Psychological training "how to achieve success." Psychological training “how to achieve success” Is it easier or more difficult to be an online trainer

A business coach is a young profession that is actively developing. In today's dynamic world, it is difficult to find an employee within a company who 100% knows all the nuances and subtleties of both the internal situation in the company and the external situation on the market.

Trainers are called upon to train employees and senior management. Most of their work involves training sales personnel, sales staff, and service employees.


In order for a specialist to be called a business coach, he must have certain skills, personal qualities, professional knowledge and abilities. Such trainers spend most of their working time training management personnel. In order to gain access to the top of the company, you need to undergo a number of trainings and advanced training courses and learn how to successfully apply the trainers' techniques in practice.

Business coach or training manager?

I want to become a business coach! Or just a training manager? Desire alone is not enough. To be a successful specialist, you need to understand the difference between these positions.

The training manager is responsible for training line personnel. Most often, his competence does not include tasks related to teaching management skills, business management, or setting priorities for planning production development.

A business coach in the classical sense necessarily teaches team management skills, and does this at a deep level. Simple goal setting will not be enough - the study of team management goes deep, from the linear distribution of responsibilities and delegation of authority, to conflict management at the senior management level. A mandatory part of the training program will also be training in business planning and marketing things. The main bias in work is always towards management functions and business development strategy.

Experience or theory?

There is a serious battle going on among opponents and supporters of the position, the main question of which is: should a coach have practical experience in what he teaches?

Opponents say that it is impossible to teach something well without having experience in it. How can a trainer provide knowledge and practical advice When he himself was not running a business, at most he received an economic education in this industry.

Supporters note that the training is not a master class. At the master class you can get practical guides from a person who has successful (or even negative) experience in running his own business. In this case, it makes sense to listen to advice and take it as a guide to action. The training is aimed at pushing a person to look for the right answers to emerging questions. The task of a business coach is to pose questions so that students can find solutions themselves. To do this, you must have certain qualities, which, however, are in no way related to the practical conduct of business.


How to become a business coach? Where to begin? You need to start by finding out what your responsibilities are.

A coach in his work:

  • Conducts training sessions for company employees or management;
  • composes training programs;
  • writes teaching aids and memos;
  • conducts certification of employees at all levels;
  • prepares reports on the work done.

Training to become a trainer

Business trainers are trained in special schools. You can become a coach:

  • studying in a special institution on courses;
  • becoming an assistant coach;
  • having received an experienced trainer-mentor;
  • learning independently and doing practice.

Unfortunately, there is no formal coaching training available at this stage. Having received an education in the field of sociology, psychology, or any other field, in order to get the job of your dreams you need to develop in yourself the qualities necessary for successful work.

Qualities of a coach

Having figured out how to become a business coach from scratch, you need to analyze whether all the necessary professional and personal qualities you have. The coach must:

  • have a specialized higher education, preferably, in addition to it, go through a coaching school or courses;
  • be able to interact with different people, keep the audience for an extended period of time;
  • speak competently, beautifully, interestingly;
  • be able to express your thoughts clearly and accessible;
  • have deep knowledge of the topic (theoretical, supported by practice or practical from experience);
  • plan the training course in such a way that it is accessible, useful, and informative;
  • have leadership qualities, charisma;
  • be able to work with foreign materials in order to apply the best practices in the domestic market;
  • constantly improve yourself.

Role selection

Having decided how to become a business coach, where to start, they begin to master the profession. It is important to clearly understand for yourself exactly what kind of coach you want to become:

  • what industry of business do you like best and what would you like to work with?
  • what exactly do you want to teach - negotiations, organization of company work, management skills;
  • what audience is interested in - line personnel (cleaners, salespeople), the management layer - middle managers (heads of departments), top management - company directors, the ruling elite of companies.

Based on the chosen direction, you can clearly determine what role you would like to play within the company in the future. There are 10 roles that coaches perform:

  • support of management decisions;
  • engine (driver) of business;
  • expert;
  • ideological inspirer;
  • converting skills into business development results;
  • agent of change on a strategic scale;
  • specialist in creating the same structure for all businesses in different regions;
  • mentor;
  • coach;
  • practical teacher

Each of these roles carries its own meaning, each has a specific range of tasks.

To choose your niche, you need to analyze your skills and knowledge. You need to decide what works best and what brings the greatest satisfaction.

A coach cannot work without pleasure. How to become a business coach if communication with people or the chosen topic is not close and interesting? There are no good specialists where communication is connected with people and takes place, at the same time, without a fuse on both sides.

Uniqueness of information

Learning new information - hard work. A business coach is constantly exposed to stress associated with the need to communicate with mature, mature people with established views and beliefs. To make it easier to deal with objections, it is necessary not only to have internal fortitude and perseverance, but also to clearly understand what is unique about this particular information taught by you, and about yours personally.

It is not enough for the audience to receive only quality knowledge. Listeners want to see a personality in front of them, active person who opens up new things for them, lends a hand in difficult situations, and is ready to admit their mistakes and learn. Famous business coaches are people you want to admire, follow their example, return to their experience and conquer another peak with them. Robert Kiyosaki, Radislav Gandapas, Bodo Schaefer - these names are known even to those who have not attended the trainings. They are admired, their example is known throughout the world. No need to try to become like someone else famous people, a good coach is unique, has his own flavor, believes in his own strengths and his importance.

Features of the profession

All stages of entering a career have their own characteristics and nuances. Some are gradually leveled out and fade away under the influence of other factors, while others are transformed and become advantages.

Main features and questions that beginners and experienced trainers have:

  1. How to become a business coach if there are already many such specialists around? Constant dumping occurs at the beginning of a career, then, having gained experience and knowledge, everyone receives the reward they deserve.
  2. The customer is always right. No matter how sad it may be, the fact remains that if a client wants sales training without the basics of dealing with objections, then there are only two options - adapt to the client and conduct the necessary lesson efficiently, or refuse to participate in such an event. In addition, in the first stages, before receiving feedback from employees and analyzing the results of post-training work, the client always treats the trainer condescendingly. It is important to remember that if the business was as successful as the client wants, then the services of a trainer would not be required. This means that, understanding your importance to your employees, you need to forgive the customer for this weakness.
  3. The echoes of the education received at the university will constantly remind you of yourself. A psychologist will analyze personality types and try to apply the acquired knowledge; an analyst will pay more attention to analyzing information. These are features that must be constantly monitored so that the work is not done in vain.
  4. The difference between the qualifications of the trainer and the audience. The profession of business coach is young, like most of such people in our country. A young, up-and-coming professional is clearly not going to impress an audience of 30 CEOs of large corporations. Exceptions are rare, these people are real gems. A business sales coach who has experience based only on Western literature will definitely be embarrassed when faced with experienced domestic sales people who grew up from traders of overbought goods in the markets. Having real experience and knowing the realities of the market, they rarely skimp in their assessments.

Emotional and physical difficulties

The specialist still faces some difficulties.

Emotional burnout is the first. Most coaches face this problem. How to become a business coach, everyone thinks, how not to burn out at work - a minority thinks. In order to avoid emotional fatigue and reluctance to do what you love, you need to understand for yourself what this fatigue is caused by - working with an audience, lack of positive feedback from participants, physical fatigue? The trainer must always be at the peak, hold the audience, actively involve listeners in the work. It's like an actor's performance, followed by emotional devastation. In order for the void to be filled efficiently, it is necessary to find suitable way recreation - reading books, trips to nature, vacation - everyone has their own approach. Some people fuel themselves by dancing, others by mastering painting.

Travel is the second. Most people, when thinking about the question of how to become a business coach, are faced with such a moment as business trips. However, not every company has them. Most companies prefer to keep a staff of trainers in each region. Whether to go “to the fields” or not is everyone’s business. Depends on experience, professionalism, the desires of the audience and the needs of the trainer himself.


Having decided to master a difficult profession, you need to be prepared that there are both pros and cons everywhere. You can’t please everyone; there will always be listeners who think the material is boring and uninteresting. But you can grow and improve yourself so that coaching becomes a state of mind.

There is never enough money. (folk wisdom)

How many people around you are satisfied with their income level?

Most likely not much (maybe you are one of them).

What is stopping them?

In fact, there are several reasons, and they can be all together or separately:

  • 1 Misconceptions about money
  • 2 Wrong Beliefs (Poor Man's Mindset)
  • 3 Lack of real desire to be rich
  • 4 Lack of money management skills
  • 5 Wrong environment

Can this situation be changed?

Of course :)

Our training solves the problem of becoming rich people. After the training you will not wake up a millionaire. The path to wealth will take time and effort. But if you really want to become rich, we will teach you how to do it. Really, without fancy phrases and false illusions.

Who is this training for:

  • 1 Who wants to get rich by earning many times more
  • 2 Who wants to open their own business without investment
  • 3 Who wants to leave their children an inheritance, not loans
  • 4 Who wants to teach their children how to handle money

In the training program:

  • 1 How to become rich. Key differences between millionaires and poor people
  • 2 How to quickly earn your first million
  • 3 Money management rules. Where to invest money
  • 4 Money and the state. How to become rich in Russia
  • 5 Increase in income. Myths about passive income
  • 6 Banks and loans. Financial traps

Uniqueness of the training:

  • 1 The training is conducted by a person who knows firsthand what it means to be rich
  • 2 We will offer you a simple and logical model of wealth that even children can understand
  • 3 We will tell you about things that are not written about in books for aspiring millionaires
  • 4 All participants in previous trainings received real results, although not all of them became millionaires

Training “How to become a successful psychologist” - a quantum leap in a professional career

An objective assessment of the growing need for psychologists is statistics. And, if there are no statistics on happy and unhappy people, then there are real numbers on the number of divorces, depression and suicide attempts.

Divorce remains stable at 50% almost all over the world. Russia does not lag behind the world community in this matter. And what is divorce? This is unhappiness, a state when people don’t feel good together.

Depressive disorders also occupy the first lines of the hit parade. Considering that statistics provide us with data only about those who reached the doctor. The iceberg itself is in an undiagnosed area. "Disease bad mood" is much more common.

Considering the above, a modern psychologist has no problems with having clients.

What to do if something changes in the world again and the demand for psychological services declines?

But there is no secret here: extra-professionals and super-specialists are in demand at all times.

Undoubtedly, such a specialist is impossible without obtaining basic knowledge of psychology.

  1. "St. Petersburg State University"
  2. "Moscow State University"
  3. National Research University Higher School of Economics
  4. "Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University"
  5. "Institute of Psychology named after L.S. Vygotsky of the Russian State University for the Humanities"
  6. "South Federal University"
  7. "National Research Tomsk State University"
  8. "Yaroslavl State University named after P.G. Demidov"
  9. "South Ural State University"
  10. "Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky"
  11. "St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University named after Herzen"
  12. "Moscow City Pedagogical University"
  13. "Moscow State Medical and Dental University"
  14. "Kursk State University"
  15. "Moscow Humanitarian University"
  16. "Volga Region State Social and Humanitarian Academy"

And if you do not have the coveted diploma from Moscow State University or St. Petersburg State University, will you not become a successful specialist?

Creator training “How to become a successful psychologist” Artem Olegovich Tolokonin is convinced that, by and large, a university is only the very first step in becoming a professional. The value of a university is in creating a special type of thinking. This is the core on which you then need to string experience and knowledge. Of course, any illustrious and prestigious institute provides a unique atmosphere and a charge of energies unique to it. Fills you with the experience of a “sacred” place.

But the most important thing is to get basic knowledge and permission to “be a specialist.” And then an interesting path begins.

Three stages of professional development

Having walked your own path to success and discovered psychological training center, Artem Tolokonin identifies 3 stages, which have their own characteristics and errors:

    Beginner stage, 3-5 years after graduation.

At this stage you need to sort out your psychological problems so that they do not interfere with either personal or professional advancement in the future.

Psychologists are the same people, they are not thrown from other planets. And every person has a certain burden of unresolved problems. By starting with working on himself and changing his life, the specialist will have the moral right to change the lives of others.

The mistake of this stage is the desire to earn a lot at once. But this is the secret of further success: at the beginning of the journey, the monetary equivalent should not come to the fore.

This is the stage of full dedication to the profession and “burning” eyes, a keen desire to make the world a better place. The process of letting the profession pass through oneself, “saturating” it with oneself, filling it with one’s inner love and desire to help is important. This is the only way to stand out from the large number of graduates of even the most prestigious university.

Positive energy is always attractive to people. The inner light emanating from a specialist invariably attracts clients to him, successful results appear, and everything begins to work out.

Communication with people who have established themselves in the profession will also help lay the foundation for future success. For example, this is an opportunity to communicate with a person who has gone through all the stages in his business and stands at the top of Maslow’s pyramid. Such people look at the world with completely different eyes. They have already overcome the stage of comfort, have all the attributes of everyday success, recognition, respect and love. But such people move on. For true happiness, which lies in service and giving. When communicating with such a person, you inevitably adopt the powerful energy that comes from him.

The information received from Artem Tolokonin cannot be read anywhere. This is a compilation and analysis of world experience, synthesis personal experience, discoveries, success stories and even mistakes.

The essence of this communication is also to reveal something new in yourself, to gain insights and insights that are only possible in a synergistic flow. This is a real opportunity to recharge yourself with success.

  1. Stage of a specialist or strong professional.

At this stage, experience already appears, there is knowledge, success and stability in clients. Patients recommend such a psychologist to their friends. The specialist reaches the level of solving his social issues at the expense of his profession. This allows him not to be distracted by everyday life, and to have the means to acquire new knowledge, which contributes to further professional growth.

At this stage, as a rule, the psychologist decides on the main direction of his work. And it is very important that this direction does not “sag” in his personal life. In other words, if a person is engaged family psychology, he must have a happy family. No other way. Otherwise, the psychologist will be a popular picture, an operetta character. In psychology, “shoemaker without boots” situations are unacceptable.

The specialist can already set a price that he considers worthy of his skills and knowledge. But what price niche he will occupy is up to him to decide. No one will specifically say: you are worthy of admission for 1000 rubles, and you are worthy of 10,000 rubles.

Often the mistake of a professional is to underestimate himself as a specialist.

And it is quite possible that an excellent psychologist works for little money. This comes from a lack of self-confidence, in one’s ability to change the life of one’s client. Seeing the significance of the process taking place between a psychologist and a client, that magic of transformation, those opportunities for changing the lives of clients and themselves helps in psychological training center Neo Vita clinics.

Working in a group of like-minded people allows you to realize your true value and receive a powerful charge of energy.

  1. Stage of super professional or creator

This stage comes after 10-15 years devoted to “your” psychological topic. The specialist is not only well informed about various methods and directions, but also has extensive positive experience in changing the destinies of his clients. Perhaps even your own original method. It is this specialist that clients are looking for themselves.

This is the stage of obtaining true happiness from professional activity. The question of price again ceases to be the main one - the specialist sets the price depending on the specific case. Money becomes a motivator for the client to complete all treatment tasks, as well as a measure of attitude towards the process on both sides. For one patient, the seriousness of the event is determined by the high cost of the consultation, while for another, a top-class psychologist will hire someone for no money at all.

This is the stage of creativity and complete freedom. As Artem Olegovich says: “At the creator stage, a specialist works not for money, but for money. And the cost of the consultation depends on the client who is in front of me at the moment.”

It is important to build a corridor of relationship with the client that will stimulate joint movement towards the goal. Understanding this, a professional adequately evaluates himself and the benefit he gives to a person. True happiness is the ability of a specialist to truly change life and “create a masterpiece in the patient’s life.”

Training “How to become a successful psychologist” helps to deal with the problem of professional deformation

Deformation is the consultant’s “curvature,” the loss of the ability to “take off his robe” when leaving work. Such a specialist begins to mix professional activities with ordinary life. Depending on the direction of work, he begins to see psychological pathology everywhere (perhaps not without reason). But the fact is that no one asks him to look for it, no one asks him to make a correction.

Deformation is possible at the beginner stage. And then it is even useful: a novice psychologist forms experience by observing others and begins to see signs of problems. This helps to perform diagnostics faster and fills you with experience.

But further, professional deformation has two paths - either it will lead the psychologist to the need to change his personality, work out his growth zones independently or in a group psychological training center. Or it will lead to persistent distortions, leading to the loss of human form. A deformed psychologist can push himself to the limit with the fear of succumbing to manipulation, the danger of “not closing the gestalt,” forgetting to “anchor” and “adjust,” etc. Over time, he becomes withdrawn, cold, sarcastic and just an unhappy person.

Often, serious deformation overtakes the psychologist at the 2nd stage of development. It is all the more important to make the transition to the super-professional level. A creative psychologist is not subject to professional deformation. He is capable of deep manifestations of empathy, but at the same time his state of mind doesn't change at all. Because it is stable and joyful - there is simply nothing there to deform. Such a person is happy to help, but never pulls the “ears in happiness.” A person at the creator stage accepts dissent in others and does not impose his point of view, does not seek to prove that he is right. This is the level of a self-sufficient, confident and successful person.

In our psychological training center You can always get high-quality feedback and practical skills on how to advance in your career, how to avoid professional deformation, and how to get true happiness from your work. Training “How to become a successful psychologist” will show personal value in reaching the top in your profession.

Zelenoborsk school-gymnasium

Psychological training

for high school students

"How to achieve success"

Spent: educational psychologist A. Ermekova


Students’ awareness of the need for goal setting, taking into account their needs and motives.
- teach a step-by-step method to achieve the goal.
- formation of an attitude towards self-analysis.

Methodological equipment: slides, tokens, forms “past successes”, “resources of achievements”, “progress achieved”, “ladder of achievements”, melodies.

Epigraph to the training:

“We came into this world to express ourselves and only ourselves.
The purpose of life and the meaning of life is self-expression.”

E. Tsvetkov.

"I am nature's greatest miracle."

O. Mandino.

Progress of the training

1. Rules of the group:

Sincerity in communication (let's say here not what is “required”, but what we really think).
- active participation in what is happening (we need you and your opinion and are important to us).
- the right to one’s opinion and respect for the opinion of another (the participant speaks “on his own behalf”, on his own behalf and does not criticize the opinion of another.)
- non-disclosure of what is happening outside the group (we act on the “here and now” principle).

2. Warm-up – energizer.

Now you can walk around the room freely. Upon my clap, you will have to complete my task. Let's begin! (Turn on music)

Divide into groups of those who have watches and those who do not.
- along the length of the hair.
- by height (tall and not very tall)
- by eye color.
- according to the mood you are currently experiencing. What's your mood?

3. Assignment for reflection: in life and in communication - “Two high roads.”

It is proposed to draw two roads, with the following description:

One is wide, but unlit. On it every now and then there are cobblestones of fear and despair, and sometimes the road is blocked by rubble of envy and bitterness. There are a lot of pedestrians on it, but you constantly stumble over the stones of alienation and loneliness, because only deaf and dumb people walk nearby. Breaking through the thicket of grievances and guilt, you wearily push the weaker one out of the way. But in the end, this road will exhaust and destroy you.

The second road is long, but bright, with lanterns of faith and confidence burning on it. Passers-by have keen hearing, because they hear not only what you say, but also what you feel. On the sides there are beautifully trimmed lawns of mutual support and revenue, and in the flower beds flowers of love, trust and forgiveness burn brightly, trees of mutual understanding and peace of mind. Perhaps this road will also tire you, but it will not destroy you.

The first road is the path of unconstructive, destructive communication. The second road is the path of constructive, creative communication. Everyone who is overcome by fear of life strives for the painful first road. Such people have problems with communication. There is only one way to rid people of fear and lead them onto a different path: to give them the opportunity to feel smart, good, kind, loved and interesting.

Exercise: Which picture is closer to you? Sometimes a person rushes about, but isn’t there a middle ground? (black and white stripe). You will place your tokens under the picture that is closest to you at the moment.

Today we have gathered to think about how to live in order to be successful.
Answer the question honestly:

1. Why do we live, what is our purpose?
2.Why do you go to school? What are you taught at school for?
3.What do you want to achieve in life? What are you striving for now? (answers)

There is a contradiction in your answers. It lies in the fact that the main activities at schooleducational, and the interests of your age lie in the fact that you are now striving for self-affirmation, personal contacts, and the search for personal meaning. What should I do?

1. Understand that adulthood is unthinkable without acquiring knowledge. This is the personal meaning of the teaching.
2. At your age there are opportunities for formation and self-improvement. Today we will work on concepts

Past successes
Achievement Resources
Progress achieved
Personal social support

Stage I .

What is a goal? This is what allows us in life to become not losers, but winners, teaches us to use our best qualities your personality to achieve something. If a person moves confidently, step by step towards his dream and strives to live the life he imagined, then success will come to him.

Exercise: the target can be near or far. Now formulate your goal, determine for yourself what you want to achieve.


Stage II . "Motivation".

Motives are a set of factors that encourage a person to act; These are the reasons that force you to do something.

As I saidM. Gorky :
“You must always live in love with something inaccessible to you.
A person becomes taller by stretching upward.”

D. Carnegie’s advice on “How to Succeed” is what you need to change in yourself, how to help yourself:

1. Develop willpower.

Success comes to those who strive for it. Don't wait for someone to open you - discover yourself. Tell yourself: I want, I can, I will do. Success prefers to be strongly desired and achieved with maximum effort.

2. Follow your goal.

Every success starts with an idea. Formulate it clearly for yourself, without giving in only to vague dreams. Write down when and what you want to achieve. Focus on this goal by noting intermediate results. If there is a hitch in the movement, determine what the reason is. Try again, but don't lose your main goal.

3. Make an action plan

Schedule in the evening what things need to be done tomorrow. As for long-term matters, you should also write them down if you need to prepare for them.

4. Evaluate yourself objectively.

Describe yourself by answering the following questions:
Am I demonstrating enough of my beneficial qualities?
Do others know about them?
You need to think about your weaknesses and take them into account. Anyone who lies to himself will never achieve success.

5. Keep track of your time.

Determine what time of day you are most productive and creative. Don't waste these best hours. Perform routine tasks only when you still become lethargic and tired. Analyze what you usually spend your time on, try not to waste it aimlessly.

6. Get things done with urgency. .

Don’t put off unpleasant things indefinitely, try to get rid of them as quickly as possible, otherwise they will weigh on you. Start immediately doing what seems useful to you.

It is common knowledge that the quality of life does not improve due to dark thoughts, constant worries and pessimism.

8. Listen to others.

Learn what others know. Listen to others before you speak. Never interrupt someone who is speaking.

9. Trust your feelings.

The mind is not everything. Listen to your inner voice, express everything that at first seems incredible.

Stage III . "Past Successes"

Each of you already has some past experience behind you, past successes are your personal strength! It needs to be used!
(eg: graduated from elementary school without a “3”). Let's remember them. "Resources of Achievement"

This is what you are better at doing, your interests, inclinations. What gives you a feeling of joy, self-confidence, what inspires and fills you with energy (sports, hobbies, music, books, stubbornness, willpower.)

Stage IV. "Ladder of Achievement"

We all strive for success, we want to be successful, but we don’t always succeed. I will now tell you a very important secret: our thoughts determine the characteristics of our personality. What we think determines our destiny. Therefore, we must organize our thoughts and make the right suggestions to ourselves.
Let's direct our thoughts to our future and try to write what successes you can achieve at certain intervals.

And make a note on the same drawing, how will you prove to others that you have made progress?

V stage. "Social support"

And now we will arrange a holiday for ourselves. Imagine that you have already achieved everything we wrote about today. And we have a holiday called “Success Day” (close your eyes, dream). Describe your ideal day. It can be a drawing, or you can write in words, what do you feel? Who's Near You? Where are you? (in the forest, on the lake, in the office, in the apartment; what things surround you: a piano, a computer, a cup of coffee...)

Relaxation: "Love all your selves"

I wish you could go back to when you were a baby. Take a closer look at yourself. Smile at the baby and, opening your arms towards him, say: “I am your future, and I came to love you.” Hug him and take him with you into the present time. Now both stand in front of the mirror so that you can look at each other with love.”
Step back in time to when you first learned to walk. You got up and fell and got up and fell again. And suddenly - you took the first step, then another and another. We were so proud of ourselves, Love the baby.

You are future first graders! You didn't want to leave your mother. You bravely crossed the threshold, and a new stage of your life has begun. You always did your best in every situation in life. Love the baby!
Now you are 10 years old. Do you remember what happened at that time? It was probably wonderful, but maybe you were afraid? You did everything you could to survive. Love this child.

Now go back to when you were a teenager. Perhaps it was deliciously exciting because you had finally grown up. And perhaps it brought you a lot of excitement of a different kind: your peers taught you what you can do and what you can’t do. You tried your best to cope with this difficult task. And you did it in the best possible way. Love the teenager!
Now my school days are behind me. You knew more than your parents. You were ready to start life the way you wanted. You were brave and scared at the same time. Love yourself in your youth!

Now think back to your first day of work. How proud you were of your first salary! You wanted to do everything well. There was so much to learn. You did everything you could for this. Love yourself at that time.
Think about another milestone in your life. About marriage or marriage. About your own child. About the new house. It must have been a wonderful experience?! You dealt with them. Love yourself for it.

Now “put” all your many “I”s in front of you. Stand in front of the mirror so that you can look at each of them, look with love. And here is another “I” of yours. It comes to meet you from the future, extending its arms and saying: “I am here to love you.” Let it be so!.

5. Lesson reflection:

What did today's activity make you think about? Have you tried to look deeper within yourself?
- maybe someone understood the truths of these roads and changed their attitude towards them?
- what do you remember most?

As a sign of gratitude for the pleasant communication, let's all stand in a common circle, hold hands and all say together: “I will be successful!”

Not all people can become trainers; some are given this, but others are not. This myth poisons the lives of many of our participants who want to become coaches, as well as all those who dream of any profession, but doubt what is “given” to them. Unfortunately, many of us adhere to the so-called “given paradigm”, i.e. They believe that there are a number of professions in which, in order to succeed, you must have some special properties, talent or gift. And if it’s not “given” to you, then no matter how hard you try, you won’t find success in this field. Many people classify coaching as one of these professions. And since it is very difficult (if not impossible) to understand whether it is “given” or “not given,” many suffer, sometimes for months, and sometimes even years, never daring to try themselves in a new profession.

Fortunately, now an increasing number of studies confirm what we already wanted to believe: the given paradigm is not correct, but the development paradigm is correct: if you put in the effort and train a lot, without a doubt, you can become a first-class specialist in your field. You can read more about this in Carol Dweck's book The Flexible Mind and Malcolm Gladwell's book Geniuses and Outsiders. If you tend to doubt whether something is “given” to you or not, we recommend that you definitely read both of these books.

So, we have just dispelled the first myth: “To become a coach, you need to have some special talent in this area.” By the way, it is also a myth that you need to have a certain gender (both men and women are successful in this profession), age (one of our business coaches has been working successfully since he was 19 years old, we also know people who came to this profession after fifty), external data, special build, height, hair color, etc. In this article we will look at what other myths exist regarding this profession and which are often expressed by those who want to become a coach.

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To become a trainer in any field, you must have extensive experience in that particular field (to conduct sales training, you need to be a first-class salesperson).

Myth. Customers actually often ask about this, but rarely insist. Because in fact, everyone knows that a person who knows how to do something well is not always able to teach others to do it. Moreover, it is common for a person with extensive experience in some field to consider his experience to be the most correct, and it is natural that he will teach others to work the way he works. And his style of work is not always suitable for all training participants. Moreover, in this case, the training risks turning into a seminar or even a lecture, during which the lecturer will tell the participants “how to do it correctly” (and maybe even show the highest class), but will not create conditions in which the participant can learn for himself do it. This does not mean that such training is bad. It's just not training. This is a master class by a pro or guru, in which he will tell you “tricks” from his experience. If you are lucky, you will be able to use them in your work and be satisfied. If you are unlucky, you will rack your brain for a long time about how to apply this in your business, you won’t come up with an idea, and you will remain dissatisfied. In the training, you will look for your own “tricks” and create them yourself.

For example, we had an experience when, after the training, one of the participants came up to us and told us that literally a month before our training, she had been trained by a trainer well-known throughout Russia on this topic, who himself was excellent at doing what he was trained to do. training is dedicated. So, this participant said the following: “You know, I sat, looked at him and realized that I would never be able to do this. After that training, I left almost depressed. And with you, I realized that I can, moreover, that I can already do a lot of things and know exactly what I now need to continue to practice.” This does not mean that the trainer may not be able to do what the training is dedicated to. If you have never sold anything in your life, do not take up sales training. Because sometimes you really need to “show the participants your class” or give some example from your experience in order to win their trust. But you don't have to have twenty years of sales experience to teach how to sell. If the customer insists on having such experience, most likely he needs a seminar or lecture, not training. And this is also a myth. To many from the outside, the work of a coach seems simple and clear; what is there to learn? But, firstly, look at the vacancies for training managers - in almost every one of the requirements for the candidate you will see “Additional education in the field of conducting trainings (training of trainers).” That is, at least for the sake of having a certificate, you will most likely need to study. And besides, the profession of a trainer contains a huge number of nuances, often invisible from the outside, but playing a key role in whether the training will be successful or not. What rules should be introduced during the training and why? What is labilization, is it needed in training and how to plan it? What exercises to use and depending on what? How to build a training logic? How to work with difficult participants? As a rule, all these issues are discussed during the training of trainers.

In addition, you must definitely choose one in which you will conduct any exercises for the group at least three times with high-quality analysis and feedback. When choosing a training for trainers, focus on this criterion. And it is important that this work takes place throughout the entire training, and does not represent your presentation for one hour at the end of the course. To become good coach, you need to know about your strengths and zones for immediate development, and you can get this information only by conducting exercises and training blocks in a group with professional and high-quality feedback.

To become a coach, you need to have a psychological or pedagogical education. Myth. Let's start with teacher education. "Ped" is a root meaning "childish" (for example, "pediatrician" is a children's doctor). Pedagogy is the science of teaching children. And adult education has its own, very significant features. By the way, it can be very difficult for people with pedagogical education to work with adults, and they need time and effort to relearn (otherwise “the teacher turns on,” and adult participants in trainings don’t like that)! So in most cases it is better if you do not have a pedagogical education and work experience, believe our experience (there are, of course, exceptions... But very, very rarely).

Now regarding psychological education. Everything is not so clear here. If you want to become a coach and conduct personal growth trainings, then psychological education may be useful to you, in addition, the leaders of such trainings are often expected to be psychologists. If you want to become a business coach, then psychological education may become a hindrance. Business people do not like psychological terminology and get extremely annoyed when a psychologist tries to “treat” them at a business training (which happens very often). On the other hand, if you are an experienced psychologist, then I would like to hope that you have already learned to cope with your desire to treat someone “without asking” and diagnose everyone. Then practical experience psychological work, of course, will help you. It will be easier for you to understand some processes and patterns of what is happening in the group. But psychological education alone will not help you with this. If you do not have such an education, then, as a rule, the basics of psychology contained in the training of trainers will be enough for you. As a last resort, if you want, you can later receive additional practical psychological education (by practical we mean training in which you will have a large number of practices and where you will actually be taught, for example, how to consult; unlike academic education, where you learn a bunch of smart theories, studying which you will never have time to learn how to work with real people).

What does it take to become a coach?

You will be surprised, but to become a coach, you must first of all conduct trainings.