develop visual memory
2.SRI "Family"
3. Compiling a story about the New Year Tree:
develop speech skills
Working with parents: Offer to teach poems about the Christmas tree at home

In the first half of the day
1. Manufacturing New Year's gifts for parents: to create a desire to do something nice for your family.
2. D/i “Assemble a Christmas tree”:
develop fine motor skills, memory, imagination
3.Looking at the Christmas tree (on a walk)
In the afternoon
1. Reading and memorizing poems about the Christmas tree:
induce in children a joyful feeling associated with the upcoming holiday.
2.Unsmarting the Christmas tree, Christmas decorations: introduce the tradition of installing and decorating spruce (pine) indoors; develop speech skills 3. Didactic game “Let’s make beads for the Christmas tree”
develop hand motor skills.
Working with parents: Exhibition of family works " Christmas decorations»

In the first half of the day
1. Reading and memorizing poems about the Christmas tree: Teach children to read expressively
2.Singing round dance songs about the Christmas tree
3. Preparing the wall newspaper “Happy New Year”: In the afternoon
1. Verbal - didactic game“What a Christmas tree”: Learn to select definitions and form adjectives according to the model
2. Offer children New Year-themed coloring books
Working with parents: Exhibition New Year's crafts"Crystal Winter"

In the first half of the day 1. Excursion to the exhibition of crafts “Crystal Winter”
2. New Year's holiday “Magic needles”
In the afternoon
1. Conversation “How we celebrated the New Year holiday”: learn to express your opinion, your memories of the past holiday

Expected results:
- to reinforce children’s idea of ​​a Christmas tree
- active participation of parents in exhibitions

Project result:
Exhibition of joint drawings “Christmas tree decorations”. Exhibition of crafts “Crystal Winter” New Year’s holiday “Magic needles”

Difficulties: children's adaptation
1. Artemyeva L.V. The world in didactic games, 1992
2.Teplyuk S.N., Activities on walks with children of primary preschool age
3. Bondarenko T.M., Complex classes in the second junior group of kindergarten
4. Ilchuk N.P., Reader for preschoolers 2-4 years old, 1997.
5. Kazakova T.G., Development of creativity in preschoolers (Notes for drawing, modeling, appliqué classes), 1985.