Women's things 17 tips on how to excite a man. Women's things: how to excite a man. Exciting music for men

Women are cunning and ruthless creatures. Their play with the male imagination can reach unprecedented proportions. Also striking is the range of different tricks with which insidious representatives of the fair sex attract the attention of men. It is amazing that representatives of the strong half of humanity, despite the many thousands of history of the existence of people on this planet, continue to be led by feminine tricks and still lose their heads from legs covered in black stockings and inviting smiles. So, today we will tell you how to excite a man with your appearance. The article will be useful both to women studying the basics of seduction, and to men who are unsuccessfully trying to understand and unravel the mysterious female nature and its influence on the male worldview.

Some men are aroused by a woman's mind, others by female figure, others - from feminine behavior, but almost all - from an appetizing and intriguing appearance. This is precisely what is connected with a woman’s eternal desire to dress up beautifully. It is not for her beloved that she buys dozens of sets of expensive underwear; it is not for herself that she spends days and nights in gyms, chooses revealing outfits not for herself... but for him - the man she intends to seduce or keep.

Let's find out how to excite a man with his appearance using wardrobe items.

  1. Pierce the heart with a hairpin.
  2. Surprise with a revealing neckline.
  3. Stockings.
  4. Clothes made from translucent fabrics.
  5. Tight dresses and trousers.

Pierce the heart with a hairpin

There's nothing sexier than a woman wearing classic heels. The most exciting option is black or red stiletto pumps in combination with a dress in neutral tones.

The “phenomenon” of stilettos and their influence on men can be explained simply. A woman in heels visually stretches out, becomes slimmer, her legs visually lengthen, her beauty becomes mysterious or even fatal, which cannot but attract a man drawn to dangerous sexuality.

Surprise with a revealing neckline

If high-heeled shoes are a trick available to all women, then some representatives of the fair sex need to be careful with their cleavage. After all, the exciting effect on a man is not so much the neckline as the charms that appear behind it.
On the other hand, many men look intrigued even at a woman with modest breasts, because, as you know, any uncovered areas of a woman’s body instantly make a man want to look at them in detail.


Both tights and stockings excite a man equally, especially if he runs his hand along a woman’s leg covered with thin fabric. It is known that tactile sensations can produce no less stimulating effect than visual images or smells. Men often associate the delicate fabric of stockings or tights with female skin, but stockings are much higher on the list of women's tricks for awakening male sexuality than tights. This is due to the design differences between stockings and tights. So, with a woman in stockings, you can quickly move from caresses to more intimate intimacy. However, even if there is no hint of sex, you can accidentally arouse a stranger with your appearance while wearing stockings by lifting the hem of your dress or crossing your legs in a sitting position, thereby opening the hem of your stockings.

Clothes made from translucent fabrics

Some men actually find this trick damn exciting, but in our opinion, translucent clothing is appropriate for home wear with a man you know well. Attracting the attention of unfamiliar men in this way is at least vulgar. In addition, many fashion critics consider translucent clothing a sign of bad taste.

Of course, every woman has her own secrets that allow her to arouse passion and desire in her partner. However, in today’s article we will talk about how you can excite a man with the help of some tricks that will undoubtedly be effective and your lover will not be able to leave you without his attention, because often in order to make sex truly unforgettable, you must first have a partner. By the way, read about it.


According to a survey among males, a half-naked woman is perceived by them as more erotic than a completely naked woman. There is an explanation for this from a psychological point of view. A man gets more turned on if he has the opportunity to turn on his imagination and imagine those parts of the female body that are hidden under the elements of clothing. Of course, this does not mean that any clothing will do - it must certainly be sexy and cover only the most intimate and intimate parts of your body.

Underwear color

Perhaps some will be surprised now, but it has long been proven that the color of underwear has a direct impact on the subconscious of the stronger sex. An experienced lover who has long known the art of arousal knows very well that most men are turned on by red or black lace underwear. According to scientific research, the color red makes a woman more relaxed in the eyes of her partner, which is very exciting.

A good effect when arousing a man can be obtained from yellow underwear, and despite the fact that it is not considered stimulating, males perceive a woman in such underwear as thirsty for high-quality and long-lasting sex. Purple or pink underwear on a woman’s body is perceived by men as a sign of temperament and sensuality inherent in a woman.

It should also be said about those colors of underwear that, on the contrary, prevent a man from arousing. For example, according to the same studies, owners of blue lingerie are perceived by men as inactive and boring partners, sex with whom involves the work of only one side. Brown color Underwear is associated in the subconscious of the stronger sex with a sexually repressed woman. Underwear is usually perceived as neutral white, since it does not imply any individual inclination.

Admiring look

Perhaps there is no man who would not be excited by repeated assessments of him as the best lover, especially if at this moment a woman looks at his manhood for a long time and admiringly, thereby increasing his self-esteem.

Lack of underwear

If you want to provoke your lover into spontaneous and passionate sex, then make sure that he accidentally notices that you are not wearing underwear. Such news will have an extremely exciting effect on him. However, you must be prepared for the fact that sex will begin in the most unexpected place for you.

Romantic evening

Meet your loved one from work half naked, believe me, he will immediately forget about fatigue and all sorts of worries. Pounce on him as soon as he enters the apartment, kiss him passionately and slowly move into the bedroom, but do not immediately fall into bed and begin intimacy. Surprise your man, let him see not only an open bed in the bedroom, but also a candlelit dinner. After a light dinner with a glass of wine, an erotic massage would be a good idea, with the help of which you can excite your partner even more, and also allow him to relax.

Little pranks

You shouldn't be a prude all the time. Every man likes it when his beloved periodically resorts to various intimate pranks. For example, suddenly take his male organ through the pockets of his trousers, while being in a public place; of course, this must be done unnoticed.

Unexpected initiative

If you invite your partner to have sex in some unexpected place, he will certainly respond positively to this. If you want sex, then you shouldn’t wait for your lover to take the first steps for this, take the initiative into your own hands, wait for the right moment and immediately go on the attack, it’s unlikely that any man will be able to resist such persistence.


Ancient secrets will also help you get a man. To begin, take a joint bath with the addition of special aphrodisiac oils. After this, go to the bedroom, where you can first light special scented candles. Don’t forget about your own scent, men tend to depend on smells, and if you smell delicious, your partner will definitely not be able to resist and passionate sex is guaranteed.

Sexy outfit

Visit a sex shop, buy some sexy outfit and surprise your partner. To completely confuse a man and arouse great passion in him, dance him a striptease. Also, with the help of the same sexy costumes, you can arrange role-playing games, which will also not go unnoticed by men and will provide you with passionate sex.

Oral sex

And in conclusion, it should be said about one of the most effective ways the excitement of a man, which no representative of the stronger sex can resist, as you already understand, we are talking about a blowjob. However, use this effective advice It should only be done if you have already practiced such sex before, or voluntarily want to try it, in any case, you yourself should experience pleasure from it.

Any woman knows what a wonderful husband must be - not to drink, not to smoke and to give flowers. There are no problems with a wonderful partner either - we know well what he should be like. And what wonderful qualities should a woman who claims to be a “first-class mistress” have?

Supermodel looks? Fiery temperament? Masterly ability to do exercises from the Kama Sutra and know how to please a man? In fact, all this is not so important. Those. good looks and the Kama Sutra won't hurt, but that's not the point.

What should a woman be able to do?

Analyzing the countless opinions of experts and ladies' men about what a “first-class lover” should be, we will try to get closer and unravel this Huge mystery, a real lover has the skills to give a man pleasure.

The limit of a man's dreams is a gentle, beautiful, temperamental woman who will not invade his life and claim his freedom. And also look for him, collect information about how he spends his time, call just like that, demand flowers and gifts.

With all this, she must be temperamental, loving, affectionate, be able to excite him and know how to give him pleasure. So:

Erogenous zones Men

It’s hard to believe, but it’s a fact - most men don’t even realize that their body practically consists of excitable zones, because their thoughts are so focused on the genitals, so they don’t study the rest of the excitable parts of the body. You can correct this shortcoming, armed with our recommendations. And one day you will realize that your caresses are driving him crazy.

Erogenous zones of men located on the face

Any love foreplay begins with kisses - tender or passionate.

There are more nerve endings on the face than on all the limbs combined. Therefore, you need to influence them with massage. Imagine the pleasure the first time you had a facial massage. Also, some men are lucky enough to feel the touch of gentle female fingers on their faces; they describe their sensations as “indescribably magical.”

Erogenous zones of men located on the neck

The neck is very sensitive to kissing and stroking. Just don't touch it with your fingertips and nails.

Erogenous zones of men located on the chest

A woman knows how strong the sensuality of breasts is. How will a man react to breast caressing? “I’m certainly not Arnold Schwarzenegger, but still, when my wife’s hand explores my overgrown breasts, it’s an incredible feeling.”

Erogenous zones of men located on the arms and legs

Men also have their weak points. Thin skin on inside limbs, where your touch tickles, will instantly lift not only your mood.

Erogenous zones of men located on the stomach

The stomach, in principle, is not a particularly remarkable part of the body. Still, stroking from top to bottom will speed up arousal, while kissing the navel will give new thrills.

Erogenous zones of men located on the back and buttocks

If you run your “claws” or fingers along your back along the spine, the man will be very pleased. It’s even better if you work on the “cat’s spot” - the area located between the shoulder blades.

Erogenous zones of men located on the genitals

The scrotum and penis are the most important erogenous zones. Not strong, but persistent massage in this area can produce a very fast erection. Stroke the penis with the foreskin moving up and down - the most important and active method of arousal. You can tightly, but not tightly, clasp the penis with your palm, or you can knead it with your fingers. Some people really like it when a woman gently strokes the penis from bottom to top - from the scrotum to the head. And, of course, they are delighted with oral sex.

Rapid ejaculation in a man may be associated with violation of the following rules:

  1. The man must stimulate the woman's clitoris until orgasm is close, after which he inserts the penis into the vagina.
  2. By slowly introducing the penis, the man must excite the clitoris so that she does not have a break in the growth of ecstasy.
  3. A man must accustom himself to continue sexual intercourse after his orgasm.

In contact with

If you at least sometimes make online purchases (AliExpress, SportMaster, Bukvoed, Yulmart, etc.), then you should know about a great way to save money and even make money.

Men - unique creations, which on the one hand are considered the stronger sex, but on the other hand become defenseless puppies before the charms of a woman.

How to excite a man? 7 basic rules

Well, perhaps these secret remedies are enough, but as you understand, the main rule is to love men and be sexy with them. And your man will always want only you.

How to turn a man on to flirt

A woman doesn't always want to flirt intimate relationships, sometimes you just want “play around” with a man, flirt, make him fall in love with you. Basically, girls have this desire when a relationship is just developing, and in order to keep a man “on a short leash”, it’s worth using some tricks.

As you know, excitement can be not only for sexual relations. Exciting a man with her beauty, a girl will most likely become his ideal of beauty. And if you can attract a man in this regard, believe me, you have already achieved 50% of success.

It is known that a man loves with his eyes. And no conversation, no touch will excite him as much as “ Nice picture"in the form of you.

What to do and how to behave in order to “wow” a man in just a few minutes? There are several secrets that work on almost all men:

  • Cloth. Above, we already talked about the fact that men do not consider openly dressed girls as a worthy life partner, so pay great attention to your appearance. If you prefer miniskirts, make sure they are not too revealing if you are planning serious relationship. Remember, men are even more turned on by beautiful, “alluring” clothes on you than by a naked body or protruding thong. Men get more excited when they “undress you with their eyes.”

Thus, if your goal is to “make a man fall in love” with you, then you should excite him carefully, so that he does not understand that you are seducing him.

One of the signs of falling in love is excitement in your partner’s eyes. But for a number of reasons, it happens that this sign begins to fade or disappear completely. How to fix the situation in this case? Today we propose to consider the topic: arousing your boyfriend, various techniques and advice from sexologists on this issue.

What can excite a representative of the stronger half of humanity? Firstly, they are visual by nature, which means that appearance plays an important role, especially if all this is accompanied by slow undressing and/or dancing. But it is important to understand the difference between outright vulgarity (pornography) and the art of arousal.

The second thing that attracts the attention of the stronger sex is the smell of a woman. This moment, of course, carries individual character, but knowing the preferences of your partner, this is a completely feasible condition (allows you to have a young and mature, married or single person, even without his knowledge).

And for a snack - praises in his honor. He is a conqueror. He needs to realize that his companion admires his sexuality and sexual superiority in bed.

Here are three main pillars that will help regularly maintain the flame of love. But it is important to learn how to dose “portions” correctly.

How to excite a man quickly with words

Words also play an important role. Contrary to the established belief that only women “love with their ears,” guys are also not against verbal expression. There are three main secrets that work flawlessly:

1. A story about erotic dreams and fantasies. And it doesn’t matter whether the partners implement them or not. A fascinating description is enough, and preferably with appropriate intonation.

2. Memories of sexual moments together. They will help to visually excite the imagination, and then it’s a matter of technique and desire.

3. Desire of the partner. If a woman expresses her secret desires at least in words, perhaps even takes the situation into her own hands, this will not leave the guy (or an older companion) indifferent and the response will not be long in coming.

These methods can be used not only in a cozy home environment, but also in a public place (on the street, in a theater, in a restaurant, etc.) or in a car (helps to seduce even a lazy older partner, stimulates thoughts (fantasy) and body).

Ways to excite a man before sex with a massage

Erotic massage is an entire art, but it helps to make a guy really want his soul mate. It differs from the standard in the absence of clothing on both partners (partial or complete) and the impact on erogenous zones. Alternating temperatures (cold and hot) allows you to enhance receptor perception. Try using candle wax (can be replaced with a hairdryer) or pieces of ice during the process, but be careful not to harm your partner.

Another technique is caresses. Start with your hands (you need to touch gently, gradually increasing the pace), using your lips (kiss) and finally move on to oral caresses. Some guys like a light impact on the anus (proximity to the prostate helps here, impact on which in moderate doses also leads to arousal and will prolong the pleasure).

How to excite a man with your gaze

A languid, inviting look with inviting gestures melted more than one man’s heart. Try it too, it will definitely bear fruit. But don't forget that the eyes are involved in this matter. And this means that they need to be highlighted. About a ton cosmetics there is no question. Eyelashes are important here, preferably long and fluffy. They add special charm and make the look mysterious and exciting. And such jewelry can excite your boyfriend not only with the help of an alluring look (after all, he is just the beginning), but also by influencing the man’s skin, and the more erogenous the area of ​​influence, the better: ears, chest, stomach and, of course, penis. There is an erotic technique called “butterfly”, its essence is touching the body with eyelashes and blinking. Try it! You will not regret!

How to excite a man in bed

The technique of arousal is an art that must be mastered if you want to maintain attraction for a long time. Remember the popular truth, which says that you cannot keep a man with borscht. The main thing is that he feels satisfied. And in this version, even his difficult character will not push him away for long. Although you should not discount the impact of food: celery, oysters, liver, bananas, caviar, plantains, chocolate and figs. Include these products in your menu and the result will definitely please you.

Ways to excite a man in bed with touching

Tactile influence on your boyfriend’s body, which can turn a man on in a few minutes, has several main forms:

body parts (breasts/nipples, eyelashes, thighs, labia, etc.);
third-party objects (silk scarf, feathers, etc.);
food (soft juicy fruits, whipped cream, etc.).

And here it is important to influence erogenous areas:

Spine (the most erogenous place of the back from the middle to the tailbone to the hollow between the buttocks);
belly and further down the list.

Advice from a sexologist - do not switch too quickly from one zone to another (act in stages), this can cause your partner to feel unsatisfied (not fully satisfied).

How to arouse a man to the maximum with a kiss in bed

The most obvious way to excite your boyfriend is a blowjob. But it’s better to approach it gradually, starting to shower passionate kisses from the neck, slowly and gradually descending downstream. Kisses do not have to be very gentle; alternate them with light biting or sucking. This will have the desired effect.

How to arouse a sleeping man with your hands

If a man is tired and falls asleep, but his partner’s desire remains unsatisfied, you can gently wake him up. The easiest way, even for a sleeping man, was and remains a blowjob (a universal method to increase libido to the limit even if there are problems with erection), but what to do if a man sleeps on his stomach? Stroke his buttocks by touching them gently, you can even squeeze and unclench them slightly ( helpful advice, allows you to deliver maximum pleasure for a younger or older or even older partner).

You can also influence the area where the hips and spine connect (there are nerves here, which facilitates the process of arousal), and you can gently influence the anus. Include kissing in the process, and the man will not be able to continue his serene rest (he will want you even in his sleep) and will definitely “connect” to the process even if he has weak potency (for example, in a 50-year-old man, if problems with potency have gone far or it is absent completely, it is better to contact a specialist and get advice (you need to follow his recommendations in order to prolong the joy of intimacy in the relationship)). Don't forget to kiss him gently during the process.

Ways to excite a man from a distance

As surprising as it may seem, there are also plenty of ways to excite your boyfriend from a distance, no matter how old he is. Especially considering modern capabilities and technologies: phone conversation, Skype, SMS messages, etc., etc. And, if everything is clear with Skype (virtual online sex), then we suggest dwelling in more detail on telephone options that are not supported by visual communication.

How to excite a man via SMS so that he is very excited

Here it is important to “put pressure” on the most intimate. Tell your boyfriend by text message about the passion burning in your body, sexual desire. The text in the letter can be written in any form: poetry, prose. If you don't have inspiration to create your own masterpieces, you can use books (quotes from women's novels, for example), statuses or quotes, etc. Here is one of the poetic examples for correspondence: “I want to surrender myself with all passion, I’ve already put on my underwear. I am waiting. You play with me in the night and dominate me, I’m going to bed as a slave.” These methods work flawlessly regardless. what zodiac sign the partner belongs to: Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Taurus, Capricorn, Leo, etc.

How to properly excite a man over the phone

In this option, not only mentions of your sexual desire, but also a languid voice will be useful (it allows you to quietly arouse even an elderly person and increase interest). You can play the game “phone sex” (use a kind of role-playing game in the context of a guy - a girl, for example) or send your chosen one several photos of erotic content with your participation. In a word, use your imagination and you will definitely succeed (this method can even bring you to orgasm)! In such a situation, the man will be in a hurry to get home after work and from meeting with friends.