What you can’t eat on Kim Protasov’s diet. The famous “Shuffle”: five weeks for nutritional re-education. Delicious recipes according to Protasov

Leave volume to your eyelashes!

Birth of a legend

Appearance Kim Protasov's diet is entangled in myths and the very personality of the person who gave it to the world is a subject for speculation and conjecture, because no reliable information about the mysterious and powerful Kim Protasov can be found, no matter how much you scour the Internet. It is quite possible that behind this name there is a collective image - well, well, our Israeli Kozma Prutkov gave us a magic ball that is designed to show the way to a bright future - the Moor has done his job, the Moor can leave!

Many years ago, namely in 1999, an article appeared in an Israeli newspaper with the memorable title “Don’t make a cult out of food. A skinny cow is not yet a gazelle,” in which a certain Kim Protasov, in an amazing and entertaining manner, told the sufferers about how healthy and quite in a simple way get rid of extra pounds s and gain lightness in body and thoughts. The original text is so self-sufficient that it makes sense to present it here in full.

Don't make a cult out of food

(A skinny cow is not yet a gazelle)

Diet and diet are different. If someone advises me to eat a leaf of salad at breakfast, a third of an egg white at lunch, and a quarter glass for dinner mineral water, I stop communicating with the vile adviser. He clearly wants me to die slowly and painfully. If some magazine promises me a loss of ten kilograms in five days, I mercilessly throw away this waste paper. Ten kilos are lost in five days, it will not be said about us, in cholera barracks, but in normal life such weight loss is impossible.

The diet that I want to introduce you to is pleasant and uncomplicated and “at first glance it seems not visible...”. That is, it won’t occur to others that you are on a diet. And the effect is phantasmagoric!!! In five weeks, you will lose exactly as much weight as is good for you.

Basic provisions of the Shuffle:

Total duration 10 weeks (5 weeks main diet and 5 weeks ESSENTIAL Eating)

So, pay attention! The duration of the diet is FIVE WEEKS.


On the first day, as well as the second, third, and so on for the whole week, you eat ONLY raw vegetables, as well as cheeses and yoghurts of five percent fat (no more, but not low-fat either). ANY quantity! One boiled egg per day is allowed. ANY time of day! The point of this progressive diet is to eat as many vegetables as possible and as much five percent dairy products as possible. You can have tea and coffee in any quantity (of course, without milk and sugar, don’t get carried away with sweeteners), and two liters of water a day is a must. Are you feeling a little sad? So be it, on my own behalf I allow you three more green apples. What? No need for gratitude, good luck.

Moreover, you are free to consume the products in any combination. If you want, bite cucumbers, sprinkle them with Bulgarian cheese (5%), if you want, dip tomatoes and bell peppers in yogurt, or if you want, create a huge portion of salad from all kinds of vegetables, cut a boiled egg into it and sprinkle everything with cheese.

And just dare to complain that you are hungry! Eat calmly in the morning, during the day, in the evening, at night - for a whole week. And exactly the same - SECOND WEEK.

Surprisingly, from the second week you lose the desire to eat anything other than vegetables, cheese and the apples I gave you. Many even refuse boiled eggs, which they greedily eat at the beginning of the diet. By the end of the second week, you will feel extraordinary lightness throughout your body and in your thoughts. An organism not burdened with fat, meat and sweets will require liveliness of action, and you will have to make an effort not to fall into adultery.

From the beginning of the THIRD WEEK, you must add a piece (300 grams) of boiled, steamed or fried (without oil!) meat, poultry or fish to vegetables and cheeses. Please cut back on cheeses and yoghurts a bit. You also eat vegetables, cheeses, meat, eggs and apples THREE WEEKS. AND THAT'S ALL!!! Three weeks after starting the diet, you will begin to simply melt in front of the amazed eyes of your colleagues and household members.

The last two weeks have been the most intense weight loss.

Get ready for the fact that when the diet is completed, you, lady, who looks like a flexible doe, and you, gentleman, who resembles a reed bending under a light breeze, will not be able to immediately pounce on all kinds of dishes. You will have to make a lot of effort to force yourself to eat bread and butter, fried potatoes or dumplings.

I advise everyone once a year, even those who don’t have excess weight, through such an easy and light diet to cleanse your body.

What can you eat on the Kim Protasov Diet

First and second weeks

Raw vegetables. All kinds of cheeses and yoghurts with five percent fat content. One boiled egg. Three green apples. Coffee, tea, water. Don't forget that THIS IS ALL in any quantity and at any time of the day.

Third, fourth and fifth weeks

All the same plus a piece of meat, poultry or fish. Reduce cheeses and yoghurts somewhat.

Let's break it down

Now let's do a little debriefing, or rather, let's look at what the unforgettable Kim Protasov offers us? Let us separate, so to speak, the grains of meaning that will be useful to us on our 10-week journey.

The diet itself lasts 5 weeks and, according to the laws of the building genre, the exit from it should last as long if our goal was not a momentary joy when meeting the coveted number on the scales, but a stable result that will please us for a long time (provided that fast food sellers will forever remove us from the list of regulars in their establishments).

What are we going to eat?

For the first two weeks, our diet will consist of any vegetables that you can eat raw. But don’t get carried away and bite into the potatoes to spite your enemy, imagining them fried in oil and with onions. Preference should be given to vegetables, the processing of which will require the body to spend a lot of energy - white cabbage, celery stalks - these are wonderful friends and helpers in our fight against extra pounds. But carrots, although they have a reputation as the only food consumed by dieters, can actually be very insidious. Therefore, although we will not ostracize her, we will not make her the favorite of our table.

Having thus collected vegetables for breakfast, lunch, dinner and a lot of snacks, we get a total mass of about 1200-1500 grams. Did you seriously expect to get by with two cucumbers and one bell pepper? No, this is not for us. Everything is serious here.

In addition to vegetables, we include dairy products 5% and fat content close to this. The proportion of fermented milk should be 1/3 less than vegetables. The original text contains the word cheese, by which Kim Protasov apparently meant cottage cheese, but we are accustomed to the accuracy of the printed word - it says CHEESE, so so be it. And as a result, we have the Internet community puzzled by the question “Where can I get 5% fat cheese?” But whoever searches will always find, and here is a list of cheese brands that meet our requirements:

Suitable cheeses

1. Cheese Valio Polar 5%

2. Homemade Cheese Karat

3. Philadelphia soft cheese 5%

4. Green Cheese 4% (more like a seasoning, but CHEESE nonetheless)

5. All grained types of cottage cheese, which, due to their saltiness, are siblings of Karat cheese.

6. Chechil snail 4% (rare, but I have seen it and even had it in my regular diet for quite a long time)

BUT NOT Grunlander - it has 5% NOT FAT, but yogurt content! There is MORE than 5% fat!

But all these names can remain just names if you do not live in a large populated area (I’ll tell you a secret, some of these rare animals are not found everywhere in large ones), and the feeling of deprivation negatively affects our worldview. Therefore, folk craftsmen (praise be to you, goddesses of the hearth) learned to make cheese of the fat content we needed themselves and, what is even more valuable, shared their knowledge with us, simple consumers of other people's wisdom. You can find recipe options on our website in the appropriate section.

Vegetables, sour milk, 1 egg and 3 green apples. Why three? Because according to the opinion of many nutritionists, it is 3 green apples that contain the daily requirement of carbohydrates, which are needed for normal brain function. Everything else is pampering, that’s how it is.

Thus, 2 weeks will pass and you will really have enough of the products offered. The variety of dishes that can be prepared from this amazes the imagination of the inexperienced.

The long-awaited meat!

But in the third week the absolute holiday begins. You can have meat! Beef, chicken, turkey, fish, seafood - everything that you can catch, kill and cook in the right way. Or buy, as you prefer. Just leave the piglets and rams alone, they are not comme il faut - they are fat and in general. Not kosher. And in poultry it is preferable to take lean breast, although this is not specifically stated. But you don’t have to be so scrupulous with fish - fish oil contains Omega 3 fatty acids, which are very healthy and generally even promote weight loss. But don’t forget - the total daily fat consumption during building is no more than 30 grams. So on the day you decide to indulge in chicken legs, it might be a good idea to skim the milk. 300 grams ready meat product- it's a lot. In its raw form it is:

beef - 480g
veal - 450g
chicken (breast) - 420g
fish - 380g

Therefore, we will sacrifice the same amount of sour milk. Bash on bash, what did you want?

How to cook?

Under the right way cooking we mean mainly baking (the most soulful method), steaming, boiling and frying in a dry frying pan. Well, if you pathologically don’t want to bother with all this, then it’s quite acceptable to indulge in canned fish or meat/chicken. But ONLY the one that contains fish (meat/chicken), water, salt, pepper and NO OIL!

Despite quite simple rules, questions still arise "Can i olive oil? What about avocados? How about vinegar? And also seaweed and mushrooms?”, so here's a list of foods you CAN'T eat. Hmm, maybe I can add the word CATEGORICALLY, for severity. Not worth it? Okay, we convinced you.

What you can’t eat on Kim Protasov’s diet:

Flour and bran, starch

Nuts and seeds



Korean carrots and other salads that may contain oil or other prohibited foods.


Algae, including seaweed

Meat broths,

Avocado (fatty fruit)


We did it! What's next?

So, 5 weeks are behind you, as Kim Protasov promised, you are fluttering around and leaving virtually no traces on the ground (tested on personal experience). But what next? How to not only consolidate the result, but also lose more, and ideally accustom yourself to Proper Nutrition - after all, life after a diet does not end and many experience the fear that once they start eating “as usual,” everything will return and “call their friends.” Well, for starters, let’s say that although this diet is truly amazing and the results last for a very long time, let’s not get impudent and hope that 5 weeks of the diet give us the right to subsequently live in a bakery. And yet, in order to help our body enter normal life smoothly and least traumaticly, rules were drawn up that are called “Exit”. This very “Exit” takes 5 weeks, gradually allowing more and more variety into our diet. The last, tenth week for many becomes a kind of template for further nutrition, which undoubtedly complies with all the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

And here are the Exit rules themselves, which were not developed by Kim Protasov himself, since after the ever-memorable article no one heard anything about him anymore, but which have already become so entrenched in the minds of everyone who is familiar with this diet that they have become an integral part of it.

An approximate schedule for quitting the diet:

  • Week 6 is the same as week 5, but with less fatty fermented milk + 2-3 tablespoons of porridge with water.
  • Week 7 as 6, replace apples with other unsweetened fruits.
  • Week 8 is like 7, add some dried fruits.
  • Week 9 is the same as week 8, add boiled vegetables + replace some of the milk with meat.
  • From the 10th week we begin to introduce light broths and other products of everyday life into the diet.

Gradually reducing the amount of dietary products. Do not include in the diet (rice, pasta, baked goods) for at least 1-2 months.

However, since these rules are not unshakable, unlike the main ones that make up the Kim Protasov Diet itself, the order and set of products cannot be discussed or deliberately adjusted. But if you are not sure that you yourself are able to correctly select those products that should be introduced first, without disrupting the process of a smooth transition from the Diet to normal nutrition, then do not experiment - follow the Exit plan that is proposed to you here. And of course, this site was created so that more experienced, and sometimes - and this is great luck - more knowledgeable in matters of nutrition could help you with advice.

Well, now you are armed with knowledge, support from like-minded people, a range of products - so what are you waiting for? Let's hit the road! And may success accompany you!

  • List of foods that can be consumed:

    Only raw vegetables (it is sometimes acceptable to use sauerkraut without sugar in small quantities)

    1 boiled egg per day

    3 green (not sweet) apples

    Lemon juice (not pulp)

    Fermented milk products do not exceed 5% fat content. There should be 1/3 less vegetables. This balance is a must!

    From the 3rd week 300 grams of meat/poultry/fish/offal/seafood. We calculate the weight based on the finished dish.

    At least 1200 kcal per day.

    You can eat at any time of the day, but carbohydrates (apples) are better before 18.00 in the evening.

    At least minimal physical activity so as not to burn muscle instead of fat deposits.

    2 liters of water per day (tea, coffee are NOT included)

    List of foods that should not be consumed:

    Cereals and legumes (including soybeans)

    Flour and bran, starch

    Nuts and seeds

    Sugar and sweeteners are also undesirable.

    Crab sticks, sausage, frankfurters, ham.



    Korean carrots and other salads that may contain oil or other prohibited foods


    Sea kale

    Meat broths,

    Vegetable broths and boiled vegetables.

    Sour milk with additives and sweet yoghurts.

    Avocado (fatty fruit)


Hello, dear readers my blog! Today I want to bring to your attention one of the most effective diets. Its name, as usual, is in honor of the author. Mysterious author. But the diet gives results, and for many this is the most important thing. But who invented it, how it happened, is another question. Protasov's diet - detailed description and reviews, that's what we'll talk about today.

Nobody knows who is the author of the diet, which has been troubling minds since the era of the USSR. There is a version that it was created by someone Kim Protasov. He published its principles in 1999 in one of the Russian-language Israeli newspapers. At that time, the article had a revolutionary effect, as it rejected the most important postulates of all known diets. In an ironic form, the author urged not to make a cult out of food. This approach attracted the attention of many and the diet gained many followers.

But no one knew anything about Mr. Protasov. But one day another article appeared. In it, a journalist from Israel said that she took a pseudonym in order to publish culinary recipes for a newspaper column. Ganna Oganesyan became Kim Protasov and, not knowing what to write about, she spoke about in an article about diet. The source of information was Ganna’s friend, who at that time was eating exactly according to such a system.

Like every diet, “shuffling” has its own individual characteristics:

  1. The basis of the diet in this diet is vegetables and dairy products.
  2. The revolutionary thing here is that instead of fasting, the diet suggests not denying yourself meals. You can eat as much as you want and when you want.
  3. There is a list of permitted products. We will discuss them a little later.
  4. The duration of the diet is five weeks and each week has its own principles. We will also talk about this in more detail.
  5. No salt - this is Kim Protasov’s recommendation. This rule avoids swelling and improves the general condition of the body.
  6. The mechanism on which the method is based is that proteins and fiber cleanse the intestines and normalize blood sugar levels. This helps reduce appetite and reduce cravings for sweets.

It should be noted that within five weeks the body receives amino acids and energy, which has a positive effect on muscles, all organs and promotes the resorption of fats.

Authorized Products

Dairy products should have a fat content of no more than 5%, but not low-fat. We buy natural fermented milk - without sweeteners, dyes and starch.

Water balance- daily at least two liters every day. This includes:

  • drinking still water;
  • coffee and tea without sugar/sweet substitutes;
  • With freshly squeezed juices- not from fruits, but from vegetables.

Additionally you can:

  • apples - only fresh and only green;
  • egg - 1 chicken or 4-5 quail per day.

Prohibited Products

All alcohol is also prohibited.

Diet of Kim Protasov - description by week

First week. At this stage, you are allowed to eat raw vegetables in any quantity. You can prepare vegetable puree, salads or smoothies. You can afford cheese and a boiled egg - only one per day. No more than three green apples during the day.

Eat according to the proportion: for every 30 g of fermented milk, 70 grams of vegetables are allowed

Daily consumption rate:

1400 g vegetables + 600 g fermented milk products + 1 egg + 3 fruits + 2 liters of water

Although the diet says that you should not eat heat-treated vegetables, I would recommend adding variety to your diet. With a large amount of raw vegetables, constipation, bloating or exacerbation of gastritis may occur. Do you need this?

  • Instead of boiled eggs, make a low-milk omelet or steam soufflé. In this form, eggs are easier to digest by the body. I know from myself that I cannot eat more than 1 boiled egg a day. But I love omelette with vegetables :)
  • Follow the “50/50” rule. Divide your daily intake of vegetables. Eat half of it raw, steam the rest or bake in foil.
  • Cheese can be replaced with homemade cheese. She is less fat.
  • You can cook cottage cheese casseroles, cheesecakes in the oven, or make homemade cottage cheese.

Second week. The nutrition of the first week smoothly transitions into the second. The body gradually gets used to the products and regimen. You can skip eggs and reduce your cheese intake. Gradually, you can replace apples with other fruits (except mango, banana and avocado).

It will go away in the first 2 weeks excess water from the body. This is approximately 2-3 kg. And then the weight may rise. And you need to connect here physical exercise. At least just a simple walk. By the way, I wrote about how many calories are lost when walking.

Third week. You can add 300 grams of fish, lean meat and poultry to your usual diet. They can be boiled, stewed, baked in the oven, steamed or fried, but without oil. This can be done on a grill pan with a non-stick coating.

The consumption rate formula has changed to:

1400 g vegetables + 300 g meat + 300 g fermented milk + 1 egg + 3 apples + 2 liters of water

This week you can diversify your breakfast with oatmeal on the water. Pour one or two tablespoons of cereal with the required amount of boiling water. Let it sit for 15 minutes. And the oatmeal is ready. You can add healthy fruits.

Fourth week. All foods that could be cooked and eaten in the first, second and third weeks are transferred to the fourth. To diversify your diet, you should combine different combinations for every day. For example, vegetables and fish or meat and vegetables.

Fifth week. The diet ends with a week during which you can consume absolutely all foods from the permitted list.

Menu for every day

I suggest you check out sample menu for a week. You can use my suggestions or create a menu yourself. Focusing on the first week, it will be easier for you to think through your diet for the entire period of the diet.


  • Breakfast: 120 grams of cottage cheese and a green apple.
  • Dinner: Creamy cauliflower soup, Greek salad.
  • Afternoon snack: One boiled egg.
  • Dinner: Zucchini and tomato casserole with garlic and herbs.


  • Breakfast: Green apple, yogurt.
  • Dinner: Cabbage soup with chicken broth.
  • Afternoon snack: Freshly squeezed carrot juice with celery.
  • Dinner: Curd casserole, fermented baked milk.


  • Breakfast: Oatmeal with water, hard cheese.
  • Dinner: Salad of arugula, cherry tomatoes and carrots.
  • Afternoon snack: Kefir okroshka with cucumber and herbs.
  • Dinner: Cauliflower and broccoli stew with spices.


  • Breakfast: Cheesecakes, kefir.
  • Dinner: Zucchini puree soup.
  • Afternoon snack: Green apple.
  • Dinner: Salad with carrots and garlic, baked chicken breast.


  • Breakfast: Smoothie made with spinach, cucumber, green apple and water.
  • Dinner: Steamed fish with salad of radishes, cucumbers, boiled egg and dill.
  • Afternoon snack: Cottage cheese, fermented baked milk.
  • Dinner: Baked eggplants stuffed with tomatoes, bell peppers and cheese.


  • Breakfast: Salad of tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.
  • Dinner: Gazpacho.
  • Afternoon snack: Vegetable sandwiches (cheese slice, tomato, lettuce, cheese slice).
  • Dinner: Fish soup.


  • Breakfast: Omelet, coffee.
  • Dinner: Chicken cutlets, beet and garlic salad.
  • Afternoon snack: Green apple puree.
  • Dinner: Pumpkin puree soup.

Quitting the diet

The “exit” stage is no less important than the active five weeks of the diet itself. At this stage, the effect is consolidated. Gradually, it’s time to return to a place where variety and choice reign. Tips for a smooth transition to your usual diet:

  • Add vegetable oil when cooking vegetables. Olive, flaxseed or camelina are better. But, no more than three teaspoons in one day.
  • Replace green apples with other fruits of approximate size. Just don't start with grapes and bananas. It could be kiwi or an unsweetened pear.
  • For breakfast, cook cereals, but for now only with water.
  • It's time for nuts. Don't abuse them right away. It's better to start with almonds.

It all has to stretch for two weeks after five on a diet.

  • Replace dairy products with fish and meat.
  • Prepare soups with stronger broths and introduce vegetables not only from the permitted list.
  • If you are not yet accustomed to such a diet and you are drawn to “forbidden” foods, try to wait. For a month, do not include pasta, baked goods, potatoes, or any processed foods that contain white flour in your new diet.
  • Bring snacks with you to work. Good for this cocktails are suitable for weight loss.

Many diet habits can be left as principles healthy eating and try to stick to them as much as possible. For example, giving up sweets, starchy foods and white flour

Protasov's diet - reviews and results

So that you make the right decision and understand what awaits you, I suggest reading the reviews of those who have tried the diet on themselves. You will find out what the result is, as well as what pros and cons are encountered in practice.

Ksyusha: I’m on the Protasov diet and so far I’m happy with the results. They already exist, and what’s more, they are not found on any other diet. I'm in my second week. There is no desire to “break loose” and it is generally easy to cope when this approach is the basis. I recommend to all.

Zhanna: I made it through my five weeks. We passed easily. Lost almost 12 kg. For some reason, in the first weeks the weight came off slowly, but in the last two everything went smoothly and the arrows on the scales were very pleasing.

Irishka: I tried the diet twice and lost 5 kg. But leaving the diet did not follow the rules. I lost it and the weight quickly returned.

Lera: Two days was enough for me. I was so hungry that I decided to quit the diet before I even started. Vegetables don’t make you feel full, and I don’t like fermented milk products.

Anna: Not enough hot food, which is harmful to the stomach, especially during cold periods. I think you should monitor the body’s reaction. The diet suits some people, but definitely not others.


From all of the above, you have to draw your own conclusions. Because each of us is unique and each of us has our own reaction to diets and foods. Shuffling has its advantages, especially for lovers of dairy products and vegetables. There are disadvantages for those who cannot live without fried foods or cannot tolerate casein. My advice is to look for your diet, study the information and choose only your own.

By the way, I recently read that scientists have found out interesting feature. It turns out that if you lose weight not alone, but with someone, then the result of weight loss is 50% higher. It turns out that the expression “together is easier” works. Therefore, let’s unite together against extra pounds and give them a fight back :)

And I say goodbye, dear readers! Share the article on in social networks, take care of yourself and do not forget, before starting any diet, it is better to consult with your doctor. How will the results be, write your reviews about the Protasov diet. Let's discuss it together. See you again! And in order not to miss the most important things, subscribe to updates :)

Kim Protasov's diet is simple, accessible and very effective. It was created in hot Israel, for our compatriots this diet will be relevant in the summer and autumn, since the main dishes on the menu recommended by the Kim Protasov diet are fresh vegetables and fruits.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about losing weight

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ryzhenkova S.A.:

I have been dealing with weight loss problems for many years. Women often come to me with tears in their eyes, who have tried everything, but there is either no result, or the weight keeps coming back. Previously, I advised them to calm down, go back on a diet and do grueling workouts in gym. Today there is a better solution - X-Slim. You can simply take it as a nutritional supplement and lose up to 15 kg in a month absolutely naturally without diets or exercise. loads This is completely natural remedy, which is suitable for everyone, regardless of gender, age or health status. At the moment, the Ministry of Health is holding a campaign “Save the inhabitants of Russia from obesity” and every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can receive 1 package of the drug FOR FREE

Find out more>>

From how much time has passed since the development of any diet, one can conclude how effective it is, and even more so if it has found wide application.

Benefits of diet

The author of the diet, Kim Protasov, calls not to limit the amount of food eaten - this condition solves, first of all, a psychological problem, because for many people losing weight, a sharp reduction in the amount of food consumed can be a decisive factor for abandoning any diet.

The menu according to Kim Protasov mainly consists of raw vegetables, as well as dairy and fermented milk products. They contain fiber and protein, they are indispensable for the proper functioning of the intestines, cleansing the body, and saturating it with the necessary energy.

To achieve results it will take only 5 weeks; to competently switch to regular food you need another 2 weeks. Kim Protasov promised that with this diet you can lose up to 20 kg.

For those with a sweet tooth, the Protasov diet recommends weaning themselves from their eating habits by replacing sweets with juicy fruits.
Consumption of fermented milk products helps improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines and the complete absorption of vitamins contained in fruits.

Our readers write

Subject: Lost 18kg without dieting

From: Lyudmila S. ( [email protected])

To: Administration taliya.ru

Hello! My name is Lyudmila, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site. Finally, I was able to lose excess weight. I lead an active lifestyle, got married, live and enjoy every moment!

And here is my story

Ever since I was a child, I was a rather plump girl; at school I was teased all the time, even the teachers called me a little fluffy... this was especially terrible. When I entered the university, they stopped paying attention to me completely, I turned into a quiet, notorious, fat crammer. I tried everything to lose weight... Diets and all sorts of green coffee, liquid chestnuts, chocolate slimms. Now I don’t even remember, but how much money I spent on all this useless garbage...

Everything changed when I accidentally came across an article on the Internet. You have no idea how much this article changed my life. No, don’t think about it, there is no top-secret method of losing weight that the entire Internet is replete with. Everything is simple and logical. In just 2 weeks I lost 7 kg. In total, 18 kg in 2 months! I gained energy and a desire to live, so I joined the gym to tone up my butt. And yes, I finally found it young man, who has now become my husband, loves me madly and I love him too. Sorry for writing so chaotically, I’m just remembering everything from emotions :)

Girls, for those of you who have tried a bunch of different diets and weight loss techniques, but have never been able to get rid of excess weight, take 5 minutes and read this article. I promise you won't regret it!

Go to article>>>

How it works

The biochemical effect is explained as follows: protein is necessary to build cells; no diet excludes it. When combined with carbohydrates contained in vegetables and fruits, protein regulates the process of their absorption: the gradual entry of sugars into the blood and a decrease in insulin emissions.

For everyone who struggles with overweight, there are several in the arsenal popular diets. These are often Kremlin, kefir, orange, buckwheat, “Six Petals” and others. At the same time, Kim Protasov’s diet is little known to many, although its effectiveness is very high. Probably the only negative is that the weight loss course lasts about 5 weeks. Today we will analyze in detail what this unique complex is. It is based on the principles of healthy eating. At first it is necessary to withstand quite serious restrictions, but then the course becomes much easier to endure. This time is necessary so that the body can cleanse itself and tune in to losing weight.


Kim Protasov's diet does not force you to muster all your will and courage. You won't have to go hungry and sadly look at the clock waiting for your next snack. You can eat whenever and as much as you want: at night, in the morning, in the evening. The menu is quite varied. The diet appeared in 1999, when a nutritionist named Kim published a newspaper article about weight loss rules. Since then, this system has only gained popularity. The weight loss process will occur through balanced foods, and the full course is 5 weeks. You may experience slight discomfort only in the first 5-7 days, then the menu stops making you despondent. Kim Protasov's diet is an amazing opportunity to cleanse the body, lose significant weight and avoid weight gain at the end of the course.

Duration and diet

As already mentioned, Kim Protasov’s diet is designed for 5 weeks, or 35 days. The first two of them are the main marathon, which warms up the body and prepares it for the process of burning internal reserves. Starting from the third week, the long-awaited weight loss occurs. In the first and subsequent 14 days, you can eat unlimited quantities of non-starchy vegetables, as well as dairy products, cheeses and sugar-free yoghurts. The fat content limit for dairy products is 5%, you can take kefir, cottage cheese, only whole milk is prohibited. The ratio of vegetables and cheese (kefir, cottage cheese) should be 70% to 30%. There are no restrictions on the consumption of these products, but if you are going to eat 2 kg of cottage cheese or cheese per day, then calculate how many vegetables you need to consume. Approximately 7-8 kg. Therefore, you still have to plan your menu.

A pleasant addition to the diet

You can eat one boiled chicken egg daily. If you don't have enough dessert, then in the first half of the day it is permissible to eat 3 green apples. Those who are already familiar with Kim Protasov’s diet leave very encouraging reviews about it. People say that, starting from the second week, they forgot about fried, salty and sweet foods. Many people refuse eggs, although they previously ate them with great appetite. After the first 14 days, the diet changes slightly. Now the consumption of dairy products needs to be reduced, and they should be replaced by meat or fish, the norm is 300 g per day. The rest of the menu is the same. Throughout the diet, you need to drink at least 2 liters per day clean water, tea and coffee without sugar or honey are allowed. Salt is also excluded, but spices are quite appropriate.

Prohibited Products

As you can see, Kim Protasov’s diet is quite regulated. The description immediately orients the beginner to the fact that it is necessary to exclude from the menu everything that is delicious, but at the same time harmful. Completely remove all flour and sweets from your home. This applies to artificial and natural sweeteners, fructose, and honey. Starch is also prohibited. Along with it, potatoes, all cereals, and oils are on the black list. At the same time, you should not reduce the fat content of kefir, cottage cheese and cheese. Totally low-fat foods contain fewer calories but deprive the body of the minimum amount of fat it needs.

Sweet juices and soda, alcoholic drinks are also prohibited. In addition, the taboo concerns salt. Get used to eating unsalted salads and choose cheese that contains a minimum amount of it. It’s even better to soak it first. Such restrictions are perceived acutely only in the first days, then the craving for fried potatoes and cakes disappears. This is why Kim Protasov’s diet is so popular. The results last for a long time, since a rested body asks for a “continuation of the banquet,” that is, food with plenty of vegetables, without heavy fried foods and sweets. At the same time, I am pleased that there are no restrictions on food, even in the most difficult first 14 days.

Nutritionists' opinion: pros and cons

Many experts believe that the best thing you can come up with for losing weight is Kim Protasov’s diet. The menu is designed in such a way that you can have a snack at any time of the day or night. The diet normalizes metabolism, normalizes the functioning of the pancreas and intestines. After the first week, the craving for sweets and flour goes away. What is especially important is that during the diet the body does not experience a deficiency of proteins and complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals and lactose. This is precisely the unacceptable condition for fat reserves to be lost without causing damage to muscle tissue.

The Kim Protasov diet remains the most frequently recommended by experts. Reviews from a huge number of her fans confirm that this is exactly what you need for the health of the body and the beauty of your figure. The only drawback can be considered the lack of fat in the first two weeks of the diet. Such a diet (if you stick to it for longer than expected) has a negative effect on the body, especially on the condition of the skin and hair. But this measure is necessary so that the lack of fat becomes obvious to the body, and it launches a mechanism for processing its own reserves.


Like any weight loss system, Kim Protasov’s diet also has disadvantages. A menu with such restrictions is unacceptable for those who suffer from gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as chronic gastritis with high and low acidity. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, any restriction is undesirable, because the body’s costs are enormous. Reducing fat intake can have a negative impact on the mother's body, so it is better to postpone losing weight until better times.

Quitting the diet

Kim Protasov’s detailed diet will be presented below, but now let’s talk about what to do after the end of the five-week period. Despite the fact that the body has time to rebuild itself and will indeed be ready to continue consuming only healthy food, all the problems of excess weight are in our heads. Advertising for delicious new products persistently penetrates the brain, it analyzes the smell coming from a fast food cafe and produces the result: you need to try it. Crispy crust, pleasant aroma - how much harm will one hamburger or cake do? One - no, but tomorrow you will want to again. Therefore, you need to be clear: you are not on a diet, you are changing your lifestyle forever. You can set aside a few days a year, when all restrictions are lifted, you can eat French fries all day, wash it down with soda and snack on chocolate brownies. But the rest of the time you need to stick to a healthy diet.

Let's return to what Kim Protasov's detailed diet recommends to us. The exit from it should be very smooth. Porridge cooked in water is added to breakfast; the total volume of the finished product should not be more than one glass. It is still necessary to eat a lot of vegetables, complemented by low-fat cottage cheese. Be sure to include a source of protein in your menu: fish, meat and nuts. At first, you should not switch to sweet fruits and berries (grapes, bananas and pears); it is better to choose oranges and green apples. You can eat 3-4 fruits a day.

When leaving the diet, you must count the fats you consume. It is advisable not to exceed 30-35 g per day. It is now better to take some dairy products completely low-fat, and use vegetable oil (3 teaspoons per day) as compensation. Three olives or three large almonds contain 1.5 g of fat, so use them carefully. The yolk contains 5-6 g of fat, get the rest from meat and fish.

Kim Protasov's diet by week

The first two weeks are spent cleaning the body and preparing for the processing of accumulated fats. During this period, it is especially important to strictly adhere to the recommendations. It is better to eat an allowed egg in the first half of the day; vegetables and dairy products can be eaten at any time of the day. At first glance, the menu is very sparse, but if you use your imagination, you can come up with dozens delicious dishes. If you like soups, then take cabbage and tomatoes, asparagus and carrots, put it all in a saucepan, and five minutes before it’s ready, add cheese.

For the second course, prepare a delicious salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and radishes and season it with kefir. If you think it’s not enough, then take 200 ml of unsweetened yogurt, add grated apple, cinnamon, lemon juice and ginger. This menu will not make you suffer from hunger and is a very effective platform for starting the weight loss process.

Second half of the course

Starting from the third week, you will lose weight to the surprise of everyone you know. At the same time, the menu becomes more than interesting; now you can eat shrimp with vegetable salad, skinless chicken fillet, fish with vegetable side dishes. You can also add cheese to meat or fish, sprinkle with herbs, water lemon juice and vinegar. You can come up with dozens of variations. For dessert you can make cottage cheese with fruit, and for breakfast - delicious porridge with nuts.

A very humane nutritional system of an Israeli nutritionist, which practically does not limit the amount of food. You can eat when you really want it, which means that no feats will be required of you and life will not disrupt its smooth flow.

The diet lasts five weeks and requires a competent “exit”, which takes the same amount of time. The secret of Protasov’s technique is to limit carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, which normalizes the functioning of the pancreas, leads to weight loss and completely stops cravings for sweets.

At the same time, thanks to a sufficient amount of natural dairy products and eggs, the body receives the necessary amount of protein, as well as calcium and lactose. And this allows you not only to maintain, but also to increase muscle mass.


Every day you can eat only raw vegetables, cottage cheese (cheese) and low-fat yogurt in any quantity and at any time of the day. Speaking about dairy products, you need to understand that any additives, as well as sugar and starch in their composition, are against the rules. For happiness, one boiled egg and three green apples per day are allowed.

Third week

The time has come to add 300 grams of meat (poultry, fish) per day to vegetables and cottage cheese, and slightly reduce the amount of cheese and yogurt.

Fourth and fifth weeks

Vegetables, cottage cheese, meat, eggs and apples, plus the obligatory two liters of water every day. Tea and coffee - as much as you like, but without sugar. But green tea is still better.

To exit the diet you need to follow some rules:

  • buy dairy products only with a low fat content (0.5 – 1%)
  • limit the amount of vegetable oil
  • count fats: the daily norm is no more than 30–35 grams in all foods consumed
  • eat less fruit, don’t buy bananas, mangoes, grapes and dried fruits at all
  • meat (chicken, turkey) must be without skin and fat


Active weight loss occurs in the fourth and fifth weeks. You can lose (so they promise!) up to eight kilograms! In 10 weeks full course the body adjusts to proper nutrition, the love for sweets disappears on its own and forever.

Expert opinion

For the first time, Kim Protasov’s note, not devoid of humor, “Don’t make a cult out of food. A skinny cow is not yet a gazelle” with a description of the diet appeared in May 1999 in the newspaper “Russian Israeli”, and then became widespread on the Internet. It is simple, but it has logic and physiology - the diet has its own “input” and “output”. Which, of course, can be attributed to the undeniable advantages of the method.

But as a way of life, such a nutritional system is no good - it’s just a diet that deprives the body of many essential substances. Therefore, the author calculated it only for a certain period. But in order to make an initial breakthrough and free yourself from cravings for fatty and sweet foods, Protasov’s scheme may well be suitable.

Any diet is a matter of self-discipline; if you abuse exceptions and little tricks, nothing will work

The basic rule for those who want to go on a strict diet is the need to get everything (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water and always an additional vitamin and mineral complex). Just don’t take unreasonably large doses of vitamins and other nutritional supplements. Even though they are not medicines, such drugs should be prescribed individually by a doctor, who will take into account the characteristics of your body.

You need to eat in small portions and chew food thoroughly, five to six times a day, and two or three servings of them should be vegetables and fruits, especially yellow and dark green ones, whole grain products, and legumes. They contain a lot of dietary fiber, which increases the feeling of fullness, normalizes intestinal function and removes undigested digestive products.

And it is also necessary to increase energy consumption due to dosed physical activity(two to three hours a week is enough). The combination of diet and sports gives the fastest possible results - you will not only lose fat mass, but also increase muscle activity.
At the same time, I will have to remind you that any diet is a matter of self-discipline, and if you start abusing exceptions and little tricks, then nothing will work.

Vyacheslav Rolko - Ph.D., specialist in anti-aging medicine, chief physician of the Klazko group of clinics, author of one of the most professional and popular detox programs.