How to care for your facial skin in summer: useful tips. Rules for facial care and sun protection in summer Skin care in summer general concepts

Summer is, of course, a long-awaited time, but not in everything desirable and favorable. It seems that the warm sun, gentle weather, bright colors make us happy - on the one hand. On the other hand, high air temperatures, intense solar activity, wind and other factors inherent in this time of year have a very Negative influence on the skin of the face.

We often harm ourselves by being exposed to the scorching rays for too long, sunbathing at the wrong time, or not leaving noisy and dusty cities even on weekends:

  • An excess of ultraviolet radiation is very dangerous for the skin, especially because its effect is difficult to notice right away - the face practically does not burn, except that the nose may turn red and begin to peel off. The result appears gradually - the skin begins to crack and fade, premature signs of aging, dryness, and itching appear.
  • The heat causes sweating, the sebaceous glands begin to work in increased mode, the face shines and shines.
  • The pores become clogged with dirt and dust, the skin becomes gray and looks unhealthy. The wind dries up.

Of course, all this happens gradually, and if you provide proper, thorough, regular skin care in the summer, you can maintain a blooming appearance, even if there is no rain during all the months and the mercury does not drop below thirty.

Summer: features of facial skin care

The first two rules to remember: care should be daily and as moisturizing as possible! It's worth making a diagram cosmetic procedures, place it in a visible place, strictly adhere to the schedule without fail.

Here is a completely universal pattern of actions that does not depend on the type of skin:

1. Refreshing procedures - every morning. For example, you can wipe your face with an ice cube.

2. Wash your face with water only at room temperature. Cold has a constricting effect on blood vessels, which negatively affects elasticity, hot - dilates blood vessels, which leads to loss of fat protection.

3. Apply moisturizer - daily. The product should be light, leave behind a “cool” feeling, and contain a component that protects from the sun, preferably in a significant amount, at least SPF8.

4. Face masks (nourishing, cleansing, moisturizing) - twice a week. You can use industrial cosmetics, but only from trusted companies, the composition and effect of which you already know. Good decision will become folk recipes, since the components home cosmetics one hundred percent natural.

5. Use thermal water - daily, two or three times, more often if you feel dry skin. This product perfectly normalizes water-lipid metabolism, moisturizes the epidermis, nourishes with beneficial microelements and salts, accelerates metabolism, and does not cause allergies.

6. Cleansing procedures - daily. We choose gentle, gentle methods, such as a light foam for washing instead of soap, which dries out the dermis even more. You can prepare herbal infusions.

7. Deep cleansing of the face using scrubs - twice a week.

8. Chemical peeling, salon whitening, mechanical cleaning- ban for the whole summer. There are other ways to deal with age-related changes, more gentle and careful. Any peeling (medium, deep or superficial) is essentially a thermal effect on all layers of the epidermis using acid, which means that in the heat, after the procedure, you need to ensure the highest possible level of hydration. That is, apply a rich cream to your face every hour, this should last for at least three days.

9. Eat right - plenty of vegetables, fruits, nuts, juices and plain water. A balanced diet will help get rid of external defects, acting at a deep, cellular level. For example, citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, which is responsible for the firmness, elasticity, and firmness of the dermis. Green and red vegetables (carrots, beets, spinach) contain microelements that provide the skin with a pleasant color and even texture. Nuts are full of tocopherol, which is a powerful protective barrier against ultraviolet rays.

This is the basis of care, the minimum, which it is advisable to supplement with important details: select cosmetical tools(creams, masks, lotions) for a specific skin type and depending on age.

Summer without burns: facial skin care that protects from ultraviolet radiation

In the summer, before you go outside, even if just for a couple of minutes, always apply sun protection cream to your face. If you plan to stay away from home for a long time, carry the cream with you and use it two to three times a day. When choosing a product, remember:

  • Exclude cosmetics containing salicylic acid from “summer use.” glycolic acids, retinol - all these components increase sun exposure.
  • Choose products with SPF protection of at least 10.
  • Apply cream or lotion in sufficient quantities, strictly as indicated in the instructions! This is important, otherwise the effect of cosmetics will not be complete.

Regular ones will help protect the skin around the eyes, so don’t neglect this accessory, even if you’re not used to walking in them.

Cleanse, moisturize, tone: age category after 30 years

Major changes after thirty years:

  • Collagen and elastin are produced in smaller quantities, as a result of which elasticity is lost, turgor weakens, and wrinkles appear.
  • Metabolism slows down and the ability to regenerate decreases. The stratum corneum of the epidermis thickens, the lipid defense becomes thin and weak.
  • The complexion changes, radiance and freshness disappear, which is a consequence of deteriorating blood circulation.

Summer heat, sun rays, wind, dust can increase the manifestation of all of the above problems. To avoid this, you need to carry out cosmetic procedures in the morning and evening, plus face masks twice a week.

Morning care involves thorough cleansing and moisturizing: you need to wash your face with boiled water, cooled to room temperature, or cleanse your skin with ice cubes - melt water removes excess fat well and normalizes the functioning of blood vessels. If your skin is dry, you should wash your face with cosmetic milk. If normal or dry - with foam, but without soap. Herbal infusions are suitable for any skin type. Use sage, chamomile, parsley, rosemary. All you have to do is brew the preparations with boiling water and you will always have something absolutely useful at hand. natural remedy for washing.

At the age of thirty, especially in the summer heat, it is necessary to include toning in your morning skin care. Store-bought toners should be chosen strictly according to your skin type, just like those you prepare yourself. Use freshly brewed for this procedure. green tea or wipe your face with fruit slices. Toning the skin will consolidate the effect of cleansing procedures and restore water balance.

The last protective step against ultraviolet radiation, wind, and dust is applying a moisturizer. Industrial products must contain sunscreen filters, vitamins C, E, as well as hyaluronic acid. These components stimulate the production of substances that promote the renewal of epidermal cells.

Daily evening care also consists of cleansing, moisturizing and applying cream, only this time in the evening. It is applied for about 15 minutes, and it is good to do a light massage so that there is no swelling in the morning. Remove any remaining product with a paper or cloth napkin using gentle, light movements. The procedure should be carried out an hour before bedtime. Please note that night cream should not contain sun protection filters. Give preference to cosmetics that contain peptins in the list of ingredients, essential oils, retinoids and herbal ingredients.

If the skin is dry - deep cleaning should be done once a week. If oily, combination or normal - twice. Both professional scrubs and gamages are suitable, as well as home-made ones - almost any fruits and vegetables are suitable for this.

Skin care in summer after 35 years

The scheme of procedures for people aged 30 and older is the same:

  • Care every day - morning and evening;
  • Daily use of cream (toning, rejuvenating, nourishing);
  • Once or twice (depending on the type of dermis) a week, deep cleansing;
  • Regular use of masks.

Only the composition of cosmetics changes, taking into account the number and nature of changes in the skin.

  • If your skin is dry, then at this age you should give up alcohol-containing cosmetics, and not just for the summer, but for good.
  • It is advisable to complement home cosmetic procedures with salon services; the skin already needs professional help.
  • Creams for evening use should contain hormones and collagen.

Don’t forget about the beneficial effects of folk cosmetics, especially since summer is a generous time for fruits and vegetables, so preparing masks won’t even require any special expenses.

Skin care in summer after 40 and 50 years

Closer to forty years and beyond, the skin needs more careful care. The need to saturate the body with hormones increases, since this is the age of menopause and this negatively affects the renewal processes of the epidermis, the functioning of the sebaceous glands, blood circulation is disrupted, collagen is practically not produced, the protective layers become thinner, the dermis becomes dry, it is already more difficult to fight wrinkles, texture and color Faces are spoiled by pigment spots. Important to remember:

  • Cosmetics should not contain alcohol.
  • The products must contain hormones, but they should be selected only after consulting a cosmetologist!
  • The stratum corneum of the dermis becomes denser, so the need for deep cleansing procedures increases.
  • Moisturizing is the number one task in skin care in the summer.
  • Film masks are contraindicated, since the skin can be injured when using them.

During this period, it is no longer possible to do without the help of a specialist; an experienced professional will help you choose a balanced, as safe as possible, and at the same time effective facial skin care regimen in the summer or at other times of the year.

Salon treatments for facial skin care in summer

We have already outlined a list of procedures that cannot be performed in a beauty salon. However, in order to maintain a fresh complexion after thirty years and provide skin protection from the sun, wind and dirt, you need to contact professionals, and regularly.

In the summer, in any heat and heat, a professional facial massage is acceptable and even mandatory - it has no contraindications and has an excellent stimulating and relaxing effect.

Mesotherapy and regular injections are in demand vitamin complexes help protect the skin from external factors. The procedure is recommended after forty years; the composition of the injections is selected by a cosmetologist.

Ozone therapy helps to cope with collagen deficiency. In addition, the procedure stimulates blood circulation, improves lymph flow, and activates the “breathing” of the skin, which increases its resistance to ultraviolet radiation, heat, and wind.

How to take care of your face in summer? Our skin is 2/3 water, which means it needs moisture just like the lungs need air. Have a velvety and elastic skin The face is possible at any time of the year if you generously moisturize it, and in the summer this must be done with special diligence. There are several reasons for this:

* Heat air in summer promotes intense evaporation of moisture from the skin of the face.

* Direct sunlight accelerates evaporation, so skin moisturizing is necessary.

* Wind, drafts, fans and air conditioners also “carry away” moisture from the skin of the face.

* Frequent showering or bathing. Moreover, the hotter the water, the faster it dries along with the natural moisture of the skin.

* Sea water. Although sea ​​salt and is beneficial for the body, but it promotes the removal of water from it.

* Various diets based on artificial dehydration of the body also dry out the skin.

How to take care of your face in summer? How to provide facial skin with moisture? There are several available methods:

1. Maintain water balance in the body - drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. This includes not only water, but also soup, tea, juice. Useful articles:

2. Analyze your diet: is there enough vitamins A, C, F, PP in your diet. These vitamins not only activate metabolic processes, but also contribute to the production of natural skin moisture in the body. Eat foods that contain these vitamins and don't forget to take multivitamins with microelements on a regular basis.

Useful articles:

3. Use creams containing sunscreen filter (SPF). They form a protective film on the skin that retains the natural moisture of the facial skin.

4. Use special moisturizing creams, lotions, and milk daily.

5. On hot days, you need to regularly spray your face. mineral water or a chilled herbal decoction to prevent the skin from becoming dry and dull.

Facial care in summer consists of three stages: cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing the skin in the morning and evening. Don't neglect any of them.

It is worth taking into account that all cosmetic products (tonics, lotions and creams) used to cleanse the face and neck must contain moisturizing components.

Place the main emphasis on daily moisturizing of the skin of the face and neck. A properly selected cream that matches your skin type will not only be a good base for makeup, but will also protect against moisture loss.

Don't forget about the night nourishing cream. As a rule, it contains not only nutritional components, but also moisturizing ones.

The skin around the eyes also needs nourishment and hydration to prevent or reduce the formation of crow's feet. Be sure to use eye cream or gel.

Don't forget about the skin of the whole body. After a bath or shower, apply moisturizing cream, lotion or cosmetic milk to your body skin.

To keep your hand skin elastic, lubricate it with hand cream or balm throughout the day.

Masks for moisturizing facial skin:

In summer, you need to apply moisturizing masks more often to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, which are easy to prepare at home. Masks can be alternated. Typically, masks are applied for 15-20 minutes (you must lie down during this time), and washed off with a damp swab. After the mask, it is very useful to apply a warm, damp terry towel to your face and neck for 3-5 minutes.


— Mix a spoonful of cottage cheese and a few drops of lemon juice. Very dry skin should be pre-lubricated with olive or vegetable oil.

— Add a little starch and a few drops of vegetable oil to the grated tomato to make a paste.


Cut and scald fresh leaves of dill, parsley, lovage and mix them with fresh cottage cheese in a 1:1 ratio.


- Spread your face and neck with freshly squeezed juice of grapes, gooseberries, fresh cabbage, and leave for 15 minutes.

— Grind the pulp of apricot, peach, plum, black currant, strawberry or kiwi, mix with a small amount of potato starch and apply to the face for 20 minutes. Then rinse with boiled or filtered water.

- Mix the juice of one orange or lemon or grapefruit with 2 teaspoons of honey, apply on the face and neck for 10 minutes, rinse with cold mineral water.

— For the skin of the neck, a mask made from the juice of half a lemon, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and 1 protein is suitable.

Moisturizing face cream:

You can make your own homemade moisturizing face cream. This cream should be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days, no more.

ROSE PETALS CREAM for dry and normal skin faces:

Take petals from 4-5 rose buds, pass through a meat grinder, mix them with beeswax(10 g) and margarine (50 g), previously melted in a water bath. Add Vitamin A oil solution, which is sold at the pharmacy, (1 teaspoon) and the cream is ready.

CHAMOMILE CREAM for dry and inflamed facial skin:

Margarine - 50 g, melted in a water bath,

Glycerin - 3 teaspoons,

Vegetable oil - 3 teaspoons,

Castor oil - 2 teaspoons,

2 chicken yolks,

Camphor alcohol - 30 g,

Chamomile infusion - 1/4 cup. Preparation of the infusion: brew 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers with half a glass of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours in a warm place, strain.

Mix everything thoroughly. The cream is ready.

In summer, the skin needs special care...

Summer is coming soon. Bright, colorful time of year. For many, summer is a period when you want to try out new makeup, buy new clothes, and get a new haircut. Still would!

In summer, more than ever, we want to be beautiful and desirable! An even tan, beautiful velvety skin... Each of us dreams of this. But how can we make our dream come true? How to heal and improve the condition of our skin?

In summer, the skin needs special care. Bright sun can cause wrinkles, and hot weather can cause pimples and blackheads to appear.

When preparing for the summer season, you must definitely purchase dark Sunglasses. You won't squint in them, which means wrinkles won't appear.

Summer skin care: cream

For summer, you need to select creams especially carefully. The cream should have a light texture and be easily absorbed. Otherwise, the greasy film will prevent the evaporation of moisture, create a “greenhouse effect” and the skin will overheat. In addition, the skin must breathe.

  1. Day cream must contain sun protection factors. Scientists have found that it is ultraviolet rays that most often cause premature aging. They dry out the skin and deplete it.
  2. As in winter, day cream for summer should protect the skin from the effects of free radicals that lead to the death of skin cells. This function is performed by vitamins B, C, E, A, which should be included in the caring summer cream.
  3. That. fatty creams that save our skin from wind and frost in winter should be replaced with gentle emulsions in summer. This also applies to night creams.

Summer skin care: eye care

  • Requires special care and soft skin around eyes. Apply cream or cream to it daily cosmetic oil(almond, olive, wheat germ oil, etc.). It's best to do this before bed.
  • In order for the skin to maintain its elasticity, you need to drink a lot of water in the summer. It is better to consume it before meals.

Summer skin care: exfoliation

Depending on your skin type, you need to exfoliate dead skin cells with a scrub 1-2 times a week.

Summer skin care: makeup

Summer skin care: masks

In the summer, when the shelves are simply bursting with various fruits, berries and vegetables, try to saturate your body with vitamins. Greens, carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, gooseberries, currants, etc. are very beneficial for the skin.

It is known that in winter the skin needs increased nutrition, while in summer it needs hydration and protection. In summer, the skin gets dirty much faster, so you need to cleanse it not only in the morning and in the evening. It is very useful to wipe your skin with tonic or lotion throughout the day.

Pamper your skin with homemade masks made from fruits or berries. In winter we will use industrial masks, and in summer, when fruits and berries are in abundance, not using them is simply a sin!

If your skin is burned (try your best to avoid this), masks made from sour cream, kefir or sour milk will ease the condition.

Summer skin care: lotions

In the summer, you can also prepare various lotions based on herbal decoctions and juices of berries or fruits.

Pink lotion

For dry skin, you can prepare a pink lotion.

To do this, pour a glass of boiling water over a handful of petals and leave for 15-20 minutes. Lotions from this lotion are very useful; they perfectly relieve various irritations and swelling.

Lilac flower lotion

For oily skin An excellent remedy would be a lotion made from lilac flowers. The lotion is prepared in the following proportion: 100 g of flowers per 1 liter of boiled water. The infusion is brewed in a thermos for about an hour. Wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in lotion.

Similar lotions can be prepared from parsley, apples, lilies, dandelions, linden flowers, plantain, etc.

Take advantage of the generous gifts of the hot summer!

In summer, the skin has a hard time: the aggressive sun causes dehydration, the heat provokes dryness, and the ubiquitous dust and dirt worsens the already deplorable situation. Therefore, facial care during this wonderful time of year requires more effort, which will reward you with flawless skin.

But if you ignore the features of seasonal care, you will quickly end up with dust-clogged pores, which will immediately develop into acne, and dry and dehydrated skin, at any age, will begin an accelerated aging process.

Remember that facial skin is already subject to a fair amount of damage due to weather conditions, so cleansing it in summer period should be especially soft. This must be done morning and evening, using delicate cleansers that do not contain alkali, alcohol, acid or silicone. It is better if it is a special seasonal milk, foam, mousse or tonic. The cosmetic product is applied to a cotton pad (hands off!), cleansing your face with it, try to follow the massage lines. It won't hurt to scrub once or twice - in summer you can use it more than once a week.

Moisturizing your face in hot weather also plays an equally important role. It may well seem to you that this is not worth doing, because your skin is already getting oily faster than usual. However, excessive oily skin in summer is explained by the protective reaction of the epidermis due to insufficient moisture. Apply moisturizer to your face immediately after cleansing.

At the same time, it will be great if you purchase water-based creams with SPF protection - these are developed specifically for the summer. After you apply the product, wait a couple of minutes, then remove any residue with a dry cloth, if there is any. But at bedtime, you can apply a more nourishing cream.

Summer is a great time to use various fruit masks. For example, the acids contained in apples, kiwis and berries perfectly disinfect and clean clogged pores, and also reduce the likelihood of acne. Moreover, these are great antioxidants with high levels of vitamins E and C, which slow down the aging process and nourish the epidermis. You don’t have to buy a mask - you can make it yourself: grind a small piece of one of the above fruits in a blender and nutritional mixture ready (keep on your face for no more than 25 minutes)!

What is better not to do?

If you want to properly care for your facial skin in the summer, then you need to familiarize yourself with the list of actions that you should not do, because they can damage the epidermis.

  • You cannot touch, let alone wipe your sweaty face with your own hands: the pores are not just open, they are enlarged, which means a royal passage is open to bacteria.
  • Do not wash your face with cool or cold water– the skin will instantly react to temperature changes and clog the pores, the work of the sebaceous glands will also stop, which is why the face will be excessively dry for some time.
  • It is better to postpone face whitening and serious peelings until autumn-winter, because the sun's rays hitting the treated area can cause the opposite effect - pigmentation will only intensify.
  • In summer, you cannot get rid of neoplasms (warts, keratomas, papillomas, moles). All for the same reason - pigmentation may form at the removal sites.
  • Piercings and tattoos should also not be done: hot air will slow down the restoration of the epidermis, which will increase the risk of dangerous microorganisms entering.
  • It is not recommended to steam your face to clear it of blackheads, because your skin is already steamed almost all day long.

You can magically refresh your face on a hot day with simple mineral water. If you lightly spray it on the skin, it will absorb useful minerals like a sponge, which will maintain tone throughout the working day.

What should summer makeup look like?

You probably won't be surprised by this, but in the summer, makeup should be kept to a minimum. If in winter you can safely go all out and apply primer, foundation, concealer and throw powder on top, then in summer you need to limit yourself to only one or at most two products, because:

  1. On a hot day, all your efforts will flow.
  2. The skin already works hard, a thick layer of cosmetics will only complicate everything.

It is best to purchase a BB cream, which, as we know, combines mattifying and moisturizing foundation. There is also an option using SPF face cream, on top of which a small layer of powder is applied. With eyes, as with lips, there is no need to be fancy. And in order to prevent the shadows from peeling and rubbing in the middle of the day, do not forget to apply a base before them. Alas, in the heat it is difficult to draw eyebrows, so we recommend painting them with henna or a special dye so as not to sweat.

Is it possible to at least sunbathe?

If you decide to sunbathe, then do not forget to take care of protection, because in summer the sun's rays are extremely aggressive, and the skin of the face is much more susceptible than on the body. If a cream with an SPF protection level of 15 is enough for the body, then for the face at least 30, maybe more, but this is individual. Forget your grandmother's folk methods and oils that will only promote tanning. If you don’t protect yourself at all, the sun will easily burn out all the natural collagen, which will lead to photoaging of the face.

Summer is a wonderful time, loved by many. After all, it is during this period that most people feel a surge of strength and feel a desire to fully enjoy life - to have fun, have fun and spend time for their own pleasure, basking in the rays of the gentle sun and swimming in the sea. But at the same time, so long-awaited summer days often become a real test for facial skin, which is daily exposed to the negative effects of various factors. Fever air, intense ultraviolet radiation, drying wind, city dust and salty sea water - all this contributes to the disruption of water balance in skin cells, depriving it of natural protection and provoking the appearance of unwanted pigmentation and early wrinkles.

And what is especially unpleasant is that in the summer, those with oily, dry and normal skin are equally at risk, since reduced or moderate sebum secretion is not enough to effectively protect against drying, and excessive fat secretion causes clogged pores and the active development of inflammatory processes. In addition, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, free radicals accumulate in skin cells, which contribute to the destruction of collagen fibers necessary to maintain normal skin tone. Don’t forget about the dust that fills the dry summer air in cities. Its particles settle on the face, forming a dense mass and preventing normal cellular respiration, resulting in disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

In order to preserve the beauty and youth of your facial skin during this difficult period, you need to provide it with proper care, which consists of observing basic hygiene rules and regularly carrying out special procedures involving the use of various factory-made or home-made cosmetics.

The skin of the face is the most sensitive and vulnerable area of ​​the human body - it is almost never sufficiently protected from external irritants, especially from unfavorable climatic conditions. In order for your facial skin to remain radiant and beautiful even in the hot season, you need to know how to properly care for it. There are several simple rules:

  • As soon as the outdoor thermometer rises above 25 degrees, care should be taken to protect your facial skin from UV radiation. To do this, you need to apply sunscreen to your face before every time you go outside. The higher the SPF value of the product used, the lower the likelihood of sunburn, photodermatitis and other troubles associated with excessive insolation.
  • Many people believe that in the summer you need to wash your face as often as possible, but this opinion is wrong. Water procedures using cleansers are certainly necessary for healthy skin, but washing removes not only dirt, but also the sebaceous film that protects the dermis from ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out hygiene procedures twice a day (morning and evening); the rest of the time (if necessary) you can use lotions and tonics without alcohol.
  • In the summer, you should avoid using fatty face creams (such products are more suitable for the cold season). It is recommended to give preference to moisturizing creams with a light, melting structure, which should be applied to the skin 2 times a day, immediately after water procedures.
  • In order to maintain healthy skin in the summer, it is imperative to maintain a drinking regime, because it is during this period that the body often suffers from dehydration, leading to disruption of metabolic processes. To avoid moisture deficiency, you should consume at least two liters clean water per day. It is also very important to monitor your diet: it should contain a sufficient amount of fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs - foods containing vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of epidermal cells.
  • Another rule for summer facial care is to avoid cosmetic procedures such as deep peeling, microdermabrasion and chemical skin bleaching. This is explained by the fact that after such manipulations the skin becomes more susceptible to the effects of ultraviolet radiation and can easily become damaged. sunburn. Of all types of cleansing of the dermis, it is allowed to take steam baths with herbs 1-2 times a month and use soft scrubs or gommage.
  • Concerning decorative cosmetics, then you need to be more careful with it in the summer. Foundations, powders and other products designed to disguise cosmetic skin defects clog pores and interfere with normal cellular respiration, which often leads to the appearance of comedones and acne.
  • In order to soothe skin irritated after exposure to ultraviolet radiation, slightly whiten age spots and restore the water-fat balance in the cells, you need to systematically make special summer face masks, which can be purchased in a store or prepared at home.

Taking care of your skin in the summer is quite painstaking work, requiring some time and patience, and in order for all your efforts not to be in vain, you need not only to follow the above rules, but also to know how to competently organize this process. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the main stages of summer skin care.

Basic stages of facial skin care in summer

Facial care in the summer is somewhat different from a similar process at any other time of the year, because it should be more focused on protecting the dermis from the negative effects of UV rays and replenishing moisture deficiency in its cells. The main stages of summer facial skin care include manipulations such as:

  • Cleansing- in the summer, it is recommended to use special gels or foams for washing 2-3 times a day, selected depending on the skin type. No less useful is the use of thermal water, which not only gently cleanses the dermis of impurities, but also saturates it with the necessary amount of moisture.
  • Exfoliation- this procedure involves removing dead skin particles from the surface of the skin. For these purposes, you can use soft scrubs and special exfoliating masks, thanks to which the dermis becomes even and smooth.
  • Hydration- in summer, facial skin (regardless of its type), exposed to active ultraviolet radiation, loses life-giving moisture, becomes dehydrated, dry and rough. To restore the water balance in skin cells, it is necessary to use moisturizing creams with a light texture, as well as masks, balms and compresses with a similar effect.
  • Nutrition- with a lack of nutrients, the skin loses its ability to regenerate, becomes thinner and withers. To compensate for the deficiency of nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain the health of the dermis, it is recommended to systematically use various cosmetics - creams and masks, purchased in a store or prepared independently.
  • Toning- this stage of summer facial skin care is based on improving blood circulation and saturating the epidermal cells with oxygen, due to which the dermis becomes firmer, smoother and more elastic. For these purposes, you can use special tonics that do not contain alcohol, or masks with a tonic effect.
  • Sun protection- active ultraviolet radiation carries the risk of burns, photodermatitis, hyperpigmentation and premature aging of the skin. Therefore, when going outside in the summer, you need to apply special sunscreen cosmetics containing SPF filters to your face. Even better if protective equipment there will be several: creams and balms with a low SPF can be used daily, and with a higher one - in cases where prolonged exposure to the sun is planned (for example, on the beach). If the dermis is hypersensitive, preference should be given to hypoallergenic products to avoid unwanted reactions from the skin.

All facial skin care procedures in the summer can be carried out either with the help of specialists or independently using folk remedies, the recipes for which are presented below.

Recipes for homemade skin care products in summer

Soft scrub made from coffee grounds and sour cream

This product helps to simultaneously cleanse the facial skin of impurities, smooth out its structure and replenish moisture deficiency in the cells.

  • 30 g coffee grounds;
  • 30 g sour cream.

Preparation and use:

  • Mix coffee grounds with sour cream and apply the prepared mixture to your face in a circular motion.
  • Massage your skin for 2-3 minutes, then rinse it with melted or filtered water at room temperature.

Refreshing cucumber toner

Cucumber tonic perfectly refreshes the skin, relieves irritation and helps fight unwanted pigmentation.

  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • 200 ml boiling water;
  • 2-3 drops of lemon juice.

Cooking method:

  • Grate the cucumber and pour boiling water over the resulting pulp.
  • After the solution has cooled, strain it and pour into a glass container. Wipe your face with the prepared lotion 2-3 times a day.

Cabbage compress for sunburn

Such a compress can be a real salvation if you have failed to protect your skin from the scorching sun. This product soothes irritated skin, softens it and eliminates the feeling of tightness.

  • 2–3 cabbage leaves;
  • 50 ml warm milk;
  • 1 egg yolk.

Preparation and use:

  • Finely chop the cabbage and mash it with your hands until it becomes a paste.
  • Add milk and beaten yolk to the resulting mass.
  • Apply the prepared mixture to a piece of gauze and place it on your face for 20 minutes.
  • Remove the compress and rinse your skin with cool water.

Green tea cosmetic ice

Ice cubes made from strong tea leaves perfectly tone and refresh the skin, restore its elasticity and improve complexion.

Cooking method:

  • Brew a tablespoon of green tea with 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for about half an hour.
  • Strain the tea through cheesecloth and pour into ice cube trays.
  • Place the molds in the freezer until the solution hardens completely. Rub ice cubes on your face twice a day (morning and evening).

Currant mask with potatoes for oily skin

This product refreshes and tones the skin, eliminates greasy shine and tightens pores.

  • 1 potato, boiled in its jacket;
  • a handful of red or white currants;
  • 30 ml kefir or yogurt.

Preparation and use:

  • Peel the boiled potatoes and mash them into a puree.
  • Grind the currants through a sieve.
  • Mix mashed potatoes with berry pulp, add fermented milk product and grind the mixture until smooth.
  • Apply the prepared mixture to the skin and leave for 20–25 minutes.
  • Rinse off the currant mask with warm water.

Apricot mask with homemade cottage cheese for dry skin

This mask perfectly moisturizes the skin, restores its elasticity and improves complexion.

  • 1 large apricot (or 2 small ones);
  • 50 g homemade cottage cheese;
  • 30 ml olive oil.

Preparation and use:

  • Remove the pit from the apricot and mash the pulp with a fork.
  • Add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly.
  • Apply the apricot mask to your face and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Remove the cosmetic mixture using a cotton swab soaked in warm water or milk, and then rinse your skin with cool filtered water.

Spinach mask for problem skin

This mask soothes irritated skin, tones, eliminates sebaceous shine and helps fight inflammation.

  • 2–3 spinach leaves;
  • 200 ml low-fat milk.

Preparation and use:

  • Finely chop the spinach, pour milk over it and place on low heat.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil, then cool it and strain through a sieve.
  • Soak a piece of gauze in the resulting broth and apply it to your face for 20 minutes.
  • After the required time has passed, rinse your skin with cool water.

By taking proper care of your facial skin in the summer, you can not only reduce the negative impact of external factors, but also prepare your dermis for winter. Don’t be afraid to experiment with ingredients, combining different fruits, vegetables, berries and herbs with fermented milk products And vegetable oils, and enjoy the beauty and freshness of your skin.