Portfolio templates for kindergarten children. From work experience “Preschooler’s Portfolio. How to create a portfolio for a girl

Svetlana Rabinchuk

From work experience "Preschooler's Portfolio"

Compiling a children's portfolio is a very interesting and exciting job. I have been working in this direction for several years. Unfortunately, I do not have photographs of my graduates’ portfolios. But I suggest you look at what we have already done with my current children. Parents play an important role in the process of compiling a portfolio. The parents of my children turned out to be creative people, so our portfolios turn out interesting and different from each other.

"Preschooler's Portfolio"

First you need to purchase colorful folders.

For girls.

For boys.

Folders must be signed and arranged so that parents have constant access to them

(we placed the folders in the reception group).

Let's start creating a portfolio.

Parents and their children choose style and colorfulness, because a portfolio is not only a “treasury of achievements”, but also a “colorful book.”

These and many other samples of children's portfolios can be downloaded from the Internet.

On the title page you must indicate the child's last name, first name, and date of birth. The start and end date of portfolio collection is also indicated.

Section 1: “What does my name mean?”

Here it is appropriate to place a photo of the child and the meaning of his name.

Section 2: “My friends.”

It is not at all necessary that there be photos of children from kindergarten. After all, every child has communication and friends outside of kindergarten.

Section 3: “My hobbies.”

Photos or verbal descriptions of what children like to do at home.

Section 4: “My favorite books.”

Children love to be read to. And they, of course, have their favorite books and favorite cartoons.

Section 5: “My family.”

Photos of family members (family tree, or general family photo.

Section 6: “Portrait of my child.”

Verbal description of your child's character. It is best, in my opinion, to do this section when entering kindergarten and before leaving school. This way you can see changes in the child’s character.

Section 7: “My achievements.”

This section is intended for various certificates and diplomas of the child.

Section 8: “My creativity.”

This section is the most important for the child. Here you can see his skills and abilities, his successes expressed in productive activities.

In chapter

"My art"

we collect children's works.

All material in the portfolio must be arranged in chronological order, into groups. We only have two so far: nursery and junior.

If parents wish, other sections can be inserted. For example:

Children like to look at their photographs and drawings from time to time. And parents can do this at any time.

We will be adding to our portfolios until the end of kindergarten. And on prom The children will receive these colorful books of their successes and achievements as a gift.

Thank you for your attention!

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Recently, in many preschool institutions it is necessary to create an individual portfolio for a child. For most uninformed moms, even the word itself evokes fear, let alone the fact that they don't know how to create it. We'll tell you for the girl so she doesn't have to blush.

Why do you need a kindergarten portfolio for a girl?

A portfolio is a collection of works, photographs, awards that provide information about a person’s successes and achievements. In the context preschool A portfolio is an individual piggy bank that shows how successful your child is in a particular activity, what he can do, what he is interested in, and how he is developing. In a way, a portfolio is an incentive to develop interest in other activities, increase a child’s self-esteem, and also a way of self-knowledge. In addition, a children's portfolio for a girl can become a collection of positive emotions and joyful memories.

How to create a portfolio for a girl?

First of all, it should be said that you need to create a portfolio together with your daughter, so that she feels responsible for the project and interest in it. Don't worry that the girl will quickly lose desire for him. To do this, you should create a portfolio for the girl that is colorful and bright, so that the child will be interested, just like with a picture book.

First you need to decide on the style of your future portfolio. It is best to turn to your daughter’s favorite fairy tale or cartoon characters. The general theme will have to run like a red thread through all its sections.

  • title page;
  • section “Portrait” or “My World”;
  • “How I grow and develop”;
  • "My achievements"
  • "My hobbies";
  • "My impressions";
  • wishes and reviews;
  • content.
  1. The design of the title page should be done carefully, since it is the face of the entire work. On it you need to indicate the child’s first and last name, date of birth, name and number of the kindergarten. It wouldn’t hurt to paste a photo of the girl.
  2. The “My World” section provides extensive information about the child. Talk to your daughter about what she wants to demonstrate about herself. Here the meaning of the baby’s name, a horoscope are usually indicated, the family is described (the names of relatives and their professions are given), and a . In addition, the child can talk about his first friends and their hobbies. It wouldn’t be amiss to describe the kindergarten and group where the girl goes. At the end of the section, you can provide information about your hometown, its attractions and symbols. The section must be accompanied by photographs and descriptions.
  3. In the “How I grow and develop” section, you can place a graph showing the dynamics of growth. It consists of two scales - “height in cm” and “age by years”. Material about the child’s first steps, words, and interesting phrases will also be interesting. Be sure to include the funniest photos in the section, including those from different birthdays.
  4. The “My Achievements” section usually demonstrates diplomas or certificates that the girl received for participating in competitions and competitions in kindergarten, sports school, or club.
  5. A preschooler's portfolio for a girl cannot help but communicate her favorite activities. The “My Hobbies” section should reflect what is so close to the child’s heart - drawing, modeling, dancing, appliqué, etc. Ideally, you should attach photographs of crafts and photographs of the child in the process of work to the section. The girl can describe her favorite games with friends on the playground, in kindergarten, with her brothers and sisters.
  6. Material about visiting other cities, museums, theaters, participating in hikes, and summer vacations can be found in the “My impressions” section.
  7. In the “Suggestions and Feedback” section, blank pages are left for teachers and other parents to fill out.
  8. The work ends with the “Contents” section.

Children's portfolio can be made manually, or you can download ready template in the Internet. The main thing is that its creation brings pleasure to both – mother and child.

The structure of a children's portfolio for 3-5 years old for kindergarten. Recommendations for compilation, advice.

It's no secret that maintaining a portfolio is encouraged in kindergartens. Now it has become not just fashionable, but already necessary to create a children's portfolio even when children enter kindergarten!
The portfolio of a 3, 4, 5 year old child is a kind of piggy bank of your child’s successes in the main areas of his development.
The criteria that are presented in the approximate basic general education programs “Istoki” (M., 2011), “From birth to school” (M., 2010) have been revised in accordance with the Federal state requirements for compulsory general education programs for preschool institutions.
Maintaining a portfolio will help you establish a closer relationship with your child, spend more time together, create an atmosphere of common interests, and you will be able to timely celebrate your child’s successes and maintain interest in various activities in the following areas:
- social and personal development,
- cognitive and speech development,
- physical development,
- artistic and aesthetic development.
You will help your child develop a tool for self-knowledge “What I am” and gain experience that will be useful to you in the future.
The portfolio will be useful to parents, tutors, teachers, and most importantly - to the kids themselves!
In your portfolio you can put your best drawings, photographs of crafts, observations, notes about vocabulary child, his growing skills.

What will the portfolio be like?

A children's portfolio must certainly be colorful and bright. Ideally, it will become both a child’s favorite “picture book” and a source of pride.
Explain to your child what kind of “magic book” you are starting to collect together and why. There is no need to be afraid that the child “will not understand” or “will quickly grow cold.”
He will understand! From the age of 3, all children, without exception, love bright books.
It won't cool down! The book about yourself is the most interesting. She will “receive with delight” all creative works, will pay “special attention” to amazing fantasies, and after a while she will “lovingly remind” you of “how little you were just a year ago!”

Title page

The title page for a children's portfolio is almost the same as beautiful suit on holiday. This is a kind of face of the whole work. Taking the folder in hand and looking at the title page, teachers or your friends already form a first opinion not only about the baby, but sometimes about the entire family who took part in the preparation of the portfolio.
The title page of a kindergarten portfolio should not be overloaded with information. There will be many interesting pages inside for her, where everything can be painted colorfully and meaningfully. But by looking at the work even briefly, the viewer should glean information about who is the owner of such a weighty, luxurious folder, how old he is and where he lives or studies. Of course, it would be nice if next to this laconic information there is a photo of the owner of the children’s portfolio.
Many people prefer to draw up the first sheet on the computer, although the child wants to contribute his or her part to the creation of this document. Can a little sun, which was drawn with great care and love, spoil the title page? Let him also take part in the creative process, then the child will feel that he, like his mother, can be proud of the beautifully designed folder, because he also drew in it.

Section 1. “My World” (“Portrait”)

Here you can place any information that is interesting and important for the child.

– My name (information about what the name means, why the parents chose this name; if the child has a rare or interesting surname, you can explain what it means), you can give the meaning of character and predispositions according to the horoscope.

– My baptismal name (if a child has been baptized, he is often given a middle name that corresponds to his religion)

– My family (here you can tell the name of your mother, father, brothers, sisters, grandparents, or place a drawing of your family tree)

– My friends (photos of friends, information about their interests, hobbies)

– Where do I live (tell about your hometown, about its interesting places in photographs and descriptions)

– My kindergarten (tell me which kindergarten and group the child goes to)

Section 2 – “My favorite activities and games.”

What do we do with mom (grandmother, in kindergarten, in a circle, etc.)

My favorite games at home and in kindergarten (you can talk about the games that the child prefers: cubes, mosaics, children's dominoes, etc.):

– My classes on systems early development Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev, Nikitins, Walfdor pedagogy, etc. (you can give an example of several of your favorite activities)

– My favorite books (list the titles and authors of children’s books that the child likes)

– I like to study (list the activities that the child likes: reading, drawing, sculpting, dancing, etc.)

– My walks (activities and games on fresh air)

Section 2 – “My holidays”
In this section you can include photographs from birthdays, photographs of holidays in kindergarten: March 8, New Year etc.

4th Birthday

5th Birthday

6th Birthday

Section 4 – “I am growing”

This section may include headings:

"Dynamics physical development»
This section reflects the data of anthropometric measurements. They can be presented in the form of interesting graphs, diagrams, drawings or tables. It is interesting to include here not only information about the child’s height and weight, but also the size of the palm or the outline of the foot.
You can also include photographs of the child on his birthday in this section.

2. My palm (on this page you can trace a child’s palm on his birthday and see how it has grown every year)

"Dynamics of General Development"
(social and personal development, cognitive and speech development).

– Through the mouth of a baby (interesting words, phrases, baby statements)

- I know the letters

– I read at 3, 4, 5 years old (by letters, by syllables, by words)

– My favorite song

– My favorite poem

- I play on musical instruments

- I am dancing

- The world around me

– The world is inside me

« Creative development»
(includes drawings, photographs of creative works, photographs of participation in theatrical productions of the kindergarten or club that the child attends)

Drawings in different genres (watercolor, gouache, pastel, wax crayons, etc.)

Modeling (plasticine, clay, sculpture mass)



Photos of crafts (made from paper, cardboard, natural materials etc., participation in exhibitions)

Theater productions (list roles, attach photos)

"My records"
Fill this section with certificates or diplomas, of which children in kindergarten receive a lot. To give your child an incentive to try, you can reward him at home for participating in various games or competitions with friends.

It is better to arrange the contents of this section in chronological order.

Information about participation in sports competitions and competitions, holidays and events, etc.

The materials in this block allow you to build a rating of individual results, a rating of achievements, and track the dynamics of changes in learning outcomes.

Section 5 – “My impressions”

Information about visiting a theater, exhibition, museum, hike, excursion.

My travels

My discoveries

My excursions

Impressions of visiting theaters and exhibitions

Section 5 – “Feedback and Suggestions”

(in any form)

– Educators

– Parents

– Additional education teachers

Nothing increases a child’s self-esteem more than a teacher’s positive assessment of his efforts. Here you can write a review or wish, perhaps recommendations, both from a teacher and a parent, both based on the results school year, and for participation in any event.

What is a portfolio? Why and who needs it, and how to create a portfolio for a preschooler? Should it have photos and sections? Should I download a free portfolio for kindergarten or do it all myself? We will look at the answers to all these questions in this article.

Today, there is probably not a single parent who would not be asked to create a portfolio for their child in kindergarten. It will have to stay in the preschool educational institution for a certain time, and later everything will pass into the hands of the parents. But such not an easy task can lead many of them to a dead end. And many teachers are still at a loss when defining this document.

What is a portfolio and its functional purpose?

Portfolio(English) portfolio- document folder) – a folder that gives an understanding of the activities of an organization or a specific specialist.

Portfolio for kindergarten– an original method of recording individual achievements that helps convey and organize important points in the life of a preschool educational institution student, his positive emotions, goals achieved in various types life activity, and impressions from it. That is, everything that can give an individual and personal characteristic of the student and his successes. Today, drawing up a preschooler’s portfolio is a requirement of new standards and one of the components of the system for assessing a child’s preparation for school.

After reviewing the methodological literature, we can highlight a number of functions for a kindergarten student’s portfolio:

  1. Diagnostic – shows the child’s mental and physical growth over time.
  2. Goal-setting – promoting a conscious process unfolding over time (what the child learns).
  3. Content-based – detects and evaluates all types of work performed.
  4. Motivational – rewards results achieved and stimulates in achieving new goals.
  5. Developmental – ensures the constancy of the learning and education process at this stage of life.
  6. Socioformative – strengthens and develops the socio-psychological climate between children and adults.

Why does a preschooler and his parents need a portfolio?

I want to keep every moment of life associated with my beloved child in my memory as the most valuable treasure. Remember the first words, capture the first steps, letters written in still uncertain handwriting, preserve children's drawings and crafts.

Over time, a person tends to forget and lose from memory even the most beloved moments, but how nice it would be to prolong the life of some memories.

Creating a portfolio for kindergarten is a controversial subject. As already mentioned, we are talking about a beautifully designed daddy, a small dossier that stores the most important moments of the baby’s life: his most beautiful and expressive drawings and applications, the most successful photographs, information about all his successes and achievements. That is, everything that makes us happy today, but may gradually be forgotten in the future.

Some parents insist that creating such a folder takes a lot of time, which is already not enough, despite the fact that the child can still draw and do a lot with his own hands. Others say that by studying together with the child, there is a rapprochement with him, the baby develops more actively and comprehensively. Based on practice, creating a portfolio for a kindergarten allows you to influence the child’s interest in creativity, inspires him to create new creations, and gives him more time to do something useful and interesting to him.

Every kindergarten student learns something every day, acquires new social skills, and creates small masterpieces. The teacher and parents regularly replenish the personal folder, putting the child’s work there and recording all achievements. Thanks to this, the memory of the most carefree and full of discoveries stage of a child’s life will remain for life.

Is it worth abandoning the creation of such a book of memory and memories? best moments? After all, children grow up so quickly!

In addition, children's portfolios help track the personal progress of each preschooler, their ability to apply acquired skills and improve their skills.

Types of portfolios for preschoolers

When creating a children's portfolio with your own hands, you should immediately decide on its type.

The most common is considered printedportfolio for children, and it is stored in a folder; for this you can use a regular folder with files.

The most important thing is that it is bright, colorful, and interesting for the child himself. It is important that the idea of ​​designing a children's portfolio belongs to the child himself. With the help of bright pictures, he, who cannot read, will be able to tell about himself and show his works.

It will be very exciting for preschoolers to compile and design portfolio for kindergarten in the form of a coloring book, because he will be able to play a major role in performing the work. In addition, a completely new species can be considered electronic children's portfolio. Its creators have a huge number of opportunities to design a portfolio for a child at the highest level. However, not everyone yet has the skills to create this type of document.

You can also find it on sale ready-made baby portfolio, well composed, bright and beautiful. But perhaps it’s more interesting to come up with a theme yourself and start creating a beautiful folder.

Currently, there are a lot of ready-made pages, templates, and frames for kindergarten portfolios .

And while the son or daughter is too young, parents can design the first pages of the child’s portfolio using existing photographs and ready-made materials. As the baby grows and his abilities develop, new pages will be added to the folder. But be sure to ask if he wants this drawing or photograph to decorate his personal book.

If parents do not want to create this document, then no one has the right to force them. Only in a few preschool institutions the need to create a portfolio for a child is spelled out in the Charter.

How to design a portfolio cover for a kindergarten?

The title page or cover for a kindergarten portfolio, as a rule, contains a brief summary of information about the owner of the folder (last name, first name, patronymic of the child, his photograph, date and city of birth, etc.). A colorful and beautifully designed title page will attract the child's attention, encouraging him to constantly add something to the folder and revise his work.

Since the child is still small, he lives in a world of fantasy and play. Therefore, when designing the front side of a portfolio for a kindergarten, parents need to remember the child’s most favorite fairy-tale and cartoon characters, and it is best to involve the child himself in this work. The main thing is not to rush, and then the creative process will bring pleasure to both parents and child.

Be sure to put a photo of a little preschooler on the cover - let him choose the one he likes.

The theme of the cover design for boys and girls will, of course, be different.

Principles for creating a portfolio for kindergarten

A children's portfolio should not be too formal; you need to put a piece of your soul into it. When compiling a portfolio for a child in kindergarten, try to take into account the wishes of the child himself in the choice of drawings, crafts and photographs. Don't forget that this is part of his life.

Colorful magazine clippings, stickers, dried flowers and leaves are suitable for decorating the pages.

You can also draw a corresponding picture with your child on each sheet, suitable for a specific topic. It is advisable to make a beautiful and interesting signature under each photo, you can even write it in verse or in a comic form.

Observe the following principles for compiling a portfolio:

  • work on the creation of this document should be carried out systematically;
  • the child must take personal part in the design of the folder and the selection of materials for it;
  • creating a portfolio for a child is voluntary - only the parent can decide whether their family needs this document or not;
  • There are no strict requirements for the design of the work, the main thing is that the child likes it;
  • the portfolio should highlight the uniqueness of the child - in this regard, it is important to prevent “competition” between parents/children - who is better!

What does a child's portfolio consist of?

The structure of the child’s achievements and development folder is determined by his age characteristics and pedagogical tasks carried out at this stage of the student’s development in this particular preschool educational institution.

Teachers have not yet come to a consensus on the design of a kindergarten portfolio for a girl or a boy. The structure is determined by internal documentation - the regulations on the portfolio of a preschool educational institution student.

The main thing is to always remember that this is creative work and it requires a creative attitude towards its implementation.

A kindergarten portfolio usually contains the following parts:

  • title page,
  • content,
  • the main part, which allows you to reveal data about the child, his family and friends, you can describe the daily routine, favorite games, books, holidays and travel, creative works, sports achievements and academic success, etc.

In some preschools, each parent decides which sections will make up the portfolio structure for kindergarten. But it is still necessary to familiarize yourself with the advice of experienced teachers, such as I. Rudenko, V. Dmitrieva, E. Egorova and others. The structure options they proposed differ in details, but in general they have the same direction.

Summarizing their work, we can list the main points:

  1. First section – introductory. There you should place photos of your child at different ages, write down information about the place and time of birth, zodiac sign, and describe the meaning of his name.
  2. Second section – dynamics of child growth. In it you can colorfully design a table of height and weight, and enter new data into it together with your baby.
  3. Followed by family information. Let the child make up short stories about all his relatives. You can even depict a family tree.
  4. Next section – child's achievements. Here you can collect his most successful creative works. You need to choose them together: after all, some works are loved by the baby himself, and some are especially dear to his loved ones.
  5. Very good idea– add to children’s portfolio preschooler's stories about himself, as well as stories from his loved ones about him.
  6. A separate section is worth dedicating preschooler's hobbies. Nowadays, many parents take their children to various clubs and sections - dancing, gymnastics, martial arts, drawing, music. The kid participates in competitions, competitions, receives awards and certificates. You definitely need to save them. Also in this section, photographs are appropriate where a son or daughter is captured doing their favorite activity.
  7. You can talk about how a child helps his mother at home, with photographs and descriptions.

The structure proposed by L.I. deserves special attention. Adamenko. The author proposes dividing the folder into three blocks: the first is dedicated to the moral qualities of a preschool educational institution student, the second to his knowledge and skills, and the third to his abilities and successes. Each block contains reviews from parents and teachers, assessments of the preschooler himself and his friends, and the child’s answers to various tests.

Portfolio for kindergarten for a boy

Sample of filling out a child's portfolio

Let's take a closer look at the main part and give a sample of filling out a portfolio for a boy in kindergarten for some items. You can fill out a kindergarten portfolio for a girl using an analogy.

There are many items, but it is not necessary that all of them should be included in the preschool portfolio. If the teacher does not specify a specific structure, choose the points you like most, taking into account, of course, that the first two should be present in any case.

"Let's get acquainted"

This section is devoted to a more detailed presentation of information about the child than on the title page. You can indicate your place of birth, residential address, zodiac sign, include a decoding of the name and a story from your parents about why they chose this particular name.

For example, about the baby's name you can write the following:

A person is given a name at birth and it influences his entire life. That is why my parents took a long time to choose my name. My grandmother wanted me to be named Alexei in honor of my grandfather, but my mother and father discussed for a long time and still decided that they would call me Russian Orthodox name Egor.

Meaning of the name

The name Egor is the Russian version of the name Georgiy, which has Greek roots and is translated as “farmer.”

Shortened versions: Egorka, Gora, Zhora, Egosha, Gosha, Goga

Since childhood, Egor has stood out for his practicality and efficiency. He is also very active and emotional. Hard work, dedication and diligence are the main traits of his character. In addition, his heightened sense of justice should be noted. Because of this trait, Yegor can even be considered a fighter, because it is difficult for him to tolerate when someone in his environment openly lies or offends a weaker person.

In the old days, only those people who earned the trust of the king were allowed to have a patronymic name. And in our time, everyone has it and is given by the name of the father. My patronymic is Gennadievich.

For a long time, ordinary people were also not entitled to a surname. Only people with a high position in society were awarded it. Now, as in ancient times, a person’s surname is an inherited family name. My last name is Ivanov.

"The World I Live In"

This section should include information about the child’s environment, his family, friends, relatives and close people; family tree; pictures and photographs of friends; family photo album; stories written from his words.

It would be appropriate to describe the baby’s hometown, add a photograph or drawing of a favorite park or any other place where the baby likes to walk. Be sure to tell a little about the preschooler’s family, add a family photo to this section, under which indicate the names of parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, and also briefly describe each family member.

In the same way, you can design a subsection dedicated to the friends of your daughter or son.

You can provide any other information that the parents deem necessary. It is imperative to consult with your child and take his opinion into account when filling out each section.

The following can be written about the family:

My mother's name is Olga Anatolyevna. She is a pediatrician, works in clinic No. 2, treats children. It’s good that my mother is a doctor - when I’m sick, she treats me herself. She also cooks delicious food and plays different games with me.

My dad's name is Gennady Pavlovich. He is a high-altitude installer. Builds big houses. I like to go fishing and ride bicycles with my dad.

My grandmother's name is Anna Ivanovna. She is retired and enjoys doing all kinds of crafts. Every summer she and I go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

You can write the following about friends:

I have a lot of friends.

This is Dasha. She is my neighbor, we visit each other very often.

This is Timofey. We have been friends since childhood. He comes to his grandmother, and she lives next door.

This is Sasha. I became friends with him in the karate section.

This is Kirill. My best friend in Group. We always play together.

This is Ksyusha. My best friend in Group. I really like her.

“I’m already quite big”

Anthropometric data different ages; contours of the palm and foot.

"My achievements"

Individual child development card; the child’s successes in various fields, awards, diplomas, certificates.

In this section you can indicate clubs, additional classes, sections that the child attends. You can pay attention to the connection between these hobbies and the child’s desired future profession.

For this item in the child’s portfolio for kindergarten, you can write, for example:

I have been going to the karate section for a whole year now, and very soon I will have my first exam.

I recently took part in a competition children's drawing and took 2nd place.

My dad is teaching me to play checkers, and I’m already pretty good at it.

"My talents"

Special inclinations and abilities of a preschooler.

You can, for example, attach photographs of your preschooler’s participation in costume plays and matinees.

You can write, for example:

I have good memory, I quickly memorize poems, I can recite them loudly and expressively.

I love to draw and next year I plan to go to art school.

"Teachers around"

Description of the work of a teacher, psychologist and speech therapist with a child; psychological portrait of a pupil from the point of view of preschool employees; description of interaction between parents and specialists; parents' recommendations.

“Seven “I”s and kindergarten”

The work carried out with the family is presented; information about parents; joint activities; meetings in the parents' club; reviews of joint walks and excursions; consultations for parents; reviews and job offers.

"My art"

Child's drawings; photographs of crafts, applications, origami, etc.

The most successful and beautiful creative works are placed here, for example, applique and drawings of a child with a signed date and age. The first drawing with watercolors, a leaf cut out with scissors, a pencil sketch - all this will be appropriate in this section. To prevent them from deteriorating or becoming wrinkled, it is best to place them in special files.

"Learning to read"

A list of your child’s favorite books and drawings based on the works he has read.

"The world around us"

Information about visiting a theater, excursion, museum, city or kindergarten festival.

You can write, for example:

On May 9, my parents and I went to the square to watch the military parade. There I saw a lot of military equipment - I really liked it.

And recently, my mother and I were at the circus. I especially liked the numbers with the monkey and the tigers.

"Fantasy world"

Games, stories, words, drawings and creative works invented by the child.

"My kindergarten"

Information about the teachers and the group.

"Soon to school"

Photo or drawing of the school; drawings on this topic; letters and numbers that the child knows; recommendations for parents; school readiness criteria.

"Who to be?"

What profession does the child dream of, what type of professional activity does he have aptitude for.

For example, you can write like this:

When I grow up, I will become an electric train driver, like my uncle. Although just recently I wanted to be a builder and build houses like dad. Perhaps I'll change my mind again.

"Suggestions and feedback"

It is extremely important for children to appreciate their efforts and work. In this section, parents or preschool employees leave feedback on the work done by the child, and educators can give recommendations from a pedagogical point of view.

As a result of drawing up a portfolio of preschool children, their individual characteristics should be revealed to the maximum, the prerequisites for successful development should be created, and conditions should be created for effective interaction with parents.

Use portfolio templates for kindergarten to reduce the time required to create such a lengthy document.

The main function of a portfolio for a kindergarten is to preserve all the most positive moments of a child’s life., increase his self-esteem, guide him on the path of developing his skills and broadening his horizons. By taking part in the creation of this unique document, the child learns to create his own image, evaluate his achievements over time and not get hung up on failures and mistakes. And it is important for parents to preserve the memory of this happy period of formation of the personality of their beloved child. After all, it will never happen again, and once you open this folder, you can always plunge into it again.

Preschooler's portfolio in pictures

Tips for a teacher on creating children's portfolios in a group

It should be remembered that this is not just a folder that contains information about the child’s achievements and awards; it, first of all, shows the result of interaction between the teacher and parents in terms of studying and subsequent reflection in the dynamics of his abilities and physical development. Parents can provide information about living conditions and creative successes at home, and the teacher, in turn, can provide information about the development and achievements of the preschooler in kindergarten.

  1. Swipe Parent meeting in your kindergarten group in order to inform parents about the upcoming change in methods of pedagogical interaction with the family of pupils. Provide a pre-prepared sample of a preschooler's portfolio for a girl and a boy, for a visual acquaintance with the content of the materials.
  2. Explain the main purpose of the document. It is important to indicate not only how to make a portfolio for a child, but also what advantages its presence provides. For example, when entering a preschool educational institution, it gives the teacher the opportunity to find out about his individual characteristics baby development. While with the usual admission of children to a group, the teacher does not have enough time for a long individual conversation with each parent about the child’s characteristics and abilities. During further visits to the preschool institution, this document will help specialists working with the child to determine whether he has certain abilities and interests.
  3. Explain that parents begin collecting information and materials about their child, and then the teacher gets involved.
  4. Accordingly, parents have the opportunity to track the progress of their son or daughter in a preschool educational institution. The most successful works will be posted in a special section. If a child takes a prize by participating in a competition, then photocopies of diplomas or certificates are also placed in a special section. Choose several helpers together with your parents who will help you collect the necessary information and materials for children’s folders: they will take photographs on various events
  5. , typing on a computer, photocopying, etc. Make a joint decision on the procedure for preparing a portfolio for the garden:
  6. folders and basic design will be the same for all children in the group or individual for each, at the discretion of the parents. Discuss the main sections
  7. that the document will contain. Give them names, for example: “My portrait”, “My family”, “Hobby”, “Sporting achievements”, “Travel”, “Awards”, “Getting to know the world around us”, etc. You can discuss the names separately with an active creative group of parents. Explain to parents how to make a children's portfolio so that it really represents business card
  8. child. To do this, the information in it must be presented clearly and briefly: only the best works, successful and unique photographs, important moments of life and development.
  9. Involving your child in creating a portfolio in kindergarten and at home will make the work even more unique and individual.

To make it easier to view your child’s portfolio

and presentation to its specialists, it is necessary to select files and then place them in a plastic folder (over time, it will turn into a portfolio of a kindergarten graduate - an important and useful pre-school document).

Federal preschool education programs (“From birth to school”, “Origins”) consider the individual development of the child as a priority, taking into account his intellectual, physical and emotional characteristics.

Effective component of the program individual development is a preschool portfolio for kindergarten children. This is an album about the baby's achievements, which contains materials reflecting his success in different types activities, talents, impressions.

In accordance with the new education standards, the portfolio of a kindergarten student is an important element in the assessment system. You will be asked to bring a “Personal Achievement Folder” when enrolling in school. Based on the presented materials, the teacher will form a preliminary opinion about the new student, build a trajectory for his subsequent development and prepare a psychological basis for teaching in a children's group.

The purpose, objectives and principles of creating a preschool portfolio for kindergarten children

Portfolios may vary in format and content. An indispensable condition is maximum

reveal the individual qualities and potential of the child, demonstrate it strengths, track dynamics and record achievements.

When working on the achievements folder, it is useful to use the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Define the goal.
  2. Select portfolio type.
  3. Determine the time period for collecting information.
  4. Develop a structure - number and topics of headings.

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Completing a portfolio for kindergarten is a fascinating creative process that brings together all co-authors: the child, parents, teachers.

When creating a portfolio album, it is necessary to identify its main functions:

  • diagnostics – a reflection of intellectual and physical growth;
  • goal determination - the purpose and subject of training;
  • motivation – encouragement of achieved results;
  • content - the complex of work performed;
  • social education – the formation and development of relationships between adults and children in the process of joint activities;
  • development – ​​a reflection of the continuity and progress of learning.

When choosing a sample portfolio for a kindergarten, first of all, you should determine its objectives. Perhaps this will be an album demonstrating the child’s success in a specific area - in music, sports, choreography, drawing. Or - information reflecting general development over a selected period of time, for example, from birth to entry into school. The portfolio can be thematic: “We are a sports family”, “Sea holidays” and other topics.

Having determined the direction of the future report on achievements, we begin its formation and artistic design. It is convenient to use an example or a ready-made portfolio for kindergarten as a template to fill out.

Download portfolio for kindergarten to fill out
Download archive.rar

Work on creating an album of achievements is carried out according to the following principles:

  • voluntariness - parents and children themselves decide what materials should be used;
  • mandatory participation of the child in the selection of materials and design;
  • inadmissibility of a competitive moment - only an emphasis on the child’s individuality;
  • systematicity – updates and additions to content.

There are no strict requirements and standards for the design of a preschool portfolio; the main thing is that the main character - the child himself - likes it.

Children enthusiastically participate in creating their first “business card” in their lives - they choose illustrations and glue them on. Parents should help the child, but not do everything for him. The task of adults is to organize the process correctly, to recommend best materials, invite the child to answer questions corresponding to the headings (“My hobbies”, “My family”, “I can do it”). The answers must certainly be written down by parents on the pages of the portfolio in legible text or block letters - after learning to read and write, the child will be able to read his comments himself.

Teachers and psychologists of preschool educational institutions are directly involved in creating the portfolio of their pupils - they advise parents, provide materials from their professional observations and work done by children in creative classes in the garden.

  • systematic interaction with parents;
  • headings are not numbered - they are arranged in random order;
  • the pages are colorfully designed;
  • all results and events are dated in order to subsequently track their dynamics;
  • the principles of self-esteem are explained to children;
  • the portfolio is not used to compare children with each other;
  • Public viewing of the folder is allowed only with the consent of the child - the author of the portfolio.

The Portfolio technology is essentially a form educational activities, providing for constant interaction between the main participants educational process– preschoolers, teachers, parents.

Contents and main sections of a children's portfolio in a preschool educational institution

The portfolio of a preschool educational institution student has a certain structure - it consists of thematic headings. The number and content of page headings may differ in different children's institutions, in groups and for individual pupils. Adult and youth contributors offer exclusive sections and design elements based on the child's individual expressions or important events.

Authors-methodologists offer various variations of design and themes for portfolios for kindergarten, and the content of headings. Some give priority to parents' observations and their role in creating a folder of achievements. Others emphasize the importance of professional diagnostics, which makes it possible to objectively monitor the dynamics of development of preschool children - the results of monitoring the physical and educational level, the formation of social and labor skills, reflected in diagnostic calculations placed on thematic pages of the portfolio.

Versions in which sections are filled out progressively are widely used - in accordance with each new success of the preschooler.

The following pages are suggested for a kindergarten portfolio:

  1. “Let’s get acquainted” – photo and personal information of the child, the name of the group, a story on behalf of the child about what he loves.
  2. “How I Grow” is an artistically designed page with anthropometric data.
  3. "Stories about a Child" - interesting stories narrated by parents.
  4. “My dreams” are the child’s statements on the proposed topics.
  5. “I can” are examples of a child’s creativity.
  6. “My successes” - awards, prizes.

You can use a sample portfolio for kindergarten, which will be interesting, first of all, for parents. The folder is filled at home and in the garden, and can be used as a bright mini-presentation at events. The author included the following sections in the content of the album:

  • with short stories about the family;
  • photo reports about the baby’s household duties;
  • reports on educational excursions and walks.

In other variations, the finished portfolio for kindergarten includes sections with information:

  • from parents - information and achievements within the family;
  • from teachers - professional observations of educators;
  • from the child - stories about himself, creative works, awards.

Interesting versions that pay attention to the social aspects of the child’s development - the portfolio includes stories from classmates and teachers about the child, an assessment of his participation in social educational activities, the results of self-esteem testing, and a survey of parents. And of course, gratitude for success in studies and creativity, for positive actions, for attentiveness and kindness to others.

Making a preschooler's portfolio

A portfolio is created in the form of a folder, album, card index or electronic document. Its design should be attractive, first of all, to the youngest author. The pages should be designed so that a preschool child who has not yet learned to read can understand what they are talking about. Therefore, it is imperative to use bright, clear illustrations.

Download portfolio pages for kindergarten
Download archive.rar

The title page for a kindergarten portfolio forms the first impression of the child and his family. It is not recommended to overload this page with information - only personal information and his photo are indicated.

Portfolio templates for kindergarten

Download portfolio template for kindergarten teacher
Download archive.zip

Portfolio format:

  • electronic – the most interesting option for pupils of senior and preparatory groups;
  • coloring is an understandable form for the little ones, they themselves color the pages and glue the images;
  • printed portfolio – in the form of ready-made printed folders that are filled with personal content.

In any of the formats it is important right choice Portfolio themes for kindergarten - art style. It should captivate the child. These could be fragments from Disney cartoons, the theme of favorite toys or animals, plots of popular electronic games or natural landscapes - what the child likes most.

Download a sample children's portfolio for kindergarten
Download archive.rar

Assessment and presentation of portfolio for kindergarten

The presentation of a personal portfolio can be timed to coincide with a child’s birthday or a holiday for kindergarten graduates. Children will be happy to demonstrate their own successes to their friends, teachers and parents.

Portfolio assessment in kindergarten is an optional procedure, since this is not provided for in the preschool education program. But many teachers believe that assessment should still be carried out in the concept of fulfilling the set goals and objectives, as part of the analysis of teaching activities. With the obligatory fulfillment of the condition - the results must be available exclusively to teachers.