Why is the Maslenitsa doll without a face? It is wrong to burn a Maslenitsa effigy with a human face - Khabarovsk diocese. And by the way, why do you need to burn an effigy?

Marina Rotozey

Target: teach children to create an image in a drawing dolls.

Tasks: introduce children to the national holiday Maslenitsa.

Develop the ability to place an image on an entire sheet of paper and carefully paint over it.

Develop artistic and creative activity, imagination, skills drawing, the ability to complement and complete an image by adding details.

Cultivate interest in the holidays of your people, interest in creativity.

Demonstration and distribution material: painting « Maslenitsa» , watercolor paints, white paper, "sippy cup", napkin, brush, pencil.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: - Guys, a guest came to us today. Did you recognize her?

Children: - Maslenitsa!

Educator: - I suggest you look at it carefully. Our « Maslenitsa»

Very smartly dressed. She is wearing a beautiful, fluffy, multi-colored dress. She has a beautiful scarf on her head. She has yellow hair, beautiful eyes and a kind smile.

Educator: - guys, who knows why they do it doll« Maslenitsa» ?

Children: - dolls are made for the holiday « Maslenitsa» .

Educator: - correct, on the first day Maslenitsa, which is called a meeting, a stuffed animal was made from straw Maslenitsa, put old clothes on him, drew a face, tied a scarf or put on a hat. Having placed the scarecrow on a pole, they carried it around the village on a sleigh, singing and making jokes, and then hoisted it on the highest mountain, where the sleigh ride began.

Maslenitsa is a holiday, very cheerful, folk. It appeared a long time ago, everyone loves it and still celebrates it. Maslenitsa lasts a whole week - seven days. They bake pancakes all week and serve them to everyone. On the last day oil week, Forgiveness Sunday, people asked each other for forgiveness before the onset of Lent and took them to see them off Maslenitsa on the outskirts, where a big fire was made. They gave Maslenitsa damn it and solemnly burned the effigy at the stake. Burning Maslenitsa was a symbol of the onset of spring and a fertile year. And also, all Maslenitsa For a week, people organized street celebrations, sang songs, and danced in circles.

So I suggest you play a Russian round dance game "Vesnyanka".

Educator: - Guys, today we will draw a Maslenitsa doll.

I'll tell you how we will draw in order. Let's draw with a simple pencil a large head at the top of the leaf, round like a pancake (or sun). Let's draw rays on the head. On the face we will draw eyes, mouth, nose. Triangular dress, sleeves. Choose bright colors for coloring. Our dolls must be beautiful

Educator: - Come on guys, before we start our work, you and I will prepare our fingers and warm up.


They are friends in our group of girls and boys.

(join fingers in "lock")

We will make friends with little fingers.

(touching the fingertips of both hands)

(paired touch of fingers from the little fingers)

One, two, three, four, five - we're done counting.

(hands down, shake hands)

The teacher reminds them to paint carefully, checks whether they are holding the brush correctly, and if any difficulties arise, the teacher helps them eliminate these difficulties.

Educator: - Well done boys! Now who wants to talk about their painted doll.

Thanks guys. Very beautiful and interesting works you got it.

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  • General rules
  • Paper doll
  • Fabric doll
  • Straw amulet

Have you ever wondered why the Maslenitsa doll is not sold in stores? After all, in order to decorate your home for other traditional holidays, it is enough to walk to the nearest supermarket. It's all about the ancient traditions of the Slavic celebration of the end of winter and attracting the spring sun. This is not about burning a straw effigy or delicious pancakes, but about a homemade amulet that each housewife made with her own hands. Now you will learn how to make Maslenitsa with your own hands.

General rules

First, decide on your priorities. What do you want - to create a modern interior in the ancient Slavic style, surprise guests with a fashionable accessory and after a week throw the stuffed animal into the trash bin? Then you don’t have to worry too much, but even in this version the doll must be authentic, otherwise a carefully thought-out plan for decorating your home will look at least undignified. Or maybe you want to make a talisman for your home that should be kept all year round?

In any case, you need to know the conditions for how to make homemade Maslenitsa according to all the rules:

The location of this amulet in the house is also of great importance. Previously, it was customary to place it in the red corner, but now it is best to place it directly opposite the front door. This amulet is kept until the next holiday; the day before it is burned or thrown into the river and a new one is made. So, you have read the basic rules. Now let’s move on to specifics, namely, we’ll tell you how to make a homemade Maslenitsa doll with your own hands from one material or another.

Paper doll

The easiest way is to make a scarecrow Maslenitsa from paper of different colors. This method is especially suitable for those who make it together with small children.

For this you will need:

  • Three sheets of paper red, orange and yellow.
  • A small piece of white paper and a ruler.
  • Stationery glue and scissors.

First, make the dress of the future doll:

The dress is ready, now make the head:

  1. From the corner of the red paper, draw a knotted scarf and cut it out.
  2. From another corner you can cut a diamond with sides equal to the edges of the scarf.
  3. Glue a white circle in the center of the scarf and attach the head to the dress. From the “back” along the edges of the scarf, glue the back part of it, leaving the lower edges free.

As you can see, making such a Maslenitsa with your own hands is not at all difficult. Of course, there are more labor-intensive methods, but the results are more impressive.

Fabric doll

There are several ways to make a Maslenitsa doll from fabric. Let's consider the most elegant option.

You will need:

  • A square of linen or white cotton fabric.
  • A piece of cotton wool and knitting threads.
  • Three squares of bright, better with small floral print, calico.
  • All kinds of shreds, ribbons or braid.

Step-by-step instruction:

How to make a doll-amulet with your own hands - video

If you don’t have time to be particularly fancy with homemade Maslenitsa, but still want to decorate your house for the holiday, pay attention to this extremely simple method. To do this, take:

  • 5-6 strips of fabric 3-5 cm wide and 10 cm long.
  • The same number of strips twice as long.
  • Threads and a couple of pieces of colored fabric.
  • A thin straight stick.

Easy way:

Straw amulet

For residents of big cities, making Maslenitsa is both simple and difficult. Simplicity lies in the simple manufacturing technique. The difficulty is due to the search for suitable material: well, it is very difficult to find straw in a metropolis. Therefore, if desired, it can be replaced with a washcloth. If you have time to look for straws in craft stores, use this material. So, what do you need to stock up on:

  • Two bundles of straw 15 and 20 centimeters long.
  • White and red thick wool threads.
  • A triangular piece of canvas, braid and multi-colored fabric.
  • Square flap white and cotton wool.
  • A straight branch about 20 centimeters long.

The last point should be emphasized. Do not use alder and aspen wood for amulet: according to ancient beliefs, these trees can weaken the protective properties of the amulet. Now let's move on to the question of how to make a straw doll with your own hands:

So, you know the most popular options for how to make a spring home amulet. Now let's look at another extremely important attribute of this holiday.

The traditional production of stuffed animals for Maslenitsa does not involve the use of expensive materials and special effort. From time immemorial, the Slavs made a symbol of the past winter from all sorts of rubbish that was no longer needed in the household, which was joyfully burned at the end of the holiday week, thereby symbolizing getting rid of troubles. So, when thinking about how to make a stuffed animal for Maslenitsa with your own hands and not ruin your budget, make a list like this:

  • Two dry wooden blocks of different lengths.
  • Hammer, nails and rope.
  • Paper, straw, brooms or other materials that burn well.
  • White old pillowcase, dress or robe with long sleeves.
  • A scarf or a suitable piece of fabric.

How to make a stuffed animal:

If you want to fully comply with ancient rituals, on the first day put the effigy on a sled, since according to tradition it is supposed to be rolled around the yard and only then burned. By the way, you can burn the symbol of winter on Saturday evening, and on Forgiveness Sunday you can end the fun and prepare for fasting. However, the last option is interesting only for religious people. Maslenitsa festivities are in no way connected with generally accepted modern religion.

Burn scarecrow Maslenitsa- a custom that goes back to the folk ritual of the beginning of a new annual cycle. Nowadays, effigies are burned at city Maslenitsa celebrations; this is becoming almost as common an attribute of it as stacks of pancakes on street stalls. Of course, this tradition has nothing to do with Christianity. This is an element of pagan culture. Burning the effigy symbolized the farewell to winter and the welcoming of spring, farewell to everything old and dilapidated. How should a Christian view this tradition?

“Foma” addressed this question to Archpriest Andrei Efanov:

When spending Maslenitsa week - that is, the week before Lent - it is important to distinguish between two plans: one is pagan, which was relevant in Rus' a long time ago, before the adoption of Christianity, when a person’s entire life was built on the basis of pagan ideas. In this sense, Maslenitsa week is the so-called farewell to winter, which includes many pagan rituals, one of which is the burning of effigies of Maslenitsa - a symbol of winter and a ritual object that embodies everything bad that happened last year. The burning of Maslenitsa is a direct and real participation in pagan rituals, there is no game or “pretend” here.

As for participation in pagan rituals, I think it’s clear to you even without my answer that this is unacceptable for a Christian. And if it is these rituals that you are asking about, speaking about celebrating “according to all the rules,” then, naturally, this cannot be done categorically. Another plan is that since the adoption of Christianity, the week that was previously dedicated to the rituals of seeing off winter and welcoming spring, church calendar is the last of the three - a time of serious internal work on oneself. This is a special period in the life of a Christian, a change in the rhythm of liturgical and prayer life, and this, too, must somehow be approached and prepared for this change to occur for the benefit of the soul. This is what preparatory weeks are for. The third of them, Maslenitsa, is a week in which we no longer eat meat, but we can eat dairy products and bake traditional for this week without meat.

And if we move away from gastronomy, then this week comes after. On this day, during the Divine Liturgy, verses 35 - 46 from chapter 25 of the Gospel of Matthew are read, which talk about how the Last Judgment will take place and by what criteria the Lord will judge a person. Christ himself tells about this to his disciples, and through them to each of us. This is a very serious text, which is useful to think about on the eve of Lent, during which you will engage in that very inner work that will bring you closer to what the Lord expects from each of us. In this passage from the Gospel, each of us is given guidelines, following which we can become even closer to being an heir eternal life. And I would say that joy along with internal preparation for fasting will be the most correct way to spend Maslenitsa week.

Natalia Kulikovskikh

The March sun is shining brighter! And absolutely soon will be celebrated Maslenitsa, one of the most fun national holidays per year.

One of the main symbols of the holiday is Maslenitsa scarecrow. In some regions of Russia in the old days they also made Maslenitsa and Maslenika. They made a scarecrow on a wooden cross, out of straw and dressed it up in old things. Usually, this important task was entrusted to young married women.

I also decided not to deviate from tradition and this year I did Maslenitsa scarecrow Size dolls small about a meter. At the base is a cross made of wooden slats. To fill the head I used old newspapers and trimmings of padding polyester. Braid and hands made of bast (I bought brushes for whitewashing at the store). Face I didn’t draw for Maslenitsa, V folk tradition perhaps a stuffed animal with a face or a faceless one.

Besides the big Maslenitsa dolls, they made a small doll for the house Homemade Maslenitsa.

Maslenitsa doll homely - the image of a warm, bright, satisfying Maslenitsa, a mandatory attribute of this holiday. They called her daughter Maslenitsa or her younger sister. Doll is a small, 20–25 centimeters high, straw or bast doll with a white rag face. Home Maslenitsa symbolized strong prosperity and healthy offspring of a young family. It was considered a strong talisman for the home. Kept Maslenitsa home in the red corner or at the entrance to the house. According to tradition, home Maslenitsa We also met the bride and groom. doll they put it in a prominent place when the son-in-law came to visit his mother-in-law for pancakes. Unlike the general, village Maslenitsa, family doll was portrayed as elegant and attractive.

My Maslenitsa the homemade one is made on the basis of birch bark twist, the clothes are elegant, in the hand there is a pancake symbol of the sun. The doll's height is 15 cm.

I wish everyone well, warmth and Have a good mood! We wait Maslenitsa!:)

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In the old days in Rus', children played rag dolls, which, as a rule, lacked faces. Why? Were the craftswomen really just too lazy to draw the doll’s eyes, nose and mouth? No, there were completely different reasons for that.

Magical meaning

According to the Orthodox faith, man was created in the image and likeness of God. A doll is an inanimate object. However, if she were human-like, then she would also embody the image of God. Therefore, making her look like a person was unacceptable.

On the contrary, our ancestors believed that a humanoid doll could be possessed by an evil spirit, for example, a demon or a brownie. As a result, the child who plays with the doll may suffer: he will get sick or suffer other troubles. It’s not for nothing that nowadays dolls with human faces, possessed by evil spirits, appear in many horror films.

In Rus', dolls served not only as toys, they played the role of amulets. At the same time, for both children and adults. In ancient times, dolls protected people from diseases, evil spirits, and various misfortunes. It was believed that dolls made without the use of needles and scissors had the greatest magical power. When making them, the fabric was not cut, but torn. That’s what these dolls were called – “rvanki”. Often they did not have not only faces, but also arms and legs.

Amulet dolls

Even before the birth of the child, they made a “sleeping doll”, which was placed in the cradle so that the baby would sleep soundly and peacefully. Before the baby was baptized, a “swaddle” doll in the form of a swaddled baby was placed in the cradle. It was usually made from pieces old clothes. After baptism, the doll was kept together with the child's baptismal shirt.

In the northern regions of Russia, the birch bark doll was popular. It was made from birch bark rolled into a tube. A piece of paper with a protective prayer or spell was placed inside. “Berestushki” were also called “grandmother’s dolls”, since they were usually given to their grandchildren by their own grandmothers.

For weddings, newlyweds were given lovebird dolls: the male and female figures had one common hand, symbolizing the strength of the marriage. They were made from three red rags of the same size. The dolls were fixed on a towel. When the first child appeared in a young family, the “lovebirds” were removed from the towel, which was then used in the household. The dolls themselves were given to the child to play with, or simply kept in the house.

A ten-handed doll was given as a wedding gift to a bride or a woman who had recently gotten married. According to legend, the doll was supposed to help the young housewife keep up with everything, and also contribute to harmony in family life.

A small doll was considered a talisman for the whole family. It was done after the harvest. The body of the doll was a bag of grain. It was believed that such a doll would bring wealth and prosperity to the house. In addition, the “krupenichka” symbolized fertility, so it was popular among women who wanted to have children.

In the south of Russia there was a tradition of making home amulets in the form of dolls, which were called “day and night.” It was customary to make such a doll on New Year's Eve from fabrics of dark and light tones, symbolizing night and day, respectively. In the mornings the doll was turned towards itself bright side, and in the evenings – dark. This was necessary so that the day or night would pass peacefully.

The “broom” doll saved people from quarrels and discord in the house. They made it from grass, bast or straw, putting a scarf and a sundress on it in accordance with local traditions.

They also made twelve dolls, swaddled them like babies and fastened them together, and then placed them in a secluded place behind the stove. These dolls were called "fevers". It was believed that they protected their owners from diseases.

Dolls for holidays

There were also special ritual dolls that were used in various magical rituals, including those associated with holidays. Thus, a “haircut” doll made from the first compressed sheaf was “responsible” for a rich harvest. The “goat” doll was used in Christmas carols. The “sacrum” doll was placed at Epiphany near a bucket of blessed water.

IN Maslenitsa week A doll called “homemade Maslenitsa” was hung outside the window. For Palm Sunday, red-faced Easter dolls were made, which were usually given to wanderers and pilgrims. Ivan Kupala was dressed up as a “kupavka” doll, on whose hands ribbons were hung, denoting girlish desires. Then the ribbons were removed and allowed to float down the river. It was believed that they not only contribute to the fulfillment of desires, but also take away all adversity with them.

By the way, these days you can buy or order a faceless amulet doll that serves one or another magical purpose. If desired, children can also play with such dolls, but it is unlikely that a modern child will be very interested in a toy made in accordance with ancient traditions. Today, few people remember the original sacred purpose of such things.