Invite a girl to date 14. How to invite a girl to date - in VK, phrases. Under what circumstances is it better to do this?

There are moments when even the most confident man becomes timid and has no idea what to do. It seems as if it is simply impossible to cope with anxiety, and all achievements fade, leaving a confused and defenseless person. We are talking about the state of falling in love. And it doesn’t matter whether these are first feelings or a mature choice.

Why is this happening? First of all, of course, any person is afraid of being rejected. Love is a manifestation of the highest, purest and most sincere feelings. It’s very scary to be misunderstood, it’s scary to sully this brightness with refusal. What if the refusal is rude? What if it happens in front of witnesses and is accompanied by mockery? What if they just don’t understand? All these questions attack the lover, driving him more and more into a dead end, plunging him into doubt.

Is it necessary to do anything at all then? Should we then strive for something more, fight our fears, or continue to keep our sympathy a secret? The time has come to understand yourself and take action.

Is it even worth asking a girl to date?

So, it doesn't matter how old you are. You are in love or have a special sympathy for a girl, but fear does not allow you to decide what to do next. Should I change anything at all, or should I still go and offer to meet?

You need to initially evaluate your own feelings. If you really experience a strong attraction, if it is something special, you have never experienced anything like it, then we can talk about the seriousness of your intentions.

The following signs may also indicate this:

  • The desire to spend more time with this particular girl, because she is very attractive;
  • You don’t see any shortcomings in it or they seem insignificant;
  • It is important for you to see her as often as possible;
  • Your thoughts constantly return to the object of sympathy - her appearance, clothes, words;
  • You can't even explain why you only like her.

If at least some of these points or all of them coincide, we are talking about the most real feelings: sympathy, love, something sincere.

But, if all of the above seems absolutely stupid to you, then perhaps you belong to the second category of people for whom a relationship with a girl is just an indicator of status.

For many, especially in early adolescence, it is very important to be like everyone else around them, to feel part of a community. If everyone around you has already acquired a “soul mate,” then feeling like the only “black sheep” in the company can push you to look for a girl. However, think: do you need that imaginary feeling of “correctness” or is honesty towards yourself and towards the chosen girl more important?

You should think about the fact that when you start dating a girl who is not the most interesting for you, there is a risk of rapid disappointment in such a relationship. Having common topics for conversation, showing interest in at least one of the parties to the partner are some of the very first necessities in a relationship.

Therefore, if you really feel attracted or liked, and also think that you have found the perfect girl, but are simply afraid to take action - don’t be afraid! Who knows, maybe this girl will become your wife in the future, perhaps she is the one with whom you can live a happy life. family life? Perhaps it is from her that you will have children? Remember: what is better to do and regret than to regret that you didn’t do it, and then think for the rest of your life that everything could have been different!

Well, if you just need to keep up with those around you and the very fact of a relationship doesn’t particularly attract you, don’t deceive yourself and other people. Should not be doing that.

How to tell a girl that I like her and ask her to date

The girl really evokes a storm of emotions and feelings in you, but approaching her, talking to her, and even more so saying that you really like her, and then offering to start a relationship is beyond your strength? This can be solved.

Why are many men afraid to talk to a girl? The most common reasons are the following:

  • Fear;
  • Diffidence;
  • The presence of complexes;
  • Fear of rejection, ridicule;
  • Negative experiences in the past.

Yes, these are all good reasons to avoid activism.

But just imagine that she - the girl you are attracted to - may also be afraid to take the first step. Or will she be the one with whom life will sparkle with new colors?

It's time to act!

How to confess your sympathy and propose to start a relationship. Method one

Simple to the point of banality, but very morally complex. Often you can avoid developing complex strategies and workarounds, but act directly. Therefore, the advice is simple to the point of banality: collect your thoughts, approach the object of your sympathy and confess your feelings to her.

Of course, even here it is worth following a few rules:

  • Don't prepare long speeches - best words those that come from the heart, filled with sincerity and warmth.
  • Don't try to seem like someone you're not.
  • Choose a convenient moment: when the girl is in a good mood, alone and not busy. So the possibility of a positive answer increases significantly.
  • If you receive a polite refusal, don’t despair. Yes, sometimes it happens that the sympathy is not mutual, but this is not a reason to blame yourself for this and refuse further relationships. Stay friends if you want - after a refusal, many try to cut off all communication - why?
  • If you refuse, you can ask about the reasons, but remember that the main thing is to be polite and correct. Do not accuse the girl, do not threaten her, do not try to resort to blackmail. Accept rejection with dignity and like a man.
  • If the response to your proposal is positive, try to express your emotions with restraint - too much enthusiasm can cause at least bewilderment.

Despite its apparent simplicity, when using this method it is worth observing a few very important points: Be neat (clean clothes and a daily shower are important every day), you can spray on cologne with her favorite scent. Be persistent, but not excessively - if you are refused, then you should wait some time and you can try to repeat the confession. Let's say we do this after a few weeks or even months. Girls love someone who is persistent, but not pushy. There is also no need to be overzealous with persistence - after the third refusal, it is best to stop trying.

Confession for a girl. Method two

It is quite possible to start a relationship in a completely different way. If you are an extremely shy person, for whom approaching the object of your sympathy is like death, then you can add mystery. What girl doesn't love riddles and messages from a secret admirer? Therefore, here is a ready-made idea for you:

  • Make inquiries about what she likes, where you can discreetly leave a message for her so that someone else does not receive it. Remember that inept surveillance can make you a “maniac” in her eyes...
  • Write her a note or letter. Give her a few compliments, dedicate poetry to her, tell her about your feelings - in a word, you can write whatever you want. Whether you subscribe or not is up to you, but keep in mind that rudeness, indecent hints or phrases like “You ate so little at dinner at the restaurant yesterday” will have a bad effect on your future communication.
  • If you want to stir up more interest in you, then you can maintain an aura of secrecy longer - write letters or notes to your beloved. Let them have no logic - send them to different time, place it in different places and at different intervals. Let it be either short notes or long letters with some gifts like your favorite chocolate. You don’t have to sign up or even come up with a pseudonym.
  • When her interest is high enough, make an appointment with your beloved. And already on it, confess your feelings to your friend, offer to be together.

Yes, the possibility of refusal still exists, but if you showed enough ingenuity and were initially pleasant to the girl, then most likely she is already in love with you in absentia, so she will happily accept the proposal. Well, even if not, you will gain valuable experience. In any case, there is no need to be upset.

Method three. Recognition and proposal

Help the girl. When people see each other often enough, there is a high probability that the guy has already learned her strengths and weak sides and knows when help might be needed. Don't leave her in difficult situations, provide support, and then, when left alone, confess to her how you feel.

The fourth way to confess to a girl

If the lady of your heart is a regular participant in friendly gatherings, then you can use this method. Organize some kind of event for the whole company - a trip to an amusement park, a picnic, a walk around the interesting places. Make sure she takes part in this. During your vacation, catch a moment when you are alone with her in some unusual, beautiful and atmospheric place. Take action!

How to propose to meet nicely if you are friends

What to do when you have been good friends for a long time? It seems that there is or could be something between you, but there is no exact certainty. It’s somehow awkward to even raise the issue of something like this, especially since friendship is very valuable and many don’t want to lose it... But even in this case, there are always several effective ways for such situations.

  • Write her a long letter of recognition. Design it beautifully, write sincerely what you think and feel. Include a photo of you together that has fond memories for both of you.
  • Invite her somewhere she really wanted to go, but hasn’t had the opportunity yet. Give her unforgettable experience, spend time with her as fun and eventful as possible. And at the end of the evening, confess your feelings to her, invite her to transfer your friendly acquaintance to new level and start a relationship. Select in advance a nice place which will create an unusual atmosphere.
  • When you and the object of your affection have mutual friends, you can ask them to help arrange a surprise confession. It will be great if they offer their ideas or something special. Perhaps they know for sure that she is also not indifferent to you and will be happy to share this information!
  • Go on a trip with your friend. Nothing brings people together better than the shared hardships and hardships of hitchhiking or hiking, or the abundance of fun on a joint vacation. Moreover, a change of scenery will allow them to look at you with “new eyes,” and there is a possibility that an offer will not even be required. And if it is necessary, who else but you knows this girl? Create the conditions for her ideal date, and the answer to your confession and proposal to be a couple will be a happy “yes.”

In fact, in the case when a guy and a girl are good friends, there are both pros and cons. On the one hand, who else but you always comes to the rescue, is a faithful companion in any kind of pastime, knows the details of your whole life and your deepest desires? But, on the other hand, this is precisely what can also serve as a reason for refusal, due to the fact that you already know, if not absolutely everything, then a lot about each other.

And it's not always just that positive sides. There are some aspects of life that can only be told to a friend, but not to your soulmate.

Don't be upset or despair. Often the strongest and most beautiful families are created between best friends, precisely because all the nuances of life and character traits were known in advance.

Whatever it is - it’s a friend, or just a pretty girl who won your heart - never be afraid of confessions, it’s better to overcome fear once. It’s much worse to wake up one day and realize that you once missed the opportunity to try to be close to the one who made your heart jump out of your chest...

Even if you receive a negative response to your proposal, don’t worry. The most important thing is that you tried. This does not mean at all that there is something wrong with you, it does not mean that you should be afraid to try again and again. It’s just that somehow you didn’t suit this particular person and there’s nothing to worry about. Everything is still ahead, you will definitely be happy with the one who will outshine all your past loves!

Having met online, people sometimes become not only good pen pals, but also a loving couple and even a family. But when you communicate not in person for a long time, it is not easy to decide on such a step as asking a girl to meet.

Girls are unpredictable - some like romantic courtship, bright signs of attention and a clear desire to win their heart, others are attracted by similar interests, simplicity and light humor in communication. But the most important thing that girls of any type of character will certainly appreciate is sincerity, that is, the complete absence of falsehood.

In contact with


If you are confident in the sincerity of your feelings, this is still not enough for a girl to believe in them. Even if she has a reciprocal crush on you, doubts will overcome her until the end (some girls change their minds about going on a date at the last minute). Therefore, for the first step - an invitation - it is better to use the environment in which the girl feels comfortable - for example, invite her to meet through the VK network (rather than asking for her phone number to call).

If you have been communicating on VK for a long time, you probably have favorite topics for conversation or for exchanging links or pictures. Before asking a girl to meet on VKontakte, think about how to do it beautifully or at least cutely in order to make her smile and like her.

For example, if she's amused by your joke, you might remark, "It looks like we're having a good time, don't you think?" If the answer is affirmative, you can add: “Do you want to continue the evening in such and such a park/cafe/cinema?” This will sound unobtrusive, but at the same time it will let her know that you are initiating a personal meeting.

Another way to beautifully invite a girl to meet on VK is to intrigue her with a gift: “I have a small present for you, can you tell me how I can meet its recipient?” The gift in this case should not be too valuable, so as not to scare away, but also not a complete trinket, so as not to cause disappointment. Small box of her favorite chocolates soft toy or one beautifully packaged garden flower will do.

It should just be a nice sign of attention

Examples of phrases suggesting to meet in person

Young people often get overly nervous when thinking about how to ask a girl to meet in person. Many people think that there are certain recipes or templates for the correct phrases. In fact, there are none.

The main thing a guy should be guided by is common sense.

Therefore, the words should not contain a bunch of epithets, cumbersome quotes and similar drama. The more natural the phrases sound when asking a girl to meet, the better.


If you're the kind of guy who finds it easier to memorize a couple of common phrases than to rely on instinct, start by remembering what not to say. Examples of incorrect phrases: “Let’s meet because:

  • I have never met girls like you in my life;
  • you are my ideal, which I have been looking for all my life;
  • Without you my life has no meaning.”

Even if all this is true, the girl most likely will not want to date a guy after such emotional outpouring. Firstly, they are perceived as bad game with a good face, secondly, who knows, it’s better to keep him at a distance.

What are the correct phrases to ask a girl to date? For example:

  • “I really like you - it’s always so easy with you, it seems we have a lot in common”;
  • “We’re having a good time online, maybe we should see each other?”
  • “Don’t you think that we have long become a little more than just friends, at least I hope so and want to date you.”

Don’t memorize these phrases, memorized sentences sound false, and the fear that you will forget them will make you indecisive, and this is not the best quality for a man. Just keep them in mind as an option.

If a girl has a positive attitude towards jokes, you can do this


If a girl is a lover of surprises, try asking her to date you in an original way. Play on her curiosity - write that you will hide a gift for her in such and such a place in such and such a square or park. Wait for her to arrive and, when she finds your message and gift in the indicated place (we have already said what it could be), suddenly appear from an “ambush” (for example, from a nearby cafe). At least the first meeting will already take place.


There are girls who expect to be asked to date in some romantic way. If your chosen one is one of these, send her a beautifully designed date invitation letter from your address with the signature “secret admirer.” Of course, she will understand that it is you, but she will certainly appreciate the humor with which this proposal will be made.

For her to agree

There are no recipes that guarantee a girl’s consent to a meeting. In order for her to agree to date, it doesn’t matter how you propose it, what matters is how she treats you. Therefore, you must be at least half sure, about the same as you feel towards her - she trusts you, misses you. All these signs can slip through correspondence and are difficult to miss.

Don't overestimate yourself, arrogance is not best friend a young man in love.

You need to offer a girl a meeting when you are almost sure that she doesn’t mind seeing you in person: “I confess, I’ve become attached to you and I dream of seeing you, do you mind meeting?”

In your own words

Huge opportunities are provided by choosing phrases from your own vocabulary and experience of communication with a specific girl. You already know her preferences, you have some secrets or jokes known only to you, you have developed your own style of correspondence. Based on this knowledge, you can find the most true, necessary, and most importantly, your own words that you just have to offer to a girl, and she will respond with consent to date. For example: “Do you remember that kitten that almost got hit by a car (in such and such a video)? My friends took him in, and you and I can visit him.”

Psychologists also allow this option: “When you are angry and say that you are ready to bite me, I dream of making you angry so that you come and bite me.” It may seem cheesy, but don't be afraid to make any forward moves to dot the i's.

The main thing is that the words are spoken sincerely

Under what circumstances is it better to do this?

Sometimes a phrase said at the wrong time or at the wrong time becomes a “point of no return” in a barely warm relationship. Therefore, choose the moment how and when it is better to ask a girl to meet:

The best moment is in the wake of the usual correspondence, when the topic is “cool evening, right?” It’s easy to translate into a field of pleasant communication with her. Then your proposal will be both appropriate and, possibly, successful.

How to ask on a date

If you managed to ask a girl to meet you, and it turned out beautifully, then you probably think that you are on your first date, on which a lot will depend. But what if she came to the first meeting just out of curiosity, and not as your girlfriend? How to ask her out next time?

Obviously, the date should be a natural continuation of the first meeting if you both felt comfortable. In this case, you can simply suggest: “Let's go somewhere else?”

If the girl made it clear that she was disappointed, or she initially had other plans, do not rush to despair and burn all bridges. Perhaps she hastened to conclusions, and you will still have a relationship, but later. The main thing is not to rush or insist.

The first date should not be taken as a surrender state exam- be yourself, talk about what you always talked about with her. There is no need to show that you are ready to jump for joy that it has come (even if you are ready). Rejoice quietly, be gallant, do not chat incessantly, but listen to what she says, perhaps she herself will give a lead for conversation. If the girl is silent, take the initiative into your own hands - ask if she has seen such and such a movie, if she likes such and such an actor, if she likes trips to the sea - and stuff like that. If you look at it, you still don’t know each other very well, so you can ask and talk about anything that does not go beyond the bounds of decency.

If you have absolutely no experience communicating with girls, remember the main rule - you cannot behave as cheekily with girls as you do with your friends. Even if you have a friendly relationship, do not turn a girl into a guy-shirt. Many people are disappointed by rudeness, but girls who love rudeness also exist. Therefore, to give an unambiguous and universal council How to communicate with a specific girl is impossible. Just try to get to know her preferences well before the date.

Any relationship should not start with deception.

On a date, you can talk about everything that is pleasant for both to hear - that is, about each other, so questions from “how was your day” to “saw your new photo, where is that you?” appropriate. It is not advisable to ask about parents - who they work for, about housing - what kind of apartment she has, and so on. You will find out this information later, and the first dates should be devoted to something more personal, relating only to the two of you.

There are situations when a girl doesn’t seem to mind communicating with you, but she doesn’t let you closer than all her other friends, she tries to stop your attempts to get closer to her. There are several explanations for this behavior - for example, she still doesn't trust you or. Or he just keeps you in the so-called “friend zone” - the zone of friends, and nothing more. Such discrepancies often happen in life, so don’t be upset - there will definitely be a girl who will feel more affection for you than friendship.

Useful video

Look at what and how you can write to a girl on VK so that she will certainly respond:


  1. Close communication with a girl online often prompts a guy to take such a step as inviting her to meet in person.
  2. If during correspondence you managed to arouse a girl’s interest in you, you can rest assured that she will agree to a meeting.
  3. You shouldn’t invent pompous phrases or look for templates on how to propose to meet correctly; this proposal should be as natural as possible.

In contact with

Darina Kataeva

You met a girl, got to know her as a person, you admire her merits and? Then you would definitely like to start dating her. However, due to shyness and inexperience, many guys find this extremely difficult. Because of a rush of feelings and a storm of emotions, they get lost in the presence of their chosen one and don’t even know what to say. What to do in such situations and how to properly ask a girl to date?

Why offer to meet?

People attach different meanings to the concept of “meeting”. Consider whether you are dating if:

Do you spend a lot of time with the opposite sex every day?

Do you feel mutual sympathy and regularly correspond and call each other?

What if, among your friends, you pay close attention to the same person?

The first question is very easy to answer, but others puzzle many. Some guys and girls confuse sympathy, which is why the line between acquaintance, friendship and relationships is blurred. In order not to find yourself in a similar situation, it is important to understand for what purpose you want to start dating?

Both young and old people sometimes take dating lightly. They simply enjoy communicating with the opposite sex, and the thought of further married life does not even cross their minds. Often this behavior leads to disappointment for the other party, who develops their feelings due to close contact with the other person. Romantic relationships without the goal of marriage are entertainment for most young people. They underestimate the seriousness of the act, because this is how they prepare not for marriage, but for divorce.

The purpose of dating is to get to know the other person to determine if you are ready to spend a lifetime with them. At this stage, preparations are being made for future joint happy life with a loved man.

How to choose a good girl?

When meeting any person, the first thing we pay attention to is their appearance. Sympathy develops, but at this stage it is too early to talk about love. Not every girl will be a good wife and caring mother. Therefore, you are advised to use the following tips:

Look deeper.

When we meet, we often see in another person what we want to see. This is not always true. Therefore, your goal is to understand the true essence of a person.


Of course, the opinions of others should not be decisive, but it is worth clarifying this fact so as not to make mistakes. Some friends may even unconsciously point out specific shortcomings of a girl.


Think about who your chosen one communicates with and what qualities does she value in people? A circle of friends says a lot about a person. Meet her family too, if possible. The relationship between parents is also adopted by children, so draw conclusions by looking at her father and mother.

Try to start dating once you have gotten to know the person at least a little. During a date, the feelings are primarily involved, not the mind, so it is much more difficult to objectively assess the behavior of the other. Try to do this before starting a romantic relationship.

How to ask a girl to date?

Every girl understands perfectly well that sooner or later, you should expect an offer to date. If you have prepared the ground, and your chosen one also feels sympathy, then her answer will be positive. Despite this, you should use the following tips to avoid being rejected:

Prepare the girl and do not rush with proposals. Get to know each other better and understand how ready she is. There is no need to rush, otherwise rejection is guaranteed!
Find the right moment. Proposing to date is a romantic step for a long-term relationship, so don't take serious action in a hurry. If you see that the girl is not ready, it is better to postpone the proposal to a more favorable time.
Create the environment. Use your imagination, and if the right moment doesn’t happen on its own, organize it yourself! Take into account the girl’s individual characteristics, her inclinations and needs.

Just say sincerely what you feel, because the girl is a delicate nature, and any falsity is obvious to her.
Be calm even if you are rejected. Thank the girl for her honesty and let her know that you accept even this answer. If she told you: “Yes!”, don’t shout or do a victory dance, just say that you’re glad she answered. You may admit that you were a little nervous, but now you are calm. The girl should see warmth, sincerity and seriousness in your words.

How to ask a girl to date in an original way?

The original proposal to meet is selected taking into account individual characteristics girls. If she loves horses, invite her to go horseback riding. Theatre, cinema, zoo, cafe - all these are ideal places for romance, but do not forget to choose the appropriate moment.

Poetry lovers will fully appreciate the poems that you personally composed. If you can’t rhyme even a couple of lines, use ready-made love poems that will definitely melt a girl’s heart.

To make the girl say the long-awaited “Yes,” organize a cafe in nature. Decorate the table and chairs beautifully, ask your friends to be waiters. There is no need to cover the feast, just a bouquet of flowers, glasses and a bottle of wine. The romantic atmosphere itself will awaken tender feelings for you in the girl’s heart.

Sometimes guys who are committed to a serious relationship cannot make the first move first. This is due to the fact that they are afraid of being rejected. Well, if you don’t offer to date your chosen one, then someone else, a more confident young man, will do it.

Therefore, you need to take the bull by the horns and act before it is too late.

How to win a woman's sympathy?

Do you like a girl, but you don't know how to win her favor? Everything is very simple. Here you need to adhere to some rules.

Excessive attention is harmful

Yes, yes, it really works, both with men and girls.

You need to show that you don't care about her. Some young ladies are accustomed to the fact that a man always makes the first step, takes the initiative, looks after and shows signs of attention.

Sometimes the female sex is dependent on this. Well, you can pay attention to her, but not fulfill her various whims.

Important! Stand out more from the rest of the gray mass. Then she will notice you.

More humor and jokes

You need to joke well and appropriately. You should be noticed not only by the object of sympathy, but also by the whole company.

You can also come up with original phrase, which will make the girl laugh. The main thing is to make her smile. The Internet will help you.

Nice appearance

Ladies like well-groomed young men who take care of themselves and their speech:

  • The body and hair must be clean.
  • If you are growing a beard, you must take care of it (neatness doesn’t hurt).
  • Don't forget about ironed clothes and clean shoes.
  • And of course, to add some zest - the pleasant smell of perfume. Girls love it when a man emits a bright and tasty aroma.

Communication skills

You must communicate freely, easily find topics for conversation and not let the lady of your heart get bored.

Reference! This quality should be demonstrated not only to the chosen one, but also to everyone around.


A person with a rich inner world always attracts attention. You always want to listen and listen to such people. Very good quality to win a girl's heart.

How to win a woman's favor is explained in the video:

When should you move on to the next stage of your relationship?

« Offer to meet" is a phrase that implies a serious, meaningful relationship. Of course, at the age of 12 or 13 there can be no talk of seriousness. This kind of love is more childish and naive. These are walks, gatherings in cafes, visiting attractions.

But adult couples are already seriously preparing to take such a step in their lives.

Before asking a girl to date, you need to think carefully. Did you make the right choice? Usually guys are in a hurry with such a serious step, and the relationship ultimately does not lead to anything positive.

Important! To be 100% sure of your choice, you need to make sure of the sincerity of your feelings and the feelings of your chosen one.

Before making such an offer to a girl, make sure that she is also serious about you. If she has warm and mutual feelings for you, then you can act.

Another important factor is not to rush:

  • After the second or third date, you shouldn’t immediately take the second step. You and the girl need to get closer.
  • You need to gradually and slowly get to know each other, what interests you have in common, what you like and don’t like, etc.

Reference! Usually haste occurs due to deceptive and fictitious feelings. Everything should take its course.

What exactly should you not do?

Unsuccessful actions and phrases:

  1. You shouldn’t act like a tough macho and use inappropriate words for such a sentence. Example: “You are very hot and I like you. We should try to make it happen." This is exactly what you can’t do. This will only push the girl away from you. On such a day, you should be more romantic in nature, even if in ordinary life you like to pretend to be the bad guy.
  2. It’s not nice to ask a girl to meet via VKontakte or phone messages (unless you are 12 years old, of course). From the outside, this method looks comical and frivolous.
  3. Also, don't be pushy. He offered it once, the girl said “no”, she would have to accept this answer and let her go. And if you ask the same thing every day, try to woo her, she will simply hate you and stop all communication.
  4. There is no need to beg for a positive answer. Example : “I like you, be my girlfriend please.” Please say yes. Please please"

This is a very bad option. The opinion about you will immediately change and the chosen one will rush to leave you alone.

Examples of the best phrases

Beautiful and romantic

If you and the girl have mutual feelings, but no one hastened to take the first step, then take this matter upon yourself.

The main thing is to do it in a beautiful and romantic setting, young ladies love pleasant and unexpected surprises:

  • An excellent option would be to have an evening dinner on the roof with a beautiful view of the city. How everything will go, how you decorate the meeting place, depends only on you, the main thing is romance. Such a pleasant atmosphere will inspire warm and correct words, and the girl’s answer will not keep you waiting long.
  • You can also go on a boat ride, take a walk under the moon, go to the beach, go horseback riding, etc.

Which phrase is not advisable to use:

"Let's meet"- the most banal words. You are not fourteen years old to use exactly this option.

What phrases can you use:

  1. “You look wonderful today, as always. You know, we have become so close during our communication that I can no longer imagine my life without you. Will you agree to be my girlfriend?
  2. "The most best moments in my life are connected with you. And I want there to be even more moments like this, so I would like to see you as my girlfriend.”
  3. “This is the first time I feel these feelings. Be the right person, sometimes become confused and stupid. Even now I'm terribly worried. But I like it. I want you to be my girlfriend"

Reference! It is not necessary that the phrase be exactly like this. The main thing is to express what you feel for your chosen one. Be sincere.

How to ask a girl to date is explained in the video:


Offer to meet in an original way, what could be better? No words are even needed here.

  1. Quest. At the moment it is the most optimal and interesting option. You can come up with it yourself or seek help from specialists. The most important thing is that the quest is romantic, but at the same time incredibly interesting. Don't forget about the highlight at the very end - a declaration of feelings.
  2. Video. Make a short film with your photos, and also record your own video where you confess your feelings. And then you can show it on a projector.
  3. Flash mob. Also very unusual option. Only here you will need to try to organize everything. A lot of people will need to be involved.

You can also take her to a crazy attraction, a dolphinarium, or even offer her a trip to another city. It all depends on your desire and imagination.

In verse

The easiest way. If you are a very romantic person at heart and love poetry, then go for it. The main thing is that the verse must be read with all your heart, clearly and clearly.

Poem example:

“Let's meet you!

I want to be with you

Throwing flowers

Giving you love!...”

Be sure to add something of your own at the end. And it’s best if it’s your own poem.

Can I offer it on VK or by phone?

You can offer to meet by correspondence if you are no more than sixteen years old.

Reference! This option is most likely suitable for school age, when the guy is still insecure and very shy.

Between the ages of 12 and 15, young people are afraid of being rejected, afraid of seeming stupid. Therefore, it often happens that if the object of sympathy refuses, when they meet in person, the young men say that it was a joke (or the addressee was mistaken).

Watch a video that tells you how to date properly at 14:

An offer over the phone is also not considered the best option. After all, if the girl agrees, then you will not see the joy on her face, you will not be able to hug and kiss each other.

But if you still decide, then:

  • Speak clearly and tenderly;
  • Do not interrupt your chosen one;
  • Pause and wait for her response;

Well, in general, you can only hint at such an offer over the phone, and the process itself can be carried out in person.

In general, such things are done live. It’s better to overcome your shyness and appear in front of the girl as a self-confident guy. Then there will be more chances for a positive answer.

The main thing is to be confident.

Down with all embarrassment! It's time to become a real man and do beautiful things for the sake of the one who sympathizes with you.


Ladies love to listen with their ears and do not like incomprehensible hints. You must always say directly and clearly: what you think, what you want and what you feel.


Don't forget to show you care. It’s not difficult to call and find out how she’s doing, how her day went, or how she’s feeling. Or maybe she needs help, and you will come in handy.

And also a few rules:

  • Don't forget about appearance;
  • Choose the right moment;
  • Be yourself;
  • Smile more;

So, to ask a girl out, you don’t have to move mountains and do crazy things. The main thing is to show her your attention and your serious intentions.

Don’t forget that you shouldn’t suggest meeting via VK correspondence; it’s better to do it in person, looking into each other’s eyes.

Arrange romantic evening, pick up beautiful words and take action. If you adhere at least a little to the most simple rules, then everything will be crowned with success.

When a guy is crazy about a girl, he unconsciously feels afraid to ask her out. This is due to the fact that the young man is afraid of rejection, as a result of which his hopes and feelings will sink into oblivion. If you really want to create a couple with the lady of your heart, you will have to take a risk. We collected 3 effective ways: ordinary, unconventional and sincere. Let's consider each of them in order.

Method 1: Normal

Step #1. Get to know each other better
Start a full-scale operation to get to know the object of your adoration better. From now on, greet her at every opportunity, start unobtrusive conversations. Discuss the weather, animals, studies. Choose neutral topics, try to keep her nearby for a while. Tell us about what interesting book read or share the release of new episodes of the popular series. Stay on topic.

If the lady of your heart studies with you at school or college and is constantly among friends, get to know her friends. This way you will become closer to the girl and gain the favor of your friends. This will count in the future. Approach the company more often, talk with those present, but do not forget, the main attention should be paid to the object of sympathy.

Step #2. Come up with a strategy

It is important to prepare for the proposal in advance and possible consequences. A plan will help contain your emotions in case of refusal, but now you shouldn’t think so negatively.

Think in advance about the setting in which you will invite her on the first date, what you will wear, and take care of interesting topics for conversation. Work to ensure that the proposal does not look frivolous, rehearse your speech.

As a venue for a date, you can choose a cozy cafe without a large crowd of people. If you are sure that the lady loves sushi, check out the Japanese restaurants in the city.

The cinema is considered a banal way. First, make sure that the girl likes the film, only then buy tickets. Otherwise, avoid this option.

Step #3. Stay alone with her
Wait until the girl is alone. There is no need to embarrass her in front of strangers by inviting her to spend time together. Find the right moment and act. The proposal should be made after an unobtrusive conversation.

In cases where you can’t be alone, start a conversation in the company of friends. Let her know that you want to chat with her later. There is no need to be nervous, stay positive so as not to scare the girl away.

Set a non-romantic meeting place. For example, agree to meet at the gates of the institute, place of work or supermarket.

Step #4. Focus on important things
You have already prepared the ground, all you have to do is wait for the meeting. When the girl arrives at the appointed place, ask how the day went and what unusual happened. Make fun of her, but not rudely, then tell her about your business. Perhaps the two of you have common interests, the discussion of which would not be superfluous. You need to relax the lady and carefully touch on an exciting topic.

Smoothly transition to romantic subtext. Make it clear without any hint that you have a lot in common and get along great. This topic should be raised at the moment when there was a joke that made you both laugh. Celebrate similarities in views and sense of humor. Express yourself as usual, do not dramatize, but state the fact. Get the girl into her head that you are a great match.

Step #5. Express your feelings
When the lady confirms that you are a great friend, offer her more. Confess your feelings, but don't push. Let her know that you want to see her as a companion and want to invite her on a first date. Speak sincerely, and in a joking manner clarify that refusal is not accepted. It won't feel like pressure if you do it right.

The lady may fall into a stupor, don’t be nervous, wait. If she agrees, exhale, smile, and you can pick her up. Prove that you are serious. Even a victory dance from a peacock would do if you wish.

If the answer is negative, thank the girl for her honesty and express your understanding. Don't question or blame her.

Method 2: Non-standard

Step #1. Make a connection
The method is to project a situation where a lady is interested in a secret admirer. The operation can be started only after personal contact. Start talking to her every day, joke and tease each other, evoke positive emotions.

You must be able to establish a conversation and make it interesting, make the girl laugh and feel comfortable. Show interest in communicating with her, but don’t go overboard. Flirt, touch your hand “casually” and lean lower to better hear the phrase.

When all the points are completed, you can act on behalf of the secret admirer. It is better if the girl in the future guesses who he is. She must wait further development events. Create a unique game.

Step #2. Write a letter
Add some mystery to your courtship by sending the lady a romantic message. The letter is intended to arouse interest, but its content should not be too loving.

You can compose a poem mentioning the girl’s name, but you shouldn’t sign it yourself. Write casually with a touch of humor, avoid loud declarations of love.

You should not present yourself as a maniac stalking the victim day and night. Don't apply pressure. Don't forget about flirting, intrigue her so that the girl wants more.

Step #3. Give a gift

After the first note reaches the addressee, and the lady begins to glance at you, make a new move. Write the message again and attach a small gift. It could be a small rose or a Kinder Chocolate stick. Place the gift in an envelope and seal it. In your letter, match the girl with a beautiful flower or sweet candy.

There is no need to give expensive gifts like perfume, bouquets of roses or jewelry. Choose cute options that will make her smile. Otherwise, courtship will be like bribery.

Pay attention to behavior. If the girl tears the envelope upon receiving the message, stop courting. In cases where she begins to avoid you, clarify the situation and apologize. If everything is in order and the lady reads them with pleasure, continue.

Step #4. Reveal your personality with hints
When communicating with a girl, gradually begin to reveal yourself. Don't talk about it directly, casually quote a phrase from a letter or ask if she likes Kinder (all girls love them). At this stage, you need to bring her to the point where you admit your feelings openly.

There is no need to delay with notes so that the lady does not lose interest. Care for her in this way for 2-3 weeks.

Step #5. Expose yourself
Write a final letter requesting a meeting. Choose a suitable location and clothing. Tell the girl the distinctive features by which she can recognize you. Express your desire to date her by stating this in a message.

Example: “Hey, it’s time to give up secrecy and reveal your identity. I want to ask you out on a date. I will wait for a personal answer in the cafe “...” on the street...”. The job is done, all that remains is to wait. Buy her a beautiful bouquet as a wooing gesture. Give it as a gift if you agree or refuse.

Method 3: Sincere

Step #1. Become good friends
First you need to become friends, this will take some time. The girl should feel safe and trust you completely. There is a likely risk of being just a friend forever, but it's worth a try. Communicate in general company, gradually getting to know each other.

Step #2. Spend more time alone
The moment will come when you can calmly communicate without third parties. Invite her to a movie or ask her for help choosing a new shirt. Buy medicine if she gets sick, laugh and have fun in a normal environment without a hint of more.

Tell her that a new cafe has opened nearby and invite her to try their dishes. Visit a theater, exhibition or entertainment show together. Pay for tickets, don't take no for an answer, be gallant.

Step #3. Give a gift
Give her a beautiful bracelet after a long period of your friendship, buy delicious cupcakes or a box of chocolates. You can give gifts for no reason, saying that you want to see her happy. Buy a soft toy, call it your name, let it become your joke. You can also give the lady a kitten or a parrot, thereby causing a storm of emotions.

Step #4. Show your sympathy
On your next day together, ask her to take a minute for a serious conversation. Grab her attention and tell her you like her. Don't beat around the bush, express your thoughts clearly. Don't mumble, but don't push either. Make it clear that the girl is an integral part of your life. For this reason, you want to take her on your first real date with a nice dinner and some candles.

To invite the lady of your heart on a date, use one of the proposed options. A classic of the genre suitable for shy young ladies. The role of a secret admirer is suitable for girls with a sense of humor. The sincere method will work on young people who do not have much experience in terms of relationships. Make contact, stay positive and proceed with caution.

Video: how to ask a girl to date

Don't say that you're madly in love and can't live without your beauty. But if this is the case, you are very lucky: today you will learn how to propose to a girl. Forget about stupid phrases and other failures, because this must be done without words!

Don't ask her out if...

In fact, you don’t always need to approach a girl and tell her “let’s date.” Even more, in 75% of cases it is simply not necessary. In order not to make a mistake and not to ruin your relationship with your lady, see if you belong to this category of men:

Doing crazy things for women is beautiful and sometimes effective, but not in your case. If a girl doesn't pay any attention to you at all, and you can't get her out of your head, forget about offering her a relationship. She will refuse you and it will only hurt your pride. If you think that such an act as a proposal will make her look at you differently, you are mistaken. First, you need to go through all the preliminary stages of a relationship: establishing contact, dating, seducing - and only then can you make her your girlfriend.

  1. On the first date

You met a girl and asked her out on a date. You communicate well and you understand that you would like a relationship with her. What are you doing? You say: “We feel so good together. Will you be my girlfriend?” How does the girl feel at this time? She is simply confused and confused - you are a guy whom she only recently noticed, who has not yet earned much credit and has not yet become loved. Naturally, she will be frightened by such sharp pressure and you will not only not have a relationship with her, but there will not be a second date.

If your relationship started on its own: you already spend a lot of time together, kiss, trust each other. Maybe you almost no longer go for walks separately and cannot live without each other. But you didn’t offer to meet her - what should you do? Nothing - you are already dating and after all this, your proposal will seem at least strange or stupid to the girl.

Do you know what girls expect in this case? Confessions! She already knows that you are together, but she doesn't yet know how serious it is. But your confession will put everything in its place - you are committed to a serious relationship.

If you are already an adult guy who has experience in relationships and knows how to seduce girls, forget about the phrase “let’s date.” This is the lot of schoolchildren, teenagers and some students who are not confident in themselves.

You can't do without an offer when...

There are situations when asking to meet is simply necessary. And if you don’t tell the girl these cherished words, you simply risk losing her or constantly being in painful uncertainty:

So you seem to have close physical contact and spend time together, and then she leaves you, goes to the club and freely flirts (or worse) with other guys. What's happening? It’s just that your relationship has very vague boundaries: you are not a guy and a girl, but you are not strangers either. In such a situation, everyone perceives this connection in a way that is convenient for them: you may think that you are in a relationship, but she simply will not take it seriously, thinking that this is another affair. If this happens, go ahead and propose a relationship to the girl. Express your desire to be with her, make her give a positive answer. Thus, she silently promises to be faithful and devoted to you.

If you have strong feelings for a girl and want her to know about it, you can amaze her with a beautiful proposal. If you see that she also really likes you and you have already been on a date, act beautifully and originally. Even an adult guy can make such a proposal, because his goal is not so much to establish clear boundaries in your relationship, but rather to aspire to evoke the best emotions in your beloved, associations with you and make the day when you became a couple special for her. This is a kind of symbolic touch in the development of your story.

Finally, we come to the main thing - the proposal to date is the most important and significant for teenagers. And if you are one of them, this article is just for you. It is very important for school-age girls that you say the cherished “Will you be my girlfriend?” Perhaps this will be the first relationship for your beloved (and for you too). And of course, you still don’t know how to correctly understand each other’s gestures, you don’t know how to correctly grasp energy messages, hints and other little things. Therefore, it is especially important to express your feelings through words and actions. And if she answers you “Yes,” know that she is in love and proud that she now has you.

How to start dating

Soil preparation

You can propose to a girl only when you feel a connection between you, when you both feel comfortable alone with each other. If a girl continues to avoid or ignore you, it’s too early to act. A situation where you are getting closer and closer can happen by itself, but it can also require your deliberate actions.

When do you see each other often?

If you study in the same class or in the same group, then it is much easier for you to win her attention. But remember, before you propose to her, she should go on at least a couple of dates with you. In order to get closer to a girl, you can try the following maneuvers:

  1. Stand out with something good, such as high marks, helping others, etc.
  2. Ask her to work on a project with you. It could also be any other school task that will help you be around her.
  3. Try to chat with the girl, ask her some questions about herself. Also use praise: notice that she did a very good job on her essay today, for example, and tell her about it.
  4. Try to become her friend, but at the same time keep your distance so as not to fall into the Friend Zone.
  5. Flirt with her - you can give her compliments, look at her with interest, even straighten her hair.
  6. If you are already communicating closely enough, you can accidentally touch her.
  7. Invite her out for ice cream.
  8. If your walk was successful, you can try to sit next to her in class (better if she wants it herself).
  9. Now you can walk with her more often, making attempts to hug her.
  10. When you feel that she is ready, kiss her.
  11. Now you can ask her to meet, because you have already become close and she is just waiting for your cherished words.

When it is not possible to cross paths often

If you are not around all the time, you have to organize meetings yourself. By the way, psychologists say that a person who often catches your eye is able to inspire trust and earn sympathy much faster. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is to visit the places where she goes as often as possible. You should try to get closer to her - for this you can add her as a friend on VKontakte, comment on her photos and try to communicate.

For more information on how to take her out for a walk, read the article “How to invite a girl on a date.” And if everything worked out for you and she went for a walk with you, make these meetings permanent. Let her get used to them. And when you feel that she is as interested in you as you are, invite her to date.

On what date to propose?

According to statistics, a girl expects a proposal on the 5th-7th date. If you delay too much, she may simply lose faith and be disappointed in you and in this relationship. But proposing earlier is also not recommended, because the first 2-3 meetings will only help you determine the girl’s attitude.

How to propose to meet correctly

If a girl willingly agrees to meetings and leaves them happy and inspired, then the moment of proposal has come. In order to do everything right, pay attention to the following things:

Even if you are not going to do anything special - you just want to hug her tenderly and tell her that you want to see her as your girlfriend, still take care of her appearance. At such a crucial moment, you must be beautiful and well-groomed, so that she does not doubt for a minute the correctness of her choice. Of course, you shouldn’t dress like a knight from old fairy tales - you’re not going to get married. Be more beautiful than usual, but don't overdo it either.

The meeting place depends on how you want to propose to her. This could be a park, a cozy cafe, a trip to some beautiful or special place. But keep in mind that during the proposal you should not be interrupted by loud noise, and the girl should feel comfortable.

Don't buy perfume or other gifts that may simply not suit her. Get by with an inexpensive gift in the form of a flower, a small souvenir or sweets. In fact, you can do without all this, but the girl will be more pleased if you decide to back up your proposal with a small gift.

Remember that the main thing is sincerity. You must clearly and warmly explain to the girl how you feel about her and what you want from her. Girls simply love specifics, when after a conversation you don’t have to guess what you wanted to say. Emphasize what you like about her, speak gently but confidently.

If you choose poems or template SMS for her, don’t forget to add something from yourself at the end. Let the girl feel that you didn’t just copy and paste this text without even reading it completely. For example, at the end of the verse write: “I really feel all this about you, and I want you to be with me.”

You shouldn’t give up as soon as it seems to you that the girl has cooled down a little towards you. You must prepare her for the proposal using all your strength, charm and perseverance. Don’t overdo it with perseverance, but you won’t be able to do without it either.

If you are already in close contact and you are preparing to propose, pay attention to what the girl requires from you. If she is offended that you didn’t call her even once yesterday, it means she requires you to call every day. And you must fulfill this by showing her that she is truly dear to you. If the girl doesn’t care, most likely she’s not that interested in you.

Girls love with their ears and don’t like to guess about your feelings. You are a man and you must be brave: say out loud all the good things that you think about her and what you feel.

Say these words already: “Let’s meet”

So, you decided to confess your feelings to her and propose to date her. You have already figured out where you will take her and now all you have to do is decide what you will say and wait for the right moment.

It’s best to start talking when you’re already standing next to her, she’s in your arms and you’re kissing her. When you reach the peak of romance, just calmly tell her what you intended. You can whisper it in her ear, but not so quietly that she won’t hear it at all.

You can, holding her hands and looking into her eyes, confidently reveal all your cards to her.

It’s better not to say the phrase “Let’s meet” - it sounds terribly banal and somehow stupid. You just need to modify and embellish it a little. Combine a compliment, a suggestion and an expression of your feelings into one. You could say something like this:

“We have become so close that I can no longer imagine my life without you. Will you agree to be my girlfriend?

“You are the first one who made me feel like this - worried, confused and in love. But I really like it. I want you to be my girlfriend"

“The time we spend together are the best moments for me. I really want this to happen as often as possible, so I would like to see you as my girlfriend.”

Of course, your phrase may be completely different... and it shouldn’t be like that - you are a special person and your girl is also special. Just try to express what you feel in beautiful words.

Invite her to meet nicely

If you think this is nonsense, I will try to convince you otherwise:

Of course, if a girl doesn’t love you and she doesn’t even like you, no matter what you do, it’s useless. But if she only has a little doubt about you and you need to make the final blow, surprise her with a beautiful confession and she will give in.

If you are no longer a schoolboy or a teenager, a beautiful proposal may still be useful to you. No matter how old a girl is, she always expects specific actions and beautiful confessions, and if you give her this, your relationship will become especially important and valuable for her.

How to choose the right method

Everything is simple here: if a girl has a calm character, is a romantic and gentle person, then the recognition should match her. This could be various romantic dinners, rose petals, etc.

If the girl is bright, extravagant and active, give her recognition with the same set of characteristics. Let it be something fun and unforgettable. This could be a trip to another city that she wanted to visit. Take her to a crazy attraction, a huge dolphinarium, etc. And at the end of the entertainment, say that it was all for her and make your proposal.

Another note for you: do not use gifts as a way to get a girl. This can easily influence a mercantile person, but a good, decent girl will feel like a debtor and this will not make her very comfortable. You don't want her to go out with you just out of politeness, do you?

Does it exist real friendship between a man? Philosophers are still arguing about this. But let's leave them - let them argue for themselves. And you better take care of organizing your personal life. It's time for you to get a life partner.

Do you think your best friend become your girlfriend? Of course it can. But how to ask a friend to date, that's the question. Of course, if you have been friends for a long time, and the girl is accustomed to your real role, it will be very, very difficult to achieve what you want. But if you are not quite used to each other yet, it’s worth a try.

Take a walk under the moonlight or go to a cafe

Invite the girl to take a walk in the evening park, also warning that you will need to talk about something serious. You shouldn’t go to the cinema, to a disco, or to the theater, as these are bad options - there are too many distractions. And here going to a cozy and uncrowded cafe is another matter. After sitting down in a corner and ordering some food and drinks, you can start talking. Invite your friend to pay the bill for both of you, insist on it if she decides to refuse.

Grab a gift

Buy some in advance small gift , which your friend will definitely like. Options: a small soft toy, a bar of her favorite chocolate, a book. You should not buy flowers, otherwise they will lose their original appearance by the end of the evening, and it will be inconvenient for the girl to constantly carry them in her hands.

Start a conversation from afar

You shouldn’t immediately confess your love to your friend. First, talk about something abstract, for example, about what has happened recently in the company of your mutual friends. Then gradually approach the main thing, for which, in fact, you started this walk (getting together in a cafe).

Confess your love

You can use your proposal in a way that is not entirely standard.. Eg, tell your friend “You know [girlfriend’s name], I don’t want to be your friend anymore”. Wait for her reaction, and then add the following:“You see, I like you as a girl, and I want you to call me your boyfriend, and not just your friend. Let's meet" . And then give the very gift that you prepared.

Speak softly, but at the same time confidently

You should confess your love to your friend and propose a relationship in a calm, soft, but at the same time confident voice. You don't want her to think that you're timid and unsure of yourself. Girls don't really like such guys, and therefore the chance of refusal in this case is quite noticeable.

When a guy is crazy about a girl, he unconsciously feels afraid to ask her out. This is due to the fact that the young man is afraid of rejection, as a result of which his hopes and feelings will sink into oblivion. If you really want to create a couple with the lady of your heart, you will have to take a risk. We have collected 3 effective methods: ordinary, non-standard and sincere. Let's consider each of them in order.

Method 1: Normal

Step #1. Get to know each other better
Start a full-scale operation to get to know the object of your adoration better. From now on, greet her at every opportunity, start unobtrusive conversations. Discuss the weather, animals, studies. Choose neutral topics, try to keep her nearby for a while. Tell us about an interesting book you read or share the release of new episodes of a popular TV series. Stay on topic.

If the lady of your heart studies with you at school or college and is constantly among friends, get to know her friends. This way you will become closer to the girl and gain the favor of your friends. This will count in the future. Approach the company more often, talk with those present, but do not forget, the main attention should be paid to the object of sympathy.

Step #2. Come up with a strategy

It is important to prepare in advance for the proposal and possible consequences. A plan will help contain your emotions in case of refusal, but now you shouldn’t think so negatively.

Think in advance about the setting in which you will invite her on the first date, what you will wear, and take care of interesting topics for conversation. Work to ensure that the proposal does not look frivolous, rehearse your speech.

As a venue for a date, you can choose a cozy cafe without a large crowd of people. If you are sure that the lady loves sushi, check out the Japanese restaurants in the city.

The cinema is considered a banal way. First, make sure that the girl likes the film, only then buy tickets. Otherwise, avoid this option.

Step #3. Stay alone with her
Wait until the girl is alone. There is no need to embarrass her in front of strangers by inviting her to spend time together. Find the right moment and act. The proposal should be made after an unobtrusive conversation.

In cases where you can’t be alone, start a conversation in the company of friends. Let her know that you want to chat with her later. There is no need to be nervous, stay positive so as not to scare the girl away.

Set a non-romantic meeting place. For example, agree to meet at the gates of the institute, place of work or supermarket.

Step #4. Focus on important things
You have already prepared the ground, all you have to do is wait for the meeting. When the girl arrives at the appointed place, ask how the day went and what unusual happened. Make fun of her, but not rudely, then tell her about your business. Perhaps the two of you have common interests, the discussion of which would not be superfluous. You need to relax the lady and carefully touch on an exciting topic.

Smoothly transition to romantic subtext. Make it clear without any hint that you have a lot in common and get along great. This topic should be raised at the moment when there was a joke that made you both laugh. Celebrate similarities in views and sense of humor. Express yourself as usual, do not dramatize, but state the fact. Get the girl into her head that you are a great match.

Step #5. Express your feelings
When the lady confirms that you are a great friend, offer her more. Confess your feelings, but don't push. Let her know that you want to see her as a companion and want to invite her on a first date. Speak sincerely, and in a joking manner clarify that refusal is not accepted. It won't feel like pressure if you do it right.

The lady may fall into a stupor, don’t be nervous, wait. If she agrees, exhale, smile, and you can pick her up. Prove that you are serious. Even a victory dance from a peacock would do if you wish.

If the answer is negative, thank the girl for her honesty and express your understanding. Don't question or blame her.

Method 2: Non-standard

Step #1. Make a connection
The method is to project a situation where a lady is interested in a secret admirer. The operation can be started only after personal contact. Start talking to her every day, joke and tease each other, evoke positive emotions.

You must be able to establish a conversation and make it interesting, make the girl laugh and feel comfortable. Show interest in communicating with her, but don’t go overboard. Flirt, touch your hand “casually” and lean lower to better hear the phrase.

When all the points are completed, you can act on behalf of the secret admirer. It is better if the girl in the future guesses who he is. She must wait for further developments. Create a unique game.

Step #2. Write a letter
Add some mystery to your courtship by sending the lady a romantic message. The letter is intended to arouse interest, but its content should not be too loving.

You can compose a poem mentioning the girl’s name, but you shouldn’t sign it yourself. Write casually with a touch of humor, avoid loud declarations of love.

You should not present yourself as a maniac stalking the victim day and night. Don't apply pressure. Don't forget about flirting, intrigue her so that the girl wants more.

Step #3. Give a gift

After the first note reaches the addressee, and the lady begins to glance at you, make a new move. Write the message again and attach a small gift. It could be a small rose or a Kinder Chocolate stick. Place the gift in an envelope and seal it. In your letter, match the girl with a beautiful flower or sweet candy.

There is no need to give expensive gifts like perfume, bouquets of roses or jewelry. Choose cute options that will make her smile. Otherwise, courtship will be like bribery.

Pay attention to behavior. If the girl tears the envelope upon receiving the message, stop courting. In cases where she begins to avoid you, clarify the situation and apologize. If everything is in order and the lady reads them with pleasure, continue.

Step #4. Reveal your personality with hints
When communicating with a girl, gradually begin to reveal yourself. Don't talk about it directly, casually quote a phrase from a letter or ask if she likes Kinder (all girls love them). At this stage, you need to bring her to the point where you admit your feelings openly.

There is no need to delay with notes so that the lady does not lose interest. Care for her in this way for 2-3 weeks.

Step #5. Expose yourself
Write a final letter requesting a meeting. Choose a suitable location and clothing. Tell the girl the distinctive features by which she can recognize you. Express your desire to date her by stating this in a message.

Example: “Hey, it’s time to give up secrecy and reveal your identity. I want to ask you out on a date. I will wait for a personal answer in the cafe “...” on the street...”. The job is done, all that remains is to wait. Buy her a beautiful bouquet as a wooing gesture. Give it as a gift if you agree or refuse.

Method 3: Sincere

Step #1. Become good friends
First you need to become friends, this will take some time. The girl should feel safe and trust you completely. There is a likely risk of being just a friend forever, but it's worth a try. Communicate in general company, gradually getting to know each other.

Step #2. Spend more time alone
The moment will come when you can calmly communicate without third parties. Invite her to a movie or ask her for help choosing a new shirt. Buy medicine if she gets sick, laugh and have fun in a normal environment without a hint of more.

Tell her that a new cafe has opened nearby and invite her to try their dishes. Visit a theater, exhibition or entertainment show together. Pay for tickets, don't take no for an answer, be gallant.

Step #3. Give a gift
Give her a beautiful bracelet after a long period of your friendship, buy delicious cupcakes or a box of chocolates. You can give gifts for no reason, saying that you want to see her happy. Buy a soft toy, call it your name, let it become your joke. You can also give the lady a kitten or a parrot, thereby causing a storm of emotions.

Step #4. Show your sympathy
On your next day together, ask her to take a minute for a serious conversation. Grab her attention and tell her you like her. Don't beat around the bush, express your thoughts clearly. Don't mumble, but don't push either. Make it clear that the girl is an integral part of your life. For this reason, you want to take her on your first real date with a nice dinner and some candles.

To invite the lady of your heart on a date, use one of the proposed options. A classic of the genre suitable for shy young ladies. The role of a secret admirer is suitable for girls with a sense of humor. The sincere method will work on young people who do not have much experience in terms of relationships. Make contact, stay positive and proceed with caution.

Video: how to ask a girl to date

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A young man is usually embarrassed to ask a girl to date. Changed behavior is associated with strong feelings experienced in relation to the lady of the heart. Increased level anxiety prevents you from analyzing the situation. The guy’s main task is to present himself in such a way as to obtain consent and not offend the chosen one.

Suggest on VK

Social networks are popular among young people. Take advantage of this fact and tell them about your desire to meet on VK. The social network will hide embarrassment and fears. By proposing on VKontakte, you will look like a confident young man in the eyes of your beloved.

  1. Find your chosen one’s page on a social network.
  2. Write a message. If you have known each other for a long time, then remind us of your personality. Start the dialogue with a simple phrase “Hello! How are you".
  3. Carry on a short correspondence, make an appointment. If you are embarrassed to express it directly, offer the young lady a business meeting. Connect the rendezvous with study, work, city events (concert, opening of a shopping center).

It was decided to declare a desire to meet on VK. Give information to your beloved sincerely. Write that you are glad to meet you and tell me about the main thing. Formulate the text, for example, like this: “I like you! Let's meet". A girl who likes you will appreciate words spoken from the heart.

So that your chosen one does not become embarrassed by what has been stated and does not think that the message is a cruel joke, write honestly about embarrassment. Ask for a phone number. Call back. Repeat the sentence out loud.

Once you decide to make an original, memorable confession, shoot a video, compose a song. An invitation to meet in the form of a musical postcard looks impressive. It all depends on your imagination. The original message will last for years.

Proposal in a comic

Prepare paper and markers. Write sentences on the sheets of paper, divided into separate phrases. To make it more interesting, cut the paper into shapes, like the text in comics. Take a series of photographs, writing phrases in sequence. Change your facial expressions according to the text.

I don't know the girl personally

Study information about the lady of your heart to understand her preferences. You will find out your date, place of birth, list of movies, music, books you like. By analyzing images of your chosen one’s photographs, you will understand where and how the chosen one prefers to relax and her hobbies. The information received will tell you about the character of your beloved and provide topics for communication.

After a long conversation, propose to meet.

Girl from out of town

Distance separates you. Chat longer with the young lady by correspondence. Understand whether the lady really likes you. Go to your beloved under the pretext of a long-standing desire to visit her region. The lady of the heart will give you a tour of the city. A walk will allow you to get to know each other better and make a final decision regarding your intentions to enter into a serious relationship.

Proposal in verse

For centuries, many guys have won the hearts of their chosen ones in an extravagant way with the help of poetry. It is especially appreciated if the text is written by you. An offer to date through poetry will show the girl her importance and ability to inspire creativity.

You decided to create your own poetry.

Consider a few rules:

  • Include the name of your beloved in the text (the chosen one will understand that the words were written personally to her);
  • Admire your beloved (an impressive confession will be remembered by the lady for the rest of her life, even if reciprocity does not occur);
  • Speak persuasive phrases;
  • Do not use blackmail or swear words in the text (aggressive behavior will lead to a negative reaction);
  • Check what you have written for literacy (in such a “quiet” way, show respect for your chosen one).

If you are far from poetry, in order to beautifully ask a girl to date, use the work of other poets. Take some of the lyrics from a song by her favorite artist or a poem by a famous author. Do not neglect the creativity of poetry lovers. They post essays on the Internet. Feel the selected text. He must describe the feelings that have arisen for the lady of his heart.

Choose a way to present your creativity to your chosen one:

  • Read for yourself;
  • Send via SMS;
  • Read it over the phone;
  • Write on VKontakte (send in a personal message or post in her feed on her wall);
  • Express your thoughts in a paper letter (fill the action with romance);
  • Make an audio (video) recording of the poems you personally read. Set the rhyming sentence to music. Send it to her on social networks.

There are many options. Make a choice prompted by your heart.

Offer beautifully

The concept of “beautiful” is individual to each person. Determine the type of temperament of your beloved. Her character will tell which proposal will be beautiful for the young lady.

If your chosen one is a romantic person, a proposal made in a restaurant will be pleasant for her. Don't forget to give your beloved flowers. A romantic setting, beautiful outfits, courtship, delicious treats and fine wine will help you get consent from your chosen one.

It’s a beautiful proposal to meet, you can make it in other places. Choose a romantic setting:

  • In the park;
  • Near a river, sea, lake (depending on the area);
  • On Bridge;
  • At an organized picnic;
  • Under the starry sky;
  • In the city center, near street musicians.

How to behave correctly. Choose a colorful place, away from the flow of strangers and judgmental glances. Make an offer to meet in private. Nothing should distract you two. Monitor your chosen one’s mood and be able to sense the right moment to propose. After the young lady’s positive response, the chosen place will become a favorite place to spend time together.

If the young lady you like has active behavior and a sense of humor, conduct a quest around the city. Organize a game so that your beloved does not know that you are the initiator of what is happening. Write notes with riddles. By solving tasks, the passion will move towards a romantic place. At the end of the game, make a confession about your desire to date. The main task is to completely captivate the young lady with the game so that she does not suspect your intentions. The effect of surprise will cause a storm of emotions in the chosen one.

When pronouncing important words, look your lover in the eyes. This will show your active interest in the object of your desire. Take a position opposite her. At this moment, gently take the hand of your chosen one. The gesture you make will tell the girl on a subconscious level that you are ready to take care of her.

How to hint to a girl about a relationship

If you really like the young lady, come up and directly tell her about your feelings and desire to create a couple.

When you don’t dare say important words, start caring properly.

  1. Give compliments that express admiration for your chosen one. Tell her how good she looks or how impressed you are with her report.
  2. Pay attention to yourself. Stand out from the crowd with positive actions and high grades in your studies.
  3. Create trusting friendships.
  4. Show manners and good manners:
  • Give your hand when exiting the vehicle;
  • Let the woman enter the room first;
  • Hold the door for her;
  • Throw your jacket over her shoulders if it's cold outside.
  1. Create meetings and correspond with your crush in in social networks.
  2. Help your chosen one (computer repair, accompaniment to various events, help with studies, work).
  3. Invite them to a cafe, for a walk, to a cinema.
  4. Do It little present(soft toy, talisman, box).
  5. If a young lady loves sweets, indulge her on a walk with ice cream, chocolate, or cotton candy.
  6. Hug the lady of your heart.
  7. Straighten a strand of her hair.
  8. Don't hold back your emotions, talk about them sincerely. The girl will like your openness.
  9. Listen carefully to what she says. Be a good communicator.
  10. Be interested in your lover's hobbies.
  11. Keep your promises.
  12. Talk without hesitation about your intentions for your future life (career, place of residence, travel).
  13. In a polite manner, invite them home for tea (the invitation should not contain vulgar hints or a desire to have an intimate relationship).
  14. Do not tell your lady the details of your past relationships with girls.
  15. Meet her family. Make a good impression on them.
  16. Feel the right moment and kiss your beloved.

The period of active courtship evokes wonderful emotions in men and women. It will be remembered for a lifetime. The mood of the young lady will tell about her disposition towards you. Interest will be read in the eyes. If a girl enjoys spending time with you, then she will give a positive answer to your offer to date.

Phrases used

You decided to take a responsible step. Tell the young lady you like about your crush. Don't use loud phrases, pretentious blackmail. For example: “I can’t live without you!”, “I’ll die if you refuse!”, “You will be mine!” Aggressive behavior will scare away the chosen one.

To properly ask a girl to date, prepare your speech in advance. Keep in mind that with strong excitement, memorized words are forgotten or do not sound sincere. Mentally divide the proposal to meet into 3 parts:

  • Expression of feelings (emotions experienced towards the beloved);
  • Proposal to meet;
  • An affirmative phrase showing that you both will feel good about meeting together.

Expressing feelings

Start your speech with this part of the sentence. The young lady will understand the seriousness of your intentions. If you are a joker, do without humor at a crucial moment. Stay away from youth slang. Speak your words sincerely:

  • "I like you!";
  • “I think about you every day!”;
  • “I feel something more for you than friendship!”;
  • “I feel like we are right for each other!”;
  • “You have sunk into my soul!”;
  • “I liked you!”;
  • “I'm glad (happy) that I met you!”;
  • “I think I’m in love!”;
  • “I like spending time with you!”;
  • "You have become for me important person!»;
  • “I feel something more than sympathy for you!”;
  • “Happy to be next to you!”;
  • “I have deep feelings for you!”;
  • “After we met, I only think about you!”

Proposal to meet

The second part of the speech contains the main meaning:

  • "Let's meet!";
  • “Let's become a couple!”;
  • “I want you to become my soulmate!”;
  • “I want our relationship to grow into something more than friendship!”;
  • “Tell me, would you like to create a couple with me”;
  • “I think it’s time to move to a new level of relationship!”;
  • “I see us as a wonderful couple!”;
  • "Be my girlfriend!"

Final phrase

The third part of the sentence is not always pronounced. If you want to impress a young lady, then using this phrase will be appropriate.

She lets it slip so that the chosen one hears your confidence in the future and desire to take care of her:

  • “I know we will have great time together!”;
  • "I'm sure we will create happy couple!»;
  • “It will be interesting for us to be together!”;
  • “I’m sure you will be happy next to me!”;
  • “I will try to do everything to make you happy!”;
  • “I will always take care of you!”;
  • “It will be interesting for us to realize our dreams together!”

Original ways

If you don’t like standard solutions to issues, you see that the girl is ready for adventure, make an original proposal. Choose the idea that your chosen one will like best.

Make her dream come true

When watching movies, we associate ourselves with the main characters. The fact will help you make your dream the object of your desire. Ask a girl what romantic movie she likes. Rewatch the movie. Find a fragment where they confess their love to a girl or propose marriage. Select or reproduce the environment for the moment of the proposal. You can repeat exactly the words spoken by the main character of the film. At the end of the sentence, say: “I am ready to bring a fairy tale to life for you!”

A proposal made at a karaoke club

If you have good hearing and vocal abilities, you can take advantage of this. Prepare your number. Learn a romantic song. Go to the karaoke club first. Find out how realistic it is to make your dream come true.

Invite your chosen one alone or with friends for a fun time. They can give a girl decisiveness in answering.

Sing a song while looking at your beloved. This will let her know that the musical number is dedicated to her personally. After finishing the song, say the proposal to meet into the microphone.

Fashion movement - flash mob

Surprise your chosen one with a proposal made with the help of friends and acquaintances. You can attract strangers from the street, subscribers on VK. Explain to them the purpose of the organized event. For example, a girl walks along the main square. People around begin to dance synchronously. At the end of the action you come out with a bouquet and a wide smile.

Option two. The lady of the heart goes out onto the balcony in the morning. Children write on the asphalt: “I love you!” Passers-by hum the song with a romantic note. A lot of people gather in the yard. At the end of the song, the people who came release balloons. You show up and propose.

The main problem of young guys in expressing emotions to girls is shyness and inexperience. Remember that you are the master of fate. Overcome your shyness so that your chosen girl can create a couple with you. To do this, perform actions and say words characteristic of an adult.