Facelift - circular and without surgery. How to tighten your facial skin at home with before and after photos. Facelift and review of facelift techniques in plastic surgery How a circular facelift is done

Age-related changes in facial skin are associated with a gradual slowdown of all cellular regenerative processes, a decrease in synthesis in the body, and a decrease in the production of protein fibers and elastin. All this leads to a loss of tissues’ ability to retain water and a decrease in their firmness and elasticity. Small and then deep wrinkles appear on the face in the corners of the eyes, on the forehead, between the eyebrows, and on the upper lip.

The result of a decrease in tissue tone is their sagging, under the influence of gravity the muscles, fascia and skin descend, nasolabial folds, a double chin, “bags” under the eyes are formed, the cheeks sag, the face loses its clear contours and takes on a tired, gloomy appearance, its oval changes .

It is no longer possible to correct changes that begin after 30 years and increase more and more with any cosmetic products or hardware techniques. But the skill of plastic surgeons who use various methods of tissue tightening, united under the common term “facelift,” is able to restore youth and attractiveness to the face.

General understanding of facelift methods

The essence of the operations is to excise excess skin, remove excess fat, strengthen muscles and fascia, and return the soft tissues of the face to their original position. Modern techniques make it possible to avoid such negative results as displacement of the corners of the eyelids towards the temples, unnatural facial expressions and tension of the skin, stretched corners of the lips.

Rhytidectomy (circular lift)

This operation is performed under general anesthesia and is a comprehensive elimination of deep wrinkles on the face and neck and redistribution of tissue in these areas, removal of nasolabial folds, excess fat deposits, and a “double chin.” As a result, signs of aging disappear and a rejuvenation effect is achieved.

There are three options for circular lifting - superficial lifting, deep lifting and mixed lifting.

Superficial rhytidectomy carried out in 3 stages:

  1. The incision is made in the temporal region from the border of the hair, then along the anterior border of the auricle with a transition (under the lobe) to the hairy part of the behind-the-ear zone. If it is necessary to eliminate a “double” chin, a second short incision is made along the inner edge of the lower jaw in the chin area.
  2. Separation of the skin from the underlying tissues, excision of its excess and, if necessary, excess fatty tissue.
  3. Skin tightening, alignment of its edges and suturing.

Deep circular lift() is a combination of superficial lifting with the release and movement of the muscular-fascial and tendon complex. When performing this option, not only wrinkles and folds are eliminated, but the oval of the face is also corrected. The effect lasts longer than in the previous option, but the risk of complications increases and the rehabilitation period lengthens.

Combined rhytidectomy additionally includes excision of superficial tissues in the area of ​​the outer edge of the masseter muscle and excision of deep tissues up to the masseter muscle. This option makes it possible to correct deep and superficial tissues by stretching them in different directions.

The duration of the operation depends on its variant and can range from 2 to 4-6 hours. Features of the rehabilitation period include the supine position during sleep, excluding physical activity, sudden bending and heavy lifting for three weeks. It is also necessary to avoid thermal procedures, exposure to the sun, and visiting a sauna for three months.

The effect, which can be assessed after 3 months, lasts for 5-10 years.

Read more about this facelift method.


The method is a lift of the upper parts of the face - eyebrows and forehead. As a result, folds and wrinkles are smoothed out, and eyebrow lifting gives the face openness and clarity. This type of facelift is used mainly in the presence of deep eyebrow folds and transverse wrinkles, drooping eyebrows and the upper eyelid, which is why the face takes on a gloomy and tired appearance.

Depending on the technique of execution, frontlifting is distinguished:

  1. Open- the incision is made 7cm above the frontal hairline from the level of one ear to the other. If the forehead is high, the incision is made even higher. Through this access, tissue moves, the frontal muscles and muscles in the area are tightened brow ridges, promoting the formation of folds, modeling the position of the eyebrows, excision of excess skin flaps and subcutaneous tissue. The tissue is moved and fixed in the posterior direction. The rehabilitation period is 2-3 weeks.
  2. Endoscopic, which allows you to achieve the goal of 2-3 small (1-1.5 cm) incisions, injure less blood vessels and nerve branches, reduce the operation time and rehabilitation period to 1 week. The skin of the forehead is exfoliated, but not excised, but redistributed and fixed in a new position from the inside.

The open method is more indicated for people over 50 years of age, since the endoscopic method often does not allow them to achieve desired results.


The operation is indicated in cases of pronounced signs of aging in the middle parts of the face - bags under the eyes, significant sagging of the cheeks, pronounced nasolabial folds, and so on. This type of facelift is recommended to be performed in combination with blepharoplasty. Incisions are made only under the eyelash edge of the lower eyelid. Due to its low morbidity, plastic surgery can be performed under local anesthesia.

When they reach a certain age, all women begin to worry about their appearance. Nobody wants to watch a young face become covered with wrinkles.

If we talk about stretch marks on the body, then this is quite understandable, because they can appear even after a woman has lost several kilograms. But as for the condition of the face, in this matter everything is much more complicated. Every year there is a loss of collagen and elastin, so the face ceases to be so smooth.

As a result, places appear on the skin where there is little fat base, so the face becomes wrinkled.

Unfortunately, this process cannot be completely avoided, but it can be suspended for some time.

For this they use plastic surgery and injections, but not all women can afford this.

A facelift can be performed at home.

But before you begin the procedure, you need to study useful tips, which will one way or another affect the result:

Alcohol and nicotine are two enemies that have a great influence on the state of appearance. That is why the sooner you give up bad habits, the faster you can regain your former youth.

  • Take walks as often as possible fresh air.
  • Do not overexpose yourself to the sun or tan in a solarium.
  • Eat right! Don't try to eat a lot of fatty and sweet foods.
  • Use high-quality cosmetics that will suit your age.

These helpful tips, along with tightening techniques, will help you achieve the results you want as quickly as possible.

Indications and contraindications for procedures

The effectiveness and positive results of a facelift at home will depend only on how correctly the procedures were performed and whether there was really a need for them.

Cosmetologists believe that many masks should not be used at a young age.

Indications for the procedure are the following:

  • The skin has become flabby and this is very noticeable visually.
  • Wrinkles began to appear under the eyes and around the lips.
  • With age, pigmentation appears, the skin becomes duller with an unpleasant tint.
  • The skin on the face often peels off.

All these signs can be eliminated or reduced quite simply, and there are many ways to do this. It should be noted that the correct recipe for masks will not only rejuvenate the skin, but also saturate it with moisture.

However, not all masks can have a beneficial effect on the skin, and often the consequences can be completely unpleasant. This may be due to the fact that the recipes were selected incorrectly, and contraindications were not taken into account.

So, you should not try to tighten your face at home in the following cases:

  • Your age is less than 30 years.
  • You are obese.
  • Less than 6 months ago you had facial plastic surgery.
  • There are numerous wounds or burns on the skin.
  • You are allergic to the components included in the masks.
  • There are dermatological or vascular diseases of the skin.

Failure to take precautions can cause severe damage to the skin. This is why you should consult your doctor before doing anything.

Mask lifting

Mask for correcting facial contours

The simplest mask with which you can correct the oval of your face is made from casein, namely cottage cheese.

The mask contains the following products:

  • Cottage cheese, always full fat, quantity 200 grams.
  • ½ spoon of salicylic acid.
  • Borax in the amount of two spoons.

Mash the cottage cheese in a glass container and add the main ingredients. Let the mixture sit for exactly 8 hours. Under the influence of borax, casein will begin to be released, after 10 hours the entire mask will turn into it.

Apply a mask to your face every day, but try to avoid the eye area. After the product dries, wash it off warm water.

A month after use, your face will become tightened and your oval will become clearer. But what is really important is that the result will be noticeable over several months.

For facial skin elasticity

There are quite a lot of recipes to give the skin its former elasticity.

Egg and starch

A good effect can be achieved using products that everyone probably has in their refrigerator. For example, you can make a simple mask from products such as egg and starch.

Take the same amount of proteins and wheat flour, add twice as much starch. Mix everything, apply to face, leave for 20 minutes then rinse.

Carry out a similar procedure several times a week.

Bread mask

You can prepare the mask as follows: pour boiling water over rye bread and cool.

You will get a homogeneous mass that needs to be applied to your face, rinse off after 10 minutes.

Maca with rolled oats (from oatmeal)

Such a mask can rid your face of unwanted oily shine and also tighten it.

To prepare it, do the following:

  • Grind a spoonful of rolled oats into flour, pour in a small amount of kefir. Apply the paste to your face and massage it lightly. Leave for 30 minutes, then rinse off with cool water.
  • If on oily skin If there are a lot of pimples, then rolled oats can be mixed with cottage cheese or watermelon, and then everything is applied to the face.

The effect of such procedures will become noticeable after 3 sessions. This is one of the best ways with which you can improve your appearance.

Flax seed mask

Flax masks help to significantly improve the condition of the skin, which is why they are so popular.

You can prepare it according to the following recipe:

  • Take no a large number of seeds and grind them in a coffee grinder.
  • Separate two spoons of the mixture and combine with a spoon of liquid honey and a quarter cup of water.
  • Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and you will get something like a paste.
  • Apply the resulting product to your face and keep for 20 minutes.

Thanks to the components included in the mask, the skin will cleanse and exfoliate.

Egg mask

A mask using only one egg is suitable for all skin types. You need to grind it with a fork, or take a mixer for this, apply it to your face and leave for 15 minutes.

Wash only with cool water! The mask can moisturize the skin, create a matting effect, and also saturate it with useful substances.

In order to achieve greater effect, you can add two spoons vegetable oil. After several procedures, the skin will become more toned and smooth.

Mask with starch

If your skin is sensitive and you cannot wash your face with soap or other cosmetics, then you can replace all this with starch.

Prepare a kind of starch water yourself: take one spoon of the ingredient for one liter of water, then wash your face.

Dry and flabby skin will become softer and more elastic. Such procedures can be carried out absolutely every day.

Banana mask

To prepare the mask, take half a banana, two spoons of milk, and one spoon of olive oil.

It is necessary to mix everything thoroughly and apply to the face. After 15 minutes, wash your face with warm water. As a result, you can tighten your skin and make it look more youthful.


There are many recipes for making Korean masks, each of them is intended for a specific skin type.

You can prepare masks yourself at home, in just a few minutes.

In order to prepare a mask that will cleanse your face, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • One tablet of activated carbon.
  • One spoon of water.
  • Six grams of gelatin.

Crush the charcoal tablet, add water and gelatin, whisk everything. Warm the mixture a little so that it is warm and apply to your face.

Wait until the mask is completely dry, then wash your face with warm water.

Which masks are more effective than Botox?

You can tighten your face and make it smoother without procedures such as Botox. Any injections can be replaced with homemade masks that you can prepare yourself.

Below are the most popular masks that serve as a good alternative to Botox:

  • Mask based on honey, vegetables and protein.
  • Mask made from starch.
  • Protein and oatmeal mask.
  • Salt - wheat mask.

All ingredients nourish the skin well, making it firm and elastic. The effect from them lasts for a long time, sometimes even longer than after Botox.

Face lift creams at home

To prepare your own face-lift cream, it will take you no more than thirty minutes, and you probably have all the ingredients at home.

So, the best cream especially after 50 years is the following:

  • 80 grams of sunflower oil.
  • 40 grams cocoa butter.
  • One and a half liters of water.
  • Approximately 10 grams beeswax and 10 grams of royal jelly.

Heat the cocoa and wax over low heat, stirring thoroughly for 12 minutes. Pour water, oil and remaining ingredients into the resulting mixture. In order to mix everything thoroughly, it is better to use a mixer.

You will get a homogeneous mass that resembles cream; you need to pour it into a glass container, close the lid and store it in a cool place.

After just a few minutes of application, the lifting effect will become noticeable.


In order to make your skin more elastic and youthful, you need not only to do exercises and masks, but also to eat right. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and nutrients.

You need to eat at least three fruits a day; try not to overeat at night.

It is better to avoid foods such as too spicy, salty and fatty foods. All this will affect the condition of the skin in general, and not just the face.

A nutritionist can develop a more precise diet, depending on individual characteristics your body.

Vitamins for healthy facial skin

Folk remedies

Folk remedies have a more gentle effect on the skin, they do not cause harm, and you can use them every day.

Essential oils

It’s hard to say which oils are better - some prefer patchouli oil, others prefer lavender oil, it all depends on skin type and personal preferences.

For example, lavender oil has a good anti-inflammatory effect, the skin is smoothed and soothed. The oil can be applied to the face in its pure form, which cannot be said about other types of oils.

You can also mix the base and ether in the following proportion: two drops per 5 mg of base. Many people prefer to add essences to the cream, the effect will be exactly the same.


A hot compress is considered the most useful; it prevents the formation of wrinkles, but it can be done no more than three times a week.

You can prepare it as follows: pour a spoonful of chamomile with a glass of boiling water, let it steep for 15-20 minutes. While the tincture is hot, strain it, soak a towel in water and apply it to your face.

Hold for no more than two minutes; you need to do 5 such manipulations at a time. After this, wash your face with slightly cool water.


Take one spoon of table salt and one spoon of sea salt, as well as water. Mix the ingredients, namely salt, in a bowl, pour in water.

Mix everything well and apply to the skin, if there are problem areas, try to rub a little water there. After 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water and dry your face gently with a towel.

This mask cleanses the face well, removes oily shine, and the regeneration processes will accelerate.


The most useful in cosmetology is the ice that was made from mineral water. Pour mineral water into the molds and freeze in the freezer. All beneficial substances will be preserved, suitable for all skin types.

Many people ask what to use to freeze ice. In fact, it can be mixed with anything: tea, fruit, medicinal herbs. The resulting ice is applied in the morning, thanks to which the skin is refreshed and also strengthened.

Please note that an ice cube should not be left on one area of ​​the skin for more than 5 seconds. You can also use the product in the evening to relieve fatigue.

Pharmacy products

The pharmacy has a large number of products, they all promise us youth and beauty and, of course, cost accordingly. But are expensive products always so effective? In fact, cost is not the main criterion you need to pay attention to.

Below are the most effective means for skin care:

  • Apricot oil.
  • Chlorhexidine.
  • Blefarogel.
  • Retinoic ointment.

Before using such products, it is of course better to consult a doctor, as there may be individual intolerance to any components.


The exercises described below must be performed in a sitting position. Sit well on a chair, make your back straight and straighten your chin.

  • Lower your eyelids, close your eyes, stay in this position for 10 seconds, then put your hands on your forehead, press lightly and try to move your pupils clockwise. This exercise will allow you to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes and nose.
  • The next movements should be puffing out the cheeks. Inhale and hold the air, and it should be as if in your mouth. Start rolling it from one cheek to the other, repeat everything for 10 seconds. Thanks to the exercise, you will get rid of wrinkles around the mouth, as well as sagging cheeks.

Dedicate three days a week to such procedures.


In order for the result to be good, and most importantly sustainable, it is necessary to carry out all activities comprehensively. In addition, you need to walk in the fresh air as much as possible, get plenty of rest and eat well.

If you stick to simple rules and follow the procedures described above, your skin will look several years younger, wrinkles will smooth out, and color will improve.

It is really possible to achieve all this, and it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on expensive salon procedures.

Is an instant lift possible?

Many people, of course, ask, is it possible to achieve instant results? Of course, it’s unlikely that anything will be noticeable right away, but two or three procedures are enough for the first results to be visible.

But there is one condition that must be fulfilled: all procedures must be done regularly, and not once a month.

Being young and beautiful is not at all difficult, you just need not to be lazy and give yourself just a few minutes a day. All results will depend solely on you!

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is :)


Women's desire to look irresistible at any age is ineradicable. More recently, only actresses had facial plastic surgery. Today, cosmetology clinics offer rejuvenation procedures to everyone. Women go for them to delay the aging process. I would like to understand what methods help solve these problems and how to choose the right one.

Non-surgical facelift

Not every woman decides to undergo surgery. The price and complexity of the process are daunting. There are effective non-surgical tightening techniques that help improve the oval, restore elasticity, and remove wrinkles. It is recommended to carry them out from the age of 30, when withering has begun, but the skin is still capable of regeneration. The downside is that the result of non-surgical rejuvenation lasts up to 3 years. A facelift without surgery has advantages:

  • slight trauma;
  • low price;
  • fewer contraindications.

Face lifting without surgery is divided into groups:

  • injection - rejuvenation with subcutaneous injections of special drugs - plasma lifting, contour plastic surgery, mesolifting;
  • hardware - activation of processes with energy - laser, radio wave;
  • thread - tightening of tissues by installing special threads into the subcutaneous space;
  • deep peelings that remove the top layer of the epidermis, stimulating cell regeneration;
  • massage that activates muscle tone and metabolic processes.

Fractional laser

The use of laser energy, which in the process turns into heat, helps straighten nasolabial folds, tighten the contour, and remove sagging. To get the effect you need up to 4 sessions. Laser facelift for the face uses two tightening techniques. Non-ablative - the effect is on the epidermis with the formation of collagen. Fractional – dot – microdamage to the skin occurs, with:

  • cells produce their own collagen;
  • skin protection is enhanced;
  • enzymes are activated;
  • cells are partially removed.

The laser dot rejuvenation device produces the effect of heat. The main disadvantage of the lifting process is the high price and the presence of contraindications. Among them: skin, mental illness, pregnancy, cancer. Photothermolysis cannot be carried out in sunny weather; rehabilitation time is required. The main advantages of a facelift:

  • safety;
  • visible result;
  • painlessness.

Face lift with threads

Application of the technique gives excellent results. Threads - Aptos, silver, mesothreads - can have notches that cling to the skin. The material is injected deep under the epidermis, forming a frame. The threads are tightened, the tissues are fixed in a new position. When lifting, the following are eliminated:

  • folds in the corners of the lips;
  • sagging cheek muscles;
  • severe wrinkles;
  • double chin.

Threads in cosmetology cope with sagging skin up to the age of 50 years. The material is not rejected, the operation occurs quickly, leaving no traces. Pros: the lift is inexpensive, the effect is visible immediately, and lasts for a long time. Of the minuses note:

  • pain during surgery;
  • the possibility of rupture of the thread with the formation of bruises;
  • presence of contraindications – poor blood clotting, diabetes, thrombosis.

Radio wave facelift

During the procedure, thermal effects begin on the dermal layers throughout their entire depth. The fluid inside the cells heats up, which stimulates the production of collagen, which is responsible for elasticity. Radio wave face lifting helps:

  • reduce facial wrinkles;
  • tighten the contour;
  • strengthen the skin of the décolleté area;
  • remove the double chin.

Radio wave face lift is effective up to 60 years of age and is safe for female body. The disadvantage of the procedure is contraindications: hypertension, diabetes, skin diseases. The use of a lift is excluded during pregnancy or the presence of implants at the treatment site. Advantage:

  • affordable cost;
  • no discomfort during carrying out;
  • no unpleasant consequences.

Endoscopic facelift

The rejuvenation procedure is recommended for wrinkles on the forehead, sagging eyebrows, and the appearance of folds on the eyelids. The process can be carried out separately on the top, bottom or middle part. Endoscopic facelift is an expensive operation that has contraindications - poor blood clotting, hypertension, diabetes. The advantages of this procedure are invisible scars and quick recovery. The tightening is carried out like this:

  • make a small skin incision in an inconspicuous place;
  • separate it from the fabric;
  • pull up;
  • fixed.

Surgical facelift

Plastic surgery helps to quickly change the contour, tighten the skin, and remove the double chin. The advantage of a facelift is that the effect lasts up to 10 years, there are no noticeable scars. The disadvantages are high cost, the possibility of complications, many contraindications - diseases of the blood, heart, blood vessels and others. Facelift surgically produced in two ways:

  • subcutaneous lifting – for minor changes in appearance;
  • rhytidoplasty - a circular lift - corrects deep defects on the entire surface of the face, including the neck.

SMAS lifting

Has excellent reviews modern procedure– Smas, which affects the subcutaneous layer of muscles. SMAS lifting helps to restore contours as in youth and eliminate sagging. The lift can take place on the lower third of the face, on any part or the entire surface. Disadvantages: the need for a highly qualified doctor; contraindications: the presence of metal implants, a number of serious diseases. As a result of the tightening:

  • appearance improves;
  • collagen formation is stimulated;
  • cell regeneration occurs.

How to tighten your facial skin at home

Women who want to have a facelift do not always have the financial ability to do so. Contraindications to the methods also preclude their use. A facelift at home is affordable and safe. The complex of folk remedies implies:

  • tightening masks;
  • massage to correct the shape of the face;
  • exercises for the muscles of the cheeks and neck;
  • massage using contrasting temperatures;
  • exercises for the neck, face;
  • nourishing compresses with infusions of herbs and plants.

Face lift exercises

How to tighten your face at home? Simple exercises will help you with this:

  • To tighten the skin on the forehead, you need to press it tightly with your hand, raise your eyebrows, holding it for 10 seconds. The next thing - do it for the same time - press the edge of your palm near the hair, moving downward to stretch the scalp.
  • To correct the eyelash area around the eyes, massage with ice cubes - freeze mineral water with lemon, herbal decoctions.

Face lift exercises will be effective if used regularly. The following classes have excellent reviews:

  • Tighten your cheeks - inflate them alternately 10 times. Open your mouth wide, stick out your tongue, say “A” for 7 seconds.
  • For the nasolabial area - perform a wide clown smile for half a minute.
  • Correct your chin - raise your head, throw it back, stick out your lower lip, pull it towards your nose for 10 seconds.

Massage for face lift at home

By carrying out the procedure regularly, you can constantly keep your facial skin toned and remain young. It is advisable to be in a good mood before performing:

  • study the direction of the massage lines from the photo;
  • relax;
  • lubricate the skin with cream;
  • Perform each movement 7 times;
  • carry out 10 procedures;
  • take a break for 2 weeks;
  • continue facelift sessions.

Massage for a facelift at home should be carried out in the following order:

  • smooth the skin on the cheeks from the wings of the nose to the temporal side with the index and middle fingers;
  • perform movements from the bottom of the forehead from the eyebrows to the hair;
  • Using all fingers, smooth the skin on the chin from the middle to the periphery;
  • Using patting movements with the back of your hand, massage the bottom of the jaw.

Facelift price

Many cosmetic clinics offer rejuvenation procedures. How much does a facelift cost? The price depends on the qualifications of the personnel and the quality of the equipment. You can order lifting services from catalogs on websites. The price range in rubles is:

Maintaining a young, attractive and beautiful face is one of the strongest desires of any woman. There is a wide range of methods to combat age-related changes.

  • lifting the upper part of the face: lifting the forehead and eyebrow line (an incision during the operation is made in the scalp);
  • midface lift: cheeks, folds around the mouth, nasolabial folds are tightened (incisions are made above the upper lip and in the temporal area);
  • lower face lift or lower third face lift (incision is made above the chin).

A facelift can be performed using plastic surgery and also non-surgical techniques.

There are several types of surgical operations:

  • classic circular lift;
  • endoscopic lifting;
  • smas-lifting;
  • scarless lifting.

A classic lift (or circular lift) is performed through an incision along the hairline, around the ear, and under the chin in natural folds, that is, the incision is made along the circumference of the face. Due to the location of the incisions, the scars after surgery will not be noticeable.

The muscular frame is not affected during this operation. The procedure is aimed at excision of excess skin.

The effect lasts for a long time. This surgical lifting restores a beautiful and clear oval of the face. Classic circular lifting can be combined with eyelid rejuvenation surgery - blepharoplasty.

An endoscopic facelift is a minimally invasive plastic surgery aimed at rejuvenating the face and correcting the oval.

A significant advantage of endoscopic lifting is that it does not require large incisions or extensive tissue excision.

Surgical procedures are performed using special endoscopic equipment. An endoscope with a camera is inserted into the incisions and slowly moved to the place where manipulations need to be performed. Surgical instruments are also introduced. The surgeon can monitor the progress of the operation on the monitor.

During endoscopic lifting, the skin is tightened, excess fat is removed, and the muscles are fixed in a new position.

How much does it cost to tighten skin using the endoscopic method? A mid-face lift using endoscopic lifting costs from 14,000 rubles, an upper face lift costs the same, and a full face lift costs 150,000.

SMAS stands for Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System. The SMAS system is an inextricable fibromuscular layer that connects muscles to the dermis and is located under the skin and subcutaneous fat.

The operation allows for an effective tightening and restoration of facial features and contours lost with age without the effect of over-tightening the skin, as well as restoring a clear oval shape. After the operation, the patient remains and is observed in a hospital for several days.

How much does SMAS lifting cost? The average price of the procedure is from 120,000 rubles.

During a scarless lift, an incision is made in the temporal region and in front of the ear, which does not go behind the ears as in a classic lift. It is recommended for people aged 30 to 40 who need to slightly tighten their skin and slightly correct their oval shape. This lifting is a minimally invasive type of SMAS lifting.

Small-scar plastic surgery is very effective and requires much less recovery time. It leaves a short and barely noticeable scar.

Many reviews from patients who have undergone surgery note high efficiency and a pronounced facelift after surgery.

Non-surgical lifting methods include:

  • Face lift with threads.
  • Facelift at home.
  • Hardware cosmetology (lifting using special cosmetology devices).

You can choose which non-surgical method is best to tighten your skin by analyzing numerous patient reviews and recommendations from a cosmetologist.

You can effectively and safely lift and tighten your oval shape without surgery using thread lifting. It does not require long-term rehabilitation, the likelihood of complications is unlikely, and a facelift with threads has a minimal number of contraindications.

The essence of the procedure is as follows: the cosmetologist inserts a thread under the skin into a microscopic puncture using a needle. The threads have micro-notches that help fix them in the required position and, thus, tighten the skin and smooth out wrinkles.

You can do a face lift quickly and easily at home. Lifting at home includes: massage, masks, creams, various folk remedies, gymnastics and exercises.

Massage in general has a beneficial effect on the skin and has a lifting effect, helping to make the oval of the face clearer.

In order for massage, exercises and folk remedies to bring the desired effect, you should definitely give up smoking and alcoholic beverages, because they cause enormous harm to the body and nullify all efforts to rejuvenate. It is also necessary to eat right, get enough sleep, and avoid stress.

Very important nuance is the amount of time spent on rejuvenation at home - the more, the more effective the effect will be.

Lifting creams usually contain collagen, alpha-lipoic acid (a natural antioxidant for human cells), kinetin, vitamins, and oils. Products with such substances smooth out wrinkles, tighten and rejuvenate the skin, making it more elastic. When choosing cosmetics, you should also pay attention to the amount of natural ingredients: the more there are in a cream or mask, the better.

If you make a tightening mask before applying the lifting cream, you can achieve greater results. The mask should be done two or three times a week, and the cream should be applied every day.

In addition to store-bought masks, you can make homemade ones using only natural ingredients. Folk recipes time-tested anti-aging products will be very beneficial for the skin in general. Effective masks at home you can make it from honey, clay (you can buy it at the pharmacy), potatoes, egg yolk, with oatmeal, cabbage juice, aloe juice and others natural means. You can add it to the prepared mask cosmetic oils: olive, almond, grape seed oil, sesame, peach, sea buckthorn, avocado oil, jojoba and others.

Exercises and gymnastics for the face will help achieve significant rejuvenation if done every day.

Rejuvenation and tightening of the oval at home is the most convenient and cost-effective option that anyone can afford.

Hardware cosmetology is very popular due to its effectiveness, painlessness, complete safety and long-lasting effect. Lifting with cosmetology devices includes the following procedures: ultrasonic lifting, microcurrent lifting, fractional photothermolysis (laser lifting).

Ultrasonic tightening is performed using a special device that creates focused ultrasound radiation.

High-frequency sound waves generated by the device affect the deep layers of the skin, namely SMAS. The waves compress and shorten collagen fibers, provoking the process of neocollagenesis (the formation of the skin's own collagen) and the formation of new elastin fibers. The process of neocollagenesis can continue for three or four months.

The procedure lasts from thirty to sixty minutes. The result is noticeable immediately after the first session. For ultrasonic lifting, local anesthesia with anesthetic creams is used.

IN modern world You can restore youthful skin, lost due to age-related changes, lack of sleep, frequent stress, ultraviolet radiation, etc. different ways. Today's surgeons and cosmetologists are ready to help you with this, providing a lot different types procedures aimed at rejuvenation appearance both men and women. For these purposes, the most common procedure is circumferential facial surgery.

Circular facelift is a surgical procedure, aimed at rejuvenating the appearance by eliminating age-related changes, wrinkles, folds, sagging areas of the skin over the entire surface. During the operation, excess fat cells, unnecessary stretched skin and do muscle tightening. After a face lift, the skin on the neck tightens, the oval of the face becomes clearer, wrinkles disappear, in particular around the eyes and on the cheeks.

Facial skin tightening methods

Despite the common perception of a facelift, in which the surgeon will cut your skin, there is another way of lifting - non-surgical.

The surgical method, as mentioned earlier, is carried out through incisions in the hairline or chin area and subsequent skin tightening.

In its turn, the non-surgical method does not involve any surgical intervention. A facelift is performed by injecting various fillers under the skin. These gels fill hollow areas under the skin, thereby tightening the skin, removing wrinkles and unevenness.

Both methods give excellent results. Which to choose The patient decides together with his doctor. The choice depends on the desired effect, current skin condition, medical indications and contraindications. Currently, the non-surgical method is becoming increasingly popular, as it has fewer contraindications and a shorter rehabilitation period.

Types of surgical lifting

In some cases, a circular facelift is not necessary, that is, you need to tighten, for example, only the eyebrow area or, conversely, the lips. In this case, they resort to lifting one zone. Depending on the area of ​​skin tightening, procedures are divided into:

Indications for surgery

The age category of women most suitable for a circular facelift is from forty to fifty years. This is exactly the period when facial skin began to appear age-related changes, and the epidermis is still in a favorable condition, capable of quickly recovering after surgery.

If such a need arises, a facelift can be repeated after a period of time recommended by your attending physician, on average this is about fifty to ten years.


All surgical operations have limitations for their implementation; circular facial skin tightening is no exception.

Contraindications to a circular facelift include:

Progress of the operation

As with any external intervention in the human body, so You need to prepare in advance for a facelift. Of course, your plastic surgeon will tell you about this. But the main points of preparation for the operation will be as follows:

  • Since facial skin tightening is performed under general anesthesia administered intravenously, you need to find out in advance whether your body will tolerate it. Are there any contraindications to its use?
  • Get tested and undergo all prescribed medical examinations in order to know about allergies, chronic diseases, and so on.
  • In the evening, before the day of surgery, remove all makeup, take a shower, wipe off nail polish, wash your hair, and put on a clean set of underwear.
  • On the day of surgery, do not drink or eat anything in the morning. Also, using regular soap, thoroughly wash your face and neck. And do not apply any cosmetics.

Classical Circular face lift begins with an incision, which starts at one ear and ends at the other, along the hairline. That is, surgical incisions are made so that the stitches are not visible later.

Very often, patients are concerned about skin tension. Namely excessive lifting which gives an unnatural appearance to the face. But such fears are groundless, knowing the nuances of the first plastic surgery for skin tightening. Because the raised skin, fixed in a new place, naturally fuses with the muscle layer. But subsequent surgical operations will seem less and less natural each time, because after the first tightening the skin has become less elastic, and the area under the dermis where the fusion with the muscle layer took place becomes denser.

Recovery period

First The patient should be under the supervision of a doctor for a couple of days. During this postoperative period, dressings and procedures are performed to promote rapid healing. There are no more complex events taking place at this time.

The patient then leaves the medical facility. The first two to three weeks there will be severe swelling on the face. Therefore, in order not to feel uncomfortable in society, take a vacation from work and minimize your social activities.

During the first year after facial skin tightening, prolonged exposure to the sun is not advisable.

During rehabilitation you need to wear a special mask. Remove spicy foods from your diet and reduce salt intake to a minimum.

By strictly following all the recommendations of the attending physician, the occurrence of complications is minimal. But of course, if medical recommendations are not followed, the rehabilitation period may drag on and lead to complications. Complications most often occur in patients with weak immune systems. and heavy smokers. In these categories of patients, the sutures are not sufficiently nourished, which leads to delayed healing. If a hematoma forms, you need to contact a specialist who can easily cure it.

From possible complications most often hematomas and inflammations form. When blood pressure increases, bleeding may occur.

In any case, if you notice unusual formations or bleeding, do not delay and contact your doctor, who will stop everything Negative consequences facial skin tightening.

Photos of complications caused by improper care during the rehabilitation period:

Facial skin care after a facelift

Since a circular facelift is a complex operation, it is postoperative care must be strict. It is strictly forbidden to wet the skin of the face, especially areas with stitches. It is recommended to clean the face with moistened cotton pads or tampons.

In the first weeks after surgery, visiting the bathhouse, sauna, solarium and hot tub is prohibited.

Facial surface requires more careful care after surgery. It must be cleansed, protected and nourished. Moisturizing masks and cosmetical tools aimed at lifting and rejuvenating the skin.

Pros and cons of a circular facelift

It is up to you and only you to decide whether to do circular plastic surgery or not. Before you decide or refuse surgery, you certainly need to know about the positive and negative aspects of this procedure.

One hundred percent advantages include:

  • absence of loose and hanging skin.
  • Wrinkle removal.
  • Beautiful oval face.
  • Open, rejuvenated look.
  • Removing facial wrinkles.

These are the main positive aspects of a circular facelift.

The disadvantages of this surgical intervention were:

How much does a circular lift cost?

The price for circular plastic surgery includes the cost of the operation itself, hospital stay and doctor’s observation for the first two to three days, anesthesia and a mask that is put on the face after skin tightening. Most often, tests and medical procedures performed after surgery are paid separately.

In Moscow, prices range from two hundred fifty to three hundred thousand. There are prices higher, but most likely in In this case, the operation will be performed by some eminent surgeon.