The scenario for the toastmaster is funny. Modern wedding scenarios. Scenario for a wedding without a toastmaster with family. Home wedding video

Recently appeared new trend– organizing a wedding event without observing ancient traditions, during which significant time is devoted to fun gaming competitions and competitions.

This means that when preparing for the celebration, funny and modern wedding scenarios for the toastmaster are drawn up in advance. When conducting a wedding in this format, it is necessary to involve the newlyweds and guests in a fun, exciting game celebration - an interesting show that will remain in the memory of all participants of the celebration for a long time.

Scenario with competitions

Marriage Registration Day is rightfully considered the biggest celebration of a young family.

The wedding format has a wide range: from a modest student party to a grandiose large-scale celebration. It all depends on the wishes of the bride and groom, national traditions and, of course, financial capabilities. Without exception, all newlyweds dream that their wedding will be a real joyful festive event, filled with fun, laughter, jokes, songs, interesting competitions, and dancing.

To do this, even during the preparation of the wedding, it is necessary to draw up an interesting scenario according to which the wedding host will be able to competently and cheerfully conduct the event, observing the customs and traditions of everyone.

By modern style The wedding can be divided into several parts:

  1. The beginning of the wedding. The wedding celebration begins with a formal part. Young spouses at the festive wedding table accept congratulations and gifts from all participants in the wedding celebration.
  2. Main part. During the second part, a fun entertainment program is held, filled with numerous fun competitions, funny competitions, and playful theatrical scenes with the participation of the newlyweds and wedding guests. There are also fun singing competitions and, of course, lively dancing.
  3. The final part. In the final part, romantic wedding rituals are carried out: lighting the candles of the hearth, a sand ceremony, tying a scarf, throwing the wedding bouquet by the bride and other interesting rituals. At the end of the wedding, guests are offered a delicious dessert - wedding cake.

If you are planning a wedding with a large number of young people who are not interested in boring old traditions and want to have a lot of fun, you can offer one of the options interesting scenario with the participation of a presenter or toastmaster.

The wedding begins with the words of the toastmaster: “Attention, our dear guests! Now we will see an amazing and beautiful couple– our beautiful bride and groom come up to us. Let’s greet our newlyweds with thunderous applause!”

The bride and groom approach the toastmaster and stand in the center of the wedding hall. The toastmaster continues: “Good afternoon (says the names of the bride and groom)! Let's start your wedding celebration. Please accept our congratulations on the occasion of entering into a legal marriage.

Congratulations on the birth of a new young family (says the surname of the young spouses)!”

The presenter recites the following short congratulatory poem:

“Our dear newlyweds! Let's now come to our nearest and dearest - your parents. In the hands of your mothers you see a symbol of well-being - ruddy and fluffy wedding bread, a symbol of your home well-being and prosperity. I invite the bride and groom to go to their parents and break off a piece of the wedding loaf for themselves.”

The newlyweds come up and break off a piece of bread from the sides.

"Dear guests! What conclusion can be drawn from the young pieces of loaf broken off? Now you can understand who in a young family is a big fan of food or who will be the head of the family!

Now heavily salt your pieces of wedding bread. Don't skimp on salt, add as much salt as possible! With love and tender eyes, look tenderly at each other, exchange pieces and diligently feed each other! Dear guests!

Notice how carefully they feed each other, they don’t want to be hungry!” There is friendly laughter in the hall. The toastmaster invites guests to go to the wedding hall and take their seats at the wedding table. While the guests are seated, the host says the words: “Dear guests! Please don’t be shy, today we will have fun, try delicious treats and raise toasts in honor of the most wonderful couple.

I suggest gentlemen to court beautiful ladies so that glasses and plates are not empty.”

The wedding party fills their glasses. The words of the presenter are heard:

“Dear newlyweds! Today, on this wonderful wedding day, the most significant event happened - you united your destinies and united your life paths. From now on, you are no longer the bride and groom, but real spouses - husband and wife. Let me congratulate you on behalf of all the wedding guests on this step and on your legal marriage!”

“Dear (name of the groom, name of the bride)! What a joy to see a happy couple in love! Everyone knows that the greatest happiness in life is the confidence in mutual love!

Our newlyweds have such great happiness. It is to this happiness that we raise our glasses.

Our first toast is to our beautiful newlyweds, to your happy family life!”

While the participants at the wedding table are tasting the festive dishes, the toastmaster invites the guests to meet each other, congratulate the newlyweds and give them gifts.

The host approaches each of the guests, introduces himself and offers a microphone for congratulations.

After congratulations and presenting gifts, the toastmaster suggests holding a quiz about the newlyweds: “Dear bride and groom! Now we will conduct a quiz among the guests on knowledge of the history of your acquaintance. Guests must answer questions, and young people are asked not to suggest the correct answers.

  1. The first prize is a kiss from our beautiful bride. Question for the audience - who is the bride according to the horoscope? “Answer: Taurus.
  2. The second prize - a strong man's handshake from the groom - will be received by the one who answers the question: what sport does (groom's name) prefer? Answer: sambo.
  3. The third prize is a kiss from our bride. Question for guests: what are the bride’s favorite flowers? Answer: roses.
  4. The fourth prize is a triple kiss from our groom. What is the groom's favorite sport at today's wedding? Answer: A unique opportunity to have a drink with our bride for brotherhood.
  5. The fifth prize for the bride and groom is the opportunity to give each other a hot kiss if they give the correct answers to the following questions: Question to our bride: What dish does the groom like best? Question to the groom: What long-running TV series (bride's name) has been watching since childhood and can never watch to the end?

After completing the comic quiz, the host offers to refill the glasses and taste the festive treat. After some time, the presenter announces a competition about parents.

“Today the bride and groom have a new status: “Husband and Wife.” In connection with this joyful event, changes also affected their parents. We invite fathers and mothers of newlyweds to learn their new statuses.”

Addresses the groom’s mother: “Our dear mother, you are no longer just a lady, but the mother of a wonderful bride. Our ideal one will never frown... (the guests continue in unison - mother-in-law! ").

The following words are an appeal to the mother of the bride: “Now you have a new son - your wonderful wonderful son-in-law! Be simpler with your son-in-law, as you should be... (mother-in-law!)"

The toastmaster proposes a toast to the parents of the bride and groom: “I propose a toast to the closest people - to the parents. It was these people who surrounded you, young people, with their selfless love and care, and were your faithful support and support. Let's raise a glass in their honor and thank them for raising such wonderful children, our groom (name) and bride (name)!”

The clink of glasses sounds. After the snack, it’s time for active, fun competitions.

The toastmaster proposes holding a dance competition with the following words: “I invite all wedding participants to the dance floor so that our couple in love can undergo pleasant training in our “Kissing Academy.”

  1. The first lesson is “The Royal Kiss”. We invite the bride to sit on an imaginary throne (offers a decorated chair). Here she is – our queen! The groom is her subject who must kiss the hand of his queen.” (The groom must get down on one knee and kiss the bride’s hand) The toastmaster invites the guests to give the newlyweds a grade for the first lesson with applause.
  2. The second lesson is “Caucasian”. The presenter asks the groom to imagine himself as a horseman standing on one mountain (places a chair in front of him). Dzhigit shouts to his bride: “I love you!” Mountain Echo (the groom's witness) repeats this phrase. The bride at the foot of the mountain (chair) shouts in response “I love you!” The witness, like an echo, repeats this phrase to the witness and he passes it on to the groom. In conclusion, the groom and witness perform a fiery lezginka. The groom goes to the bride and kisses her.
  3. The third lesson is “Cossack”. The bride is a beautiful farmer, and the groom is a Cossack. He gallops into the farmstead, sitting astride a dashing horse (witness), circles his bride three times and kisses her as he goes.
  4. The fourth lesson is “Graduation” or “Wedding Kiss”. The guests stand in a circle, with the newlyweds in the center. The guests chant “Bitter!”, the bride and groom kiss, and the guests count how long their kiss lasts.

After this competition, the host announces the first dance of the newlyweds, which begins the dance program with the participation of all wedding participants.

When the guests get a little tired of fast dancing, the host suggests holding the popular competition “Guess the gender of the future first-born of the young people.”

The toastmaster announces: “We all know that a happy young family is a family with small children. Dear friends, let's all make magic together and order the young spouses their first child - a daughter or son. I invite witnesses to be bankers and offer them bags to collect money for the baby.

Whoever collects the most money in his bag will have a baby of that gender in the family.”

While the money is being collected and counted, the host asks funny questions, and the guests quickly answer:

“I suggest our bankers announce the results! Witnesses, please state the amounts collected. Now you can make a statement: in the family (names the common surname of the young) the first to be born (names the gender of the child). I propose the following toast to the health of the firstborn.

It doesn’t matter what gender the first child will be, the main thing is that he is healthy and strong. Let's raise a glass to love!"

Scenario without competitions and traditions

When thinking about the format of a wedding, modern brides and grooms often think about giving their main holiday event a special personality and holding a wedding in their own specific style without competitions or observing ancient traditions.

Usual scenarios consist of numerous competitions, in which the toastmaster has to persuade wedding guests to participate. Modern youth are perplexed by competitions to move an apple between their legs or kiss different parts of their neighbor’s body.

In order to hold an interesting and spectacular wedding without competitions and without observing outdated ancient rituals, it is important to correctly draw up the script for the wedding event in advance.

The following order of the wedding celebration is proposed:

  1. Each of the future spouses, with the help of close friends, prepares for the wedding in their home.
  2. The groom and his close friends go to meet the bride at her house. When meeting the bride, the groom brings a wedding bouquet and words of love as a gift.
  3. Light snacks and drinks are offered to guests at the bride's home. The first photo session is underway.
  4. The bride and groom with close friends, witnesses and parents go to the place of registration of the marriage. An outdoor ceremony is considered a wonderful alternative to the usual ceremony in the official registry office.
  5. At the end of the ceremony, the newlyweds go for a walk and a photo shoot.
  6. After the walk, the newlyweds arrive at the place where the wedding banquet will take place. Guests and relatives form a living corridor through which the newlyweds enter the hall. Along the way, the newlyweds are showered with fragrant petals of multi-colored roses and greeted with words of congratulations.
  7. There are congratulations from parents.

The bride and groom and invited guests enter the wedding hall, filled with the sounds of wedding melodies, and take their places at the festive wedding tables.

The toastmaster pronounces the following congratulatory words:

A beautiful song on a wedding theme plays in the background music. The participants of the celebration begin the wedding banquet.

Some time later, after the guests have had a bite to eat, the host invites them to congratulate the young spouses and give them wedding gifts:

“Let's congratulate our newlyweds (name of the bride and groom) on the most solemn birthday new family– Happy Wedding Day! Today our closest friends and parents have gathered here and offer you their congratulations with all their hearts.”

The host approaches each wedding participant in turn and gives the floor for wishes.

After congratulations, the toastmaster extends an invitation to fill the glasses and continue the festive meal.

  1. The toastmaster announces the start of the entertainment program: “Today real magicians came to congratulate our newlyweds, who will be happy to entertain our guests with their wonderful and even magical performances.”
  2. After the performance of professional artists, the toastmaster invites professional dancers to conduct dance master classes with the subsequent involvement of guests in their dance program.
  3. Those who want to take pictures go to a decorated photo zone for filming.
  4. The toastmaster announces the dance of the newlyweds: “We invite our dear newlyweds to their first wedding waltz. Now they are no longer the bride and groom, but husband and wife. Now our wonderful couple will spin in a slow waltz dance, and let the wonderful sounds of music envelop them with their magic blanket! And we will be happy to admire the happy couple in love!”
  5. The sounds of the waltz are replaced by rhythmic fast music, the wedding participants join the newlyweds and a kind of wedding flash mob begins.
  6. The wedding ends with the cutting wedding cake. The presenter says the words:

The wedding celebration ends with a fire show or a touching ceremony of launching Chinese lanterns into the sky with a lit candle inside.

This video will tell you how to create a wedding script:

This is how you can hold an interesting wedding celebration in a new way, without observing established traditional rituals and competitions. The modern entertainment industry and their own creative approach allow couples to turn their wedding into a truly exciting spectacle.

The most awaited day in the life of any girl is a wedding. To make the holiday fun and unforgettable, come up with an interesting and unusual scenario!

Traditionally, the toastmaster or host greets the newlyweds and guests at the banquet, where the feast begins. The responsibilities of the host include hosting a banquet, competitions, and inviting guests to make a toast. The traditional wedding script includes the following points:

  1. Newlyweds meeting at the entrance to a restaurant with bread and salt
  2. Inviting guests to the table, helping with seating
  3. Opening speech, toast to the young
  4. Comic stories that will allow guests to enjoy light snacks
  5. Providing a word of congratulations to the parents of the bride and groom
  6. Return of gratitude from newlyweds to parents
  7. Entertainment, for example, determining the sex of the unborn child
  8. Giving the floor to grandparents and other relatives
  9. Newlyweds' first dance
  10. Competition for the distribution of future family responsibilities
  11. Friends of the newlyweds say congratulations
  12. Touching slideshow in Love Story style with photos of newlyweds
  13. Congratulations from friends
  14. Garter and bouquet toss
  15. Sand ceremony
  16. Fun dance competitions
  17. Family hearth
  18. Cutting the wedding cake
  19. Words of gratitude to the guests from the newlyweds

All points can be changed at the request of the heroes of the occasion or at the discretion of the host.

Wedding script for toastmaster

Often the toastmaster does not at all initiate the newlyweds into the intricacies of their holiday, so that this evening also becomes a surprise for them. In advance, the newlyweds may be asked to prepare a list of all those invited to the wedding with their names, describe the history of their acquaintance, and tell funny stories from the lives of the guests.

The task of the toastmaster is to prepare a scenario that is suitable specifically for this couple and for their guests, and to be ready to quickly change jokes if the audience is not inclined to such humor. It is best to warn the host in advance about what topics it is better not to joke about and what competitions to refuse; for example, not everyone encourages competitions with collecting money from guests or jokes of a sexual nature.

Cool wedding scenario

The standard scenario provides the same type of scheme for holding a fun and memorable feast, but to make your wedding different, you can come up with a specific theme, for example, an old Russian wedding.

At the entrance, the host distributes masks and props, kokoshniks, helmets and small notes with tasks to all guests, which say something like the following:

  • you must kidnap the bride and hide her on the 2nd floor immediately after the newlyweds dance
  • as soon as you notice that the newlyweds have not kissed for a long time, immediately shout loudly “Bitter!”

Little tricks will allow the host to coordinate the celebration and involve all the guests. An example script looks like this:

  1. The arrival of the newlyweds, the guests line up in a long line, forming a corridor, and greet the newlyweds, showering them with rice and confetti; at the end of the corridor, the newlyweds are greeted by their mothers, who are holding a loaf and salt on a towel; the one who bites off the largest piece of the loaf will be the head of the family.
  2. The host invites everyone to follow the newlyweds: “Dear guests, follow the newlyweds into the hall, today you will attend not just a wedding, but a ceremonial feast, where we will honor the Tsar and Princess of the evening!”
  3. The guests take their seats in the hall, which is decorated according to the theme of the evening, the host tells the story of how the young people met: “In one kingdom of the state, three nine lands away, a beautiful princess languished in a tower. Not a single brave man could save her, because she was guarded by a stern and evil dragon. And then one day a young man was passing by the castle and saw a beautiful maiden in the window and was struck by her beauty. I didn’t sleep at night, I kept thinking about how to save the princess. With the help of a potion, he put the evil dragon to sleep and saved the princess, returned her to her parents’ three-story house on Rublyovka, and in gratitude received permission to marry her and a Toyota Corolla to boot. The newlyweds got married today and invited all the guests from all over the world today to have fun, sing and dance together.”
  4. Their parents rush to congratulate the newlyweds in order to determine the order, the presenter offers a contest of ingenuity “What can be made from an ordinary birch trunk?” Whoever gives the most answers is the first to congratulate!
  5. Next, congratulations from the rest of the guests and various competitions in the style of a Russian wedding alternate, for example, to fish an apple out of a basin without hands, shoot an arrow at a target, braid a Russian braid, perform a Russian folk dance, sing a folk song, draw schematic paintings of famous Russian artists and offer to others guests have to guess what is shown.
  6. The waiters bring the cake, which the newlyweds cut together, the bride takes the first piece to her mother-in-law, the groom takes the second to his mother-in-law, then the newlyweds treat all the guests.
  7. The wedding ends with words from the newlyweds, in which they express gratitude to all the guests for their attention, kind words and gifts.

Scenario for a wedding with competitions

Competitions can make a wedding more fun and relax guests, giving them the opportunity to express themselves. After watching how others participate, your friends and relatives will behave more relaxed, which means they will have a good evening and will have the most pleasant memories from your wedding.

Competitions at a wedding can be organized for the bride and groom, for example:

  • Choose one of two options when answering simple questions questions about your spouse, the more matches the better. For example, a wife must answer which superhero her lover likes most, Batman or Spider-Man. At the same time, the groom also answers, the answers are compared, then the situation changes.
  • Baby photos- needed for various photos children to find their spouse.
  • Find a kiss brides on a sheet with a bunch of kisses.
  • The spouse is asked tie waffle towel as tightly as he loves his wife, and then untie him as easily as he will resolve any disputes in the family.
  • You can offer the bride try your hand at future motherhood, for example, swaddle a doll.
  • The newlyweds must use rose petals to create a word that unites them.

Competitions for guests:

  • Find your wife— several couples are invited, the men are blindfolded, and the girls are seated on chairs in one row, the man must find his woman by feeling his knees.
  • The host says a word from the song, and the guests must sing a verse or chorus of a song, where there is a hidden word.
  • Two volunteers hold the rope, cheerful music plays, and the rest of the guests must walk under the rope, tilting your back back. The rope drops lower and lower with each round, until the most desperate ones give up trying to crawl under it.
  • Competition for who knows the bride and groom better, for example, you need to answer the question what rank in sports the groom has, how many years ago the bride dyed her hair for the first time, or how many children they dream of.
  • Contest " Invisible hula hoop" will also amuse all the guests, the host invites several men and gives them an invisible hula hoop, while the music plays, the hula hoop must be twisted first on the waist, then on the neck, then on the arm and on the knees.

Wedding ransom script

Traditionally, the wedding day begins with the bride's ransom. The groom will have to go through many tests to prove his love and devotion. Typically, competitions are held by bridesmaids, who certainly know what to ask and how to test the groom’s strength. Depending on your desire, you can use different scenarios:

  • If the bride lives in a tall building, then the tests can be arranged on the staircase, each floor is a new task for the groom, the main thing is to make sure that he does not use the elevator.
  • The bride only needs a healthy groom, so you can arrange a “medical examination” for him, let him go through all the doctors and prove that everything is in order with his head, and that he has great strength.
  • The bride can be imagined as a princess locked in a tower, the entrance to which is guarded by evil witches, also known as best friends brides Until the groom answers all their insidious questions like when it is the mother-in-law’s wedding day, he will not get to the bride or he will have to pay a ransom.

Home wedding scenario

A wedding can be celebrated at home, especially if the size of the room and the culinary skills of the hostess allow it. Prepare the room in advance, it may be worth moving the furniture and ask your friends for additional chairs and tables, prepare a place for outerwear and bags, assign, for example, parents or witnesses to resolve these issues.

The room can be decorated with photographs of the newlyweds and wedding-themed stickers. To prevent guests from getting bored with conversations and staying too long, appoint one of the guests (it is better to warn him in advance) as the host of the evening, who will announce the following congratulations and offer an entertainment program. One of your friends should help with the musical arrangement of the evening.

Competitions for home weddings:

  • You will need two clotheslines and two spoons, you need to tie the ends of the ropes to the spoons, ask the guests to divide into two groups, the task of each group is to pass a spoon through the clothes of each participant, the team that does this before the other wins.
  • Arrange a fortune-telling game, let the guests pull out one piece of paper and read what awaits the newlyweds in their family life.
  • Married couples are called, the husbands write on a piece of paper what they plan to give to their wives, and the women, without seeing this piece of paper, tell how they will use it.
  • Competition for the best dancing couple of the evening, everyone is invited, loud dance music is turned on.
  • Ask guests to write a short poem using the couple's names and the word "wedding."

Set up a photo booth with fun props, like mustaches or hats, where guests can take photos with the bride and groom.

Modern wedding scenario

Modern wedding is a very broad concept; young people want to spend this day in their own way, sometimes completely rejecting any established principles, for example:

  • After the registry office, the bride and groom go with their closest friends for a walk around the city on foot; in their favorite establishments they can order the food or drinks they like, and visit the place where the couple met. All this time they are accompanied by a photographer, completely impromptu, no clear plans, no worries with preparation. I send relatives who do not understand this behavior to a restaurant, where they celebrate in accordance with their ideas; in the evening, young people join them.
  • A themed European wedding outside the city, in a cozy cottage, where guests will spend two days with the newlyweds. Often, young people deviate from their usual routine and choose a solemn on-site marriage registration outside the registry office, so they are not affected by traffic jams, are not afraid of forgetting their passport in the chaos, or do not stand in line among a crowd of people getting married. The location for the ceremony can be a picturesque area in front of a restaurant or country hotel, then the toastmaster acts not only as the host of the banquet, but also as the wedding registrar.
  • A traditional wedding, according to generally accepted ideas: the bride's ransom from her parents' house, the registry office, a wedding walk through the most beautiful places city, a banquet in a restaurant and dancing until the morning.

Wedding scenarios: table games

Last time Board games have become especially popular among young people. This is a great way to spend time in a company, so for example, at a small home wedding, you can keep guests busy playing Jenga, Imaginarium, Concept, or other games.

For a big wedding, table games are used:

  • The most traditional game is pass the box (the box is wrapped in 7-10 layers wrapping paper), music plays and the box is passed from one participant to another, when the music stops the participant in whose hands the box is must quickly tear off as much wrapping paper as possible from it, as soon as the music starts again, the box is again passed from hand to hand until the next stops. This continues until one of the guests pulls a prize out of the box.
  • A comic game “Why did you come to the wedding?”, you need to prepare pieces of paper in advance with answers like “Delicious food”, “There is nowhere to sleep”, “Everyone went, and I went” and put it in a bag, then the host asks the question “Why did you come to the wedding?” wedding?”, the guest takes out a piece of paper and voices the answer.
  • The host hands out cards with the letters of the alphabet to the guests, the guest must choose an adjective for the letter that fell to him, which characterizes the newlyweds, for example, “I” - bright, “N” - newlyweds, etc.
  • Guests from the bride and groom participate in the competition; they are divided into two teams. The leader gives each team Blank sheet paper and a marker, in 5 minutes, passing the sheet to each other, the guests of the bride need to draw the groom, and the guests of the groom need to draw the bride, each guest draws one figure and passes the sheet to the other, at the end the portraits are solemnly presented to the newlyweds.

Scenario for the second wedding day

If the bride and groom want to extend the holiday, then the second wedding day is perfect for this purpose. You need to plan in advance where your guests will spend the night and what you will treat them to on the second day. All these opportunities are offered by country hotels or serviced cottages.

To organize the day, you can hire a host or do everything yourself as a hostess. The mood of the guests on the second day will be positive, but not active, so it is better to postpone various sports and outdoor games. Guests will also get up in the morning at different time, so don’t rush to gather everyone in one place.

  • On a fine summer day, offer guests barbecue, outdoor games, badminton, tennis, paintball
  • In winter, you can relax in the sauna or bathhouse, especially after yesterday's fun, or play billiards
  • In the fall or spring, you can arrange a viewing of the video that was recorded yesterday, because everyone is so eager to see themselves from the outside

You and your guests will remember your wedding day for the rest of your life, so try to organize it in such a way that there are no regrets about missed opportunities. A toastmaster at a wedding is necessary, since it is a professional who can organize the holiday so that the newlyweds and guests can relax and have fun from the heart.

Video: Fun scenario for a wedding day

Even when a small number of people gather for a wedding, you still need a script for the celebration. This is especially important for a wedding evening, which combines the newlyweds’ aspirations for individuality with the traditional rituals that all newlyweds go through.

Therefore, it is important to choose the right wedding scenario for a small company without a toastmaster. After all, a small number of guests influences the choice of toasts and competitions in the same way as the location of the celebration. It is also necessary to take into account that a large group is quite picky; any competitions will be suitable for its entertainment, but with a small number of people you will have to look for more sophisticated entertainment.


A wedding ceremony taking place outdoors is different from one held at home or in a restaurant. Here it is important not only to decide on the menu and competitions, but also to prepare all the accompanying materials.

It is necessary to decide where guests will sit, how level the area is, and how food will be stored or heated. Small weddings won't require a large number of tables or chairs, but they will need to be set up in advance - before guests reach the venue.

Most often, small outdoor weddings are held after registering the marriage at the registry office, but if the newlyweds want to hold an outdoor ceremony, then they need to prepare a place where the solemn exchange of vows will take place. If the holiday is planned to be informal, then you can hold it in a picnic style, then you will only need a large number of blankets. But this is only suitable for the warm season on a cleared site. When newlyweds have a wedding ceremony outdoors, their parents meet them at the end of the aisle with bread and salt.

If only the banquet part will take place in the fresh air, then it is necessary to agree on where the car will stop, and that is where the newlyweds will wait.

To give the meeting place a special solemnity, you can install an arch of fresh or paper flowers. This is one of the few exceptions that distinguishes a holiday in nature from one held in a restaurant or cafe. Another feature is a larger number of active competitions. After all Fresh air and large spaces around encourage guests to be more mobile.


  • find a clothespin;
  • touching your favorite lips (the bride is blindfolded, and she must determine who the groom is by a kiss on the cheek);
  • general creativity (the first team names a line from the song, and the second must supplement it with words from another composition, until someone stops the chain).

Scenario for a wedding with on-site registration

Speaker 1: We all just watched as you combined your destinies into one. The vows you made really touched us all, so we sincerely congratulate you! Hooray! Applause to our friends!

Presenter 2: Now please us all and satisfy our curiosity - who will be the main one in your family? Break off a piece and show who has the better grip!

Presenter 1: Now, dip it in the salt shaker - offer the treat to your couple. Dunk to your heart's content! Let your loved one show that he is ready to eat more than a pound of salt with you, sharing not only happiness, but also problems.

Presenter 2: Yes, it looked creepy, I’m sure that many people’s jaws were cramped from the amount of salt. But we are all happy that you are ready to endure a lot for each other. Now drink all the champagne so that the wine washes away all the unpleasant sensations.

Let there be many joyful events in your life together that will hit your head as softly as the bubbles of this golden drink!

Presenter 1: Break the glasses on this stone to show that there is no turning back, and you are ready to go with your spouse to the end.

Broken dishes - fortunately, even if in the most difficult moments it is the kitchen utensils that suffer, and not your relationship!

Presenter 2: Let's go to the tables, listen to the first toast, and you will dance your first dance as spouses.

After the first toast and dance have passed, the closest relatives or witnesses give the floor. This should not drag on for long, 3-4 wishes are enough.

After this, several quiet competitions are held to fill the time between the ceremony and the first course.

How to hold a celebration in a cafe or at home

Most often, a cafe is chosen for a wedding with a small number of guests. As a rule, their prices are an order of magnitude lower than in restaurants, and you can choose an establishment to suit your taste. After all, there are many more such cafes than larger or elite restaurants, but you need to choose responsibly. And when you have decided where the holiday will take place, you can choose what this day will be filled with.

Stages of creating a script:

  1. The first thing you need to decide on is what style the entire wedding will take place. The holiday can be decorated classically, or an unusual theme can be chosen for its celebration (Provence, eco, marine, etc.). This image will influence not only the outfits of the newlyweds, but will also be reflected in the manner in which all competitions are held and what words the chosen presenter will say.
  2. The second thing they decide is whether the bride price will take place. This good way has fun watching how the groom tries to show that he is a worthy match for the bride. If this element is included in the program, then they trust their girlfriends to design it and come up with competitions; they choose the tests and calculate the time when the men should arrive. Also, they will be the ones who will carry out this action.
  3. The third point when creating a script is the choice of the presenter, because depending on the person, the same words can take on completely different meanings.
  4. Choose where the newlyweds' photo session will be held: most often for small weddings conduct a traditional tour of the monuments. But sometimes they decide to create a photo zone on their own.
  5. Who and how will greet the newlyweds upon arrival at the banquet.
  6. A selection of competitions that are suitable for a small company. Due to the fact that the celebration will be held indoors, most competitions should be sedentary. You should also prepare several competitions, the plot of which will be tied to the speed of reactions or physical skills. But in such tests, unlike an outdoor wedding, only a few people participate. Due to limited space, it is not possible for all guests to take part in the entertainment.
  7. With what words will the newlyweds be invited to cut the wedding cake?
  8. How and at what time the celebration will end.

Due to the fact that the bride and groom do not hire a special person, they will have to independently find all the competitions, as well as the words that the host will say. This requires quite a lot of time between the start of preparation and the big day.

What competitions can be held in a small company:

  1. A gift from the bottom of the heart - when men write on a piece of paper what they will give to their partners in the competition, and at the same time women tell what they will do with the gift. At the same time, the girls do not know what kind of subject is being prepared for them.
  2. Passionate dancing - when couples dance with a balloon sandwiched between them. Those contestants whose balloon bursts first will win.
  3. I kiss my beloved. Men must tell which parts of the body they are willing to kiss the woman they love in order to express their feelings to her. At the same time, the presenters remind that everything should be decent.
  4. I can’t stop looking at it. During this competition, all guests must name which part of the body is the most beautiful of the person sitting on the right. When the circle is closed, the presenters announce that now this part must be kissed or stroked.

Since the ransom is organized by the bridesmaids, and the whole scenario depends on their imagination, the main host needs to outline the celebration plan from the meeting of the newlyweds.

Presenter 1: Dear participants, you see that a ceremonial cortege is approaching us. Here, a dazzlingly beautiful and happy bride and groom emerge from the cars, or rather, already a husband and wife!

Let's greet the couple with clapping and encouragement for deciding to take such a bold step - creating a new family. Hooray! hooray! hooray!

Presenter 2: Have a wonderful day (names of the newlyweds)! Gone are the hardships of preparing for a wedding, worrying about whether the place and time were chosen correctly, coordinating the list of guests and coming up with an outfit. We all hope that you didn’t doubt each other for a second. All this is in the past, and it is from this moment that your holiday begins, where you must only have fun and rejoice in the fact that you carried the love for your couple through these difficult days of preparation.

Presenter 1: We congratulate you on this significant event, as well as on the fact that you have created a young family, and the symbol of your unification - rings and a single surname.

Show your loved ones your hands, tell them together what name your family bears!

Presenter 2: This is so wonderful! Let yours living together, it will be as easy and smooth as this path! There is an amazing tradition - when something great is created, before it is revealed to everyone, an important person must cut the ribbon, opening the way.

And on this holiday there is no one more important than you - and therefore we ask: before you walk along the road to your parents, cut the ribbon together. Oh, and don’t forget to save a piece to always remember that all obstacles are easily overcome when shared with your spouse!

Presenter 1: What great fellows you are! Go to the parents for the last instruction they want to give to their grown-up children. Guests, please greet the newlyweds properly, wish them happiness and prosperity.

After all, this is what the petals with grains of rice that you hold in your hands mean. Vivat!

Presenter 2: So you have reached your closest people who have been with you all your life. They shared successes, failures, joys and sorrows with you, taught you many lessons, it’s scary to say - they taught you to hold a spoon!

Bow down to them for their patience and hard work, for instilling in you a sense of beauty, as well as the ability to achieve your goals.

Presenter 1: Now let’s pay attention to this wonderful loaf that your mothers baked. Each of you break off a piece, and the one whose piece is larger will be the leader in the family. Now dip these pieces in salt and feed it to your mate. Let this be the only time you have annoyed your loved ones.

Presenter 2: We ask you to wash down the treat with champagne, erasing the unpleasant taste, and we wish that in your family life only its bubbles hit your head, clouding your thoughts. Let your whole life be happy and full of mutual understanding, but what do they say happens “for happiness”? Right!

Don't be shy and break the glasses so that your family's ship never sinks.

Presenter 1: We ask everyone to go into the hall and sit at the table. After all, everyone needs to rest and replenish their strength - especially young spouses. And then you can listen to what the parents will say to their children, what parting words they will give as they see them off to family life.

All guests are seated at tables, they are given the opportunity to socialize and try light snacks. After this, they give the floor to one of the parents, who will make the first toast.

If the cafe hall is large enough, and the dance floor is not far from the tables, then after the toast, you can hold the first dance of the newlyweds. But if the site is quite far away, then it should either be canceled or postponed to the middle.

Presenter 1: The first toast is to the parents, because each of them put their soul into their child.

This is a holiday not only for the bride and groom, but also for their families!

Presenter 2: Well, now let's get down to the entertaining competitions. Who is ready to prove themselves in the competition, amusing not only the newlyweds, but also themselves?

In this video there are several competitions for your wedding:

The wedding scenario for a small company, when the newlyweds decide not to hire a toastmaster, falls entirely on their shoulders. And how much attention the newlyweds pay to planning determines how fun the holiday will be. What words of welcome would you like to hear after getting married?

A wedding is a wonderful occasion for the reunion of the whole family and close relatives. But, alas, not everyone can celebrate such a magnificent holiday in an expensive restaurant or in a prestigious public institution. A modest budget limits options to a minimum, which means that the best option in this case remains a celebration at home. But you shouldn’t rush to conclusions and lead such a decision to failure. Making your wedding modern even at home is a wonderful idea for a romantic and fun atmosphere.

But how to do that? - you ask. After all, the professionalism of a toastmaster lies in knowledge of the script, funny competitions, jokes, congratulations, and the organization of the holiday in general. There is no need to despair, we will reveal the secrets of the most competent plots, where the wedding scenario at home will not differ from the scenario of a professional toastmaster. Thanks to recommendations and advice, you can create all the necessary conditions for a joyful pastime and unforgettable moments.

Positive aspects of a wedding at home

  1. The comfort of your own home cannot be compared with anything; all your loved ones will feel comfortable here.
  2. Saving your finances on renting premises and maintenance.
  3. You can celebrate your wedding without any time limit.
  4. Banquet dishes will be enjoyed for several more days.
  5. Young people will feel more at home in a home environment than in a noisy restaurant.

Do not underestimate the organization of a wedding, even if it is held at home. This requires high preparation. It is necessary to calculate every little detail, take into account interior decoration, attributes for competitions, and menus for treating guests.

Rules to follow

Before organizing the scenario, you must follow some rules:

  1. Make for yourself a step-by-step plan for the entire wedding (meeting the groom, ceremony at the registry office, photo shoot, arrival, etc.).
  2. When you have decided on the number of guests at your wedding, you need to think about which part of the house (if the weather is bad) to hold the banquet and the planned script program.
  3. Think carefully about the menu for the wedding, because there may be allergy sufferers among the guests; it is better to ask the invited guests about this in advance.
  4. Decorate your home or garden with decorations of the same theme. Consonant colors and design, made in the same thematic style - the best option any holiday.
  5. The principles of home organization limit space, so you should think in advance about how many people your apartment is designed for.
  6. Taking someone else’s wedding script as a basis, remake it specifically for your newlyweds, taking into account any characteristic features.
  7. So that competitions can truly amuse and defuse the situation, find out in advance specific little things about some of the guests and invitees (predilections, shoe size, hobbies, etc., everything that could be the basis for jokes at competitions).

Wedding table menu

The wedding scenario includes an exquisite banquet menu in a narrow circle of the house. The treats should be tasty, and the table should be “rich” with an abundance of different dishes. Make sure that there are dishes on the table that are well known to everyone, but also a few that have earned high praise in modern cooking. Since a wedding involves a large amount of food and drink, it is necessary to buy everything in bulk or by the case whenever possible. Separately, we can say about drinks.

The range of alcohol should be different: champagne, vodka, wine, cognac. You can calculate the quantity based on 20 people, approximately this amount will require:

  • the first important drink is champagne - about 4 bottles;
  • different types of wine. You can ask your friends in advance what kind of wine they drink (sweet, dry, semi-sweet). There must be at least 10 bottles;
  • Strong drinks such as vodka and cognac are preferred mainly by men. You will need at least 10 bottles of 0.75 liters each;
  • It is better for non-alcoholic drinks to be the following: juice, water, soda, dried fruit compote.

Table settings should be made in the same color palette or at least the same shades. Beautiful design Candelabra, small bouquets of flowers will serve; you can collect them with your own hands and arrange them in homemade vases. A wedding celebration with homemade dishes cannot be compared to a restaurant, because homemade food will always be different in the way it is prepared: carefully, with love, with attention and from the best products. You can trust homemade food 100%.

Creating a festive interior

You have a unique opportunity to be a designer and decorator in one person, and to do everything the way you want. If you have a fairly large area near your house, then you should think about how to decorate it and how to decorate it. Paper crafts using the origami technique bring a stunning effect. Especially decorative colored balls that are hung with a ruler around the entire perimeter of the yard. It would be appropriate to mark each tree with bows and ribbons, as well as flowers. Interesting idea There will be birdhouses for birds; they can be decorated in bright colors.

A notable feature will be hand painting acrylic paints these same birdhouses, where on one bird house there is a heart and a male sign, and on the second there is a heart and a female sign, tie them beautifully with ribbons. This will be a symbol of the fun to come.

In order for all the rooms inside to sound the same melody of a festive wedding celebration, focus on the same thematic image that would reflect the personality of the bride, because usually the celebration takes place in her home.

Here are some attributes and crafts you can use to prepare your interior for the holiday:

  • pompoms and paper flowers. They are hung from the ceiling and they hang down like rain;
  • fresh flowers and rose petals;
  • various candles;
  • multi-colored flags and fans with which you can decorate each room and make accompanying inscriptions on them: “tili-tili dough bride and groom”, or “love”, “happiness to be together”, etc.


After the newlyweds were greeted with a loaf of bread and salt and the head of the family was determined (whoever bites off the most loaf of bread is in charge), everyone sits down to the table to enjoy the treats. Everything is fine: delicious dishes, congratulations to the bride and groom, loud cries of the roast “bitter”, but something is missing. Naturally, not a single wedding takes place without cheerful and interesting competitions.
The entertainment program begins after everyone has had their fill of delicious food.

Naturally, you can take the initiative into your own hands, but it is better to appoint a host from your closest relatives, especially since a relaxed home environment relaxes guests and makes them feel closer. Usually the witness and witness act as presenters. Here is a sample of one wedding scenario at home.

Wedding scenario at home

  1. The presenters begin by searching for the boatswain. The boatswain keeps order. It is announced that guests will find a whistle under one of the chairs (each person looks under his own). With the help of this whistle, the boatswain will call guests to silence before the toast.
  2. Next, the presenter says that the command “Bitter!” will now sound, but in order for this grandiose moment to come, you must first earn it. The presenter holds an auction of the young couple's first kiss. It ends with the last larger amount from the guests. Moreover, the number of the bill means how many times the newlyweds must kiss each other during the evening in honor of his victory.
  3. Under good words The presenter begins to count down the first kiss and shout “Bitter”.
  4. The next important step is for the bride and groom to propose a toast to their parents. Then the parents should say accompanying words to the young and advice for future life together.
  5. After the toast to the newlyweds, the guests take the right of congratulations into their own hands, and the hosts say where the young people’s budget will spend most of all, providing some financial replenishment with an envelope with the inscriptions “for the child”, “travel”, “for gifts for the wife”, “for beer for the husband” "
  6. The time has come to perform the first dance of the newlyweds. The presenter says: “The legal husband and his wife admire each other all day. It’s time for them to rise up and show the rhythm of the dance.” After the newlyweds dance, everyone goes to a half-hour disco.
  7. A good reason to start a competition program for guests is the discovery of entertainment by the young themselves. A competition is announced for them: “who can melt the ice faster.” Everyone is given a piece of ice. The winner is the one who melts it first. A toast is made in his honor.
  8. Then it's time to find out whether the boy or girl gets the most votes. The witness and witness each take one sock (blue, pink) and walk past each guest. Those who wish for a young boy to have a boy put money in a blue sock and vice versa with a girl.
  9. The presenters (witnesses) are also involved in staging a number of further fun competitions. "Chamomile" is one of the most common of them, in which only the bride and groom participate.

Competitions: a process of joyful celebration


The paper chamomile needs to be prepared in advance. On each back side The petals indicate what responsibilities the bride and groom may have. You can make a “daisy” with the dates and parameters of your beloved. Then the groom will be tested how well he knows his beloved.

"Kidnapping the Bride and the Shoe"

Even a small wedding scenario cannot do without this competition. In order for the groom and his friends to be able to buy the bride, he must pass a number of tests. The scene of the dance of little swans, during which the groom, dressed up with his team, tries to imitate them, will not be left without stormy applause. The task of demonstrating the groom's physical capabilities will also come in handy - you can ask him to do push-ups from the floor, and let the witness not bypass any ladies in the hall, kissing them on the cheek.

Throughout the evening, the groom must please his chosen one in every possible way and prove to her that he truly loves her and is ready to do anything for her. One of the proofs of such a competition will be a test called “Apple”. I'm an ordinary apple, a team of girls insert matches. With each match drawn, the groom must say warm words for his beloved. If the phrase is repeated, his team pays a fine.


This intellectual competition is for witnesses. Several objects are placed on two chairs. Witnesses' eyes are closed and they are assigned the task of guessing them by touch. The one who managed and guessed greatest number objects, he won.

"Put it on"

Practice shows that this competition, intended for guests, is a success for having fun. Ladies are given robes and men mittens. The task is this: whoever unfastens the buttons on his lady's robe the fastest wins.

Ritual of “removing the veil”

The well-known ritual signifies the transition of a young woman from a bride to a married girl. According to tradition, this should be done by the mother of the groom. After the veil is removed, the young head is covered with a scarf. After this, all the unmarried girls gather and dance with the bride, and she, in turn, tries on each of the removed veils for a successful marriage.

A home is a family hearth, so even a small company without a toastmaster can more than prove that a sincere and sincerely joyful holiday can be held at home. Give each other joy, warmth and care and your most important day will remain in your heart forever

Weddings can be very different, from luxurious and stunning celebrations in their scale, to modest family and discreet events. Wedding can be customized to suit any wishes and financial capabilities, but it must be taken into account that the significant day should touch the hearts of the newlyweds and their guests. A wedding script will help create the right atmosphere.

A wedding without a script risks turning into an endless and boring feast with family and friends. Competitions and various plot twists are important precisely because they don't let guests get bored. People who do not know each other get to know each other during various games and relay races.

If the wedding is intended for a small number of guests (from 10 to 30), then the presence of a toastmaster is not necessary.

Who should be entrusted with preparing the script? and carrying out ?

  • They will look most natural in the role of presenters witness and witness. They, as close associates of the newlyweds, will be able to draw up a script in tandem with the bride and groom, and then act it out at the wedding;
  • If the majority of people at the wedding will be adults and elderly people, you can entrust the organization of the event parents of a new family. Well, the script can be found on the Internet and adjusted to your personal wishes;
  • If you do not want to involve guests in organizing the wedding, invite friend from outside. In fact, he will take on the role of toastmaster, but he will not have to pay money (payment can be organized by holding paid competitions, from which your host will take the money for himself).

At home or in a restaurant?

You can have a beautiful wedding either in a restaurant or at home. But a home feast will cost much less than finding and booking a hall, paying for a buffet and the work of the staff.

Wedding at home


  • saving money;
  • the ability to adapt to any situation (including quickly washing White dress with a wine stain, mend unexpectedly torn pants of a witness and find props for the competition);
  • the ability to send “overeating” guests to sleep in the next room;
  • no need after the tedious but have a good day get ready to go home, taking with you numerous gifts.


  • “simplicity” and lack of entourage;
  • monotony wedding photos(the home environment is not conducive to luxurious photo shoots);
  • the likelihood that in the process of wild fun the interior of the apartment may be seriously damaged;
  • lack of space;
  • self-service.

Wedding in a restaurant



  • serious spending;
  • limited action (all problems and tasks will have to be solved on the spot, using available means);
  • the need to return home with a “baggage” of gifts, alcoholic drinks, etc.

As you can see, both options have their pros and cons. However good script a wedding without a toastmaster for those closest to you will compensate for any shortcomings and help people relax.


Before you write a script, choose the direction in which you will move. It could be:

The basis for creating your own script You can take a classic wedding plan.

  1. Bride and groom greeted with a loaf of bread, and the mother-in-law sprinkles millet on the young couple. Then the newlyweds are seated at a specially designated place and the parents give a parting speech ( opening words prepared in advance). Then the word is passed on to the relatives and friends of the newly-made family.
  2. After all the guests have drunk a couple of glasses and the first toasts have been made, you can move on to competitive program. Active games are diluted with table games. Relay races are held in between meals and congratulatory words (if guests express a desire to voice a toast). The hosts of the event, focusing on the mood of the people, can announce musical breaks (disco).
  3. First dance of the bride and groom It is announced when guests have drunk no more than 3-5 glasses of alcohol. It is very important to properly lead the script to this touching moment. For example, before the dance, a musical gift from parents may be presented, and beautiful poems may be read by close family friends.
  4. Towards the end of the festive evening it is announced disco and group games(eg boys vs girls). ALL guests must be involved in the final competitions. A home wedding scenario without a toastmaster can be planned without a disco, replacing it with karaoke singing or mini dance competitions.
  5. After wedding cake cutting or loaf. Parents conduct a ceremony for their children to say goodbye to their bachelor life. Mothers remove the bride’s veil and “hand over” the young wife into the reliable hands of her husband. A beautiful point will be the lighting of a wedding candle, which symbolizes the birth of a new family.

Suitable competitions, mobile and table

A wedding scenario without a toastmaster in a narrow circle can be “seasoned” with the most bold and unusual competitions, which the guests, intoxicated with alcohol, will receive with a bang.

Kisses dear

Couples consisting of girls and boys (at least 6 couples) are called to the center of the hall. Then the representatives of the stronger sex are invited to kiss their partners, voicing places for kissing.

For example, “I will kiss Marina on the cheek.” You cannot repeat yourself, which complicates the task for subsequent applicants.

The losers are those who did not find a place for a kiss.

Heartfelt gift

Couples again participate in the competition. Men write on a piece of paper what they plan to give to their companion. And women, not knowing what they are going to give, tell how they will use the gift. This is quite a fun competition, because in the process girls can dress up for the holiday in a new frying pan or hang new earrings on the wall.

Inflatable tango

Several people go to the center of the hall and randomly break into pairs. At the signal (when the music starts), the people in a pair must join in a passionate dance, holding the inflated balloons between their bellies. Those who burst the balloon the fastest while performing an original dance will win.

Walls have ears too

This competition can be held to raise money. The hosts prepare facts about the bride and groom in advance, and the guests need to guess whether the named facts are true or false. The one who makes a mistake pays a “tax.”

My beloved

You can take any number of people into the competition. Everyone is asked to name the most beautiful part of the body of the person standing next to them. When everyone in the circle voices their option for the neighbor on the left, the presenter announces that now the “place that catches your fancy” needs to be kissed.

Young mother

For the competition you need to prepare plastic bottles and nipples that fit onto bottles.

Sprite, cola or fanta can be used as complementary foods.

The winners will be those who drink the contents from the bottle more carefully and quickly.

Guessing game

Several men are seated on chairs. The bride, blindfolded, is brought to the competition participants. She must find her betrothed by touching only the guys' noses.

Knot for good luck

Several couples are selected from those who wish. The united boys and girls are placed shoulder to shoulder and tied with their hands touching. Next, the contestants, using only their free hands, must lace up the sneaker and tie a bow on it. Those who quickly and “cleanly” cope with the task will win.

You can easily create cool wedding scenarios without a toastmaster, the main thing is to make an effort and not limited to standard canons holding a celebration.

The more creative and funnier the organization of the celebration, the more pleasant it will be for guests and newlyweds to remember this exciting and joyful day.

Ready-made scripts

Option #1

Option No. 2