What are the benefits of peach oil for hair? Peach oil for hair: uses and recipes. Eyebrow and eyelash care

Cosmetic peach oil for hair is suitable for those whose curls have lost their former shine and become weak. It is universal and great for any hair type. In this article you will learn how to use peach oil for hair, its properties and masks with it.

Peach seed oil for hair: properties

Peach oil is obtained by cold pressing. It has a pleasant structure and smell. When applied to hair, the oil is easily absorbed into the root of each hair. Why did peach oil gain its popularity? Of course, for its properties. Peach oil has the following properties:

Peach oil for dry hair is one of the the best means. But if you have oily curls, you should mix it with some ingredients that dry out the scalp.

How to use peach oil for hair

For the oil to be effective, you should know a number of rules:

  • Peach oil should be heated in a water bath before application, but do not bring to a boil. The oil temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.
  • You need to treat the roots first and gradually work down to the ends.
  • The oil must be rubbed in with leisurely movements, preferably massage movements.
  • For a heating effect, wrap your head in a towel after putting on a shower cap or plastic bag.
  • Be sure to wash your hair with shampoo. It is difficult to wash off peach oil with plain water.

The price at the pharmacy is no more expensive than 150 rubles for the oil. For this price you will get a super product.

How to use peach oil for hair in masks

Peach oil for hair growth


  • Peach oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Dimexide solution – 1 tbsp. l. (sold at the pharmacy)

Preparation and use:

Heat the oils. Afterwards, mix all components until smooth. Then we process the roots and insulate the head with a towel. We do whatever we do for about 45 minutes and go wash our hair with shampoo.

Peach oil for hair ends


  • Peach oil – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vitamins A and E

Preparation and use:

Heat the oils and mix them with vitamins in a separate container. Dip the ends into the mixture and wrap them in cling film. It is advisable to wait 2 hours, but if time is short, then 1 hour is possible. Then rinse them thoroughly.

Hair mask with peach oil for oily curls


  • Peach oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Rolled oats flour – 2 tbsp. l.

Preparation and use:

Heat the oil in a water bath and add it to the flour. You should end up with a paste. Apply the mixture to the hair roots and leave for an hour. Then wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Hair mask with peach oil for dry curls


  • Peach oil – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Castor oil – 1 tbsp. l.

Preparation and use:

Depending on the length of your hair, choose the proportion of oil for yourself. If long hair, then take 2 tbsp. l. each of the components. We heat both oils and then apply only to the curls. Leave for 3 hours and then wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Peach oil for hair is a unique cosmetic product that nourishes, moisturizes, restores and heals the skin. It is obtained from natural peach pits by pressing. But this is not as interesting to the fair sex as the fact that the oil helps rejuvenate the skin, regenerate cells, eliminate dryness and peeling of the epithelium. Even skin prone to allergic reactions, tolerates the effects of this cosmetic product quite well.

Beneficial effects of oil

Peach kernel oil is a natural herbal remedy used in both cosmetology and medicine. It contains a large number of unsaturated and saturated acids such as oleic, linoleic, and palmitic. It is their use on the skin that makes it glowing, moisturized, nourished and young for a long period of time.

In peach oil you can find vitamins A, E, P, B, as well as ascorbic acid. You won’t find a similar composition in any of the most expensive face creams and hair products. Useful microelements in the form of iron, potassium and phosphorus are excellent protection for the skin from negative influence environment.

It is recommended to use peach seed oil not only for hair, but also for the care of very dehydrated, dry skin. If your skin has numerous pimples, blackheads and acne marks, then peach oil will not harm, but will help get rid of this problem. The use of oil on scalp suffering from dandruff, dermatitis and seborrhea is also acceptable. In winter, if you don’t have lip balm on hand, spread peach oil on your lips and you can safely go out into the cold.

If you are on the beach in the summer under the hot sun, then do not forget to apply a little oil to your hair. This way, you will prevent split ends and loss of shine and moisture from your curls. You will return from your vacation with a gorgeous mane like after a salon treatment. And the best part is that peach seed oil can be bought both in pharmacies and in supermarkets where there are stands with natural cosmetics. This pleasure costs about 2-3 dollars.

Prevention of split ends

Reviews of peach seed oil are extremely positive. Girls effectively use this product both in its pure form and as an additional enriching component in their favorite creams, shampoos, balms and masks. This product can also be used as a leave-in serum for split ends of hair. The oil does not leave greasy stains on clothes and, most importantly, does not turn hair into icicles. On the contrary, you will become the owner of gorgeous, well-groomed hair.

The use of peach seed oil for hair should begin with a haircut. Exactly! If you are determined to start taking care of your hair, get rid of the “dead weight” in the form of split ends, long-grown hair color, etc. You can make masks from oil on lifeless, dried and dye-stained hair, but the effect will only be visual and short-term.

Don’t regret it - trim the ends of your hair and, using homemade masks against hair loss, grow chic curls. Reviews from girls who did exactly this with their hair, cutting off split ends, indicate that the curls began to grow even better and much faster. And most importantly, now they like their reflection in the mirror!

Recipes for masks using peach seed oil are quite simple. This cosmetic product can be added to any of your shampoo, mask, conditioner in an amount of 2-3 teaspoons to enrich the composition and enhance the healing and restorative effect. Peach oil for hair can be mixed with egg yolk in a ratio of 3:1 (3 tablespoons of oil per yolk). If you have very oily hair, it is recommended to add a small amount of lemon juice to this mixture.

Such masks are applied to the scalp and thoroughly rubbed in with circular massage movements. The “peach mask” is aged for at least one hour. It is advisable to cover your hair with a shower cap and put on a warm towel or scarf on top.

Restoration of curls

Reviews about the use of peach seed oil will be useful primarily for those who want to restore dry, brittle, dull hair. This is indispensable for very dry and damaged hair. This effect can often be seen on hair that has experienced more than one dyeing and bleaching.

Will restore peach oil and curls damaged after constant blow-drying and straightening with an iron. If you regularly use peach oil for hair care, then within 2 months you will return your hair to its former health, beauty, strength, shine and moisture.

Some girls call the use of peach seed oil a magical ritual. After the second application of the mask containing only one cosmetic product - natural peach oil, the hair follicles are enriched with all the necessary nutrients.

The product is very well absorbed, quickly penetrates the epithelium and damaged structure of the hair follicles and the best way affects both the appearance of the hair and its condition. You can use peach oil to eliminate dandruff, dermatological problems, dryness, itching and burning of the skin.

It is advisable to use the oil in its pure form. Simply heat 50 ml of the product (2 tbsp) in a water bath or in the microwave and apply to the scalp, then spread with your hands over the entire length of the braid. The oil mask should never be hot, otherwise you will burn your skin. After the third use, you can notice that the hair roots have become stronger and there are fewer lost curls on the comb. You need to make a mask 2 times a week for 3 months.

Cosmetic recipes

The use of peach oil is not a special luxury or an expensive salon procedure. Indeed, this product can be purchased in absolutely any store. natural cosmetics, but not everyone knows about the properties of peach seed oil. For example, it can be applied as a mask not only to the hair, but also to the face.

This cheap remedy will replace expensive nourishing and toning cream. If you mix 1 tbsp. butter with 2 tbsp. mayonnaise, it turns out to be an excellent nourishing and restorative remedy. But if you have healthy hair, then it’s better not to make this mask, since the curls will not be able to absorb so many useful microelements and acids. The use of masks of this kind “works” ideally on porous, dry hair, the structure of which is severely damaged.

You can also buy various enriching, nourishing and beneficial essential oils at the pharmacy - ylang-ylang, lavender, tea tree, bergamot. They need to be added a few drops to the base vegetable oil peach and rub this mixture into the scalp. Don't despair or worry if you don't see results after the first mask. Continue to take care of your hair persistently and soon your braids will amaze with their beauty, strength and shine!

Peach oil has yellowish color, light fruity aroma and thick consistency. It is obtained by pressing fruit kernels. Suitable for caring for brittle, damaged hair and dry skin.

For dandruff and skin tightness, experts also recommend using this product. It is better to apply pure over the entire length, leave for several hours (ideally 2-3 hours). Thanks to the procedure, unpleasant symptoms will disappear and the hair will come back to life.

Peach oil contains a large amount of vitamins (A, E, C, group B, P), minerals and trace elements (iron, phosphorus, calcium and others). The most valuable are fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on the entire human body.

The price of peach extract varies; there are bottles for 180 rubles per 100 ml. The product from GalenoPharm costs 40 rubles per 25 ml.

Peach oil for hair retains its beneficial properties when properly stored. It should be kept in a dark place with the lid closed and stored at room temperature.


Peach oil for hair is used alone and in combination with other ingredients. Cosmetologists recommend using it for brittle, dried out curls. Thanks to it, you can restore your hair after coloring, perm. After such therapy, weakened hair will gain strength and become stronger.

The product has a positive effect on the skin: easy to apply, quickly absorbed, moisturizes and softens. It eliminates itching and dryness well and does not cause allergies.

In its pure form, peach oil for hair should be heated before use (1-2 tablespoons is enough). Apply to scalp and distribute massage movements. It is best used on damp strands. You need to rub in for 2-3 minutes with your fingertips, working gently and carefully.

It is effective to mix peach oil with essential oils. Ylang-ylang is suitable for weakened hair, rosemary oil is suitable for dandruff-prone hair. The components should be combined at the rate of 1 tsp. peach seed extract for 2-3 drops of ether.

Peach oil for hair growth

To saturate your hair with nutrients, we suggest trying a course of cognac masks with peach. The alcohol contained in cognac improves blood circulation, and other components nourish the skin.

  • Take 1 tbsp. peach and cognac oils, egg yolk.
  • Mix the ingredients until smooth.
  • Distribute over the entire length.
  • Wrap with film and a warm cap.

Keep the compress for 30-60 minutes. It is advisable to carry out the procedure 2 times a week for a month. Before making the mixture, heat the peach oil until warm.

Honey-curd mask

  • Take a spoonful of peach seed oil.
  • Mix with 2 tablespoons of full-fat cottage cheese (it’s better to take homemade one).
  • Add 1 tsp. honey
  • Distribute over hair roots and leave for half an hour.
  • Wash off warm water, you can use shampoo.

If the mass turns out to be thick and does not apply well to the hair, you can dilute it with water or milk. To achieve the desired effect, you should repeat the “peach” wrap 1-2 times a week. A noticeable acceleration of hair growth will occur within 2-3 weeks from the start of use.

Natural shine, pleasant lightness, rich color - all these are indicators of healthy and well-groomed hair. Different cosmetic products and lengthy styling do not always give your hair a healthy look. But natural products care never fails. Among them, peach oil takes pride of place. Using the method of mechanical compression of peach fruit seeds, very healthy oil, but filtering is performed before using it. Rich, delicate, nourishing oil has a light aroma and pleasant taste. Widely known for its beneficial properties among pharmacists and cosmetologists. In folk medicine, this drug is used for treatment.

Composition and beneficial properties of peach oil

The acids contained in peach fruits, namely palmitic, stearic, linoleic, oleic, make hair much stronger and treat split ends. The beneficial components in its composition help eliminate inflammation, stop hair loss and tone up blood circulation, accelerating the growth of hair follicles. Useful essential elements and other necessary components, such as phospholipids, carotenoids, tocopherols in combination with vitamins A, B, E, P nourish hair follicles, which promotes rapid hair growth and improvement appearance. And fatty acids, which are the main substances contained in peach seed oil, have a positive effect on the condition of the hair and scalp. Peach oil has restorative, softening and nourishing properties. With its regular use, after some time, the hair structure improves, shine appears, dandruff and flaking disappear, it stops becoming electrified and is easy to comb.

Using peach oil for hair

It also happens that the scalp becomes dry, and the hair looks too dull and breaks along its entire length, and begins to feel like straw. In such a situation, peach oil can help, as it effectively performs regenerating and moisturizing functions, which promotes rapid hair growth. The product easily solves complications such as oiliness, excessive hair loss, and dehydration. Experts advise applying the product to depleted, brittle strands. To do this, peach base is added to shampoos.

Rinsing with warm water together with lemon juice. The resulting mass is excellent for treating hair during hot periods. The product slows down the aging process (it accelerates in the summer), which prevents the strands from drying out from sunlight and salt water.

Peach oil copes well with the problem of combing. Easily restores hair structure after perm and coloring, strengthening and giving strength, making it more manageable.

Applying the mask in its pure form:

  1. If you need to strengthen the roots, accelerate growth or get rid of dandruff, the product is rubbed into the scalp.
  2. You can add various types of peach oil to vitamin complexes, for example, A or E. This will only enhance its beneficial properties.
  3. In order to get rid of split ends, you should lubricate them with oil twice a week for one month.
  4. The product makes strands more manageable. Thanks to this, they are easy to comb, which is very important for long hair.

For hair ends, peach oil is a real savior. It is necessary to heat the resulting mass in a water bath and thoroughly distribute it onto split ends. The effect will be visible after several procedures if you follow regular use for four weeks.

A little peach has a beneficial effect on the skin, it applies well, is easily absorbed and makes it soft and moist, and also perfectly removes dryness, itching, and does not cause an irritant reaction.

How to apply peach oil to your hair, basic rules

As a rule, difficulties arise when first used. The result may not turn out the way it is imagined due to ignorance simple rules applying peach mass. You can easily avoid disappointment if you follow these short instructions, which include the minimum requirements:

  1. It is better to buy the drug in pharmacies or trusted stores. This way you can protect yourself from buying an expired product or a counterfeit product, which as a result will turn out to be completely unnecessary and can cause severe damage to your hair and scalp.
  2. Like any cosmetic product, peach oil is maximally activated when used high temperatures. Therefore, it is recommended, first of all, to slightly heat the product to 40 degrees in a water bath or low heat. If eggs or essential oils are added to the mask, it should not be heated, as the egg may curdle. And essential oils will lose their beneficial properties.
  3. The product can be applied regardless of whether the hair is clean or dirty. To do this, you need to lower your head down and gently rub peach seed oil into the root zone with light massage movements with your fingertips. If the goal is to accelerate hair growth, get rid of hair loss, dandruff, and strengthen hair roots, then you can stop at this point, since the procedure done will not be enough. An equal distribution of liquid along the entire length, without lifting your head, using a special comb will help restore shine and make strands manageable. If you want to cure split ends, then just soak them in peach oil.
  4. The listed rules are considered the most difficult stages of the procedure. Now you should carefully and calmly, without pulling your hair, collect and fix it on your head, the main thing is that it does not fly apart. Put a special cap or plastic bag on your head. Wrap a warm terry towel around the cap. This is necessary to raise the temperature, under the influence of which the applied product is more quickly activated.
  5. You can choose the time to use pure peach oil at your discretion. But it is worth considering that for a slight effect the mask can be kept for no more than half an hour. For hair that is in a painful state, the mask is applied overnight and left until the morning. But it happens that there is very little free time, in which case the mask must be kept on for two hours.
  6. Do not wash off the mask under high pressure of water, as fats will repel water. It will be enough to apply peach extract with shampoo without water, as a result of which foam will form. After this simple way The mask can be easily washed off.
  7. Ultimately, you need to carry out a special rinse, for this the usual warm water there won't be enough. It is best to make decoctions of calendula, immortelle, St. John's wort, birch buds and others medicinal herbs. To prepare the solution, you can use lemon or vinegar.
  8. A hair mask with peach oil can be done twice a week to treat very painful hair, and once as a preventive treatment. Full course will be up to fifteen masks, after which you will need to change the product to another. This is done to avoid the scalp becoming accustomed to only one active product.

Peach kernel oil has many beneficial properties. The product provides the opportunity to apply complex treatment for different types hair, and is also an indispensable ingredient in care products: massage products, aromatherapy, masks and compresses.

To get quick and good result, you should use this natural remedy regularly, and after each course take a short break.

Contraindications for use

Peach oil, as a rule, does not cause any negative reaction, inflammation or itching. The peach fruit product may not be suitable for people with individual intolerance to this component. Before applying the drug, you must make sure that there is no allergy to this component. To do this, apply a little oil to your wrist and wait two hours. If there is no itching, redness or rash, the skin feels great, then this product can be safely used.
A peach mask can slightly lighten your curls. And if the mask is applied to colored hair, the color becomes rich and bright.

Hair mask recipes

Mask-compress for hair growth

To make a mask you will need:

  • any essential oil;
  • Peach oil;
  • liquid dimexide, which can be bought at any pharmacy.

Add two tablespoons of essential and peach oils to the container, then mix the contents, then add dimexide, which gradually dissolves. Dimexide in this case helps to enhance the effect of the beneficial properties of oils, which helps them penetrate deeply into the skin. Rub the resulting mask into the scalp in a circular motion, then wrap it in a plastic bag or plastic wrap, and insulate it with a regular warm towel on top. The mask lasts approximately 40 minutes. Then wash off with warm water and balm. It is not recommended to use this mask for rooting hair growth more than three times a week.

Moisturizing mask for dry hair

For the mask you will need:

Lemon juice is mixed with peach oil. The beaten egg yolk is added along with the glycerin liquid. Then all components should be mixed well until smooth. The resulting mass is applied along the entire length. The head is insulated with a bag; you need to keep the mask on for about an hour. Then rinse off with warm water and shampoo.

For hair ends

To treat damaged, brittle ends, peach oil can be used several times a week. For the mask, nothing other than peach oil is required; it must be carefully applied to split ends. Cosmetologists recommend cutting off split ends. Most likely, you won’t be able to “glue” the ends together, but the peach mixture will be able to protect them well.

It is impossible to say with complete confidence that using a lot different shampoos And cosmetics, some of them will undoubtedly cure your hair. If you use natural and healthy peach oil in combination with other ingredients, you will get a good effect that helps provide complete hair protection. This inexpensive product will make your hair look healthy and luxurious.

Peach oil for hair is one of the few products that add luxury to hair.

The healing composition and unique properties make the oil a universal remedy for use. Strengthening hair, stimulating its growth, relieving irritation and itching of the scalp, restoring hair damaged after dyeing and perming - this is not a small list of tasks that peach seed oil can cope with.

Hair oil can be used in its pure form. To enhance the effect, it is necessary to massage the scalp. This procedure will improve blood circulation, which will create an additional stimulus for the hair follicles.

The massage should be carried out an hour before washing your hair and wash it in your usual way, using shampoo.

Can be used simultaneously with shampoo by combining both components in the palm of your hand. It is recommended to use the oil in courses, taking breaks.

Hair masks are very effective, some of them can be used today.

Mask for dry and brittle hair . Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of peach oil, 3-5 drops of your favorite essential oil. Both components are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Rub the mixture into your scalp and leave on for up to 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. It is advisable to do the mask one and a half to two hours before washing your hair.

Hair growth mask. Ingredients: 4 teaspoons of peach oil, 1 teaspoon of dry mustard, 50 milliliters of warm water, one egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of sugar. Sugar and mustard, in this mask, act as an activator of hair follicles. Mix all ingredients, apply to hair roots, cover hair and head with polyethylene and a towel. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes with water and shampoo. Carry out the procedure before washing your hair.

Revitalizing mask. Ingredients: half a tablespoon of peach oil and honey, four teaspoons of cottage cheese, preferably full-fat. Combine everything and apply to the scalp 30 minutes before washing. This mask can be done 4 times a month (every week), then use other products.

Mask for oily hair . Ingredients: 1 tablespoon peach seed oil, 2 tablespoons oatmeal, 1 teaspoon cognac. Combine everything and apply to the scalp 30 minutes before washing. Wash your hair in your usual way, using shampoo. Cognac containing alcohol in this mask will perform a drying function. This mask should not be done more than 2 times a month.

Give your hair vitality - use peach oil.

Peach oil for eyelashes

Peach oil for eyelashes is an excellent remedy for their strengthening and growth.

The procedure is carried out one hour before bedtime. To do this, use a clean brush with oil applied to it (for example, a mascara brush or cotton swab) and use it as you would for applying mascara.

Before going to bed, any remaining oil from your eyelashes should be removed. This must be done, as an excess of oil on the eyelashes can create the effect of puffy eyes in the morning.