How to make your woman the happiest in the world! How to make your girlfriend happy: tips for guys How a guy should make a girl happy

In order for the relationship between a man and a woman to develop and lead to a family, a lot of effort and work on himself is required from a man. Can not be happy couples, where partners are inactive and simply go with the flow of circumstances. In fact, relationship psychology suggests simple rules and recommendations on how to make a girl happy in order to maintain a relationship for many years.

If a man wants to become the ideal companion for his chosen one, he doesn’t need to conquer peaks, pull a star from the sky, or earn millions. In fact, psychologists name 6 principles of happy relationships, which should be the basic points in building families. By putting these points into reality, a man will make his woman truly happy by receiving reciprocity from her.

The main rule of how to make your girlfriend happy is that a man behaves and treats her the way he would like to be treated. The foundation of healthy love relationship there will always be sincere feelings and respect. These qualities are manifested in the following actions:

  • taking her side in any situation, supporting your girlfriend;
  • respect for her parents and neutrality in the girl’s quarrels and conflicts with them;
  • agreement with her point of view;
  • refusal to quarrel in public, which humiliates both the man and his partner.

Respect for your girlfriend can be shown by competent and polite speech without obscene and rude phrases, and by gallant behavior with her. You definitely need to express your feelings verbally, since all girls love with their ears, as well as with the help of little surprises and presents. In any endeavor, she needs to be supported, and it is better to share the burden between two, which brings her very close.

Always be honest

In order to make his beloved happy, a man just needs to be honest and frank with her in all matters.

Especially if a girl has negative experience associated with deception and betrayal, it is doubly important to avoid lies and omissions. In addition to honest communication, a man should always be ready to actively listen to his interlocutor, which is necessary for every person from time to time.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Expert on family relations. Family psychologist.

The most common reason For broken couples, it’s mistrust, even if neither partner has done anything wrong. Mistrust grows due to minor deceptions, even related to everyday moments, after which the fear of deception clouds the brain and does not allow a person to think logically. This is especially true for girls who often make rash decisions out of jealousy.

Tell her more often that you love her

Any girl will feel the happiest if she regularly hears words of love from her chosen one. It’s not for nothing that they say that girls love with their ears; they are actually sensitive to spoken words and emotions. Sometimes men simply forget to remind a girl about their feelings, believing that this peak has already been conquered. In fact, declarations of love have their own “expiration date.”

How often do you confess your love to a girl?


There are several ways to confess your feelings:

  • recognition one-on-one directly or with the help of romantic phrases;
  • writing a love message in simple text or rhyme;
  • correspondence to social network in private messages or publicly with beautiful design;
  • presenting flowers with a card with recognition written on it;
  • talking on the phone;
  • organization romantic date, where words about love will be spoken.

In fact, you can confess your love not only with the help of three words “I love you”, you can show the girl in every possible way the seriousness of your intentions, show care and affection, get closer to her tactilely, since girls are very sensitive to any touch. By showing originality and regularity, a man can make a girl the happiest.

Do nice things

If a man does what his significant other expects of him, this relationship is already doomed to success and happiness. Representatives of the fair sex expect several things from their partners, for example:

  1. Romantic- all girls like such a guy, even the most rational and down-to-earth people. To demonstrate romance, a man can do the following:
  • write a love letter in the form of a simple text or poem, adding original design;
  • create a photo collage, reuniting the most memorable moments in the photographs;
  • a frank conversation in which the guy will tell how happy he is with his chosen one.
  1. Attention- it is this parameter that determines the mood and emotional background of any girl, since they all crave attention to themselves. You can show your attention in the following ways:
  • open doors for her;
  • shake hands in public transport;
  • help put on outerwear;
  • taking care of her mood and well-being;
  • providing assistance in any difficult situation;
  • periodic gifts in the form of flowers and sweets.
  1. Knowing what a girl likes— You can show how important a man is to his chosen one if you know everything she loves. Namely, her favorite dish, flowers, preferences in music and cinema, etc. Thanks to such information, a man will always be armed with ideas for dates. .
  2. Significant dates- show yours serious attitude it is possible if you remember all the important dates of the couple, birthdays, date of acquaintance, first date, kiss, etc.

It is these simple methods that will help a man make pleasant surprises for his girlfriend. To evoke emotions in her from actions and gifts, they can be done at unexpected moments, and not strictly on holidays and occasions.

Unexpected surprises

A powerful link in a couple is pleasant and unexpected surprises that do not lose their meaning even after many years life together. A girl will feel happy in a relationship if her boyfriend periodically pampers her with pleasant, and most importantly, unplanned and spontaneous surprises. For example:

  • chocolates under her pillow;
  • coffee in bed in the morning or dinner prepared by him;
  • sending a bouquet of flowers to her work or school;
  • ordering a song in her name on the radio;
  • organizing a romantic date;
  • trips to other cities and countries;
  • gifts in the form of symbolic souvenirs and much more.

If a man doesn’t have free time to go to the movies or restaurants, he can arrange a great vacation for his girlfriend by giving her a subscription to a massage, a spa, or something else that girls love so much. Such a gift will show not only the man’s generosity, but also his concern for the mood and well-being of his chosen one.

Be together more often

Every girl feels the happiest and receives tremendous positive emotions when she spends time alone with her man. Unfortunately, many strong couples who have been in relationships for a long time, this is exactly what they lack - spending time together. Psychologists advise periodically setting aside a whole day to spend it with your girlfriend.

On this day, he needs to concentrate all his attention on his chosen one; he can just stay at home, watch movies, enjoy delicious food and drinks. To help her relax, a man can give her a massage or prepare a bath for her with rose petals. A heart-to-heart conversation also brings people together, as does doing any task together. If a girl is tired of everyday life, you can take her to nature, to a cinema or any other entertainment venue.


To make a girl happy, many men rush into the implementation of the most banal actions and deeds. In fact, girls don't value expensive gifts, huge bouquets of roses and dates in restaurants, what is important to them is the attitude of a man, the manifestation of feelings and care. Psychologists call 6 principles of a happy relationship, which include love and respect, honesty, showing love, good deeds and pleasant surprises, as well as spending time together.

How to make a girl happy? This question intrigues many gallant gentlemen. Now we will tell you the secrets, explaining all the subtleties.

Do something nice for her

Beautiful ladies really like it when young people express their feelings. Therefore, do not forget to hold your loved one’s hand in the presence of other people. Be sure to tell her that she is beautiful. Just do it sincerely. She will feel any falsehood.

Compliment her. You don't have to praise her appearance, pay attention to her achievements, talents and skills. If there is something to talk about, then say that it is pleasant to communicate with her.

Tell your loved one more often that you love her and how much you appreciate her. Tell her that you are very lucky to have her as your girlfriend. She will be pleased to hear these words, and her self-esteem will increase. Always show concern, do nice things for her, so that she always knows how much you care about her. By the way, there is no need to give compliments too often, as over time the words will lose their importance.

Don't forget about physical contact. Any, even the most unobtrusive touch will attract attention. If you hold her hand and hug her, the girl will feel completely safe with you.

How to make a girl happy? Put her first. Her wishes come first. If you believe that she is your soul mate, then let the relationship take the main place in your life. It’s not for nothing that they say that love is selfless and selfless. In the company of friends, always remember about your girlfriend, exchange glances and smiles with her.

Listen to her. It is very important to listen to the end of what your loved one says. Talk to her about different topics. Every girl loves to be alone with her beloved. Set aside a whole day for this. Watch a movie, hug her, give her a massage, listen to her. Let her be the center of your attention today. Do these love days at least once a month.

How to make a girl happy? Treat her with respect and love. Behave like a real man. Forget about offensive phrases and ridicule. Your goal is to make your loved one happy.

Be on her side. She will be pleased if you support her in this or that dispute.

Share your thoughts and feelings with your loved one every day. This way you will become emotionally closer to each other.

How to make a girl happy? Listen to advice, accept her point of view.

Don't forget to pay for it, because you are a man. If she herself wants to pay for something, then let her do so.

More than what is expected of you. Don't forget about romance, because beautiful ladies like it. For example, write a letter or give a beautiful card.

Be careful, take care of her. Open the doors for the girl when getting out of the car. Sometimes you need to put yourself in her place to understand what your beloved wanted at one time or another. In cold weather, take care to keep it warm. If your loved one is sick, then come and visit her, bring flowers, make warm, warming tea. Don't forget to please her for no reason.

Remember what your beloved likes. For example, you remember what your beloved's favorite dish is, then cook it for her.

To make a girl happy, you need to remember significant dates. For the fair sex they are very important. To help you remember, mark important days on your calendar.

Give gifts for the holidays: for a birthday - a bouquet of flowers, a gift coupon or shoes, for the anniversary of a relationship - an album with your photos or a cup with a joint photo.

Learn to make a girl happy, and our tips will help you with this!

Difficulties in relationships

Dating and Pickup

How to make a girl happy

The key to success in a relationship is to make your girlfriend happy at all times. If you date your girlfriend long enough, there comes a time when you start to fight. This is all because you stop behaving the way you did while courting her. Here's what you need to do to keep her happy:

Be loyal to her

This is the most basic and important rule. Refrain from flirting and cheating with other girls. Relationships develop on trust. If you have problems in your relationship, talk to her. No one is perfect, so learn to forgive mistakes and shortcomings. To be loyal means that every time you want to take this or that action, remember that there is someone who loves you.

Know how to say “sorry”

Know how to apologize if you made a mistake or hurt her. An apology is a great way to turn an awkward moment into one of the most memorable.

Say you love her

These three magic words work wonders. “I love you” is something you should say to her from time to time. Gently press her, look into her eyes and tell her that you love her very much.

Call her

Show you care. 5 minutes a day will be enough for you to call and ask how she is doing. Wonder what happened to her today. She'll appreciate it.

Send her an SMS

If you are busy and don’t have time to call, send an SMS. Write that you love her and miss her. You can't wait to see her tonight.

Share with her

Tell us about yourself. Don't create big gaps in your past. Tell her about your life. It is important that she learns everything from you, and not from other people. Introduce her to your friends and parents. Ask what shirt you should wear to work.

Spend time with her

If you don't see each other for a long time, your relationship will fade. Think back to your first date. Try to make every meeting you meet at least a little bit like your first meeting. Add a little romance. There is nothing more romantic than a walk in the rain.

Give her some freedom

There is no need to complain every day. Give her a little break. Let the girl spend time with her friends. Don't be jealous of your friends. Let her know that you trust her. If she doesn't see you, she starts missing you.

Respect her opinion

Remember what you were taught at school. Treat yourself the way you would like to be treated. Respect her opinion and be happy for her successes. Call and wish her luck if she has an important event coming up. If a girl has problems at work, take her side. Reassure and tell her that everything will be fine. You can't give her good advice, but you can make it a little calmer.

Feel free to show love in public

Show everyone that you love her. There is no need to be timid. Make it clear that you only need her.

Compliment her

As soon as you see your girlfriend, compliment her. Tell her she looks good. Express a positive opinion about her new hairstyle or outfit. Tell her you like her perfume. Don't criticize a woman's habits or try to change her. If you really have a problem with this, just talk to her.

Send your girlfriend a couple of love letters

Old ways are not always outdated. Write a letter about how much you love her. She will be incredibly happy to receive such a letter.

Surprise her with gifts

Give her gifts more often. You shouldn't buy expensive things. The gift could be just ice cream or a small sweet. Give her a rose, invite her to the cinema. Do what any girl likes.

Be yourself

There is no need to joke if you are not a comedian. Be yourself. She loved you for who you were and are. Therefore, there is no need for hypocritical masks. Just show her your love.

Make her laugh

You don't have to be the king of laughter to make her laugh. A few spontaneous jokes will suffice. Tell her a few funny moments that happened to you as a child. Or a funny story you read.

Pamper her

Who doesn't like to be looked after? Sometimes treat her like a little girl. Buy her candy or cake. Ball in the shape of a heart. Write her poetry. Sing a song for her.

Hug and kiss

Warm hugs and passionate kisses strengthen relationships. Greet her with warm hugs as soon as you see her. Take her hand and show her that you care about her. When you are in company, hold her hand or slightly below the waist.

And so, if you are having a difficult moment in a relationship, or have just fallen in love: now you know ways to make your girlfriend happy. Relationships need to be strengthened step by step.

Tips for men on how to give happiness to their beloved and become the ideal chosen one.

Girls are not the most logical creatures. Many men are very surprised by the sudden mood swings and changes in the desires of their lovers. But if you are attentive and insightful enough, you will be able to comprehend the secret of your beloved woman and become her ideal chosen one. In this article we will try to figure out what can make a girl happy.

Ways to make a girl happy

There are several ways to make a girl happy, it’s not a matter of minutes, you’ll have to really try:

  • Listen. You need to listen to what she says. At the same time, it is advisable to understand and try to solve its problems. The girl may not want any help from you, she wants to be listened to, her soul becomes calm, and she can sort out her thoughts and what is happening. Therefore, if a girl is trying to tell you something, you don’t need to shut her mouth and immediately try to solve problems, ask what she needs. This may lead to the fact that she will no longer come for help or conversation.
  • Respect your lover. You shouldn't treat her like a little girl or a second-class citizen. She has the right to vote.
  • She needs help. This applies to both household chores and work. If she is studying, then help her with her homework. You will also need help purchasing groceries and delivering bags home. She should feel your help, be sure that you will come to her at any moment.
  • Compliment her constantly. No need to joke about overly round buttocks or short. If you are with a girl, then she suits you. So try to treat her like a princess.

Many scientists note that happiness does not last very long. These are episodic moments that are very well remembered, causing us pleasant emotions and a surge of happiness hormones. To achieve this, make life spontaneous. That is, get rid of the routine.

Getting rid of boredom and routine:

  1. Give her gifts. There is no need to wait for some occasion, birthday, or March 8th. Give a gift simply because it’s a good day. Give a small, trivial gift. It's very simple for you, and it will cheer up the girl and make her day happy.
  2. Invite me somewhere. This could be a cafe or a walk in the park. Of course, if the girl is very tired, she had a lot of work, then it is better to organize for her romantic dinner or evening.
  3. Set the table, order food from the restaurant. If you have a small amount of money on hand, prepare a very simple dinner. Fry the potatoes and make a salad.
  4. After a hard time working day A bubble bath would be appropriate. You can place candles on the headbands and on the bathroom floor. Throw rose petals into the water, this will cheer up the girl. You can organize some kind of pleasant surprise.
  5. Horseback riding or excursions are well received. Perhaps even a trip to the zoo would do. After all, all the girls are small children, and many of them love animals very much.

How to become the man of her dreams?

Don’t think that if you fulfill all your whims, the girl will fall in love with you and stay for life. Because deep down in their souls, all representatives of the fair sex are looking for a strong man, and do not want to keep wimps near them. Therefore, there is no need to become henpecked and allow yourself to be pushed around.


  1. Be sure to stick to your opinion. Be principled, but at the same time attentive, affectionate and reliable.
  2. Girls all want to be in strong male hands and relax at least for a short period of time. The fair sex does not like greedy men, so there is no need to be stingy. Of course, if you don't have large quantities funds, it is not at all necessary to buy a girl diamonds and fur coats, but it is quite possible to sometimes give a bouquet of flowers.
  3. Be brave, the girl should feel your strong masculine hand, and the ability to stand up for her and for herself. This does not mean that you need to be cocky, confrontational and pretend to be macho. But if some danger comes, or if you are accosted in a dark alley, you need to stand up for yourself, and not hide behind a skirt.
  4. For a girl to fall in love, you need to listen and hear her. That is, you must find out for a short time, what films you like, what music you listen to, your main hobbies and small weaknesses. This will make it easier for you to give her gifts.
  5. A girl who loves home gatherings and comedy is unlikely to appreciate going to the football stadium together. Before you propose this kind of evening, you need to find out whether the girl really loves football and wants to go to the stadium with you.

Happiness is in the little things. We give pleasant memories to our beloved

To make a girl happy, you sometimes need to ask for forgiveness, even if you are not to blame for the quarrel. Remember that girls are quite impulsive and may not say exactly what they think. Be smarter, know how to forgive and ask for forgiveness first.

Pleasant trifles:

  • Confess your love, do it not 100 times a day, but early in the morning, after waking up or in the evening, before falling asleep, you can say it.
  • Remind yourself sometimes. There is no need to be intrusive and call many times a day. Just send one SMS or short call, if you know that this will not distract the girl from work or irritate her.
  • Spend more time with her more often. There is no need to drag her along to meet friends she doesn’t really like.
  • Sometimes you need to spend time apart. Remember, your girl is an individual, she needs a little freedom. You shouldn’t tie her to you and follow her to all meetings, get-togethers with friends, football, bowling, billiards. I think a girl will not be interested in watching you communicate with your friends and play billiards.
  • Make her laugh. Girls love humor, but they don’t always understand it. Therefore, before you make a joke, think about whether your lover will accept this kind of humor.
  • Hug and kiss her. This can be done in public places, but so that it looks unobtrusive and not vulgar.

At first glance, it seems easy to make a girl happy. But everything is not as it seems. Because there is a very fine line between being henpecked and really strong man who respects a woman's weaknesses. Be strong, but spoil your better half sometimes.

What is happiness anyway? In a universal sense? This is, first of all, harmony and balance of everything that we so need. We are all different, and everyone has their own dreams, desires, tastes, needs, and there are also universal human values. And girls have everything very individually, but they also have common desires. For example, girls really like to kiss, but if this happens every minute, it will quickly get boring, since the balance of such desire will be upset. Also all the girls just love it beautiful words, declarations of love, but if you overdo it and she already feels awkward, then slow down!

A girl always feels happy when she receives gifts and surprises. However, she will quickly become accustomed to receiving gifts if you intend to do so at every meeting. And she will be waiting with hope and joy not for you, but for another gift. Will this make her happy all the time? Quite a controversial issue. Give gifts, but keep control of the entire process.

How can you understand what a girl needs at the moment? What does it take to make her happy?

You'll have to pay a little more attention. After all, if she lacks something, she will let you know it in conversation and behavior. Take a closer look at her! At the very beginning of the relationship, you sensitively caught all the slightest intonations, but as time passed, you somehow forgot about it. The process of getting used to each other dulls attentiveness. Therefore, do not miss anything that they are trying to convey to you.

In the end, everything is simple. Be attentive to your girlfriend so that she feels completely happy. Be sure to kiss and hug her several times a day, and don’t forget to give her gifts or flowers a couple of times a month. Arrange interesting walks, trips to the theater, cinema. Don’t forget to call, but if you really don’t have time, at least write a funny SMS. If you feel that something is still wrong, try to find and eliminate the cause of your girlfriend’s uncomfortable state.

But, if you understand that you are wrong, but continue to behave the same way, you will most likely receive the same thing in response. And don’t forget about condoms in Time, this will also help in some situations to remain happy together, your partner will feel more confident in bed, happy sex is protected sex.

You're doing great! The relationship is great, the sex is great! But for some reason it happens less and less often. You want intimacy every day, but once every two weeks is enough for him, a nightmare! Of course, this can be explained by lifestyle, work, and well-being. But it seems like nothing... Some men argue that if a woman meets all the criteria of a good housewife and mother, and the fact that she is not sexy enough for him, then this is not scary. It's not all great, but you can fight. For example, on the female side, you will have to resort to a relaxing massage, a romantic dinner, or the invention of an extravagant position in bed. But you need to be prepared for the fact that one day the thought “do I need this?!” Maybe he’ll find someone else who won’t need all these frills?”