Funny wedding congratulations in prose. Funny and interesting wedding congratulations in prose Wedding congratulations in prose are comic

Dear newlyweds! On your wedding day, we wish you to have children like seeds in a sunflower, five thousand dollar bills like stars in the sky, and problems like the hair on Prigozhin’s head! Bitterly!

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Today is an unforgettable day for your family. Let it be remembered for you as the beginning of a lifelong journey. Walk in step through life, lend each other a reliable shoulder and share common joy. Advice and love to you!

Especially for the site

Take it for real my sincere congratulations on this special day! Remember that today you have become one. Preserve your tenderness for each other, love and mutual understanding for many years to come. Appreciate and protect your family.

Especially for the site

Dear newlyweds! Today, the bonds of marriage have firmly united you, making you the closest people to each other. May the thread connecting you be strong and never break. May your home be filled sunlight and warmth, may love and happiness never leave him, may cheerful children's laughter ring in him. Take care of each other, understand each other, love each other. Be always healthy and happy! Our dear newlyweds! Congratulations on this important life step that you have consciously decided to take! Know that life is a series of happy and unlucky days. And the happiness, well-being and longevity of your family depends only on you, on your patience, participation, mutual assistance and mutual support! Take care of her, take care of your feelings and let there be as few cloudy days as possible. Let the little things of family life not overshadow passion and love! Advice to you and Love! Love is a cunning beast! It happens that he grabs two people, spins them around, pushes them together... and now they are husband and wife, kissing tirelessly to the approving cries of the guests and accepting their congratulations! So let her, the sorceress-love, not leave you for many years, helping you live happily, in peace and harmony! If a person is smart and handsome, kind and cheerful, he simply must find his soul mate in order to become truly happy! Today we congratulate the young people who obeyed the call of nature and created a wonderful couple, so we wish them many years to come family life in love and harmony! A sea of ​​happiness to you and a boundless ocean of love! There are holidays for everyone, some are personal, and today is a special holiday for two. Pamper each other every day of your life, be true to common goals and do not forget that you have become one. Let respect for each other reign in your home, let there be a cozy place for dreams, and let the sun of happiness always shine above it!

Especially for the site

Newlyweds! Family life opens up new opportunities for you. Together you will not only laugh at jokes, cry into your own shoulder, talk about ailments, but also endure the complaints and tediousness of your other half. Family is not only romance, it is your life. So let it remain for a long time in the history of your generations with its strength and happiness.

Especially for the site

Year by year, may your love grow younger and at the same time become mature and wise! Let it be diverse in its unity - let it be friendship, loyalty, trust, the joy of knowing each other, and happiness from every minute spent together! I wish you never to lose the freshness of this feeling and be able to carry it through many years and any adversity in life!

Congratulations on your first day life together! We wish you happiness, love and prosperity. A lot of money is good, but we will not be traditional - may you also have everything that cannot be bought with coins: health, beauty, luck and success, good mood, luck in all good endeavors, obedient and slightly mischievous children.

Congratulations, newlyweds, on the beginning of a new life! From this moment on, the husband must learn to avoid conflicts, not cause hysterics and tears, deftly dodge a woman’s heel and give flowers and gifts in a timely manner (even more often). A wife must learn to look attractive around the clock in a cleanly decorated apartment, in the kitchen, from where the aroma of freshly prepared dishes emanates. Good luck in your new life, guys!

A wedding is an event where you can’t hear enough wishes. Everyone says - let the house be a full cup. We want two cups in the house: one full, the second empty. Let there be love, health, happiness, mutual understanding in full. And in the empty one there is pain, troubles, suffering and other negative factors. Take care of both bowls and keep them away from each other.

Happy holiday, newlyweds! Now your life will be like a war. You will have to fight first with the desire to hang out longer with the boys and girls, then with socks in the corners and hairs on the sink, then with each other’s not always joyful mood. But the main thing is to withstand the captivity of diapers and sliders. We wish you to always fight on each other’s side and be captured together many times!

You guys have done a great job! Well, you will have to answer in full. And today we have on the program: eat until you fill up, drink until everyone has fun, dance until you drop. You also need to laugh, joke, accept congratulations and gifts. But that's not all. Now you must always be happy, lucky and love each other!

Young man, now you don’t have to suffer from boredom - meet new relatives. Your new mother-in-law will teach you life, her son will teach you patience, your husband will tell you about his favorite football team. But don’t be alarmed, because the most important new feature will haunt you every day and even around the clock. Guess who she is? Well, of course – my wife!

You dreamed of a fairy tale, of warmth, of love and warm feelings. A wedding solves all these minor, minor problems. But at the same time it brings new ones: to give birth, raise and provide for children, to acquire a reliable roof over your head, to plant a luxurious garden around the house. We wish you to solve all problems easily and cheerfully, with enthusiasm and without a bit of difficulty.

Everything is coming to an end. And for you, newlyweds, lonely nights, trepidation before dates, carefree trips to clubs and discos, night gatherings with friends are now over. All this will now turn into nights with your loved one next to you, daily dates, joint walks and visits to friends who have gathered today to wholeheartedly congratulate you on your marriage!

The wedding is taking place all over the area! The bride and groom are celebrating the beginning of their married life! Eh, guys, how much light and enthusiasm you have, and most importantly - love! Let nothing separate you, walk boldly through life, looking your problems and worries in the eye! We wish you to always find compromises, support each other in difficult situations and keep love. Let your sincere feelings resist boredom, disappointment and doubt!

Instructions for the bride and groom.
Good people, Orthodox! Listen to our tale, our simple command. Like across the Ob River, onto the city of Novosibirsk, the dark night is approaching, the red sun is going down, and the human world is running through the alleys and streets, suffocating. It’s not the forest that’s burning, or it’s not thunder. (Last name)’s wedding is making noise all over the world. Oh, you are guests, nice guests, not lazy, hard-working! Listen to us at least a little. We did not write a big order. Just don’t be afraid of these words, don’t shed bitter tears. Not an order for you, for the bride-to-be. Our glorious, sweet: name of the bride:. Know that I grew up without grief, and now I’m going down the aisle. You are a daughter-in-law, a beautiful maiden, don’t be so sad, don’t grieve to the point of tears that your free life has ended, your free life, not married. Your husband is your falcon, he sits among us, and society has given us an order: take care of him, good fellow, always be his faithful friend, a tender, unchanging wife. For his sake, you have a dozen kids to babysit from morning until dinner. Knit not with chains, but with diapers, rompers, and undershirts. Well, on holidays, talk to him, he deserves it - buy him a glass. Yes, feed him a sweeter dinner. So you will have a dozen children.

Love is the most wonderful feeling in human life. They say that true love only grows stronger over time. And I want to wish you that your feelings will become even more tender, strong and caring over time. Always be attentive to each other, forgive weaknesses, be quick-witted and always treat the most difficult situations with humor! Good luck to you! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on starting a family!

Dear bride and groom! We sincerely congratulate you on your legal marriage. Today, on your wedding day, the Sun gave you a piece of itself, and this piece is the family hearth. The sun is the source of life on earth, the family hearth is the source
family life. Keep this precious gift for the rest of your life. No matter how cold the wind blows, the flame of the hearth should burn, giving light and warmth to your family. For the unquenchable light and warmth of your family hearth!

Dear newlyweds!
Today you are united to each other by marriage. You will live together. So let your life be filled with sun, joy, love and loyalty to each other. Take care of each other, try to understand each other, experience all the joys and sorrows together. May your union be strong and long, may your home be filled with children's laughter, warmth and friendship. Be happy and healthy!

Today you are glowing with happiness, it is so pleasant to look at you that it is obvious to everyone present that you are the most happy couple! And we are all very happy for you! May the sparkle in your eyes and tenderness in your heart not fade away in a year, and many years from now, may the family hearth burn and give warmth to your loved ones. May luck accompany you throughout your life!

I congratulate you on your solemn marriage. I had the great honor of not only being present at your wedding, but also serving as an honorary witness. I cannot describe all the feelings that are now boiling in my soul. I am infinitely happy for my best friend, who has finally found such a beautiful soul mate. Today you look simply magnificent, I wish you to stay at this level for another hundred years. And at the same time, during these hundred years, increase not only your family capital, but also the number of members of your family.

A dove walked along one path, and a dove along the other, and it was damp and lonely for them to walk. But God saw them and brought the paths into one. And now the dove and the dove, hugging their wings, will walk along one wide path. So let us wish them to go happily and amicably, to love each other and hatch chicks!

Wishing all the best to our newlyweds, I want to at the same time give them wise advice: never forget those who gave you life - your parents. Do not spare a kind word for them. After all sweet Nothing not difficult, but easy. Come closer to them and bow to them lower, as they said in the old days. After all, the young man works with his hands, and the old man gives with his mind. Apply it to your mind and parents - you will live a comfortable life. For mutual understanding between parents and newlyweds!

Our dear “newlyweds”! Happy family birthday. We are very pleased that we became guests at this family celebration. Looking at your happy faces, it is difficult to choose wishes, because you already have the most important things: love, children, prosperity. Ugh, ugh, so as not to jinx it. We wish you that your honeymoon will last a lifetime, that your rings will not fade and your feelings will not grow old, that your love will be your protection from the cruelty of the world around you, that it will be “bitter” only at the wedding, but sweet and bright in life, you lived your life cheerfully and amicably.

Dear (names of spouses)! With all my heart I would like to wish you a happy married life! Make your family nest cozy and warm. Let storks visit this nest more often, let your family grow by leaps and bounds! Live like two swans: swan love, swan fidelity, swan song to you in a hundred thousand years.

My dear friends! I was present at your wedding from the very beginning to this moment and have not seen a happier expression on your faces than now. You simply emit a rainbow glow that has enveloped not only us, but the entire environment. I just dream, having found myself in such a situation, in about two years, to see you nearby, but in the amount of three copies.

I will not repeat everything that has already been said before me. I just want to once again sincerely congratulate you on your wedding day. I saw how worried my friend was this morning, I saw how timidly she stepped on the carpet in the registry office, and I see what a happy face she has now, so let all the good things in your future life continue to grow, just like today.

I wish the newlyweds to overcome difficulties in life shoulder to shoulder.” The husband must not forget that his wife is a gentle creature and she needs help, so that her lovely figure does not bend from the weight of worries, the scarlet roses on her cheeks do not turn pale, the sparkle in her eyes does not disappear, and her heart does not close to beauty.

Dear friend! On this happy day for you and your newly-made wife, we would like to tell you a story about animals! Once upon a time there lived a frog, he lived joyfully and happily, and he decided to go become a traveler, to find his happiness in life……. Jumped and jumped... and suddenly on the road she comes across rails, only she jumps over them, then out of nowhere, a train..... And it cut off her ass..... She jumps further and thinks: “Why am I so beautiful, so smart, and I’ll do it without an ass” and She felt so sorry for her ass that she decided to return. She jumped and jumped and reached the rails, then out of nowhere a train came and while she was picking up her ass, he picked up her head and cut it off. We would like to wish you, fiance, that you never lose your head because of a beautiful ass!

Brides and grooms, the campaign “Oh, this wedding!” will tell you how, saving time and money, to do right choice! Wedding proposals just for you! Participants of the “Oh, this wedding!” We are ready to help you with any questions regarding organizing a wedding, give professional advice, provide quality service and make your wedding unique!

They say that years of marriage eventually turn love into friendship, habit and respect. And I wish you that the love that united you today will grow stronger over the years, that you will not lose tenderness and warmth, that you will be attentive to your soul mate, that you will be able to endure, forgive, and turn minor troubles and quarrels into a joke. Bitterly!

They say that family life is divided into two stages. The first stage is the honeymoon, filled with fresh feelings, romance, and passion. And this rather short period is compared to poetry. The second period is the rest of your life, which is often written in prose. And today I want to wish that your whole life is written in poetry, so that your grandchildren, listening to your love story, will admire the romance and warmth of feelings that you will undoubtedly carry through many, many years.

Our dear bride and groom! Today you began the construction of your joint ship - your family. We wish you that your family ship turns out to be strong, reliable, that it does not break up due to everyday life and troubles, that it is not afraid of storms! May the sun shine brighter on your journey, may your voyage last for many years and be sure to be happy!

Dear ___ (name of the groom) and ___ (name of the bride)!
Congratulations on the birth of your family! Let it be the basis of your family relations Faith, Hope and Love will fall. May these saints guard your family hearth and feelings! Walk through life hand in hand with dear love, trust, passion! Congratulations to you, newlyweds!

Dear newlyweds!
We sincerely congratulate you on entering into a legal marriage and starting a family. The most valuable thing in life is big human friendship and love. May your love be as long as your life! Advice and love to you!

Well, young people, I’m probably as worried as you are. I had the opportunity to congratulate the young people for the second time. Everything that I did not have time to tell my children, you will have to listen to. Firstly, I want to congratulate you on your wedding, you have been working towards this for a long time and finally gave us all such pleasure - to walk at your wedding. As the father of not only your father, but the entire family, I have every right to give you a parting word for the rest of your life. Here is my advice: “Live happily! »

Wisdom says: “You can’t choose.” Therefore, marriage is something like a potion. Both should be taken without hesitation, in one gulp. But judging by the happy, beaming faces of the newlyweds, the mutual choice was successful. And therefore, let us rejoice for our newlyweds, congratulate them on their legal marriage and wish them a serene, long, successful voyage on the waves of the sea of ​​life in love, respect, and mutual fidelity!

Expensive… ! Congratulations on your first family holiday! We want to wish so much that we can’t count it all. The greatest happiness that exists in the world. The husband must obey his wife and love her alone, and the wife must give birth to children, nice, sweet children. We expect from you heroes and beautiful daughters!

I am very happy for you, my Dear friends. WITH today you have become husband and wife. Now the fun times that you will experience together will begin for you. Now you will go through life hand in hand. Family life is a very serious matter. Always be there for each other, don't forget this have a good day in your life.

Family is fragile musical instrument. Disharmony in the family is not a rare thing, so in order to achieve harmony, you have to turn around in every possible way, otherwise you will not achieve harmony. We wish you that in music based on the harmony of loving hearts, notes of disappointment and falsehood will never sound. Let the wild, crazy cacophony of scandals and strife never break into this music. Let your hearts always beat in unison!

Everyone present undoubtedly knows God's nine commandments: do not kill, do not steal, do not commit adultery, honor your parents, etc. Do you know the commandments of the feast? Let's remember them! First: a sober person at a wedding is a spy; being at a wedding but not being drunk is a sin. Second: drink a little, but drink it all. Third: whoever drinks well will remember well. Let us raise our glasses to these blessed time-tested commandments and vow never to break them in the name of the happiness of our newlyweds!

I want to congratulate you on this significant day in your life. Let this day be remembered by you, and the happiness that you experience now, and the joy that overwhelms you, will never be forgotten. I would also like to wish that your hearts are soft, especially towards each other, and your spirit is firm in all life situations and vicissitudes. And then they will always find the path to family harmony and prosperity!

Dear..., today is a special day in your life, you have taken the first step towards family happiness. And I want to wish that on this path you will always be protected by your love, help and support of loved ones and friends. And if you encounter difficulties on your way, let them make you stronger, wiser and closer to each other. And remember - it is very important to live your life in such a way that your parents can be proud of you.

Today's solemn event unites you into one whole. I would like to wish you to always remember this, so that the joy of one is always the joy of another, so that you listen to each other and feel each other - this helps to live so much! I wish you happiness and good luck, dear newlyweds!

When the merger of hearts has already occurred, the newlyweds need to think about peace and harmony in the family. But how to achieve it? My advice to you. Let the wife in her thoughts raise her husband onto a marble pedestal, and let the husband in his thoughts raise his wife onto a marble pedestal. And bow down to one another, and lift one another up. This The best way save mutual love and respect. Have a happy and long life!

Our groom has one anatomical feature... Don't be surprised! His heart is not on the left, but on the right side, and his young, charming wife sits there. Let us wish, dear friends, that this phenomenon will remain with him for a long and long time. happy life so that his heart always reaches out to his wife, and the wife’s heart reaches out to her husband, and so that the union of these hearts is not subject to any storms, vicissitudes, temptations and bad weather. For your well-being and happiness!

Dear young people! With all my heart I congratulate you on your legal marriage and starting a family! Friendship and love are the most beautiful feelings in human life. May your love be as long as your life! Live in love, happiness and joy, may you have healthy and cheerful children, and be a faithful support to your fathers and mothers. Good morning, dears! Bitterly!

Life is a bustle, consisting of many little things, piled up with unnecessary words, empty disputes, stupid quarrels. Life is an interweaving of sunny and cloudy days, alternating white and black stripes. The happiness and well-being of your life will depend on your consent and prudence, your ability to find compromises and persevere through life’s difficulties. Let everyday little things and trifles not spoil the main thing in your life - love and happiness!

The secret of happiness is attention to each other. The happiness of life is made up of individual minutes, of small pleasures from a kiss, a smile, a kind look, a heartfelt compliment and countless small but kind thoughts and sincere feelings. Love needs daily support, I wish young people to remember this and then they will be happy. And may everything always be wonderful in their home. Take care of each other, try to understand and forgive, and experience all the joys and sorrows together. May your union be strong and long, may your home be filled with children's laughter, warmth and friendship. Be happy and healthy!

Life is an interweaving of sunny and cloudy days, alternating white and black stripes. The happiness and well-being of your life will depend on your consent and wisdom, your ability to find compromises and persevere through life’s difficulties. Let everyday little things and trifles not spoil the main thing in your life - love and happiness! One a wise man said: “There are many who seek in life, but those who find are difficult to find.” Today you are the happiest because you have found each other. Let your family hearth always burn with a bright and cheerful flame and illuminate your life with the warmth of happiness and love!

Dear newlyweds! I wish you to always walk through life by your side, let your husband not forget that his wife always needs help, so that there is always a happy smile on her lips, so that the joyful sparkle in her eyes does not disappear. Let the wife not forget that it is up to her to create an atmosphere of warmth, love and mutual understanding in the house, so that the husband always hurries home, knowing that his beloved is waiting for him there. May your family life always be happy! May your home always be the happiest and most reliable place in this life for you. Let your love bloom and grow stronger!

Today I was lucky to witness the happiest event - your wedding! And on this special day, I want to wish you, dear bride and groom, that your family hearth will burn with a bright fire for many, many years, warming not only you, but also your future children, your parents and loved ones! Love to you, prosperity, patience, mutual understanding, warmth, kindness and tenderness! Be always happy together!

There is quite effective remedy make your marriage strong and happy. The husband and wife each take a sheet of paper and each begin to fill it out separately. On the left half of the sheet the wife writes everything that is good about her husband, on the right - everything that she doesn’t like about him. The husband fills out his sheet in the same way. Next, the husband and wife tear off the right halves of the sheets, carefully glue them together and... throw them away! And each spouse memorizes the left half and repeats it every day. There is no person about whom there would not be something to write on the left half of the page, especially when it comes to our newlyweds. I propose to drink to all the good that is in our groom and our bride!

There are three words in the Russian language that sound especially charming and gentle. Femininity, love, self-sacrifice - all this is expressed and combined in three words: “bride”, “wife” and “mother”. How beautiful our young lady is today! A young beauty in a wonderful snow-white outfit, pure as love itself, was recently a bride, and now already a wife. Look how happy she is today, how happy her gaze is when she turns to her loved one! And if we were able to look into her heart, we would notice that it is filled to the brim with love and happiness, and there are no words to express the fullness of these feelings. And I propose to raise our glasses so that this happiness will be endless!

They say that true love eventually turns into strong friendship. And I want to wish you that your tender feelings will eventually turn into even more tender ones. Always be attentive to each other, sensitive! Please forgive the weaknesses of others, be quick-witted and always approach the most difficult situations with humor! Good luck to you!

“The duty in the family is selfless love. Everyone must forget his own Self, devoting himself to another. Everyone should blame themselves and not others when things go wrong. Endurance and patience are required, but impatience can ruin everything. On both sides there must be a desire to make the marriage happy and overcome everything that interferes with it,” this was the opinion of the smartest of women, Empress Alexandra Romanova. A kind, sensitive, gentle mother, she knew the secret of marital happiness. I wish the young people to take advantage of the instructions of this noble woman, and then the marriage union of our young people, their path in life, will be illuminated by angels. For the young!

Married life is a book that consists of two parts: the first part, poetic - the honeymoon, the second part, prosaic - the whole future life. Of course, in the first part there are very few pages, in the second part, on the contrary, there are a lot. We wish you to divide the second, most part of the book into several chapters and make each of them honey!

We wish the newlyweds that they can handle all the difficulties, that their shoulders are strong and broad and cope with all the difficulties that fall on them! So that young people walk shoulder to shoulder and live together long life full of joys and achievements!

Dear newlyweds, today is the most significant, most important day in your life. You become captains on the ship of family life. Let your ship sail without knowing the winds and storms. May only clear weather and a fair breeze accompany you. Take care and respect each other. We wish you all the best, prosperity and prosperity. May fate always be favorable to you. Be always happy, loved and desired. May a good angel protect your family nest from all troubles and failures.

We sincerely wish the young people happiness, good luck, peace and prosperity. May swan loyalty always be with you. Today you have become a legal husband and wife. So let this moment be remembered for the rest of your life. May God reward you with children, may there always be order in the house. Divide all your joys and sorrows in half, because you are now one whole. Let your life flow like a river, let there be no obstacles on the way. Let the constellation of love be a talisman for your happiness. Live well and love each other.

On your wedding day, allow me to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. May the beginning of your life be bright and rosy. Don’t be shy about being in love, cherish your love so that you can be called newlyweds all your life. From today you don’t have half, you have become one, and everything is one for you. May love always guide you through life. Great happiness to you, our dear newlyweds. Let only a white stripe always be on your life path. God bless you from troubles and failures.

Dear lovers! Today the candy-flower period has finally ended and you have become more serious about each other! Your wedding day is a new milestone in your relationship. Let there be no place for bitter memories and anxieties in your sweet family life. Live well, peacefully, happily and interestingly. Let there be a lot of laughter in your home, cute chaos from children's toys and mischief, and only mutual understanding!

Today is your wedding, our dear lovers! All the guests gathered to look at the beautiful young people, give their gifts, say good words, and wish you happiness and peace! Appreciate your love, accept each other's differences with patience, understanding and respect. Know how to give in, take care of the tenderness and trepidation of the first days of family life. Remember these feelings and try to carry them through your whole life, loving and respecting each other!

Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on your wedding - the brightest and most solemn day of your life! The groom now has his bachelor parties behind him, and the bride has her get-togethers with her girlfriends. Ahead - diapers, vests, vanity, in general, family life. Of course she is beautiful! After all, there are now two of you forever - the closest and most devoted people! Don’t lose it and take care of it despite problems, everyday troubles and other troubles. Be happy, our dears!

A wedding is the end of freedom, but the beginning of an adult family life full of colors, positive emotions and joy! You are now responsible for each other, so know how to take care of your happiness and don’t let anyone question your love! Enjoy every day you live together, don’t put off adding to your family until later - we are all looking forward to cute girls and boys from you! Be happy guys, always together and together!

Let your whole life be like this wedding day - bright, interesting and memorable! Don’t quarrel over trifles, make peace quickly, live without resentment or anger! Remember that the Lord united you so that you could live hand in hand, raise children and be happy. Do not disgrace our new unit of society and prove to everyone that marriage is not a marriage at all, but a wonderful, certainly happy experiment - lasting a lifetime. Don't let us down!

Let your love sparkle like this champagne throughout the difficult but interesting life! Now you are husband and wife. Your family has just begun, but its well-being depends only on you. Be cheerful, open to everything new and unknown, but at the same time be aware of all the responsibility for your hearth, take care of love - both in the cold and in the heat. Don’t forget your old friends and comrades and let them at least sometimes bask in your love nest.

The wedding day is the best day! Two completely different people under pressure love feelings decided to live happily ever after, together, on the same territory! Well, it’s a risky business, but how else? Love unites a man and a woman together, changes their worldview, makes them kinder and more tolerant. We wish your family prosperity and harmony, understanding, patience and kindness.

Oh, your wedding is good! Well done, guys! From this day all the most important things begin in your life. We wish you to love each other endlessly, never quarrel and always support each other in difficult situations. Respect your feelings, take care of the love given by heaven. May everything in your destiny be wonderful and fun. You are very young, live with enthusiasm and fire!

Congratulations on your wedding! One can only envy your youth, love and beauty! Trust each other, allow weakness, look only forward. We wish to preserve the tender feelings witnessed by all those present at this wedding celebration, and carry them unchanged to the very gray hairs. Your family is an oasis of love and joy, planted with flowers and trees, the more beautiful of which are nowhere on Earth! Be happy forever, our newlyweds!

You are the most a beautiful couple! On your wedding day, let you only have great mood. Vanity, noise and din - you will want to run away from everyone as quickly as possible, but don’t rush! Let us enjoy your glowing faces and true love! Let every day of your life together be just like this!

Wedding is one of the most important and beautiful holidays in the life of every person. And every guest wants to say their congratulations, some read beautiful poems. However, one of the most pleasant congratulations is this original words in prose. We will help you choose beautiful and nice words congratulations to the newlyweds.

Examples of congratulations

Wedding congratulations there are very different: and humorous, and touching, and original, and standard, and also very sweet, beautiful and gentle. When choosing congratulations to your loved ones, take them into account individual preferences and age. Here we will give examples of the most common interesting congratulations, which you can modify by adding a few words from yourself.

Funny wedding congratulations in prose

Comic wedding congratulations are sometimes much better than ordinary ones, but here it is necessary to take into account the contingent who is present at the wedding. If the majority of guests are young people, then they will like such congratulations, because with them the holiday will become more fun and unusual. Avoiding banality is the key happy wedding and an incendiary celebration of the entire holiday.

Here are a few examples of festive congratulations for a wedding:

Christian congratulations for the wedding

Many people believe that any marriage is happiness given from above. On this day, wishes for the blessings of higher powers play a special role, because the young are going to build their destiny, their happiness, and also give birth to new life, revealing the mystery of existence and viviparity. Christian congratulations on a wedding always very bright and touching, they will allow you to sincerely feel the importance of this significant event in the life of any person. Here are a few examples of such warm-hearted congratulations:


Such touching and cheerful wedding congratulations - congratulations in prose, will help you create your own speech. Do not forget speak sincerely and from the heart- because this is the most important thing. It seems that it is difficult not to read from a piece of paper when there are a lot of people around, but once you start, the words will flow by themselves, the main thing is to tune in and think about what you would like to say on this day to the closest people in your life.