Conspiracy against drunkenness at a distance. A safe conspiracy for your husband to stop drunkenness. The text of the conspiracy against alcoholism sounds something like this

Relatives of a person suffering from alcoholism try to help him in any way. They resort to coding, hysterics, fights and scandals, hypnosis and drug treatment. If nothing else helps, then for healing loved one Various spells can be used. Anyone can use this method, because the ritual can be performed even at home. The only thing you need is faith in your strength and that the plot will work.

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      Healing your own spirit

      Achieve desired result It will be much easier if the patient understands the danger of the disease and wants to get rid of it. Some people immediately run to grandmothers-witches and healers, but you can perform the ritual yourself at home. Without aggravating the situation in the family and without attracting outsiders.

      • To get a good result, you must follow all the details of the ritual. For 4-6 days before the ceremony, be sure to adhere to strict fasting. In addition, you will need to visit the bathhouse and after that put on new and clean clothes. At the next stage, the alcoholic must take clean water (from a tap, a spring, from a stream) into a transparent vessel, read the words of the spell over it three times and drink this water.

        It is important that during the ritual you need to imagine every second that your alcohol addiction is going away.

        Turning from alcohol to water

        One of the best ways getting rid of addiction is a curse on water. It is not known exactly who created it, but it is assumed that it is some kind of Siberian healer.

        The ritual is performed at night, before going to bed. To do this you need:

        • place a glass of holy water on the table;
        • light a church candle;
        • take the candle in your right hand;
        • cross a glass filled with water, while saying the words of prayer.

        You need to drink water, cross yourself and go to bed.

        Conspiracy from photo

        Many conspiracies provide for the presence of a photograph of the person on whom the influence is directed. If the “doctor” has a photo, then we can consider that half the job is done. It will be easier to discourage a loved one from alcohol. The right conspiracy will help increase your chances.

        A magical ritual involves reciting magical words of a spell or prayer over a photograph of a person addicted to alcohol. The ritual is performed exclusively on the waning moon. The prayer or conspiracy is read exactly three times from memory. The ceremony is carried out by the light of a church candle, which must burn out to the end. If you don't comply with all the requirements, it can only get worse.

        Any prayer is said, for example, “Our Father.”

        Some pre-rite actions will help to achieve an additional positive effect:

        • go to church for a service, during which you need to pray for an alcoholic;
        • buy church candles;
        • go to the bathhouse;
        • put on clean clothes.

        Only after this can the ceremony be carried out.

        Conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova

        People who have recovered from an addiction recommend the incantations of this Siberian healer. Natalya Stepanova has developed various conspiracies against alcoholism, but the following conspiracy is the most effective and simple.

        During the ritual, you must always think about the person who needs to be cured. Imagine how a person gains intelligence, strength of spirit and will, and wisdom. It is necessary to imagine the person as completely healthy and full of energy. The conspiracy does not require the presence of a photograph of the patient. The ritual is performed on the waning moon after midnight.

        The words of the conspiracy are pronounced three times from memory.

        Vanga's strong conspiracy

        In a difficult situation related to the alcohol addiction of a loved one, it will help strong conspiracy Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. This prayer will help any male and female relatives.

        It affects the son or daughter with greater force.

        To carry out the ritual, you need to pour water, preferably spring water, into a transparent jug and whisper a spell over it:

        The charmed water must be quietly added to the food and drink of a person with an alcohol addiction for about a week. In seven days the addiction should go away.

        It is forbidden to add charmed water to alcoholic drinks; this can only aggravate the situation.

        A curse from drunkenness on soap

        The author of this conspiracy against alcoholism using soap is also the Bulgarian seer Vanga. It will help wean a person off the bottle. To carry out the ritual, it will be necessary to prepare a small piece of soap, which the alcohol-dependent relative will use when washing their hands. The church candle is lit at night, always during the waning moon. The following words are read exactly nine times:

        After the spell, we put the soap in the bathroom on the washbasin. It is advisable for your loved one to wash himself with this soap as often as possible. This spell is quite strong, so you can’t use it more than once every two weeks. If we run out of soap, we buy new ones and start a new conversation.

        Conspiracy on ice

        An excellent way to help in the fight against alcoholism is the ice spell. It must be read on the waning moon. Ice prepared in advance is placed in any container and placed on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on it. The next morning, when the ice melts, you need to speak a spell over the water:

        These words are read three times at night for one week. When the eighth day comes, you can begin to add the charmed water to the patient’s food and drink. It is better to use all the water in one day.


        Burial places for people or animals have been considered quite energetically strong since ancient times. IN modern world such a place is a cemetery. The cemetery was often considered the place of various witches and sorcerers, evil spirits and other dark entities. It is at the cemetery that various rituals are carried out, including those to ward off alcoholic beverages. Such a ritual is carried out strictly without the knowledge of the addict.

        To carry out the ritual it is necessary:

        • come to the cemetery with a bottle of vodka;
        • find an abandoned grave;
        • put a bottle on it.

        Cross yourself three times and say the words of the conspiracy out loud:

        Such a conspiracy is very powerful and works in almost all cases. However, it is also dangerous. If the ritual is performed incorrectly, the situation can only worsen and it will not be possible to save the person.

        A secret curse on a sleeping person

        Rituals to get rid of alcohol addiction can be performed without the desire of the patient. Everything can be done quietly and calmly without the person’s knowledge, while he is sleeping. The plot written below will help desperate relatives rid a loved one of an addiction. To do this, you need to make sure that the patient is sleeping soundly, and cast a spell against drunkenness over him:

        The deeper and more sound the sleep, the stronger the effect of the spell. And the most important thing is the faith of the uttering words of the conspiracy. It should be pronounced exclusively by a loving and close person; in this case, the sorceress grandmothers will not be able to help. It is the love and desire of loved ones that plays a big role in this ritual.

        After the ritual, all that remains is to wait for positive results, which should manifest themselves in the near future.

        There is another version of the conspiracy against drunkenness, which is pronounced over a sleeping person. This conspiracy is very old and has been verified by a large number of people. This ritual was usually performed in small villages. The result of the conspiracy was more than satisfactory to everyone.

        In order for the plot to work, it is necessary to carry out all its subtleties correctly. The words of the conspiracy should be pronounced by one of the close relatives, preferably the wife. The ritual is carried out between 3 and 4 am, at the time of greatest activity of various creatures and magical forces. You need to read the plot carefully so that the addict does not wake up. The conspiracy is pronounced eight times in a whisper. You need to sit next to a loved one, put your hand on his shoulder and say a spell:

        The plot should begin in a week. A previous drinker will begin to develop an aversion to alcohol, and it will only grow every day.

        Against drunkenness on a towel

        Another effective way getting rid of alcohol addiction - plot on a towel. To carry out this ritual, you will need a new hand towel, and the plot will be read on it. After midnight, you need to light a church candle and say the following words from memory over the towel three times:

        Now it is important to make sure that your loved one with addiction wipes their hands with this towel. After this, you immediately need to tie the towel into a strong knot and say over it:

        “Let it be as I want! »

        The towel is put away in a place inaccessible to anyone. The knot cannot be untied, and other people cannot touch it either. No one else should know about the ritual.

        Hair spell

        To carry out the ritual, you need to obtain several hairs from a person who needs to be cured of alcoholism. The hair is placed in a handkerchief or cloth used by the patient. The scarf is buried with the words:

        A cure for salt addiction

        To carry out this plot you will need salt and a bag. It is advisable to sew the bag yourself. Iodized or sea ​​salt falls into a bag. When a person addicted to alcohol falls asleep, you can perform a ritual.

        To do this, you need to read the spell for a bag of salt three times and hide it under the pillow. If you are afraid of being discovered, you can put it under the mattress. In the morning, take out the salt and sprinkle it on the raw meat. Feed a piece of meat to a dog or cat. Bury the remaining salt in the yard. The plot is read in the evening or at night.

        Before performing the ritual, you must fast for several days - this allows you to cleanse yourself spiritually. It is advisable to go to the bathhouse and cleanse yourself physically. And the ceremony itself should be carried out in a clean nightgown. The following words are pronounced:

        Voodoo method

        To rid a person of alcohol addiction, you can use a voodoo ritual called “Firmation of Heaven.” The ritual can be performed even by a person who is not associated with magic. For the ritual you will need a set of the following items:

    1. 1. 8 small potatoes.
    2. 2. Vegetable broth powder.
    3. 3. Coconut flakes.
    4. 4. New lace.

    The potatoes need to be boiled until pureed, add one teaspoon of vegetable puree powder to it, and also grate a few tablespoons of coke. Mix all this to form something like a dough. Form eight balls of the same size from this substance. Place the balls on the lace, and after reading the plot, tie it:

    During the celebration, imagine how the words penetrate the balls and remain there. On Sunday, take the bundle and take it to the nearest park.

    Christmas conspiracy

    Often people get rid of illnesses during the Christmas holidays. People find such an alternative when medicine cannot help. Almost all Christmas conspiracies against drunkenness are carried out using holy water and lighted candles. By candlelight, it is necessary to sprinkle the person’s things and bedding, all the while pronouncing the words of the conspiracy.

    You can perform a special ritual on Christmas Eve. To do this, you need to light three candles, and place inside a glass from which an alcoholic usually drinks. Say the words of the conspiracy over this glass, and then cross it.

    Ritual at a distance

    At a distance, turning to God and the saints will help. The following prayers are some of the most effective and powerful. Their message is sent to the famous healer Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow. It is read by the light of church candles on water, which will be quietly added to the alcohol.

    The following prayer is no less effective. Will allow in as soon as possible rid my husband of alcohol addiction. This prayer must be read not just once, but every time a drunkard starts drinking vodka, wine or other alcohol. It must be read at some distance from the person who needs to be cured. You can stop reading the prayer when your husband develops a strong aversion to alcoholic beverages.

    All conspiracies and prayers are read so that the patient does not see it or know about it. It is desirable that this occurs at a considerable distance. You can ask a friend or good acquaintance and discreetly say the words of prayer in her home. You don’t have to hide it from your friend, but you need to do the ceremony alone with yourself.

    Each person chooses the methods that are within his power. With confidence that it will not harm the drinker. And also with the hope that the loved one will stop drinking and going on a binge.

    Anticipated Consequences

    Alcohol addiction is a disease. It is necessary to try to get rid of it medically, only then resort to magical methods. Interventions such as conspiracies and prayers do not always work as desired. At first, the disease worsens and becomes stronger, only after some time the disease begins to go away. The addiction is corrected from the inside, destroying itself. It’s like the action of an antibiotic: microbes are first activated and then die.

    Conspiracies and magic are no joke; you need to be very careful during rites and rituals. Even one wrong word can aggravate the situation and bring the patient to a dying state.

    In more serious cases, you should immediately contact professionals. A person who knows and understands this will carry out the necessary energy cleansing and the ritual itself. This is necessary so that the body of a long-term drinker begins to perceive magical messages.

    If the magical ritual is carried out in accordance with all the requirements, the patient’s craving for alcohol will begin to decrease. But it is important to understand that this will not happen immediately. At first, a person will feel very tired, weak throughout the body, he will be lethargic and sad. Even sudden mood swings are possible, sometimes a person can fall into a state of depression. After some time, everything will begin to improve, the desire to live will return and the desire to drink will disappear.

    All conspiracies are effective only if they are carried out with faith and love for a patient with alcoholism. All requirements in rituals must be fulfilled unquestioningly and according to instructions. If everything was done correctly, then there should have been no negative consequences. If something goes wrong, then you need to contact a professional who will try to fix everything.

A conspiracy against drunkenness is needed in many families, because it often happens that the cause of quarrels is not problems in the relationship between spouses, but banal alcoholism. Most alcoholics do not recognize themselves as such and refuse treatment. If you want to save your family and turn your loved one away from addiction, you can turn to magic for this.

In the article:

Conspiracies against drunkenness and their features

The conspiracy against drunkenness for a man should be read on the men's day of the week - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Women are told off alcohol on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Such rituals are not performed on Sunday, and exceptions to this rule are always specifically stated. Likewise - church holidays and fasting time.

All rituals, the purpose of which is to get rid of something, are carried out on the waning moon, as well as on the full moon. Conspiracies and prayers for alcoholism are no exceptions to this rule.

Except in cases of charming oneself, the patient should not know that rituals are being performed for him. You cannot tell anyone about them, even after the problem is in the past. The only person who will know the real reason recovery from alcoholism is the one who read the conspiracies described below.

Before performing such rituals, it is required to fast for three days. If you are going to talk a loved one out of drunkenness, temporarily exclude animal products from your diet - meat, milk, eggs. In addition, the person who is planning such a ceremony should not drink alcohol during the same period. Until the ritual is completed, start every morning with a sip of holy water.

During the ritual, the person who will treat alcoholism should not wear jewelry. The only thing that can be is a pectoral cross. For women there is an additional rule - the head should be covered with a scarf.

Such witchcraft works best if it is read by the mother or father of the patient. A wife or husband can also speak; there are even separate conspiracies for treating spouses. You cannot talk your parents out of alcoholism - this is the law, children cannot treat their mother, father, grandmother or grandfather. If trouble happens to your parents, ask older relatives or friends for help.

The consequences of conspiracies for drunkenness can inspire optimism. Usually a person himself does not understand why he decided to quit drinking. But it should be remembered that an incorrectly performed ritual can make you drink even more and more often. Therefore, you should follow all the rules and strictly adhere to the texts of the spells, without replacing words with synonyms or confusing them.

Conspiracy against drunkenness on water

Such a conspiracy can be made on a person who does not accept either coding or other methods of treatment. Alcoholics often do not give their consent to magical treatment for their addiction. In such cases, water has long been slandered without the knowledge of the drinker. The person will not understand why he stopped drinking. You can read this plot both for another person and for yourself.

The plot is read over a glass of water 3 times, and good option will read when someone suffering from alcohol addiction suffers from a hangover and asks for a drink. You can prepare a drink in advance and serve it to someone who is addicted to alcohol. Text:

Hop, prince, your little head is wild! Don’t fly your hair down, but let it fall down. I don’t know you, I’ve never been to your home. Climb to the sovereign on top of the damp tree, on beer barrels and honey! Let not your evil words and your evil deeds fall on the person (name). Let him drink this cup and the hangover will disappear from him. Hmela, prince, sit at home, just like a king sits in his kingdom, and don’t come to my house!

Conspiracy against alcoholism with hops

You will need hops - a plant that is easy to buy at any pharmacy or market. It was this that was added several hundred years ago to some intoxicating drinks, which is why hops are considered the most effective magical plant in the fight against drunkenness. The plant should not be crushed. You don't need a lot of it - about a tablespoon.

You will need to take vodka or another alcoholic drink that the patient has not drunk. The hops need to be soaked in the remaining alcohol and then dried.

Wait for the full moon, at night take the prepared intoxicating cones and speak on them three times:

Come on, you evil hopper, get away from God’s servant (spouse’s name)!
Go out into the dark forests:
There are no birds there
The snake will not be born
The beast does not wander
The man doesn't walk!
Come out for some quick water
The fish don't splash there,
A person can't bathe
The moon does not look in the reflection,
The sun is clearly not warming.
To the wind, little hopper, go away!
Go to distant countries,
In the quicksand of the abyss!
Turn away from God's servant (name of spouse),
Bewitch a bad person.
His thoughts are black
Things are dark
There is no truth
Follow him!
I close the word, I finish the job!
Forever and ever, goy!

Chop these hops smaller. It should be added to tea daily for three days. The tea is brewed as usual, then hops are added and the “Our Father” is read nine times, at the same time the tea is marked with the sign of the cross.

You need to speak out against drunkenness three times, that is, you will spend three full moons on this. However, after this the person can be considered completely free from addiction.

A strong conspiracy against drunkenness on oneself

You can’t stop drinking on your own, have you tried to gather your strength, but need magical help? Try to talk yourself out of drunkenness. Before this, go to the bathhouse and put on clean clothes. If you don't have a bathhouse, you can go to a public one or take a bath. It's good if the bath is hot, with herbs and essential oils at your choice.

After the cleansing procedure, take not drinking water. Take it so you can drink it at one time. What is undrinkable water? This is the one that no one drank that day. To get it, you need to get up early and get it from the well first. You can also dial in the spring before anyone else does. If you live in an apartment and draw water from the tap, there is no guarantee that it will not be drinkable - your neighbors could well get up earlier and turn on the tap. Then the undrinkable water is collected from 3 to 5 in the morning and so that no one can see you.

The plot is read three times over undrinkable water:

In the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Amen. Hops and mash! To the gravestone, for all ages, leave me, the servant of God! Be gone from all cravings for wine and hops! The wind is violent, take away my wild passion! Drunkenness in the forest, get away from me, to the black birds and fierce beasts to be torn to pieces. Let dashing people suffer from my misfortune, but I don’t know grief. From my belly for all time, the dashing, dashing retreat! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

Drink the water immediately, completely, without any residue. This powerful conspiracy against drunkenness is made on the waning moon.

Conspiracy against husband's drunkenness

This plot is read daily over a sleeping husband. If you sleep during the day, then read during the day. If you only sleep at night, then read at night. Try to prevent your husband from waking up while reading the plot; do it in a whisper:

The sky is clear, hear, the sky is light (dark - if you are reading at night), see what I want to do to the servant of God (name). The sun rises into my yard, and there is neither man nor beast there. The red moon descends into my cage, and there is no door, no floor or ceiling in it. Clear stars come to the spouse's bowl, and there the water is purer than white snow. Sunny, slave (name) turn away from the wine. Month, slave (name) stop drinking wine. Little stars, pacify the slave (name) from wine. I conjure an open field, a bright valley, and a blue sea. Key. Lock. Language.

Strong conspiracy against drunkenness

This anti-drinking spell is very effective, but it should only be done during any Orthodox holiday. In the church you can buy a calendar of all holidays for the whole year. You can use it for your business.

Place a table in the center of the largest room in your home. Cover it with a plain white tablecloth. Place a large mirror in the center of the table, and in front of the mirror place three candles that were bought in the church.

You should also place a jar of clean, fresh water on the table. You can get water at home, even from the tap, but it is better if it is natural - from a well or spring. You also need 3 glasses, any kind. There is no need to pour anything into them yet, just let them sit empty. You also need to buy a bottle of booze in advance that the person you are treating for drunkenness likes to drink. Keep a saucepan or other large container nearby.

You need to put a dark scarf on your head and choose the most dark clothes from what you have. Stand near the table, pick up a bottle of alcohol and read the Lord's Prayer. After prayer, read the plot three times:

I, God’s servant (name), will stand up and bless myself with the Trinity,
I will cross myself and leave the house through the doors,
I’ll run away through the gates behind my native yard.
I'm going to the east side,
I'll look into the ocean-sea.
There is a big stone in the sea.
Near the stone is a pike whose eye is burning with fire.
Her cheeks are made of gold, her teeth are made of damask steel.
She will come to God’s servant (name),
Drunkenness will carry you away in damask teeth.
Her drunken passion does not return from her cheeks,
Never again will God's servant (name) drink wine!
And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

After reading, take a glass and fill it with alcohol. Close the bottle, read the prayer again and the spell three times, pour alcohol into the second glass. Repeat all the manipulations in order to pour from the bottle into the third glass.

Pour water from the jar into a saucepan or any other container that is quite capacious and suitable for storing your potion against drunkenness and mix it with alcohol, which is poured into three glasses. This is what you will add to the drinks and food of someone who needs to recover from alcohol addiction. A sign of successful treatment will be illness (usually nothing serious, something like colds) of someone who drinks a drink or eats food with an anti-alcohol potion, but it will go away pretty quickly. It just means that you did everything right.

Holy water spell for alcoholism

You will need not just holy water, but what is called Epiphany water - consecrated on January 19, the day of Epiphany. And this conspiracy is made on the 19th, but the month does not matter. Epiphany can also be used to treat alcoholism. You need about one half liter jar of water, rarely more is needed. But sometimes you have to slander the water 1-2 more times, especially if the case is very advanced.

When casting a spell on holy water, bend over it so that your breath touches the surface. Read three times, each repetition in one breath:

Just like our Lord, Jesus Christ didn’t know hops, didn’t drink, didn’t suffer without it, just like His Mother, the Mother of God, and the saints didn’t know dashing mash, couldn’t stand it without it, so you, the servant of God, should give up wine and never go back to don't touch him. Amen.

Seal the jar of water immediately. You can open it only if you intend to use the water for its intended purpose. And the purpose is to add it to food and drink, but for a person suffering from alcoholism. Add only to ready-made drinks and dishes, because this water cannot be boiled or heated.

Fish spell against drinking

To cure a loved one from cravings for alcohol, you will have to go fishing. The slander is read about fish that were not bought in a store, but were caught by you personally in fresh water. You must bring her home alive. Pour wine into any container and place the fish in it. Then begin preparations for frying, during which the hex is read:

Just as this fish flutters in wine, so the soul of God’s servant (name) flutters at the sight of wine. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Make sure you are not interrupted during the process. Those suffering from alcohol cravings are treated to fried fish.

Alcohol conspiracy

Take any bottle. You will pour into it what you have not drunk as an alcoholic. It doesn’t matter what kind of alcoholic drinks it will be, the main thing is that you pour it away without the drunkard himself noticing. It shouldn't be what's left in the bottles, but what's left in the glass. Even if there are a few drops, collect them anyway.

Remember that you can’t drink without drinking - they are often used to spoil alcoholism, but they can also get rid of drunkenness. When the bottle is full, go to the cemetery. Each cemetery has a fence that separates the world of the dead from the world of the living. Bury it in the corner so that no one can see it. At the same time say:

Like the new neighbors don’t need you,
They don’t drink in the morning, they don’t suffer without you
They sleep during the day and at night, their eyes are open,
So the servant of God (name) will not think about you,
Neither with a new month, nor with a golden moon,
Neither in rain nor in sunshine,
My work is sculpted, my word is strong.
Key. Lock. Language.

Alcoholism and omens

There are many causes of alcoholism that doctors talk about. But few people know that sometimes this problem appears as a result of induced damage or a love spell. If this is your case, the conspiracies described above will not help. First you need to eliminate the negative program.

In addition, there are signs that predict the future of a drunkard. For example, you cannot pour the remaining alcohol from glasses into a bottle. Anyone who drinks this will become drunk. Often such residues are used to damage alcoholism. For the same reasons, people don’t drink leftovers from other people’s glasses - this leads to drunkenness.

Another sign prohibits getting drunk at a funeral. Anyone who violates it will lose the ability to control the desire to drink. In some regions, they believe that those who drink at funerals and on holy holidays doom their children to become dependent on alcohol.

Remember that drunkenness is a serious problem , and sitting idly by while you or a loved one is suffering from a terminal illness is extremely dangerous. Try to help him and yourself as quickly as possible and the Universe will certainly help you and reward you for your efforts.

Alcoholism is a terrible, dangerous and very common disease in modern society. People suffering from addiction cause suffering not only to themselves, but also to their loved ones and those close to them. That is why these days, conspiracies against drunkenness are especially popular among ordinary people. Consequences, reviews of rituals, as well as the technique of performing them and a description of the necessary attributes - all this will be discussed in the article below.

Features of rituals

Usually such rituals are female hands. It is no secret that a loving wife, looking at the torment of her adored husband, is ready for anything. Having tried various methods, young ladies are steadily turning to magic. They consider conspiracies the last hope that will help snatch a spouse from the clutches of the insidious “green snake” and restore his taste for life and work. Any conspiracy against drunkenness and its consequences is a delicate matter. Therefore, before starting the ritual, it is tedious to take into account all its features, because you will be turning to higher powers. And if they are not pleased, angered or deprived of a reward, the “kickback” will be strong and destructive for the one performing the ritual and the one to whom it is dedicated.

All words of the conspiracy must be pronounced clearly, confidently and correctly. No amateur performances! When it comes to a woman, the ritual is carried out on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, if the ritual is aimed at a man - Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. Among the main attributes, candles, wax, water, photographs should be highlighted. The choice of magical accessories depends on the personal preferences of the person performing the ceremony.

Water spell

Very easy to use, does not require additional costs. Therefore, women often choose this particular conspiracy against drunkenness. The reviews about it are the most positive: young ladies claim that it “works.” To carry out the ceremony you will need a standard glass: fill it with water. You can use holy liquid, but if you don’t have one, regular tap liquid will do. Having poured water into the container, say the following words over it: “Water will quickly get inside - alcohol addiction will instantly go away. And there is no turning back for her. Amen!" You need to repeat the spell three times.

The ritual is best performed at midnight. Place the enchanted water on the windowsill: it stays there all night, after which the next morning you need to add it to the alcoholic’s food or just let him drink it. You can also spread out the glass over a whole week by giving your spouse the contents in small portions. The liquid must not be diluted. By the way, you can soak a towel used by a drunkard with water. After a week, bury or burn the hygiene item.

Ritual with sacred water

Very effective, the consequences of which will be minimal. This is explained simply: the ritual uses consecrated water, the one that you bring from church on the feast of the Epiphany - January 19. She has special power. The conspiracy itself is also best done on this day, immediately after visiting the temple. To do this, take out an ordinary small jar from the pantry, pour the miraculous liquid into it and whisper the words, bending low over the container so that your lips almost touch the surface of the water. At the same time, the following must be said: “Just as our God, Jesus Christ, did not drink, did not know hops and did not suffer without it, just as the Virgin Mary and the saints did not know the holy brew, did not touch her, did not suffer, so you, servant of God ( name) give up alcohol and never return to it. Amen!"

The plot is read three times, after which the jar is sealed. It can only be opened to add the infused liquid to the food and drink of a person suffering from alcoholism. Dishes must be already prepared: boiling or even heating water is prohibited - this will cause it to lose its properties. If the case is very advanced, the ritual is performed several times.

Conspiracy on a photograph

The famous Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova described in detail this conspiracy against drunkenness and its consequences: reviews of the ritual are simply enthusiastic. Those people who have tried it at home say that it almost always gives a positive result. During the ceremony, you need to bend over a photo of your loved one and whisper a short prayer: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" In this case, you need to think that your spouse will have enough willpower and wisdom to give up drinking alcohol. Imagine him not drinking, healthy and cheerful.

There is another popular ritual performed in photography. After waiting until midnight, you need to whisper over the image of your spouse: “The moon is waning, it retreats from the servant of God (name) forever, leaves completely and does not return. I say - the moon does. Amen". Just like the first, so do the second ritual for the waning month. This conspiracy against drunkenness has its own “kickback”. And its consequences must be taken into account in order to protect yourself. Before and after the ritual, go to the temple, pray and light candles.

Ritual with alcoholic drinks

An equally effective conspiracy against drunkenness, the consequences of which can be very unpleasant. The ritual is carried out using a cemetery, so it requires additional preparation. But first things first. First, you need to take a bottle of the alcoholic drink that your husband usually drinks, go to the graveyard and find a dug grave in which the deceased person should be buried. Stand and wait for the dead man to be brought in. After the funeral, when the relatives have dispersed, place a bottle near his grave and say: “Happy housewarming to you, newly departed servant of God (name). Here is a gift for you from the servant of God (name of the drunkard). Remember his binge as a repose. Let him not drink, get some sleep and become an ardent teetotaler. Just as you (the name of the deceased) do not reach for the bottle, so the bitter drunkard would not drink, would not become an alcoholic and would remain with a clear mind until the end of his life. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

You leave the bottle near the grave under the protection of the deceased. Like all cemetery rituals, this one is dangerous. After it is completed, you must definitely go to church, order a service for the deceased person who was disturbed, light candles for the repose and read the prayer “Our Father...” forty times.

Ritual for husband

You do this ritual on a regular lock, which you previously bought in a store. You must purchase it on Friday, and the item must be large, strong and reliable. Wait until midnight and pour the remaining alcohol that your husband left behind into the well. It is better if they are fresh; in extreme cases, you can use alcohol stored in advance. After this, close the lock with the key, saying: “You, libertine and bitter drunkard, may bottles and taverns remain locked for you for the rest of your life, like this lock.”

The conspiracy against the husband's drunkenness will last as long as the lock remains closed. Therefore, try to hide the key away: throw it into a running river. The castle can be buried: being at the mercy of different elements, two parts of one whole will become inaccessible to each other, and the effect of the ritual will become stronger. The ritual is performed on the old moon. During this period, the celestial body loses its strength, along with which various misfortunes, troubles, problems and diseases recede.

Conspiracy against my son

Agree, it is much more painful for a mother to look at her drinking heir than for a wife to look at her husband. Native blood, on which great hopes were placed, instead of becoming a support, slides to the very bottom. In addition, the power of maternal love is much stronger than marital love. Therefore, any words spoken from the mouth of a parent have magical power to one degree or another. If a woman has a good mother-in-law and she gets along well with her, you can use her help. Such a conspiracy against drunkenness will have double power, and its consequences will be a crushing blow to alcoholism.

What do we have to do? On Maundy Thursday before Easter, the mother must wash all the windows in the apartment where her son lives. The work is carried out according to the usual scheme, but the last water that is used during cleaning needs to be poured into a jar. Then the parent calls the heir and pours this liquid on his back, whispering the following words: “Just as I gave birth to you, fed you with breast milk, raised you and raised you, so you, the servant of God (name), would not drink vodka, pour mash into your mouth, or wine didn't touch. The windows are washed and you are clean. Let it be so".

Strong self-conspiracy

He can become very productive. Such conspiracies are endowed with double power: a person understands the problem and realizes that he needs help. If there is a desire to get rid of addiction, he will not only perform rituals, but will also try to undergo a course of treatment. In tandem, these methods will help you get started new life, in which there will no longer be a place for alcohol. To perform the ritual, wait for the waning moon. You should be alone in the apartment; in extreme cases, lock yourself in a separate room so that no one disturbs you.

The ritual requires preliminary preparation. A week before it, begin a strict fast, which must be maintained until the day of the ritual. When it comes, go to the bathhouse and be sure to put on clean underwear. Then, returning home, go to any running source and draw water. Arriving at the apartment, wait until midnight and whisper the following words over the liquid: “Alcohol addiction retreat - give way to a new life. There is no longer a green snake in it. I am as pure as this water." Imagine how a bad habit leaves you. Read the plot three times and drink the water.

If you decide to undertake such a ritual, keep one simple truth in mind: a conspiracy from drunkenness can disrupt the harmony in the family. And its consequences must be taken into account when performing the ritual. It is better to seek help from experienced magicians and healers. If you want to do everything yourself, strictly adhere to the following rules:

  • All rituals against alcoholism are performed on the waning moon.
  • Treat representatives of the stronger sex on “men’s” days, and young ladies on “women’s” days.
  • It is forbidden to speak on Sundays, fasting and during church celebrations.
  • You need to read the plot in a whisper, believing in what you are saying, and sincerely wishing your dream to come true as soon as possible. When you are confident and calm, sincerely believing and hoping, the action will be more effective.
  • Under no circumstances should you interrupt the ceremony, so choose a time when you are alone and not busy with other things.

By observing these conditions, you will successfully carry out any conspiracy against drunkenness using alcohol, photography or water.


If something goes wrong, you will get a strong kickback. How does it manifest itself? Firstly, if the basic rules are not followed, a person can drink even more. Secondly, your gross mistakes will lead to a negative impact on the health of you or your loved ones. Especially when the ceremony was performed in a cemetery: here you ask for help from otherworldly forces, and they can get angry and send you a solid dose of problems. Remember that magic, even white magic, is a serious matter. Therefore, it requires a competent approach, precision execution and compliance with all conditions.

What will happen if there is no rollback, but instead the expected result is obtained? At first, it will be difficult for a person without the usual dose of alcohol. He may become nervous, irritable, and depressed. Your support is very important here: without unnecessary reproaches, insults and anger. Don't remember the past, but start life over with a new leaf.

Now you know how to correctly carry out conspiracies against drunkenness. You could read the consequences, reviews about them and other interesting details in our review. May peace and tranquility come to your home, and may an era of harmony and prosperity come in your life.

Powerful spells against drunkenness will help a person get rid of his addiction, restore health and improve relationships with others.


Features of reading conspiracies against alcoholism at home

In order to free a person from alcohol addiction independently and completely free of charge, you need to read the anti-drunkenness conspiracies correctly.

  1. Not every day is suitable for reading magic words. The weaker sex is spoken on women's days - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. The easiest time to talk to a man is on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.
  2. It is prohibited to perform ceremonies and rituals on Sunday.
  3. Silence is your best helper, so do not tell your own people or strangers about fortune telling.
  4. It is better to pray and turn to saints so that a person does not drink during the waning moon.
  5. The most powerful conspiracies are read over a sleeping person on the 19th of any month.

Water conspiracies

The most powerful spells for water:

  • water spell on oneself;
  • ritual on Maundy Thursday;
  • ritual with sacred water;
  • drinking water spell for husband;
  • prayer for the treatment of alcoholism in my son.

Water spell on yourself

The ritual will work on people who have independently come to the idea of ​​quitting drinking.

This effective ritual is carried out like this:

  1. Take water treatments - go to the shower or bath, or better yet, take a steam bath.
  2. Fill a glass with water from any source: a well, a clean stream or a tap.
  3. Read a spell to help cope with addiction: “The drunken stupor will disappear forever! For many centuries and for all years. Go away the craving for home brew, take away the bad habit. Evil people die from my troubles, but I grow stronger and gain strength. Retreat into the deciduous forest, and leave me clean.”
  4. Drink the water without leaving any traces. According to reviews from people who performed this ritual, the problem will gradually disappear.

Rite on Maundy Thursday

Rituals held on Maundy Thursday have a powerful influence on people who abuse alcohol.

To cure a patient:

  1. Invite the person to take a bath and whisper the words over the water: “Fast water, wash away dark thoughts from the soul, help heal! Life-giving water, protect from hops and mash, bring freedom and lightness. Amen".
  2. Pour a handful of salt there and read the second part of the conspiracy against drunkenness: “Salt, salt, let alcohol go away from life. Purify the water so that the servant of God can get rid of unclean thoughts and can relax without alcohol. Amen".

Ritual with sacred water

For the ritual you will need:

  • water from the church;
  • container with a lid.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. On the bright holiday of Epiphany, take it into the water and consecrate it in the temple.
  2. Pour some water into a container with a lid.
  3. Read the prayer three times: “As the Lord Christ Jesus did not know mash and did not know grief. Just as the holy ones did not destroy your soul with hops, so you (person’s name) should not suffer from alcohol and forget the sinful habit.”
  4. Screw the lid on and open it once a week to discreetly add water to a drinking relative's food.

Plot against drinking water for husband

It can be difficult for a wife to keep her husband from drinking alcohol, but a conspiracy against drinking will help to do this.

The ritual is carried out as follows:

  1. You need to pour plain water into a glass and say: “A lonely man lived and lived and died. Just as he lies not alive, so (husband’s name) does not have alcohol in his mouth. Just as the right hand of the deceased does not rise, so (name)’s hands with alcohol do not rise. He won’t pour himself more hops, he won’t bring them to his mouth. I protect (name) from sin, I save from illness.”
  2. Give your husband water to drink for a week, adding it to tea or another drink.

Prayer for treating alcoholism in a son

A prayer to Saint Boniface will help wean your son off alcohol.

Oh, all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Master! Hear those who come running to you, possessed by an addiction to drinking wine, and, just as in your earthly life you never refused to help those who asked you, so now deliver these unfortunates (names). Once upon a time, God-wise father, hail destroyed your vineyard, but you, having given thanks to God, ordered the few remaining grapes to be placed in a winepress and to invite the poor. Then, taking new wine, you poured it drop by drop into all the vessels that were in the bishopric, and God, fulfilling the prayer of the merciful, performed a glorious miracle: the wine in the winepress multiplied, and the poor filled their vessels. Oh, saint of God! Just as through your prayer wine increased for the needs of the church and for the benefit of the poor, so you, blessed one, now reduce it where it causes harm, deliver those who indulge in the shameful passion of wine drinking (names) from their addiction to it, heal them from a serious illness, free them from demonic temptation, strengthen them, the weak, give them, the weak, strength and strength to quickly endure this temptation, return them to a healthy and sober life, direct them to the path of work, put in them the desire for sobriety and spiritual vigor. Help them, saint of God Boniface, when the thirst for wine begins to burn their larynx, destroy their destructive desire, refresh their lips with heavenly coolness, enlighten their eyes, place their feet on the rock of faith and hope, so that, leaving their soul-harming addiction, which entails excommunication from the Heavenly Kingdom, they, having established themselves in piety, were rewarded with a shameless peaceful death and in the eternal light of the infinite Kingdom of Glory worthily glorified our Lord Jesus Christ with His Beginning Father and with His Most Holy and Life-giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

In order for her son to stop drinking once and for all, the mother must pray for at least two weeks.

The video reveals another version of the conspiracy against drunkenness. Filmed by the Magic of Life channel.

Alcohol conspiracies

The most powerful alcohol conspiracies:

  • alcoholism spell with vodka;
  • conspiracy against drunkenness on wine.

Vodka spell for alcoholism

In order for an alcoholic to quit a bad habit, he needs to talk to the vodka he drinks.

Save us, Savior, from terrible misfortune. Drive away the demonic hops, to the gravestone. Just as a sow cannot fly, cannot swim across a deep sea, so (spouse’s name) does not desire alcohol, does not know how to binge drink.

Alcoholism can be cured if the patient drinks three glasses of vodka.

Conspiracy against drunkenness with wine

We make the enchanted tincture of wine on July 7th, Midsummer's Day. Thyme will help to cast a spell.

We proceed like this:

  1. We collect grass.
  2. At home we pour the inflorescences into a bottle of wine.
  3. We pronounce an alcoholic spell: “Grass-ant, you grow in the field, you take freedom. Free (the patient’s name) from the scourge of intoxication, share your freedom so that intoxication becomes a thing of life.”
  4. We leave the booze for calendar week, after which we give it to someone suffering from alcohol addiction. He must drink the entire bottle himself.

Conspiracy against alcoholism based on photo

When it is not possible to openly cast a spell on a person, his photo comes to the rescue.

The ritual should be performed in this way:

  1. A photograph of the person you want to save must be placed behind a glass of blessed water.
  2. Looking through the water at the photo, read the spell: “When the servant of God (name) thinks of becoming intoxicated with alcohol, his strength and agility will immediately leave him. The soul will be filled with scabs and ulcers. Heartburn and cramps will be a punishment. (name) will not be a drunkard, he will just take a sip and go to bed! The craving for mash will pass, the hops will fade into the background, and the desire will disappear for centuries.”
  3. Sprinkle the photo with water.
  4. Cross the image of a drinker.
  5. Place the photo in a dark place.
  6. Give your drinking husband some charmed water to drink.

The drunkard will stop drinking on the fortieth day after the ceremony.

Conspiracy from drunkenness to soap

The method is considered one of the most reliable and accurate. To implement it, you need to take a new piece of soap and speak to it.

You (name of target) should not walk around intoxicated or drunk. Do not trample the ground in an idle frenzy. I forbid you, I conjure you! Wash your hands from dust, and save your soul from sins. Attack, leave without returning, don’t come back! Vodka is your main enemy, as soon as you remember it, you’ll start spitting!

Put soap in the bathroom. It is advisable that detergent used only by the one who was spoken to.

Ritual against alcoholism for Easter

On a bright holiday, the prayer ritual is more effective than on other days. You will need 24 candles and Easter cake.

Getting up in the morning no later than 6 o’clock we act like this:

  1. Cut the cake into 12 pieces.
  2. Let's go to the cemetery.
  3. We are looking for 12 gravestones with the same name as the drunkard.
  4. We put a piece of Easter cake on each one.
  5. We read a prayer over each grave: “You lie in the ground, you don’t get drunk with hops. Rest forever, never know grief, don’t raise your glasses. And don’t let God’s servant (name) poison his soul with wine. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".
  6. You should remember the last name of each deceased and light 12 candles for the repose, asking forgiveness for the trouble.
  7. Light the remaining 12 candles for the health of your family and friends.


Reading conspiracies and performing rituals can lead to the following consequences:

  • Not only the one who performed the rituals, but also his family and loved ones will suffer mentally;
  • if the caster was not dependent on alcohol, he may find that he is strongly drawn to drink;
  • the person you wanted to cure from drunkenness may drink even harder than before;
  • someone who is addicted to alcohol can become ill or become angry and irritable.


The video, shot by Alla Sigareva, demonstrates prayers to the saints for deliverance from drunkenness.

The folk conspiracy against alcoholism has already saved many people and saved many families, because it is very difficult to fight the excessive consumption of strong drinks.

This process requires a long period of treatment and the investment of considerable financial resources and mental effort.

But if you turn to folk rituals to prevent your husband from drinking and to get rid of his addiction to vodka, you can significantly save energy and avoid numerous negative consequences.

Alcoholism has become a very common problem these days, having managed to destroy many families and kill many healthy people.

Resolving such a situation becomes all the more difficult because a person under the influence of vodka is not aware of his actions and does not want to be treated, he simply becomes lost to society.


In this case, the entire initiative to solve the problem of alcoholism has to be taken into the hands of another family member: mother, wife or friend. But even in this case, the outcome of the unequal struggle with strong drinks is absolutely unclear. Standard methods may simply not bring the desired result.

In such a difficult case, only a folk conspiracy against drunkenness can help you. The main thing is to approach it correctly.

Features of rituals against drunkenness

To avoid unexpected results or negative consequences of such rituals, you should be very careful when performing them. To do this, first of all, you should adhere to general recommendations for such specific magical actions:

  • The conspiracy against drunkenness is carried out on strictly defined days, which are chosen based on who should be cured. If the husband drinks, then prefer Monday, Tuesday or Thursday for the ritual, but if the woman drinks, then Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. On Sundays, it is best not to carry out such a conspiracy against binge drinking at all.
  • The alcohol plot will bring the greatest benefit if you select the correct lunar phase for the day of the week. Preference should be given to the full moon or the passing month.
  • As in many other magical actions, the presence of faith is necessary in conspiracies against drunkenness. If you try to use such a conspiracy against alcohol out of curiosity, then you should not expect effective healing. In the worst case, you may be overtaken Negative consequences from abuse of higher powers.
  • You should not try to share the planned ritual with other members of your family, including the person who drinks, if he does not want to be cured. Even if you see a positive result from the ritual against drunkenness, keep everything secret so as not to incur the wrath of higher powers.

The above rules should be followed in any case, regardless of the type of ritual you choose.

Ritual in the photo

The most powerful conspiracy against binge drinking is carried out using a photo of a man. After all, any photograph carries a strong imprint of a person’s aura, which means it makes it easier to direct magical power in the right direction.

To prevent your husband from drinking, carry out this conspiracy against drunkenness on the day of the month corresponding to the recommendations. In addition, you will need to prepare the following things in advance:

  • A recent photograph of a person addicted to alcohol.
  • Three wax candles, purchased at the church.
  • A little blessed water.

The conspiracy against drunkenness itself should be carried out at sunset. Stay alone in an empty room and place candles in a row.

When you light them, do not forget to put a photo prepared in advance in front of them.

It must be sprinkled with holy water, while saying the following words:

The prayer must be said three times, and the photo itself must be hidden in a hiding place. Improvements will come in a couple of weeks. If you want your husband not to drink at all, then perform this ritual against drunkenness exactly one month later, using the same photo.

Water spell

You can also heal a person from alcohol abuse with enchanted water. If you carry out such a ritual against drunkenness regularly and give all the magical water to drink, then alcoholism will become a thing of the past.

If it is not possible to obtain such living water, then you still should not abandon this effective ritual against drunkenness.

Take plain clean water and let it sit for seven days in a dark hiding place.

When all the preparatory activities are completed, read the following words of prayer over the water:

This charmed water must be consumed completely. You can mix it into tea or coffee for a drinker.

Soap ritual

This conspiracy against drunkenness is also quite strong. Its advantage is that the magic words will be read using ordinary soap, which your husband will subsequently use to wash his hands. That is, there is no need to persuade him to drink anything.

It is best to purchase a new bar of soap, especially for the ritual itself, so that the husband does not drink. The following conspiracy words should be read on it:

It is best to say the prayer itself at least nine times, and leave the soap where a person with alcoholism usually takes hygiene procedures. It will be enough if you regularly wash your hands with this soap.

If the effect of the conspiracy is rather weak, then read the prayer for the same soap again in two weeks. When the bar runs out, you will need to start a new one.

Ritual on a towel

Our grandmothers also used this spell for drunkenness, since it is not difficult to perform, and the result is worthy of admiration.

To do this, purchase a small new hand towel in advance. On the night when the full moon is shining in the sky, read the following words on it:

Now this thing must be left in a place where your loved one, suffering from an addiction to alcohol, can use it for its intended purpose, that is, to wipe their hands with it. No one else should touch this enchanted towel.

As soon as the necessary thing has happened, take it and tie it in a strong knot, saying the following words:

Hide the towel itself in a safe hiding place without untying the knot.


Conspiracies against drunkenness at home: consequences

An effective conspiracy against drunkenness is help to the entire family of an alcoholic who not only drinks away the money he earns, but also neglects any family responsibilities.

Both people with addiction and their loved ones read a conspiracy against drunkenness on water or a conspiracy against drunkenness in a cemetery. Long-distance rituals can work if you use a photograph or item of a sick person.

How to choose a conspiracy against binge drinking so as not to be afraid of dangerous consequences?

Conspiracies against drunkenness

Magical fight against alcoholism

A strong conspiracy against drunkenness is selected depending on how long a person has been drinking. Alcoholism is a disease of the soul and body. People with strong energy do not suffer from such a bad habit.

Popular conspiracies against drunkenness are used by people who are desperate to “encode” or swear off.

There are consequences and complications from a conspiracy to become drunk, but only with the help of targeted magical influence will it be possible to keep your husband or loved one away from the bottle.

A strong conspiracy against drunkenness is read in a certain environment and on days when natural elements will strengthen the work of the conspiracy. A conspiracy against drunkenness and its consequences can affect the lives of all family members.

Protective spells and prayers help protect against consequences. Put away terrible sin which a man or woman does every day, only prayer words will help.

A ritual is performed with a sleeping alcoholic located at a great distance from the conspirator.

Choosing a magical treatment method for an alcoholic

Who will the conspiracies help? The spells of the famous Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova or any effective folk ritual only work on special charged days - Good Friday, Christmas or Epiphany. On Easter, only folk rituals are held for heavy alcoholics. Folk conspiracies and healer rituals can harm both the conspirator and the victim of the magical action.

Rituals are selected depending on the following factors:

  • the day when the necessary ritual helps to get rid of the most harmful, dangerous habit (the day when the Moon wanes);
  • alcoholic state (the consequences of drinking can weaken the body’s defense mechanisms);
  • effective spells are selected according to magical attributes (spells in the photo, the addict’s towel, his things);
  • effective spells are not performed during the day, the best time for their implementation is at night;
  • an effective spell should be read from memory (you should learn the words of Vanga’s or Natalia Stepanova’s spell in advance);
  • You can cast spells on a husband, son, friend - on a person for whom the conspirator has sincere feelings;
  • a powerful ritual against binge drinking and a strong protective ritual helps prevent drunkenness in the future.

A strong ritual against the addiction of Vanga or Stepanova will prevent another binge if you prepare your husband or son in advance. You need to read the words of the prayer for protection on the eve of the ceremony. For a husband or loved one, prayer words will be a guarantee of safety.

Consequences of magic

Prayers and incantations help before the ritual for one reason - protection is not something a person needs, but is vital.

Who needs protection? Removing booze from your home, not just physically, but on more subtle levels, is not as easy as it may seem.

Spells for food, soap, towels, hair will help relieve addiction, but violate the integrity of a person’s energy shell.

Before performing a magical ritual on any day of the week, on holidays or on weekdays, you should protect yourself and your loved one: protect yourself from other harmful human habits.

Having jumped off one problem, a weak personality strives to find a new addiction. Only in this way does the life of a weakened person acquire meaning. A magical photography ritual on lucky days of the week or a food spell is done in several stages.

To avoid consequences, you can take a person to church and allow him to confess.

They also provide protection against personality weaknesses. Immediately after reading the plot, the alcoholic loses vitality.

For a person, a targeted magical effect, especially for a long time (spells based on photographs, on soap, a ritual with a glass) is very destructive.

Protecting your son or husband before rituals that will definitely help is the primary task of a caring woman.

Universal spells for water

Speak to the water

Black or white magic will help remove mental illness. The difference between the two different impacts is only in the consequences.

At home, a powerful ritual is performed using water that should be brought from the church.

Taken together, ancient water rituals and Slavic spells quickly relieve an alcoholic of mental illness.

This method is harmful (it's the consequences) at a distance. Using whispers on the water, it is better to charm your husband or son who is nearby.

Anti-drunkenness rituals are held at the Annunciation, a forty-strong ritual on the eve of Good Friday, and a ritual at the water.

What you need for water spells

Only a proven ritual with water helps against drunkenness. Muslim, ancient Slavic, Easter rituals at home show good results.

In severe cases of drunkenness, several magical events are carried out at once.

At home, the safest but most effective rituals are performed on an addicted person using magical attributes:

  • salt;
  • prepare wood ash;
  • an ordinary chicken egg.

The essence of the ritual for drunkenness lies in the exact impact. To carry out a secret action with water or food, soap, the patient must visit the cemetery. Earth is brought from the grave, causing disgust from drunkenness.

Reading the simplest plot

There are rituals with enchanted water of varying complexity: multi-stage or those that are carried out at one time.

You choose such actions for yourself or you can use them for your husband (son, friend or daughter). The gender of the addict and his position in society have no meaning for magic.

With the help of enchanted water, you can wean off an addicted woman, but fighting female alcoholism is very difficult.


Conspiracies are read over the sick person or over the holy liquid, after the main part of the ritual:

  1. Holy water is brought from the temple. Ordinary tap water will not help cope with such a complex task. You can bring water from a spring - living water, with which only the most powerful spells can be cast. It is very important on what day the main attribute is brought. It is better to take holy water on Sunday after a service or on a major Orthodox holiday.
  2. Left alone, the conspirator pronounces the words of the spell for holy water:

The conspirator waits until Friday and adds the holy liquid to the addict's food and drinks. Additionally, the words of the prayer “Our Father” will help the patient.

Fight alcoholism

It is very important not to tell anyone about methods of dealing with alcoholism in the family. The easiest way to get rid of a problem is to solve it accessible ways without further ado. Holy water should not be poured out (the patient must consume the enchanted liquid completely).

The most powerful ritual against alcoholism for a husband or friend also works with ice (frozen, charmed liquid). It is not so important through which attributes powerful conspiracies will operate. The conspirator will protect himself if he performs rituals after repentance in the church.

Spell with soap

The spell against drunkenness is quite strong for soap. It is held on Friday - prayers and conspiracies against drunkenness on this day are the most effective. Alcohol, which ruined the whole family, will no longer become an obstacle to family happiness.

An effective spell against drunkenness so that alcohol no longer attracts the patient, read after sunset. The most effective and powerful conspiracy against drunkenness - a conspiracy against drunkenness from a photograph can also be read on soap.

An aversion to alcohol without the knowledge of the addict (on behalf of the mother, wife, girlfriend) on a family member is used together with folk remedies, the recipes of which are easy to learn from healers.

Deliverance occurs during Epiphany week, during Lent or on Easter. Without additional attributes, a good soap enchantment will work even for beginners.

Only the waning Moon can get rid of a bad habit (during another phase, rituals are ineffective).

Preparing for secret action

Who can make magical prohibitions on the Full Moon for a guy, the fate of a daughter? Someone who is not afraid of consequences. Magic works against drunkenness, but for this you need to prepare for the ritual.

Simple spells can be made on literally any number (for village spells, energetically charged days are selected, and Kazakh spells are cast only on women's days weeks).

The best option is Clean Thursday, which will help relieve addiction from the female and male body.

The spell will help you make a lapel on Thursday so that alcohol does not attract you:

Few people know that there is a certain type of damage called binge damage. Already from the name...VK group: http://.com/good116soul.Bread of Healing If you want to help someone with healing, then use this ritual.

After that...Tested for centuries folk conspiracies, work 100%. Conspiracy against drunkenness.

Using a spell, a bar of soap is enchanted. You need to perform the magical action 9 times (it will help get rid of female and male alcoholism).

Only the sick person should wash with soap. In addition, folk remedies with the addition of charged water will help increase the aversion to alcohol so that alcohol immediately causes vomiting.

Ritual for 7 candles

A time-tested plot for husband's drunkenness with candles. The simplest and most effective spells will not bring disaster to the whole family. At home, conspiracies against drunkenness are read for 7 church candles:

The spell against drunkenness is read three times. The simplest and most powerful spell must be learned by heart. You can say it with a patient, or without the presence of an alcoholic.

The easiest way to get rid of drunkenness is to try several magical methods.

A spell against drunkenness using a new photograph, soap or candles works unconditionally.


Plot against drunkenness (read at home)

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is the cause of one of the most dangerous and common human diseases - alcoholism.

The disease causes physical and moral harm to the patient and those around him. Because of alcoholism, a person is not able to be a full-fledged member of society.

He can't be with people healthy relationships, move up the career ladder, take care of family members.

An effective conspiracy against drunkenness is a lifeline in the fight against alcoholism. Relatives sometimes cannot stand the suffering of a loved one and turn to rituals and prayers. You don’t always need to go to traditional healers; drunkenness spells can be made at home.

Rules for conducting rituals

Conspiracies against alcoholism are effective appeals and prayers to the Almighty, which help rid a person of a bad habit.

You will be able to achieve results if you pronounce the words of the correct, precise spell during the ritual. Performing rituals for fun is prohibited.

When the cure for drunkenness is intended for a woman, the conspiracies are read on the feminine days of the week (Wednesday, Saturday, Friday). A conspiracy against alcoholism for a man is pronounced on Thursday, Monday or Tuesday.

Folk remedies offer various options for effective conspiracies. They often require improvised items.

For example, they use water, a photograph of a drunken person, wax and other things.

According to the rules of some rituals, they go to the cemetery, use church utensils, and water collected on the night of Epiphany.

It is necessary to make a conspiracy so that the person who needs help does not know about it, otherwise it may not work. It is allowed to pronounce healing words over any food product. But the best fit:

  • Rye bread;
  • wheat bread;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • berries.

How to get rid of alcoholism on your own

Strong rituals and prayers work best when the alcohol addict recognizes his problem and strives to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Treatment of alcoholism will take much less time, which will provoke a conspiracy to act more effectively.

If a person encounters unpleasant problem, then he can speak to himself independently, without outside help.

Before the ritual, strict fasting is required for several days. Then they go to the sauna or bathhouse and after completing the procedure, dress in clean clothes.

For the ceremony, a person will need pure water. It is better to collect it from a spring or stream. Read the plot over the water 3 times and drink. In the process, you need to imagine in your mind that the addiction is going away and will never return.

Miracle water

Conspiracies against drunkenness that are performed on water are common among people. They are suitable for people who do not want to be coded and treated.

If a subject dependent on alcoholic beverages does not accept magical intervention in his life, it does not matter. The curse on water is read without the knowledge of the patient.

In addition, you can also cast a water spell on yourself if you have no desire to have a therapeutic effect on the body.


Certain words are read three times over water poured into a glass. A conspiracy to make a person stop drinking is done when the patient has a hangover and is thirsty.

The prepared drink will help not only quench thirst, but also cope with illness.

The text for a magical ritual can be sincere words, a petition to the Higher Powers for salvation, indicating the name of the person who needs help.

The following conspiracy against drunkenness and its consequences works with a high probability if the ritual is carried out on the 19th of any month. A vessel with water is prepared for him, over which a prayer is read. This water is charged with healing properties.

It is added to the first dish or drink that a person with alcohol problems will drink. The action occurs instantly or over time.

In advanced cases of drunkenness, to obtain the desired result, the person is given several glasses of enchanted water.

A conspiracy for drunkenness is pronounced over water collected on the day of Epiphany. You will need to take 0.5 liters. If you need to heal from drug addiction, then the ritual is performed several times, then 1 liter of liquid is needed.

Read the prayer words 3 times, bending over in front of the filled container. The breath should be in contact with the surface. After reading, the jar is sealed. The lid may only be opened to use the water for its intended purpose.

The liquid, without heating, is added to the victim’s prepared drinks or dishes.

If his mother is trying to cure a son, then an excellent option for getting rid of a negative habit without involving traditional medicine is the following method.

On Maundy Thursday, you need to wash the windows in your house or apartment, then pour the used water onto your son’s back. At the same time, you need to ask the Lord to save you from trouble.

The use of alcoholic beverages in conspiracies against alcoholism

Conspiracies against drunkenness are performed for preventive purposes. The ritual is performed when there is a feeling of strong dependence on alcohol. It will prevent the development of the disease. You should act at midnight or exactly at 3 am. A cup is placed on the table into which vodka is poured. You will also need:

  • 3 candles;
  • a mirror in which you can observe your reflection;
  • cup.

Being in a calm, relaxed state, say the “Our Father” prayer 3 times. Then they drink the drink in front of the mirror, put out the candles and go to bed.

There is also a ritual against drunkenness. It is performed in a certain sequence. First, an empty bottle is prepared into which the remaining drinks that the alcoholic has not finished are poured.

This should be done unnoticed by him. It is allowed to mix wine, beer, cognac and other alcoholic drinks. The main thing is to remember that you cannot drink this.

The remains are sometimes used to prevent drunkenness, but with their help you can also get rid of alcoholism. The full bottle is carried to the cemetery. There you need to go into the fence and bury a container in any corner.

At the same time, they ask the patient to stop drinking. Arriving home, they discreetly attach a pin to the addict’s clothing.

The next alcohol spell will require the use of hops in addition to alcoholic beverages. Even in ancient times, people added this plant to intoxicating drinks. It is considered the most powerful drug to prevent drunkenness. Hops are sold at any pharmacy.

For the ritual, they take not crushed, but whole leaves. To eliminate drunkenness and its consequences, you will need 1 tbsp. l. hops and unfinished vodka for the sick person. The plant is soaked in the drink and then dried.

On the full moon, they take the prepared attribute and say a petition over it to save a husband or someone else from a bad habit. Then the hops are finely chopped. The plant is mixed into tea every day for 3 days.

The tea is brewed as usual, after which it is added magic herb and the prayer “Our Father” is said 9 times.

You will get a strong spell against drunkenness if the spell process is performed 3 times (3 nights will be spent on the full moon). But the result will justify the efforts: the husband will become completely free from addiction, and the disease will not return.

Helping loved ones overcome drunkenness

To prevent your husband from drinking, a simple ritual will help. A petition to the Lord is whispered over a husband who is fast asleep. This ritual, so that the husband gives up alcohol forever, is performed daily, even if the husband sleeps during the day.

In order for my husband to give up his addiction forever, he needs to buy a reliable lock on Friday. The remains of the alcoholic drink that the spouse drank are poured into the keyhole.

When carrying out this manipulation against the husband’s drunkenness, they say: “You are a drunkard and a libertine, like this castle, the doors of all taverns and bottles of vodka will be closed to you.” The key to the castle is thrown away, or better yet, drowned in a river.

The lock ritual is most powerful if done on the waning moon. The power of the heavenly body goes away, which means that the illnesses will also go away.

A ritual performed with fire will save your husband from drunkenness. On an odd day on the calendar, you need to collect dry tree branches in the forest and light a fire.

You need to draw a circle around it with a sharp object (preferably a branch). After this, they squat outside the circle and ask for help. At the same time, you cannot take your eyes off the fire.

If there are tears in your eyes, you don’t need to wipe them away; they should dry on their own.


A fishing trip can help heal a loved one from a serious illness. The spell for drunkenness is read on a fish caught with one’s own hand, and not purchased in a supermarket.

The fish must remain alive all the way home. You need to pour wine into the vessel and place it there.

When preparing fish for frying, you should say: “Just as this fish will flounder in wine, so the soul of God’s servant (name) will rush at the sight of wine. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Nothing should interfere with the entire process. Fish is required to treat a person with a craving for alcohol. This way you will be able to eliminate the bad habit forever.

Powerful rituals during Orthodox holidays

On Christmas Eve, over each of the Lenten dishes, you can whisper a petition to the Lord, then little by little you try each of the 12 preparations.

Especially magical properties possesses kutya, over which conspiracies are read. You need to make sure that the alcoholic eats 3 tsp.

during the Christmas meal after the first star lights up in the sky.

Strong conspiracies are filled with a powerful energy flow, so they are effective. Rituals that are performed on any Orthodox holiday are effective.

In the living room you need to place a large table in the center. It is covered with a tablecloth on top white. There is a mirror in the middle, in front of it are 3 church candles.

Covering their heads with a dark scarf and putting on dark clothes, they stand near the table, take a bottle of alcoholic drink in their hand and whisper the Lord’s Prayer.

1 glass of holy water and an alcoholic drink from three glasses are poured into a spacious container. The mixture is added in small portions to the patient's food.

If after drinking such a drink a person feels weak and disgusted with alcohol, the ritual has been done correctly.

Traditional healers advise performing rituals with photographs. This way the effect will be obtained quickly.

A magical ritual is performed over a photograph of a person who has been overcome by illness and wants to recover.

It is important to perform the manipulation on the night when the moon is waning. The prayer over the photo of an alcoholic is read 3 times.

Alcohol addiction is a serious problem. It needs to be eliminated quickly, without waiting for the situation to worsen. Folk remedies help get rid of the disease in question quite quickly, but if the alcoholic himself wants it, then the Universe will respond even earlier.

  • This person is constantly drawn to alcohol and he always breaks down...
  • By appearance beginning health problems are noticeable...
  • He is always irritable and only thinks about one thing...
  • Your loved one does not want to be treated for addiction because he simply does not recognize it...
  • Then no one will help him except you, he is on the last step from the abyss...
  • You may have tried a bunch of medications, methods and methods...
  • But judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, they did not help much...