The Sit30 application - the ideal body system - “For me, the best application.” Principles of the Body Building System

WORKSHOP OF THE IDEAL BODY Global system of healing the whole body Silhouette modeling Face and body lifting Lymphatic drainage Prevention of varicose veins of the legs Restoring the normal functioning of the vascular system of the whole body Normalization of metabolism Anti-stress therapy Tightening and restorative effect

We offer you the most advanced and effective techniques for creating a beautiful and toned body. Hardware methods: ü Dermotonia ü Myostimulation ü Pressotherapy with infrared heating Injection techniques: ü Vascular drainage preparations ü Injection lipolysis Wraps: ü Parafango (wrap using active drainage serum)

Dermotonia FOR THE FACE Restoring facial oval Increasing skin tone Eliminating fine wrinkles Relieving puffiness FOR THE BODY Treatment of cellulite Reducing volume Increasing skin tone Reducing stretch marks and scars MEDICINE § Rehabilitation after plastic surgery

Dermotonia for the body CELLULITE TREATMENT Vacuum action enhances blood circulation and cellular metabolism, improving the process of eliminating fat from cellulite localization areas. Result: ü body silhouette is modeled, ü volumes are reduced, ü skin relief is improved. REDUCTION OF STRETCH MARKS Vacuum technology improves trophic processes in the skin and stimulates fibroblasts responsible for the production of collagen and elastin fibers of connective tissue. Result: ü the depth and width of stretch marks is reduced, ü the normal color of the tissue is restored. POSTOPERATIVE REHABILITATION The variety of attachments of the device, perfectly adapted for work on any part of the face and body, allows you to quickly eliminate swelling and bring the work to perfection plastic surgeon. This extremely delicate technique provides gentle drainage of postoperative areas, eliminates scar retractions, and prevents the formation of fibrosis.

Dermotonia for the face IDEAL OVAL OF THE FACE, ELIMINATION OF WRINKLES Dermotonia improves skin tone and reduces the depth of wrinkles. Eyebrow wrinkles, nasolabial folds, crow's feet and other signs of skin aging can be eliminated thanks to the stimulating, regenerating and draining effects of the device. Result: ü Small wrinkles are completely smoothed out, and deep ones become less pronounced. ü The oval of the face acquires clear contours, the chin is tightened. RELIVING FROM SWELLING Dark circles around the eyes, swelling of the eyelids and bags under the eyes are eliminated through vacuum peeling, lymphatic drainage and toning. The procedure helps the body remove excess fluid and avoid stagnation. Drainage of the face and neck restores metabolic processes in the skin. LIFTING Due to the effect of hypervascularization, microcirculation in tissues improves and metabolic processes are accelerated. This stimulates cellular synthesis, mainly the production of collagen and elastin. Result: ü After a course of dermotony procedures, skin tone significantly increases, its firmness and elasticity are restored.

Myostimulation The procedure uses the latest TRIACTIF technology - a combination of thermotherapy, electromyostimulation and electroporation to achieve visible results within a short time. THERMAL THERAPY This is the therapeutic use of heat (raising the temperature to 40 °C speeds up metabolism by 20–30%). ELECTROPORATION Electroporation involves the temporary opening of micropores in cell membranes under the influence of modified frequency modulation, which ensures the penetration of components with a large molecular weight into the cell. This allows you to use special anti-cellulite products to increase the effectiveness of the procedure. ELECTROMYOSTIMULATION The method is based on the ability of a muscle to contract in response to irritation. Electricity causes muscles to work in the same way as when physical exercise, however, the intensity of work can be much higher. From such loads, muscle strength increases by 10–50%. Since the muscle requires intensive nutrition, the fat reserves around the muscles are consumed. Therefore, not only muscle strengthening is observed, but also a decrease in the fat layer.

Pressotherapy with infrared heating Pressotherapy (or hardware lymphatic drainage massage, compression massage, pneumomassage) is a painless procedure that eliminates lymph stagnation in certain areas of the human lymphatic system. Deep infrared heating of the entire body stimulates blood circulation, improves sweating, removes toxins and has a relaxing effect. Result: ü effective reduction of body volume ü effective fight against cellulite; ü restoration of skin tone

Injection vascular drainage The procedure is a mandatory step in preparation for the introduction of fat-breaking drugs - lipolytics. Vascular drainage preparations improve microcirculation, eliminate swelling and prepare the body for the subsequent effective and painless removal of broken down fats.

Injection lipolysis Lipolitics are a group of drugs that break down subcutaneous fat. The effect of lipolytics is often compared to non-surgical liposuction. During a course of procedures you can lose 6 cm in volume, as well as get rid of cellulite and a “double chin”. The result lasts for quite a long time with proper nutrition, which does not allow adipose tissue to grow again. Lipolytic therapy is carried out in a course.

Parafango is a wrap that combines the benefits of thalassotherapy and paraffin therapy. The aesthetic result of the course of procedures is a reduction in the volume of problem areas of the body, smoothing the skin texture, tightening and rejuvenating it. The therapeutic effect of parafango wraps is to accelerate metabolic processes in the body, relieve nervous tension, pain in joints and muscles.

Surveys show that the vast majority of women are dissatisfied with their figure; many of them have been struggling with overweight, but do not achieve any results. Some may lose weight, but then the weight comes back and the struggle starts all over again.

Ekaterina Mirimanova is sure that the mistake is the attitude towards life and one’s own body. Incorrect installations and internal blocks reduce all efforts to nothing.

Ideal body – Ekaterina Mirimanova’s system

Trainer and subject matter expert proper nutrition Ekaterina Mirimanova tested her own technique on herself. She lost weight from 120 kg to 60 kg in a year and a half without exhausting training, fasting, liposuction and harmful drugs.

She is confident that anyone can lose weight naturally. Free program “Programming yourself to an ideal body in 5 days” - find out how to start losing weight.

The weight loss program is absolutely safe for health and even has a healing effect, normalizing all organs and increasing immunity. The “Minus 60” weight loss technique is approved by doctors as effective and universal.

Nutrition system for weight loss

Do you want to have an ideal body, a slim and toned figure, but don’t know how to start losing weight? Get Ekaterina Mirimanova’s free program “Programming yourself for an ideal body in 5 days” and get ready for effective weight loss.

Here are a few general ones, but very valuable advice from the “trainer of champions”:

Literally any age is “conquered” by bodybuilding, from adolescence to pre-retirement. For example, the famous British bodybuilder Albert Beckles became a world champion at the age of 53! And yet, if the newcomer’s age exceeds 35 years, he simply needs to undergo a full medical examination in order to avoid hidden ailments, which, in combination with physical activity can become fatal for their owner.

Clothes for training should be loose, comfortable, made from natural fabrics, and shoes should be durable, capable of protecting your feet and toes from injury in the event of an unexpected fall of equipment.

Choose the type of program that suits you strength exercises with fairly moderate burden. If you feel that the exercise is causing you even the slightest pain, immediately reduce the weight of the apparatus by 25-30%. When performing the training, watch your breathing: under no circumstances hold it under tension, otherwise you risk losing consciousness. Inhale as you lower the weight, and exhale as you lift the weight.

Remember that the effectiveness of training is influenced not so much by the exercises themselves, but by a whole group of indirect factors: sufficient sleep and rest, regularity of training, proper diet, quality of food, sufficient amount of fluid consumed and, of course, self-confidence and a strong mindset for success. It is best to practice every other day at the same hours, especially during the first 3 months.

For the first six months, it is very important that you perform all the exercises “purely”, that is, without the help of other muscle groups - in particular, without additional kicks or bending of the torso.

The rest between approaches should be no more than 1.5 minutes so that the body does not have time to “cool down” and the blood flow remains increased to achieve the best effect from the training.

Each exercise has its own optimal speed. For example, it is better to spend 2-3 seconds lifting the barbell, and 4 seconds lowering it. Too fast a pace can lead to various types of injuries.

The optimal initial weight of the projectile for a beginner (both men and women) is approximately the same, but over time it can be adjusted to your individual needs, observing the principle of gradually increasing loads.

It has been experimentally found that the results you want to achieve directly depend on the number of repetitions of each exercise. For example, by repeating an exercise up to 5 times, a bodybuilder develops the strength of his muscles, up to 8 - increases muscle mass and overall endurance, and more than 15 repetitions lead to significant growth muscle mass. More than 20 repetitions without pauses between sets are excellent for strengthening the cardiovascular system. According to Joe Weider, it's best to train comprehensively, using a variety of rep variations.

It is very important during training to focus only on the work of your own muscles, feeling how they tense and relax. Such concentration has a very positive effect on the result of training, as noted by many bodybuilding champions.

The Weider System is based on 24 Basic Training Principles helping to achieve desired result to the maximum short time and with the greatest benefit for the bodybuilder. The program is succinctly divided into three main parts, containing recommendations for a beginner, for an experienced bodybuilder and, finally, for a professional who already has solid training experience.

Each new principle reveals a certain methodological secret, thanks to which anyone can bring their body to the level of perfection that they dream of. We will not list all the principles of the Great Master System, so as not to deprive our readers of the pleasure of discovering the secrets of the basics of bodybuilding for themselves, but we will still allow ourselves to mention something.

For example, the following principles will be very useful for a beginning bodybuilder:

The principle of progressive overload

It is based on a historical myth about an ancient Greek athlete named Milo, who came up with the idea of ​​training his muscles by carrying a young bull on his shoulders every day. As the bull grew, its weight increased, and at the same time, Milon’s physical strength also grew. In the end, the resourceful athlete became the strongest fighter in all of Greece, and Joe Weider figured out how to use his invaluable experience as a effective method building muscle mass. According to this principle, a bodybuilder must constantly increase the weight of his equipment, as well as the number of approaches during each new training, or reduce the rest time between approaches.

Isolation principle

When performing the exercise, you should be very careful to ensure that each muscle “works” independently, without the help of the others. In this, the bodybuilder will be helped by an excellent knowledge of his own anatomy and special anatomical positions during training, which are described in sufficient detail in Weider’s book.

Muscle shock principle

Using the same exercise for too long causes the muscles to “get used” to the load and simply stop responding to it properly. Interfere with muscle adaptation by constantly changing the type of exercise, as well as the number of repetitions and sets.

Diet for champions

A special place in the Weider System is occupied by diet, which, according to the author himself, determines at least half of success in bodybuilding. But what special thing should a future champion eat so that his training is not in vain?

Of course, since we are talking about building muscle tissue, there is no way to do without protein foods. After all, protein is the main participant in any cellular and tissue “construction” and a source of essential amino acids. However, in any case, you should know when to stop, otherwise all the excess protein can turn into fat. Wider insists that the ideal daily balance was 25-30% protein, 55-60% carbohydrates, with the remaining 10-20% fat.

As for proteins, they can be consumed up to 100-200 g per day (about 2 g for each kg of body weight), but often (4-5 times a day) and in small portions of 30 g. A source of healthy protein should certainly be be low fat foods. Ideally, this is white meat chicken or turkey, lean fish, chicken proteins, low-fat cottage cheese and vegetables. Soy dishes and nuts are also considered acceptable.

A bodybuilder cannot do without carbohydrates, because it is their energy that is mainly consumed during training. Ideal sources of this energy include: wholemeal bread, baked goods, noodles, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, nuts and legumes.

Wilder speaks about fats with great respect, since normal functioning is simply impossible without them. internal organs, as well as transport of fat-soluble vitamins. During intense and long-term training, fats can be an additional source of energy, and today only very lazy athletes do not know about the benefits of polyunsaturated fatty acids like Omega-2 and Omega-3. Therefore, a bodybuilder’s diet must contain fat-containing foods - vegetable oils, milk, cheese, yogurt and, of course, fish oil.

Here's an example daily menu for the future champion (portion size is determined individually):

Breakfast (8-00): two soft-boiled eggs, oatmeal with skim milk with a teaspoon of honey, nutritional supplements.

Lunch (12-00): sea fish salad (tuna, mackerel, mackerel) or boiled chicken and green salad with a side dish of baked potatoes, tea or coffee, nutritional supplements.

Afternoon snack (17-00): boiled fish with a side dish of rice, vegetable salad without dressing, a glass of skim milk, nutritional supplements.

Dinner (21-00): cocktail of 2 tbsp. spoons of protein powder, 1-1.5 glasses of skim milk with the addition of fruit.

Also, the “trainer of champions” advises bodybuilders to never eat fried food, drink as much water as possible (about 12-16 glasses per day) and do not forget about regular vitamin and mineral support for their body.

You are an aggregate, Dusya!

And finally. Many will ask: what could be beautiful about a pumped-up female body? And they will be partly right, since not all men like overly muscular female bodies with broad shoulders, a narrow pelvis, shrouded in a network of veins and sometimes completely devoid of seductive roundness. But in bodybuilding, as in any other sport, you can choose the required level of load, and it is not at all necessary to “pump up” your muscles to a professionally hypertrophied state. Each of us can “build” our own body the way we want and to any extent. Just look at the first Miss Olympia - has the beautiful Rachel McLeish lost her feminine charm?

In addition, the reason for the appearance of “terribly” bloated forms, unsightly protruding veins and other repulsive “special effects” may be a passion for anabolic steroids - chemicals, with the help of which unscrupulous bodybuilders try to accelerate muscle growth. But when Master Wider developed his System, there was no place for chemical doping in it, just as, in principle, there is none today.

According to Weider, female bodybuilding is a great way to not only get rid of excess body fat, but also become stronger, more flexible and healthier for the rest of your life. He is deeply convinced that the female hormonal system itself does not allow a woman to build muscle in the same hypertrophied volume as it happens in men. That is, excessive “pumping” female figure– this is more likely the result of not quite sports intervention, and not at all conscientious training...

According to Joe Weider himself, in bodybuilding the female body has a certain advantage over the male body due to its natural flexibility, so ladies are able to exercise their muscles using a wider range of movements. Thanks to the center of gravity shifted to the pelvis and hips, it is much easier for women to build up the muscle frame of the lower extremities than for men. But ladies need to “pump up” with special caution, since their too narrow shoulder and elbow joints can withstand not every weight.

And, nevertheless, in women's bodybuilding, the same diet and the same exercises are used as in men's, with the same frequency, duration and perseverance. But a healthy body, like a healthy mind, is worth the effort, isn’t it?

(Photo in the material: Catalin Petolea(1),stryjek(3),

Ecology of health and beauty: Today, the problem of “orange peel” concerns not only women with curvaceous figures: completely thin young girls are also subject to the aesthetic manifestation of cellulite. In the fight against the hated tubercles of the representative fair half humanity is besieged by massage parlors and fashionable SPA salons. But what should housewives or young mothers do, who, due to their busy lives, cannot leave home for a long time or often?

Today, the problem of “orange peel” concerns not only curvy women: completely thin young girls are also subject to the aesthetic manifestation of cellulite. In the fight against the hated tubercles, representatives of the fair half of humanity are besieging massage parlors and fashionable SPA salons.

But what should housewives or young mothers do, who, due to their busy lives, cannot leave home for a long time or often? For them, anti-cellulite cupping massage at home will be a real lifeline.

To understand the principle of operation of this miracle method, you first need to understand what cellulite is. Let's discard complex medical terms and explain in accessible and understandable language: cellulite is fatty formations enclosed in a capsule of protein.

This dense shell prevents the breakdown and removal of these deposits even while “regular” fat melts away from exercise or diet. Therefore, we will act on cellulite “lumps” mechanically, in our case – with a vacuum.

Benefits of home vacuum massage

As mentioned above, anti-cellulite massage with cups at home is especially relevant for women who various reasons cannot visit massage rooms or specialized salons.

Therefore, the main advantage is the schedule and duration, which you set yourself. Moreover, you don’t need to rush across the city to catch a session, and after it, when you really want to relax, you don’t need to jostle in public transport or stand in traffic jams.

According to reviews, cupping massage for cellulite is quite an expensive pleasure, especially if one course is not enough. Therefore, if you decide once to purchase vacuum cans, you can save a lot by having a home massage salon.

It is more convenient to prepare for the massage procedure at home - make your favorite massage oil, scrub or rub thoroughly with a washcloth. By doing anti-cellulite massage yourself, you can decide for yourself which problem areas require priority tidying up, and which can be left “for later”.

Contraindications for vacuum anti-cellulite massage

So, having decided to independently fight the “orange peel” with the help of cupping massage for weight loss, first of all you need to pay attention to contraindications.

The main obstacles on the path to excellence can be:

ATTENTION! You need to remember that vacuum anti-cellulite cupping massage cannot be done on inner surface hips, chest, along the spine and lower back.

How to choose vacuum jars

If you do not fall into any category of people who are prohibited from having a massage, it’s time to choose vacuum cans. Regarding the material, they come in rubber and silicone.

According to user reviews and from my own personal experience I will say - silicone jars are much better, since they do not lose their shape over time, do not absorb residual oil or gel, and do not stain.

Vacuum cans for massage are available in different diameters. This allows you to choose an individual set that is suitable for carrying out a massage procedure on different parts of the body.

The kit is quite convenient to use, which includes silicone cups for massage and a special pump (or bulb) that allows you to regulate the strength of the vacuum created.

Vacuum massage technique

So that your efforts in the fight against cellulite are not in vain and give excellent results, you need not only to know the massage technique, but also to properly prepare the body for this procedure. To begin with, the skin needs to be steamed. To do this, take a warm bath for 5-7 minutes, to which you can add a couple of tablespoons of sea salt.

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Then thoroughly rub the skin with a hard washcloth with gel and a couple of drops of your favorite essential oils (preferably anti-cellulite). The skin should be rubbed until it turns red until you feel a slight tingling sensation. This suggests that you have activated metabolic processes in the subcutaneous layer: blood circulation and lymph flow.

Another method to prepare for a cupping massage procedure for cellulite. If you don’t have a hard washcloth at hand, you can use a scrub, which is easy to make at home. This miracle scrub contains ingredients that can be found in every kitchen: honey, ground coffee, sea ​​salt and essential oils.

Now your body is ready for a massage: the pores are maximally open for the penetration of anti-cellulite components, and the blood can “deliver” them to places of fat accumulation.

How to properly massage with cups at home

At first glance, it may seem that chaotic driving through the body should bring visible results. Unfortunately, it is not. The pictures below show the correct massage lines for cupping massage.

Foot massage

When doing a massage on the legs, do not forget that the inner part of the thigh cannot be touched. We begin to massage the leg from the bottom up, that is, from the knee, while moving the jar strictly vertically up and down. The average duration of this procedure is 40-50 minutes.


When massaging the buttocks, we make circular movements for 10 minutes, and then up and down for about 5 minutes.


The massage is done in a circular motion clockwise for 10-15 minutes, and then from the navel to the sides for 5 minutes on each side.

Hand massage

Hands are massaged from hand to shoulder with straight movements for approximately 5-10 minutes.

Anti-cellulite massage oils

Numerous reviews of cupping massage confirm its effectiveness in complex massage using good massage oils. Of course, you can use products purchased at a pharmacy or store. But if you are a supporter natural cosmetics, then you can prepare the massage mixture yourself.

Massage compositions consist of base oil (100 ml olive or grape, apricot, peach kernels) and several essential oils (no more than 20 drops and no more than 6 types). Essential oils should have a pronounced anti-cellulite effect, I recommend the following:

1. Geranium oil is the most effective among the esters. This is due to its ability to activate lymph outflow even with severe congestion in the body, and also lead to dehydration and tightening of the skin, making it elastic and taut.

2. Juniper oil acts on cellulite “from the rear,” that is, it improves metabolism, removes toxins and relieves swelling.

3. Cypress oil regenerates the skin, reduces the appearance of cellulite due to skin elasticity.

4. Cedar oil improves blood circulation in the skin, saturating its cells with oxygen and eliminating stagnation and swelling.

5. Grapefruit oil activates lymph flow due to its diuretic effect. Used to treat general obesity and cellulite.

6. Orange rightfully occupies one of the first places in the fight against cellulite: its oils saturate the skin with oxygen and vitamins, remove toxins and regenerate the skin.

In order for homemade oil to bring more benefits to a procedure such as anti-cellulite cupping massage, it must be prepared correctly:

1. The container in which oils are mixed must be clean and dry.

2. Mixed oils should be compatible and enhance each other's properties, not cancel each other out.

3. Essential oils should be added to the base oil, and not vice versa.

Essential oils themselves are a recognized anti-cellulite remedy, and in combination with vacuum massage will bring even more benefits.

If you have already decided to fight cellulite, then do not make do with just anti-cellulite cupping massage. After all, “orange peel” is only a visual manifestation of this disease and its treatment must be approached comprehensively.

Consider your diet: you probably eat fatty, smoked and sweet foods, and you also cannot deny yourself sweet drinks or alcohol. All this is not in the best possible way affects your body, causing skin problems and swelling.

This might interest you:

It is important to monitor the water-salt balance: an adult should drink at least 1.5 liters per day clean water. Introduce sports into your life: exercise at home, if you can’t go to the gym, run in the morning. If running is not your thing, take evening walks of 5-6 km.

And the main thing in the fight against cellulite is the systematicity of all procedures. How quickly you will see the desired results will depend only on your persistence. published