An effective method of losing weight is the atomic diet. Atomic diet Atomic diet menu for 7 days

The Atomic Diet was developed in Switzerland. It is difficult to say for sure about the origin of such an interesting name. Perhaps it is associated with the rapid loss of extra pounds.

The main advantage of this diet is that it allows you to significantly reduce your weight without setting strict restrictions. The main principle on which the entire process of losing weight depends is the alternation of days rich in carbohydrates and proteins. Diet changes should occur every 24 hours.

In “”, only protein foods should enter the body. Due to a lack of carbohydrates (energy), it begins to burn fat layers. This means that the process of food processing occurs due to the burning of fats. When carbohydrate days come, the diet changes and you can only eat vegetables and fruits. Due to a lack of carbohydrates, the body is forced to burn fat layers again in order to obtain the necessary substances and energy.

In order for the atomic diet to give significant results, you must follow some rules:

  1. First of all, you need to eliminate sugar from your diet. This applies not only to sweets, flour and baked goods, but also to adding sugar to drinks (tea, coffee).
  2. Stop eating potatoes.
  3. Eliminate bananas and grapes from your diet.
  4. Stop drinking alcohol completely.
  5. Eat food at least 4 times a day. Portions should be such that a person feels full, but not overeated.
  6. The amount of liquid you drink per day is at least 2 liters. This only applies clean water or mineral water.
  7. You cannot force the body to starve. You need to start eating when you feel hungry.

Advantages and disadvantages

The technique proposed by Swiss nutritionists has many serious advantages:

  1. Thanks to this, there is no need to consume additional microelements and vitamin complexes.
  2. Impressive results in a short period of time.
  3. The atomic diet has no restrictions on its use. It can be followed throughout your life.
  4. This technique has no strict limitations. Products from the prohibited list can be consumed twice a month.
  5. If you need a break (illness, business trip, vacation abroad), you can pause the diet and return to it later. There won't be much weight gain.
  6. Thanks to the large amount of fiber consumed, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is restored and possible stool disorders are prevented.
  7. Having protein and carbohydrate days is an excellent basis for sports. The body receives the energy necessary for training and building material for the formation of muscle fibers.

But even this one effective diet with many advantages, there are some disadvantages:

  1. A large amount of protein entering the body can negatively affect the functioning of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.
  2. The body can become stressed due to a lack of carbohydrates. Because of this, it will actively build up fat layers rather than burn them.
  3. If you increase the amount of carbohydrates, they will be stored in fats.


To achieve desired result, you need to know the atomic diet with an approximate menu for the week:

Day of the week Eating Approximate menu
Monday 1 Boiled chicken breast 200 grams, green tea
2 Grain cottage cheese – 100 grams (low-fat), a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice
3 White fish baked with vegetables
4 Two egg omelette, half a grapefruit
5 Beef tenderloin, carrot salad, herbal tea
Tuesday 1 Fruit casserole, green tea
2 Glass of yogurt, apple or pear
3 Steamed pork cutlets, salad of two cucumbers, tomatoes, fresh herbs, Chinese cabbage
4 3 slices of hard cheese, a handful of dried fruits, green tea
5 Boiled pike, salad with carrots, cabbage, onions, green peas
Wednesday 1 Seafood salad, slice of cheese
2 Milk, two toasts, soft-boiled egg
3 Stewed beef, two tomatoes, fresh carrot juice
4 Yogurt, a handful of berries, a slice of cheese
5 Chicken breast, fresh herbs
Thursday 1 Omelet with eggs and tomatoes, tea
2 Two toasts, nectarine, banana, glass of apple juice
3 Baked beef, broccoli with green peas and onions
4 Fruit salad, two slices of cheese
5 Steamed white fish, lettuce, cucumbers, tomato
Friday 1 Grain cottage cheese, a glass of fermented baked milk
2 Glass of milk with toast and cheese
3 Chicken breast stewed with carrots and cabbage, tea
4 A glass of kefir, toast with ham, boiled egg
5 Stuffed peppers (minced beef), seaweed
Saturday 1 Omelet with vegetable salad, coffee
2 A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, two apples
3 Boiled beef, salad of beets, cabbage, onions and green peas
4 Cucumber and tomato salad, toast, rosehip infusion
5 Baked carp, lettuce, broccoli
6 A glass of kefir
Sunday 1 Cottage cheese casserole, ham sandwich, tea
2 Yogurt with sandwich (cheese, toast, ham)
3 Stewed turkey, seaweed
4 Handful of walnuts
5 Seafood with fresh vegetable salad
6 A glass of milk

This is an approximate menu of the atomic diet for every day. The ingredients can be changed. The most important thing is not to exceed 2000 kilocalories per day.

You can prepare dishes using any heat treatment method. There are no restrictions on frying or oven cooking for this technique.

Eligible Products

In any diet, there are certain foods that are recommended to be consumed and those that you should limit yourself from.

  • any dairy products with less fat content;
  • meat and fish (preferably dietary);
  • eggs;
  • seafood;
  • vegetables and fruits.


  • pasta;
  • buns;
  • bakery;
  • cakes;
  • candies;
  • potato;
  • bananas;
  • grape;
  • sausages;
  • semi-finished products;
  • canned food;
  • mayonnaise.

Atomic diet - recipes

For such a rich diet, there are several universal dishes that are suitable for both protein and carbohydrate days

Vegetable and chicken salad

To prepare you will need 150 grams of boiled chicken breast, 1 sweet bell pepper, zucchini, two tomatoes, olive oil, salt.


  1. First you need to chop and bake the vegetables on the grill or lightly fry in a pan.
  2. Cut the chicken into small pieces and fry along with vegetables
  3. Place the resulting mixture in a deep plate and let cool.
  4. Add olive oil. Add salt.

Vegetable casserole

For this dish you will need one eggplant, carrots, half an onion, cauliflower, juice from one lemon, parsley, basil, dill, three eggs.


  1. Cut the carrots, eggplant, onions and cauliflower into small pieces. Marinate everything in lemon juice for 3 hours.
  2. Chop the greens as finely as possible.
  3. Beat three eggs, add herbs to them.
  4. Place vegetables in a baking dish.
  5. Fill them with beaten eggs. Bake for 20 minutes at low temperature.

Contraindications and side effects

The atomic diet is contraindicated for people with the following problems:

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. The presence of malignant tumors.
  3. Dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.
  4. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Excess protein in the body can aggravate kidney and liver problems.

And all this despite the fact that you will not be irritable and prone to depression due to the constant feeling of hunger, as is usually the case with most diets. On the contrary, you will be constantly full and in a great mood, because your reflection in the mirror will delight you more and more every day.

Atomic diet: principle of operation

The atomic diet for weight loss is based on alternating the consumption of protein and carbohydrate foods. This nutrition program is somewhat reminiscent of the well-known Dukan diet, which is also based on alternating protein and carbohydrate days every two days.

The atomic diet, the results of which far exceed the effectiveness of the BEACH program, involves alternating protein-carbohydrate days every 24 hours.

On protein days, you need to eat only protein foods, which, as everyone knows, take a very long time to digest, which is why the body begins to “get” glycogen reserves from the liver. However, these reserves alone are not enough for him, so he begins to waste the energy that he takes from fat cells. As a result, you eat, and your body spends your fat deposits on processing food.

On carbohydrate days, when your diet consists only of vegetables and fruits, the body slightly replenishes the glycogen wasted on protein days. However, even these days the process of weight loss occurs, since the body needs energy for normal functioning, and the calories received along with fruits and vegetables are not enough for it, so it is again forced to spend energy obtained from the reserves of fat cells.

Diet rules and reviews of those who have lost weight

The result that you can achieve thanks to this nutrition program directly depends on the amount of extra pounds. If they are less than 8 kg, then you will be able to lose them in just 1.5 - 2 weeks. If excess weight much more, then, naturally, the time spent on the diet should be longer. Naturally, if you do not follow all the rules of the atomic diet, then the results will be significantly lower or will not exist at all.

The rules of this diet are:

  • completely eliminate sugar and all products that contain it, flour products, and potatoes from the diet;
  • eat bananas and grapes more than 100 g;
  • completely eliminate alcohol from the diet;
  • drink plenty of liquid, up to 2 liters per day. It promotes the removal of oxidation products from fat cells;
  • the number of meals should not be less than 3 times;
  • The last meal should occur a maximum of 3 hours before bedtime.

So, the atomic diet is based on alternating protein-carbohydrate days, so it is necessary to draw up a daily menu based on this rule.

On carbohydrate days, you should eat only vegetables and fruits, that is, prepare salads, vegetable soups or casseroles from them. And on protein days you should eat meat, fish, eggs, dairy and fermented milk products. However, their combination may be different.

The good thing about the atomic diet is that it will gradually wean you off sugar and other harmful substances, which will have a beneficial effect on both your health and appearance.

A sample atomic diet menu looks something like this.

  • for breakfast you can eat a few boiled eggs or steamed omelet, a little cottage cheese or natural yogurt, and also drink one glass of milk;
  • for lunch as a mandatory requirement, you need to eat either meat or fish, and you can steam them or bake them in foil in the oven, you can also eat a couple of slices of hard cheese and drink one mug of tea with milk;
  • for dinner you can eat any milk product- it can be cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt or cheese. They can be combined with each other in different quantities. The main thing is that after eating you do not feel hungry.

Carbohydrate day

  • for breakfast you can eat fruit salad;
  • for lunch you can make yourself lean or green borscht without potatoes and drink a glass of freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice without sugar;
  • for dinner you can eat zucchini casserole or coleslaw.

This is what your diet should be like. In this case, there may be more meals, but then the portion sizes need to be slightly reduced.

This is how you can lose weight without starving at all. We wish you good luck in your endeavors!

Rules for following the atomic diet

The “physical” diet is similar to the Dukan and Swiss weight loss systems. Carbohydrate and protein days follow each other, this affects metabolism. As a result, unwanted kilograms are lost very quickly. Thanks to the diet, you can lose at least three kilograms of excess weight in a week. The reason for such success lies in the fact that during the days of protein food, the body begins to lose the glycogen present in it, in order to have energy, it has to use previously stored fat.

It is important that the calories you get from protein foods do not exceed those you lose through dieting. You need to get about 1500 kcal per day, provided that you do not ignore physical activity. Carbohydrate day of the diet: glycogen accumulates in the body again, but this has no effect on gaining extra pounds, since internal fat continues to be used. The number of calories must be carefully controlled to avoid weight gain. The need for carbohydrate days during a diet is also significant because protein foods alone are fraught with constipation.

This diet is suitable for people who want to quickly lose weight. However, this method of losing weight has contraindications. The diet should be avoided by those who have diseases of the heart and vascular system, gastrointestinal tract or urinary problems. For them, the food offered may be too heavy. Before going on a diet, it is better to consult a nutritionist. Remember that such nutrition is limited in time, so as not to cause harm to the body, but to normalize weight.

Sample menu for a month

Protein day menu

  • Breakfast: two eggs, coffee with milk, a little cheese. It can be replaced with cottage cheese or sausage.
  • Lunch: baked or fried meat, chicken breast or some fish.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese, fish or cheese. As a drink, kefir would be the best choice.

Vegetable day menu:

  • Breakfast: Sautéed eggplant or salad with olive oil.
  • Lunch: borscht or cabbage soup (without meat and potatoes). The same restrictions apply to salad or lecho. Potatoes can be replaced with beans.
  • Dinner: vinaigrette, lecho, sauté.

List of weight loss products

Authorized Products


On a protein day, diet: soft cheeses, fish, meat and dairy products with minimal fat content (cottage cheese).

All flour products: bread, confectionery, sweet buns.

Eggs, low-fat sausage and frankfurters, butter are acceptable

Pasta, sugar.

On a carbohydrate day: fruits, vegetables.

Beans and grains (ignore the first week of the diet).

You can allow yourself porridge once a day.

Potatoes, bananas, grapes (due to the large amount of calories, they are contraindicated during the diet).

Sauces and breading should be avoided.

Recipes for the week

Chicken envelopes with cheese (on a protein day of the diet). Compound:

  • chicken fillet – 1 kg;
  • cheese – 300 g;
  • eggs – 2-3 pcs.;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • for frying - vegetable oil.


  1. Take chopped chicken fillet and cheese cut into small pieces.
  2. Wrap the cheese in the fillet and secure with a toothpick.
  3. Mix breadcrumbs with your preferred spices.
  4. Dip chicken fillet in beaten eggs and then in breadcrumbs.
  5. Fry the resulting envelopes in vegetable oil on both sides. Add water to the frying pan and simmer the envelopes until it evaporates.

Fruit and berry jelly (on a carbohydrate diet day). Compound:

  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • kiwi – 1;
  • fresh raspberries – 1/3 cup;
  • strawberries – 4 pcs.;
  • gelatin – 15 g;
  • apple juice – 1 tbsp.


  1. Divide the peeled fruit into slices and place in layers in a bowl.
  2. Make a solution of gelatin with water and place it on the stove. Make sure that the mixture does not boil; when it gets hot, add apple juice to it.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl of fruit and hide it in the refrigerator for the whole night to get a delicious fruit dish in the morning.

Reviews of those who have lost weight on a diet of alternating protein and vegetable days

Maria, 25 years old: The 7 kg per week diet, as I call it, has captivated me forever, it’s easy to use. There are no special restrictions, and the effect is amazing. I thought for a long time that I could eat on a protein day without harming my figure. I settled on fish and eggs. I'm abstaining from meat for now. I feel great. The scale on the scale has crept to a pleasant level, life is getting better, weight is normal!

Svetlana, 35 years old: The results of the atomic diet delighted me. I didn’t expect such a difference, my friends are surprised to see me before and after. I've been on it for a month now. The spasms in the intestines went away, gastritis stopped tormenting me, and digestion returned to normal. What else is needed for happiness, if not excellent health. I even wanted to go in for sports to maintain beauty and weight after the diet.

Albina, 40 years old: The protein and vegetable diet is correct, the body digests foods without wasting energy. Previously, I tried to adhere to the principle of separate nutrition, and I found this system for myself. I don’t strive to lose weight; I don’t have problems with weight. I follow a diet periodically for healthy image life, so that the body does not fly later, it must be treated with care.

Principles of the Atomic Diet

Compliance with the Swiss diet is based on alternating the consumption of carbohydrate and protein foods. This nutrition program is close in spirit to the Dukan diet, which also involves alternating intake of proteins and carbohydrates every one to two days. On the Swiss diet, food changes occur every 24 hours. On protein days, you consume only protein, which takes a long time to digest and forces the body to use up glycogen reserves from the liver. This energy is not always enough, so the body begins to waste fat reserves.

On carbohydrate days, the diet consists of vegetables and fruits, which allows the body to restore spent glycogen. Losing weight these days still continues, because the body spends energy on maintaining life support, and the calorie content of carbohydrates is not always enough. Once again we have to “get” fat reserves. The weight loss technique is based on accelerating metabolic processes. While following this diet, a person does not suffer from hunger or poor health.

Advantages and disadvantages

The biggest advantage of the atomic diet is the absence of contraindications. It is suitable for people with chronic diseases and severe pathologies. Before introducing such a diet, you should visit a doctor to eliminate the risk of possible negative reactions. The only drawback of the diet is that it is not suitable for vegetarians, because it involves the intake of meat, fish, eggs, and milk. Main advantages:

  • suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers;

  • balanced diet, no need to take vitamins;
  • effectiveness - the result after losing weight lasts for a long time;
  • There is no deadline for following the diet - you can “sit” on it all your life;
  • V holidays concessions are allowed in the form of consuming a limited amount of prohibited foods;
  • is safe for health;
  • during compliance, you can take short breaks (vacation, visiting guests);
  • due to optimal consumption of fiber, the digestion process is normalized, there are no problems with bowel movements;
  • If you do additional sports, the effect will be even better.

To get the maximum effect from following the atomic diet, you need to follow a number of rules. These include recommendations:

  • completely eliminate sugar and sugar-based products from your diet;
  • the last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime;
  • while losing weight, you can take permitted foods regardless of the time of day;
  • stop fasting, otherwise the effect will be the opposite;
  • avoid overeating, take small portions;
  • do not sometimes deny yourself prohibited foods, for example, you can combine eating kebabs without vegetables, but with a glass of dry wine or other alcohol;
  • during carbohydrate days, vegetables, fruits, lean soups, lecho, stews, salads, bananas are allowed;
  • Maintain fluid balance (2 liters per day) and healthy sleep.

The atomic diet has its own list of prohibited and permitted foods. While following it, you can use:

Pasta, baked goods, sugar, confectionery and bakery products, and flour products are prohibited during weight loss. They should not be eaten only in the first week of following the diet. Then they can be gradually added to the main menu, but not overused. When the desired effect is achieved, you can introduce buckwheat into your diet, cereals(not instant), durum wheat pasta.

Atomic diet menu for a week

To make it easier to follow the diet, a sample meal plan has been developed. The atomic diet menu for the week is presented in the table:

Day of the week


Glass of milk, veal sausage

Egg, natural yogurt

150-200 g baked chicken

Glass of fermented baked milk

200 g baked lean fish

Vegetable salad with linseed oil or lemon juice

Stewed vegetables, lean soup

Cucumber without salt

Vinaigrette without potatoes (with beans), sautéed eggplant, sweet pepper lecho

100 g cottage cheese, hard-boiled egg

A glass of milk

Beef stew

Glass of yogurt

Hard-boiled egg, seafood

Buckwheat, unsweetened tea, vegetable salad

Dark chocolate slice

Vegetable stew, lean thick soup

A glass of juice

Grilled vegetables without oil

Two eggs, coffee with milk, 100 g of cheese (cottage cheese, sausage)

A glass of milk

Roasted lean meat

A piece of cheese

100 g cottage cheese, 100 g fish

Sautéed eggplant

Shchi without potatoes and meat, lecho

Tomato juice without salt

Zucchini casserole


Steamed omelette, a little cottage cheese, yogurt

Steamed fish, 2 slices of cheese, tea with milk

100 g cottage cheese

Recipes for the Atomic Diet

By following a diet, you can treat yourself to delicious gourmet dishes. Several recipes for each day of the diet:

  1. Cheese and chicken envelopes. Beat one fillet weighing 200 g, add 100 g of grated cheese on top, roll it into an envelope. Seal the edges with a toothpick, dip in beaten egg, and roll in bran. Fry the envelopes on both sides in hot oil, pour in half a glass of water. Simmer with the lid closed for several minutes.
  2. Curd omelette. Mix two eggs, 60 g of cottage cheese, a quarter glass of milk. Salt, pepper, whisk. Heat a frying pan without oil, pour in the mixture, cover with a lid. Fry for five minutes.
  1. Cheese and chicken casserole. Cut 100 g of cheese into cubes, boil a 300 g chicken breast and separate it into fibers. Mix all the ingredients, pour in the egg, add seasonings to taste, add a tablespoon of sour cream. Bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.
  2. Zucchini casserole. Grate 200 g of zucchini on a coarse grater, squeeze out excess liquid. Mix with fried onion cubes, a clove of garlic and a bunch of herbs, two tablespoons of sour cream. Salt the resulting mass and place it on a sheet of parchment greased with oil. Bake for half an hour at 180 degrees.
  3. Lenten borscht. Bake one beet weighing approximately 150 g at 180 degrees for an hour, cool, grate, sprinkle lemon juice. Fry the onion, grated carrots in a drop of oil, after three minutes add a tablespoon of tomato paste, simmer for five minutes. Bring three liters of water to a boil, add chopped cabbage, roasted beets, and a can of white beans in their own juice. Cook for 10 minutes, leave for 15 minutes. Season with garlic and dill before serving.



Angelina, 23 years old

I try to keep myself in shape, so I often look for new-fangled diets. The last one I tried was atomic, which I stuck to for a whole month. The result was pleasantly surprising - I lost 10 kg, lost 5 cm in my waist, and 10 in my hips. I am very happy with this effect, and I recommend everyone to try this principle of losing weight.

Natalya, 29 years old

While searching on the Internet for a way to lose weight, I came across the request “atomic diet menu for a month.” I was interested in this method, and I clicked on the link. The diet seemed simple to me, and the diet itself was not starvation. I stayed on it for a week and lost 3 kg. I decided to check how the body would behave further; after a month, the weight loss results doubled.

Marina, 31 years old

The atomic diet menu was suggested to me by a friend whom I had not seen for a whole month, and when I saw it, I did not recognize it. She lost so much weight thanks to simply alternating protein and carbohydrate days. I was impressed by the effect and tried it right away. I liked following the diet - I wasn’t hungry, my head didn’t hurt. After two weeks I lost 4 kg.

Ekaterina, 42 years old

At my age it is no longer common to lose weight, but I maintain my figure with everything accessible ways. I was interested in the Swiss diet because it was very similar to the Dukan diet, which had already helped me once. This one turned out to be no worse - I lasted a month on it, but it could have been longer. The weight loss result was 6 kg. I consider this a success.

Diet principle

Dietary nutrition within the framework of the atomic diet is based on separate meals: protein days alternate with carbohydrate days. The diet got its name due to the fact that it is capable of bringing all metabolic processes in the body to the speed of an atomic reaction.

Food is essential energy, without which the body cannot function normally. If the body does not receive sufficient amounts of food, all systems begin to work intermittently, and problems with health and psycho-emotional state appear.

The body must receive a certain amount of calories, which will be spent on energy. All unspent calories are deposited in the body and gradually turn into fat folds and cellulite.

The main source of energy for the body is carbohydrates. In this case, proteins act as “building materials” - they participate in the process of formation of muscle mass.

Only proper and balanced nutrition, with an optimal supply of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, allows the body to burn excess fat reserves and stay in good shape.

The diet operates according to the following principle:

  1. On protein days, the body experiences a lack of energy, which is restored by glycogen and then by adipose tissue;
  2. On carbohydrate days, the glycogen supply is replenished, but the energy received is not enough to form fat deposits;
  3. These processes together ensure the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body and the breakdown of fat deposits. The atomic diet helps not only to quickly lose weight, but also to maintain the results for a long time.

The total number of kilograms lost will depend on the initial body weight. The more fat in the body, the faster it will go away. When body fat reaches normal levels, weight loss slows down.

Advantages and disadvantages of the technique

The weight loss method from Swiss nutritionists has numerous advantages; it is universal and suitable for almost everyone who plans to lose excess weight.

The atomic diet can be followed even by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

If you have been diagnosed with a serious illness, it is advisable to consult with your doctor before losing weight.

Among the benefits of the atomic diet are:

  • The diet is as balanced as possible; there is no need to take additional vitamin complexes;
  • The results last for a long time;
  • There are no time limits - you can follow the diet until you achieve the desired result;
  • There are no special restrictions on permitted products - even prohibited products are allowed in small quantities on holidays;
  • You can take a break without fear of returning to your previous weight;
  • You can play sports.

The atomic diet works on a similar principle to the famous Dukan diet. However, the alternation of protein and carbohydrate foods occurs with an interval of 24 hours. This diet allows you to avoid all negative consequences pure protein diet:

  1. A large amount of proteins has Negative influence on the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. The body, being in a stressful state, begins to urgently store fat reserves.

As a result of the atomic diet, you can lose up to 7 kilograms per week . In general, in a month of following such a diet, you can get rid of 20 kilograms of excess weight.

Principles of nutrition within the framework of the atomic diet

The atomic diet allows you to speed up the processes of metabolism and fat breakdown in the body.

The principle of dietary nutrition

You can achieve the desired result with the atomic diet only by strictly observing a 24-hour interval between protein and carbohydrate days. In addition, it is important to follow the following rules:

  • Avoid eating 3 hours before bedtime;
  • Completely remove sugar, potatoes, and baked goods from your daily diet;
  • Try not to go hungry or overeat;
  • You should eat according to the fractional principle - in small portions until a slight feeling of fullness appears.

All foods allowed within the diet can be consumed in unlimited quantities. At the same time, in order to achieve quick results, the number of calories per day should not exceed 1200 kcal.

What products are prohibited and allowed

The list of permitted and prohibited foods varies depending on the day (protein or carbohydrate). So, as part of a protein diet, the following must be consumed in food:

  1. Any low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  2. Lean meat and fish;
  3. Seafood;
  4. Eggs.

The carbohydrate menu includes only vegetables and fruits (except bananas, potatoes, grapes). You can eat fruits and vegetables raw or boiled.

Throughout the diet, you can drink herbal infusions, coffee and teas without added sugar without restrictions. You need to drink at least two liters of regular water per day.

All other foods are strictly prohibited during the first week of the diet. As soon as the first results of weight loss begin to appear, you can gradually introduce foods such as buckwheat, oatmeal, and durum wheat pasta into your diet. As part of the diet, there are “holidays” on which the consumption of prohibited foods is allowed in strictly limited quantities.

Sample menu

Despite the fact that the list of permitted foods within the atomic diet is quite limited, the menu can be quite varied.

For protein days

In the proposed menu, you can not only change places of dishes, but also replace some products with others from the list of permitted ones.

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Breakfast Coffee with milk, egg omelet, a piece of low-fat hard cheese Pancakes based on cottage cheese and eggs, tea without sugar Scrambled eggs, tea with milk without sugar
Lunch Boiled egg and fermented baked milk Milk Hard cheese and coffee
Dinner Chicken breast baked without oil Veal chops, low-fat yogurt; Roast beef, fermented baked milk
Afternoon snack Low-fat cottage cheese and milk Seafood, herbal or green tea Baked fish
Dinner Boiled lean fish Boiled egg, a small piece of hard cheese, kefir. Boiled chicken breast, kefir

Pros and cons of the atomic diet:

Positive aspects of the atomic diet:

  • no contraindications due to age or health status
  • no harm to the body
  • The atomic diet is not limited by time
  • breaks are allowed
  • the body receives the necessary vitamins and nutrients
  • thanks to proper nutrition, there is a gradual improvement of the body

As for the negative aspects, the only negative is losing weight intermittently. Most people who lose weight lose up to 5 kg in the first week, then nothing may happen, but in the future the weight loss will continue again.

How to create a food menu?

In order to achieve successful results with this diet, you should replace a day of protein food with a day of carbohydrate food. Protein foods include fish, meat and all dairy products. The human body needs to expend a sufficient amount of energy to digest these foods, often using fat reserves for this. When the daily diet consists only of fruits and vegetables, that is, only of carbohydrates, the body does not receive enough calories and begins to waste a large number of energy from fat cells.

The main advantage of the atomic diet is that a person losing weight does not experience hunger. You can eat whenever and as much as you want. However, this diet also has its limitations:

  • The last meal should not be less than 3 hours before bedtime
  • It is strictly forbidden to eat flour, potatoes and sugar.

With such a diet, it is very important not to skip meals; if it is not possible to have a full breakfast or lunch, then they should be replaced with several snacks that will help fill you up. You shouldn't feel hungry, but you shouldn't overeat either. The ideal solution would be to eat several times a day, but in moderate portions.

The daily menu you should focus on looks like this.

Protein day:

  • Breakfast: eggs, no matter whether they are boiled or cooked in an omelet, cottage cheese or yogurt. Wash everything down with a glass of milk, cold or warm, it makes no difference.
  • Lunch: be sure to eat a meat or fish dish in any form, but it is better to give preference to dishes cooked in the oven or steamed. Lunch dessert will be a piece of cheese. Wash everything down with a glass of milk, or you can replace it with tea, where it is also better to add milk.
  • Dinner: This meal should be the lightest. Dinner should be dairy; there are no restrictions on dairy products - you can eat yogurt or drink kefir, or combine several dairy products. The main thing is not to feel hungry after dinner.

Carbohydrate day:

  • Breakfast: fruits that can be cut into a fruit salad or a light vegetable salad dressed with olive oil
  • Lunch: soup is allowed, but it must be lean and without potatoes. You need to drink freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables. Store-bought juices are absolutely not suitable; they contain too much sugar and often other undesirable substances.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad or vegetable casserole

At the beginning of a diet, those losing weight often encounter difficulties in creating a menu, since out of habit it is difficult to separate foods into protein and carbohydrate. Because of this, it is quite difficult for them to come up with new dishes and the food becomes monotonous, which is completely wrong.

In the atomic diet there are no big restrictions on food products, but you need to learn to accurately navigate what exactly belongs to protein foods and what to carbohydrates.

Products containing protein:

  • Dairy and fermented milk products with a low fat content.
  • Skinless poultry meat
  • Lean meat
  • Lean fish
  • Chicken and quail eggs
  • Fresh fruits, vegetables
  • Various salads, stews
  • Lenten soups

Prohibited for consumption during the diet:

  • Baked goods and all flour products
  • Sugar
  • Potato
  • Bananas
  • Grape

You can achieve greater effectiveness from your diet by combining it with exercise. If there is no desire or opportunity to devote time to sports activities, then you can limit yourself to walking for an hour or two, or forget about the elevator and only go up the stairs. Even after such minor actions, the result of using the atomic diet will improve as fat burning will occur evenly throughout the body. With this regimen, there is no need for intensive training on simulators or strength exercises; moreover, they are even contraindicated as they place a large load on the joints.

The results of losing weight using the atomic diet will not take long to arrive. In the first week of starting the diet, those losing weight lose up to 5 kg without any harm to the body. In some cases, the results are more impressive and can exceed 10 kg, or even more. Then there is a short break, usually for five days, after which weight loss continues.


Olga: I learned about this diet from a work colleague. She barely asked how she managed to lose 3 sizes in a month. At first I thought she was joking, just to stop asking questions. But I tried so many things and all to no avail, I thought what was stopping me from trying this one. I made up my mind and can’t believe my results! I lost 4 kg in a week, but I didn’t even follow the menu completely and mixed carbohydrates with proteins a couple of times.

Elvira: At first the atomic diet didn’t work for me. A week and a half passed, and I only lost 2 kg. It was all very depressing, especially after all positive feedback. I reread everything about this diet again and realized that nutrition alone is not enough, you also need to exercise. Signed up for Eastern dance and it went! In a week minus 5 kg. For the next one another minus two, and then minus 7. Excellent diet!

Anya: Amazing diet! There are simply no words, only emotions! We started losing weight with our friends and organized competitions to see who could lose the most weight. Everyone’s results are amazing, now we don’t know who to name as the winner.

Daria: I have always been more than plump. Not a single diet could cope with me, and if there was any result, then the previous weight returned again after a while. I hated my body, I hated going out somewhere, it seemed like everyone just looked at me judgmentally. I took on the atomic diet without much hope and lost 10 kg in the first week! The next time there were no special results, but I regularly continued to lose extra pounds and they didn’t come back! I recommend this diet to everyone, especially those as desperate as I was.

Marina: I’m very pleased with the results, the atomic diet is a real discovery for me. I wore size 54, and now I wear 48 and this is in just 1.5 months. I recommend this diet to everyone I know.

The topic of the article is the atomic diet. We will describe its basic principles, talk about its advantages and disadvantages, sample menu and weight loss results with photos.

Description of the diet

The atomic diet, or as it is often called the “Swiss” diet, is an effective weight loss method that was developed by experienced nutritionists in Switzerland.

While following it, you will not feel painful hunger or deterioration in health. Some of those who lose weight continue to adhere to this diet even after they finish this diet.

This weight loss technique acquired its name for its ability to accelerate metabolic processes. Her main principle- alternating the consumption of protein and carbohydrate foods with an interval of every other day.

During protein days human body First, it uses glycogen present in the liver for digestion. And later it begins to take energy from fat cells, resulting in a decrease in fat mass.

During carbohydrate days, when a person eats a lot of vegetables and fresh fruits, there is a slight replenishment of glycogen stores. Energy for normal functioning of everyone internal organs, the systems still do not receive enough, since at this time few calories enter the body, which leads to further fat burning.

The combination of these processes helps to eliminate the existing lipid layer, as well as speed up metabolism. This allows you to save slim figure and not gain excess weight for a long time.

Advantages and disadvantages

The “Swiss” diet has many advantages, the main one of which is the absence of contraindications. It can be followed by people with chronic diseases and severe pathologies, but only after visiting the attending physician, who will adjust the menu according to the personal needs and characteristics of the patient.

With a rational approach to compiling a list of products that a woman who is losing weight will consume, this diet can be followed during pregnancy and lactation.

The advantages also include:

  • a balanced diet, thanks to which there is no need to take additional vitamins;
  • effectiveness - the result after a limited diet lasts for a long time;
  • lack of a specific diet period - you can stay on it for a week, a month or even your whole life;
  • the possibility of consuming small amounts of prohibited foods on holidays;
  • the greatest safety of all invented and actively used diets;
  • the possibility of using short breaks during compliance - for example, you went on vacation or to visit, but after returning home, return to the observed diet;
  • no complications with health or stool - the amount of fiber consumed allows you to defecate without problems;
  • opportunity to play sports.

The diet has only one drawback - it is not suitable for vegetarians, as it involves the consumption of lean meat, fish and dairy products.

Permitted and prohibited products

During protein days you can eat the following foods:

  • fermented milk, dairy products containing a minimum amount of fat, natural yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt;
  • poultry meat, from which the skin and fat layer will first be removed;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • low-fat varieties of fish;
  • lean meat.

During carbohydrate days, allowed foods are:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits, except grapes, bananas, potatoes;
  • vegetable stew;
  • salads prepared from fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • low-fat soup or broth.

For drinks, give preference to black, herbal, green, ginger tea or unsweetened coffee. During protein days, drink milk, and on carbohydrate days, fruit and vegetable juices.

  • pasta;
  • baked goods;
  • granulated sugar;
  • confectionery and bakery products.

Prohibited foods should not be eaten only in the first week of losing weight. After this period, you can add some products from this list to the menu.

The moment you notice the effect of losing weight, begin to gradually introduce buckwheat, oatmeal, and durum wheat pasta into your diet.

To achieve the effect, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. Completely eliminate granulated sugar and products containing it from your diet.
  2. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  3. While losing weight, you can consume permitted foods in any quantity and at almost any time of the day.
  4. In the process of losing weight, avoid fasting, as in this case the effect will be the opposite.
  5. Try to avoid overeating and eat small portions.
  6. Don't deny yourself small joys. If you plan to go outdoors and eat barbecue, then give yourself a protein day by excluding vegetables from your diet. If you wish, drink a glass of dry wine, as it contains some carbohydrates, which will not affect your figure in any way.
  7. During carbohydrate days, eat vegetables, fruits, lean soup or borscht, lecho, stew, salads from vegetables and fruits.

Atomic diet - menu for 7 days

There are several options for the atomic diet menu for the week. You can stick to the diet that suits your taste preferences perfectly.

Protein menu - option one:

  • breakfast - 220 ml of milk 2.5% fat, one veal sausage;
  • snack - 1 egg, natural yogurt;
  • lunch - 0.15-0.2 kg of chicken meat baked in foil;
  • afternoon snack - natural yoghurt or fermented baked milk, these products should not contain granulated sugar;
  • dinner - 0.2 kg of lean fish.

Second option:

  • breakfast - 0.1 kg of cottage cheese, 1 hard-boiled egg;
  • second breakfast - 220 ml of milk;
  • lunch - beef and veal stew; if you wish, you can fry the meat, but only in olive oil;
  • afternoon snack - a glass of drinking yogurt;
  • dinner - seafood, 1 hard-boiled egg.

Sample menu for carbohydrate days, option one:

  1. Breakfast - vegetable salad with flaxseed or olive oil (it can be replaced with lemon juice). This food product must be consumed daily, alternating vegetables.
  2. Lunch - stewed vegetables, lean soup.
  3. Dinner - vinaigrette without potatoes (replace with beans), eggplant sauté, lecho.

Second option:

  1. Breakfast - porridge made from buckwheat, without milk, unsweetened tea, vegetable salad.
  2. Lunch - vegetable stew, lean thick soup.
  3. Dinner - grilled vegetables, cooked without vegetable oil.

If you have an unbearable desire to eat something sweet, then allow yourself a small amount of dark chocolate or marmalade.

During snacks, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, except grapes, bananas, and figs.

Atomic diet - menu for a month

When following the atomic diet for 30 days, you must adhere to the menu below.

During protein days, eat foods from this list:

  • breakfast - 2 eggs, coffee with milk, 100 g of cheese, if desired, it can be replaced with sausage, cottage cheese;
  • lunch - fried or baked lean meat, 100-150 gr. lean fish or chicken breast;
  • dinner - cheese, cottage cheese or fish, as well as kefir.

Carbohydrate days menu:

  • breakfast - sautéed eggplant or vegetable salad with olive oil;
  • lunch - cabbage soup or borscht, cooked without potatoes, meat, salad or lecho, you can replace the potatoes with beans;
  • dinner - sauté, lecho or vinaigrette.

Atomic diet - recipes

During your diet, you can treat yourself to wonderful dishes, the recipes for which are given below.

Cheese and chicken envelopes


  • egg - 1 piece;
  • chicken fillet - 0.2 kg;
  • cheese - 0.1 kg.


  1. Beat the fillet, add cheese to it, roll the meat into an envelope shape and secure with a toothpick.
  2. In a separate container, beat the egg, then dip the chicken fillet in it and roll in the fiber.
  3. Place the frying pan on the fire, pour in vegetable oil, fry the product on both sides, then pour in 20 ml of water, cover the frying pan with a lid.
  4. Simmer the meat for a few minutes.

Omelet with cottage cheese


  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • cottage cheese - 60 gr;
  • milk - 60 ml;
  • pepper, salt - to taste.


  1. Mix products, add seasonings.
  2. Heat the frying pan, pour the prepared mixture into it, cover with a lid.
  3. Fry until done.

Protein dish


  • cheese - 0.1 kg;
  • chicken breast - 0.3 kg;
  • egg - 1 piece.


  1. Cut the cheese into small cubes.
  2. Boil the breast, then disassemble it into fibers.
  3. Slice the egg.
  4. Mix the ingredients, salt and pepper, season with sour cream.

Atomic diet results

This weight loss technique allows you to achieve amazing results.

If followed correctly, you can lose 7-10 kg in 7 days.

Atomic diet - reviews and photos of people who have lost weight

Below are reviews of girls losing weight who have achieved a noticeable weight loss effect while following the atomic diet. You will also find out what doctors think about this weight loss method.

Yulia, 22 years old

This is not the first time I have been on the atomic diet. I first learned about it several years ago, when my friend boasted about how she was able to lose 7 kg in a week. At first I didn’t believe her, but when I saw how she fit into jeans that were too small for her, I was even a little jealous. A friend told me about a detailed diet menu. And after 2 days I began to adhere to the new diet. To be honest, dieting was easy for me. I replaced meat with fish, since I simply don’t eat it. My result is minus 9 kg per week. I recommend!

Albina, 32 years old

I am constantly looking for new diets that would be effective and at the same time the results would last a long time. Looking through women's magazine I accidentally came across an article about the “Swiss” diet. I tried it, the result exceeded all my expectations! I lost 5 kg already on day 5. And now I still adhere to this diet.

Elena, therapist

If you care about your health and are overweight, you can get rid of it with the help of the atomic diet. The main thing is to strictly follow the proposed nutrition plan and exercise.

Marina, 36 years old

Girls!!! Are you, like me, having difficulty losing weight? If you knew how many different weight loss techniques I have tried on myself! And nothing worked. Only the atomic diet helped me lose 10 kg in a week. To be honest, I couldn’t believe that it was so simple and delicious diet gives such amazing results!

Valentina, nutrition specialist

I recommend the atomic diet to all girls and women who want to lose 5-10 kg in short term, while maintaining the result for a long period of time. Following this weight loss technique is quite simple. Those losing weight can combine their menu, preparing delicious dishes from permitted products.


  1. The atomic diet involves alternating the consumption of protein and carbohydrate foods.
  2. If you have chronic diseases or serious illnesses, you can follow a diet, but only after consulting your doctor.
  3. You can follow the “Swiss” diet for a week, 30 days or your entire life.

Many people, in pursuit of a beautiful figure, have tried different types diets, from strict to gentle, from effective to stupid. All as one can say that, first of all, the diet should be satisfying, otherwise it is almost impossible to fail and not last the required period until the effect is achieved. The atomic diet, designed to naturally accelerate metabolism with the help of the right foods, became such an ideal and effective solution.

How it works, rules and advantages

The atomic diet may initially remind you of the Dukan nutrition complex or the Swiss diet, which also involve alternating protein days with carbohydrate days.

As we know, the body receives the energy it needs for life from carbohydrates. If you eat only proteins for 1 day, the body receives less energy, trying to burn its own reserves of fat mass and glycogen. Protein days alternating with carbohydrate days do not allow the body to adapt to a specific way of releasing energy, which forces it to work in increased activity mode - this is how the process of losing weight occurs.

The atomic diet is designed in such a way that you can eat at the first feeling of hunger, filling your stomach to the level you personally need. But you should never overeat while on a diet, and if you ate heavily at lunch, then dinner should be light. We also eat according to the principle of alternating a protein day with a carbohydrate day.

Important rules of the atomic diet:

  1. First of all, we do not organize late dinners or late-night gatherings. Last meal at least 3 hours before bedtime.
  2. A ban on starch, salt, sugar and alcohol, as well as products made from flour and animal fat.
  3. You should drink a large amount of plain mineral water without gas and salt per day, as well as green and ginger tea, and herbal infusions. These drinks have a positive effect on the speed of metabolism and digestion. 1 cup of cool water on an empty stomach is the key to high-quality and quickly digested food.
  4. The menu should consist mostly of healthy fresh or minimally thermally processed (cooking, steaming, stewing, grilling) products.
  5. Be sure to dedicate 2 carbohydrate days only to vegetables and fruits in any form. Prepare vegetable soups, caviar, sautes, stews, cut salads, bake casseroles, steam, wrap healthy rolls. You should especially lean on raw foods. As for restrictions, try not to eat starchy vegetables and sugary-sweet fruits, such as persimmons, bananas, melons, figs, grapes, dates. Days on fiber will help to thoroughly cleanse the body of toxins, radicals, breakdown products, salts and excess fluid.
  6. When cooking, it is allowed to use spices, but any food additives, oils, gravies, sauces, dressings, and semi-finished products are prohibited.
  7. Nutrition is based on 3 mandatory meals, but if possible, try to break portions into 5 small snacks, which should be eaten evenly throughout the day.
  8. We do not give up sports and other physical activities - a protein-carbohydrate menu ideally contributes to your training without losing results.

You can lose weight on the atomic diet for as long as you need - from 1 week to long and healthy years with a beautiful figure.

The main advantages and disadvantages of the atomic diet:

  • Approved by nutritionists and gastroenterologists as truly safe, healthy and effective;
  • You will not feel hungry - you can always make an additional snack from the allowed set of products for a specific day of the diet;
  • No calorie counting or nutrition by the hour, which is very convenient for active and working people;
  • Adequate nutrition for active life, which allows you not to give up your favorite sports or dance classes;
  • Sufficient supply of essential substances, trace elements, minerals and vitamins - the menu is balanced and healthy;
  • There are no restrictions on gender, age, average income or lifestyle;
  • Minimal contraindications, almost complete absence of disadvantages;
  • The ability to eat according to the atomic principle for the rest of your life;
  • The opportunity not to refuse events with festive table- concessions are available even on inappropriate days;
  • Carbohydrate days allow you to regularly cleanse the body, preventing gastrointestinal diseases and problems with stool and digestion

Menu for the atomic diet: what you can, what you can’t

First of all, you should identify which foods should dominate your diet. Protein days should primarily consist of dairy and fermented milk products with little or no fat content, poultry meat without fat and skin, other lean meat (beef, veal, rabbit, nutria, sometimes pork), lean offal, lean fish (mostly sea) and seafood in unlimited quantities. Carbohydrate or vegetable days must include non-starchy vegetables (potatoes and corn are prohibited), sour and semi-sweet fruits.

At the same time, it is prohibited to eat:

  • Any sweets, desserts, preserves and jams, sugar;
  • Flour and bakery products, including pasta;
  • Starchy vegetables, especially potatoes;
  • Sweet fruits;
  • Food additives, including salt and sugar;
  • Drinks (industrial cocoa, soda, alcohol, coffee sticks);
  • Dressings, gravies, sauces;
  • Marinades, preservation;
  • Smoked meats;
  • Convenience foods, industrial snacks and fast food;
  • Fatty food

When we have figured out what our menu will mainly be based on, we can move directly to its example.

Protein day. The menu consists of a wide selection of dairy products, meat and fish, and any offal.

Breakfast. A bowl of low-fat pressed cottage cheese, washed down with homemade yogurt. Other options: a couple of boiled eggs with a cup of kefir; a piece of chicken breast + coffee with milk without sugar (substitutes are possible).

Snack. Any milk or fermented milk drink or a bowl of cottage cheese will do just fine.

Dinner. We bake fish or poultry on the grill, you can fry a lean piece of beef.

Snack. And again fermented milk - fermented baked milk or yogurt.

Dinner. We can eat a boiled egg, cottage cheese with sour cream, a couple of slices of cheese. Instead of dairy products, you can make a squid salad or eat a piece of white steamed fish.

If you eat like this all your life, you may get tired of the standard protein set without imagination and gastronomic pleasure. But you can safely come up with various healthy dishes without limiting yourself to dry food sets. Here are some useful recipes:

  1. Chicken envelopes with cheese and herbs. We buy chicken fillet, beat it with a culinary mallet and wrap a piece of cheese product inside, as well as a teaspoon of finely chopped garden herbs. We secure such an envelope with several toothpicks and dip it in a batter of beaten egg and semolina. Fry the envelopes in a small amount of olive oil on both sides, then add water to the frying pan and simmer the dish under the lid for a couple of minutes.
  2. Quick cottage cheese omelette. We will prepare an omelet from 3-4 tablespoons of pressed non-acidic cottage cheese, driving 2 chicken eggs into it. Mix the mixture with ¼ cup of low-fat milk, add seasonings to taste and place the mixture in a heated frying pan greased with olive oil. Fry the omelette, covered, until done.
  3. Protein salad. Cut 70 g of cheese into small cubes. We also cut the boiled chicken fillet against the grain. Finely chop 1 chicken egg and mix with the rest of the ingredients. You can season it with low-fat kefir or better sour cream; you can add a little salt to the salad.

You can also prepare various jellied dishes, bake meat with tomatoes, other vegetables, cheese, and pineapple. Chicken julienne with mushrooms and cheese, various snacks (stuffed eggs, cheese sticks in batter) are excellent.

Carbohydrate day. Here, too, everything is simple and clear, but we try to use the maximum permitted ingredients in the diet. To achieve this, your salads and other dishes should not be repeated. One day prepare a light salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, another day of cabbage, beets, carrots and apples. On the third day, create a dish of cucumber, bell pepper, olives and radishes. You can season everything with lemon juice, olive or purified vegetable oil.

We make breakfast light, preparing the body for digestion. This can be absolutely any salad of fresh vegetables or fruits, which can be washed down with coffee without any additives.

Snack - 1 unsweetened fruit, preferably citrus, apples, pears.

Dinner. There is a hearty, rich soup made with vegetable broth. We try not to add potatoes to soups; pasta is also prohibited. Additionally, we eat a serving of vegetable salad.

Snack - a plate of berries, puree or mousse from them.

Dinner. Here, too, the imagination is not limited - a stew of blueberries and zucchini, a sauté of bell peppers and tomatoes, a vinaigrette without potatoes.

A carbohydrate day is also not limited to a strict set of salads and soups - show your imagination and use a few culinary tips:

  1. Fruit and berry jelly. Place tangerine or orange slices tightly on the bottom of a transparent glass or bowl, sliced ​​kiwi on top, and finish the fruit row with a layer of strawberries or raspberries. Pour natural apple or orange juice over the fruit without adding sugar. Prepare a gelatin solution and pour it into the juice. Place the jelly in the refrigerator for 1 night.
  2. Vegetable puree. Steam or bake vegetables - tomatoes (2 pcs.), bell pepper, ½ zucchini and eggplant. Let the vegetables cool, then trim off the skins and add them to the blender. Salt the mixture a little, add a clove of garlic, pepper and grind into a puree, which can be seasoned with olive oil or lemon juice.
  3. Blue rolls. Cut the blue ones into thin slices, which we lower into salted water for 15 minutes to kill all the bitterness. Then dry each plate, grease with olive oil, rub with crushed garlic and bake in the oven until golden. Prepare the filling - to do this, sauté 1 onion, 1 carrot and finely chopped garden herbs. Place the filling on the edge of the plates and roll them into rolls, securing with a toothpick.

How to get off the atomic diet

The atomic nutrition method cannot be considered a diet, but rather a correct and healthy diet that helps maintain a slim figure for many years. All the products in the atomic diet diet are useful, necessary, and we regularly use them in our menu, only thoughtlessly, combining proteins with carbohydrates. Therefore, you can stay on the atomic method as long as you can, allowing yourself indulgences on holidays or in nature.

If you keep the diet for life, then you don’t have to worry about stretch marks and sagging areas due to sudden weight loss. The weight will either rapidly go away or stay the same, which allows you to maintain a high metabolic rate.

If you decide for yourself that you cannot do without forbidden sweets, bakery products, alcohol, potatoes and food additives, then you can leave the diet at any convenient time without prior preparation and return to it whenever you want.

The only thing is, for the first week after the diet, limit your portions, eat frequent snacks, drink plenty of fluids and exercise. Other foods should be introduced into the diet gradually - brown rice for the first couple of days, then buckwheat, then oatmeal, pasta and other foods. Don’t rush to immediately dig into a barbecue with a glass of wine, snacking on wheat bread and jacket potatoes - this approach can throw off the result and fill the body with harmful toxins and cholesterol.

Disadvantages and contraindications

Since doctors have not found any disadvantages of this technique, on the contrary, they consider it safe and healthy, it can be safely recommended to completely different people with their own preferences and lifestyle characteristics.

As for contraindications, any diets can adversely affect the health of people with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, genitourinary, nervous system, digestive tract, and are also not recommended for ulcer sufferers, allergy sufferers and diabetics. A pregnant woman also needs a richer diet, but a nursing mother can easily eat according to the atomic principle.

March 11, 2018
  • Efficiency: 5 kg per week
  • Deadlines: from 1 week
  • Product cost: 2500 rubles per week

General rules

The Atomic Diet was developed in Switzerland. It’s difficult to say why the diet received this name, but excess weight is burned off very quickly, as if the weight loss process is actually carried out at a special atomic level. You can find articles where the Swiss diet for weight loss is compared based on the principle of action with, where protein and carbohydrate nutrition also alternate. The atomic diet brings together all the best to make the process of losing excess weight as effective and harmless to the body as possible.

The atomic diet is based on separate nutrition. A nourishing and rich diet does not allow you to feel hungry. It is necessary to alternate protein and carbohydrate days. The final result largely depends on the initial weight and the amount of extra pounds. The less excess weight you have, the faster you will get rid of it. If from normal weight You are separated by 5-6 extra kilos, then you will be able to achieve the desired result in a week. If there is more excess weight, then additional effort and time will be required.

Rules of the atomic diet

Changes in food types should be done every 24 hours. Proteins take a very long time to digest, so the body needs glycogen as a source of energy. To digest heavy protein foods, the body uses fat deposits as an energy source, which leads to weight loss. That is why this nutrition system is considered an improved method of correct and healthy eating.

Alternating days allows you to transform your metabolism in general. Protein-carbohydrate alternation prevents the accumulation and storage of fat. The weight loss process is launched by burning fat on a protein day and restoring glycogen naturally on a carbohydrate day, preventing calories from turning into body fat.


Simple and easy weight loss.

Authorized Products

IN carbohydrate days the diet should be rich in fruit salads, cabbage, and zucchini. It will be good if the menu includes cabbage of all varieties, zucchini, celery, pumpkin, eggplant, carrots and apples. Allowed for consumption: stew, borscht, sauté, lecho. You can drink green tea with the addition of ginger to speed up your metabolism.

On protein days, the diet should include cottage cheese and natural yogurt. Eggs can be consumed not only from chicken, but also from quail. It is recommended to make a simple steamed omelette or boil eggs. From meat products It is allowed to eat lean duck, turkey, beef or chicken. Fish may also be included in the diet.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

vegetables2,5 0,3 7,0 35
greenery2,6 0,4 5,2 36


fruits0,8 0,3 11,5 56


berries0,7 0,3 9,4 44


mushrooms3,5 2,0 2,5 30

Nuts and dried fruits

nuts15,0 40,0 20,0 500
candied fruit2,0 1,0 71,0 301
dried fruits2,3 0,6 68,2 286

Cereals and porridges

porridge3,3 1,2 22,1 102


milk3,2 3,6 4,8 64

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cheese24,1 29,5 0,3 363
cottage cheese17,2 5,0 1,8 121

Meat products

pork16,0 21,6 0,0 259
beef18,9 19,4 0,0 187
veal19,7 1,2 0,0 90
mutton15,6 16,3 0,0 209
horsemeat20,2 7,0 0,0 187


chicken16,0 14,0 0,0 190
duck16,5 61,2 0,0 346
goose16,1 33,3 0,0 364


omelette9,6 15,4 1,9 184
chicken eggs12,7 10,9 0,7 157

Fish and seafood

fish18,5 4,9 0,0 136

Non-alcoholic drinks

mineral water0,0 0,0 0,0 -
coffee0,2 0,0 0,3 2

Juices and compotes

jelly0,2 0,0 16,7 68

Fully or partially limited products

During the diet, it is necessary to completely exclude all starch-containing products and potatoes themselves from the diet. It is recommended to give up grapes and bananas (if the love for them is too great, and it is not possible to give up completely, then try to minimize the consumption of these products). The products described above are prohibited only in the first week of atomic nutrition, then the menu can be slightly diversified.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
potato2,0 0,4 18,1 80
boiled potatoes2,0 0,4 16,7 82
fried potato2,8 9,5 23,4 192
young potatoes2,4 0,4 12,4 61
sweet potatoes (yam)2,0 0,0 14,6 61
dried potatoes6,6 0,3 71,6 298
purple potatoes2,0 0,4 16,0 72
mashed potatoes2,5 4,2 14,7 106
potato flakes7,0 1,1 83,0 369
bananas1,5 0,2 21,8 95
grape0,6 0,2 16,8 65
dried bananas3,9 1,8 80,5 390
potato chips5,5 30,0 53,0 520
banana chips2,3 33,6 50,7 519
dumplings with potatoes4,4 3,7 18,5 125
potato starch0,1 0,0 79,6 300
grape compote0,5 0,0 19,7 77
grape juice0,3 0,0 14,0 54
* data is per 100 g of product

Menu (Meal Schedule)

Menu for the week

Monday – protein day

Tuesday is carb day

Wednesday – protein day

Thursday is carb day

Friday is protein day

Saturday is carb day

Sunday is protein day

Atomic diet, monthly menu

If you have clearly decided that you will adhere to the atomic diet for 30 days, then it will be more convenient to use ready-made options for main meals. You can choose according to your taste and desire, creating the most preferable diet for yourself.

Protein diet

Animal products must be prepared by healthy methods heat treatments: steaming, boiling, baking without fat, stewing, etc. In this case, the weight loss process will really be as effective and useful as possible.

Breakfast options

  • hard cheese;
  • omelette with added cottage cheese;
  • scrambled eggs with the addition of a piece of boiled lean meat;
  • curd pancakes;
  • cottage cheese diluted with yogurt or dry;
  • boiled eggs (hard-boiled/soft-boiled);
  • omelette with the addition of boiled minced meat.

Second breakfast options

  • homemade boiled pork;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • chicken in its own juice;
  • meat pancakes;
  • omelet pancakes stuffed with meat;
  • stewed chicken giblets.

Lunch options

  • veal liver stewed in yogurt;
  • baked chicken breast;
  • pork stew;
  • lamb in its own juice;
  • assorted meat casserole;
  • chicken broth.

Afternoon snack options

  • boiled fish;
  • stewed squid;
  • fish cutlets;
  • seafood;
  • fish balls in yogurt;
  • fish fillet baked in foil;
  • fish soup without vegetables.

Dinner options

  • liver pancakes;
  • chicken in kefir;
  • jellied tongue;
  • meat envelopes with cheese;
  • protein salad;
  • meat marinated in garlic sauce.

Carbohydrate diet

It is advisable to eat fruits and vegetables fresh. For variety and more satisfying dishes, you can stew and bake dishes.

Breakfast options

  • stewed fruits and vegetables;
  • raw vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers;
  • raw fruits: pears, apples, citrus fruits, peaches;
  • fruit salads with lemon juice;
  • fresh juices and smoothies from fruits and vegetables;
  • vegetable salads with the addition of flaxseed or olive oil.

Second breakfast options

  • beet salad;
  • squash caviar;
  • grated carrots with apple;
  • baked apples;
  • fruit and berry jelly;
  • vinaigrette without potatoes;
  • baked fruit assortment.

Lunch options

  • lecho;
  • vegetable soup;
  • beetroot stew;
  • vegetable stew;
  • braised cabbage;
  • cream soup;
  • eggplant rolls.

High tea options

  • apple fritters;
  • eggplant caviar;
  • baked vegetable salad;
  • baked broccoli;
  • pumpkin and apple casserole;
  • zucchini pancakes;
  • stewed pumpkin.

Dinner options

  • vegetables with tomato sauce;
  • assorted vegetables baked in foil;
  • boiled beets with garlic;
  • vegetable mix;
  • baked peppers in butter-garlic sauce;
  • sautéed zucchini.


The variety of dishes on separate meals is simply huge. Add a little imagination and pamper yourself delicious dishes, despite the diet.

Atomic diet, recipes for the week

Cooking fish on protein day

Salt and pepper the fish, add your favorite herbs, sprinkle with lemon juice, add a little grated cheese, wrap everything in foil and place in the oven for 20-25 minutes. The result is a tasty and, most importantly, healthy dish.

Vegetable casserole on carb day

Cut the eggplants and carrots into slices. Place them and onions, zucchini, cauliflower on a baking sheet. Prepare the sauce in advance: add chopped green onions, parsley, 2 cloves of garlic and basil to the olive oil. Pour it over all the ingredients on the baking sheet. Cover tightly with foil and bake for 25-30 minutes.

On carbohydrate days, you can prepare salads in batter (apple, carrots, cauliflower). You can use eggs and bran as a batter.

In case of failure

In case of failure, it is useless to continue the diet, because... its basic principle is violated - the alternation of proteins and carbohydrates. In this case, it is recommended to take a two-week break, and then consciously start the diet from the very beginning.

Quitting the diet

The atomic diet does not imply strict restrictions, but only recommends proper alternation and separate meals by day. Therefore, getting out of it does not present any particular difficulties. In addition, you can not leave the diet, but stick to it for the rest of your life.

After achieving the desired result, you can continue to adhere to the basic principles by adding new foods to carbohydrate and protein days. Such nutrition will allow without special effort stay in shape and not gain extra pounds again.

If the atomic diet was only a temporary stage in your life, then you need to exit it smoothly:

  • on protein days, gradually introduce carbohydrates in small quantities;
  • on carbohydrate days, introduce proteins;
  • add a new dish every 2-3 days, gradually returning to your usual diet.

There is something for all diets general rule– the exit should last twice as long as the diet itself. Try to eat a balanced diet, constantly consuming plant foods and animal proteins. This way you can not only maintain your figure, but also maintain your health.


This diet is considered almost ideal, because... does not contain too strict restrictions on serving size. However, it is not suitable for everyone and has a number of contraindications:

  • period of passage;
  • presence of oncopathology;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system (, etc.);
  • heart failure ;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs;
  • failure of the renal system.

If you have any doubts, it is better to consult your doctor before starting a diet.

For children

During pregnancy and lactation

Advantages and disadvantages

Important Terms

  • 4 meals a day;
  • last meal – 2.5 hours before going to bed;
  • strict adherence to the diet;
  • adequate water regime - 2-2.5 liters of clean water per day.

Everyone can review the proposed menu and make adjustments at their own discretion. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules.

Greens are an important component of a healthy diet. Don’t forget to add greens on carbohydrate days: baked vegetables and all salads can be enriched with sauces with fresh herbs (onion, lettuce, spinach, dill, cilantro, parsley, etc.). For those who love coffee and tea, you can add ginger, lemon balm, and mint to your drinks.

You can include fruit jellies in your diet, prepared with the juice of orange, grapefruit, pumpkin, and apple. It is important to completely avoid baked goods and bread. It is a mistake to think that you can eat bread on a diet. They are allowed for use on some diets, but not on nuclear diets. On protein days, you can use natural yogurt or pieces of hard cheese as a snack.