Everyone wants to have a happy family. A happy family - what is it like? We are for happiness in the family

Sometimes it can be very difficult to create a happy, family life. Although starting a family is not difficult, get married, have a child or even more than one and you’re done, a family is like a family. But not everything is as simple as it seems.

Let's just try take it and figure it out how to create happy family, what is it in general and who should still be involved in creating that very happy family. We won’t dwell on this topic too much, let’s just say the basics. So to speak, this is what we have come to in our family.

love is …

I have always loved and love order and consistency. Of course, I don’t keep order everywhere, I can scatter things, scatter tools, and so on, my wife is not happy about this and, of course, scolds me for it.

But that's not where we'll start. What is the basis of a family in general, or more precisely, what is the reason for creating a family? Many will answer - Love, especially girls. Yes, of course, no doubt. But looking at my friends, those around me, young people, I came to the conclusion that some are just afraid of love.

More precisely, not love as such, but they are afraid that love will not be real, then they will find themselves in a difficult situation and will suffer all their lives, as happened with my wife. But everything turned out to be fixable. So what is Love?

Many philosophers will give many answers, but no one can say for sure what it is. Everyone will describe and tell in their own way; many spend their entire lives studying this issue. Well, I certainly won’t try to find out.

The fact is that each and every one will understand what it is, just when you truly love, then you will be attracted to that person not only when it’s good, but also when it’s bad, at least for you, at least for both of you. It's really hard to explain.

philosopher Omar Khayyam

Moreover, love exists not only between a man and a woman. The strongest love, at least for me, is for my own mother. And sometimes love for your family, sister or brother, children, mom or dad, and so on, can be that very thing - real, true. Or maybe it’s worth looking at just this love, studying it and understanding what Love is?

Love is for me in general strange thing. Sometimes when my wife just pisses me off, she even becomes even sexier, all the anger and hatred becomes empty space.

But there is no need to be afraid that you will fall in love with the wrong person. Time will actually tell what and how. But the main component of what you love is the consciousness that you want a family, children. That is, not just being close to this person, admiring his and her beauty, relaxing, and so on, but precisely the desire to create seven yu, with children, with problems, with relatives and so on.

And if you don’t yet feel that you want to commit yourself to... loving person, to be one and raise children together, then there is no point in reading further for you. I’ll just continue to describe those things that will help you look at an already created family from the outside and see what can be corrected or added to yours, for example. Or, when starting a family, you will simply understand what not to do.

If you are not happy at all right now, think about whether there is love between you. It is whether you love and whether you are loved. And based on this, think about whether it’s worth changing something or just starting all over again. Do you have time and energy for this? I’ll add on my own behalf - no need to give up, if you see even one small gap, try and everything will work out. In my family it took several years.

In previous issues we described simple little things which you can read.

The basis of a happy family

To begin with, figure out what Means - happy family . What is it for you and your companion. It is also necessary to clearly understand that You and your companion have different visions of a happy family. Therefore, communication can only reveal what brings you together.

Only during good communication will you both understand what constitutes a happy family for you, what you both want from life, from your family, from each other. This is important and perhaps This is what you need to start building a happy family. Set goals for yourself and your partner (companion) and go towards this goal. Even in small steps, you will come to her, the main thing is not to give up and respect each other.

drawing of a happy family

As a man, I can describe a lot here of what a woman should do. But wait, it turns out that men shouldn’t do anything? Some people say that I earn money, my head is full of work, but I also want to go fishing or work on my car, or I need to do repairs…. So what, I’ll say. Have you guys thought about what your wife does?

Take even cooking, cleaning, paying attention to your husband, taking care of yourself, raising children and still having time to work and many other little things. Titanic work, in my opinion.

To build a happy family, both the wife and the husband need to work on family relationships.

Who's the boss in the house? Who has the last word? I am still from those times when such questions were radically there was only one answer - a man. Yes, this is correct in my opinion, a man is stronger and his family should be behind him.

But the man himself must be a man. He must stand up for his family, for his wife, for his children. He must not only be physically strong, but also smart. This is what's missing modern men, not everyone of course. In order for the husband to have the last word, he must clearly understand what the problem is. And understand everything as accurately and correctly as possible. So as not to harm the family.

Lately I often see that some young guys simply do not understand that in the future their family should stand behind them. Now they are only for themselves, and the rest doesn’t matter, to put it mildly. Of course, there is a lack of education, many will say. What about the parents themselves?

You don’t have to rely on the state, teachers or anyone else all the time! Parents must convey to the child what is important in his future life, something that school and teachers will never give. But this is a separate topic, something carried me aside. But I think I got the point across.

And here, in my opinion, is what you need to do first of all to get a happy family:

  1. Study your partner and let him study you. It is necessary that both spouses get to know each other very closely.
  2. Learn the logic of thinking both men and women. The Lord not only created us different by gender, but our thinking is also different. And this needs to be understood. You can find out about women, and about men.
  3. To change something there must be desire, motivation. Motivate yourself and your loved ones.
  4. Trust each other, this is a happy family again.
  5. Respect each other and children. Respect what your loved ones do and enjoy doing.
  6. Communicate with each other. And not just superficially, discussing pressing matters, but also communicate deeply. This will help you get to know each other better and you will understand each other.
  7. Enjoy each other and your children. Spend more time together, travel, play, watch TV and so on. Go on vacation together somewhere at least once a year. It doesn't count for grandma to go to the village.
  8. Start a good family tradition. It brings us closer together.
  9. Don't pass problems on each other. If a problem arises in the family, both are always to blame.
  10. Raise your children together. Children take their cue from you.
  11. Nourish your relationship with gifts and surprises. Children also need to be happy.
  12. There must be justice in all matters. You need to know a sense of proportion.

Remember! A family is a single whole, you are together, which means your joy and sadness are common. So you need to make more joy.

And some more parting words

I just liked the phrase, it’s spot on

One day, I heard a parable, or whatever it’s called, well, in general, a story that greatly cheered me up and made me move. Briefly this: Once upon a time there was a wise man. He was the wisest and all people went to him for advice. This made him happy and proud.

But one day he found out that there was another sage, also very wise, and people began to come to him too. The first sage thought for a long time what to do so that people would only come to him, how to show that the second sage was not so wise.

And he came up with an idea. I’ll take it, says the first sage, and catch a butterfly, cover it with my palms so that it’s not visible. I’ll go up and ask the second sage what I have in my hands. He will answer that it is a butterfly, I will ask whether it is alive or dead. If she says something alive, I’ll press my palms a little and she’ll die. If she says she’s dead, I’ll just open my palms and she’ll fly.

Then it turns out that the sage is wrong and people will stop trusting him. Well, the first sage comes to the second, he has a butterfly in his hands. The first one asks the second one what is in his hands - the second one says it’s a butterfly. To the second question - is she alive, the second sage thought and answered: Everything is in your hands.

So dear reader: Everything is in your hands. It will be as you want, the main thing is to go towards your goal. If you want a happy family, be happy yourself and spread happiness to all your loved ones. There are many difficulties and obstacles along the way, but everything will work out, because everything is in your hands.

There is no clear plan for what needs to be done to have a happy family. In fact, what we wrote above is just what you need to pay attention to. All people are different. Something comes with experience. But you don’t need to be afraid, you need to act, that’s what you think is necessary, do it.

That's all for now, write your comments, ask questions, good luck and be happy.

How to create a happy family life updated: May 25, 2019 by: Subbotin Pavel

But mutual happiness presupposes mutual work in the following directions:

Mutual respect.
In most cases, romantic love passes, but respect for each other should be from the very beginning and remain your companion life together every day. Often, in some things, people are dissatisfied with each other and try to rebuild their soulmate in their own way, wean them from annoying habits and impose their point of view. But each person is unique, has his own unique inner world and value system. Therefore, learn to respect both the strengths and weaknesses of your loved one.

Showing concern.
Ask yourself: “What are 10 nice things you can do for your lover?” Do you know for sure that your significant other will like it or do you assume? Do you know what you will definitely like? If at least 10 points were not found for each question, urgently set yourself a secret goal - to find out. You don’t have to rack your brain every day about what to do today? Although, if possible, that would be great. But every day say how much you love. Kiss and hug more often, look for a reason to caress. Don't forget about compliments. Praise and thank each other whenever appropriate. Kindness and consideration for each other will always keep your marriage strong.

Celebrating wedding anniversaries.
In many families it is somehow not customary to celebrate this day. Think about it - this is the Day of Creation of Your Family! It is no less important than a birthday or New Year.
There is no need to gather guests. Celebrate together in a restaurant, cafe or nice bar. Remember how you met, how the relationship developed, who thought and what, what they doubted, what they were afraid of. You may have forgotten many funny, sad or simply interesting stories that happened to you during the meetings. This is the movie of your life, in which you are the main characters.
You can celebrate this day at home. The main thing is to create a holiday. Watch videos and photographs of your wedding, prepare small romantic gifts for each other.

Ability to criticize and listen to criticism.
There are things in which, no matter how hard you try, you still won’t be able to keep silent. And it’s not necessary if your spouse is wrong about something. The main thing is to do it carefully so as not to offend. After criticism, it is advisable to find a reason for praise. This will make it clear that you are not “clinging”, and in addition to the shortcomings and mistakes, you also see and appreciate the merits of your loved one.
Avoid grumbling and whining. If a problem arises, it should be announced, solved and not returned to.

Showing openness and trust.
Very rare today. As a rule, both spouses carry grievances, hidden desires, problems that they cannot solve on their own and do not talk about it with each other. Why? They are afraid!
They are afraid of being refused, afraid that he or she will be misunderstood, that hysterics and screams will begin. And all this instead of the desired support and help.
The reason for this could once be careless behavior on the part of a loved one. The result is mistrust and misunderstandings in the future: - “Why didn’t you tell me, why did you hide it, etc.”
It's your own fault! After all, you once showed disrespect, impatience and misunderstanding towards a dear person.
Tell each other what is on your soul and heart, what makes you happy and what upsets you, what you like and what irritates you. In return, demand openness from your spouse. This the right way avoid many conflicts.

Positive memories.
As soon as you start to get angry at your significant other for something, try to remember all the good things that are connected with her (him). Pleasant moments of your life together, care and you will immediately remember that you love. Forgive and move on to more important matters. For example, think about what nice things you can do for your loved one today or tomorrow.

The ability to give in.
Often spouses have completely opposite views on something. You start to argue, but think about whether you can give in? If you cannot agree, look for a third option that suits both parties. Justify your point of view and listen to your loved one. Be sure to analyze what he said, imagine that it will be exactly like this. You may want to agree or appear new idea.

Distribution of responsibilities.
This is a pressing problem that has caused the collapse of more than one marriage.
Since ancient times, a man plowed in the field, and a woman worked around the house. What does everything look like these days? If it is the same as 300 years ago, then in the family structure the distribution of labor is quite fair. What if the wife works at an enterprise (company, organization - it doesn’t matter), and then also at home, while the husband is a “sofa exhibit”?
Many husbands in such families wonder why in marriage, once beautiful well-groomed woman, has turned into something gray and refuses nightly marital duties, complaining of fatigue.
Well, try to perform all the household functions yourself after work. About a week. And not only for yourself, but for the whole family. It looks like nothing complicated, but with someone else’s hands everything is quick and simple.
Where can I find time for relaxation and beauty? To more or less get herself in order, a woman needs at least an hour and a half a day.
If a man works until late at night, at least on weekends, housework can be distributed relatively evenly and the wife will have time for both her beauty and you.

Cultivating romance in relationships.
Choose days when you can dress up for each other as if you were going on a first date. Invite your significant other to a meeting. Go to a cafe, theater or just take a walk in the park.
Remember what you talked about on your first dates, where you went, where you hung out, what you dreamed about. After the walk, arrange romantic dinner"by candlelight and with a bottle of champagne."

And may the spark of your love never fade away!

How to make a family happy is a question that many spouses face in the process of searching for family harmony. The family is a unit of social society. People who get married must realize the seriousness of their intentions. What is life in a happy family? We will try to find answers to these questions in this article.

A happy family is the goal in the lives of many people

Family is the warmth and comfort of a hearth that warms you in everyday life. You can become truly happy if you find people with whom you enjoy sharing positive emotions.

People meet, fall in love and decide to live together. But you need to take relationships seriously so as not to ruin everything in an instant. In a happy family, people understand each other perfectly and do not refuse to spend time together.

What is a strong happy family?

In fact, everyone understands the attitude that is considered happy differently. For some it is love, for others it is money, and for others it is many children. Unfortunately, some spouses see happiness in an open relationship.

Family comfort, kindness and love - what could be more valuable?

It is impossible to say for sure what happiness consists of. But a strong family must stand up for each other. All its members are united and friendly. In a strong family there are no quarrels, disagreements and conflicts. People try to do everything free time together, which makes their relationship warm and friendly.

Rules for happy families

If you don't know how to create a happy family, here are a few things to consider: important rules. Thanks to simple tips you can enjoy harmony and comfort in your home:

  • communicate more - it is impossible to make a relationship strong without constant communication. Gather around the table in the evenings to drink tea and discuss how your day went. Take an interest in the affairs of your children, ask your spouse how the working day was, share your experiences;
  • law of correspondence - you must carefully consider the choice of your soulmate. You can’t command love, but your interests and life views must coincide. If you find that your personalities do not match, learn to accept it. Only in this case can conflicts and quarrels out of nowhere be avoided;
  • development - if you are thinking about how to build a happy family, do not forget to constantly develop. You shouldn’t sit at home after the birth of a child or bury yourself in the background severe stress. Remember that a person must improve himself. You will be able to find new facets for entertainment, as well as talk about serious topics, understanding each other.

It should be understood that relationships are the work and labor of its participants

Secrets of a happy family

There are certain secrets that will allow you to make your family happy. They are so simple and accessible that you will not encounter any problems:

  1. show your love without hiding your true feelings;
  2. sit down for lunch or dinner with the whole family, if possible;
  3. create your own family traditions that will allow you to become friendly and united;
  4. host guests to expand your social circle and interests;
  5. do household chores together to feel the support and help of loved ones;
  6. tell your children about the history of your family;
  7. Get a pet that will develop responsibility and care in all family members;
  8. respect your loved ones, because they are individuals;
  9. be punctual so that your loved ones feel important;
  10. always take care of those around you, because this is the first sign of happiness.

Only a complete understanding of the feelings and desires of partners will create harmony

These are the main secrets of a happy family that will help you achieve desired result. You will be able to enjoy the harmony that gives you a feeling of comfort.

How to create a happy marriage

Mutual understanding is a strong foundation happy relationship

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to create happy marriage, then it is worth remembering that everything comes with time. A family becomes truly happy after a while.

To make everyone feel comfortable and cozy, learn to show your concern. Show your entire family how much you love them. In any situation, support them so that they feel needed.

It should be taken into account that the concept of happiness is different for women and men

Spend your free time together. Get out of town for the weekend or enjoy your favorite games at home. It strengthens the relationship by making each person feel loved.

How to make your husband happy in marriage

If you don't know how to make your husband happy in your marriage, here are a few tips to consider. They will help you enjoy good mood spouse:

  • a woman must be devoted and faithful, because infidelity can forever erase good attitude to you;
  • learn to be a good housewife, since it is the woman who creates home comfort;
  • surprise your spouse delicious dishes, even if they are made from simple ingredients;
  • maintain order in the house, because a mess can ruin even the most wonderful mood;
  • if your spouse comes home tired or upset from work, listen to him and support him as best you can;
  • try to get up early in the morning to prepare a delicious breakfast for your husband;
  • watch your appearance even at home, because appearing in front of your spouse in a holey robe and worn-out slippers is unacceptable;
  • try to watch your weight, since life after marriage relaxes many women;
  • never scold or discuss your husband behind his back, even with your best friends;
  • try to get rid of bad habits, because a man wants to see a real woman next to him.

Following these tips is extremely easy, as you can see in practice. As a result, your feelings will be strong, so your spouse will never leave.

How to make a woman happy in marriage

In fact, the answer to the question of how to make a woman happy in marriage is quite simple. Here is the key to your wife's happiness:

  1. constantly tell her how much you love her;
  2. a man must prove his love by making a pleasant surprise for a woman;
  3. learn not only to speak, but also to listen, as this is very important for a woman;
  4. take into account the psychology of the fairer sex, because she is very worried when you leave. Try to communicate where and for how long you are going;
  5. do not solve absolutely all problems for a woman, because sometimes she wants to be independent;
  6. stand for her a worthy man, protecting from uncertainty about the future;
  7. Give a woman compliments so that she is convinced that she is the one and only for you.

These are the rules of happy families, where everyone respects and values ​​each other. It all depends on how attentive you are to your soulmate.

What prevents you from creating a strong and friendly family?

Some people try very hard, but cannot achieve harmony in their relationships. This is influenced by many errors that prevent you from achieving the desired result.

Never limit the freedom of your significant other. You should not check your email, read messages on your phone, and forbid meeting with friends. Sooner or later, such restrictions will infuriate, which will lead to serious disagreements.

Don't ignore your loved one's interests. This is the main secret of strong relationships. If your spouse has an important football match on TV, you should not insist that he switch to your favorite series. This is a sign that you don't respect his hobbies. So why should he meet you halfway in the future?

There is no need to discuss your spouse in the company of your friends. Remember that you live under the same roof with this person, so you should have respect for him. Also, do not forget that even the most best friends may turn out to be traitors. Everything you said about your loved one can reach the ears of your other half.

Constant jealousy also interferes with creation strong family. Paranoia will sooner or later lead to disastrous consequences. You shouldn’t drive your loved one with unfounded suspicions that will drive anyone crazy!

These are the basic rules that will help you understand how to make your marriage happy and long without unnecessary problems. You will be able to maintain your relationship with your significant other for a long time. Enjoy family harmony and warm communication, as each new day will bring you maximum pleasant emotions!

We all dream of love and cloudless happiness. Since childhood, we have been read books about how a handsome prince came to the castle, saved a beautiful princess, and... they lived happily ever after! But at the most interesting place the fairy tale always ended. How to create a happy family so that there is a “happily ever after”? Marrying a handsome prince, many are surprised to discover that a beautiful fairy tale about family life is actually not such a fairy tale, but everyday work and work!

So how to create a happy family? What to do and how to behave correctly in order to achieve the desired harmony and build a strong home? How can you be happy in your family not only yourself, but also make your partner happy? Usually, everyone learns the secrets of strong family ties themselves through trial and error. To ensure that you have as few of these mistakes in your life as possible, we will share a couple of our recommendations.

  1. Understanding. “There are two opinions: mine and the wrong” - such a strategy is not for family life! You always need to remember that next to you is a completely different person with his own interests, habits and outlook on life. Listen carefully to your loved one. In any conflict, try to look at the situation from the opposite side (male) and then many unnecessary quarrels can be prevented!
  2. The art of compromise. Women, alas, often tend to be stubborn. During your next quarrel, think: do I want to be right or happy? If you are really concerned about how to make your marriage happy, then remember: a wise woman will always give in and listen to her husband’s opinion. If you are attentive to the interests of your loved one, then he will begin to meet you halfway more often. By putting a man's opinion first, you get an ally on your team who will definitely thank you kind words, love and increased attention.
  3. The Right Values. Often scandals can arise because of minor trifles: a broken cup, unwashed dishes... But is it really worth sowing negativity in the family and being offended by a loved one? Always put harmony and happiness first, be more tolerant of everything else. Any situation can be discussed and a common decision can be reached if both partners communicate not in the language of claims and mutual grievances, but with deep respect and love.
  4. Respect. At first, lovers try to appear in a favorable light to each other; they are very polite and caring. But after months and years of family life together, a loved one becomes something taken for granted, and we allow ourselves to treat him not very respectfully: in some places we don’t listen, and in others we become rude or shout at him. Which, of course, is not very right and, ultimately, slowly but surely destroys the relationship. Don’t allow yourself to get used to each other and get irritated by little things, try every day to see and find the strengths and talents of your loved one, emphasizing them out loud at every opportunity.

  5. Maintain your individuality. In the routine of family life, we often forget about ourselves. We abandon hobbies, career races, friends and, worst of all, appearance. When the center of a woman’s world shifts to the family, this is not the most pleasant sight. How to make a family happy? Certainly not by his 24/7 presence in the apartment! Never forget about yourself and don’t focus only on your husband and children. Stay beautiful and well-groomed, spend time with friends, read and develop! Always remain the mysterious beautiful lady that your man once fell in love with!
  6. . This is always a stumbling block and an active subject of disputes and quarrels. Agree in advance on the distribution of money in the family. Who earns how much, how will you distribute your income: how much do you save for food, for vacation, and how much is left for entertainment. The budget must have an item for your personal expenses and pleasant feminine little things. Remember point 3 about the right values ​​and priorities: do not allow yourself to start quarrels and spoil mutual relationships because of simple pieces of paper.
  7. Leisure. Couples love to spend all their free time together, especially women. But you shouldn’t limit a man’s freedom and his meetings with friends. Let him relax separately from you more often, and you will be surprised how much the quality of your family life will change! Days spent together around the clock are not valued and sooner or later turn into routine, fatigue from each other, over time developing into complaints and reproaches... How to become happy couple– spend time away from each other! No matter how beautifully you complement each other, sometimes it really is necessary! During such a “weekend”, you will not only have time to get bored, but when you meet, you will also be able to exchange new impressions and interesting news.
  8. Friendship. The best family relationships are built on strong friendships. When you accept each other for who you are, you are not afraid to share any secrets with your partner. You always know: no matter what happens, a loved one is waiting for you at home, a strong shoulder who will support you in any situation and will always be on your side. Agree, there is nothing more pleasant than this feeling! If your relationship is still far from being like that, start with yourself and become like that yourself true friend to your husband! Learn to listen carefully to your spouse, without comments, reproaches or insults. Encourage all ideas and initiatives, believe in him and his rightness! Sometimes this can be very difficult, but without this it is almost impossible to build a full-fledged strong family and relationships.
  9. Joint plans. Make sure you and your husband have a common vision for your future life. Sit down and think together about how to make your marriage happy for both of you. Dream about what country and what house you want to live in, how many children you will have, what you will do. Set big ambitious goals together that will unite you for many, many years to come.
Now you know how to make your relationship happy. As you can see, family life is a lot of work. But the extraordinary happiness you get in the end is worth the effort! Be patient and attentive, and you will definitely build a big, strong family - the family of your dreams!

Greetings, dear reader. Today we will consider a topic such as Happy family. Probably every man and every woman wants to have a happy family, to be part of this happiest family. Of course, if they want and are ready to create this very family.

I also have a family, in general, the blog on which you and my wife are located, and it’s not for nothing that we write about family relationships, because we ourselves want to be happy and not only do we want to, but we are happy and want to share our little secrets with everyone.

Before writing further, I want to note that the desire to be a Happy family is not enough. We need to work on this. You need to give it 100%. Of course, there are happy families for whom everything initially goes smoothly; everything works out well for them, as if by itself. There are many factors at play here, but they also work to be happy. It’s just something they do automatically and doesn’t depress either their spouse.

No matter what happens in the family, in any case you can become a happy family, you can start with clean slate. But to do this, both spouses need to make an effort and everything will work out. First, I advise you to read a couple of articles specifically about the psychology of women and men, this will allow you to better understand each other: , .

Now let’s look at several aspects that all happy families have in common, this will be interesting not only to those who just want to start their own family or change, but also to those who already have their own family and everything is fine with them, God bless you 😀

By the way, every family is happy in its own way, just as every family is unhappy in its own way. Therefore, nowhere and never will you find an exact recipe on how to become a happy family. It’s all about you, how you treat each other, how you communicate, what you do, and the like. Below you will see the basis, what unites all happy families, and you must draw the conclusions yourself.

This may seem trivial, but love is the basis happy relationships. After all, love bound you together. In general, love is a separate and huge topic, and very important. If you love each other, then everything will work out for you. Always remind yourself that you love your family. This is important. And you need to understand that your family members love you too.

Be patient when, for example, your husband does not notice new haircut, or your wife doesn’t want to watch hockey with you, or your child broke something, or maybe your parent isn’t allowed to go out for walks. Love is caring for each other. A happy family cares and understands each other in everything.

You need to understand that love either exists or it doesn’t. I don’t like to say this at all, but if there are conflicts in the family, think about it carefully (think very carefully, but don’t make hasty conclusions).

Communication with each other

A happy family is constant communication. I think this is a very important aspect. But I don’t mean superficial communication, for example, discussing everyday problems, a movie watched, news from work, and so on. Communication should be deep and high quality.

You need to talk not only a lot, but also qualitatively. Moreover, if you are communicating, and at this time your spouse is preparing dinner and you are looking at the news, then this is not the case. Even if you are just sitting alone with each other and something is constantly distracting you, like calls, then this is also not the same. You need to communicate deeply and essentially, with understanding, with trust. You can discuss not only problems, there are a lot of topics for conversation.

family communication

Many people say that there is no time, you need to do this, that and that. These are all “excuses”; find time, this is the only way to really solve many problems. Even communicating with children in this way will bring parents and children closer together. With the help of deep and high-quality communication, understanding and trust will appear in the family.

Respect each other, listen without interrupting, explain calmly, like this and that, don’t keep anything inside, don’t hide, smile, joke, and so on. In the end, communication becomes pleasant and with the help of such communication, emotional tension is relieved. Even after a hard day at work it becomes easy and pleasant.

Talk about everything, not just problems. Communication turns into a very good family time.

Appreciate each other

A happy family always appreciates each other. There is a constant feeling that you need each other, this is a very important thing in a family. All family members must understand that they are valued, loved and respected. Don't forget to say "thank you" to each other. In happy families this becomes commonplace. Simple words gratitude makes a family stronger and happier.

Kisses and hugs also play a huge role in the family. Children especially should understand that their parents love them and can protect them at any moment. I immediately remember how my little son, a few months old, sometimes began to cry in his crib at night, and when he came up to me or my wife, hearing our voice, he fell asleep again. This is how children understand that their parents are nearby and protect them, then the child’s feeling of anxiety goes away and he falls asleep again.

Everyone in the family should understand that you value, love and protect each other.

Learn new things together

When a family learns something new together, an even greater bonding occurs. The question arises, what to know? What to study?

musical family

It's simple, learn to skate or ski together, learn to dance or draw. Even learn new languages ​​with your children. This way you spend more time together, communicate more and at the same time it is very interesting. After all, ice skating is very interesting and fun)))

Even if someone in the family already knows or can do something, let him teach everyone. And children are very interested in teaching their parents, explaining and telling them what they don’t know. All this strengthens family relationships.

Have fun and laugh together

This follows mainly from the previous one. But not only that. There are so many things you can do together: watch a movie, go bowling, play board games, tell each other interesting funny stories.

They say that laughter prolongs life, and thus a happy family becomes even stronger and happier.

Have dinner together

Of course, this cannot be forced, but it is desirable that the whole family gather together at dinner at one table. At the same time, no TV, tablet, computer, etc.! This is important. Over dinner, the family discusses some issues and shares their impressions of how the day or week went.

Surprise each other

A happy family always wants to please each other. One option is to make it a surprise. And I don’t mean going to the store and buying something expensive. This is also possible, and not necessarily expensive))). You can just take it and do something nice for each other, which will cost almost nothing.

surprise for parents

For example, children draw cards for moms or dads, then give them as gifts - it’s very nice for both parents and children. Adults can do this too, for example: my wife wanted more shelves in the closet, but she didn’t really need a hanger bar. I took and removed this crossbar, cut out shelves from chipboard, and installed them. My wife came, and I opened the closet for her and said, there’s so much space now.

It was pleasant not only for my wife, but also for me. So you need to not just give gifts, but make surprises. It's fun and enjoyable.

Make time for yourself

A happy family is not just about being together all the time. Each family member should have their own hobbies. And you need to do this not with your family. Well, for example, my wife needs to read good novel. Or your spouse needs to go fishing. Unfortunately, many wives associate fishing with something other than fish.

We need to respect and understand each other. Everyone in the family is passionate about something and you also need to find time for this and be alone. Being alone with yourself is very important, you need to understand this.

Family tradition

It is very good when a happy family has its own tradition. For example, once a year, go to your favorite place near the lake and barbecue. At the same time, it’s good to relax, play interesting games, go fishing with the family, swim, and so on.

family tradition

Of course this is not necessary, but this one is necessary. Family tradition also brings the family very close and makes it happy. In addition, a family tradition is a great reason to gather friends and relatives together. Family is not only husband and wife and children, but also their parents and uncles and aunts, and grandparents and so on. Communication with relatives is useful.

Travel together

A happy family always travels together. It's not just a good time. It's something more. After all, you are together, you learn something new, you relax together, communicate and rejoice together. Seeing and visiting new places, experiencing emotions - brings the family very close.

family rest in a tent while traveling

Travel can be not only big, such as going to the sea or abroad. You can make small trips more often, for example, travel to neighboring cities by car, or visit interesting places in your area. In my opinion, even visiting a zoo for the first time is also a small journey.

It is advisable for every family to make it a rule to travel together.

I think that’s all, now you know the difference between a happy family and an unhappy one, use this and be good to everyone. Leave comments and share new information.

Happy family: basic rules for a happy family updated: May 22, 2019 by: Subbotin Pavel