Where real witches live. Who is a witch: definition, description, history and interesting facts What witches can do

Our world, no matter how much we would like it, is divided into 2 halves - the world of good and the world of evil. That is why angels and demons in the form of people can coexist in it. In this article we want to talk about the dark half of our lives - about the activities and significance of witches. Not many people believe that they exist at all, considering them to be the fruit of someone’s sick imagination and wild imagination. However, sometimes the things that happen to us in life cannot be explained by anything, and all because they are associated with black magic, which these same witches practice. We will help you figure out how to determine whether there are witches in your usual social circle, how to communicate with them, how to behave and what to do if you are a witch, but previously had no idea about your supernatural abilities.

Witch is a word that immediately evokes negative emotions and tremors throughout the body in most people with a sound psyche. This happens because people believe in stereotypes that they themselves came up with many years ago.

During the Middle Ages, when there was a widespread witch hunt, thousands of innocent women died. They were executed in terrible ways, burned at the stake or quartered in chariots simply because they were born beautiful, loved nature and did not want to serve the church, which at that time was causing chaos all over the world, enriching itself on the blood of people killed in war because of the faith . The clergy believed: since you do not worship God, it means that your patron is Satan, and your place is in the kingdom of the dead.

To some extent, the explanation for not believing in God is correct. At that time, anyone who considered paganism or the occult to be superior to the Christian religion was considered representatives of black magic. Today, the attitude towards such people has changed, because it is not forbidden to join the ranks of subcultural organizations and preach what you believe in. And witches don’t scare anyone, because they look just like the rest of us, and don’t fly on a broomstick with a black cat in their arms, and have crazy magnetic energy.

We have identified several signs by which you can determine whether a woman has the gift of a witch or not:

  • The witch has a very attractive appearance. Men go crazy over the sex appeal of such a woman, because even her look after the first meeting cannot be forgotten, it is so charming and memorable.
  • The witch is very attentive to every word spoken and heard. She will never lie or manipulate people, because she already knows how to achieve what she wants.
  • The witch loves nature to madness. She does not tolerate it when someone pollutes her and throws garbage near houses. For her, nature is her home and mother, who gives her energy and strength.
  • The witch dresses very flashily. Moreover, her wardrobe includes things of an unusual style and mostly black (or any other dark shade). She has bright and massive jewelry made from real precious metals and stones, which are often used by the witch in the rituals and ceremonies that she performs.
  • The witch loves to be alone. She needs to retire to nature to restore her energy balance. A woman with supernatural abilities has to hear and feel a lot, which takes away her strength and spoils her well-being.
  • The witch has prophetic dreams, thanks to which she can predict the future. This ability cannot be explained by anything, the witch simply speaks, and everything happens by itself.
  • The witch loves animals very much, she knows how to communicate with them and understand what they warn her about. Birds fly up to the witch, dogs and cats run up to her, dangerous animals do not attack her, because she is of the same essence as them.

Take a closer look at your surroundings. You may not have noticed before that there is a person next to you with supernatural powers who does not wish you well. It is he who may be the cause of your misfortunes and troubles. If you suspect someone of this, just try to protect yourself from him, but quietly and silently.

Witch Gift Test

Many people live and do not even realize that they are endowed with a special gift, which is immediately given to them at birth as a result of a family curse. People say that such people do not live long. They die young and beautiful. Moreover, their death is often painful, especially if they refuse to transfer their witchcraft gift to someone else.

Usually the witch's gift is inherited. Therefore, if you want to find out whether you have the gift of a witch, then first of all you need to talk with your relatives so that they can tell you whether there were people in your family who practiced black magic, or were Jews, as well as gypsies .

In fact, if you are a witch, then from the signs we described in the previous section you can already understand this. External signs and characteristics of your behavior will definitely indicate that you are a special person. If you are still tormented by doubts about this, then you can take some special test on the Internet, which will determine whether you have the makings of a black magician.

However, it is more correct to carry out the necessary ritual on the new moon in order to understand whether you are a witch or not:

  • as soon as the full month rises in the sky, open the window wide, undress and stand facing the moon;
  • look closely at the light that comes from the cosmic body and think about your essence (you must clearly understand who you are) - the first thought that arises in your head is the most correct;
  • remember the image of yourself that you have drawn in your head and analyze it carefully (if you see some shadows, that you have horns or a tail on your head, then you are definitely a representative of witchcraft).

Having determined that you are a witch, you should not treat this as a flaw. You can use your gift for good purposes for the sake of people, healing them from illnesses and saving lives. It is important to learn this in order to fulfill your purpose in life.

How do witches pass on their gift?

As we mentioned above, the gift of a witch is transmitted only through blood line. As a rule, grandmothers can pass on the witch's talent to their granddaughter (it is passed on through 2 generations - a mother cannot pass on her talent to her daughter).

How a witch behaves when preparing a successor for herself:

  • she teaches him to tell fortunes with cards
  • how to perform different rituals and perform conspiracies
  • predict the future and understand prophetic dreams

While the witch is alive, her successor cannot receive her gift - it will pass to him only after the witch’s heart stops. It is important that at the time of the witch's death the successor is near her. The witch must hold the hand of the person who will receive the witch's gift from her.

Some women note that witches can convey their gift in their dreams. This happens if they died before they had time to find a successor. In a dream, they come to women and try to hand them some things - a mirror, a doll or something like that. If you accept this from the hands of a witch in a dream, you will automatically become a witch. If you refuse, the gift will not pass to you. If you constantly dream about a witch, then most likely you have supernatural power and witch talent.

How to develop a witch's gift?

If you really want to discover the gift of a witch in yourself, then you can do it, but you must be prepared for the fact that you will have to study and work a lot on yourself. Every person has magical abilities, it’s just that not all of us want to develop them in ourselves.

What to do:

  1. First, learn what tarot cards are and how to use them. Learn to tell fortunes for yourself using them, and then try to predict the future for your friends.
  2. Learn to decipher your dreams. To do this, you will need to re-read a huge amount of literature on psychological and esoteric topics. We recommend that you read the book “Naidana. Gift of a witch." In it you will find detailed instructions, and most importantly, you will finally figure out for yourself whether you need to take responsibility and be considered a witch.
  3. Find yourself a mentor - a person who already practices witchcraft. You will learn everything from him much faster, because it is very difficult to comprehend at least the basics of witchcraft on your own.

What to do if you are a witch?

If you find out that you are endowed with a witch's gift, then you need to learn to live with it. We want to give you a few useful recommendations that will help you realize yourself in life with an unusual talent:

  • Start learning right away without wasting a second. Knowledge will be given to you easily and quickly, because you have a natural tendency towards witchcraft. Study everything that is within your personal interests. All witches must be very erudite.
  • Decide what kind of magic you will do - black or white. You can't do both at the same time.
  • Learn to control your emotions and desires. Witches are reserved and secretive people.
  • If you don’t want to connect your life with magic, then just close your eyes to your gift and live an ordinary life. This will not harm you in any way, but do not be surprised if your granddaughter is born a witch, because untapped talent will look for where to realize itself.

We need witches in our world. Thanks to them, according to ancient legends, procreation occurs on Earth. Their activities are important so that we learn to appreciate, love, cherish and understand the obvious difference between good and evil.

Video: “13 signs that you are a witch”

People believed that entities with supernatural abilities lived near them. They frighten some, but sometimes you can expect help from them. Such characters include the witch. She is credited with both evil and good deeds. Who is a witch, do they really exist? This issue should be considered in more detail.

Mystical stories about such women are not uncommon today. Popular rumor ascribes mainly negative qualities to them. However, to understand what a witch is, it is necessary to delve into the history of our people. The answers may be hidden much deeper than the superficial glance of the average person can see.

Modern ideas about witches

The definition of “witch” in our time includes mainly only negative qualities. This word is sometimes used with a clear desire to insult some representative of the fair sex.

Such a woman, according to most people, is endowed with a certain evil power. A witch can harm a person different ways. According to everyone, she knows evil spirits, flies on a broom and does terrible, terrible things.

Externally this character looks like ordinary woman. She can be young and beautiful or old and scary. Moreover, the sorceress can change her appearance at will.

What do witches do?

In addition to a certain appearance, rumor imparts behavioral characteristics to such entities. There is a clear description of the witch. Who is this witch? Different people answer differently. And her behavior is also quite varied.

Many agree that witches periodically fly to the Sabbath. There they exchange experience and knowledge. Also, typical behavioral traits of this evil spirit include harmful actions towards people. A witch can steal pets, spoil the harvest, and cause the weather to worsen.

These are some of the most harmless actions. The witch, according to our ancestors, could send diseases to the entire settlement, steal children, and also hang out with the devil himself. She could seduce men.

At the same time, such a woman performed special rituals. She brewed a potion and cast spells. Since the Middle Ages, the image of the witch has been supplemented with new details. Today, this character is more in keeping with a horror film.

The Slavs were afraid of such women. But in Europe they were tortured and killed. It’s hard to even count how many innocent girls were burned at the fires of the Inquisition or drowned in rivers! After all, in those days, to fall into the category of a witch, it was enough just to be beautiful.

Gaining power

All witches can be divided into two categories. The first group includes girls who received their special gift at birth. People believed that in a family in which only girls are born, there is a high probability of a witch appearing. It was also believed that if a pregnant woman was cursed, she would give birth to a child endowed with dark powers.

By studying folk legends about what a witch is, we can identify another category of these creatures. A woman could acquire her gift during her life. Any evil spirit could impart certain knowledge to her.

Ability to transform into animals

Studying the legends about this, one cannot ignore the stories about their ability to turn into animals. She performed various rituals. These included the use of ointments and infusions. Some could turn into animals or birds by tumbling into reverse side through 12 knives, fire in the oven, a clamp or rope.

A strong witch did not even need such actions. She could transform into different animals at will. Most often, the owner of superpowers became a black cat, dog, toad, magpie or wolf.

Hunters used to tell many stories about how, after skinning their prey, they found a woman in beautiful clothes under its skin.

Sometimes the witch became a terrible werewolf. She ransacked houses at night, stealing children from their cradle. Sometimes she could even strangle a person she disliked in her sleep.


Moving forward in studying the question of who a witch is, it should be said about her assistants. They were usually represented as a cat, snake, dog or toad. This is an evil spirit that helped the witch in her dark deeds.

When a woman received witch power, she was always given an assistant. It could even be the devil, a kikimora or other evil spirits. If for some reason the witch died before her time (for which a diabolical pact was concluded with her), the assistant still remained next to her. After death, a woman endowed with ominous power turned into a different entity. She could rise from the grave and carry out her dark deeds further.

Wanting to have fun, a witch could fool a person, forcing him to carry out her commands. Also N.V. Gogol described how the witch flew astride Khoma Brut through a night field.

The ancient meaning of the word "witch"

However, everything horror stories were invented much later than the appearance of the word “witch” itself. It dates back to ancient times. And it had a completely different meaning. When the ancient Slavs lived on these lands, they used it for a respected woman.

The meaning of the word "witch" is easy to understand if you know its origin. It consists of 2 parts. This is the Leading Mother. In other words, a woman who knows has the highest knowledge. She has enough life experience. Such a woman is in harmony with nature and her Self.

Previously, witches included midwives, healers, and fortune tellers. They helped with advice and possessed the highest wisdom. Leading Mother is good wife. She knows how to predict her husband’s wishes and suits them life together Right. Previously, a witch was any woman who knew folk rituals and customs.

White Witch

The truth is that the original concept of witches has been perverted. It is now being interpreted incorrectly. A true witch is in harmony with herself, the higher forces of the universe. She doesn't believe in religion, but she feels God around and inside her. She feels how everything is connected in this world. The witch knows that everything is endowed with its own subtle energy and consciousness. And she can control these forces through herself.

A wise woman uses her gift for the benefit of others, and not for her own selfish gain. Such a witch is called a white witch. Even after centuries of distortion of the concept of such an entity, today people know about the existence of a good force.

To understand who a white witch is, one should turn to the original meaning of this concept. Initially, virtually all women with higher knowledge were white. They brought good, healing power into the world.

Do witches exist today?

People are often interested in questions about who witches are and whether they really exist. To answer them, you need to decide what kind of entity we are talking about. Fairy tales about a woman on a broom who turns into a cat or snake raise some doubts.

But if we take into account that the witch has the highest knowledge, then such witches really exist. They receive their abilities from higher powers. This cannot be taught.

The witch feels the energy of this world so subtly, is in harmony with it and with her Self, that she can even control her own powers. Moreover, she can do this for both bad and good purposes. However, every bad deed will return to such a woman a hundredfold. After all, with the acquisition of certain knowledge, a person’s responsibility also increases.

The modern witch is truly wise. One gets the impression that she draws her knowledge from some hidden, internal sources. Many people don't understand this, it scares them. A person treats everything unknown with caution. Therefore, they are still afraid of witches today, attributing various terrible acts to them.

Development of the modern witch

In search of an answer to the question of who a witch is, we should consider the types of modern representatives of this class. The first is considered to be a woman who does not have any knowledge. She can brazenly deceive ordinary people for her own selfish purposes. This is not a real witch.

The second category includes women who have some knowledge, but do not feel higher powers. This First stage formation. Over time, such sensitivity can visit such a woman. She becomes not just smart, but wise.

But some people can use knowledge for bad purposes. These are envious, evil women. They are unable to find harmony in themselves and in the world around them. They take out their anger on those around them. However, they cannot harm a pure, developed personality.

There is no need to be afraid of witches. It is better to strive to develop your personality, to seek higher knowledge. Wisdom is the true power that a person can have.

The times when witches hid their gift have long since sunk into oblivion. Now witches are called psychics and clairvoyants, and their services are used without fear of the Inquisition.

Sometimes it feels like the woman with whom you have friendship or even love has supernatural powers. Usually this is not accidental, since such people have their own energy that can be easily felt. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all whether she is good or bad, because you feel awkward being around her in close proximity. For ordinary people, it is not so important how one becomes a witch. It is more important to know how to identify them.

Features of witches

These girls are distinguished by excellent health and endurance. At their core, they are ordinary people, but they have some of their own characteristics that you need to know about. There are light and dark witches. You should beware of the latter, because they know how to cause damage that does not return to them on its own. This dangerous people, which it is better not to cross the road. You need to know them and be in a neutral relationship with them, without using their services.

If you know a witch, her child will not necessarily be the same. This is transmitted through 7, 9 and 12 generations. It happens that women or girls learn black or light magic, but this does not mean that they are less dangerous. It is much more difficult to recognize them than a real witch who was born that way and did not become one.

How to recognize a witch

Many signs will help you recognize a witch, and you shouldn’t draw hasty conclusions based on just one sign. You need to see at least a couple of them here. Otherwise, you will find yourself in an awkward position if you make a mistake. Very important advice given by masters of esotericism - do not tell the witch that you recognized her, revealed her. A bad witch can take revenge on you, but a good witch will not help you. The light witch herself will tell you who she is, if there is a reason for it. They love to help good people who suffer due to some kind of illness, curse or evil eye.

The signs by which one can recognize a witch in a woman are external and psychological, hidden.

External signs of a witch

First external sign: special look. It doesn't matter at all good witch or not, her gaze will make you look away. For some unknown reason, I can’t look at the witch for a long time. You start to get nervous and fuss. The train of thought is lost. It's not even magic - it's all about a very strong energy that pours out at you through your eyes. It can be scary, chilling or, conversely, hot and scalding. Not only witches can have this look, so don’t rush to conclusions ahead of time, check other signs as well.

Second external sign: heterochromia. Without scientific terms, these are eyes of different colors. Here, again, it’s 50/50. Either it’s a witch or it’s not, but with such eyes, girls often have a dual soul, and therefore a dual essence, one of which can be a dark “sister” - a witch.

Third external sign: red hair and green eyes. Many have heard about this. Indeed, many witches have exactly this appearance, but, again, one should not draw conclusions ahead of time. Try to talk with such a lady or just listen to your feelings when you are next to her.

The fourth external sign: beauty. To recognize a witch, you will need to appreciate her beauty. Usually, such girls or women are liked by almost all members of the opposite sex. Men constantly revolve around them. The most important thing is that you will not be able to say what exactly you like about them.

Fifth external sign: long hair. You'll never find a witch with short hair. Such girls will never cut their hair under any pretext. They contain a special power and a special meaning, understandable only to witches.

Sixth external sign: dark clothes. A witch, no matter what she is, will never wear anything bright or light. Of course, there are such cases in life, but they are rare. Witches also love various talisman stones and non-standard jewelry.

Seventh external sign: the presence of a large mole or birthmark. Since the Middle Ages, people have noticed that it is almost obligatory for a witch to have a mole in a hidden place. Some even call it the mark of the devil.

Eighth external sign: the witch is slowly aging. Even at 40 she can look 25, and at 50 she can look 35.

The appearance of a witch is not always something that you can absolutely cling to. Look deeper, more closely and more attentively. The soul is more important than the body.

Hidden signs of a witch

Special magnetism. Animals are afraid of witches or avoid them, and people do not always feel good after talking with witches. You feel empty. This is energy vampirism. If you know such women, then take a closer look at them: perhaps one of them will turn out to be a witch.

Loneliness, solitude. Men adore witches, but they are almost always lonely. They like to lead a reclusive life and hide from the eyes of strangers.

Nervousness, frequent mood swings. This may be typical for many ladies, so you shouldn’t accuse every second woman of black magic. A real witch quickly loses her temper and quickly returns to normal.

Witches have many acquaintances, with whom she periodically sees. It often happens that you see a witch with someone, but then you never see that person next to her again.

Witches often talk to themselves or hum something.

Their home is always a mess.

Witches love nature and everything connected with it. They keep flowers, herbs, and often go out of town or live in rural areas.

The main thing in a witch hunt is not to get caught. Don't give the appearance that you are trying to find out something. This can make a good witch very worried, while a bad witch can cast spells on you.

Don't turn to witches for help. If necessary, the light witch will find you herself to help get rid of this or that problem. As for, for example, predicting the future, you can use the help of numerological fortune telling or learn on your own. On the other hand, let tomorrow be a surprise and a mystery for you. Sometimes there is no need to know the future. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Weather connection

A true witch has a close connection with nature. She literally draws life-giving energy from it. Her body is closely connected with the change of seasons: in spring and summer she feels a real surge of energy, and in the autumn-winter period her strength begins to fade. The witch is highly dependent on the vagaries of the weather. On gloomy and cloudy days she often feels unwell.


Connection with the surrounding nature

The witch is inextricably linked with nature. She knows how to enjoy the beauty of the world around her and loves walks in parks, squares, as well as trips away from civilization and the bustle of the city. The power of nature fills you with vital energy.

The witch is not afraid of storms and storms

A real witch is not afraid of the forces of nature. During a strong thunderstorm or storm, she will feel absolutely free. She loves the power of the natural elements.

Love to the animals

The witch simply loves animals. From the outside, her relationship with them resembles a magical ritual. The witch is able to guess the thoughts and desires of living beings, as if she can talk to them in their language. Cats and dogs often come to her house, and birds fly into the windows.

Influence of Moon Energy

A real witch's life is adjusted to the phases of the moon. She often talks to the Moon and feels a surge of vigor on those days when the Moon is growing. On a full moon, the witch feels that her body is filled with mysterious energy. At this time, her deepest desires are often fulfilled, she is able to see familiar things in a new way. The witch’s body itself adapts to the lunar phases and learns to draw its energy.

Fulfillment of desires

Sooner or later, all the witch’s wishes come true, and her thoughts materialize. The witch unconsciously knows how to establish contact with the Higher Powers, so all her requests ultimately reach the addressee.

Ability to heal

A witch is naturally endowed with the gift of healing ailments. Sometimes she just needs to put her hand on the sore spot to soothe the pain.

The witch remembers her past life

Often the witch has visions from past life. Often she herself does not realize what they can mean. She often has vivid dreams where she sees herself in unfamiliar places, surrounded by strange people with whom she was familiar in her previous incarnation.

The witch is very different from others

She feels extremely uncomfortable among ordinary people. Their way of thinking, talking and outlook on life means nothing to her. And those around her are not very fond of the witch, considering her a constant outsider. A true witch will never be able to fit into generally accepted frameworks and follow general rules.

The magic of stones and crystals

The witch's collection has natural stones, which she loves to hold in her hands and look at. She subconsciously feels the powerful energy concentrated in them.

Belief in magic and otherworldly forces

The witch wholeheartedly believes in mysticism. She is attracted to unusual events from life. She loves scary movies, books and stories. She believes in signs sent from above and believes that there are no simple coincidences.

She has developed intuition. A witch can often predict the outcome of a particular enterprise. Sometimes she is surprised to notice that she reads the destinies of some people, like an open book, knowing in advance how their lives will turn out in the future. The witch is attracted to Tarot cards and other mystical things, with the help of which one can see future events.

Video on the topic


  • What signs can you use to determine that you are a witch?

To modern man It is more common to encounter witches in children's fairy tales and fantasy stories. These creatures are found in ancient tales and mystical legends, in medieval stories and mysterious retellings.

Who are witches

Due to many stereotypes, people often imagine witches as ancient, hunchbacked crones with gray hair and a wart-covered, hooked nose. They live in wooden huts in the deep forest, in which they store their magical potions made from frog legs and unknown herbs. It’s hard for a person to imagine that he might even have a nice and pretty neighbor.

Over time, the word “witch” has lost its original meaning. In the old days, this was the name given to people who knew how to see what was hidden from others. The word "witch" originated in the pre-Christian world and meant a knowing mother. This was a woman respected in society, with whom they consulted, whose words were listened to, and without an opinion not a single important decision was made for the community, be it the creation new family, military campaign or the beginning of sowing crops.

Attitudes towards witches changed dramatically with the introduction of Christianity. The Church saw witches as dangerous competitors and did everything to denigrate them. Knowledgeable women were convicted of witchcraft, they were accused of all sins. Their existence alone was associated with the loss of livestock, epidemics, crop failures and droughts. Throughout the Christian world, witches were burned as dissenters. In medieval times, the fires of the Inquisition burned throughout Europe. Over time, witches turned into negative characters. They began to hide their existence, and those of them who were able to survive began to call themselves healers and healers.

Who is a modern witch, and how to distinguish her from ordinary people

It has long been the case that knowledgeable people are almost never born into large families. Often these are families with a mixture of different bloods. The gift of knowledge is inherited, but its initialization requires a special dedication, information about which is almost not preserved today. Most often, initialization occurs suddenly, due to shocks and tragic events. This is quite logical if you look at the fact that the very essence of witches attracts dark forces to itself. However, the gift does not always awaken immediately. It happens that witches need to spend many years in order to accept and learn to use their abilities.

Modern witches are no different appearance from ordinary people. They are not endowed with any special enchanting beauty, nor are they distinguished by the color of their skin or hair. There is an opinion that only their eye color may look different in different photographs.

The behavior of witches is also no different from the behavior of most people. They easily fit into companies and are pleasant to talk to, but at heart they always remain lonely. Even among their families, witches feel like strangers.

Related article

If you recognize a witch among people, you will be able to more effectively defend yourself from evil spells and the machinations of ill-wishers. These methods are simple and at the same time effective. They were invented in ancient times by our ancestors, and then modified by esotericists.

In the article:

How to recognize a witch and why you need it

The first sources that teach how to identify a witch according to various criteria appeared in the Middle Ages. Some have been used inquisitors, interrogating people associated with witchcraft and heresy. Some of these signs are superstitions, unknown how they have survived to this day. They were afraid of witches; they were seen as the cause of illness, crop failure and hunger and therefore were burned at the stake.

If during the medieval witch hunts methods for identifying witches had practical applications, now it is simply illegal to use most of them. And why do this when the study of esotericism and the application of acquired knowledge is not punished or expelled? But still, ways to identify witches can be useful.

Using the available verification options, you can find out if there are witches in your environment. This way you will avoid negative witchcraft if you suspect a penchant for magic in your enemy. It is a well-known fact that after the damage or other negative program is removed, the one who caused it will definitely get in touch. This is also a way of identifying a witch, which is suitable if she is harming you.

Perhaps the signs of a witch will help some readers find a like-minded woman or become confident in their abilities. It's easy to find out for yourself whether you are a witch.

Do not forget that not every witch practices and dreams of casting a spell on you. Most of them have no time for petty sabotage. In addition, witches received such a reputation in the Middle Ages, when people with magical abilities were considered accomplices of the devil and were burned at the stake.

From Old Church Slavonic, the approximate translation of this word is “knowing mother.” In Rus', witches were viewed positively, knowing that they were able to cure illness, help a woman in labor, and remove the evil eye. However, if a sorceress caused damage to people, livestock or crops, she was drowned or burned in her own house.

Signs of a witch in a church

The temple is a holy place, but this does not mean that the witch cannot be there. Women who practice black magic rarely believe in God. But holy water, church candles and other items are often mandatory components of rituals. In addition, one of the ways is to light a candle for the repose of a living person. White witches also often appear in churches, but for completely different purposes. They rarely stand out from the crowd of other parishioners.

Maundy Thursday is a special day in the life of every believer. The witch in the temple can be recognized by Easter signs, which warn against their machinations, because the witch can take away prosperity and peace in the house if she wishes. Light witches try to get special church candles and blessed salt, which has healing power. In addition, there are many conspiracies for Maundy Thursday - for beauty, money and other purposes.

Judging by ancient signs dating back to the times of water tests for those suspected of witchcraft, witches in the church become invisible. To identify one of them on Maundy Thursday, you need to wear your clothes inside out, go to church and not touch anything. In the old days they believed that in this case you could see a naked witch near the priest.

In the past, it was believed that a witch walked out of a church backwards. But the reason for this is not at all the holy rays that burn her tail, the presence of which was not doubted. Some rituals actually require leaving the holy place in this way, and there are many of them. So it is impossible to find out why the witch entered the temple by observing how she leaves it.

If you are wary of witch tricks when going to church, take a rowan branch with you. It will allow you to follow the magician and not be noticed by her, protect you from black witchcraft and strengthen your powers of observation. With this amulet you will learn more about witches. You can take it not only to the temple.

There are witches. For many representatives, the church becomes a suitable place to recharge with someone else’s energy. Not everyone can do this unnoticed, and at this moment the witch can be detected. To feed off your energy, she will walk around you counterclockwise and then lightly touch you with her left hand, as if by chance. If this happens to you, push the witch back with your left hand, after which her attempts to feed will be useless. Most likely, the vampire witch will remember you for a long time.

On Easter, witches try to be the first to cross the threshold of the church and touch the door handle. If a woman comes to the morning festive service and does not move away from the door in order to be the first to enter, most likely she is practicing magic.

How to recognize a witch - ancient superstitions

Previously, it was believed that one of the signs of a witch is the ability to turn into a small animal - a cat, a snake, a toad. They love fresh milk, so barns and other pet areas can be a good place to catch a witch. If you notice a frog, black cat or snake drinking milk from an abandoned plate, the animal should be driven away.

If you inflict injury on him, the witch in human form will suffer the same damage. They looked for witches in villages based on a broken arm or leg or a major bruise. The Inquisition accepted such evidence, and it was difficult for a village resident accused of witchcraft to prove that she was not involved in stealing milk through magic.

In the past, people were afraid of a witch coming into the house. A person suspected of witchcraft could appear with unclean intentions. In the old days, they tried to expose those who wanted to steal things necessary for this ritual. It used to be believed that if you put a knife under the tablecloth of the dinner table, the witch would not be able to leave the house. She will come up with different reasons to stay at a party longer, and after some time she will come to despair. The same properties are attributed to the needle in the corner of the doorway.

In remote villages they believed that if there are seven daughters in a family, one of them will definitely become a witch or her mother. According to legends, the seventh son of the seventh son will become a sorcerer.

How to identify a witch using inquisitorial methods

It is no secret that witch hunters used torture during the interrogation process. It was believed that the one who sold her soul to Satan in exchange for magical abilities had areas on her body that were insensitive to pain. If you prick them with a needle, the suspect will not feel anything. The masters of torture were great specialists. If they believed that the accused was faking, she was declared a witch. True, now this method can lead to criminal liability.

The inquisitors believed that a witch could be recognized by her appearance. They used not only torture in their work. In the Middle Ages, they believed that Satan placed special marks with hot claws on the bodies of those who sold their souls to him. They looked for moles located in inconspicuous places - near the genitals, in the armpits, in the hair, in the mouth. They were pierced with a needle, and if there was no blood, the woman was given a death sentence.

A modern witch may have peculiar large moles that will reveal her true essence. But if you don't know the suspect well enough, finding the witch's mark is difficult. The brand can be of any color and size. It does not look like an ordinary mole, although marks in the form of constellations are often found, which are also considered signs of a witch.

During the witch hunts, babies with tails were believed to have supernatural powers. There were frequent cases of execution of such children. Small shoots in the coccyx area continue to appear in modern world, most often they are removed in the maternity hospital.

How to recognize a witch by appearance

Take a close look at her gaze. For a witch it is tenacious, heavy, penetrating into the very essence of a person. This look makes you feel uneasy, you want to stop communicating and move away. Even if you encounter a bright witch, your eyes will reveal a wealth of knowledge and life experience. The bearer of dark power may have an unpleasant, shifty gaze.

Eye color is not a help in identifying a witch. They can be any color, but green and gray-green are more common. Almost always, the eyes of a real witch are bright and unusual, with an unusual shade, for example, purple or amber. Eyes of different colors are a relatively reliable sign of a witch.

Almost all women who have achieved considerable success in studying magic are very attractive. They have a special magnetism, although they often have something repulsive in their appearance. However, a real witch always has enough intelligence to turn flaws into her own characteristics. This is especially true for young girls, but older witches are not inferior to them in beauty. True, it is usually difficult to understand what exactly seems attractive in a witch’s appearance.

Women who know the secrets of witchcraft practically do not change their appearance with age. If there is a lady in your circle who at 45 looks 20, but with the services plastic surgeons doesn’t use it, maybe it’s a witch. The same applies to the figure; it does not change too much, regardless of a woman’s eating style.

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Most witches have at least one masculine feature in their appearance. It could be a deep voice high growth, large wrists. It is believed that witches are feminine creatures, but this does not prevent them from preferring unisex clothes and perfumes. Some of them have no passion for cosmetics, because magic for beauty provides great opportunities.

Witches have long, thick and well-groomed hair. They know that these are their antennas that conduct energy from space or other sources. In the old days they believed that a witch would lose her powers if her hair was cut. This is not true, but still they wear long hair even in the modern world, when the power of superstition is not as strong as before.

It is believed that witches prefer dark clothes. However, the color of the wardrobe depends only on preferences and the concept of style. Witches, just like other representatives of the fair sex, create their own image. But the presence of strange jewelry, amulets and esoteric symbols should alert you. Magicians and sorcerers rarely do without such things and almost never give them into the hands of strangers.

How to spot a witch by behavior

To identify a witch, pay attention to her physical form and health. Witches rarely suffer from any diseases. They have excellent immunity and even a common cold becomes a rarity for one of the representatives. This is especially true for young witches. They are in good physical shape and have good grades in physical culture, often enjoy sports.

If there is a witch in your environment who is also an energy vampire, feeling the need to feed someone else’s life energy, you are unlikely to doubt the existence of witches. After communicating with such a representative, people feel depressed and empty. Individuals with weak energy who are highly susceptible to hypnosis feel its presence especially well.

Witches often know more than others and sometimes share their guesses. You should listen to the warnings of such a friend if she treats you well. Their words come true. A bad wish expressed in a state of passion in such a person will work like a curse. That is why even in bad mood the witch will weigh her every word.

If a woman makes sure that her hair is not touched by strangers, and also carefully destroys everything from a comb or hairpin, this indicates that she knows what it can be used for in magic. A real witch will never give hair, nail clippings and other biomaterial into the hands of another person. Once you get them, you can cause serious damage to her.

Witches-healers most often have an attractive appearance. In their presence, differences are settled and the atmosphere becomes pleasant. They are often religious and rarely refuse help. Talking to such women has calming properties. Black magicians cause irrational, inexplicable fear.

There are many men around the witch - she knows how to attract them and is popular. In the family, she will be the head and her decisions will dominate.

The sorceress has many acquaintances, especially when it comes to useful connections. But in terms of friendship, they are more selective than others. Few people are able to form a friendly relationship with a witch. If she decides that she has said too much to her friend, she may cause a memory loss. A person will forget an accidentally expressed secret, but along with it, something else. Real friendship- a great rarity for witches, they often face envy because of their bright appearance, youth, beautiful figure, success and, of course, the attention of men.

There is a strange atmosphere in the witch's house. She could start cleaning before the guests arrive, but such people rarely care about other people's opinions, and a few strange objects will still catch their eye. These are rare things with unknown purposes, candles, dry herbs, crystals. The owner of an unusual apartment may have new furniture and interior items, but this will not reduce the strangeness of the room. Home amulets and amulets are located in inconspicuous areas; it is not advisable to study them in detail or touch them with your hands.

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How else can you recognize a witch among people? She is calm and confident, knows how to control emotions, because she knows what it is for. True, it is believed that if you approach one of them from behind and suddenly put your hand on its shoulder, you can greatly anger it. But this can be applied to anyone - who would like this? By the way, it is not easy to approach a strong sorceress unnoticed; the energy of each person can be felt even before he comes into view.

Witches are always smart and educated. For them, the number of diplomas does not matter, as does the fact of having a higher education. On any issue, a person suspected of witchcraft will have an opinion. She is erudite and can amaze with her knowledge.

Most witches love nature because they draw nourishment from it. True, each representative has her own places of power. Your friend may have a passion for visiting cemeteries, crowded places, bodies of water, and even sites of battles and executions. She can advocate for the protection of nature and even be a member of one of the environmental organizations.

Often witches are well versed in herbs, which are one of the magical tools. They enjoy natural cosmetics and medications, they can give advice on this topic. Witches often prefer unusual herbal teas and experiment with different spices. Not a single dish is complete without them. A huge supply of herbs, roots and spices also reveals a witch.

Light witches love animals, and they reciprocate their love. A considerable part of them abandoned meat and wearing animal skins. If your normally unfriendly cat is happy to be held in the arms of a friend, he may understand her inner nature. Witches are not afraid of street dogs; they know how to negotiate with them and get by without barking or biting. Witches rarely remain indifferent to street animals; they often help them - feed them, place them in good hands.

Since now there is no need to hide a passion for witchcraft, people who practice it communicate on the appropriate resources, and in real life they are ready to support such topics in conversations. They often have their own theories about the mysteries of the universe, and they share them.

The knowledge gained will help you easily recognize a witch in your environment. The goals of this are very diverse - to protect yourself and loved ones from the corrupting influence of evil spells or to find a mentor or friend in the world of witchcraft.