Why and who needs vaginal reduction surgery? Is it possible to narrow the vagina?

Traditional methods of narrowing the vagina are an excellent solution to the problem for women after childbirth, especially repeated ones. We will tell you further how you can help yourself and regain your former pleasure in intimacy with your husband.

Indications for the need for vaginal narrowing

Many women face quite a serious problem in intimate relationships- wide vagina. This happens more often after repeated births, and there are also cases when the vagina is naturally wide. During childbirth, the child stretches the walls of the birth canal, they lose elasticity, firmness and their former shape. Sometimes the original shape is not returned. The same problem happens during menopause. Hormonal levels change, the tissues of the female genital tract lose their elasticity, and organ prolapse and organ loss may even develop. Similar consequences can be observed after suturing ruptures that occurred during childbirth, as well as after surgical treatment pathologies of the female reproductive system.

This situation interferes with enjoying your personal life, becomes the basis for mental imbalance, and sometimes a nervous breakdown. When the problem has not yet gone too far, you can try traditional methods narrowing of the vagina, which sometimes brings the desired result.

Vaginal tightening methods help women regain full pleasure during sex, increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones, and some drugs moisturize the female genital tract before intimacy.

Methods for narrowing the vagina from the peoples of the world

Traditional methods of narrowing the vagina have long been practiced among different nations. They are used locally, that is, all means are injected directly into the woman’s genital tract. They are also rubbed in, rinsed with them, administered using tampons, in the form of balls or powders. Some types of traditional medicines can cause burns, stenosis or development allergic reactions, both local and general types.

Methods for tightening the vagina may vary, they are all effective, but you need to decide what is right for you. Perhaps a specialist will solve your problem more delicately and effectively.

Stretching of the vaginal walls can occur during childbirth and sexual activity. To prevent this, nature provides the supporting action of muscles located along the entire length of the vagina, excluding the entrance and 2 cm deep.

Why is vaginal narrowing necessary?

Basically, the need to narrow the vagina occurs when there is a significant decrease in sensations during sexual intercourse, because in this case there is a loss of contact with the sexual partner in this area, and this is where the main nerve receptors are located. When creating a vaginal cuff, there is a significant increase in sensation, resulting in an increase in the quality of a woman’s sexual life.

Methods for narrowing the vagina

First of all, this should include surgical intervention. However, for vaginal surgery there must be certain indications, which include congenital developmental anomalies (septum), significant damage to the pelvic floor muscles (occurs during difficult childbirth), as well as the failure of other methods of vaginal reconstruction. To eliminate postpartum changes, colpoperineolevatoplasty is used, which is designed to correct the size of the vagina and when the posterior and anterior vaginal walls prolapse;

Non-surgical methods include exercises that are aimed at restoring muscle tone. These are the currently known Dr. Kegel exercises, the technique of which basically consists of repeated repetitions (once every hour throughout the day) of squeezing the muscles of the anus (about 30 repetitions), perineum and internal abdominal muscles.

The effectiveness of the exercises is very high, and sometimes 100% results are achieved, and a special advantage is the ability to perform these exercises unnoticed by others.

Gels and creams can also help in this process. What is their action based on? First of all, the properties of the herbs included in these preparations are important here. For example, the tanning effect of oak bark will help.

Special lubricants and gels are also used, which should be used immediately before sexual intercourse. Their action begins 10-15 minutes after application. But these remedies are only good for a temporary solution to the problem, since the time of action of tannins on the mucous membrane is limited. This is a one-time solution; for a longer-lasting result, you should choose a different, more effective method.

Are there any folk remedies that help tighten the vagina?

As mentioned above, oak bark has a special position in the process of acquiring its former form for the female genital organ, because its tanning properties contribute to muscle contraction. Here is the most famous recipe that has come down to us from time immemorial, but has not lost its former effectiveness.

Ingredients: Dry red wine:

Oak leaves;

Fresh mint;

Proportion: 10:2:1:1.

Preparation: Mix the listed ingredients, leave for 1 week in a warm, dark place and strain.

A tampon is generously moistened in the resulting infusion and inserted into the vagina. The action time is first 1-3 hours (we check for allergies to components), then the tampon is kept in place throughout the night.

Decoctions, infusions, and oak bark extract can be used.

When other methods fail...

However, in the case of ruptures during childbirth and hyperextensions of the muscles in the pelvic floor traditional medicine will be powerless. But lubricants and gels will not help much, since damaged muscles contract poorly. Then only vaginal plastic surgery can come to the rescue.


Today we talked about such methods of vaginal reduction: surgery, exercises, cream, folk remedies. It is worth starting with exercises, combining them with folk remedies and creams immediately before intercourse. If nothing helps in your case, then do not despair, because modern medicine does not stand still, and the result of cosmetic surgery will significantly improve the quality of life, eliminating problems with sensuality, strengthening muscles and reducing the volume of the vagina and its entrance.

Quite often, women complain about such a delicate problem as loss of vaginal elasticity. This condition causes discomfort and negatively affects the quality of sexual life and emotional state women. Many people experience stretching after childbirth, so this issue is very relevant. Loss of elasticity occurs both after the birth of a child and with age. The vagina stretches and loses its elasticity. However, there are several methods to combat this problem. Reducing the vagina at an older age and after childbirth is a completely feasible task.

However, there are several methods to combat this problem. Reducing the vagina at an older age and after childbirth is a completely feasible task.

How to restore elasticity?

It is immediately worth noting that plastic surgery is the optimal method. Do not be deceived by all sorts of suppositories and creams that modern pharmacology offers. Such remedies are, of course, effective, but they cause muscle spasms for a short time.

In addition, you can use a special set of exercises, but they are only suitable if the woman is absolutely healthy and there is no atrophy or scar tissue.

Many clinic specialists plastic surgery offer their patients the only effective method– safe and fast surgical intervention.

Why reduce the size of the vagina?

Normally, this part of the female body is firm and elastic, it adapts to a new partner and can take on almost any size. The question of the need for reduction, as a rule, arises in the presence of congenital anomalies, after the birth of a child. naturally and with age, when there is a natural loss of elasticity associated with a lack of collagen throughout the body.

What is the danger of losing vaginal muscle tone?

First of all, this affects the quality of sexual life. A woman, like her partner, may experience a decrease or even disappear altogether. sexual desire. If scar tissue is present, there may be painful sensations during sexual intercourse. Accordingly, this negatively affects the relationship between partners.

An enlarged vagina may cause more serious problems in the future. For example, drooping of its walls, partial or complete prolapse, and urinary incontinence may occur.

Accordingly, women are looking for all sorts of methods to quickly and safely restore the firmness and elasticity of this part of the body.

Surgery to reduce the opening and the vagina itself

The first method is to reduce the volume by excision of the walls of the organ. It's called colpography. The operation can be anterior or posterior. If it is necessary to correct a significant defect or restore weakened muscles, then anterior and posterior colpography are performed simultaneously.

Surgical intervention is a reliable and safe method that will restore the elasticity of this part of the body. This leaves no scars, and the stitches will dissolve over time.
on one's own.

The second method is to reduce the vaginal opening. This option is most often chosen if you need to restore women's health after childbirth. This method is suitable for those women whose organ walls remain firm and elastic, and only the entrance is widened.

This type of surgical intervention is much preferable to the first one, since it is much easier to reduce the entrance than the vagina itself. Accordingly, it is much easier for doctors to do this, and the patient will better endure the recovery period. However, the latter does not last long.

As you can see, each case is individual, so only a doctor can tell which method of surgery is preferable.

Kegel exercises to make your vagina smaller

Discomfort occurs especially often in women after childbirth. This affects sexual relations: the former sensations are absent, although often the desire becomes stronger. Men may also notice that their wife’s entrance has become freer.

This happens for one simple reason: during the birth process, the muscles of the perineum are very stretched, and accordingly, after that they become much weaker. It is worth noting that a vaginal reduction may also be required for a nulliparous woman if she has not exercised her muscles.

World-famous gynecologist Arnold Kegel developed a special technique that has helped many women. Kegel exercises help restore firmness and elasticity to the muscles, and also help get rid of urinary incontinence and prevent prolapse of the internal genital organs. They will help in any situation.

The big advantage of this method is its simplicity. First, a woman must feel which muscles need to be trained. To do this, you need to hold the stream of urine while urinating and determine which muscles are involved in this process. Then they try to strain them outside of urination and begin gymnastics.

Exercises for narrowing:

  • Slow compression. You need to slowly tense your muscles, and then hold the tension for as long as you can. After this they relax just as slowly;
  • Exercise "Elevator". At first, the muscles tense just a little, count to 5, then relax. After this, the process is repeated, but straining harder, and then relaxing again. This is repeated to the limit, when there is no longer enough strength to squeeze the muscles even stronger. After this, muscle training is repeated in the reverse order;
  • Quick cuts. You need to tense and relax as quickly as possible;
  • Pushing out. This exercise must be performed extremely carefully. First you need to strain a little, as during childbirth or during bowel movements, then relax;
  • Retract the anus to feel the simultaneous contraction of the orbicularis muscle. You need to repeat until you master this muscle. To determine whether the vagina is contracting, you can insert a round object or 2 fingers into it so that there is a feeling of compression. Having mastered this technique, you need to perform it every hour 30 times in several approaches. The vagina is retracted for a count of 5, and then just as slowly relaxed.

Such exercises can be done in any position and anywhere. Nothing will be noticeable from the outside. Similar gymnastics are performed for 4 weeks. After this time, the first result will be visible. However, you should not be too zealous, as you can cause the vagina to become very narrow, and this will lead to discomfort during sex for both partners.

Cream, suppositories and sticks for vaginal reduction

You can eliminate discomfort in sexual relations with the help of pharmaceutical products. These act quite effectively, but their significant drawback is their short-term effect.

The cream or candle acts in the following directions:

  1. Contracts the vaginal walls;
  2. Stimulates orgasm in men;
  3. Eliminates frigidity;
  4. Improves sex life both partners;
  5. Inconsistency in the sexual sphere is regulated;
  6. Relieves postpartum consequences (expansion of vaginal walls);
  7. Removes unpleasant odor;
  8. Accelerates the contraction of the uterus;
  9. Stimulates cellular metabolism;
  10. Prevents vaginitis, pelvic peritonitis, cervical erosion, inflammation of the appendages.

How to Use Suppositories, Creams and Sticks to Shrink Your Vagina

As a rule, the product is used before water procedures. For example, a slightly soaked stick is inserted into the vagina and a massage is performed with rotational movements for half a minute, and after that they proceed directly to the water procedures themselves.

If you have cheesy or other discharge, you can wash yourself after applying the product immediately before coitus. If tension or dryness occurs, special lubricants can be used.

For various diseases, sticks and similar remedies are used as remedies, using them twice a day. The duration of the course, as a rule, does not exceed 7 procedures.

To maintain the hygienic effect, candles can be used as desired, but not more often than once every 3-4 days.

You should not get carried away with such methods, as they can lead to excessive muscle contraction, which will lead to difficulties during sex. If dryness or excessive muscle contraction occurs, you should use an intimate lubricant.

However, each such drug has instructions for use, so you only need to focus on it. For safety reasons, you should not decide on your own how and when to use such drugs, as this can worsen the unfavorable situation.

How to shrink the vagina and return it to its former elasticity - these are questions asked by many women who are faced with the problem of decreased tone and elasticity of the vaginal muscles. The beauty of a woman is largely determined by the condition of her female organs, the health and physical condition of which must always be taken care of. However, it often happens that with the onset of menopause and after the birth of a child, the vaginal walls lose elasticity and tone.

In the article:

Causes of decreased muscle tone and how to make the vagina smaller

There may be several factors that caused a decrease in muscle tone. The most common ones include:

  • Childbirth and frequent abortions.
  • Physiological changes in the body that occur in women after 50 years.
  • Regular chronic constipation.
  • Operations on the genital organs.
  • Weakening of muscles from excessive physical exertion.
  • Lack of preventive measures.

Weakness of the vaginal muscles can be recognized not only by a decrease in sexual desire, but also by such signs as uncontrolled urination, decreased secretion activity, discomfort, pain and burning during sexual intercourse.

Such disorders require mandatory correction, which is carried out using the method of gymnastic exercises, surgical correction and the use of various recipes of alternative medicine and pharmaceuticals.

Reducing the vagina using gymnastics

A set of gymnastic exercises is aimed at strengthening and strengthening the muscle tissue of the perineum, which has a beneficial effect on female body. After completing a gymnastic course, a woman’s libido increases and her immunity against genitourinary diseases is strengthened. The most effective exercises today are the exercises of the famous gynecologist A. Kegel, who developed a special complex for women:

  1. When urinating, it is necessary to regularly hold and release the stream of urine, thereby training the muscles. Such delays must be made at least twenty times a day.
  2. Tension of the vaginal muscles can be done in any position. The principle of the exercise is that you need to strain intimate muscles and maintain tension for at least 5 seconds. Then relax and tighten your vaginal muscles again. This exercise is effective in reducing the size of the vagina, but only when performed 10-15 times a day.
  3. The “pushing” exercise is not difficult to perform for women who have given birth naturally. The principle of execution is to simulate pushing something out of the vagina. To improve the effect of the exercise, you can purchase special vaginal balls.
  4. Training the entrance muscles of the vagina and sphincter involves rapid muscle contraction. The technique is quite simple: you need to tense the muscles of the anus for 10 seconds, while you also feel the tension of the entrance muscles of the vagina. You need to hold the tension for 5 seconds, then relax for 1-2 seconds and repeat the exercise.
  5. During sexual intercourse, it is necessary to strongly squeeze the intimate muscles. The intensity and frequency of the voltage can be selected individually.

For some reason, they are silent about such a delicate problem that besets many women after childbirth (and not only). Despite this, this question is very relevant in our time and many women are interested in how to narrow the vagina?

Reasons for expansion

The vagina is a muscular organ, which means, like all muscles, it tends to lose its shape, this can happen for a number of reasons:

  • After childbirth (the process of physiological childbirth greatly stretches the vagina).
  • Age-related changes - over time, muscles can lose elasticity, which leads to sagging.
  • Frequent and chronic constipation.
  • Hormonal imbalances in the body.

All these signs can lead to dilation of the vagina, which is not in the best possible way affects intimate life and the psychological state of the woman.


There is a special gymnastics that was invented by Dr. Arnold Kegel. His technique was developed to solve the problems of urinary incontinence in women after childbirth. However, it has proven to be so effective that it can be used to make the vagina narrower.

You can perform the exercises even while traveling in public transport, since they are invisible to others. Beginners are recommended to do them lying down, it will be easier. If at first it is difficult to do all the exercises, their number can be reduced.

You should do special exercises twice a day:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees and spread them slightly to the sides. Right hand is located on the stomach, the left one is under the buttocks. This position of the hands helps to feel the movement of the muscles at first. The second option is to lie on your stomach, slightly stretch your legs apart.
  2. Tighten your pelvic muscles tightly, squeezing and unclenching them rhythmically. Repeat 10 times.
  3. A slightly more complicated option: squeeze your pelvic muscles, hold for 10 seconds (3 for beginners) and relax. Repeat 10 times.
  4. While urinating, try to pause the process by tensing your muscles, holding for 2-3 seconds, then continue. Can be repeated maximum twice a day.

When performing vaginal contraction exercises, you need to breathe deeply and slowly, trying not to use your abdominal muscles. The main thing when doing exercises is not to overdo it, as this can lead to muscle spasms.

To achieve a minimal effect, it is enough to perform Kegel exercises twice a day, the result will become noticeable in about two weeks (depending on the structure of the body).

To improve the effect, you can use special balls that are inserted into the vagina.


To maintain muscle tone, a cream or lubricant can be used to tighten the vagina.

Here are the most popular remedies that many women have already tried:

  1. Cream for narrowing the vagina Naron - made according to Indian recipe. Contains natural ingredients: catalomay, iron honey, manjistha, simploco racemosus, licorice, haridra and aloe vera. These are extracts from plants that are used in Ayurveda to treat various diseases. The cream has tightening, healing, toning and contracting properties.
  2. Oil “She 9” is a natural Russian preparation that is prepared individually for each woman. The presence of natural oils and herbal extracts in the composition allows you to tighten muscles and reduce their sagging.

If you need to quickly reduce the size of the vagina, you can use a special cream that is applied 10 minutes before sexual intercourse. When using a cream or gel to narrow the vagina, you should adhere to certain rules: before using it, you need to wash your intimate places, apply the composition to dry skin with your lungs massage movements. In addition, you can use special Korean-made chopsticks.

Folk remedies

Many women who want to achieve an effect such as rapid vaginal reduction in a short period of time use folk remedies for this.

Mint infusion will help narrow the vagina at home. Prepare as follows - 1 tbsp. A spoonful of leaves is poured into 0.2 liters of boiling water and left for 5 minutes. Next, the broth is filtered, cooled and used to rinse intimate places. You can also use oak bark to prepare an infusion.

Despite the fact that many use a decoction of potassium permanganate or lemon juice, you cannot use these folk remedies to narrow the vagina! They can call chemical burn and completely “kill” the normal microflora of intimate places.


Today, doctors perform vaginal reduction surgically, this means a small intervention in which some of the wall tissue is cut out.

Features of colcoplasty:

  1. The operation lasts only one and a half hours and is performed under general anesthesia.
  2. It is advisable to stop smoking a week before surgery.
  3. Blood tests and microflora smears are taken in advance.
  4. Self-absorbing sutures are applied.
  5. You can resume having sex after this procedure after two months.
  6. Contraindications: diabetes mellitus, infectious diseases, active inflammatory processes in the genital organs, blood clotting disorders.

For some time after surgery to narrow the vagina, you will not be able to ride a bike, take a bath, or go to the pool or sauna. You will also have to change your diet to prevent constipation.

Stretching of the vaginal muscles is unpleasant and can cause some problems. They rather wear psychological character. In such cases, the woman begins to feel unattractive, cannot get pleasure during sexual intercourse, and it begins to seem to her that her man no longer loves her.