Meaning and origin of the name Yana. Diminutive forms of the name Yana Diminutive forms of the name Yana

Yana's name is female version common biblical name John. In Russian, the name John sounds like Ivan, in Czech or Polish - like Jan, in Bulgaria - Yani, in the English - John. Translated from Hebrew, the name John means “mercy of God.”

The name Yana was never particularly popular in Russia, as it did not exist in the Orthodox calendar. The name was used more in the Baltic countries and in the West, sometimes pronounced as Ioannina.

In the 70-80s of the last century, the popularity of the name began to grow rapidly, and today there are approximately three Yanas per thousand newborn girls. The very feminine, elegant, truly international name Yana is worn by such interesting personalities as TV presenter Yana Churikova, producer Yana Rudkovskaya, actresses Yana Esipovich and Yana Studilina, figure skater Yana Uskova, director and screenwriter Yana Druz, fashion model Yana Dubnik and many others.

Name days and patron saints

There is no name Yana in Orthodox Christmastide, so girls are baptized with any other name that sounds similar. Most often this name is Ioanna - in honor of St. Joan the Myrrh-Bearer. She was the wife of King Herod's steward, but she became one of the first to follow Jesus Christ during his preaching.

Together with other wives, she, Saint Joan, approached the Holy Sepulcher to anoint the Holy Body of the Lord with myrrh, and heard from the Angels the joyful news of his glorious Resurrection.

Characteristics of the name

Energy named after Yana will give its owner a calm, patient character, good intuition and observation. She is also characterized by some narcissism and even snobbery, but these character traits are not noticeable at first glance, since, if desired, Yana knows how to make the right impression.

Yana seeks profit in everything, and for the sake of this she is ready to skimp on friendship, sympathy and her own beliefs. She is rarely tormented by remorse due to violations of moral principles, the main thing is that the goal is achieved. Morality, honesty and decency - these concepts are quite abstract for Yana, although she will definitely demand them in relation to herself.

Her characteristic theatricality and mannerisms allow Yana to almost always get her way, especially when it comes to men. If necessary, she puts on the mask of a soft, defenseless woman, which immediately wins people over.

Punctuality, prudence, and the ability to adapt allow Yana to achieve a lot in life. She skillfully uses people for her own purposes, but earning her favor is not easy. First of all, her loved ones suffer from her narcissism, from whom she demands complete submission.

Yana has few friends; she mostly prefers profitable acquaintances. A woman does not always consider it necessary to hide her negative emotions, which also does not add to her sympathy from others. Only with age does Yana become wiser and more restrained, but her complex character will remain with her forever.


Little Yana is a capricious and spoiled child, accustomed to being indulged in everything. The task of parents is to overcome the child’s stubbornness, to show her that the world does not have to revolve only around her alone.

In order to impress others, the little girl is sometimes not averse to lying and boasting, although if she is accused of lying, Yanochka will definitely pout. Touchiness and stubbornness are qualities that can make her life very difficult in the future.

In the class, Yana is the first fashionista, but far from the first student. She is very selective about friendship, tries to join the “elite” circle of her class, but she will never sit at the same desk with a simpleton or a fool.

Raising a child named Yana will require a lot of wisdom and patience from parents, since the girl, thanks to her name, will have a very difficult character.


Nature has endowed Yana with excellent health and a strong psyche, although even she is characterized by mood swings and short periods of depression. I really like to sleep, the transition from sleep to wakefulness is very difficult for her. Therefore, to feel good, she must follow a daily routine and get a good night’s sleep.

Yana is not in danger excess weight or an addiction to alcohol - as a rule, she carefully takes care of her figure and does not have bad habits.


In relations with the stronger sex, Yana is very selective and makes great demands on him. Loves gifts and courtship, prefers to deal with strong, established personalities. She likes to manipulate men, just like everyone else. She prefers not to love, but to be loved.

But it is love that can make Yana kinder, softer, more patient. In relationships, she seeks stability and peace; “Mexican” passions do not attract her. Intimate life for Yana it is a source of sensual pleasure, which she will never refuse. Sex plays a very important role in her life, so she is free from any prejudices and modesty.

Yana is easily excitable, passion can overwhelm her, which cannot but be transmitted to a man. As a rule, she knows how to leave an impression of herself as a very temperamental and sexy person.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Family is of great importance to Yana, but it can be difficult for her to get married and the marriage is not always successful. A woman will definitely try to make sure that all members of her family are completely subordinate to her, so her husband will have to try not to become henpecked. For life together A man with a gentle character will suit her, who will be able to accept her for who she is and will not try to re-educate her.

Over time, tense relationships can level out, since in general Yana is a wonderful housewife and caring mother. She will do everything to lead her family to financial stability, and will become support and support for her husband, but the interests of the children will always come first for her. Cheating in her family is unacceptable, so the husband should always remember the capricious and jealous nature of his wife, whose lifestyle is mannerism and confidence in her exclusivity.

Life together for Yana can be successful with men named Valery, Vasily, Egor, Sergey, Vladimir, Alexander, Veniamin, Vladimir and Pavel. You should avoid relationships with Alexey, Artem, Stanislav, Mark, Arkady and Dmitry.

Business and career

Yana is a born businesswoman, smart, calculating, and sociable. She knows how to invest, intuitively senses benefits, and has excellent business acumen. Yana knows how to make money where others would not be able to see even a hint of benefit.

A creative profession such as a designer, fashion designer, or artist is perfect for a woman. She always has a lot of ideas in stock, which, if used skillfully, can bring considerable profit. And money is what Yana is always interested in, since it is in it that she sees the guarantee of stability and security.

Yana's determination, knowledge of psychology, and ambition allow her to achieve significant career success and occupy leadership positions. A woman is not inclined to change jobs often; she tries to achieve success where she feels confident.

Yana’s abilities can be in demand in trade, law, advertising business, service sector, pedagogy and medicine. The main thing is that there is an opportunity for career growth, which is important for the ambitious Yana.

Talismans for Yana

  • Patron planet - Mars and Pluto.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign - Sagittarius. It is recommended to call girls born under this zodiac sign Yanami, then fate will be especially favorable to them.
  • A good time of year is autumn, a good day of the week is Tuesday.
  • Lucky color - crimson, red, green.
  • The totem animal is the termite, symbolizing activity and love of change. This fussy and restless insect perfectly reflects Yana’s character. It will always help her get out of difficult situations, but for this you need to have a figurine or image of a termite with you and believe in its magical powers.
  • Totem plant - chestnut and peony. In the Christian tradition, the chestnut is a symbol of chastity, giving solar warmth and energy. A tree planted in the yard of a house will fill it with peace and comfort and help eliminate pain and illness. Peony is the flower of powerful, ambitious individuals who dream of winning honor and respect in society. It bestows good luck, financial well-being, and longevity.


Aries- an active, purposeful, strong-willed personality. She always has a lot of plans and ideas in her head, which she brings to life with incredible persistence. Yana-Aries has a truly masculine character - strong, strong-willed, unyielding. But she is not at all alien to romance and sentimentality, as well as purely feminine charm. In any relationship, she strives for leadership - in family, friendship, at work. Optimism is the main quality of her restless nature. A woman loves to be admired, not only for her talents, but also for her appearance. In marriage, Yana-Aries is an excellent housewife and devoted wife, but life with her will never be easy, since the husband will have to keep up with his restless wife, otherwise she will easily turn him into a typical henpecked man.

Taurus- passionate, stubborn, charming woman, conqueror of men's hearts. She is firmly convinced that every person is able to take care of himself, so it is difficult to imagine her in the role of a charity worker. She respects strong and ambitious people, and weaklings cause nothing but contempt. In terms of efficiency, Jana-Taurus can give any representative of the stronger sex, and she is also not lacking in ambition. She strives with all her might to gain prestige in society and become a respected person. Outwardly, she is always calm and self-possessed, but inside a hurricane of passions can boil. Yana-Taurus will make a wonderful wife who will live by the motto “everything goes to the house, everything to the family.” She is certainly a strong personality, but she is smart enough not to show it to her man.

Twins- nature is changeable, unpredictable, multifaceted. It is difficult for her to develop a certain line of behavior, so she often follows the lead - she says what they want to hear from her and does what is required. Despite his outward openness and sociability, it is difficult to find a more secretive person. Her thoughts and feelings never lie on the surface, so this woman will always remain a mystery to others, and moreover, like no one else, she loves to surround herself with a veil of secrecy. A negative trait of her character is duplicity, which, however, allows her to easily adapt to any people and circumstances. In marriage she is as fickle and flighty as in life. If her husband stops satisfying her, she will break up with him without regret, especially if he tries to somehow infringe on her love for freedom and communication. It is also difficult to call her an ideal housewife, since a woman will never devote herself entirely to her family.

Cancer- an impressionable woman, sometimes suspicious, nervous and irritable. She is deeply immersed in her own inner world, and the real world seems rough and complex to her. She does not like to open up to other people and does everything to keep her inner world in harmony. Yana-Cancer is very sensitive and touchy, she can be upset by any trifle, and she takes any criticism painfully. She is overly trusting of people, especially men. It will be difficult for her to achieve success professionally, but in family life she will surely be successful. Family for Yana-Cancer is the most important thing in life, and for her sake she will gladly give up all her ambitious plans. In a relationship, she needs a strong partner who can take responsibility for her future. She will make a wonderful housewife, since Yana-Cancer is prone to hoarding, and, despite her romantic nature, she knows how to count money very well.

a lion- a proud, self-confident person who does not need anyone's advice. Yana the Lioness is very demanding not only of those around her, but also of herself, since in life she is a real fighter and winner. No failures or mistakes can knock the ground out from under her feet, although in relationships with men she can pretend not to be a lioness, but a defenseless kitten. This woman is very concerned about reputation and prestige, and she always achieves her goal, no matter what the means, because she lives by the motto “winners are not judged.” Her beloved man must constantly support her confidence that she is “the very best,” and also remember that his chosen one cannot stand criticism at all. In love, she is jealous and demanding, but she definitely has enough strength to take care of her family, while not forgetting about her career. She will protect her family from any attacks, devoting herself entirely to caring for her husband and children.

Virgo- a secretive, neat woman who may lack determination and drive to build a brilliant career. She is a real workaholic - diligent and painstaking, very attentive and neat. Deep down, a woman dreams of great success and recognition, but in reality she wants to remain unnoticed and quiet. Yana-Virgo loves company, but prefers to communicate in a quiet, calm environment, preferably from an intellectual perspective. Noisy parties, various gatherings and scandals are not for her. It is very difficult for Yana-Virgo to express and demonstrate her feelings, so she can give the impression of a cold and inaccessible person to men. You should not expect outbursts of tenderness and romanticism from her; she is attractive in her truthfulness and sincerity. It is difficult to earn the trust of this woman; she is not one of those women who can fall in love at first sight. Her chosen one must understand that in fact her heart is much softer and more devoted than it seems. A marriage with her must necessarily be built on mutual respect, trust and understanding.

Scales- a sociable, flexible woman, a little cutesy and boastful. She knows how to forgive people for their shortcomings, never remembers old grievances and quarrels, and does not seek revenge. At the same time, her cold prudence and practicality bears the features of masculine logic; those around her constantly notice her wisdom in simple, everyday things. For the sake of his career, Jana-Libra will not “go over his head,” but he will never refuse a lucrative offer, even if he has to offend someone. This woman is used to carefully considering her every step, so she rarely makes mistakes in making the right decision. For all her apparent self-sufficiency and practicality, Jana-Libra absolutely cannot be alone; she definitely needs a loved one nearby. Her husband will be the center of the universe, even her children will fade into the background. In her family, Jana-Libra will always avoid quarrels and showdowns, since the most important thing for her is to maintain mental comfort and balance at any cost.

Scorpion- an obstinate, unpredictable, contradictory nature that finds it very difficult to understand itself. She is a person of extremes who loves and hates with all her soul. Jana-Scorpio is constantly on edge, and the slightest spark is enough for her violent temperament to burst out. She cares little about her own reputation and public opinion, as well as generally accepted moral standards. This woman is in a hurry to live, wants to do everything and try everything. In her life, she relies only on herself and never asks for help. Jana-Scorpio is a true leader, claiming the unconditional submission of others. Her intelligence and assertiveness allow her to make a brilliant career, but the most important thing for a woman will always be love and family. Without love and violent passions, her life loses color, becomes boring and gray. Yana-Scorpio will be unconditionally faithful and devoted to her beloved man, and in return will demand his soul and body into her full power. If she suspects him of treason, then her revenge will be as passionate as love.

Sagittarius- impatient, agile personality, easy to get up and make decisions. Sometimes it seems that she has ten arms and is in ten places at once, and in a conversation she can change ten topics in a minute. Yana-Sagittarius is a fighter for truth and justice, always saying what she thinks. Her emotions are absolutely sincere, there is not a drop of deceit or pretense in her. Not every man can withstand so much fuss around the woman he loves, so building family happiness for Jana-Sagittarius it may take a long time. By nature she is not a careerist, money doesn’t mean much in her life either, but it means freedom and independence, which Yana-Sagittarius is so eager to find. She will quickly crush a weak man with her independence, so as a life partner she needs a male friend who understands and shares her interests. The secret of family happiness with such a difficult woman is to never limit her freedom and desire for communication.

Capricorn- a strong and balanced woman, capable of living and working in the most difficult conditions. She is a professional in what she does, and her steely willpower helps her achieve impressive results. It is quite difficult to enter into the narrow circle of her sympathies, but if you succeed, you will not find a more devoted friend. At heart, Jana-Capricorn is a conservative; she has a hard time getting used to new people and circumstances, and does not like to change her habits, place of work, and especially the men she loves. The subtle charm of this woman is not immediately noticeable, but an observant man will quickly appreciate her intelligence and special charm. It is difficult to find a person more devoted to her family and the people she values ​​and loves. Having found a beloved man, Jana-Cazerga is able to leave her ambitions and career for the sake of the well-being of her children and husband, to whom she will become an excellent adviser and assistant.

Aquarius- a practical, reserved, independent personality. This is a creative person who does not tolerate boredom and monotony, and needs new impressions and knowledge. She has a very sensitive soul, easily capturing the mood of those around her, their problems and sorrows. This woman is very socially oriented; it is very important for her to feel needed and useful, so she is not at all indifferent to her own reputation and authority. She will be happy to help if she feels that someone needs her help. It’s hard to imagine this woman in the role of a housewife - and who will save the world then? Therefore, she will part with a man who tries to deprive her of freedom and tear her away from society without regret. At heart she is a revolutionary, who is little attracted to household chores and an established life.

Fish- a sentimental, touchy nature, not very self-confident. She is capable of being offended by any trifle and harboring resentment in her soul for a long time, and criticism can cause a hurricane of passions in her storm and make her even more insecure. Jana-Pisces tries to avoid noisy companies, does not strive for leadership, and does not like to take responsibility. Her role is a devoted, faithful wife, an ideal housewife, a caring mother. It is in this form that she will feel happy and in demand. She will not ignore either the cleanliness of the floors or her husband’s career; she will always be able to create for him exactly the atmosphere that he needs. This woman does not know how and does not like to swim against the tide; she is not a fighter in life. But she knows how to shine in society, and is never averse to testing her charm on men. If a man does not meet her high demands, Jana-Pisces will part with him without regret.

– a name of Hebrew origin meaning “mercy of God.” Yana is a kind, understanding, sympathetic person. She will never leave not only a friend, but also just an acquaintance in trouble. Yana forgets about her own problems, trying to solve others, without thinking about just relaxing and resting. Her health may noticeably deteriorate due to constant nervous tension, because she is used to taking everything to heart. Yana should devote time only to herself from time to time, doing things for which she usually does not have enough time. Yana's kindness makes her respected by many, but on her path she may meet completely different people, those who will take advantage of her kindness. It is better for her to stop communicating with such individuals, but she lacks the ability to understand people. Yana's friends need to remember that even such a strong and always ready to help girl like her also needs support and help. Still, close people need to take care of her, talk about how dear she is to them and how they love and appreciate her.

Yana should develop a sense of humor, as she takes everything in the world too seriously, takes every little thing too seriously. She needs to learn not to pay attention to something, not to consider everything in the world serious and significant. Yana does not like quarrels and showdowns, but she can also flare up. True, she will accumulate irritation for a long time. But if such a conflict occurs, Yana can say offensive things and tell the person everything she thinks about him. Such behavior can greatly surprise those who considered her soft and kind and prove that Yana is a strong person who can stand up for herself. However, it rarely breaks down. If she is unhappy with something, she tries to explain it delicately, so as not to offend anyone.

Yana can undermine her health by her inability to be distracted from work and relax. She should learn to relax, forget about problems and matters. Yana loves to travel. Traveling for her is an opportunity to get vivid impressions and meet interesting people and find yourself in unusual places. She can travel alone or with friends. Yana does not really like beaches and passive recreation; she prefers to explore the sights, gain new knowledge, and expand her horizons. Yana enjoys being in nature. She likes to go out of town with friends, have picnics and go hiking. She is not a sissy at all, she does not require special comfort. No one ever hears any complaints from Yana either.

Yana takes care of her appearance, she is popular with men. Yana’s personal happiness can only be hindered by the need for self-realization.

Diminutive forms of the name Yana

Yanochka, Yanka, Yanok, Yanulya, Yanusya, Yanusha, Yanushka, Yanyusha, Yanchik.


Charming, beautiful, attractive. She enjoys attention from men, but you can’t call her a coquette. Endowed with tact and delicacy, knows how to communicate with different people. Cannot stand boredom and loneliness, has many friends.


It has charm and refined taste. She loves to look good, watches her figure, and understands fashion. Prefers to spend free time in the company of friends, loneliness depresses her.


Versatile nature, strives for new knowledge and impressions, loves to travel. Enjoys meeting new people and is not afraid to trust them.


Knows how to listen and empathize. Can support his interlocutor, give him helpful advice. Values ​​his friends and respects them. I am ready to forgive everything except betrayal and lies.

a lion

Has an organizational gift. Can become a brilliant leader, active and active. He doesn't like to sit idle, he always finds something to do. Inaction for her is the worst thing in the world.


Has a penchant for creativity, especially literary. He does not like to tell anyone about his problems or ask for help, preferring to deal with all problems alone.


Tactful, polite, does not like conflicts, quarrels and showdowns. It’s easier for her to give in than to provoke a scandal. She is sociable and open, has many friends, buddies and acquaintances.


Hardworking, knows how to get things done. She considers her career to be the most important thing in life, but she also finds time for friends, of whom she does not have many, but they are all real.


She has a light, friendly disposition and cannot stand scandals, quarrels or any conflicts. True friend, who will always come to the rescue, forgetting about his own problems.


Dreamer and idealist. Believes in true love And true friendship, but tries to seem more practical and reasonable, so as not to be branded as a frivolous person.


Masters the art of communication, prefers to be in good relations with everyone. Many people want to be friends with her, as she gives the impression of an intelligent, kind and sincere person.


Likes to spend time in the company of close friends or alone. She prefers a quiet lifestyle, she does not like noisy parties and discos. She struggles with shyness and timidity, which greatly interfere with her communication.

The meaning of the name Yana, name compatibility, what to name a child?

The meaning of the name Yana

The meaning of the name Yana is not known exactly. It is translated differently from different languages. The most common decoding of the name Yan is the mercy of God, however, the designation of the name Yan in translation from Old Church Slavonic means river, and in other countries you can hear other translation options. If you ask what the name Yana means to a Greek, he will say “blooming.” Ask a Tatar what the name Yana means, he will say “new.” The secret of the name Yan among the northerners is revealed in the word “graceful”, and among the Turks “spiritual”.

As you can see, among any nation the meaning of the name Yana is very warm and kind; the girl who bears it will always be proud of it.

The female name Yana has not yet become widespread in Russia, but every year more and more expectant mothers like it. Indeed, Yana beautiful name, promising a happy and fulfilling life, albeit not a simple one due to character traits. If you are choosing girls' names, Yana is the name you should definitely pay attention to.

Celebrities named Yana:

Yana Rudkovskaya
Yana Krainova
Yana Gelman
Yana Sexte
Yana Rudova
Yana Rainis
Jana Totarcha

All famous people with the name Yana are distinguished by their punchy, strong character and interesting fate.

Origin of the name Yana

The most common version regarding where the name Yana came from mentions the male name John, Ivan. Perhaps this is indeed a Western Slavic word form of this ancient name with a long history.

However, there is another version. In the Slavic group of languages, the word river sounded like “jana”, perhaps this is the original source. We wrote above how the name Yana is translated from other languages; such diversity and frequent occurrence of this phonetic form suggests that it is most likely not Hebrew, and not Orthodox name, and it originated so long ago that no one can remember exactly in pre-biblical times.

Wherever the name Yana comes from, its interpretation is always beautiful and euphonious.

Yana, name description

The description of the name Yana differs in different sources, this is due to the fact that the energy of this name is different for different regions. For example, in the Baltic states and the western regions of the CIS, where names such as Janis, Yanina, Yana, Yana are quite common, this name sounds completely different, say, than in Moscow or even in Siberia, where, due to its rarity, it is quite noticeable.

In the first case, the energy of the name has a masculine connotation, while the name Yana is considered purely feminine for most of Russia. In both versions, however, the most important role here begins to be played by fairly strong sound energy.

And you can with high probability to believe that the qualitative characteristics of the name as a whole will be fair throughout almost the entire Slavic-speaking territory of the former USSR. And the strength of its influence on the psyche will increase from west to east as the prevalence of this name decreases.

Characteristics of the name Yana

The characteristics of the name Yana are emotionality, independence and self-confidence.

Yana is most often distinguished by a fairly significant craving for independence; the energy of the name gives her strong emotionality and gives her self-confidence. She doesn’t see any special reasons for restraining her desires, and this is also connected with the energy of the name, which allows her to openly express her feelings.

The only thing that can teach Yana restraint is only the negative reaction of people around her. This only much more often exacerbates the conflict, further exacerbating Yana’s self-will, giving her behavior impulsiveness and ardor.

Usually she grows up capricious and touchy, and therefore it is not difficult to hurt her pride. In most cases, this trait develops with age into ambition or even leads to the development of arrogance and pride towards everyone and everything.

However, in the western regions, things rarely go too far; Yana simply strives to become a complete mistress in her home and prefers to live by her own wits. In those regions where the name is rare, this situation may be quite spicy.

It is possible that in her youth she will be carried away by some scandalous youth movements, where she may even be a contender for the role of leader.

At the same time, the strength of her character can be used quite usefully. If Yana, through her own efforts or in the process of education, can learn her own desires balance with the feelings of other people, and also defuse the conflict atmosphere with the help of kind and kind humor, and then her life will be happier and calmer. And in this case, real success could come in a career.

Secrets of communicating with Yana:

A conflict with Yana can often be prevented by directing her in a different direction. negative energy. For example, in a conversation, condemn something that causes condemnation in her too. The principle “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” will work here. Such a way out, however, can only be called an emergency way out, and using it too often is quite dangerous for your own nerves.

The energy of this name is different for different regions. So, in the western regions of the CIS and the Baltic states, where the names Yan, Janis, Yana, Yanina are very common, this name sounds completely different than, say, in Siberia or even in Moscow, where it is quite noticeable due to its rarity. In the first case, the energy is reflected in the masculine connotation of the name, while for most of Russia the name Yana is considered purely feminine. However, in both variants, strong sound energy begins to play the main role, and with a high probability it can be assumed that in general the qualitative characteristics of the name will be valid practically throughout the entire Slavic-speaking territory of the former USSR, but its power of influence on the psyche will increase with west to east as the name's prevalence decreases.

Most often, Yana is distinguished by a significant craving for independence; the energy of the name gives her self-confidence and endows her with strong emotionality. She sees no particular reason to restrain her desires, and this is also due to the energy of the name, which allows her to openly express her feelings. If anything will teach Yana restraint, it will only be the negative reaction of others. And even then, much more often this only aggravates the conflict, further deepening Yana’s self-will, giving her behavior ardor and impulsiveness. She usually grows up very touchy and capricious, so hurting her pride is not difficult. With age, this trait in most cases develops into ambition or even leads to the development of pride and arrogance towards everyone and everything.

In the western regions, however, things rarely go too far; Yana simply prefers to live by her own wits and strives to become a complete mistress in her home. In those regions where the name is rare, the situation can be much more acute. It is possible that in her youth she will be carried away by some scandalous youth movements, where she may even aspire to the role of leader.

At the same time, her strength of character can be put to much more useful use. If, in the process of upbringing or through her own efforts, Yana learns to balance her own desires with the feelings of other people, and also defuse the conflict atmosphere with the help of good humor, her life will be much calmer and happier. And in this case, real success could come in your career.

Secrets of communicating with Yana

Often a conflict with Yana can be prevented by directing her negative energy in a different direction. For example, condemn in conversation something that also causes condemnation in her. The principle “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” will work here. However, such an exit can only be called an emergency one, and using it too often is quite dangerous for one’s own nerves.


Yana is in good health. This is a strong and resilient woman who does not really like sports, but always looks healthy and beautiful.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Yana strives for undisputed leadership, so she will not get along with her independent and freedom-loving husband. She needs a husband who is gentle and patient, who can turn a blind eye to his wife’s character, but who is able to appreciate her thriftiness. Usually Yana does not have a warm relationship with her mother-in-law, but she will be an excellent mother - gentle and capable of anything for the sake of her child’s happiness.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Yana is close to medicine and pedagogy. She will also make a good consultant, manager, administrator, waitress, social worker, actress.

The meaning of the name Yana, like all other names, is directly related to its history. The history of this name goes back to distant, pre-Christian times and read about it in our article.

Linguists believe that the name originated from the modification of the name John ( female form named John). But this is not the end of the chain. The name John comes from the Hebrew Yochanan (יוֹחָנָן), which translated means “Yahweh is merciful.” If translated more literally, the translation would be “the mercy of God.” So we can say that The meaning of the name Yana is "God's mercy".

Yana is not the only name derived from the name John. This name became the source large quantity names in many languages ​​of the world. It is believed that the male names Ian, John, Jack, and female names Yanina, Zhanna, Joanna and many others.

The meaning of the name Yana for a girl

Yana is growing quite difficult child. He is usually quite pretty and this allows her to create good first impression. However, as soon as you get to know the girl better, some unpleasant moments immediately appear. She can be stubborn for absolutely no reason. She is also prone to boasting. It requires a lot of effort and a subtle approach for decent upbringing.

Yana doesn't like to study. She knows that she knows how to make an impression and tries to use it in every possible way. She usually gets good grades for " beautiful eyes". Has good abilities for the theater. He uses his innate theatricality with pleasure and easily masters acting as a profession.

Yana's health is good, but her vitality is average. She loves to sleep. The transition from sleep to wakefulness takes quite a long time for Yana.

Short name Yana

It has no abbreviated forms due to the brevity of the name itself.

Diminutive names of Yana and derivative names.

Yanka, Yanika, Yanya, Yanochka, Yanka, Yanulya, Yanusya, Yanusha, Yanushka, Yanyusha, Yanika

Name Yana in English

IN English language Yana's name is spelled Yana, Iana and Jana.

Name Yana for international passport- IANA, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006. Previously, the correct spelling was YANA.

Translation of the name Yana into other languages

in Belarusian - Yana
in Ukrainian - Yana
in Polish - Jana

Church name Yana(in the Orthodox faith) - not definite. The name is not a church name and at baptism Yana chooses a different name.

Characteristics of the name Yana

If you try to characterize Yana, then probably the first thing that comes to mind is independence and a tendency towards selfishness. She loves to stand out and considers “dullness” to be something unworthy of her. He doesn’t understand people who don’t have this type of character and even despises them. But all this does not mean at all that it is difficult with Yana. She is touchy, but she still needs a reason to be offended. If you communicate with Yana showing mutual respect, then communication with her is very pleasant. She has a good sense of humor and a good sense of style. But such an attitude must first be earned.

At work, Yana is quite successful. She doesn't like to strain herself and Yana's work usually becomes her hobby. This makes her feel better about having to do something. Has good inclinations for business vision and a good analytical mind. This is a rather interesting situation, since at school and institute she usually does not do well in analytical subjects. From this we can conclude that if Yana likes to work, then she will be successful.

Yana’s family occupies an important place in her life, but she is in no hurry to create one. It is important for her to understand compatibility with her partner and his resistance to her character. If Yana truly fell in love, then she becomes a wonderful wife and mother. The change, however, will be intended primarily for those at home; others should not get their hopes up.

The mystery of the name Yana

Yana's secret can be called that she suffers from narcissism. Or rather, her loved ones suffer from this. From them she demands worship of herself, and especially from her husband. This behavior is more noticeable in childhood, since Yana does not yet know how to hide it. As she gets older, she successfully hides it from unwanted eyes.

Another secret of Yana is that she is prone to manipulating people. Yana doesn’t like to make efforts to achieve a goal; it’s better to let someone else work on it. Some of Yana's acquaintances do not even notice that for her they are just a tool in achieving her goals.

Of course, after reading Yana's secrets, it may seem that she is not very good man. But you need to understand that, to a greater or lesser extent, we also resort to these unpleasant methods. Let's not judge others for their small or big shortcomings, but rather let's do something more useful.

Planet- Pluto.

Zodiac sign- Scorpion.

Totem animal- Phalanx.

Name color- Raspberry.

Tree- Chestnut.

Plant- Peony.

Stone- Ruby.